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Summary Crude protein extracts from single seeds of nondomesticated Mexican bean accessions were analysed by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for variability in phaseolin protein. Six new phaseolin types; M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, which contained polypeptides within the same range of molecular weights (51,000 to 45,000 daltons) as occur in the S, T and C phaseolin types of cultivated beans were identified. No T and C types were found among the non-domesticated Mexican accessions, and the S type occurred in less than 7% of the seeds screened. Genetic analyses of F2 progenies from crosses between Sanilac (S), and five of the M types showed that each M phaseolin phenotype was allelic to the S type and expressed codominantly.  相似文献   

Summary Twelve distinct phenotypic groups of plants were isolated from nondisjunction progenies of 11 translocation heterozygote stocks. All the plants in these phenotypic groups originated in the light weight seed class. Five of the 12 phenotypic groups of plants have been verified as primary trisomics. They are all phenotypically distinguishable from each other and from disomics. One of the five primary trisomic groups, puckered leaf, was directly recovered as a primary trisomic from the original translocation heterozygote progenies. Three of the five trisomics — weak stem, dark green leaf, and convex leaf — originated first as tertiary trisomics. The related primary trisomics were isolated later from progenies of selfed tertiary trisomics. The fifth group, chlorotic leaf, originated at a low frequency among the progenies of three other trisomics: puckered leaf, convex leaf, and dark green leaf. The chlorotic leaf did not set seed under field conditions. The remaining four groups — puckered leaf, dark green leaf, convex leaf, and weak stem — are fertile, though sensitive to high temperature conditions. The transmission rate of the extra chromosome on selfing ranges from 28% to 41%. Physical identification of the extra chromosome has not been achieved for any of the five trisomic groups. Two trisomic groups, dark green leaf and convex leaf, have produced tetrasomics at low frequency. The phenotypes of these two tetrasomics are similar to the corresponding trisomics but more exaggerated.Fla. Agr. Expt. Stn. Journal Series No. 7137  相似文献   

Green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants were regenerated from 3-day old seedling explants via organogenesis. The explants contained a cotyledon and a small portion (2–3 mm) of embryonic axis split in half. Explants were cultured on a defined medium containing glutamine as the sole nitrogen source. A ring of meristematic tissue was produced at the base of the axillary bud located at the cotyledonary node. The meristematic tissue was produced only if the axillary bud was present together with the cotyledon in the explant. Buds and shoots developed from the meristematic ring. Selected shoots produced roots when excised from the cluster of buds and transferred to root induction medium. Rooted shoots (plantlets) grew well and produced viable seeds when grown in the greenhouse. Histological studies revealed the origin of buds from the peripheral layers of the meristematic ring.Production of buds and shoots was a continuous process, so that new shoots could be removed from the explant for plantlet production every 10–14 days. With the cultivar Dark Red Kidney, an average of 49 buds and 8 shoots were regenerated per explant by 30 days after culture initiation. Sixty-seven percent of the shoots produced roots, and 90–95% of the plantlets survived greenhouse acclimatization to produce healthy plants.  相似文献   

The objective of the present work was to determine the impact ofnitrogen deficiency on proline metabolism in French Bean plants(Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Strike). The nitrogen wasapplied to the nutrient solution in the form of NH4NO3 at1.45 mM (N1), 2.90mM (N2) and 5.80mM (N3, optimal level). Our results indicateNdeficiency is characterised by a decline in proline accumulation both in theroot and leaves, fundamentally because proline degradation is encouraged by thestimulation of the enzyme proline dehydrogenase. By contrast, under conditionsof adequate N (N3), proline levels rise due to the action of ornithine,suggesting predominance of the ornithine pathway over the glutamine pathway, inaddition to the inhibition of proline dehydrogenase activity.  相似文献   

Summary Variation in the native conformation of bean lectins was examined using electrophoresis of non-denatured total protein extracts and purified albumin and globulin lectin. The observed variation was related to the genetic variation reported previously for lectin polypeptide composition as revealed by two-dimensional isoelectricfocusing-sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (IEF-SDS/PAGE). When eleven cultivars with different IEF-SDS/PAGE lectin polypeptide compositions were compared, eight had unique non-denatured lectin patterns and three had identical patterns. For some cultivars differences in non-denatured lectin patterns were observed between the purified albumin and globulin lectin preparations.  相似文献   

Ten snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) genotypes were screened for polymorphism with 400 RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) primers. Polymorphic RAPDs were scored and classified into three categories based on ethidium bromide staining intensity. An average of 5.19 RAPD bands were scored per primer for the 364 primers that gave scorable amplification products. An average of 2.15 polymorphic RAPDs were detected per primer. The results show that primer screening may reduce the number of RAPD reactions required for the analysis of genetic relationships among snap-bean genotypes by over 60%. Based on the analysis of the distribution of RAPD amplification, the same number of polymorphic RAPDs were amplified from different genotypes for all RAPD band intensity levels. A comparison of RAPD band amplification frequency among genotypes for the three categories of bands classified by amplification strength revealed a measurable difference in the frequencies of RAPDs classified as faint (weakly amplifying) compared to RAPD bands classified as bold (strongly amplifying) indicating a possible scoring error due to the underscoring of faint bands. Correlation analysis showed that RAPD bands amplified by the same primer are not more closely correlated then RAPD bands amplified by different primers but are more highly correlated then expected by chance. Pairwise comparisons of RAPD bands indicate that the distribution of RAPD amplification among genotypes will be a useful criterion for establishing RAPD band identity. For the average pairwise comparison of genotypes, 50% of primers tested and 15.8% of all scored RAPDs detected polymorphism. Based on RAPD data Nei's average gene diversity at a locus was 0.158 based on all scorable RAPD bands and 0.388 if only polymorphic RAPD loci were considered. RAPD-derived 1 relationships among genotypes are reported for the ten genotypes included in this study. The data presented here demonstrate that many informative, polymorphic RAPDs can be found among snap bean cultivars. These RAPDs may be useful for the unique identification of bean varieties, the organization of bean germplasm, and applications of molecular markers to bean breeding.  相似文献   

A root-specific cDNA clone, PVR3, was isolated from a bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) root cDNA library by a differential screening procedure. The nucleotide sequence of PVR3 contains an open reading frame coding for an 11.14 kDa polypeptide of 102 amino acid residues; the first 25 amino acids correspond to the sequence characteristic of a signal peptide. Comparison of the deduced PVR3 polypeptide sequence with the polypeptide sequences of previously cloned genes indicates that PVR3 may encode a ns-LTP-like protein. Molecular modelling of the PVR3 protein predicts that it has a three-dimensional structure that is similar to the three-dimensional model determined from the maize ns-LTP. The PVR3 mRNA accumulated mainly in the roots of young seedlings. It can be detected at low levels in flowers, but it is not detected in other organs. Genomic Southern blot analysis indicates that the genomic DNA corresponding to PVR3 cDNA is encoded by a single gene or small gene family in the bean genome.  相似文献   

Supra-optimal levels of zinc in primary leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris increased the CO2 compensation point and inhibited net photosynthesis. Leaf morphology was modified: mesophyll intercellular area, stomatal slit length and interstomatal distance were reduced, but stomatal density increased. Internal and stomatal conductances to CO2 diffusion decreased. These changes are discussed in relation to the observed effects on leaf gas exchange and to the previously reported inhibition of different photosynthetic and photorespiratory enzymes.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation in nine common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) lines was estimated using the 15N isotope dilution method at two locations in two seasons. In the first season at one location no N2 fixation was detected while in the second season up to 51 kg N ha–1 were estimated. There were significant differences between lines and correlations between trials were significant for the amounts of N2 fixed, but not for total shoot nitrogen. The plants that fixed the most nitrogen nodulated rapidly after germination. Differences in maximum nodule mass, but not specific nodule activity, were detected also.  相似文献   

The ethylene releasing compound, 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid (ethephon) inhibited nodule development in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants. In contrast, inhibitors of ethylene synthesis or its physiological activity enhanced nodulation. In a co-culture of bean seeds and rhizobia, ethephon inhibited rhizobial growth while inhibitors of ethylene synthesis or action did not influence the growth and proliferation of rhizobia. These data emphasize the role of ethylene as a regulator of nodulation in determinate nodulators and indicate that the ethylene signaling pathway involved in the nodulation process is not limited to the plant host but also involves the bacterial symbiont.  相似文献   

Decapitation of the fully-elongated fourth internode of Phaseolus vulgaris plants resulted in the disappearance from the internode of soluble acid invertase (EC This loss was prevented by local applications to the internode of indol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA) and, at the point of IAA application, the specific activity of the enzyme increased by up to 3 times its initial value within 48 h of treatment. IAA applications stimulated the acropetal translocation to the internode of 14C-sucrose applied to the subtending (second) trifoliate leaf 30 h after decapitation and the start of the auxin treatment. Labelled assimilates accumulated in the IAA-treated region of the internode. Following decapitation the concentration of hexose sugars in the internode fell and that of sucrose rose substantially, but these trends were reversed by IAA treatment. However, small local accumulations of sucrose occurred at the point of auxin application where tissue concentrations of IAA were greatest (determined using [1-14C] IAA).Considerable quantities of starch were present in the ground parenchyma of the internodes at the start of the experiment but, in the absence of IAA, this was remobilised within 48 h of decapitation. IAA prevented starch loss at and below its point of application to the internode, but not from more distal tissues. Cambial proliferation, radial growth and lignification were stimulated in and below IAA-treated regions of the internode. These observations are discussed in relation to the hormonal regulation of assimilate translocation in the phloem.  相似文献   

Summary Recurrent or introgressive backcrossing of Phaseolus vulgaris — P. acutifolius hybrids with either P. vulgaris or P. acutifolius increased fertility, as measured by pollen stainability and seed per pod from non-manipulated flowers, while invariably resulting in loss of traits from the non-recurrent parent. When hybrids were backcrossed with each of the parent species in alternate generations (congruity backcrossing), fertility decreased in early generations but gradually increased in later generations. By the fourth or fifth generation, congruity-backcross hybrids produced numbers of seeds per pod from non-manipulated flowers comparable to those of parent species, although the percent of stainable pollen tended to be lower. Congruity-backcross hybrids were intermediate to parent species when pedigrees contained equal representation of parents but favored the majority parent when pedigrees were unbalanced. Individuals exhibiting symptoms of developmental incongruity, such as abnormal leaflet number, foliar variagation, or unusual growth patterns, occurred in each generation. However, completely new characteristics appeared after the second backcross generation, presumably due to recombination. Backcrossing to both parent species in alternate generation reversed incongruity, allowing selection for fertility without loss of traits from one of the parent species.Scientific Journal Series Paper Number 15, 671 of the Minnesota Agricultural Experimental Station  相似文献   

Summary Resistance to watermelon mosaic virus-2 in Phaseolus vulgaris L. is conferred by two distinct dominant alleles at independent loci. Based on segregation data one locus is designated Wmv, the other, Hsw. The dominant allele Wmv from cv. Great Northern 1140 prevents systemic spread of the virus but viral replication occurs in inoculated tissue. In contrast, Hsw confers both local and systemic resistance to WMV-2 below 30C. At higher temperatures, plants that carry this allele in the absence of modifying or epistatic factors develop systemic veinal necrosis upon inoculation with the virus that results in rapid death. Patho-type specificity has not been demonstrated for either allele; both factors confer resistance to every isolate tested. A temperature-sensitive shift in epistasis is apparent between dominant alleles at these loci. Because Hsw is very tightly linked if not identical to the following genes for hypersensitivity to potyviruses I, (bean common mosaic virus), Bcm, (blackeye cowpea mosaic virus), Cam, (cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus) and Hss (soybean mosaic virus), parental, reciprocal dihybrid F1 populations, and selected F3 families were inoculated with each of these viruses and held at 35 C. F1 populations developed vascular necrosis completely or primarily limited to inoculated tissue, while F3 families from WMV-2-susceptible segregates were uniformly susceptible to these viruses. The relationship between Hsw, Wmv and other genes for potyvirus resistance suggest patterns in the evolution of resistance and viral pathogenicity. Characterization of the resistance spectrum associated with each factor provides an additional criterion to distinguish genes for plant virus resistance.  相似文献   

Exploiting the biolistic process we have generated stable transgenic bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants with unlinked and linked foreign genes. Co-transformation was conducted using plasmid constructions containing a fusion of the gus and neo genes, which were co-introduced with the methionine-rich 2S albumin gene isolated from the Brazil nut and the antisense sequence of AC1, AC2, AC3 and BC1 genes from the bean golden mosaic geminivirus. The results revealed a co-transformation frequency ranging from 40% to 50% when using unlinked genes and 100% for linked genes. The introduced foreign genes were inherited in a Mendelian fashion in most of the transgenic bean lines. PCR and Southern blot hybridization confirmed the integration of the foreign genes in the plant genome.  相似文献   

Nodulation of common bean was explored in six oases in the south of Tunisia. Nineteen isolates were characterized by PCR–RFLP of 16S rDNA. Three species of rhizobia were identified, Rhizobium etli, Rhizobium gallicum and Sinorhizobium meliloti. The diversity of the symbiotic genes was then assessed by PCR–RFLP of nodC and nifH genes. The majority of the symbiotic genotypes were conserved between oases and other soils of the north of the country. Sinorhizobia isolated from bean were then compared with isolates from Medicago truncatula plants grown in the oases soils. All the nodC types except for nodC type p that was specific to common bean isolates were shared by both hosts. The four isolates with nodC type p induced N2-fixing effective nodules on common bean but did not nodulate M. truncatula and Medicago sativa. The phylogenetic analysis of nifH and nodC genes showed that these isolates carry symbiotic genes different from those previously characterized among Medicago and bean symbionts, but closely related to those of S. fredii Spanish and Tunisian isolates effective in symbiosis with common bean but unable to nodulate soybean. The creation of a novel biovar shared by S. meliloti and S. fredii, bv. mediterranense, was proposed.  相似文献   

A germinating-seed assay was developed to determine the susceptibility of dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to infection by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Seedlings infected one to three days after germination were more susceptible to A. tumefaciens infection than seedlings germinated for five to seven days and the galls that formed on the one to three day seedlings were significantly larger. Nineteen genotypes of dry bean were screened with this assay and all were equally susceptible to nopaline, octopine and agropine biotypes of A. tumefaciens. In addition, cotyledonary nodes and hypocotyls of P. vulgaris were inoculated with disarmed strain A. tumefaciens strain C58Z707 and the avirulent A. rhizogenes strain A4RS (pRiB278b), respectively. Both strains contain the binary plasmid pGA482 which has the neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPT II) gene nested between T-DNA borders. From these infected tissues, callus and root tissues, respectively capable of growing in the presence of kanamycin were obtained. These tissues displayed NPT II activity and integrated copies of the NPT II gene were detected from putative transformed root cultures by genomic blot hybridization.  相似文献   

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