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J F Theis  C Yang  C B Schaefer  C S Newlon 《Genetics》1999,152(3):943-952
ARS elements of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are the cis-acting sequences required for the initiation of chromosomal DNA replication. Comparisons of the DNA sequences of unrelated ARS elements from different regions of the genome have revealed no significant DNA sequence conservation. We have compared the sequences of seven pairs of homologous ARS elements from two Saccharomyces species, S. cerevisiae and S. carlsbergensis. In all but one case, the ARS308-ARS308(carl) pair, significant blocks of homology were detected. In the cases of ARS305, ARS307, and ARS309, previously identified functional elements were found to be conserved in their S. carlsbergensis homologs. Mutation of the conserved sequences in the S. carlsbergensis ARS elements revealed that the homologous sequences are required for function. These observations suggested that the sequences important for ARS function would be conserved in other ARS elements. Sequence comparisons aided in the identification of the essential matches to the ARS consensus sequence (ACS) of ARS304, ARS306, and ARS310(carl), though not of ARS310.  相似文献   

The localization of replication origins on ARS plasmids in S. cerevisiae   总被引:157,自引:0,他引:157  
B J Brewer  W L Fangman 《Cell》1987,51(3):463-471
Replication intermediates from the yeast 2 microns plasmid and a recombinant plasmid containing the yeast autonomous replication sequence ARS1 have been analyzed by two-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis. Plasmid replication proceeds through theta-shaped (Cairns) intermediates, terminating in multiply interlocked catenanes that are resolved during S phase to monomer plasmids. Restriction fragments derived from the Cairns forms contain replication forks and bubbles that behave differently from one another when subjected to high voltage and agarose concentrations. The two-dimensional gel patterns observed for different restriction fragments from these two plasmids indicate that in each plasmid there is a single, specific origin of replication that maps, within the limits of our resolution, to the ARS element. Our results strongly support the long-standing assumption that in Saccharomyces cerevisiae an ARS is an origin of replication.  相似文献   

Two dimensional gel electrophoretic techniques were used to locate all functional DNA replication origins in a 22.5 kb stretch of yeast chromosome III. Only one origin was detected, and that origin is located within several hundred bp of an ARS element.  相似文献   

Prediction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae replication origins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文


Autonomously replicating sequences (ARSs) function as replication origins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. ARSs contain the 17 bp ARS consensus sequence (ACS), which binds the origin recognition complex. The yeast genome contains more than 10,000 ACS matches, but there are only a few hundred origins, and little flanking sequence similarity has been found. Thus, identification of origins by sequence alone has not been possible.  相似文献   

Four fragments of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome III DNA which carry ARS elements have been sequenced. Each fragment contains multiple copies of sequences that have at least 10 out of 11 bases of homology to a previously reported 11 bp core consensus sequence. A survey of these new ARS sequences and previously reported sequences revealed the presence of an additional 11 bp conserved element located on the 3' side of the T-rich strand of the core consensus. Subcloning analysis as well as deletion and transposon insertion mutagenesis of ARS fragments support a role for 3' conserved sequence in promoting ARS activity.  相似文献   

We describe a new minichromosome maintenance factor, Mcm10, and show that this essential protein is involved in the initiation of DNA replication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The mcm10 mutant has an autonomously replicating sequence-specific minichromosome maintenance defect and arrests at the nonpermissive temperature with dumbbell morphology and 2C DNA content. Mcm10 is a nuclear protein that physically interacts with several members of the MCM2-7 family of DNA replication initiation factors. Cloning and sequencing of the MCM10 gene show that it is identical to DNA43, a gene identified independently for its putative role in replicating DNA. Two-dimensional DNA gel analysis reveals that the mcm10-1 lesion causes a dramatic reduction in DNA replication initiation at chromosomal origins, including ORI1 and ORI121. Interestingly, the mcm10-1 lesion also causes replication forks to pause during elongation through these same loci. This novel phenotype suggests a unique role for the Mcm10 protein in the initiation of DNA synthesis at replication origins.  相似文献   

Time of replication of ARS elements along yeast chromosome III.   总被引:17,自引:16,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
The replication of putative replication origins (ARS elements) was examined for 200 kilobases of chromosome III of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. By using synchronous cultures and transfers from dense to light isotope medium, the temporal pattern of mitotic DNA replication of eight fragments that contain ARSs was determined. ARS elements near the telomeres replicated late in S phase, while internal ARS elements replicated in the first half of S phase. The results suggest that some ARS elements in the chromosome may be inactive as replication origins. The actively expressed mating type locus, MAT, replicated early in S phase, while the silent cassettes, HML and HMR, replicated late. Unexpectedly, chromosome III sequences were found to replicate late in G1 at the arrest induced by the temperature-sensitive cdc7 allele.  相似文献   

Three DNA polymerases, alpha, delta, and epsilon are required for viability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have investigated whether DNA polymerases epsilon and delta are required for DNA replication. Two temperature-sensitive mutations in the POL2 gene, encoding DNA polymerase epsilon, have been identified by using the plasmid shuffle technique. Alkaline sucrose gradient analysis of DNA synthesis products in the mutant strains shows that no chromosomal-size DNA is formed after shift of an asynchronous culture to the nonpermissive temperature. The only DNA synthesis observed is a reduced quantity of short DNA fragments. The DNA profiles of replication intermediates from these mutants are similar to those observed with DNA synthesized in mutants deficient in DNA polymerase alpha under the same conditions. The finding that DNA replication stops upon shift to the nonpermissive temperature in both DNA polymerase alpha- and DNA polymerase epsilon- deficient strains shows that both DNA polymerases are involved in elongation. By contrast, previous studies on pol3 mutants, deficient in DNA polymerase delta, suggested that there was considerable residual DNA synthesis at the nonpermissive temperature. We have reinvestigated the nature of DNA synthesis in pol3 mutants. We find that pol3 strains are defective in the synthesis of chromosomal-size DNA at the restrictive temperature after release from a hydroxyurea block. These results demonstrate that yeast DNA polymerase delta is also required at the replication fork.  相似文献   

We have developed a genomic footprinting protocol which allows us to examine protein-DNA interactions at single copy chromosomal origins of DNA replication in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We show that active replication origins oscillate between two chromatin states during the cell cycle: an origin recognition complex (ORC)-dependent post-replicative state and a Cdc6p-dependent pre-replicative state. Furthermore, we show that both post- and pre-replicative complexes can form efficiently on closely apposed replicators. Surprisingly, ARS301 which is active as an origin on plasmids but not in its normal chromosomal location, forms ORC- and Cdc6p-dependent complexes in both its active and inactive contexts. Thus, although ORC and Cdc6p are essential for initiation, their binding is not sufficient to dictate origin use.  相似文献   

The establishment of silent chromatin requires passage through S-phase, but not DNA replication per se. Nevertheless, many proteins that affect silencing are bona fide DNA replication factors. It is not clear if mutations in these replication factors affect silencing directly or indirectly via deregulation of S-phase or DNA replication. Consequently, the relationship between DNA replication and silencing remains an issue of debate. Here we analyze the effect of mutations in DNA replication factors (mcm5-461, mcm5-1, orc2-1, orc5-1, cdc45-1, cdc6-1, and cdc7-1) on the silencing of a group of reporter constructs, which contain different combinations of "natural" subtelomeric elements. We show that the mcm5-461, mcm5-1, and orc2-1 mutations affect silencing through subtelomeric ARS consensus sequences (ACS), while cdc6-1 affects silencing independently of ACS. orc5-1, cdc45-1, and cdc7-1 affect silencing through ACS, but also show ACS-independent effects. We also demonstrate that isolated nontelomeric ACS do not recapitulate the same effects when inserted in the telomere. We propose a model that defines the modes of action of MCM5 and CDC6 in silencing.  相似文献   

Several members of a repetitive DNA family in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans have been shown to express ARS and centromeric function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The repetitive family, denoted CeRep3, consists of dispersed repeated elements about 1 kilobase in length, present 50 to 100 times in the nematode genome. Three elements were sequenced and found to contain DNA sequences homologous to yeast ARS and CEN consensus sequences. Nematode DNA segments containing these repeats were tested for ARS and CEN (or SEG) function after ligation to shuttle vectors and introduction into yeast cells. Such nematode segments conferred ARS function to the plasmid, as judged by an increased frequency of transformation compared with control plasmids without ARS function. Some, but not all, also conferred to the plasmid increased mitotic stability, increased frequency of 2+:2- segregation in meiosis, and decreased plasmid copy number. These effects are similar to those of yeast centromeric DNA. In view of these results, we suggest that the CeRep3 repetitive family may have replication and centromeric functions in C. elegans.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the involvement of the DNA molecule in the replication initiation process we have characterized the structure of the DNA at Autonomously Replicating Sequences (ARSs) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using a new method for anti-bent DNA analysis, which allowed us to take into account the bending contribution of each successive base plate, we have investigated the higher-order structural organization of the DNA in the region which immediately surrounds the ARS consensus sequence (ACS). We have identified left- and right-handed anti-bent DNAs which flank this consensus sequence. The data show that this organization correlates with an active ACS. Analysis of the minimum nucleotide sequence providing ARS function to plasmids reveals an example where the critical nucleotides are restricted to the ACS and the right-handed anti-bent DNA domain, although most of the origins considered contained both left- and right-handed anti-bent DNAs. Moreover, mutational analysis shows that the right-handed form is necessary in order to sustain a specific DNA conformation which is correlated with the level of plasmid maintenance. A model for the role of these individual structural components of the yeast replication origin is presented. We discuss the possible role of the right-handed anti-bent DNA domain, in conjunction with the ACS, in the process of replication initiation, and potentialities offered by the combination of left- and right-handed structural components in origin function. Received: 29 October 1999 / Accepted: 14 March 2000  相似文献   

Replication origins have been mapped to positions that coincide, within experimental error (several hundred base pairs), with ARS elements. To determine whether the DNA sequences required for ARS function on plasmids are required for chromosomal origin function, the chromosomal copy of ARS306 was deleted and the chromosomal copy of ARS307 was replaced with mutant derivatives of ARS307 containing single point mutations in domain A within the ARS core consensus sequence. The chromosomal origin function of these derivatives was assayed by two-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis. Deletion of ARS306 deleted the associated replication origin. The effects on chromosomal origin function of mutations in domain A paralleled their effects on ARS function, as measured by plasmid stability. These results demonstrate that chromosomal origin function is a property of the ARS element itself.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional gel electrophoretic replicon mapping techniques were used to identify all functional DNA replication origins and termini in a 26.5-kbp stretch in the left arm of yeast chromosome III. Only one origin was detected; it coincided with an ARS element (ARS306), as have all previously mapped yeast origins. A replication termination region was identified in a 4.3-kbp stretch at the telomere-proximal end of the investigated region, between the origin identified in this paper and the neighboring, previously mapped, ARS305-associated origin (previously called the A6C origin). Termination does not occur at a specific site; instead, it appears to be the consequence of replication forks converging in a stretch of DNA of at least 4.3 kbp.  相似文献   

Densely methylated DNA sequence islands, designated DMIs, have been observed in two Chinese hamster cell chromosomal replication origins by using a PCR-based chemical method of detection. One of the origins, oriS14, is located within or adjacent to the coding sequence for ribosomal protein S14 on chromosome 2q, and the other, ori-beta, is approximately 17 kbp downstream of the dhfr (dihydrofolic acid reductase) locus on chromosome 2p. The DMI in oriS14 is 127 bp long, and the DMI in ori-beta is 516 bp long. Both DMIs are bilaterally methylated (i.e., all dCs are modified to 5-methyl dC) only in cells that are replicating their DNA. When cell growth and DNA replication are arrested, methylation of CpA, CpT, and CpC dinucleotides is lost and the sequence islands display only a subset of their originally methylated CpG dinucleotides. Several possible roles for DMI-mediated regulation of mammalian chromosomal origins are considered.  相似文献   

A fractal model of chromosomes and chromosomal DNA replication   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
With the aim of clarifying topological problems involved in the process of chromosomal DNA replication, a fractal model of chromosomes was built based on the assumption that a part of a chromosome, e.g. a radial loop, is similar in shape to a whole chromosome and each radial loop represents structures in the lower-order organization (an assumption of self-similarity). Several other assumptions used include (i) one continuous DNA fiber makes a whole chromosome (a unineme hypothesis), (ii) in situ DNA exists in the form of a double duplex or a tetraplex which is made of two duplex DNAs, although a duplex DNA may appear transiently in S-phase (multi-strandedness hypothesis) and (iii) torsional stress on a DNA fiber causes the fiber to supercoil and thus stabilizes chromosome structure (torque-based stabilization). This model allowed to calculate of a fractal dimension of a representative metaphase chromosome (e.g. d = 2.34), to predict the mode of replication of double duplex and to furnish a topological basis for the decondensation unit hypothesis. It must also be admitted that all the arguments in this report except for the possible existence of split telomeres hold true without assuming a tetraplex organization of chromosomes. Implications of this model was discussed and the importance of the fractal dimension as a measure of chromatin condensation stressed.  相似文献   

A Fusarium metabolite, T-2 toxin, inhibits the growth of Saccharomyces carlsbergensis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The growth inhibitory concentrations of T-2 toxin were 40 and 100 μg/ml, respectively, for exponentially growing cultures of the two yeasts. S. carlsbergensis was more sensitive to the toxin and exhibited a biphasic dose-response curve. Addition of the toxin at 10 μg/ml of S. carlsbergensis culture resulted in a retardation of growth as measured turbidimetrically, after only 30 to 40 min. This action was reversible upon washing the cells free of the toxin. The sensitivity of the yeasts to the toxin was dependent upon the types and concentrations of carbohydrates used in the growth media. The sensitivity of the cells to the toxin decreased in glucose-repressed cultures. These results suggest that T-2 toxin interferes with mitochondrial functions of these yeasts.  相似文献   

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