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In a previous study (Vanden Bossche et al., Breast Cancer Res. Treat. 30 (1994) 43) the interaction between (+)-S-vorozole and the I-helix of cytochrome P450 19 (P450 aromatase) has been reported. In the present study we extended the “I-helix model” by incorporating the C-terminus of P450 aromatase. The crystal structures of P450 101 (P450 cam), 102 (P450 BM-3) and 108 (P450 terp) reveal that the C-terminus is structurally conserved and forms part of their respective substrate binding pocket. Furthermore, the present study is extended to the interaction between P450 aromatase and its natural substrate androstenedione and the non-steroidal inhibitors (−)-R-vorozole, (−)-S-fadrozole, R-liarozole and (−)-R-aminoglutethimide. It is found that (+)-S-vorozole, (−)-S-fadrozole and R-liarozole bind in a comparable way to P450 aromatase and interact with both the I-helix (Glu302 and Asp309) and C-terminus (Ser478 and His480). The weak activity of (−)-R-aminoglutethimide might be attributed to a lack of interaction wit the C-terminus.  相似文献   

Aromatase is a microsomal cytochrome P450 that converts androgens to estrogens by three sequential oxidations. The isolation of the 19-hydroxy and 19-oxo androgens suggests that the first two oxidations occur at the C19 carbon. However, the mechanism of the third oxidation, which results in C10---C19 bond cleavage, has not been determined. Two proposed mechanisms which remain viable involve either initial 1β-hydrogen atom abstraction or addition of the ferric peroxy anion from aromatase to the C19 aldehyde. Semiempirical molecular orbital calculations (AM1) were used to study potential reaction mechanisms initiated by initial 1β-hydrogen atom abstraction. Initially, the energetics of carbon---carbon bond cleavage of the keto and enol forms of C1-radicals were studied and were found to be energetically similar. A mechanism was proposed in which the 19-oxo intermediate is subject to initial nucleophilic attack by the protein. The geometry of the A-ring in the androgens is between that for the 1-radicals and estrogen, suggesting that some transition state stabilization for the homolytic cleavage reaction can occur.

More recently, studies on liver microsomal cytochrome P450 mediated deformylation of xenobiotic aldehydes supports mechanisms involving an alkyl peroxy intermediate formed by addition of the ferric peroxy anion from aromatase to the C19 aldehyde. Although this intermediate could proceed through several different concerted or non-concerted pathways, one non-concerted pathway involves the heterolytic cleavage of the dioxygen bond resulting in an active oxygenating species (iron-oxene) and a diol. The diol could then undergo hydrogen atom abstraction followed by homolytic carbon---carbon bond cleavage as in the mechanisms modeled previously. When this cleavage was modeled for seven aldehydes, a good correlation with reported experimental aldehyde turnover numbers was obtained. However, when dialkoxy derivatives of the aldehydes are subject to microsomal metabolism, the rates of carbon---carbon cleavage products do not approach the rates of deformylation of the aldehyde analog.  相似文献   

To clarify whether cigarette smoking during pregnancy causes an organic alteration in placental estrogen producing ability, we determined the catalytic activity of aromatase by the tritiated water assay, and tissue level of aromatase cytochrome P-450 (P-450arom) by the specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, in placental samples from nonsmokers and smokers. As pregnancy progressed, both aromatase activity and P-450arom concentration increased in placentas from nonsmokers and smokers. However, the gradient of the increase was significantly less in heavy smokers (20 cigarettes a day) than in normal and moderate smokers (<20 cigarettes a day). At term, the mean aromatase activity and P-450arom concentration in placentas from heavy smokers were significantly lower than in nonsmokers and moderate smokers, while aromatase activity per P-450arom (turnover rate) and the mean placental weight were comparable among the three groups. In contrast, the ratio of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity to aromatase activity was higher in placentas from heavy smokers. Immunohistochemical studies showed that P-450arom was localized in the cytoplasm of syncytiotrophoblasts of chorionic villi in placentas from both nonsmokers and smokers. These results suggest that the induction of placental P-450arom during gestation is suppressed by maternal smoking, resulting in a reduction in estrogen producing ability, while placental xenobiotic P-450 is induced.  相似文献   

Aromatase cytochrome P-450, which catalyzes the conversion of androgens to estrogens, was purified from human placental microsomes. The enzyme was extracted with sodium cholate, fractionated by ammonium sulfate precipitation, and subjected to column chromatography in the presence of its substrate, androstenedione, and the nonionic detergent, Nonidet P-40. The preparation exhibits a single major band when analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and has a specific content of 11.5 nmol of P-450/mg of protein. The purified enzyme displays spectroscopic properties typical of the ferric and ferrous forms of cytochrome P-450. Full enzymatic activity can be reconstituted with rabbit liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 reductase and Nonidet P-40. Purified aromatase cytochrome P-450 displays catalytic characteristics similar to the enzyme in intact microsomes in the aromatization of androstenedione, 19-hydroxyandrostenedione and 19-oxoandrostenedione. Testosterone and 16 alpha-hydroxytestosterone are aromatized at maximal rates similar to androstenedione, and all substrates exhibit relative affinities corresponding to those observed in microsomes. We have raised rabbit antibodies to the purified enzyme which show considerable specificity and sensitivity on immunoblots.  相似文献   

The role of brain P450 in the physiology, pharmacology and toxicology of the brain is the subject of this study. Cytochrome P450 was isolated from the brains of rats and quantitated spectrally. The contribution of the known hepatic forms of the enzyme to the forms constitutive in the brain as well as those which are induced by hormones are xenobiotics were characterized on Western blots. We have found that the level of P450 in the brain is increased during pregnancy and lactation, by partial hepatectomy and by ethanol. In each case the profile of P450s induced is different. In pregnancy and lactation the P450 content of the hypothalamic preoptic area and olfactory lobes were increased up to 10-fold and the only subfamily identified on Western blots was 4A. There was no detectable 1A, 2A, 2B, 2C, or 2E1. Ethanol increases the level of brain P450 3- to 5-fold and P450 2C, 2E1 and 4A are induced. Upon partial hepatectomy P450 1A, 2C and 4A were detected on Western blots but there was no 2E1. The inducibility of these forms of P450 in the brain suggests that there is in situ metabolism of steroids, fatty acids, prostaglandins, ethanol and other xenobiotics in the brain and raises questions about the role of brain P450 in the development of tolerance to drugs and the neurotoxicity of xenobiotics. More importantly, the action of neurotransmitters such as dopamine which utilize fatty acid metabolites as intracellular mediators, could be influenced by the levels of 2C and 4A P450s.  相似文献   

In the adult rat, the duodenal tissue of both sexes can convert progesterone to 17-hydroxyprogesterone, androstenedione and testosterone. The transition from C21 to C19 steroids is apparently controlled by the same cytochrome P450c17 expressed in the testis, which catalyzes both 17-hydroxylation and C-17,20 bond scission at a single bifunctional active site. The kinetic parameters of this enzyme were measured at the steady state for both reactions using [1,2-3H]progesterone and [1,2-3H]17-hydroxyprogesterone as substrates. In the testis and male and female duodena, the Km values for progesterone 17-hydroxylation were 14.2, 23.8 and 23.2 nM, whereas the Vmax values were 105, 3.5 and 3.1 pmol/mg protein/min, respectively. With respect to C-17,20 lyase activity, the Km values for exogenous 17-hydroxyprogesterone were 525, 675 and 637 nM, whereas the Vmax values were 283, 7.8 and 7.8 pmol/mg protein/min, respectively. However, when the Km values were calculated with respect to intermediate 17-hydroxyprogesterone formed from progesterone, they were similar to the Km values for 17-hydroxylase, being 15, 31.4 and 24.8 nM, whereas the Vmax values were 26.3, 2 and 1.8 pmol/mg protein/min, respectively. The similarity of Km values is due to the fact that the relative androgen formation efficiency (bond scission events/total 17-hydroxylation events ratio) was remarkably constant in both testicular and duodenal incubates, irrespective of progesterone concentration. Efficiency values were 2-fold higher in duodenal tissue (0.54) than in testis (0.25). Estradiol-17β inhibited 17-hydroxylation but not bond scission on intermediate 17-hydroxyprogesterone, because it did not affect the efficiency value. Rat duodenal P450c17 has the same substrate affinity, a lower specific activity and a higher androgen formation efficiency than testicular P450c17.  相似文献   

Using a classical methodlogy of purification consisting of three chromatographic steps (Octyl-Sepharose, DEAE-cellulose, CM-cellulos) we have purified a new cytochrome P-450 from human liver microsomes. It was called cytochrome P-4509. It has been proven to be different from all preceedingly purified human liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 isozymes by its immunological and electrophoretical properties. It does not cross-react with any rat liver cytochrome P-450 and anti-cytochrome P-4509, does not recognize rat liver microsomes; thus this cytochrome P-4509 is specific to humans. This cytochrome P-450 isozyme exists in low amounts in human liver microsomes and exhibits an important quatitative polymorphism. In reconstituted system, cytochrome P-4509 is able to hydroxylate all substrates tested but is not specific on any; its exatc role in xenobiotic metabolism in man remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Different forms of cytochrome P-450 from untreated male rats were simultaneously purified to homogeneity using the HPLC technique. The absorption maximum, molecular weight, NH2-terminal sequence and catalytic activity of them were determined. The NH2-terminal sequences of six forms of cytochrome P-450 (designated P450 UT-1, UT-2, UT-4, UT-5, UT-7 and UT-8) indicate that these cytochrome P-450 isozymes are of different molecular species. The hydrophobicity values of the NH2-terminal sequences of P450 UT-1 and P450 UT-8 were lower than that of other forms. P450 UT-8 has the highest molecular weight, 54 000, of the six forms of P-450. P450 UT-2 was active in demethylation of benzphetmaine, 450 UT-4 was active in the metabolism of 7-ethoxycoumarin and p-nitroanisole. P450 UT-1 ad P450 UT-2 were active in the 2α- and 16α-hydroxylation of testosterone, whereas P450 UT-4 was active in the 6β-, 7α- and 15α-hydroxylation of the same steroid. We believe that P450 UT-1, P450 UT-7 and P450 UT-8 are as yet unrecognized forms of cytochrome P-450.  相似文献   

N Yoshida  Y Osawa 《Biochemistry》1991,30(12):3003-3010
A simple and efficient method is described for the purification of microsomal aromatase cytochrome P-450 from human placenta. The enzyme was solubilized with Emulgen 913 and sodium cholate and subjected to chromatography on a column of Sepharose 4B coupled with a specific monoclonal antibody, followed by hydroxyapatite column chromatography. The specific cytochrome P-450 content of purified aromatase was 13.1 (12-14.8) nmol/mg of protein. Aromatase assays were carried out with reconstituted systems of bovine liver P-450 reductase and dilauroyl-L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine with [1 beta-3H,4-14C]-androstenedione as substrate. The specific activity of purified aromatase was 65.0 (50.6-74.3) nmol.min-1.(mg of protein)-1 or a turnover rate of 5.0 (4.3-5.9) min-1. The total recovery of purified aromatase activity was 32.2%, and P-450 recovery was 17.6%. The Km of immunoaffinity-purified aromatase was 12, 210, 41, and 2830 nM for androstenedione, 16 alpha-hydroxyandrostenedione, testosterone, and 16 alpha-hydroxytestosterone, respectively. The very high Km value for 16 alpha-hydroxytestosterone aromatization gives a reasonable indication that estriol is not the directly aromatized product in the fetoplacental unit of human pregnancy. The aromatase P-450 was subjected to SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in increasing quantities. Silver stain detection techniques indicated a single band having a molecular mass of 55 kDa with greater than 97% purity. The stability analysis showed a half-life of over 4 years on storage at -80 degrees C.  相似文献   

The rate-limiting step in luteal biosynthesis of progesterone consists of cleavage of the side chain of cholesterol by mitochondrial cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavage enzyme (P450scc) to form pregnenolone. Luteal mRNA encoding P450scc, quantitated on selected days of the 16-day ovine estrous cycle, was similar on days 3 and 6, increased by 2-fold on day 9 (P < 0.05) and remained elevated on day 15. Levels of P450scc mRNA on day 15 of pregnancy were not different from those found on any day of the cycle (P < 0.05). To determine whether levels of mRNA encoding P450scc are hormonally regulated, ewes on day 10 of the estrous cycle were injected with hCG or prostaglandin F2 (PGF2). P450scc mRNA was not increased for up to 36 h after injection of hCG, nor decreased within 8 h after injection of PGF2 (P < 0.05). An assay for P450scc activity was developed which utilized ovine small and large luteal cells in the presence of 22R-hydroxycholesterol and ovine high density lipoprotein. Enzyme activity was quantitated by measurement of progesterone production. In small luteal cells activation of the protein kinase A (PKA) second-messenger system by treatment with LH resulted in 910% increase in progesterone production without altering activity of P450scc. Activation of the protein kinase C (PKC) second-messenger system with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate caused a 51% reduction in progesterone secretion from large luteal cells but did not alter activity of P450scc. These findings suggest that in mature luteal tissue steady state levels of mRNA encoding P450scc, and enzyme activity are independent of acute regulation by activation of PKA or PKC second-messenger systems.  相似文献   

We characterized testicular equine aromatase and its expression. A 2707 bp cDNA was isolated, it encoded a polypeptide of 503 residues with a deduced molecular mass of 57.8 kDa. The sequence features were those of a cytochrome P450 aromatase, with a 78% polypeptide identity with the human counterpart. The gene has a minimal length of 74 kb comprising at least 9 exons and expresses a 2.8 kb mRNA in the testis. Transient cDNA transfections in E293 cells and in vitro translations in a reticulocyte lysate system allowed aromatase protein and activity detections. The activity increased with androstenedione as substrate in a dose-dependent manner. The isolation of testicular aromatase by a new immunoaffinity method demonstrated that the protein could exist either glycosylated or not with a 2 kDa difference. All these results taken together allow new structural studies to progress in the understanding of this cytochrome P450.  相似文献   

The cyp19 encodes P450 aromatase, the enzyme catalyzing the conversion of estrogens from androgens. Estrogens affect the dimorphic, anatomical, functional and behavioral aspects of development of both males and females. In zebrafish, two cyp19 genes, cyp19a and cyp19b were found. They are expressed in ovary and brain, respectively. Expression of cyp19b can be detected by 11 days post-fertilization (dpf) by in situ hybridization in the olfactory bulbs, ventral telencephalic region and the hypothalamus of the brain in both male and female, where it is generally known to be affecting the reproductive function and sexual behavior. COS-1 clones permanently expressing the enzymes have been isolated. Both aromatase enzymes encoded by these two genes are functional in COS-1 cells and they can use androstenedione and testosterone equally efficiently. The presence of two functional cyp19 in zebrafish has its evolutionary and physiological importance.  相似文献   

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