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The structure of the starchy endosperm of normal and high-lysinebarleys has been examined by light and scanning electron microscopy.The small granules (1-5 µm) seen using the latter methodhave been demonstrated to be small starch granules rather thanprotein bodies. Certain of the high-lysine mutations (Risø1508, Notch-2, lys 449 and lys 95) cause dramatic shrinkageof the endosperm structure whilst others (Risø 7 and56) cause little change. In particular Risø 1508 causesa decrease in small starch grains whereas those grains presentin Notch-2 are all much smaller than normal. The endosperm oflys 449 shows considerable disruption of the cells.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy studies of developing endosperm have shown differences in the synthesis and development of starch granules between high lysine mutant Notch-2 and parent NP 113. The starch granules in Notch-2 were modified and did not develop into characteristic oval granules. Based on iodine absorption and phospholipids analysis, it is suggested that the presence of phospholipids impairs the development of starch granule in Notch-2. This is further confirmed by higher lipid density across starch granule in mutant Notch-2, and its absence in NP 113. Amylopectin from mutant differs from that of NP 113. The results indicate that the lack of geometry and smaller size of starch granules in Notch-2 is ultimately due to specific interaction of lipids with developing starch granules, and this leads to decreased yield.  相似文献   

Among 500 barley kernels, tested singly, 1.8% (9 kernels) were positive for fecal streptococci. Among 800 malt kernels, tested singly by the same procedure, 68% (540 kernels) were positive for fecal streptococci. In unsulfured and sulfured malts, 67 and 68% of the kernels, respectively, were positive for these bacteria. Fecal streptococci were also isolated by an enrichment procedure from two brands of instant malted milk powder sold in supermarkets. Seventy randomly picked isolates from malts were identified to be fecal streptococci, belonging probably to more than one species.  相似文献   

The effect on the mineral ion nutrition of developing barleyembryos and endosperms was studied when both Mg and Mn werewithdrawn simultancously from the rooting medium. Both embryosand endosperms had lower Mg levels, on average 40 and 50 percent, respectively, over the developmental period, than thosefrom control plants grown in complete nutrient solution. Comparedto the controls, higher levels of Mn (average 20 per cent) andCa (average 20 per cent) were found in Mg-deficient embryosfrom test plants, but Mn levels were lower (average 30 per cent)and Ca levels unaffected in Mg-deficient endosperms. K levelsin both embryos and endosperms were not changed. The endospermsfrom test plants had lower total N levels than the controls. Hordeum vulgare L., barley, embryo, endosperm, sand culture, magnesium, manganese, calcium, potassium, nitrogen, mineral nutrition  相似文献   

Previous work showed that the segl mutant of barley (Hordeum vulgare cv Betzes) did not differ from normal Betzes in plant growth, photosynthesis, or fertility, but it produced only shrunken seeds regardless of pollen source. To determine whether defects in sucrose uptake or starch synthesis resulted in the shrunken condition, developing grains of Betzes and segl were cultured in [14C]sucrose solutions after slicing transversely to expose the endosperm cavity and free space. In both young grains (before genotypes differed in dry weight) and older grains (17 days after anthesis, when segl grains were smaller than Betzes), sucrose uptake and starch synthesis were similar in both genotypes on a dry weight basis. To determine if sucrose was hydrolyzed during uptake, spikes of Betzes and segl were allowed to take up [fructose-U-14C]sucrose 14 days after anthesis and the radioactivity of endosperm sugars was examined during 3 hours of incubation. Whereas less total radioactivity entered the endosperm and the endosperm cavity (free space) of segl, in both genotypes over 96% of the label of endosperm sugars was in sucrose, and there was no apparent initial or progressive randomization of label among hexose moieties of sucrose as compared to the free space sampled after 1 hour of incubation. We conclude that segl endosperms are capable of normal sucrose uptake and starch synthesis and that hydrolysis of sucrose is not required for uptake in either genotype. Evidence suggests abnormal development of grain tissue of maternal origin during growth of segl grains.  相似文献   

Field experiments with a uniculm mutant of Proctor spring barleyshowed that abnormal ear development often resulted from latesowing. The ear abnormalities were twin floret, supernumeraryparts, abnormal rachilla, opposite spikelets, one-ranked spikelets,branched rachis, collar -like and bare nodes, aborted apex,and tubular leaf. The degree of abnormality was unaffected byphotoperiod. In both uniculm Proctor and uniculm Kindred, nodenumber relative to normal genotype was decreased by high-temperaturetreatment and the proportion of abnormal rachis nodes and theseverity of the abnormality were increased. The transfer ofplants from high to low temperature and vice versa at differentstages of development showed that high temperature had an almostimmediate effect, inducing abnormal development, but that transferto low temperatures allowed the resumption of more normal development. The abnormalities closely resemble those induced by 2, 4.D andit may be that the effect of the mutant gene is in some wayto change the metabolism of auxin.  相似文献   

为探究脱落酸(ABA)对水稻(Oryzasativa)抽穗开花期高温胁迫的诱抗效应,以江西省主推水稻品种黄华占为材料,于孕穗期用蒸馏水、ABA溶液(10、50和100μmol·L-1)、氟啶酮(FLU)和原花青素(PC) 6种溶液进行叶面喷施,然后移入对照(CK)和高温胁迫(HS)环境处理8天,考查籽粒活性氧(ROS)积累、抗氧化防御能力、产量构成及相关基因的表达。结果表明,高温胁迫下,水稻的穗长、穗重、结实率、千粒重和产量与超氧阴离子和过氧化氢含量呈显著负相关。高温胁迫下,喷施ABA显著上调了ABA应答和抗氧化防御基因的表达,籽粒中活性氧含量下降了8.24%–31.35%;喷施ABA显著增加了水稻的穗长、穗重、结实率和千粒重,显著上调了产量形成基因的表达,增产12.73%–20.77%。高温胁迫下,喷施FLU可抑制ABA的生物合成,导致ROS过量积累和水稻减产;喷施抗氧化剂PC则抑制ROS过量积累,使产量增加。以上结果表明,高温胁迫下,孕穗期喷施ABA不仅能够激发ABA信号通路,而且上调抗氧化防御能力和产量形成基因的表达,进而提高水稻在抽穗开花期的耐热性,达到增...  相似文献   

Sultana  N.  Ikeda  T.  Kashem  M.A. 《Photosynthetica》2002,40(1):115-119
To understand the physiology of rice under seawater salinity, potted rice plants were irrigated with different concentrations of Japan seawater (electrical conductivity 0.9, 5.7, 11.5, or 21.5 mS cm-1) from 10 d after transplanting (DAT) to 35 DAT, and from 75 to 100 DAT. Seawater salinity decreased the net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2 concentration, transpiration rate, leaf water and osmotic potentials, and relative water content, and increased leaf temperature. The contents of chlorophylls, carotenoids, and total sugars significantly decreased in the leaves but content of non-reducing sugars decreased only slightly. With increasing salinity the Na+ concentration increased, while Ca2+, Mn2+, and K+ concentrations decreased. Salinity decreased the contents of sugars and proteins, dry mass, and rate of dry mater accumulation in developing grains.  相似文献   

灌浆期热胁迫对小麦不同绿色器官光合性能的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
以4个冬小麦(Triticum aestivem L.)品种(“JD8”、“Jing411”、“Centurk”和“Tam202”)为材料,研究灌浆期热胁迫对旗叶叶片、旗叶鞘、穗下节间、护颖、外疑和芒的光合性能和籽粒产量的影响。结果表明:灌浆期对泪科进行热锻炼也能增加其耐热性且各绿色器官间耐热性差异显。耐热性较强的器官为穗下节间、旗叶鞘和护颖;热敏感器官为旗叶叶片、外颖和芒。热胁迫条件下,穗下节间1旗叶鞘和护颖的细胞膜热稳定性强,光系统Ⅱ原初光能转换效率(Fv/Fm)下降速率以及叶绿素和类胡萝卜素降解速率均低于旗叶叶片、外颖和瓦,穗的净光合速率下降幅度小于旗叶。热胁迫过程中,相对耐热品种“JD8”各器官上述光合参数的下降速度均显低于其他3个热敏感品种。  相似文献   

Wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Warigal) were subjectedto 20 d of water deficit during the period of endosperm celldivision. Drought accentuated the differences in final grainweight between spikelets and between grains within spikelets.The distal grains of top spikelets were most affected by drought.The maximum number of endosperm cells was, respectively, 30and 40 per cent lower in basal grains and distal grains of draughtedplants. In basal grains of middle spikelets, the number of largestarch granules per cell was unaffected but the number of smallstarch granules per cell was 45 per cent lower in grains ofdraughted plants. The initiation of small starch granules wasmore affected than cell division because severe water deficitoccurred earlier during the former process than the latter.Final dry weight appeared to correlate well with the maximumnumber of endosperm cells, but depended also on the number ofstarch granules per cell. Consequently, the amount of dry matterper cell was not constant in both treatments. The concentration of sucrose per endosperm cell was lower onlyin the droughted distal grains of top spikelets. The supplyof sucrose to endosperm cells did not regulate the initiationof small starch granules. Triticum aestivum L., wheat, drought, grain growth, cell division, starch  相似文献   

Four winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) varieties (“JD 8”, “Jing 411”,“Centurk” and “Tam 202”) were used to study the effect of heat stress on photosynthetic characteristics of flag leaf blade, flag leaf sheath, peduncle, glume, lemma and awn during grain-filling stage. The results showed that heat acclimation during grain-filling stage increased thermotolerance of wheat with significant differences among different green organs. During heat stress, the decreases of the efficiency of primary light energy conversion ( Fv/Fm ) of PS and pigment (chlorophyll and carotenoid) content were much slower in peduncle, flag leaf sheath and glume than in flag leaf blade, lemma and awn; and the percentage of decrease in net photosynthetic rate ( Pn ) of ear was lower than that of the flag leaf blade. The measured photosynthetic parameters ( Fv/Fm , Pn and pigment content) of “JD 8”, a relatively heat tolerant variety, declined more slowly than those of the other three varieties during the whole heat stress period.   相似文献   

Chapin, F. S. Ill and Wardlaw, I. F. 1988. Effect of phosphorusdeficiency on source-sink interactions between the flag leafand developing grain in barley.—J. exp. Bot. 39: 165-177. Photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance of P-deficientbarley plants were increased by manipulations that increasedplant demand for carbohydrates (shading of the ear or removalof other leaves). This was associated with retarded senescenceof the flag leaf. Similarly, small flag leaves (i.e. those havinglarge sinks relative to their own size) had high rates of photosynthesis.These relationships were most pronounced under conditions ofP deficiency. Distribution of 32P and 14C from the flag leafwas determined by the carbohydrate demand of a plant part andwas unaffected by altering the sink strength for P. Thus, earshading increased accumulation by developing grains of 32P and14C applied to the flag leaf, grain removal reduced accumulationby grain of both radioisotopes, and removal of lower leavesincreased movement of both radioisotopes to vegetative plantparts; in contrast, P addition to the ear had no effect upon32P or 14C distribution. P deficiency reduced the amount oftillering and, therefore, the movement of 32P and 14C to developingtillers and increased retention of 14C and 32P in the sheathof the flag leaf but otherwise had no major effect on patternsof carbon and phosphorus distribution. We conclude that themajor effects of P deficiency upon source-sink interactionsare (1) to reduce the number or activity of sinks in the shoot(grains and daughter tillers) and (2) to increase the sensitivitywith which photosynthesis responds to demand for carbohydrate.The strengthened source-sink interaction under conditions ofP deficiency provides a regulatory mechanism for reducing carbohydrateaccumulation under conditions where carbohydrates do not stronglylimit growth. Key words: Source-sink, phosphorus, photosynthesis  相似文献   

Light curves of CO2 fixation by barley seedling leaves preliminarily heated at 30–43°C for 5 min were measured. The slope of the linear part of the light curve decreased after leaf heating at temperatures above 35°C; whereas, at a high light level, the photosynthesis rate decreased only at temperatures of 40°C and higher. The linear relationships between the photosynthetic CO2-fixation rate and a photon flux density up to 1400 mol/(m2 s) were found in leaves preheated at 42°C; this indicates the strong nonphotochemical dissipation of absorbed light quanta. The lowering of the oxygen concentration from 21 to 1% led to a CO2 fixation maximum quantum yield and a photosynthesis-rate increase at the highest light intensity in leaves preheated at temperatures above 40°C as compared to the control leaves. Nevertheless, the linear relationship between the photosynthetic CO2 fixation and the light intensity was found in leaves heated at 42°C at O2 concentrations of both 21 and 1%. The latter fact suggests that the proton gradient of the thylakoid membrane, which causes an increase in the nonphotochemical dissipation of the quanta absorbed, could also be formed due to the cyclic electron transport over photosystem I.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis in the Pericarp of Developing Wheat Grains   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Oxygen exchange in grains of wheat was measured in both lightand dark over the period of grain development. Between 10 dand 30 d after anthesis, the rate of photosynthesis exceededthe rate of respiration. Peak photosynthetic activity was observedat 20 d after anthesis, coinciding with maximum chlorophyllcontent in the pericarp green layer. Removal of the pericarptransparent layer increased rates of oxygen exchange in boththe light and the dark. Attempts to inhibit photosynthesis withDCMU were only successful with the pericarp transparent layerremoved. Key words: Wheat, pericarp, photosynthesis  相似文献   

WELLINGTON  P. S. 《Annals of botany》1964,28(1):113-126
The germinability of two barley varieties with different dormancycharacteristics has been determined during ripening, under fieldconditions on the plant, and under conditions of controlledhumidity after premature separation. In both cases, primarydormancy was lost more rapidly in the non-dormant variety (Domen)than in the dormant variety (Herta), and under conditions wherethere was an early reduction in the moisture content of thegrains. When the moisture content also fell to a lower levelthan in the field, primary dormancy in both varieties was almosteliminated by the normal time of harvest. Secondary dormancy,with recovery during dry storage, was induced in some grainsof the dormant variety, and also in a few of the non-dormantvariety, when their moisture content was increased by wet weatherat the harvest ripe stage. During the early stages of ripening, separation from the plantcaused an earlier reduction in the moisture content and an earlierincrease in the germinability of the grains of both varieties.The non-dormant variety, however, reached the same level ofgerminability, at the normal time of harvest, irrespective ofthe time of separation, whereas the dormant variety showed aprogressive decrease in germinability as the time of separationwas delayed. The condition of total primary dormancy during the initial growthof the grains was imposed by the covering layers, and therewas no varietal difference in the ability of the embryos togerminate when exposed. But when the moisture content of intactgrains was reduced at this stage, by separation from the plant,the same varietal difference in germinability became apparent.The possible effects of desiccation and the characteristicsof the two varieties are discussed in relation to the dormancyof grains when harvested.  相似文献   

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