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Apomyoglobin was prepared by an extremely mild modification of the acid/butanone technique, and the kinetics of the recombination reaction between this preparation and alkaline haematin were studied. The recombination has been shown to be precisely second-order and mono-phasic. Rate constants obtained from the study are in good agreement with values obtained previously by an indirect technique not involving separation of haem and apoprotein.  相似文献   

The folding pathway of apomyoglobin has been experimentally shown to have early kinetic intermediates involving the A, B, G, and H helices. The earliest detected kinetic events occur on a ns to micros time scale. We show that the early folding kinetics of apomyoglobin may be understood as the association of nascent helices through a network of diffusion-collision-coalescence steps G + H <--> GH + A <--> AGH + B <--> ABGH obtained by solving the diffusion-collision model in a chemical kinetics approximation. Our reproduction of the experimental results indicates that the model is a useful way to analyze folding data. One prediction from our fit is that the nascent A and H helices should be relatively more helix-like before coalescence than the other apomyoglobin helices.  相似文献   

The interaction of human serum albumin with monomeric haemin has been investigated by detailed kinetic analysis in dimethyl sulphoxide/water (3:5, v/v). The results obtained under conditions of albumin saturation of haemin and under pseudo-single turnover conditions indicate that methaemalbumin is formed in a two-stage, single-intermediate process. The initial association between the haemin and human serum albumin is a chemically controlled process (k1 = 1.7 X 10(5) mol-1 . s-1 . dm3 at 24 degrees C); the variation of K1 with pH exhibited a well defined pK of 5.9. The overall equilibrium constant, calculated by using microscopic rate constants, is 1.1 (+/- 0.5) X 10(8) mol-1 at 24 degrees C. The data and conclusions are consistent with a general binding mechanism for albumin in which intermediate formation is followed by an entropy-controlled internalization of the ligand.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that the reaction between nitrite and deoxygenated hemoglobin provides a mechanism by which nitric oxide is synthesized in vivo. This reaction has been previously defined to follow second order kinetics, although variable product stoichiometry has been reported. In this study we have re-examined this reaction and found that under fully deoxygenated conditions the product stoichiometry is 1:1 (methemoglobin:nitrosylhemoglobin), and unexpectedly, the kinetics deviate substantially from a simple second order reaction and exhibit a sigmoidal profile. The kinetics of this reaction are consistent with an increase in reaction rate elicited by heme oxidation and iron-nitrosylation. In addition, conditions that favor the "R" conformation show an increased rate over conditions that favor the "T" conformation. The reactivity of nitrite with heme is clearly more complex than has been previously realized and is dependent upon the conformational state of the hemoglobin tetramer, suggesting that the nitrite reductase activity of hemoglobin is under allosteric control.  相似文献   

Product inhibition of lysyl hydroxylase (peptidyllysine, 2-oxoglutarate:oxygen 5-oxidoreductase, EC was studied with succinate, CO2, dehydroascorbate and hydroxylysine-rich polypeptide chains. The product inhibition patterns and addition data are consistent with a reaction mechanism involving an ordered binding of Fe2+, α-ketoglutarate, O2 and the peptide substrate to the enzyme in this order, and an ordered release of the hydroxylated peptide, CO2, succinate and Fe2+, in which Fe2+ need not leave the enzyme during each catalytic cycle and in which the order of release of the hydroxylated peptide and CO2 is uncertain. Ascorbate probably reacts by a substitution mechanism, either after the release of the hydroxylated peptide, CO2 and succinate or after the release of all products, including Fe2+, and dehydroascorbate is released before the binding of Fe2+. It is suggested that the ascorbate reaction is required to reduce either the enzyme-iron complex or the free enzyme, which may be oxidized by a side-reaction during some catalytic cycles, but not the majority. The mechanisms of the prolyl 4-hydroxylase and lysyl hydroxylase reactions are suggested to be identical.Zn2+, several citric acid cycle intermediates, nitroblue tetrazolium and homogentisic acid inhibited lysyl hydroxylase competitively with regard to Fe2+, α-ketoglutarate, O2 and ascorbate respectively, and epinephrine noncompetitively with regard to all cosubstrates. Apparent Ki values are given for the product and other inhibitors.  相似文献   

Apomyoglobin kinetic and equilibrium unfolding and folding processes were studied at pH 6.2, 11 degrees C by stopped-flow tryptophan fluorescence. There are two distinct consecutive processes in apomyoglobin folding process, namely, the protein fast transition between the unfolded (U) and an intermediate (I) states (U <----> I) and slow transition between the intermediate and the native (N) states (I <----> N). Accumulation of the intermediate state was observed in the wide range of urea concentrations. The presence of the intermediate state was shown even beyond the middle transition on the unfolding limb. The dependence of observed folding/unfolding rates on urea concentration (chevron plot) was obtained. The shape of this dependence was compared with that of two-state proteins, folding from the U to N state.  相似文献   

This report presents evidence for interdomain steps of the ligand-coupled signal transduction mechanism of the oxygen receptor from Rhizobium meliloti, RmFixL. Photolysis of the CO adducts of heme domain (RmFixLN) and heme kinase (RmFixL*) proteins allowed tracking of second-order heme CO recombination reactions by transient absorbance. Whereas CO rebinding to RmFixLN is characterized by a single kinetic phase, rebinding to RmFixL* is characterized by two kinetic phases. Evidence indicates that CO rebinds to two interconvertible deoxyRmFixL* conformers that are produced sequentially after photolysis. Since the second conformer is only observed when the kinase domain is present, its production is concluded to be an interdomain signal transmission event that is coupled to heme ligand release. Because receptor clustering is a recurring theme in signal transduction mechanisms, the dependence of molecular weight upon heme ligation was investigated at equilibrium. Gel permeation chromatography and native gel electrophoresis showed that the molecular weight distribution for both RmFixLN and RmFixL* depends on heme ligation. At equilibrium, oxyRmFixLN and oxyRmFixL* exist as monomers and dimers, respectively. Their deoxy analogues, metRmFixLN and metRmFixL*, exist as dimers and as a mixture of tetramers and 9-mers, respectively. Assembly of these oligomers is reversible. The physiological relevance of these ligand-coupled assemblies and the kinetic factors controlling CO recombination are discussed.  相似文献   

The photodegradation mechanism of recombinant human interferon-alpha2a (IFNalpha2a) has been investigated using absorption, fluorescence, and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopies, and fluorescence photobleaching kinetics measurements under various conditions. After photobleaching, the absorption profile of aromatic amino acid residues in IFNalpha2a was almost absent, and an absorption profile showing a monotonic increase toward short wavelengths was observed. According to the CD spectrum analysis, partial unfolding of IFNalpha2a was accompanied by a complete loss of fluorescence. This unfolding was attributed to tryptophan-mediated photoinduced disulfide bond cleavage. Photooxygenation and photoionization of tryptophan (Trp) residues followed by subsequent radical reactions were the main photodegradation pathways of IFNalpha2a. Photobleaching kinetics was faster in acidic solution (pH 2.5) than in neutral solution (pH 7.4). The variation of photobleaching kinetics seemed to be caused by the structural differences in IFNalpha2a according to the solution pH. The relationship between the protein conformation and photobleaching rate could be explained based on the competition between excited state energy transfer and the photoionization process in Trp residues.  相似文献   

Thyone sperm were induced to undergo the acrosomal reaction with a calcium ionophore A23187 in sea water containing 50 mM excess CaCl2, and the extension of the acrosomal process was recorded with high- resolution, differential interference contrast video microscopy at 60 fields/sec. The length of the acrosomal process was measured at 0.25-s intervals on nine sperm. When the data were plotted as (length)2 vs. time, the points fell exactly on a straight line except for the initial and very final stages of elongation. Cytochalasin B alters the rate of elongation of the acrosomal process in a dose-dependent way, inhibiting the elongation completely at high concentrations (20 micrograms/ml). However, no inhibition was observed unless excess Ca++ was added to sea water. The concentration of actin in the periacrosomal cup of the unreacted sperm is as high as 160 mg/ml; we calculate this concentration from the number and lengths of the actin filaments in a fully reacted sperm, and the volume of the periacrosomal cup in the unreacted sperm. These results are consistent with the hypothesis proposed earlier that monomers add to the ends of the actin filaments situated at the tip of the growing acrosomal process (the preferred end for monomer addition), and that the rate of elongation of the process is limited by diffusion of monomers from the sperm head (periacrosomal cup) to the tip of the elongating process. During the extension of the acrosomal process, a few blebs distributed along its lengths move out with the process. These blebs maintain a constant distance from the tip of the growing process. At maximum length, the straight acrosomal process slackens into a bow, and numerous new blebs appear. A few seconds later, the process suddenly straightens out again and sometimes actually contracts. The behavior of the blebs indicates that membrane is inserted at the base of the growing acrosomal process, and that membrane assembly and water uptake must be coupled to actin assembly during elongation. We discuss how the dynamic balance of forces seems to determine the shape of the growing acrosomal process, and how actin assembly may be controlled during the acrosomal reaction.  相似文献   

This paper presents methods developed in order to analyze experimental results concerning the binding of Escherichia coli DNA-dependent RNA polymerase to DNA at high and at low DNA concentrations, using the filter retention assay. The basis hypotheses, under which the mathematical expressions for describing the kinetics of binding are derived, are as follows. (a) At low DNA concentration: equivalence and independence of the specific binding sites; first-order dependence of the binding reaction on both DNA and protein concentration. (b) At high DNA concentration: equivalence and independence of the non-specific binding sites; no direct transfer or one-dimensional sliding of the protein along the DNA. Comparison between theoretical predictions and experimental results at high DNA concentration will allow one to determine the relative value of the rates of binding of RNA polymerase to different promoters (between 1 and 2 in T5 DNA). Binding experiments performed at low DNA concentration are reported in this paper: these results and the analysis which is reported allow one to determine the value of the rate constant of formation of non-filterable complexes for the system fd DNA (replicative form) . RNA-polymerase (kappa a = 3.3 X 10(8) M-1 s-1 in 0.1 M NaCl, 0.01 M MgCl2).  相似文献   

The action of dipyridamole (DIP) on dark recombination between the photooxidized special pair bacteriochlorophyll BChl2+ and reduced primary quinone acceptor Q(A)- in the reaction centres (RCs) of the bacteria Rhodobacter sphaeroides was studied in the presence of different detergents (LDAO, Triton X-100, sodium cholate, sodium dodecyl sulfate). DIP accelerated this reaction approximately 4-5-fold. In RCs with the extracted H-subunit, the effect of DIP was observed at lower concentrations. The possibility of modification of the RC structure-dynamic state by DIP (including changes in RC hydrogen bonds) is proposed. The modification obviously disturbs the processes of the long-life electrostatic stabilization of Q(A)-.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the charge recombination D+QA-----DQA was used to probe the protonation of the primary acceptor in reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides, in which the native ubiquinone was replaced by anthraquinone. We found that QA- is stabilized by the rapid (t less than 10(-2) s) binding of a proton, with a pK of 9.8. The distance between QA- and the proton binding site was estimated to be larger than approximately 5 A.  相似文献   

For small single-domain proteins, formation of the native conformation (N) from a fully unfolded form (U) or from a partially folded intermediate (I) occurs typically in a highly cooperative process that can be described by a two-state model. However, it is not clear whether cooperativity arises early along the folding reaction and whether folding intermediates are also formed in highly cooperative processes. Here, we show that each previously identified step leading apomyoglobin from its unfolded form to its native form, namely, the U <= => Ia, the Ia <= => Ib, and the Ib <= => N reactions, exhibits typical features of a two-state reaction. First, refolding and unfolding kinetics of the earliest U <= => Ia reaction are measurable at pH 4.2 within the urea-induced unfolding transition [Jamin, M., and Baldwin, R. L. (1996) Nat. Struct. Biol. 3, 613-618; Jamin, M., and Baldwin, R. L. (1998) J. Mol. Biol. 276, 491-504], and we report here that sub-millisecond kinetics measured by far-UV circular dichroism (CD), a probe of secondary structure, are similar to those measured by Trp fluorescence, a probe of hydrophobic core formation and chain collapse. These results confirm that folding of the earliest intermediate, Ia, occurs in a highly cooperative process, in which hydrophobic collapse and secondary structure formation occur concomitantly in the A(B)GH core. Second, when the refolding of N is measured at high pH, starting from the acid-unfolded ensemble, the formation of Ia occurs in the mixing time of the sub-millisecond stopped-flow, but the subsequent steps, the Ia <= => Ib and Ib <= => N reactions, exhibit similar kinetics by far-UV CD and Trp fluorescence, indicating that these two late stages of the apoMb folding process also occur in highly cooperative, two-state reactions.  相似文献   

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