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L Plamann  Y Li  B Cantwell    J Mayor 《Journal of bacteriology》1995,177(8):2014-2020
The Myxococcus xanthus asgA gene is one of three known genes necessary for the production of extracellular A-signal, a cell density signal required early in fruiting body development. We determined the DNA sequence of asgA. The deduced 385-amino-acid sequence of AsgA was found to contain two domains: one homologous to the receiver domain of response regulators and the other homologous to the transmitter domain of histidine protein kinases. A kanamycin resistance (Kmr) gene was inserted at various positions within or near the asgA gene to determine the null phenotype. Those strains with the Kmr gene inserted upstream or downstream of asgA are able to form fruiting bodies, while strains containing the Kmr gene inserted within asgA fail to develop. The nature and location of the asgA476 mutation were determined. This mutation causes a leucine-to-proline substitution within a conserved stretch of hydrophobic residues in the N-terminal receiver domain. Cells containing the insertion within asgA and cells containing the asgA476 substitution have similar phenotypes with respect to development, colony color, and expression of an asg-dependent gene. An analysis of expression of a translational asgA-lacZ fusion confirms that asgA is expressed during growth and early development. Finally, we propose that AsgA functions within a signal transduction pathway that is required to sense starvation and to respond with the production of extracellular A-signal.  相似文献   

Lipid chemotaxis and signal transduction in Myxococcus xanthus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The lipid phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) is the first chemoattractant to be described for a surface-motile bacterium. In Myxococcus xanthus, the specific activity of PE is determined by its fatty acid components. Two active species have been identified: dilauroyl PE and dioleoyl PE. Excitation to dilauroyl PE requires fibril appendages and the presence of two cytoplasmic chemotaxis systems, of which one (Dif) appears to mediate excitation and the other (Frz) appears to mediate adaptation. A possible mechanism for fibril-mediated signal transduction is discussed, along with the potential roles for PE chemotaxis in the context of the M. xanthus life cycle.  相似文献   

Sensory transduction in the gliding bacterium Myxococcus xanthus   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
Sensory transduction in the gliding bacterium Myxococcus xanthus is mediated by the frz genes. These genes are homologous to the chemotaxis genes of enteric bacteria and control the rate of cell reversal during gliding. Sensory transduction is hypothesized to involve the recognition of substances present in the medium at the cell surface and the subsequent stimulation of a cytoplasmic methyl-accepting protein, FrzCD. Phosphorylation of FrzE is also involved in the sensory transduction pathway. Despite the similarities between the chemotaxis proteins of enteric bacteria and M. xanthus Frz proteins, fundamental differences exist between these different bacteria in terms of the ability of cells to recognize and respond to substances in their environment. The mechanism of directional switching and the nature of the gliding motor remain obscure. It is hoped that the study of the interaction of the Frz proteins will allow greater understanding of these problems.  相似文献   

Proteolytic cleavage of precursor proteins to generate intercellular signals is a common mechanism in all cells. In Myxococcus xanthus the contact-dependent intercellular C-signal is a 17 kDa protein (p17) generated by proteolytic cleavage of the 25 kDa csgA protein (p25), and is essential for starvation-induced fruiting body formation. p25 accumulates in the outer membrane and PopC, the protease that cleaves p25, in the cytoplasm of vegetative cells. PopC is secreted in response to starvation, therefore, restricting p25 cleavage to starving cells. We focused on identifying proteins critical for PopC secretion in response to starvation. PopC secretion depends on the (p)ppGpp synthase RelA and the stringent response, and is regulated post-translationally. PopD, which is encoded in an operon with PopC, forms a soluble complex with PopC and inhibits PopC secretion whereas the integral membrane AAA+ protease FtsH(D) is required for PopC secretion. Biochemical and genetic evidence suggest that in response to starvation, RelA is activated and induces the degradation of PopD thereby releasing pre-formed PopC for secretion and that FtsH(D) is important for PopD degradation. Hence, regulated PopC secretion depends on regulated proteolysis. Accordingly, p17 synthesis depends on a proteolytic cascade including FtsH(D) -dependent degradation of PopD and PopC-dependent cleavage of p25.  相似文献   

We identified a cluster of four two-component signal transduction genes that are necessary for proper progression of Myxococcus xanthus through development. redC to redF mutants developed and sporulated early, resulting in small, numerous, and disorganized fruiting bodies. Yeast two-hybrid analyses suggest that RedCDEF act in a single signaling pathway. The previously identified espA gene displays a phenotype similar to that of redCDEF. However, combined mutants defective in espA redCDEF exhibited a striking additive developmental phenotype, suggesting that EspA and RedC to RedF play independent roles in controlling developmental progression.  相似文献   

Starvation‐induced fruiting body formation in Myxococcus xanthus depends on intercellular signalling. A‐signal functions after 2 h of starvation and its synthesis depends on the asg genes. C‐signal functions after 6 h of starvation and is generated by proteolytic cleavage of a precursor by the protease PopC. Previous gene expression studies suggested that the A‐ and C‐signal lie on a hierarchical pathway. Here we explored the causal relationship between the A‐ and C‐signal. The asgA and asgB mutants have reduced popC expression, PopC accumulation and C‐signal accumulation. popC expression was shown not to depend on A‐signal but on the AsgA and AsgB proteins. Restored popC expression in the two mutants rescued PopC and C‐signal accumulation as well as C‐signalling and the developmental defects of the two mutants without restoring A‐signalling. Based on these results we suggest that A‐ and C‐signal do not lie on a hierarchical, dependent pathway. Instead the A‐ and C‐signal act sequentially and without a causal relationship suggesting that they are linked by a shared timing mechanism, which ensures the early and late onset of A‐signalling and C‐signalling, respectively, during starvation. This pathway topology represents a novel architecture for bacterial intercellular signalling systems involving more than one signal.  相似文献   

CsgA mutants of Myxococcus xanthus appear to be defective in producing an extracellular molecule essential for the developmental behaviors of this bacterium. The csgA gene encodes a 17.7-kilodalton polypeptide whose function and cellular location were investigated with immunological probes. Large quantities of the CsgA gene product were obtained from a lacZ-csgA translational gene fusion expressed in Escherichia coli. The chimeric 21-kilodalton protein was purified by preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Affinity-purified polyclonal antibodies raised against the fusion protein were used to determine the cellular location of the native CsgA protein by colloidal gold labeling and transmission electron microscopy. Between 1,100 and 2,200 extracellular molecules of CsgA per developing M. xanthus cell were detected, most of which were associated with the extracellular matrix. The anti-CsgA antibodies inhibited wild-type development unless they were first neutralized with the fusion protein. Together these results suggest that the CsgA gene product has an essential, extracellular function during development, possibly as a pheromone.  相似文献   

VGP is a major cell-surface glycoprotein present in vegetative cells of Myxococcus xanthus. Serological assays indicated that this protein was released from cells and accumulated in the medium during development, i.e., aggregation, fruiting body formation, and myxosporulation. Cells induced to form spores in the absence of aggregation retained VGP, indicating that loss of VGP was associated with developmental aggregation rather than myxosporulation. Anti-VGP antibodies inhibited vegetative cell gliding, suggesting the protein may also be required for motility.  相似文献   

A gene encoding a homologue of the Escherichia coli GidA protein (glucose-inhibited division protein A) lies immediately upstream of aglU, a gene encoding a WD-repeat protein required for motility and development in Myxococcus xanthus. The GidA protein of M. xanthus shares about 48% identity overall with the small (approximately equal to 450 amino acid) form of GidA from eubacteria and about 24% identity overall with the large (approximately equal to 620 amino acid) form of GidA from eubacteria and eukaryotes. Each of these proteins has a conserved dinucleotide-binding motif at the N-terminus. To determine if GidA binds dinucleotide, the M. xanthus gene was expressed with a His6 tag in E. coli cells. Purified rGidA is a yellow protein that absorbs maximally at 374 and 450 nm, consistent with FAD or FMN. Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) showed that rGidA contains an FAD cofactor. Fractionation and immunocytochemical localization show that full length GidA protein is present in the cytoplasm and transported to the periplasm of vegetative-grown M. xanthus cells. In cells that have been starved for nutrients, GidA is found in the cytoplasm. Although GidA lacks an obvious signal sequence, it contains a twin arginine transport (Tat) motif, which is conserved among proteins that bind cofactors in the cytoplasm and are transported to the periplasm as folded proteins. To determine if GidA, like AglU, is involved in motility and development, the gidA gene was disrupted. The gidA- mutant has wild-type gliding motility and initially is able to form fruiting bodies like the wild type when starved for nutrients. However, after several generations, a stable derivative arises, gidA*, which is indistinguishable from the gidA- parent on vegetative medium, but is no longer able to form fruiting bodies. The gidA* mutant releases a heat-stable, protease-resistant, small molecular weight molecule that acts in trans to inhibit aggregation and gene expression of wild-type cells during development.  相似文献   

Protein S, the most abundant protein synthesized during development of the fruiting bacterium Myxococcus xanthus, is coded by two highly homologous genes called protein S gene 1 (ops) and protein S gene 2 (tps). The expression of these genes was studied with fusions of the protein S genes to the lacZ gene of Escherichia coli. The gene fusions were constructed so that expression of beta-galactosidase activity was dependent on protein S gene regulatory sequences. Both the gene 1-lacZ fusion and the gene 2-lacZ fusion were expressed exclusively during fruiting body formation (development) in M. xanthus. However, distinct patterns of induction of fusion protein activity were observed for the two genes. Gene 2 fusion activity was detected early during development on an agar surface and could also be observed during nutritional downshift in dispersed liquid culture. Gene 1 fusion activity was not detected until much later in development and was not observed after downshift in liquid culture. The time of induction of gene 1 fusion activity was correlated with the onset of sporulation, and most of the activity was spore associated. This gene fusion was expressed during glycerol-induced sporulation when gene 2 fusion activity could not be detected. The protein S genes appear to be members of distinct regulatory classes of developmental genes in M. xanthus.  相似文献   

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