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1. Ribonuclease T1 [EC] was inactivated by reaction with tosylglycolate (carboxymethyl rho-toluenesulfonate). At pH 5.5 and 8.0, alkylation of the gamma-carboxyl group of glutamic acid-58 appeared to be the predominant reaction and the major cause of inactivation by tosylglycolate, as in the case of the iodoacetate reaction, although the rate of inactivation was slower than that by iodoacetate. At pH 8.0, histidine residues were also alkylated to some extent. 2. The maximal rate of inactivation was observed at around pH 5.5 and the pH dependence of the rate of inactivation suggested the implication of two groups in the reaction, with apparent pKa values of about 3-4 (possibly histidine residue(s)). 3. In the presence of substrate analogs, ribonuclease T1 was markedly protected from inactivation by tosylglycolate at pH 5.5. The extent of protection corresponded to the binding strength of the substrate analog, except for guanosine. Ribonuclease T1 was much less protected from inactivation by guanosine than by 3'-AMP or 3'-CMP, which has a lower binding strength toward ribonuclease T1. This may indicate that glutamic acid-58 is situated in the catalytic site, at which the phosphate moiety of these nucleotides directly interacts. 4. Enzyme which had been extensively inactivated with tosylglycolate at pH 5.5 scarcely reacted with iodoacetate at pH 5.5, suggesting that these reagents react at the same site, i.e. glutamic acid-58. On the other hand, enzyme which had been inactivated almost completely with tosylglycolate at pH 8.0 still reacted with iodoacetate to some extent at pH 8.0, and the modes of reaction of tosylglycolate and iodoacetate toward ribonuclease T1 appeared to be somewhat different.  相似文献   

1. When ribonuclease T1 [EC] (0.125% solution) was treated with a 760-fold molar excess of iodoacetamide at pH 8.0 and 37 degrees, about 90% of the original activity was lost in 24 hr. The half-life of the activity was about 8 hr. The binding ability for 3'-GMP was lost simultaneously. Changes were detected only in histidine and the amino-terminal alanine residues upon amino acid analyses of the inactivated protein and its chymotryptic peptides. The inactivation occurred almost in parallel with the loss of two histidine residues in the enzyme. The pH dependences of the rate of inactivation and that of loss of histidine residues were similar and indicated the implication of a histidine residue or residues with pKa 7.5 to 8 in this reaction. 3'-GMP and guanosine showed some protective effect against loss of activity and of histidine residues. The reactivity of histidine residues was also reduced by prior modification of glutamic acid-58 with iodoacetate, of lysine-41 with maleic or cis-aconitic anhydride or 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonate or of arginine-77 with ninhydrin. 2. Analyses of the chymotryptic peptides from oxidized samples of the iodoacetamide-inactivated enzyme showed that histidine-92 and histidine-40 reacted with iodoacetamide most rapidly and at similar rates, whereas histidine-27 was least reactive. Alkylation of histidine-92 was markedly slowed down when the Glu58-carboxymethylated enzyme was treated with iodoacetamide. On the other hand, alkylation of histidine-40 was slowed down most in the presence of 3'-GMP. These results suggest that histidine-92 and histidine-40 are involved in the catalytic action, probably forming part of the catalytic site and part of the binding site, respectively, and that histidine-27 is partially buried in the enzyme molecule or interacts strongly with some other residue, thus becoming relatively unreactive.  相似文献   

1. When ribonuclease T1 [EC] was treated with trypsin [EC] at pH 7.5 and 37 degrees, activity was lost fairly slowly. At higher temperatures, however, the rate of inactivation was markedly accelerated. The half life of the activity was about 2.5 h at 50 degrees and 1 h at 60 degrees. 3'-GMP and guanosine protected the enzyme significantly from tryptic inactivation. 2. Upon tryptic digestion at 50 degrees, the Lys-Tyr (41-42) and Arg-Val (77-78) bonds were cleaved fairly specifically, yielding two peptide fragments. One was a 36 residue peptide comprizing residues 42 to 77. The other was a 68 residue peptide composed of two peptide chains cross-linked by a disulfide bond between half-cystines -6 and -103, comprizing residues 1 to 41 and 78 to 104. 3. When the trinitrophenylated enzyme, in which the alpha-amino group of alanine-1 and the episolone-amino group of lysine 41 were selectively modified, was treated with trypsin at 37 degrees, the activity was lost fairly rapidly with a half life of about 4 h. In this case, tryptic hydrolysis occurred fairly selectively at the single Arg-Val bond. Thus the enzyme could be inactivated by cleavage of a single peptide bond in the molecule, an indication of the importance of the peptide region involving the single arginine residue at position 77 in the activity of ribonuclease T1.  相似文献   

Ribonuclease T1 [EC] was inactivated rapidly by treatment at pH 8.0 and 0 degrees C with cis-aconitic anhydride and related dicabroxylic acid anhydrides, including citraconic, maleic, and succinic anhydrides. Under reaction conditions used, roughly 90% inactivation occurred within 30 min. Analyses of the inactivated enzymes indicated that the reaction took place fairly specifically at the alpha-amino group of the N-terminal alanine and the epsilon-amino group of lysine-41. Upon incubation of these inactivated enzymes at pH 3.6 and 37 degreeC, the activity was regenerated to various extents, depending on the nature of the introduced acyl groups. Under these conditions, the enzyme modified with cis-aconitc anhydride or citraconic anhydride recovered much of the origninal activity after 48 h whereas the enzyme modified with maleic anhydride recovered its activity only partially. Practically no activity was regenerated in the case of the enzyme modified with succinic anhydride under these conditions. The inactivation appears to be due mainly to the effect of the carboxyl group introduced at the epsilon-amino group of lysine-41. The results suggest the usefulness of cis-aconitic anhydride as a reversible blocking reagent for amino groups in proteins.  相似文献   

The previously reported method for the preparation of Kyn 59-RNase T1 and NFK 59-RNase T1 has been improved, and these two proteins have been obtained in high purity. Kyn 59-RNase T1, fully active for the hydrolysis of GpA and GpC, emitted a 35-fold-enhanced fluorescence of kynurenine relative to acetylnurenine amide with an emission maximum at 455 nm upon excitation at 380 nm. The polarity of the environment of Kyn 59 estimated from the emission maximum corresponded to a dielectric constant of 6. Upon excitation at 325 nm, NFK 59-RNase T1, less active than Kyn 59-RNase T1, exhibited a quenched N'-formylkynurenine fluorescence with an emission maximum at 423 nm, from which the value of 12 was obtained as the dielectric constant of the surroundings of residue 59. In both modified proteins, distinct tyrosine fluorescence appeared on excitation at 280 nm. The detection of an energy transfer from tyrosine to residue 59 suggests that the tertiary structure is very similar in Kyn 59-RNase T1 and native RNase T1. With guanidine hydrochloride, Kyn 59-RNase T1 was less stable than the native protein. Carboxymethylation at Glu 58 was shown to stabilize the active site of the modified enzyme. Based on the information collected for Kyn 59-RNase T1, the local environment and possible roles of the sole tryptophan residue in RNase T1 are discussed.  相似文献   

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