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张圣妲  潘红苗  周克  肖天  吴龙飞 《生态学报》2010,30(12):3311-3318
多细胞趋磁原核生物指一类由含有磁小体的革兰氏阴性原核细胞聚集而成的球形或者卵球形细胞聚集体,一般由745个细胞组成,直径在223μm之间,它们可在地磁场或外加磁场中沿磁力线定位并做定向运动。通过对巴西潟湖、美国盐湖、德国和法国海岸带花瓣型MMPs以及最近对中国青岛海域潮间带菠萝型MMPs研究结果的总结,分别从MMPs的生物学特征、细胞内容物以及生态学分布及分类地位等方面的研究进行综述,并对未来研究方向进行一定的展望。  相似文献   

Candidatus Magnetoglobus multicellularis (Ca. M. multicellularis) is a member of a group of uncultured magnetotactic prokaryotes that possesses a unique multicellular morphology. To better understand this organism''s physiology, we used a genomic approach through pyrosequencing. Genomic data analysis corroborates previous structural studies and reveals the proteins that are likely involved in multicellular morphogenesis of this microorganism. Interestingly, some detected protein sequences that might be involved in cell adhesion are homologues to phylogenetically unrelated filamentous multicellular bacteria proteins, suggesting their contribution in the early development of multicellular organization in Bacteria. Genes related to the behavior of Ca. M. multicellularis (chemo-, photo- and magnetotaxis) and its metabolic capabilities were analyzed. On the basis of the genomic–physiologic information, enrichment media were tested. One medium supported chemoorganoheterotrophic growth of Ca. M. multicellularis and allowed the microorganisms to maintain their multicellular morphology and cell cycle, confirming for the first time that the entire life cycle of the MMP occurs in a multicellular form. Because Ca. M. multicellularis has a unique multicellular life style, its cultivation is an important achievement for further studies regarding the multicellular evolution in prokaryotes.  相似文献   

Multicellular magnetotactic prokaryotes (MMPs) are a group of magnetotactic microorganisms composed of 10-40 Gram-negative cells. Currently, all the identified MMPs show a spherical morphology and synthesize mainly iron sulfide magnetosomes. In this study, we report a novel genus of MMPs with peculiar ellipsoidal morphology and iron oxide magnetosomes, which were discovered in intertidal sediment of the Yellow Sea in China. Optical and fluorescence microscopy revealed that this organism was ~10 × 8 μm in size and composed of ~40 cells enveloped by an outer layer. Scanning electron microscopy showed that the cells were arranged in 4-6 interlaced circles. Bullet-shaped magnetite magnetosomes were organized in chains roughly parallel to the long axis of the ellipsoidal MMPs when analysed by transmission electron microscopy. These MMPs displayed special escape motility, i.e. swimming rapidly from the edge to the centre of the droplet and then slowly back to the edge. In addition, they exhibited negative phototaxis. Light microscopy observations showed that the ellipsoidal MMPs reproduced by division along the body long axis. Both analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequence and fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed the ellipsoidal MMPs as a new genus of the Deltaproteobacteria. In summary, this novel genus of MMPs exhibit unique morphology, peculiar division process and distinct phylogenetic affiliation compared with the other MMPs.  相似文献   

Two morphotypes of multicellular magnetotactic prokaryotes (MMPs) have been identified: spherical (several species) and ellipsoidal (previously one species). Here, we report novel ellipsoidal MMPs that are ~ 10 × 8 μm in size, and composed of about 86 cells arranged in six to eight interlaced circles. Each MMP was composed of cells that synthesized either bullet‐shaped magnetite magnetosomes alone, or both bullet‐shaped magnetite and rectangular greigite magnetosomes. They showed north‐seeking magnetotaxis, ping‐pong motility and negative phototaxis at a velocity up to 300 μm s?1. During reproduction, they divided along either their long‐ or short‐body axes. For genetic analysis, we sorted the ellipsoidal MMPs with micromanipulation and amplified their genomes using multiple displacement amplification. We sequenced the 16S rRNA gene and found 6.9% sequence divergence from that of ellipsoidal MMPs, Candidatus Magnetananas tsingtaoensis and > 8.3% divergence from those of spherical MMPs. Therefore, the novel MMPs belong to different species and genus compared with the currently known ellipsoidal and spherical MMPs respectively. The novel MMPs display a morphological cell differentiation, implying a potential division of labour. These findings provide new insights into the diversity of MMPs in general, and contribute to our understanding of the evolution of multicellularity among prokaryotes.  相似文献   

Magnetotactic multicellular aggregates and many-celled magnetotactic prokaryotes have been described as spherical organisms composed of several Gram-negative bacteria capable to align themselves along magnetic fields and swim as a unit. Here we describe a similar organism collected in a large hypersaline lagoon in Brazil. Ultrathin sections and freeze fracture replicas showed that the cells are arranged side by side and face both the external environment and an internal acellular compartment in the center of the organism. This compartment contains a belt of filaments linking the cells, and numerous membrane vesicles. The shape of the cells approaches a pyramid, with the apex pointing to the internal compartment, and the basis facing the external environment. The contact region of two cells is flat and represents the pyramid faces, while the contacts of three or more cells contain cell projections and represent the edges. Freeze-fracture replicas showed a high concentration of intramembrane particles on the edges and also in the region of the outer membrane that faces the external environment. Dark field optical microscopy showed that the whole organism performs a coordinated movement with either straight or helicoidal trajectories. We conclude that the organisms described in this work are, in fact, highly organized prokaryotic multicellular organisms.  相似文献   

Multicellular magnetotactic prokaryotes (MMPs) exhibit peculiar coordination of swimming along geomagnetic field lines. Approximately 40–80 cells assemble, with a helical geometry or axisymmetry, into spherical or ellipsoidal MMPs respectively. To contribute to a comprehensive understanding of bacterial multicellularity here we took multiple microscopic approaches to study the diversity, assembly, reproduction and motility of ellipsoidal MMPs. Using correlative fluorescence in situ hybridization and scanning electron microscopy analysis, we found an unexpected diversity in populations of ellipsoidal MMPs in the Mediterranean Sea. The high-pressure freezing/freeze substitution fixation technique allowed us to show, for the first time, that cells adhere via juxtaposed membranes and are held together by a rimming lattice. Fluorescence confocal microscopy and ultrathin section images revealed not only the one-layer hollow three-dimensional architecture, but also periphery–core unilateral constriction of constituent cells and unidirectional binary fission of the ellipsoidal MMPs. This finding suggests the evolution toward MMPs multicellularity via the mechanism of incomplete separation of offspring. Remarkably, thousands of flagellar at the periphery surface of cells underpin the coordinated swimming of MMPs in response to mechanical, chemical, magnetic and optical stimuli, including a magnetotactic photokinesis behaviour. Together these results unveil the unique structure and function property of ellipsoidal MMPs.  相似文献   

International Microbiology - Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) response to the magnetic field can be classified into north-seeking (NS) and south-seeking (SS), which usually depends on their inhabiting...  相似文献   

Magnetotactic multicellular aggregates consist of several bacteria that produce iron sulfide magnetosomes through a complex and poorly understood process. We observed new amorphous mineral particles within the cytoplasm of magnetotactic multicellular aggregates. Elemental mapping and electron energy loss spectroscopy detected iron and oxygen, but not sulfur, in these particles. These amorphous particles were about the same size as mature magnetosomes, around 50-70 nm in diameter. No membranes were observed surrounding the amorphous minerals. Partially crystalline inclusions composed of a crystalline core and an amorphous region around them similar in texture to the amorphous particles were also present. The shape of these amorphous regions followed the shape of the crystalline cores they enveloped. These regions also contained oxygen and iron. The crystalline phase, as previously reported, contained sulfur and iron. The presence of independent amorphous particles has not been reported before in magnetotactic multicellular aggregates.  相似文献   

Unicellular magnetotactic prokaryotes, which typically carry a natural remanent magnetic moment equal to the saturation magnetic moment, are the prime example of magnetically optimized organisms. We here report magnetic measurements on a multicellular magnetotactic prokaryote (MMP) consisting of 17 undifferentiated cells (mean from 148 MMPs) with chains of ferrimagnetic particles in each cell. To test if the chain polarities of each cell contribute coherently to the total magnetic moment of the MMP, we used a highly sensitive magnetization measurement technique (1 fAm(2)) that enabled us to determine the degree of magnetic optimization (DMO) of individual MMPs in vivo. We obtained DMO values consistently above 80%. Numerical modeling shows that the probability of reaching a DMO > 80% would be as low as 0.017 for 17 randomly oriented magnetic dipoles. We simulated different scenarios to test whether high DMOs are attainable by aggregation or self-organization of individual magnetic cells. None of the scenarios investigated is likely to yield consistently high DMOs in each generation of MMPs. The observed high DMO values require strong Darwinian selection and a sophisticated reproduction mechanism. We suggest a multicellular life cycle as the most plausible scenario for transmitting the high DMO from one generation to the next.  相似文献   

Candidatus Magnetoglobus multicellularis (CMm) is a multicellular organism in which each constituent cell is a magnetotactic bacterium. It has been observed that disaggregation of this organism provokes the death of the individual cells. The observed flagellar movement of the CMm indicates that the constituent cells move in a coordinated way, indicating a strong correlation between them and showing that this aggregate could be considered as an individual. As every constituent cell is a magnetotactic bacterium, every cell contributes with a magnetic moment vector to the resultant magnetic moment of the CMm organism that can be calculated through the vectorial sum of all the constituent magnetic moments. Scanning electron microscopy images of CMm organisms have shown that the constituent cells are distributed on a helix convoluted on a spherical surface. To analyze the magnetic properties of the distribution of magnetic moments on this curve, we calculated the magnetic energy numerically as well as the vectorial sum of the magnetic moment distribution as a function of the number of cells, the sphere radius and the number of spiral loops. This distribution proposes a magnetic organization not seen in any other living organism and shows that minimum energy configurations of magnetic moments are in spherical meridian chains, perpendicular to the helix turns. We observed that CMm has a high theoretical degree of magnetic optimization, showing that its geometrical structure is important to the magnetic response. Our results indicate that the helical structure must have magnetic significance.  相似文献   

Most experiments observing cell migration use planar plastic or glass surfaces despite these conditions being considerably different from physiological ones. On such planar surfaces, cells take a dorsal-ventral polarity to move two-dimensionally. Cells in tissues, however, interact with surrounding cells and the extracellular matrix such that they transverse three-dimensionally. For this reason, three-dimensional matrices have become more and more popular for cell migration experiments. In addition, recent developments in imaging techniques have enabled high resolution observations of in vivo cell migration. The combination of three-dimensional matrices and such imaging techniques has revealed motile mechanisms in tissues not observable in studies using planar surfaces. Regarding models for such cell migration studies, the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum is ideal. Single amoeboid cells aggregate into hemispherical mound structures upon starvation to begin a multicellular morphogenesis. These tiny and simple multicellular bodies are suitable for observing the behaviors of individual cells in multicellular structures. Furthermore, the unique life cycle can be exploited to identify which genes are involved in cell migration in multicellular environments. Since mutants lacking such genes are expected to fail to undergo morphogenesis, easy and systematic gene screening is possible by isolating mutants whose developments arrest around the mound stage, which is the case for several mutants lacking specific cytoskeletal proteins. In this article, I discuss the basic elements required for cell migration in multicellular environments and how Dictyostelium can be used to elucidate them.  相似文献   

The magnetotactic multicellular prokaryote (MMP), a motile aggregate of bacterial cells, is known to exhibit an unusual "ping-pong" motility in magnetic fields greater than the earth's field. This motility is characterized by rapid excursions, opposite the direction of an applied magnetic field, and slower returns along the direction of the magnetic field. We have carried out detailed observations of the time and spatial dependence of the ping-pong motility and find 1), the outward and return excursions exhibit a uniform deceleration and acceleration, respectively; 2), the probability per unit time of an MMP undergoing a ping-pong excursion increases monotonically with the field strength; and 3), the outward excursions exhibit a very unusual distance distribution which is dependent on the magnetic field strength. At any given field strength, a characteristic distance is observed, below which very few excursions occur. Beyond this distance, there is a rapid increase in the number of excursions with an exponentially decaying distribution. These observations cannot be explained by conventional magnetotaxis, i.e., a physical directing torque on the organism, and suggest a magnetoreceptive capability of the MMP.  相似文献   

The expansion of genome sequencing projects has produced accumulating evidence for lateral transfer of genes between prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes. However, it remains controversial whether these genes are of functional importance in their recipient host. Nikoh and Nakabachi, in a recent paper in BMC Biology, take a first step and show that two genes of bacterial origin are highly expressed in the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum. Active gene expression of transferred genes is supported by three other recent studies. Future studies should reveal whether functional proteins are produced and whether and how these are targeted to the appropriate compartment. We argue that the transfer of genes between host and symbiont may occasionally be of great evolutionary importance, particularly in the evolution of the symbiotic interaction itself.  相似文献   

Establishing tissue cultures derived from deep-sea multicellular organisms has been extremely difficult because of the serious damage they sustain upon decompression and exposure to the high temperature of surface seawater. We developed a novel pressure-stat aquarium system for the study of living deep-sea multicellular organisms under pressure. Using this system, we have succeeded in maintaining a variety of deep-sea multicellular organisms under pressure and atmospheric conditions after gradual, slow decompression. Furthermore, we successfully cultivated and freeze-stocked pectoral fin cells of the deep-sea eel Simenchelys parasiticus collected at a depth of 1,162 m under atmospheric pressure conditions. This review describes novel capture and maintenance devices for deep-sea organisms and cell culture studies of the organisms under atmospheric and pressure conditions.  相似文献   

Magnetosome dynamics in magnetotactic bacteria.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Diffusive motions of the magnetosomes (enveloped Fe3O4 particles) in the magnetotactic bacterium Aquaspirillum magnetotacticum result in a very broad-line Mössbauer spectrum (T approximately 100 mm/s) above freezing temperatures. The line width increases with increasing temperature. The data are analyzed using a bounded diffusion model to yield the rotational and translational motions of the magnetosomes as well as the effective viscosity of the material surrounding the magnetosomes. The results are [theta 2] l/2 less than 1.5 degrees and [x2] 1/2 less than 8.4 A for the rotational and translational motions, respectively, implying that the particles are fixed in whole cells. The effective viscosity is 10 cP at 295 K and increases with decreasing temperature. Additional Fe3+ material in the cell is shown to be associated with the magnetosomes. Fe2+ material in the cell appears to be associated with the cell envelope.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP in prokaryotes.   总被引:49,自引:3,他引:46       下载免费PDF全文

Ultrastructure of a magnetotactic spirillum.   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
The ultrastructure of a magnetotactic bacterium (strain MS-1) was examined by transmission, scanning, and scanning-transmission electron microscopy. The organism resembled other spirilla in general cell morphology, although some differences were detected at the ultrastructural level. Electron-dense particles within magnetotactic cells were shown by energy-dispersive X-ray analysis to be localizations containing iron. A non-magnetotactic variant of strain MS-1 lacked these novel bacterial inclusion bodies. A chain of these particles traversed each magnetotactic cell in a specific arrangement that was consistent from cell to cell, seemingly associated with the inner surface of the cytoplasmic membrane. Each particle was surrounded by an electron-dense layer separated from the particle surface by an electron-transparent region. The term "magnetosome" is proposed for the electron-dense particles with their enveloping layer(s) as found in this and other magnetotactic bacteria.  相似文献   

Multicellular magnetotactic prokaryotes (MMPs) represent highly organized, spherical and motile aggregates of 10–40 bacterial cells containing magnetosomes. Although consisting of different cells, each with its own magnetosomes and flagellation, MMPs orient themselves within a magnetic field and exhibit magnetotaxis. So far, MMPs have only been found in several North and South American coastal lagoons and salt marshes. In the present study, a novel type of MMP was discovered in coastal tidal sand flats of the North Sea. High‐resolution scanning electron microscopy revealed the presence of bullet‐shaped magnetosomes which were aligned in several parallel chains. Within each aggregate, the magnetosome chains of individual cells were oriented in the same direction. Energy dispersive X‐ray (EDX) analysis showed that the magnetosomes are composed of iron sulfide. This particular morphology and arrangement of magnetosomes has previously not been reported for other MMPs. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed a single phylotype which represented a novel phylogenetic lineage with ≥ 4% sequence divergence to all previously described MMP sequences and was related to the dissimilatory sulfate‐reducing Desulfosarcina variabilis within the family Desulfobacteraceae of the subphylum Deltaproteobacteria. Fluorescence in situ hybridization with a specific oligonucleotide probe revealed that all MMPs in the tidal flat sediments studied belonged to the novel phylotype. Within each MMP, all bacterial cells showed a hybridization signal, indicating that the aggregates are composed of cells of the same phylotype. Genes for dissimilatory sulfite reductase (dsrAB) and dissimilatory adenosine‐5′‐phosphate reductase (aprA) could be detected in purified MMP samples, suggesting that MMPs are capable of sulfate reduction. Chemotaxis assays with 41 different test compounds yielded strong responses towards acetate and propionate, whereas other organic acids, alcohols, sugars, sugar alcohols or sulfide did not elicit any response. By means of its coordinated magnetotaxis and chemotaxis, the novel type of MMP is well adapted to the steep chemical gradients which are characteristic for intertidal marine sediments.  相似文献   

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