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MOTIVATION: Unsupervised analysis of microarray gene expression data attempts to find biologically significant patterns within a given collection of expression measurements. For example, hierarchical clustering can be applied to expression profiles of genes across multiple experiments, identifying groups of genes that share similar expression profiles. Previous work using the support vector machine supervised learning algorithm with microarray data suggests that higher-order features, such as pairwise and tertiary correlations across multiple experiments, may provide significant benefit in learning to recognize classes of co-expressed genes. RESULTS: We describe a generalization of the hierarchical clustering algorithm that efficiently incorporates these higher-order features by using a kernel function to map the data into a high-dimensional feature space. We then evaluate the utility of the kernel hierarchical clustering algorithm using both internal and external validation. The experiments demonstrate that the kernel representation itself is insufficient to provide improved clustering performance. We conclude that mapping gene expression data into a high-dimensional feature space is only a good idea when combined with a learning algorithm, such as the support vector machine that does not suffer from the curse of dimensionality. AVAILABILITY: Supplementary data at www.cs.columbia.edu/compbio/hiclust. Software source code available by request.  相似文献   



Time-course microarray experiments can produce useful data which can help in understanding the underlying dynamics of the system. Clustering is an important stage in microarray data analysis where the data is grouped together according to certain characteristics. The majority of clustering techniques are based on distance or visual similarity measures which may not be suitable for clustering of temporal microarray data where the sequential nature of time is important. We present a Granger causality based technique to cluster temporal microarray gene expression data, which measures the interdependence between two time-series by statistically testing if one time-series can be used for forecasting the other time-series or not.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: With the advent of microarray chip technology, large data sets are emerging containing the simultaneous expression levels of thousands of genes at various time points during a biological process. Biologists are attempting to group genes based on the temporal pattern of their expression levels. While the use of hierarchical clustering (UPGMA) with correlation 'distance' has been the most common in the microarray studies, there are many more choices of clustering algorithms in pattern recognition and statistics literature. At the moment there do not seem to be any clear-cut guidelines regarding the choice of a clustering algorithm to be used for grouping genes based on their expression profiles. RESULTS: In this paper, we consider six clustering algorithms (of various flavors!) and evaluate their performances on a well-known publicly available microarray data set on sporulation of budding yeast and on two simulated data sets. Among other things, we formulate three reasonable validation strategies that can be used with any clustering algorithm when temporal observations or replications are present. We evaluate each of these six clustering methods with these validation measures. While the 'best' method is dependent on the exact validation strategy and the number of clusters to be used, overall Diana appears to be a solid performer. Interestingly, the performance of correlation-based hierarchical clustering and model-based clustering (another method that has been advocated by a number of researchers) appear to be on opposite extremes, depending on what validation measure one employs. Next it is shown that the group means produced by Diana are the closest and those produced by UPGMA are the farthest from a model profile based on a set of hand-picked genes. Availability: S+ codes for the partial least squares based clustering are available from the authors upon request. All other clustering methods considered have S+ implementation in the library MASS. S+ codes for calculating the validation measures are available from the authors upon request. The sporulation data set is publicly available at http://cmgm.stanford.edu/pbrown/sporulation  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Identifying groups of co-regulated genes by monitoring their expression over various experimental conditions is complicated by the fact that such co-regulation is condition-specific. Ignoring the context-specific nature of co-regulation significantly reduces the ability of clustering procedures to detect co-expressed genes due to additional 'noise' introduced by non-informative measurements. RESULTS: We have developed a novel Bayesian hierarchical model and corresponding computational algorithms for clustering gene expression profiles across diverse experimental conditions and studies that accounts for context-specificity of gene expression patterns. The model is based on the Bayesian infinite mixtures framework and does not require a priori specification of the number of clusters. We demonstrate that explicit modeling of context-specificity results in increased accuracy of the cluster analysis by examining the specificity and sensitivity of clusters in microarray data. We also demonstrate that probabilities of co-expression derived from the posterior distribution of clusterings are valid estimates of statistical significance of created clusters. AVAILABILITY: The open-source package gimm is available at http://eh3.uc.edu/gimm.  相似文献   

Many bioinformatics problems can be tackled from a fresh angle offered by the network perspective. Directly inspired by metabolic network structural studies, we propose an improved gene clustering approach for inferring gene signaling pathways from gene microarray data. Based on the construction of co-expression networks that consists of both significantly linear and non-linear gene associations together with controlled biological and statistical significance, our approach tends to group functionally related genes into tight clusters despite their expression dissimilarities. We illustrate our approach and compare it to the traditional clustering approaches on a yeast galactose metabolism dataset and a retinal gene expression dataset. Our approach greatly outperforms the traditional approach in rediscovering the relatively well known galactose metabolism pathway in yeast and in clustering genes of the photoreceptor differentiation pathway. AVAILABILITY: The clustering method has been implemented in an R package "GeneNT" that is freely available from: http://www.cran.org.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Cluster analysis of gene expression profiles has been widely applied to clustering genes for gene function discovery. Many approaches have been proposed. The rationale is that the genes with the same biological function or involved in the same biological process are more likely to co-express, hence they are more likely to form a cluster with similar gene expression patterns. However, most existing methods, including model-based clustering, ignore known gene functions in clustering. RESULTS: To take advantage of accumulating gene functional annotations, we propose incorporating known gene functions as prior probabilities in model-based clustering. In contrast to a global mixture model applicable to all the genes in the standard model-based clustering, we use a stratified mixture model: one stratum corresponds to the genes of unknown function while each of the other ones corresponding to the genes sharing the same biological function or pathway; the genes from the same stratum are assumed to have the same prior probability of coming from a cluster while those from different strata are allowed to have different prior probabilities of coming from the same cluster. We derive a simple EM algorithm that can be used to fit the stratified model. A simulation study and an application to gene function prediction demonstrate the advantage of our proposal over the standard method. CONTACT: weip@biostat.umn.edu  相似文献   



Missing values frequently pose problems in gene expression microarray experiments as they can hinder downstream analysis of the datasets. While several missing value imputation approaches are available to the microarray users and new ones are constantly being developed, there is no general consensus on how to choose between the different methods since their performance seems to vary drastically depending on the dataset being used.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Because co-expressed genes are likely to share the same biological function, cluster analysis of gene expression profiles has been applied for gene function discovery. Most existing clustering methods ignore known gene functions in the process of clustering. RESULTS: To take advantage of accumulating gene functional annotations, we propose incorporating known gene functions into a new distance metric, which shrinks a gene expression-based distance towards 0 if and only if the two genes share a common gene function. A two-step procedure is used. First, the shrinkage distance metric is used in any distance-based clustering method, e.g. K-medoids or hierarchical clustering, to cluster the genes with known functions. Second, while keeping the clustering results from the first step for the genes with known functions, the expression-based distance metric is used to cluster the remaining genes of unknown function, assigning each of them to either one of the clusters obtained in the first step or some new clusters. A simulation study and an application to gene function prediction for the yeast demonstrate the advantage of our proposal over the standard method.  相似文献   

The past year has demonstrated the versatility of microarrays for the analysis of whole model-organism genomes and has seen the development of chips to measure the expression of 40,000 human genes. Microarray technology has also become considerably more robust and sensitive. Technology enhancements include the use of noncontact printing methods, improved 2-color sample preparation, and statistically based software for data analysis.  相似文献   

CRCView is a user-friendly point-and-click web server for analyzing and visualizing microarray gene expression data using a Dirichlet process mixture model-based clustering algorithm. CRCView is designed to clustering genes based on their expression profiles. It allows flexible input data format, rich graphical illustration as well as integrated GO term based annotation/interpretation of clustering results. Availability: http://helab.bioinformatics.med.umich.edu/crcview/.  相似文献   



DNA microarrays, which determine the expression levels of tens of thousands of genes from a sample, are an important research tool. However, the volume of data they produce can be an obstacle to interpretation of the results. Clustering the genes on the basis of similarity of their expression profiles can simplify the data, and potentially provides an important source of biological inference, but these methods have not been tested systematically on datasets from complex human tissues. In this paper, four clustering methods, CRC, k-means, ISA and memISA, are used upon three brain expression datasets. The results are compared on speed, gene coverage and GO enrichment. The effects of combining the clusters produced by each method are also assessed.  相似文献   

Validating clustering for gene expression data   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
MOTIVATION: Many clustering algorithms have been proposed for the analysis of gene expression data, but little guidance is available to help choose among them. We provide a systematic framework for assessing the results of clustering algorithms. Clustering algorithms attempt to partition the genes into groups exhibiting similar patterns of variation in expression level. Our methodology is to apply a clustering algorithm to the data from all but one experimental condition. The remaining condition is used to assess the predictive power of the resulting clusters-meaningful clusters should exhibit less variation in the remaining condition than clusters formed by chance. RESULTS: We successfully applied our methodology to compare six clustering algorithms on four gene expression data sets. We found our quantitative measures of cluster quality to be positively correlated with external standards of cluster quality.  相似文献   

Cluster-Rasch models for microarray gene expression data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Li H  Hong F 《Genome biology》2001,2(8):research0031.1-research003113


We propose two different formulations of the Rasch statistical models to the problem of relating gene expression profiles to the phenotypes. One formulation allows us to investigate whether a cluster of genes with similar expression profiles is related to the observed phenotypes; this model can also be used for future prediction. The other formulation provides an alternative way of identifying genes that are over- or underexpressed from their expression levels in tissue or cell samples of a given tissue or cell type.


We illustrate the methods on available datasets of a classification of acute leukemias and of 60 cancer cell lines. For tumor classification, the results are comparable to those previously obtained. For the cancer cell lines dataset, we found four clusters of genes that are related to drug response for many of the 90 drugs that we considered. In addition, for each type of cell line, we identified genes that are over- or underexpressed relative to other genes.


The cluster-Rasch model provides a probabilistic model for describing gene expression patterns across samples and can be used to relate gene expression profiles to phenotypes.  相似文献   

Clustering methods for microarray gene expression data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Within the field of genomics, microarray technologies have become a powerful technique for simultaneously monitoring the expression patterns of thousands of genes under different sets of conditions. A main task now is to propose analytical methods to identify groups of genes that manifest similar expression patterns and are activated by similar conditions. The corresponding analysis problem is to cluster multi-condition gene expression data. The purpose of this paper is to present a general view of clustering techniques used in microarray gene expression data analysis.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Microarray experiments often involve hundreds or thousands of genes. In a typical experiment, only a fraction of genes are expected to be differentially expressed; in addition, the measured intensities among different genes may be correlated. Depending on the experimental objectives, sample size calculations can be based on one of the three specified measures: sensitivity, true discovery and accuracy rates. The sample size problem is formulated as: the number of arrays needed in order to achieve the desired fraction of the specified measure at the desired family-wise power at the given type I error and (standardized) effect size. RESULTS: We present a general approach for estimating sample size under independent and equally correlated models using binomial and beta-binomial models, respectively. The sample sizes needed for a two-sample z-test are computed; the computed theoretical numbers agree well with the Monte Carlo simulation results. But, under more general correlation structures, the beta-binomial model can underestimate the needed samples by about 1-5 arrays. CONTACT: jchen@nctr.fda.gov.  相似文献   

Class and biomarker discovery continue to be among the preeminent goals in gene microarray studies of cancer. We have developed a new data mining technique, which we call Binary State Pattern Clustering (BSPC) that is specifically adapted for these purposes, with cancer and other categorical datasets. BSPC is capable of uncovering statistically significant sample subclasses and associated marker genes in a completely unsupervised manner. This is accomplished through the application of a digital paradigm, where the expression level of each potential marker gene is treated as being representative of its discrete functional state. Multiple genes that divide samples into states along the same boundaries form a kind of gene-cluster that has an associated sample-cluster. BSPC is an extremely fast deterministic algorithm that scales well to large datasets. Here we describe results of its application to three publicly available oligonucleotide microarray datasets. Using an alpha-level of 0.05, clusters reproducing many of the known sample classifications were identified along with associated biomarkers. In addition, a number of simulations were conducted using shuffled versions of each of the original datasets, noise-added datasets, as well as completely artificial datasets. The robustness of BSPC was compared to that of three other publicly available clustering methods: ISIS, CTWC and SAMBA. The simulations demonstrate BSPC's substantially greater noise tolerance and confirm the accuracy of our calculations of statistical significance.  相似文献   

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