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The Amazon palm genus Leopoldinia exemplifies the transition from a terrestrial to an amphibious life-style, accompanied by a switch from synzoochorous dispersal to hydrochory. Leopoldinia piassaba produces heavy fruits with a fleshy, sweet mesocarp and is presumed to be dispersed by terrestrial animals. This species enters aquatic habitats only so far as these are submersed for a short while. The other two species, L. major and L. pulchra , resist long-lasting submersion and have much smaller, buoyant fruits, which are dispersed by water and are produced in proportionately larger guantities. They are eaten and mostly destroyed, but occasionally probably also dispersed by fish. L. pulchra , the species with the smallest fruits, has acquired the widest geographical distribution.  相似文献   

In most mammalian species, males tend to leave their natal group and disperse farther than females, while females tend to be philopatric. Primates generally follow this rule, although long-term studies of a variety of species are revealing an increasing number of exceptions. This paper reviews dispersal patterns in 3 subspecies of savanna baboons (Papio cynocephalus cynocephalus, P. cynocephalus anubis, P. cynocephalus ursinus) which exhibit very similar patterns of social organization. Males usually disperse from the natal group at 8-10 years of age. Female dispersal is rare but well documented. Inbreeding avoidance as well as enhanced mating opportunities are suggested as ultimate causes of dispersal. Several proximate factors implicated in the timing of dispersal events are also reviewed.  相似文献   

In den Jahren 1990 und 1991 wurden Untersuchungen zum Einfluß des Fungizids Furesan (Flusilazol + Pyrazophos) auf räuberische Käfer in Wintergerstefeldern bei Halles/S. mittels Bodenfallen auf Großparzellen durchgeführt. Die Applikation von Furesan fand im Jahre 1990 zum Schossen (DC 37/40) und zum Beginn des Ährenschiebens (DC 49/52), 1991 nur zum Schossen der Wintergerste, aber im Vergleich zu Desmel (Propiconazol) statt. Furesan rief im Jahre 1990 zum Schossen der Wintergerste nur in der ersten Woche nach Behandlung schwache Nebenwirkungen bei Laufkäfern (Carabidae) und Kurzflüglern (Staphylinidae) hervor. Die Applikation zum Ährenschieben beeinflußte die Laufkäfer nicht und die Kurzflügler nur schwach. Im Jahre 1991 fielen die Nebenwirkungen zum Schossen noch geringer als 1990 aus. Nur bei der häufigsten Kurzflüglerart Tachyporus hypnorum (L.) wurden im Jahre 1990 mittlere, 1991 zeitweise sogar starke Minderungen durch die Fungizide hervorgerufen.  相似文献   

Summary In South Africa seedlings of the exotic Acacia cyclops grow in clumps. The seedlings occur beneath tall elements, or in bush clumps, of the surrounding indigenous vegetation. The tall shrubs are used as perches by birds, and the pattern of seedling distribution is a result of dispersal of seeds by birds. Germination of A. cyclops seeds was enhanced as a result of passage through the gut of a bird, or by artificial treatments simulating actions taking place in the gut of a bird. We examine properties of the seed, and the funicle which is attractive to birds, in relation to aspects of the life history of A. cyclops and the species' success as an invasive plant in South Africa.  相似文献   

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