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Polygalacturonase (PG, EC, an enzyme commonly found in ripening fruit, has also been shown to be associated with abscission. A zone-specific rise in PG activity accompanies the abscission of both leaves and flowers of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plants. Studies of transgenic plants expressing an antisense RNA for fruit PG indicate that although the enzyme activity in transgenic fruit is < 1 % of that in untransformed fruit, the PG activity in the leaf abscission zone increases during separation to a similar value to that in untransformed plants. The timing and rate of leaf abscission in transgenic plants are unaffected by the introduction of the antisense gene. A polyclonal antibody raised against tomato fruit PG does not recognise the leaf abscission protein. Furthermore a complementary DNA (cDNA) clone (pTOM6), which has been demonstrated to code for fruit PG, does not hybridise to mRNA isolated from the abscission-zone region of tomato leaves. These results indicate that the PG protein in abscission zones of tomato is different from that in the fruit, and that the gene coding for this protein may also be different.Abbreviation PG polygalacturonase The authors of this paper are grateful to David Jackson of the John Innes Institute, Norwich, UK for his assistance with the in-situ hybridisation work. This research was supported by an Agricultural and Food Research Council Post-Doctoral award to J.E.T., and by a grant to D.G. from the Science and Engineering Research Council Biotechnology Directorate in association with ICI seeds. The work was carried out under Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries licences.  相似文献   

Antioxidative response to cadmium in roots and leaves of tomato plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Treatment of tomato seedlings (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. 63/5 F1) with increasing CdCl2 concentrations in the culture medium resulted in Cd accumulation more important in roots than in leaves. Biomass production was severely inhibited, even at low Cd concentration. Cd reduced chlorophyll content in leaves and enhanced lipid peroxidation. An increase in antioxidative enzyme (superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase, glutathione reductase) activities was more pronounced in leaves than in roots, while catalase activity increased only in roots. In addition, changes in isoenzyme composition were observed using the non-denaturing polyacrylamid gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Ethylene production was measured during vegetative and reproductive development in normal tobacco plants and in transgenic tobacco plants carrying antisense genes for tomato ACC oxidase driven by the 35S CaMV promoter (Hamilton et al., 1990). When expressed in three independently derived transgenic plants, the antisense ethylene gene failed to affect ethylene production in young/mature leaves or in stems but it did inhibit ethylene production in roots by 37–58%. Ethylene production in developing flowers (i.e. from small unopened flower buds up until open flowers at anthesis) was not affected in transgenic plants but ethylene production in fruits was inhibited by 35%. The most dramatic effect on ethylene production in transgenic plants was seen immediately after wounding leaf tissue, in which case the antisense gene inhibited wound ethylene production by 72%. Thus, the antisense gene composed of a 35S CaMV promoter driving a heterologous ACC oxidase sequence had differential effects on ethylene production in tobacco plants.  相似文献   

The wound response of tomato plants has been extensively studied, and provides a useful model to understand signal transduction events leading from injury to marker gene expression. The principal markers that have been used in these studies are genes encoding proteinase inhibitor (pin) proteins. Activation of pin genes occurs in the wounded leaf and in distant unwounded leaves of the plant. This paper reviews current understanding of signalling pathways in the wounded leaf, and in the systemically responding unwounded leaves. First, the nature of known elicitors and their potential roles in planta are discussed, in particular, oligogalacturonides, jasmonates and the peptide signal, systemin. Inhibitors of wound-induced proteinase inhibitor (pin) expression are also reviewed, with particular reference to phenolics, sulphydryl reagents and fusicoccin. In each section, results obtained from the bioassay are considered within the wider context of data from mutants and from transgenic plants with altered levels of putative signalling components. Following this introduction, current models for pin gene regulation are described and discussed, together with a summary for the involvement of phosphorylation-dephosphorylation in wound signalling. Finally, a new model for wound-induced pin gene expression is presented, arising from recent data from the author''s laboratory.  相似文献   

Wound- and systemin-inducible calmodulin gene expression in tomato leaves   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Using a calmodulin (CaM) cDNA as a probe in northern analyses, transgenic tomato plants that overexpress the prosystemin gene were found to express increased levels of CaM mRNA and protein in leaves compared to wild-type plants. These transgenic plants have been reported previously to express several wound-inducible defense-related genes in the absence of wounding. Calmodulin mRNA and protein levels were found to increase in leaves of young wild-type tomato plants after wounding, or treatment with systemin, methyl jasmonate, or linolenic acid. CaM mRNA appeared within 0.5 h after wounding or supplying young tomato plants with systemin, and peaked at 1 h. The timing of CaM gene expression is similar to the expression of the wound- or systemin-induced lipoxygenase and prosystemin genes, signal pathway genes whose expression have been reported to begin at 0.5–1 h after wounding and 1–2 h earlier than the genes coding for defensive proteinase inhibitor genes. The similarities in timing between the synthesis of CaM mRNA and the mRNAs for signal pathway components suggests that CaM gene expression may be associated with the signaling cascade that activates defensive genes in response to wounding.  相似文献   

Shaharuddin NA  Han Y  Li H  Grierson D 《FEBS letters》2006,580(28-29):6579-6586
We investigated the effect of target mRNA level on grafting-transmitted gene silencing in tomato plants by using a strong ACC oxidase 1 (ACO1) silencer as the stock and transgenic ACO1 overexpressers as scions. Manifestation of graft transmission of sense gene silencing required a high initial level of target mRNA in the scion. A relatively high level of siRNA, similar to that in the strong ACO1 silencer, was also detected in the silencing-susceptible strong ACO1 overexpressers prior to grafting. After grafting the silencing signal from the stock enhanced the level of the siRNAs in the scion and the ACO1 mRNA level was reduced dramatically. Using stock and scions producing different siRNAs we provided evidence that the transmissible silencing signal does not correspond to the bulk siRNAs in the stock. We also showed, contrary to a previous report, that antisense silencing was graft-transmissible but it took longer to manifest itself. The delay in graft transmission from antisense-silenced plants could be attributed to the difference in the nature or strength of the signal or the mechanism of its amplification, but is further evidence of mechanistic similarities between sense and antisense silencing.  相似文献   

Summary Two different promoters, a cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter with a 5′-untranslated leader sequence from alfalfa mosaic virus RNA4 (designated as CaMV 35S/AMV) and an E-8 fruit-ripening-specific promoter, were compared to evaluate their effects on expression of the uidA reporter gene in transgenic tomato plants. In order to generate sufficient numbers of transgenic tomato plants, both a reliable regeneration system and an efficient Agrobacterium transformation protocol were developed using 8-d-old cotyledons of tomato (Lycopersicon ecsulentum Mill. cv. Swifty Belle). Two sets of constructs, both derivatives of the binary vector pBI121, were used in transformation of tomato whereby the uidA gene was driven either by the CaMV 35S/AMV or the E-8 fruit-ripening-specific promoter. Southern blot hybridization confirmed the stable integration of the chimeric uidA gene into the tomato genome. Fruit and leaf tissues were collected from T0 and T1 plants, and assayed for β-glucuronidase (GUS) enzyme activity. As expected, both vegetative and fruit tissues of transgenic plants carrying the uidA gene under the control of CaMV 35S/AMV showed varying levels of GUS activity, while no expression was observed in vegetative tissues of transgenic plants carrying the uidA gene driven by the E-8 promoter. All fruits from transgenic plants produced with both sets of constructs displayed expression of the uidA gene. However, when this reporter gene was driven by the CaMV 35S/AMV, GUS activity levels were significantly higher than when it was driven by the E-8 fruit-specific promoter. The presence/absence of the uidA gene in T1 plants segregated in a 3∶1 Mendelian ratio.  相似文献   

Over‐expression of glutamine synthetase (GS, EC, a key enzyme in nitrogen assimilation, may be a reasonable approach to enhance plant nitrogen use efficiency. In this work phenotypic and biochemical characterizations of young transgenic poplars showing ectopic expression of a pine cytosolic GS transgene in photosynthetic tissue (Gallardo et al., Planta 210, 19–26, 1999) are presented. Analysis of 22 independent transgenic lines in a 6 month greenhouse study indicated that expression of the pine GS transgene affects early vegetative growth and leaf morphology. In comparison with non‐transgenic controls, transgenic trees exhibited significantly greater numbers of nodes and leaves (12%), and higher average leaf length and width resulting in an increase in leaf area (25%). Leaf shape was not altered. Transgenic poplars also exhibited increased GS activity (66%), chlorophyll content (33%) and protein content (21%). Plant height was correlated with GS content in young leaves, suggesting that GS can be considered a marker for vegetative growth. Molecular and kinetic characterization of GS isoforms in leaves indicated that poplar GS isoforms are similar to their counterparts in herbaceous plants. A new GS isoenzyme that displayed molecular and kinetic characteristics corresponding to the octomeric pine cytosolic GS1 was identified in the photosynthetic tissues of transgenic poplar leaves. These results indicate that enhanced growth and alterations in biochemistry during early growth are the consequence of transgene expression and assembly of pine GS1 subunits into a new functional holoenzyme in the cytosol of photosynthetic cells.  相似文献   

Pollination of many flowers leads to an increase in ethylene synthesis and flower senescence. We have investigated the regulation of pollination-induced ethylene synthesis in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) using flowers of the dialytic (dl) mutant, in which pollination can be manipulated experimentally, with the aim of developing a model system to study tomato flower senescence. Ethylene synthesis increased rapidly in dl pistils following pollination, leading to accelerated petal senescence, and was delayed in ethylene-insensitive Never-ripe (Nr) pistils. However, Nr pistils eventually produced more ethylene than dl pistils, suggesting the presence of negative feedback regulation of ethylene synthesis following pollination. LEACS1A expression correlated well with increased ethylene production in pollinated dl pistils, and expression in Nr revealed that regulation is via an ethylene-independent mechanism. In contrast, the induction of the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidases, LEACO1 and LEACO3, following pollination is ethylene dependent. In addition, the expression profiles of ACS and ACO genes were determined during petal senescence and a hypothesis proposed that translocated 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid from the pistil may be important for regulating the initial burst of ethylene production during petal senescence. These results are discussed and differences between tomato and the ornamental species previously studied are highlighted.  相似文献   

A 2.4-kb pea genomic fragment, containing a member (rbcS-E9) of the multigene family encoding the small subunit (rbcS) of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase, was inserted into a non-oncogenic, Ti-plasmid vector and introduced into the genomes of Petunia hybrida (Mitchell) and Nicotiana tabacum (SR1) plants by in vitro transformation. Petunia and tobacco plants containing the introduced pea rbcS-E9 gene were regenerated from protoplasts. In these transgenic plants the rbcS-E9 gene is transcribed accurately using its own promoter and its expression is light-induced and organ-specific. A deletion mutant with 352 bp of 5'-upstream sequence still retains photoinducibility and leaf-specific expression. Clonal analysis of independent transgenic petunia plants revealed that chromosomal positions in the recipient plant genome affect the quantitative but not qualitative aspects of rbcS-E9 expression.  相似文献   

We have exploited the positional gradient of cellular differentiation in Zea mays leaves to study the accumulation of mRNAs encoding subunits of the two CO2-fixing enzymes and the major chlorophyll-binding protein. These three proteins are differentially compartmentalized in the two photosynthetically active cell types of the leaf. Previous studies have shown that accumulation of the two carboxylases commences 2 to 4 cm from the base of the leaf (Mayfield SP, WC Taylor Planta 161: 481-486) at a position where bundle sheath and mesophyll cells show morphological evidence of maturation. The light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein accumulates progressively from the leaf base, as does its mRNA, in spite of its localization in mesophyll cells after cellular differentiation occurs. While small quantities of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase mRNA are detectable in the basal region of the leaf, significant mRNA accumulation is coincident with that of the polypeptide at 4 to 6 cm from the leaf base, the region where bundle sheath and mesophyll cells exhibit fully differentiated morphologies. mRNAs encoding the small and large subunits of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase accumulate to significant levels before bundle sheath cells are fully differentiated and before their polypeptides are detectable. Cytological examination indicates that this is the position at which the maturation of intermediate vascular bundles is first evident. Cytosolically localized small subunit mRNA and chloroplast-localized large subunit mRNA are complexed with polyribosomes at all positions of the leaf.  相似文献   

In response to water deficit, endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) accumulates in plants. This ABA serves as a signal for a multitude of processes, including regulation of gene expression. ABA accumulated in response to water deficit signals cellular as well as whole plant responses playing a role in the pattern of gene expression throughout the plant. Although the function of genes regulated by ABA during stress are currently poorly understood, a number of these genes may permit the plant to adapt to environmental stress.  相似文献   

Protoporphyrin IX is the last common intermediate of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis. The chelation of a Mg2+ ion by magnesium chelatase and of a ferrous ion by ferrochelatase directs protoporphyrin IX towards the formation of chlorophyll and heme, respectively. A full length cDNA clone encoding a ferrochelatase was identified from a Nicotiana tabacum cDNA library. The encoded protein consists of 497 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 55.4 kDa. In vitro import of the protein into chloroplasts and its location in stroma and thylakoids confirm its close relationship to the previously described Arabidopsis thaliana plastid-located ferrochelatase (FeChII). A 1700-bp tobacco FeCh cDNA sequence was expressed in Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun NN under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter in antisense orientation allowing investigation into the consequences of selective reduction of the plastidic ferrochelatase activity for protoporphyrin IX channeling in chloroplasts and for interactions between plastidic and mitochondrial heme synthesis. Leaves of several transformants showed a reduced chlorophyll content and, during development, a light intensity-dependent formation of necrotic leaf lesions. In comparison with wild-type plants the total ferrochelatase activity was decreased in transgenic lines leading to an accumulation of photosensitizing protoporphyrin IX. Ferrochelatase activity was reduced only in plastids but not in mitochondria of transgenic plants. By means of the specifically diminished ferrochelatase activity consequences of the selective inhibition of protoheme formation for the intracellular supply of heme can be investigated in the future.  相似文献   

Entamoeba histolytica contains a novel calcium-binding protein like calmodulin, which was discovered earlier, and we have reported the presence of its homologue(s) and a dependent protein kinase in plants. To understand the functions of these in plants, a cDNA encoding a calcium-binding protein isolated from Entamoeba histolytica (EhCaBP) was cloned into vector pBI121 in antisense orientation and transgenic tobacco plants were raised. These plants showed variation in several phenotypic characters, of which two distinct features, more greenness and leaf thickness, were inherited in subsequent generations. The increase in the level of total chlorophyll in different plants ranged from 60% to 70%. There was no major change in chloroplast structure and in the protein level of D1, D2, LHCP and RuBP carboxylase. These morphological changes were not seen in antisense calmodulin transgenic tobacco plants, nor was the calmodulin level altered in EhCaBP antisense plants. The results of this paper have been granted US Patent No. 6,791,009.  相似文献   

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