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Large ectosymbionts (especially fishes and crustaceans) may have major impacts on the physiology of host cnidarians (sea anemones and corals), but these effects have not been well quantified. Here we describe impacts on giant sea anemone hosts (Entacmaea quadricolor) and their endosymbiotic zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium spp.) from the excretion products of anemonefish guests (Amphiprion bicinctus) under laboratory conditions. Starved host anemones were maintained with anemonefish, ammonia supplements (= NH3 gas and NH4+ ion), or neither for 2 mo. In the presence of external ammonia supplements or resident anemonefish, the zooxanthellae within host anemones increased in abundance (173% and 139% respectively), and provided the hosts with energy that minimized host body size loss. In contrast, anemones cultured with neither ammonia nor anemonefish harbored significantly lower abundances of zooxanthellae (84% of initial abundance) and decreased > 60% in body size. Although they maintained higher zooxanthella abundances, anemones cultured with either ammonia supplements or resident anemonefish exhibited significantly lower ammonia uptake rates (0.065 ± 0.005 µmol g- 1 h- 1, and 0.052 ± 0.018 µmol g- 1 h- 1 respectively) than did control anemones (0.119 ± 0.009 µmol g- 1 h- 1), indicating that their zooxanthellae were more nitrogen sufficient. We conclude that, in this multi-level mutualism, ammonia supplements provide essentially the same level of physiological contribution to host anemones and zooxanthellae as do live resident fish. This nutrient supplement reduces the dependence of the zooxanthellae on host feeding, and allows them to provide abundant photosynthetically-produced energy to the host.  相似文献   

Feeding by host hermit crabs Dardanus pedunculatus on their symbiotic sea anemones Calliactis polypus was investigated using animals collected at Shirahama, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. In the first experiment, changes in the number of sea anemones on hermit crab shells were recorded in single‐and double‐crab trials without food and single‐crab trials with food. The number of sea anemones significantly decreased under starved conditions. The extent of this decrease per single hermit crab was higher in the double‐crab trials than in the single‐crab trials. Direct observations and video recordings showed that hermit crabs occasionally removed sea anemones from their own shells, and also from partners’ shells in the double‐crab trials, and consumed them. In the second experiment, fed and unfed hermit crabs with or without sea anemones were examined for body weight changes. Fed hermit crabs gained weight whereas unfed hermit crabs lost it. The degree of weight loss in unfed hermit crabs was significantly higher in those without sea anemones, which indicates some value of the latter as food. We offer some speculations on the course of development of this symbiosis, with predation on sea anemones having played an important initial role.  相似文献   

Rising ocean temperatures associated with global climate change induce breakdown of the symbiosis between coelenterates and photosynthetic microalgae of the genus Symbiodinium. Association with more thermotolerant partners could contribute to resilience, but the genetic mechanisms controlling specificity of hosts for particular Symbiodinium types are poorly known. Here, we characterize wild populations of a sea anemone laboratory model system for anthozoan symbiosis, from contrasting environments in Caribbean Panama. Patterns of anemone abundance and symbiont diversity were consistent with specialization of holobionts for particular habitats, with Exaiptasia pallida/S. minutum (ITS2 type B1) abundant on vertical substrate in thermally stable, shaded environments but E. brasiliensis/Symbiodinium sp. (ITS2 clade A) more common in shallow areas subject to high temperature and irradiance. Population genomic sequencing revealed a novel E. pallida population from the Bocas del Toro Archipelago that only harbors S. minutum. Loci most strongly associated with divergence of the Bocas‐specific population were enriched in genes with putative roles in cnidarian symbiosis, including activators of the complement pathway of the innate immune system, thrombospondin‐type‐1 repeat domain proteins, and coordinators of endocytic recycling. Our findings underscore the importance of unmasking cryptic diversity in natural populations and the role of long‐term evolutionary history in mediating interactions with Symbiodinium.  相似文献   

Little information is available on the sexual reproductive biology of anemones that provide essential habitat for anemonefish. Here we provide the first information on the surface ultrastructural and morphological changes during development of the embryos and planula larvae of Entacmaea quadricolor and Heteractis crispa, using light and scanning electron microscopy. Newly spawned eggs of E. quadricolor and H. crispa averaged 794 microm and 589 microm diameter, respectively, and were covered by many spires of microvilli that were evenly distributed over the egg surface, except for a single bare patch. Eggs of both species contained abundant zooxanthellae when spawned, indicating vertical transmission of symbionts. Fertilization was external, and the resulting embryos displayed superficial cleavage. As development continued, individual blastomeres became readily distinguishable and a round-to-ovoid blastula was formed, which flattened with further divisions. The edges of the blastula thickened, creating a concave-convex dish-shaped gastrula. The outer margins of the gastrula appeared to roll inward, leading to the formation of an oral pore and a ciliated planula larva. Larval motility and directional movement were first observed 36 h after spawning. E. quadricolor larval survival remained high during the first 4 d after spawning, then decreased rapidly.  相似文献   

Entacmaea quadricolor is a geographically widespread species of sea anemone that forms a three-way symbiosis with anemonefish and Symbiodinium. This species dominates the reef substrata at North Solitary Island, Australia, which is located in a region identified as a climate change hot spot. Their geographic location places these anemones under significant threat from rising ocean temperatures, although their upper thermal limit and risk of bleaching are unknown. To address this knowledge gap, anemones were exposed to one of four temperatures (23, 25, 27, or 29°C) and one of two irradiance treatments (high or low light) over 6 days. At moderate temperatures (27°C, 1°C above summer average), anemone bleaching was characterised by symbiont expulsion, while extreme temperatures (29°C) resulted in an additional loss of photosynthetic pigments from within symbionts, and in some cases, host mortality. Irradiance influenced the susceptibility to thermal stress with high light promoting the bleaching response, along with significant reductions in the effective quantum yield of anemone symbionts. The long-term loss of photosystem II photochemical efficiency within in hospite symbionts was observed during exposure to temperatures exceeding the summer average, indicating photosynthetic damage. The resident Symbiodinium, identified as clade C using 28S rRNA gene sequences, therefore represents the partner within the symbiosis that is likely to be most vulnerable to rising seawater temperatures. Results suggest that E. quadricolor is living within approximately 1°C of the upper thermal maximum at the Solitary Islands, and given the predictions for rising seawater temperature on Australia’s east coast, the thermal threshold at which bleaching will occur is expected to be reached and exceeded more frequently in the future.  相似文献   

The antigenicities of external mucus from the sea anemones Stoichactis haddoni, Radianthus ritteri and Gyrostoma hertwigi and from the coral Trachyphyllia geoffroyi were compared. Marked differences were found between species but not within species. The differences suggested that mucus composition might be species specific, and hence that it might be one of the factors used by sea anemones and corals in the recognition of foreign anthozoan species.  相似文献   

Kozlov S  Grishin E 《Peptides》2012,33(2):240-244
Polypeptide toxins are the main constituents of natural venoms. Considerable progress in the study of these molecules has resulted in the determination of a large number of structurally related sequences. To classify newly discovered molecules, a rational nomenclature for naming peptide toxins was developed, which takes into account toxin biological activity, the species name, and structural peculiarities of the polypeptide. Herein, we suggest modifications to this nomenclature for cysteine-rich polypeptide toxins from sea anemones and describe 11 novel polypeptide structures deduced after common database revision.  相似文献   

Polypeptide cytolytic toxins from sea anemones (Actiniaria)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract Biochemical and biological properties of 30 cytolytic polypeptide toxins isolated from 18 species of sea anemones ( Actiniaria ) are presented and classified into three groups according to their molecular mass, isoelectric points and the molecular mechanism of action. Phospholipase A2-like toxins (30 kDa) from Aiptasia pallida are dissimilar to acidic metridiolysin (80 kDa) from Metridium senile and the group of about 27 predominantly basic toxins, having a molecular mass of 16–20 or 10 kDa, inhibited by sphingomyelin. They are lethal for both invertebrates and vertebrates, cardiotoxic, cutolytic and cytotoxic. Pharmacological activities, cytotoxic and cytolytic properties are mediated, at least in part, by forming pores in lipid membranes. Channels, 1–2 nm in diameter, formed in planar lipid membranes are cation selective and rectified. The mechanisms and some characteristics of ion channel formation by the toxins in the cells as well as in artificial lipid membranes are summarized and discussed in view of the structure-function studies of the toxins. Putative biological roles of toxins, based on their channel-forming activity, in the capture and killing of prey, digestion, repelling of predators and intraspecific spatial competition are suggested.  相似文献   

High-resolution 1H NMR spectra at 300 MHz of the polypeptide cardiac stimulants anthopleurin-A and Anemonia sulcata toxin II reveal conformational heterogeneity in both molecules. The two conformations, manifest in a number of split 1H resonances, are in slow exchange over a wide range of pH and temperature. Heterogeneity affects a region of these molecules containing the structurally and functionally important Asp residues. By comparison with a homologous polypeptide Anemonia sulcata toxin I, which does not show this type of heterogeneity, it is suggested that the heterogeneity may originate in cis-trans isomerism of the Gly-40 to Pro-41 peptide bond.  相似文献   

Sea anemones are rich in biologically active polypeptides such as toxins and protease inhibitors. These polypeptides have so far been isolated from whole bodies, tentacles or secreted mucus. Recently, two novel peptide toxins with crab lethality have been isolated from acrorhagi (specialized aggressive organs elaborated by only certain species of sea anemones belonging to the family Actiniidae) of Actinia equina. This prompted us to survey biologically active polypeptides in the acrorhagi of two species of sea anemones, Anthopleura aff. xanthogrammica and Anthopleura fuscoviridis. No potent crab lethality was displayed by the acrorhagial extracts of both species. However, significantly high protease inhibitory activity was instead detected in the acrorhagial extracts of the two species and also in that of A. equina. From the acrorhagi of A. equina, A. aff. xanthogrammica and A. fuscoviridis, one (AEAPI), one (AXAPI) and two (AFAPI-I and AFAPI-III) protease inhibitors were isolated, respectively. The complete amino acid sequences of the four inhibitors were elucidated by N-terminal sequencing and sequencing of the C-terminal peptide fragment produced upon asparaginylendopeptidase digestion. The determined amino acid sequences revealed that all the four inhibitors are new members of the Kunitz-type protease inhibitor family.  相似文献   

Fission in sea anemones: integrative studies of life cycle evolution   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Sea anemones (Phylum Cnidaria; Class Anthozoa, Order Actiniaria)exhibit a diversity of developmental patterns that include cloningby fission. Because natural histories of clonal and aclonalsea anemones are quite different, the gain and loss of fissionis an important feature of actiniarian lineages. We have usedmitochondrial DNA and nuclear intron DNA phylogenies to investigatethe evolution of longitudinal fission in sixteen species inthe genus Anthopleura, and reconstructed an aclonal ancestorthat has given rise at least four times to clonal descendents.For A. elegantissima from the northeastern Pacific Ocean, atransition to clonality by fission was associated with an up-shorehabitat shift, supporting prior hypotheses that clonal growthis an adaptation to the upper shore. Fission in Actiniaria likelyprecedes its advent in Anthopleura, and its repeated loss andgain is perplexing. Field studies of the acontiate sea anemoneAiptasia californica provided insight to the mechanisms thatregulate fission: subtidal Aiptasia responded to experimentallydestabilized substrata by increasing rates of pedal laceration.We put forth a general hypothesis for actiniarian fission inwhich sustained tissue stretch (a consequence of substratuminstability or intrinsic behavior) induces tissue degradation,which in turn induces regeneration. The gain and loss of fissionin Anthopleura lineages may only require the gain and loss ofsome form of stretching behavior. In this view, tissue stretchinitiates a cascade of developmental events without requiringcomplex gene regulatory linkages.  相似文献   

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