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中国山羊mtDNA D-loop遗传多样性及其起源研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
采用DNA测序技术分析了中国9个山羊品种(板角山羊、成都麻羊、贵州黑山羊、贵州白山羊、黔北麻羊、马头山羊、陕南白山羊、黄淮山羊和雷州山羊)共计128个个体的mtDNA D-loop全序列。结果表明:山羊mtDNA D-loop全序列长度为1212-1213bp,检测到102个变异位点,约占分析位点总数的8.42%,可变位点中转换占99个,颠换2个,1个转换/颠换共存;界定了92种单倍型,有78种为各品种独享单倍型,另外14种为群体内或群体间共享单倍型。9个山羊品种单倍型多样度为0.9333-1.0000,核苷酸多样度为0.7062%-1.8265%,表明中国山羊品种遗传多样性丰富。根据92种mtDNA单倍型构建了中国山羊的NJ分子系统树,聚类表明,中国山羊mtDNA D-loop序列单倍型分为支系A和支系B两大类。支系A包括75种单倍型,代表95个样本,占总数的74.22%;支系B包括17种单倍型,代表33个样本,占总数的25.78%,说明中国山羊存在支系A和支系B两大母系起源。对中国山羊mtDNA D-loop的支系A和支系B进行核苷酸不配对分布曲线分析和Fu的Fs中性检验,分析表明,支系A的分布曲线呈单峰形,Fs值为-24.6491,P值为0.0000,显著偏离中性,表明山羊支系A曾经历群体扩张;支系B呈近似双峰分布,Fs值为-3.3947,P值为0.0980,中性检验差异不显著,表明山羊支系B没有经历群体扩张,群体大小保持相对稳定。山羊支系B可能起源于中国。  相似文献   

The Genetic Diversity of mtDNA D-loop and the Origin of Chinese Goats   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The complete sequences of mitochondrial DNA D-loop of 128 individuals in nine Chinese goat (Capra hircu) breeds were analyzed by DNA sequencing technology. The results show that the length of mtDNA D-loop in Chinese goats is 1 212-1 213 bp. There are 102 polymorphic sites, accounting for 8.42% of 1 212 bp sequence. Ninety-two mtDNA haplotypes were determined. The haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity are 0.9333-1 .0000 and 0.7062%-1.8265%, respectively. The results indicate that the genetic diversity of Chinese goats is very abundant. The NJ tree indicates that Chinese goats have two types of maternal origins from lineage A and lineage B. The possibility of lineage B originating from China is also discussed.  相似文献   

测定了13个黄牛品种125个个体的线粒体D-loop区段的全序列,包括12个中国地方黄牛品种的123个个体和德国黄牛2个个体,并进行了分析。结果显示,共检测到93个变异位点,57个单倍型,平均核苷酸差异(average number ofnucleotide differences,k)为22.708,核苷酸多样度(nucleotide diversity,π)为0.0251±0.00479,单倍型多样度(haplotypediversity,Hd)为0.888±0.026,表明我国黄牛品种遗传多样性非常丰富。构建的Neighbor-Joining进化树显示这13个品种主要分成两大类型:普通牛和瘤牛;新发现的特殊类型Ⅲ只有一个西藏阿沛甲咂牛的个体,它与牦牛D-loop序列最相近,证明西藏地区的黄牛与牦牛之间存在基因渗入现象。普通牛和瘤牛在日喀则驼峰牛中占的比例分别是64.3%和35.7%,在阿沛甲咂牛中占的比例分别是50.0%和50.0%,证明了西藏的黄牛也有瘤牛类型。云南牛品种的单倍型非常丰富证明了云南在中国黄牛起源上的重要地位;在27个中国黄牛品种中(本研究11个品种以及GenBank上的16个品种)找到了中国瘤牛的核心单倍型i1,并且对它进行了讨论。同时证明了西藏瘤牛独立于中国瘤牛核心类群的特殊性。  相似文献   

用mtDNA D-环序列探讨蒙古和中国绵羊的起源及遗传多样性   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
为了在分子水平上探讨绵羊的起源,对中国和蒙古共20个绵羊群体、314只绵羊mtDNA D-环的部分序列进行了测定,结果表明:中国绵羊和蒙古绵羊mtDNA D-环区的部分序列中A、T、G、C含量没有明显的差别;蒙古绵羊的多态位点数(28.85%)略高于中国绵羊(24.22%);中国绵羊群体的单倍型多样度在青海藏羊、甘肃藏羊、甘肃高山细毛羊、青海细:色羊、甘南藏羊、小尾寒羊和滩羊群体中较高,但在湖羊和岷县黑裘皮羊中较低;蒙古绵羊的单倍型多样度在Bayad和Baidrag群体中最高,但在Gobi—Altai群体中最低。从总体上看,蒙古绵羊的遗传多样性要略高于中国绵羊,例如单倍犁比例的平均值为86.06%(142/185):78.83%(108/137),单倍型多样度(Hd)的甲均值为0.976:0.936,核苷酸多样度(Pi(π))的平均值为0.036:0.034,平均核苷酸差异数(k)的平均值为23.50:22.48~217个中国和蒙古绵羊的单倍型序列的系统发生分析表明,中国和蒙古绵羊均有3个母系起源,被定义为A、B和C3类主要的单倍型。其中A类单倍型在所有中国绵羊群体及绝大多数蒙古绵羊群体(9/11)中占优势,平均比例为58.73%;B类单倍型居中,为24.88%;C类单倍型最少,仅为16.59%。进一步从GenBank获得的91个绵羊D-环区的序列与中国和蒙古绵羊D-环区的单倍型的进行网络关系分析,发现欧洲摩弗仑羊(European mouflon,O.musimon)与中国和蒙古绵羊具有较近的亲缘关系,但没有发现塬羊(Argali.O.ammon)、盘羊(0.rignei bochariensis)和东方盘羊(0.ammon nigrimontana)对中国和蒙古绵羊起源有贡献的证据。  相似文献   

This study describes complete control region sequences of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from 117 Ethiopian cattle from 10 representative populations, in conjunction with the available cattle sequences in GenBank. In total, 79 polymorphic sites were detected, and these defined 81 different haplotypes. The haplotype and nucleotide diversity of Ethiopian cattle did not vary among the populations studied. All mtDNA sequences from Ethiopian cattle converged into one main maternal lineage (T1) that corresponds to African Bos taurus cattle. According to the results of this study, no zebu mtDNA haplotypes have been found in Ethiopia, where the most extensive hybridization took place on the African continent.  相似文献   

中国黄牛起源复杂,我国地方黄牛群体不同品种在毛色、形态外貌、细胞遗传学、血液蛋白座位分析均表现出多样性。计算我国黄牛群体6个毛色座位平均杂合度和6个血液蛋白座位平均杂合度分别为0.3144和0.4873,表明我国地方黄牛群体的遗传多样性非常丰富。计算我国黄牛群体的6个毛色座位和6个血液蛋白座位的基因分化系数分别为0.3404和0.095,表明我国黄牛群体毛色差异中有34.04%是由品种间的差异造成的。血液蛋白的多态性有9.5%是由品种间的差异造成的。我国黄牛群体的遗传多样性主要来自品种内的遗传多样性。保存我国黄牛品种资源多样性不仅要从整个中国黄牛群体上考虑,而且要针对每个品种(或类群)进行保种。  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of Northeast Asian cattle to various other cattle breeds including Bos taurus, Bos indicus, and Bison bison were assessed using mtDNA D-loop sequences. A neighbor-joining tree was constructed using sequences determined for 4 Cheju Black, 4 Cheju Yellow, 4 Korean Yellow cattle (Bos taurus), and 2 American Brahman cattle (Bos indicus), and also published sequences for 31 Japanese Black cattle, 45 European breed cattle, 6 African zebus, 2 African taurines, and 6 Indian zebus. Five American bisons (Bison bison) were used as an outgroup. The neighbor-joining tree showed that American bisons and Indian zebus are clearly separate from other cattle breeds, respectively, and African cattle clustered together, although with a low bootstrap probability (<50%). Results indicate that cattle in Northeast Asia, Europe, and Africa are closely related to each other–suggesting their recent divergence, but are separate from Indian zebus.  相似文献   

系统评估地方鸡的遗传变异水平并追溯其母系起源, 可为保护利用优质家禽种质资源库提供科学依据。本研究测定了广东省和邻省共12个地方鸡品种的线粒体DNA D-loop序列, 分析品种间的遗传距离与系统关系, 并构建单倍型系统发生树和中介网络图。360份样品共检测到60个突变位点, 均为转换。定义了85种单倍型, 归属于单倍型类群A、B、C和E, 在12个鸡品种中均有分布, 其中B是优势单倍型类群(187个, 51.94%), E次之(76个, 21.11%)。B02 和C01是优势单倍型(85个, 23.61%; 48个, 13.33%), 为12个鸡品种共有; E03位居第三(35个, 9.72%), 杏花鸡、黄郎鸡和宁都三黄鸡未见此单倍型。杏花鸡集中分布在单倍型类群B, 惠阳胡须鸡和中山沙栏鸡则主要分布在单倍型类群E; 怀乡鸡的单倍型数量最多, 中山沙栏鸡的最少。广东地方鸡品种间遗传距离为0.012-0.015, 单倍型多样性0.805 ± 0.047至0.949 ± 0.026, 核苷酸多样性0.0102 ± 0.0017至0.0138 ± 0.0009。邻接树和中介网络图将85种单倍型划分为进化枝A、B、C和E, 广东省与邻省地方鸡单倍型的地理分布模式相似。中性检验显示广东地方鸡未经历明显的群体历史扩张。结果表明广东地方鸡处于较好的保护状态, 遗传多样性水平较高, 品种的形成受到邻省和北方家鸡的影响, 东南亚红原鸡对广东地方鸡也有重要的遗传贡献。  相似文献   

The origin and genetic diversity of Chinese native chicken breeds   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Niu D  Fu Y  Luo J  Ruan H  Yu XP  Chen G  Zhang YP 《Biochemical genetics》2002,40(5-6):163-174
The first 539 bases of mitochondrial DNA D-loop region of six Chinese native chicken breeds (Gallus gallus domesticus) were sequenced and compared to those of the red junglefowl (Gallus gallus), the gray junglefowl (Gallus sonneratii), the green junglefowl (Gallus varius) and Lafayette's junglefowl (Gallus lafayettei) reported in GenBank, and the phylogenetic trees for the chickens were constructed based on the D-loop sequences. The results showed that the four species of the genus Gallus had great differences among each other, the G. g. domesticus was closest to the red junglefowl in Thailand and its adjacent regions, suggesting the Chinese domestic fowl probably originated from the red junglefowl in these regions. The two subs pecies of Thailand, G. g. gallus and G. g. spadiceus, should belong to one subspecies because of their resemblance. In the case of native breeds, there existed a great difference between the egg breeds and general purpose breeds, which suggested different maternal origins of the two types.  相似文献   

中国黄牛mtDNA D-loop遗传多样性及起源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
房兴堂  周艳  陈宏  蔡欣  方南洙 《动物学报》2007,53(5):928-933
黄牛自古以来就是我国一个重要的畜种,其经济、文化价值很高。我国是世界上黄牛品种资源最丰富的国家之一。据《中国牛品种志》介绍,把一些地区同种异名的黄牛品种合并以后,尚有28个地方黄牛品种,按照其地理分布区域分为北方黄牛、中原黄牛和南方黄牛三大类型(邱怀,1986)。如果把中国地方黄牛品种分得更细,则有49个固有品种(常洪,1995)。关于中国黄牛的起源,历来有不同的观点。一般认为,中国黄牛是多元起源的,但究竟起源于哪几个牛种,观点不一(陈宏等,1993;于汝梁等,1993;Yu et al.,1999;陈幼春,1990)。主要的观点有:(1)中国黄牛主要起源于…  相似文献   

Independent maternal origin of Chinese swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Lei CZ  Zhang W  Chen H  Lu F  Liu RY  Yang XY  Zhang HC  Liu ZG  Yao LB  Lu ZF  Zhao ZL 《Animal genetics》2007,38(2):97-102
To obtain more knowledge on the origin and genetic diversity of the swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in China, the complete mitochondrial D-loop sequences of 119 samples representing seven native types were compared. Two mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lineages (lineages A and B) were determined for the Chinese swamp buffalo. Examination of the diversity patterns suggest that lineage A has undergone a population expansion event. Divergence of lineages A and B was estimated at 18,000 years ago. Combined analyses of mtDNA sequences from Chinese, Indian, Brazilian/Italian and Southeast Asian/Australian buffalo samples showed independent domestication events in the swamp buffalo from China and the river buffalo from the India subcontinent. The spread of swamp and river buffalo from China and India respectively to mainland Southeast Asia suggests that Southeast Asia is a hybrid zone for buffalo. Our data support the hypothesis of the evolution of domesticated swamp and river buffalo from ancestral swamp-like animals. These ancestral animals were extensively distributed across mainland Asia and most likely are represented today by the wild Asian buffalo (Bubalus arnee).  相似文献   

中国部分黄牛品种mtDNA遗传多态性研究   总被引:49,自引:4,他引:49  
对我国8个黄牛品种22个个体的mtDNA D-loop区910bp全序列进行了分析。结果表明:8个黄牛品种D-loop区序列中,A T平均含量为61.65%;经比对,共检测到66个核苷酸多态位点,约占核苷酸总数的7.25%;D-loop全序列突变类型有5种,即转换、颠换、插入、缺失及转换与颠换共存,它们分别占核苷酸多态位点的81.82%、6.06%、7.57%、3.03%及1.52%。以欧洲牛mtDNA D-loop全序列为标准,8个黄牛群体D-loop的平均核苷酸变异率分3个层次:西镇牛、蒙古牛、黑白花牛及秦川牛的核苷酸变异率最低,分别为0.37%、0.44%、0.52%和0.66%;南阳牛与郏县红牛的核苷酸变异率居中,分别为1.91%和2.02%;晋南牛与岳阳牛的核苷酸变异率最高,分别为4.47%和4.73%。中国黄牛品种内D-loop区序列歧异度为0.55%~5.39%,品种间序列歧异度为1.21%~6.59%。在所测黄牛个体中,mtDNA D-loop序列由19种单倍型组成,单倍型比例为86.36%,说明中国黄牛mtDNA遗传多态性很丰富。由此构建了中国8个黄牛品种的NJ分子系统树,聚类分析表明:所测黄牛的mtDNA D-loop序列表现为3个单倍型组,从而揭示中国黄牛可能有3个母系起源,以普通牛起源和瘤牛起源为主。  相似文献   

微卫星标记对12个中外牛品种群体遗传结构的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
李荣岭  张桂香  王志刚  王慧  韩旭  王冬蕾  王均辉 《遗传》2007,29(12):1463-1470
选用联合国粮农组织(FAO)和国际动物遗传学会(ISAG)推荐的12对微卫星引物, 采用荧光标记–多重PCR技术, 检测了9个中国地方黄牛品种和3个外来牛品种的遗传多样性。利用等位基因频率计算出各群体的平均遗传杂合度(H)、多态信息含量(PIC)和群体间的DA及DS遗传距离。基于DA遗传距离, 用UPGMA法进行聚类分析, 结果12个中外牛品种被聚为4类: Ⅰ类属于南方黄牛品种, 包括恩施牛、黎平牛、昭通牛和川南山地牛; Ⅱ类属于中原黄牛品种, 包括郏县红牛、早胜牛和平陆山地牛; Ⅲ类属于北方黄牛, 包括延边牛和长白地方牛; Ⅳ类属于外来牛品种, 包括西门塔尔牛、夏洛来牛和德国黄牛。研究结果为中国地方牛品种的保护和利用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The ancestry of New World cattle was investigated through the analysis of mitochondrial and Y chromosome variation in Creoles from Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Paraguay and the United States of America. Breeds that influenced the Creoles, such as Iberian native, British and Zebu, were also studied. Creoles showed high mtDNA diversity (H = 0.984 ± 0.003) with a total of 78 haplotypes, and the European T3 matriline was the most common (72.1%). The African T1a haplogroup was detected (14.6%), as well as the ancestral African‐derived AA matriline (11.9%), which was absent in the Iberian breeds. Genetic proximity among Creoles, Iberian and Atlantic Islands breeds was inferred through their sharing of mtDNA haplotypes. Y‐haplotype diversity in Creoles was high (H = 0.779 ± 0.019), with several Y1, Y2 and Y3 haplotypes represented. Iberian patrilines in Creoles were more difficult to infer and were reflected by the presence of H3Y1 and H6Y2. Y‐haplotypes confirmed crossbreeding with British cattle, mainly of Hereford with Pampa Chaqueño and Texas Longhorn. Male‐mediated Bos indicus introgression into Creoles was found in all populations, except Argentino1 (herd book registered) and Pampa Chaqueño. The detection of the distinct H22Y3 patriline with the INRA189‐90 allele in Caracú suggests introduction of bulls directly from West Africa. Further studies of Spanish and African breeds are necessary to elucidate the origins of Creole cattle, and determine the exact source of their African lineages.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that species living in small lentic water bodies, because of the short-term geological persistence of their habitat, should show higher dispersal ability, with increased gene flow among populations and a less pronounced phylogeographical structure. Conversely, lotic species, living in more geologically stable habitats, should show reduced dispersal and an increased phylogeographical structure at the same geographical scales. In this work we tested the influence of habitat type in two groups of aquatic Coleoptera ( Nebrioporus ceresyi and Ochthebius notabilis groups, families Dytiscidae and Hydraenidae respectively), each of them with closely related species typical of lotic and lentic saline Western Mediterranean water bodies. We used mitochondrial cox1 sequence data of 453 specimens of 77 populations through the range of nine species to compare a lotic vs. a lentic lineage in each of the two groups. Despite the differences in biology (predators vs. detritivorous) and evolutionary history, in both lotic lineages there was a higher proportion of nucleotide diversity among than within groups of populations, and a faster rate of accumulation of haplotype diversity (as measured by rarefaction curves) than in the lentic lineages. Similarly, lotic lineages had a higher absolute phylogenetic diversity, more remarkable considering their smaller absolute geographical ranges. By comparing closely related species, we were able to show the effect of contrasting habitat preferences in two different groups, in agreement with predictions derived from habitat stability.  相似文献   

Recent molecular studies have indicated that phylogeographical history of Japanese biota is likely shaped by geohistory along with biological events, such as distribution shifts, isolation, and divergence of populations. However, the genetic structure and phylogeographical history of terrestrial Annelida species, including leech species, are poorly understood. Therefore, we aimed to understand the genetic structure and phylogeographical history across the natural range of Haemadipsa japonica, a sanguivorous land leech species endemic to Japan, by using nine polymorphic nuclear microsatellites (nSSR) and cytochrome oxidase subunit one (COI) sequences of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Analyses using nSSR revealed that H. japonica exhibited a stronger regional genetic differentiation among populations (G'ST = 0.77) than other animal species, probably because of the low mobility of land leech. Analyses using mtDNA indicated that H. japonica exhibited two distinct lineages (A and B), which were estimated to have diverged in the middle Pleistocene and probably because of range fragmentation resulting from climatic change and glacial and interglacial cycles. Lineage A was widely distributed across Japan, and lineage B was found in southwestern Japan. Analyses using nSSR revealed that lineage A was roughly divided into two population groups (i.e., northeastern and southwestern Japan); these analyses also revealed a gradual decrease in genetic diversity with increasing latitude in lineage A and a strong genetic drift in populations of northeastern Japan. Combined with the largely unresolved shallow polytomies from the mtDNA phylogeny, these results implied that lineage A may have undergone a rapid northward migration, probably during the Holocene. Then, the regional genetic structure with local unique gene pools may have been formed within each lineage because of the low mobility of this leech species.  相似文献   

Genetic variability and genetic relationships were investigated among eight Chinese cattle breeds using 12 microsatellite markers. Three hundred and fifty-two alleles were detected and the average number of alleles per locus ranged from 8.33 ± 1.67 in the Jiaxian breed to 21.33 ± 5.60 in the Qinchuan breed with a mean value of 13.91. The total number of alleles per microsatellite ranged from 21 (INRA005, HEL1) to 40 (HEL13), with a mean of 29.33 per locus. The fixation indices at the 12 loci in the eight breeds were very low with a mean of 0.006. A principal components analysis and the construction of a neighborjoining tree showed that these eight Chinese cattle breeds cluster into three groups i.e. the Yanbian andChineseHolstein, theNanyang and Jiaxian, and the four remaining breeds.This clustering agrees with the origin and geographical distributions of these Chinese breeds.  相似文献   

To obtain more knowledge of the origin and genetic diversity of domestic horses in China, this study provides a comprehensive analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop sequence diversity from nine horse breeds in China in conjunction with ancient DNA data and evidence from archaeological and historical records. A 247-bp mitochondrial D-loop sequence from 182 modern samples revealed a total of 70 haplotypes with a high level of genetic diversity. Seven major mtDNA haplogroups (A–G) and 16 clusters were identified for the 182 Chinese modern horses. In the present study, nine 247-bp mitochondrial D-loop sequences of ancient remains of Bronze Age horse from the Chifeng region of Inner Mongolia in China ( c. 4000–2000a bp ) were used to explore the origin and diversity of Chinese modern horses and the phylogenetic relationship between ancient and modern horses. The nine ancient horses carried seven haplotypes with rich genetic diversity, which were clustered together with modern individuals among haplogroups A, E and F. Modern domestic horse and ancient horse data support the multiple origins of domestic horses in China. This study supports the argument that multiple successful events of horse domestication, including separate introductions of wild mares into the domestic herds, may have occurred in antiquity, and that China cannot be excluded from these events. Indeed, the association of Far Eastern mtDNA types to haplogroup F was highly significant using Fisher's exact test of independence ( P  = 0.00002), lending support for Chinese domestication of this haplogroup. High diversity and all seven mtDNA haplogroups (A–G) with 16 clusters also suggest that further work is necessary to shed more light on horse domestication in China.  相似文献   

西藏牦牛mtDNA D-loop区的遗传多样性及其遗传分化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过测定和分析西藏11个牦牛类群114个个体的mtDNA D-loop区全序列,对西藏牦牛的遗传多样性、类群间的亲缘关系及其遗传分化进行了研究。结果表明:①西藏牦牛mtDNA D-loop区全序列长度为890—896 bp,4种核苷酸T、C、A、G的平均比例分别为28.5%、25.3%、32.4%、13.8%,西藏牦牛mtDNA D-loop区富含碱基A+T,表现出一定的碱基偏好性。②共检测到130个变异位点,占分析总位点数的14.33%;其中单一多态位点85个,占多态位点总数的65.38%,简约信息位点45个,占多态位点总数的34.62%。序列变异中碱基缺失、插入和碱基替换等均有,其中碱基替换变异类型中转换114次,颠换12次,在转换变异类型中以A/G、T/C为主,占95.61%,在颠换变异类型中以A/T为主,占75%。③在114个个体中鉴定出90种单倍型,单倍型多样性为0.981±0.008,核苷酸多样性为0.01056±0.00701,均说明西藏牦牛具有丰富的单倍型类型。④90种单倍型分为2个聚类簇(Ⅰ、Ⅱ),聚类簇Ⅰ包含80种单倍型,占全部单倍型的88.89%,涵盖本研究中所有的西藏牦牛类群;聚类簇Ⅱ中有10种单倍型,占单倍型总数的11.11%,涉及的类群有工布江达、帕里、丁青、巴青、江达、类乌齐、桑桑、桑日、斯布,说明西藏牦牛可能有2个母系起源。⑤西藏牦牛类群间核苷酸分歧度(Dxy)在0.503%—1.416%之间,聚类分析和AMOVA分析显示西藏牦牛可分为两大类,康布牦牛、嘉黎牦牛为一类,其余的牦牛类群为另一类。  相似文献   

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