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After the Goiania radiation accident which occurred in Brazil in September 1987, an intercomparison was performed to determine whether different cytogenetic laboratories would score similar frequencies of chromosomal aberrations in cultures of lymphocytes of a highly exposed patient. For this purpose 2 chromosome slides from the subject were scored by 4 laboratories in total. The results were consistently close and confirmed the high frequency of chromosome-type aberrations observed initially in the patient.  相似文献   

The occurrence of chromosomal aberrations was studied at 1–14 days post-exposure in female BALB/c mice exposed to various doses of gamma radiation. The frequency of abnormal cells, chromatid and chromosome breaks, dicentrics, centric rings, acentric fragments and total aberrations increased with exposure dose, and it was highest at 7 Gy. A peak was recorded on day 1 post-exposure with a gradual decline thereafter. The chromosomal aberration yield reached a nadir on day 14 post-irradiation, without restoration to the control level. The best fit for the present data was by a linear-quadratic relationship between dose of radiation and the frequency of chromosomal aberrations.  相似文献   

The induction of genomic instability in TK6 human lymphoblasts by exposure to (137)Cs gamma radiation was investigated by measuring the frequency and characteristics of unstable clones isolated approximately 36 generations after exposure. Clones surviving irradiation and control clones were analyzed for 17 characteristics including chromosomal aberrations, growth defects, alterations in response to a second irradiation, and mutant frequencies at the thymidine kinase and Na(+)/K(+) ATPase loci. Putative unstable clones were defined as those that exhibited a significant alteration in one or more characteristics compared to the controls. The frequency and characteristics of the unstable clones were compared in clones exposed to (137)Cs gamma rays or (56)Fe particles. The majority of the unstable clones isolated after exposure to either gamma rays or (56)Fe particles exhibited chromosomal instability. Alterations in growth characteristics, radiation response and mutant frequencies occurred much less often than cytogenetic alterations in these unstable clones. The frequency and complexity of the unstable clones were greater after exposure to (56)Fe particles than to gamma rays. Unstable clones that survived 36 generations after exposure to gamma rays exhibited increases in the incidence of dicentric chromosomes but not of chromatid breaks, whereas unstable clones that survived 36 generations after exposure to (56)Fe particles exhibited increases in both chromatid and chromosome aberrations.  相似文献   

To obtain information on the origin of radiation-induced genomic instability, we characterized a total of 166 clones that survived exposure to (56)Fe particles or (137)Cs gamma radiation, isolated approximately 36 generations after exposure, along with their respective control clones. Cytogenetic aberrations, growth alterations, responses to a second irradiation, and mutant frequencies at the Na(+)/K(+) ATPase and thymidine kinase loci were determined. A greater percentage of clones that survived exposure to (56)Fe particles exhibited instability (defined as clones showing one or more outlying characteristics) than in the case of those that survived gamma irradiation. The phenotypes of the unstable clones that survived exposure to (56)Fe particles were also qualitatively different from those of the clones that survived gamma irradiation. A greater percentage (20%) of the unstable clones that survived gamma irradiation than those that survived exposure to (56)Fe particles (4%) showed an altered response to the second irradiation, while an increase in the percentage of clones that had an outlying frequency of ouabain-resistant and thymidine kinase mutants was more evident in the clones exposed to (56)Fe particles than in those exposed to gamma rays. Growth alterations and increases in dicentric chromosomes were found only in clones with more than one alteration. These results underscore the complex nature of genomic instability and the likelihood that radiation-induced genomic instability arises from different original events.  相似文献   

Energetic heavy ions pose a potential health risk to astronauts who have participated in extended space missions. High-LET radiation is much more effective than low-LET radiation in the induction of biological effects, including cell inactivation, genetic mutations, cataracts and cancer. Most of these biological end points are closely correlated with chromosomal damage, which can be used as a biomarker for radiation damage. Multicolor banding in situ hybridization (mBAND) has proven to be highly useful for the study of intrachromosomal aberrations, which have been suggested as a biomarker of exposure to high-LET radiation. To investigate biological signatures of radiation quality and the complexity of intrachromosomal aberrations, we exposed human epithelial cells in vitro to (137)Cs gamma rays or iron ions (600 MeV/nucleon) and collected chromosomes using a premature chromosome condensation technique. Aberrations in chromosome 3 were analyzed using mBAND probes. The results of our study confirmed the observation of a higher incidence of inversions for high-LET radiation. However, detailed analysis of the inversion type revealed that both iron ions and gamma rays induced a low incidence of simple inversions. Half of the inversions observed in the low-LET-irradiated samples were accompanied by other types of intrachromosome aberrations, but few inversions were accompanied by interchromosome aberrations. In contrast, iron ions induced a significant fraction of inversions that involved complex rearrangements of both inter- and intrachromosome exchanges.  相似文献   

The fidelity of chromosome segregation and the maintenance of the integrity of the chromosome karyotype of eukaryotiic cells is dependent upon the synthesis and functioning of division-related structures such as the nuclear spindle and events such as the attachment of chromosomes to the spindle and their subsequent movement to the poles of the dividing cell. Chemical and physical treatment which modify the synthesis and functioning of division-related events may potentially lead to the production of cells with abnormal chromosome numbers (of both whole chromosome sets and of individual chromosomes).

The ability of environmental agents to modify division-related structures in mammalian cells has been assessed by morphological examination of exposed mitotically dividing cells using staining techniques which identify spindle and chromosome structure and by the analysis of the characteristics of microtubule polymerisation in vitro. Such techniques have been used to identify the spindle-modifying effects of chemicals such as the synthetic hormone diethylstilboestrol and modifications of chromosome to spindle attachment in cells exposed to both UV- and X-irradiation. Such modifications of cell-division-related activities may lead to alterations in the fidelity of division events leading to the production of chromosomally abnormal daughter cells with aneuploid or polyploid karyotypes.  相似文献   

The chromosome aberration yield for human lymphocytes exposed in vitro to various doses of 137Cesium has been studied. Dicentric, total acentric, and excess acentric data were seen to follow a Possion distribution. Calculated total hits demonstrated over-dispersion which could possibly be accounted for by a greater occurrence of single-hit phenomena being repaired than two-hit exchange processes. The resulting distribution generally contained an under-representation of cells with odd numbers of hits and an over-representation of zero- and even-hit classes as compared with Poisson predicted values. The relationship between dicentric yield and dose received in rads was fitted to the linear-quadratic formula Y = alpha D + beta D2 for dicentrics, yielding values of (20.1 +/- 3.8) X 10(-4) (aberrations/cell)/rad and (1.89 +/- 0.75) X 10(-6) (aberrations/cell)/rad2 for alpha and beta respectively. A plot of percent 'normal' cells versus the dose in rads resembled cell survival curves and was fitted to the relation P(D) = 100 e-Y where Y = alpha D + beta D2 with alpha = (23 +/- 11) X 10(-4) rad-1 and beta = (8.3 +/- 2.5) X 10(-6) rad-2. A possible use of scoring 'normal' cells for purposes of biological dosimetry is presented.  相似文献   

Space exploration has the potential to yield exciting and significant discoveries, but it also brings with it many risks for flight crews. Among the less well studied of these are health effects from space radiation, which includes the highly charged, energetic particles of elements with high atomic numbers that constitute the galactic cosmic rays. In this study, we demonstrated that 1 Gy iron ions acutely administered to mice in vivo resulted in highly complex chromosome damage. We found that all types of aberrations, including dicentrics as well as translocations, insertions and acentric fragments, disappear rapidly with time after exposure, probably as a result of the death of heavily damaged cells, i.e. cells with multiple and/or complex aberrations. In addition, numerous cells have apparently simple exchanges as their only aberrations, and these cells appear to survive longer than heavily damaged cells. Eight weeks after exposure, the frequency of cells showing cytogenetic damage was reduced to less than 20% of the levels evident at 1 week, with little further decline apparent over an additional 8 weeks. These results indicate that exposure to 1 Gy iron ions produces heavily damaged cells, a small fraction of which appear to be capable of surviving for relatively long periods. The health effects of exposure to high-LET radiation in humans on prolonged space flights should remain a matter of concern.  相似文献   

The effect of two known mutagens on different human tissues was examined in an attempt to determine if tissue specific responses exist in SCE distribution on chromosome. The tissues included human lymphocytes, skin fibroblasts, ovarian and testicular cells. All cell types were exposed to varying concentrations of 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), and mitomycin C (MMC). The numbers of SCEs were recorded from each tissue. Results indicated that certain of the tissues tested appeared more sensitive to particular agents. Results also showed that in all the tissues tested the larger chromosomes in groups A to C had greater numbers of SCEs than did the smaller chromosomes in groups D to G. There were very few SCEs in F and G group chromosomes including Y.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to measure the formation of eight base modifications in the DNA of cells exposed to either low-LET ((60)Co gamma rays) or high-LET ((12)C(6+) particles) radiation. For this purpose, a recently optimized HPLC-MS/MS method was used subsequent to DNA extraction and hydrolysis. The background level of the measured modified bases and nucleosides was shown to vary between 0.2 and 2 lesions/10(6) bases. Interestingly, thymidine glycols constitute the main radiation-induced base modifications, with an overall yield of 0.097 and 0.062 lesion/10(6) bases per gray for gamma rays and carbon heavy ions, respectively. Both types of radiations generate four other major degradation products, in the following order of decreasing importance: FapyGua > 5-HmdUrd > 5-FordUrd > 8-oxodGuo. The yields of formation of FapyAde and 8-oxoAde are one order of magnitude lower than those of the related guanine modifications, whereas the radiation-induced generation of 5-OHdUrd was below the limit of detection of the assay. The efficiency for both types of radiation to generate base damage in cellular DNA is low because the highest yield per gray was 0.097 thymine glycols per 10(6) DNA bases. As a striking observation, the yield of formation of the measured DNA lesions was found to be, on average, twofold lower after exposure to high-LET radiation ((12)C(6+)) than after exposure to low-LET gamma radiation. These studies show that the HPLC-MS/MS assay provides an accurate, reliable and sensitive method for measuring cellular DNA base damage.  相似文献   

We performed a study on the presence of chromosome aberrations in a cohort of plutonium workers of the Mayak production association (PA) with a mean age of 73.3 ± 7.2 years to see whether by multi-color fluorescence in situ hybridization (mFISH) translocation analysis can discriminate individuals who underwent occupational exposure with internal and/or external exposure to ionizing radiation 40 years ago. All Mayak PA workers were occupationally exposed to chronic internal alpha-radiation due to incorporated plutonium-239 and/or to external gamma-rays. First, we obtained the translocation yield in control individuals by mFISH to chromosome spreads of age-matched individuals and obtained background values that are similar to previously published values of an international study (Sigurdson et al. in Mutat Res 652:112–121, 2008). Workers who had absorbed a total dose of >0.5 Gy external gamma-rays to the red bone marrow (RBM) displayed a significantly higher frequency of stable chromosome aberrations relative to a group of workers exposed to <0.5 Gy gamma-rays total absorbed RBM dose. Thus, the translocation frequency may be considered to be a biological marker of external radiation exposure even years after the exposure. In a group of workers who were internally exposed and had incorporated plutonium-239 at a body burden >1.48 kBq, mFISH revealed a considerable number of cells with complex chromosomal rearrangements. Linear associations were observed for translocation yield with the absorbed RBM dose from external gamma-rays as well as for complex chromosomal rearrangements with the plutonium-239 body burden.  相似文献   

Radiation-induced chromosome damage can be measured in interphase using the Premature Chromosome Condensation (PCC) technique. With the introduction of a new PCC technique using the potent phosphatase inhibitor calyculin-A, chromosomes can be condensed within five minutes, and it is now possible to examine the early damage induced by radiation. Using this method, it has been shown that high-LET radiation induces a higher frequency of chromatid breaks and a much higher frequency of isochromatid breaks than low-LET radiation. The kinetics of chromatid break rejoining consists of two exponential components representing a rapid and a slow time constant, which appears to be similar for low- and high-LET radiations. However, after high-LET radiation exposures, the rejoining process for isochromatid breaks influences the repair kinetics of chromatid-type breaks, and this plays an important role in the assessment of chromatid break rejoining in the G2 phase of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

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