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A 6-kb region from the chromosome of Streptomyces antibioticus, an oleandomycin producer, was cloned and sequenced. This region was located between the 3′ end of the gene encoding the third subunit of the oleandomycin type I polyketide synthase and the oleP and oleB genes, which encode a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase and an oleandomycin resistance gene, respectively. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence revealed the presence of five genes encoding a cytochrome P450-like protein (oleP1), two glycosyltransferases (oleG1 and oleG2) involved in the transfer of the two 6-deoxysugars (L-oleandrose and D-desosamine) to the oleandomycin macrolactone ring, a methyltransferase (oleM1), and a gene (oleY) of unknown function. Insertional inactivation of this region by gene disruption generated an oleandomycin non-producing mutant which accumulated a compound that, according to mass spectrometry analysis, could correspond to the oleandomycin macrolactone ring (oleandolide), suggesting that the mutation affects oleandrosyl glycosyltransferase. Received: 3 December 1997 / Accepted: 12 May 1998  相似文献   

A 5.2 kb region from the oleandomycin gene cluster in Streptomyces antibioticus located between the oleandomycin polyketide synthase gene and sugar biosynthetic genes was cloned. Sequence analysis revealed the presence of three open reading frames (designated oleI , oleN2 and oleR ). The oleI gene product resembled glycosyltransferases involved in macrolide inactivation including the oleD product, a previously described glycosyltransferase from S. antibioticus . The oleN2 gene product showed similarities with different aminotransferases involved in the biosynthesis of 6-deoxyhexoses. The oleR gene product was similar to several glucosidases from different origins. The oleI , oleR and oleD genes were expressed in Streptomyces lividans . OleI and OleD intracellular proteins were partially purified by affinity chromatography in an UDP-glucuronic acid agarose column and OleR was detected as a major band from the culture supernatant. OleI and OleD showed oleandomycin glycosylating activity but they differ in the pattern of substrate specificity: OleI being much more specific for oleandomycin. OleR showed glycosidase activity converting glycosylated oleandomycin into active oleandomycin. A model is proposed integrating these and previously reported results for intracellular inactivation, secretion and extracellular reactivation of oleandomycin.  相似文献   

Abstract A cosmid clone from an oleandomycin producer, Streptomyces antibioticus , contains a large open reading frame encoding a type I polyketide synthase subunit and an oleandomycin resistance gene ( oleB ). Sequencing of a 1.4-kb DNA fragment adjacent to oleB revealed the existence of an open reading frame ( oleP ) encoding a protein similar to several cytochrome P450 monooxygenases from different sources, including the products of the eryF and eryK genes from Saccharopolyspora erythraea that participate in erythromycin biosynthesis. The oleP gene was expressed in Escherichia coli as a fusion protein to a maltose-binding protein. Using polyclonal antibodies against this fusion protein it was observed that the synthesis of the cytochrome P450 was in parallel to that of oleandomycin. The cytochrome P450 encoded by the oleP gene could be responsible for the epoxidation of carbon 8 of the oleandomycin lactone ring.  相似文献   

Cell extracts of Streptomyces antibioticus, an oleandomycin producer, can inactivate oleandomycin in the presence of UDP-glucose. The inactivation can be detected through the loss of biological activity or by alteration in the chromatographic mobility of the antibiotic. This enzyme activity also inactivates other macrolides (rosaramicin, methymycin, and lankamycin) which contain a free 2'-OH group in a monosaccharide linked to the lactone ring (with the exception of erythromycin), but not those which contain a disaccharide (tylosin, spiramycin, carbomycin, josamycin, niddamycin, and relomycin). Interestingly, the culture supernatant contains another enzyme activity capable of reactivating the glycosylated oleandomycin and regenerating the biological activity through the release of a glucose molecule. It is proposed that these two enzyme activities could be an integral part of the oleandomycin biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

A 2580-bp region of the chromosome of Streptomyces argillaceus, the producer of the antitumor polyketide mithramycin, was sequenced. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence revealed the presence of two genes (mtmGIII and mtmGIVv) encoding proteins that showed a high degree of similarity to glycosyltransferases involved in the biosynthesis of various antibiotics and antitumor drugs. Independent insertional inactivation of both genes produced mutants that did not synthesize mithramycin but accumulated several mithramycin intermediates. Both mutants accumulated premithramycinone, a non-glycosylated intermediate in mithramycin biosynthesis. The mutant affected in the mtmGIII gene also accumulated premithramycin A1, which contains premithramycinone as the aglycon unit and a D-olivose attached at C-12a-O. These experiments demonstrate that the glycosyltransferases MtmGIV and MtmGIII catalyze the first two glycosylation steps in mithramycin biosynthesis. A model is proposed for the glycosylation steps in mithramycin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Resistance to oleandomycin in Streptomyces antibioticus, the producer organism, was studied. The organism was highly resistant in vivo to the antibiotic but sensitive to other macrolides and lincosamides. Protein synthesis in vivo by mycelium of S. antibioticus was more resistant to oleandomycin than that by mycelium of Streptomyces albus G, an oleandomycin-sensitive strain, and this resistance was dependent on the age of the culture, older mycelium of S. antibioticus being more resistant to oleandomycin than young mycelium. [3H]Oleandomycin was capable of binding to the same extent to the 50S subunits of the ribosomes of both organisms. Oleandomycin also inhibited in vitro protein synthesis by ribosomes obtained from an oleandomycin-production medium at the time when maximum levels of oleandomycin were being produced. A clear difference between the ability of the two organisms to incorporate exogenous oleandomycin was observed. Thus, while S. albus G took up oleandomycin, S. antibioticus showed a decreased permeability to the antibiotic, suggesting a role for cell permeability in self-resistance.  相似文献   

BackgroundOleP is a cyt P450 from Streptomyces antibioticus carrying out epoxigenation of the antibiotic oleandomycin during its biosynthesis. The timing of its reaction has not been fully clarified, doubts remain regarding its substrate and catalytic mechanism.MethodsThe crystal structure of OleP in complex with clotrimazole, an inhibitor of P450s used in therapy, was solved and the complex formation dynamics was characterized by equilibrium and kinetic binding studies and compared to ketoconazole, another azole differing for the N1-substituent.ResultsClotrimazole coordinates the heme and occupies the active site. Most of the residues interacting with clotrimazole are conserved and involved in substrate binding in MycG, the P450 epoxigenase with the highest homology with OleP. Kinetic characterization of inhibitor binding revealed OleP to follow a simple bimolecular reaction, without detectable intermediates.ConclusionsClotrimazole-bound OleP adopts an open form, held by a π-π stacking chain that fastens helices F and G and the FG loop. Affinity is affected by the interactions of the N1 substituent within the active site, given the one order of magnitude difference of the off-rate constants between clotrimazole and ketoconazole. Based on structural similarities with MycG, we propose a binding mode for both oleandomycin intermediates, that are the candidate substrates of OleP.General significanceAmong P450 epoxigenases OleP is the only one that introduces an epoxide on a non-activated C–C bond. The data here presented are necessary to understand the rare chemistry carried out by OleP, to engineer it and to design more selective and potent P450-targeted drugs.  相似文献   

Abstract The OleC ABC transporter of Streptomyces antibioticus is constituted by an ATP-binding protein (OleC) and a Hydrophobic protein (OleCS). Here we present experimental evidence demonstrating that the OleCS protein is an integral membrane protein and we propose a topological model for its integration into the membrane. This model is based on the generation of hybrid proteins between different regions of OleCS and a Escherichia coli β-lactamase (BlaM) and the determination of the minimal inhibitory concentrations to ampicillin in these constructions. Fusions were generated both by cloning specific fragments of oleC5 and by creating Exo III nested deletions of the gene. In the topological model proposed there will be six a-helix transmembrane regions, two cytoplasmic and four periplasmic loops and a hydrophobic linker domain.  相似文献   

When glucose is substituted for sucrose in the fermentation medium for Streptomyces antibioticus, the pH of the cultural broth becomes more acidic, the rate of protein synthesis in the mycelium rises, and the rate of oleandomycin synthesis decreases abruptly. The dynamics of cAMP (cyclic monophosphate) accumulation was studied in the process of biosynthesis by the culture in different media. Most of the synthesized cAMP (80-90%) was shown to be excreted into the medium. Glucose stimulates cAMP synthesis and excretion from the mycelium by a factor of 1.5-3. No distinct correlation was found between cAMP content in S. antibioticus cells and the level of oleandomycin biosynthesis. A correlation between changes in the concentration of exocellular cAMP and protein synthesis in the mycelium suggests that the excreted cAMP may be involved in regulating the growth of the culture producing the antibiotic.  相似文献   

Oleandomycin, a macrolide antibiotic produced by Streptomyces antibioticus, contains two sugars attached to the aglycon: L-oleandrose and D-desosamine. oleY codes for a methyltransferase involved in the biosynthesis of L-oleandrose. This gene was overexpressed in Escherichia coli to form inclusion bodies and in Streptomyces lividans, producing a soluble protein. S. lividans overexpressing oleY was used as a biotransformation host, and it converted the precursor L-olivosyl-erythronolide B into its 3-O-methylated derivative, L-oleandrosyl-erythronolide B. Two other monoglycosylated derivatives were also substrates for the OleY methyltransferase: L-rhamnosyl- and L-mycarosyl-erythronolide B. OleY methyltransferase was purified yielding a 43-kDa single band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The native enzyme showed a molecular mass of 87 kDa by gel filtration chromatography, indicating that the enzyme acts as a dimer. It showed a narrow pH range for optimal activity, and its activity was clearly stimulated by the presence of several divalent cations, being maximal with Co(2+). The S. antibioticus OleG2 glycosyltransferase is proposed to transfer L-olivose to the oleandolide aglycon, which is then converted into L-oleandrose by the OleY methyltransferase. This represents an alternative route for L-oleandrose biosynthesis from that in the avermectin producer Streptomyces avermitilis, in which L-oleandrose is transferred to the aglycon by a glycosyltransferase.  相似文献   

Abstract The ole B gene of Streptomyces antibioticus , oleandomycin producer, encodes an ABC transporter containing two putative ATP-binding domains and is involved in oleandomycin resistance and secretion in this organism. We have overexpressed in Escherichia coli the N-terminal nucleotide-binding domain of OleB (OleB') as a fusion protein to a maltose-binding protein and purified the fusion protein by affinity chromatography. The fusion protein showed ATPase activity dependent on the presence of Mg2+ ions. ATPase activity was resistant to specific inhibitors of P-, F-, and V-type ATPase whereas sodium azide and 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-l,3-diazole (NBD-C1) were strong inhibitors. The change of Lys71, located within the Walker A motif of the OleB' protein, to Gin or Glu caused a loss of ATPase activity, whereas changing to Gly did not impair the activity. The results suggest that the intrinsic ATPase activity of purified fusion protein can be clearly distinguished from other ATP-hydrolysing enzymes, including ion-translocating ATPases or ABC-traffic ATPases, both on the basis of inhibition by different agents and since it hydrolyzes ATP without interacting with a hydrophobic membrane component.  相似文献   

Mithramycin is an aromatic antitumour polyketide synthesized by Streptomyces argillaceus. Two chromosomal regions located upstream and downstream of the locus for the mithramycin type II polyketide synthase were cloned and sequenced. Analysis of the sequence revealed the presence of eight genes encoding three oxygenases (mtmOI, mtmOII and mtmOIII), three reductases (mtmTI, mtmTII and mtmTIII), a cyclase (mtmY) and an acyl CoA ligase (mtmL). The three oxygenase genes were each inactivated by gene replacement. Inactivation of one of them (mtmOII) generated a non-producing mutant, while inactivation of the other two (mtmOI and mtmOIII) did not affect the biosynthesis of mithramycin. The mtmOII gene may code for an oxygenase responsible for the introduction of oxygen atoms at early steps in the biosynthesis of mithramycin leading to 4-demethylpremithramycinone. One of the reductases may be responsible for reductive cleavage of an intermediate from an enzyme and another for the reduction of a keto group in the side-chain of the mithramycin aglycon moiety. A hypothetical biosynthetic pathway showing in particular the involvement of oxygenase MtmOII and of various other gene products in mithramycin biosynthesis is proposed. Received: 13 August 1998 / Accepted: 30 October 1998  相似文献   

W M Leu  S Y Wu  J J Lin  S J Lo  Y H Lee 《Gene》1989,84(2):267-277

A 2580-bp region of the chromosome of Streptomyces argillaceus, the producer of the antitumor polyketide mithramycin, was sequenced. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence revealed the presence of two genes (mtmGIII and mtmGIV?) encoding proteins that showed a high degree of similarity to glycosyltransferases involved in the biosynthesis of various antibiotics and antitumor drugs. Independent insertional inactivation of both genes produced mutants that did not synthesize mithramycin but accumulated several mithramycin intermediates. Both mutants accumulated premithramycinone, a non-glycosylated intermediate in mithramycin biosynthesis. The mutant affected in the mtmGIII gene also accumulated premithramycin A1, which contains premithramycinone as the aglycon unit and a D-olivose attached at C-12a-O. These experiments demonstrate that the glycosyltransferases MtmGIV and MtmGIII catalyze the first two glycosylation steps in mithramycin biosynthesis. A model is proposed for the glycosylation steps in mithramycin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Protoplasts actively synthesizing actinomycins have been prepared from Streptomyces, antibioticus. They showed an absolute requirement for the presence of oxygen, galactose, and alkaline earth ions. Sucrose was most efficient as an osmotic stabilizer. However, in air-saturated buffer the protoplasts seemed to be slightly inhibited in their metabolism. This is expressed by the appearance of 4-methyl-3-hydroxyanthranilic acid and the inability to utilize [1?14C]sarcosine for actinomycin synthesis. Evidence has been obtained that sarcosine and N-methyl-l-valine are not free precursors of the peptide-bound N-methyl-amino acids. It is further demonstrated that synthesis of actinomycin IV and actinomycin V differ from each other with respect to their different susceptibilities against the changings in the physiological environment of the protoplasts. Actinomycin synthesis is severely reduced when protoplasts are incubated in the presence of 10?3, m methionine.  相似文献   

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