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In most eukaryotic organisms, recombination events leading to exchanges between homologous chromosomes link the homologs in a manner that allows their proper attachment to the meiotic spindle. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae these exchanges are initiated in early prophase as double-strand breaks in the DNA. These breaks are processed through a series of intermediates to yield mature crossovers late in prophase. The following experiments were designed to monitor the appearance of the earliest recombinant DNA strands formed in this process. A polymerase chain reaction assay was devised that allows the detection of recombinant strands at a known initiation site for meiotic recombination. The time and rate of appearance of recombinant strands was found to coincide with commitment to recombination, demonstrating that DNA strands bearing sequences from both parental chromosomes are rapidly formed after the initiation of meiotic recombination. Received: 22 July 1997 / Accepted: 25 February 1998  相似文献   

We have used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method to monitor meiotic recombination in the basidiomycete Coprinus cinereus. We used DNA-mediated transformation to recover strains with modifications of the trp1 locus. The modifications were designed to introduce unique PCR priming sites separated by a homologous 2.4?kb region in which crossing over could occur. We showed that exchange occurred in this region at the frequency expected for a typical region of this genome (2.4?kb should correspond to a genetic length of 0.08?cM). We also detected products resulting from crossing over in DNAs extracted from cells in meiotic prophase. The assay should be useful for monitoring exchange in mutants that cannot complete meiosis.  相似文献   

Soustelle C  Vedel M  Kolodner R  Nicolas A 《Genetics》2002,161(2):535-547
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, meiotic recombination is initiated by transient DNA double-stranded breaks (DSBs). These DSBs undergo a 5' --> 3' resection to produce 3' single-stranded DNA ends that serve to channel DSBs into the RAD52 recombinational repair pathway. In vitro studies strongly suggest that several proteins of this pathway--Rad51, Rad52, Rad54, Rad55, Rad57, and replication protein A (RPA)--play a role in the strand exchange reaction. Here, we report a study of the meiotic phenotypes conferred by two missense mutations affecting the largest subunit of RPA, which are localized in the protein interaction domain (rfa1-t11) and in the DNA-binding domain (rfa1-t48). We find that both mutant diploids exhibit reduced sporulation efficiency, very poor spore viability, and a 10- to 100-fold decrease in meiotic recombination. Physical analyses indicate that both mutants form normal levels of meiosis-specific DSBs and that the broken ends are processed into 3'-OH single-stranded tails, indicating that the RPA complex present in these rfa1 mutants is functional in the initial steps of meiotic recombination. However, the 5' ends of the broken fragments undergo extensive resection, similar to what is observed in rad51, rad52, rad55, and rad57 mutants, indicating that these RPA mutants are defective in the repair of the Spo11-dependent DSBs that initiate homologous recombination during meiosis.  相似文献   

We describe a general physical method for detecting the heteroduplex DNA that is formed as an intermediate in meiotic recombination in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We use this method to study the kinetic relationship between the formation of heteroduplex DNA and other meiotic events. We show that strains with the rad50, but not the rad52, mutation are defective in heteroduplex formation. We also demonstrate that, although cruciform structures can be formed in vivo as a consequence of heteroduplex formation between DNA strands that contain different palindromic insertions, small palindromic sequences in homoduplex DNA are rarely extruded into the cruciform conformation.  相似文献   

We have used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method to monitor meiotic recombination in the basidiomycete Coprinus cinereus. We used DNA-mediated transformation to recover strains with modifications of the trp1 locus. The modifications were designed to introduce unique PCR priming sites separated by a homologous 2.4 kb region in which crossing over could occur. We showed that exchange occurred in this region at the frequency expected for a typical region of this genome (2.4 kb should correspond to a genetic length of 0.08 cM). We also detected products resulting from crossing over in DNAs extracted from cells in meiotic prophase. The assay should be useful for monitoring exchange in mutants that cannot complete meiosis. Received: 5 September 1996 / Accepted: 1 December 1996  相似文献   

The REC104 gene was initially defined by mutations that rescued the inviability of a rad52 spo13 haploid strain in meiosis. We have observed that rec104 mutant strains undergo essentially no induction of meiotic gene conversion, and we have not been able to detect any meiotic crossing over in such strains. The REC104 gene has no apparent role in mitosis, since mutations have no observable effect on growth, mitotic recombination, or DNA repair. The DNA sequence of REC104 reveals that it is a previously unknown gene with a coding region of 549-bp, and genetic mapping has localized the gene to chromosome VIll near FUR1. Expression of the REC104 gene is induced in meiosis, and it appears that the gene is not transcribed in mitotic cells. Possible roles for the REC104 gene product in meiosis are discussed. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have developed an assay utilizing Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell extracts to catalyze recombination in vitro between homologous plasmids containing different mutant alleles of the tet gene. Electrophoretic analysis of product DNA indicated that a number of novel DNA species were formed during the reaction. These species migrated through agarose gels as distinct bands with decreased electrophoretic mobility compared with the substrate DNA. The DNA from each individual band was purified and shown to be enriched 5- to 100-fold for tetracycline-resistant recombinants by using a transformation assay. The structure of the DNA molecules present in these bands was determined by electron microscopy. Recombination between circular substrates appeared to involve the formation and processing of figure-eight molecules, while recombination between circular and linear substrates involved the formation of molecules in which a circular monomer had a monomer-length linear tail attached at a region of homology.  相似文献   

Recent studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae have provided new insights in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of meiotic recombination. Meiosis-specific DNA double-strand breaks have been detected and have been shown to be the lesions that initiate recombination events. These are located mostly in promoter regions where the chromatin is in an open configuration, and cluster in domains along the chromosome. They are likely to be made by a topoisomerase II-like protein encoded by the SPO11 gene. Several DNA intermediates in the meiotic double strand-break repair pathway have been characterised and several multi-protein complexes have been identified and shown to be involved at different steps in the repair pathway. The conservation of these protein complexes in higher eukaryotes suggests that the meiotic recombination mechanism could be conserved. With the application of the well characterised genetical, molecular, cytological and biochemical techniques and the recently developed technology for genomic studies (biochips), we can expect a rapid increase in our comprehension of the meiotic recombination process.  相似文献   

Hong  Soogil  Kim  Keun Pil 《Molecules and cells》2013,36(5):446-454
Homologous recombination occurs closely between homologous chromatids with highly ordered recombinosomes through RecA homologs and mediators. The present study demonstrates this relationship during the period of “partner choice” in yeast meiotic recombination. We have examined the formation of recombination intermediates in the absence or presence of Shu1, a member of the PCSS complex, which also includes Psy3, Csm2, and Shu2. DNA physical analysis indicates that Shu1 is essential for promoting the establishment of homolog bias during meiotic homologous recombination, and the partner choice is switched by Mek1 kinase activity. Furthermore, Shu1 promotes both crossover (CO) and non-crossover (NCO) pathways of meiotic recombination. The inactivation of Mek1 kinase allows for meiotic recombination to progress efficiently, but is lost in homolog bias where most double-strand breaks (DSBs) are repaired via stable intersister joint molecules. Moreover, the Srs2 helicase deletion cells in the budding yeast show slightly reduced COs and NCOs, and Shu1 promotes homolog bias independent of Srs2. Our findings reveal that Shu1 and Mek1 kinase activity have biochemically distinct roles in partner choice, which in turn enhances the understanding of the mechanism associated with the precondition for homolog bias.  相似文献   

The minimal length of contiguous homology required for successful completion of meiotic recombination was investigated by using heterologous insertions to delimit homologous segments of chromosome III in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Constructs created in vitro by insertion of selectable markers into the LEU2 locus were transplaced into haploid strains, which were then mated to create diploids containing pairs of insertion heterologies at various distances. Analysis of the meiotic products from these diploids revealed a gradient in the frequency of both reciprocal and nonreciprocal recombination declining monotonically from the 5′ end of LEU2. Both types of event were found to be restricted by the presence of the insertion heterologies. The spo 13 single division meiosis was exploited to develop a plating assay in which LEU2 diploid spores containing reciprocally recombinant strands derived from events occurring completely within the interval flanked by the insertion heterologies were selected by random spore methods. Reciprocal recombination frequencies measured with this assay decreased linearly with extent, extrapolating to a minimal homology requirement of 150–250 nucleotides. When homology was most severely restricted, unexpected flanking marker configurations among reciprocal recombinants within LEU2 demonstrated the occurrence of complex recombination events. In addition to detecting reciprocal recombinants, the system is capable of measuring the probability that a non-reciprocal recombination event will have one endpoint between the heterologous inserts and the other lying outside the interval. The minimal length of homology required for this aspect of recombination was found to be 25–60 nucleotides. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The REC104 gene was initially defined by mutations that rescued the inviability of a rad52 spo 13 haploid strain in meiosis. We have observed that rec104 mutant strains undergo essentially no induction of meiotic gene conversion, and we have not been able to detect any meiotic crossing over in such strains. The REC104 gene has no apparent role in mitosis, since mutations have no observable effect on growth, mitotic recombination, or DNA repair. The DNA sequence of REC104 reveals that it is a previously unknown gene with a coding region of 549-bp, and genetic mapping has localized the gene to chromosome VIII near FUR1. Expression of the REC104 gene is induced in meiosis, and it appears that the gene is not transcribed in mitotic cells. Possible roles for the REC104 gene product in meiosis are discussed.  相似文献   

The minimal length of contiguous homology required for successful completion of meiotic recombination was investigated by using heterologous insertions to delimit homologous segments of chromosome III in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Constructs created in vitro by insertion of selectable markers into the LEU2 locus were transplaced into haploid strains, which were then mated to create diploids containing pairs of insertion heterologies at various distances. Analysis of the meiotic products from these diploids revealed a gradient in the frequency of both reciprocal and nonreciprocal recombination declining monotonically from the 5' end of LEU2. Both types of event were found to be restricted by the presence of the insertion heterologies. The spo13 single division meiosis was exploited to develop a plating assay in which LEU2 diploid spores containing reciprocally recombinant strands derived from events occurring completely within the interval flanked by the insertion heterologies were selected by random spore methods. Reciprocal recombination frequencies measured with this assay decreased linearly with extent, extrapolating to a minimal homology requirement of 150-250 nucleotides. When homology was most severely restricted, unexpected flanking marker configurations among reciprocal recombinants within LEU2 demonstrated the occurrence of complex recombination events. In addition to detecting reciprocal recombinants, the system is capable of measuring the probability that a non-reciprocal recombination event will have one end-point between the heterologous inserts and the other lying outside the interval. The minimal length of homology required for this aspect of recombination was found to be 25-60 nucleotides.  相似文献   

Mell JC  Wienholz BL  Salem A  Burgess SM 《Genetics》2008,179(2):773-784
Trans-acting factors involved in the early meiotic recombination pathway play a major role in promoting homolog pairing during meiosis in many plants, fungi, and mammals. Here we address whether or not allelic sites have higher levels of interaction when in cis to meiotic recombination events in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We used Cre/loxP site-specific recombination to genetically measure the magnitude of physical interaction between loxP sites located at allelic positions on homologous chromosomes during meiosis. We observed nonrandom coincidence of Cre-mediated loxP recombination events and meiotic recombination events when the two occurred at linked positions. Further experiments showed that a subset of recombination events destined to become crossover products increased the frequency of nearby Cre-mediated loxP recombination. Our results support a simple physical model of homolog pairing in budding yeast, where recombination at numerous genomic positions generally serves to loosely coalign homologous chromosomes, while crossover-bound recombination intermediates locally stabilize interactions between allelic sites.  相似文献   

The MMS4 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was originally identified due to its sensitivity to MMS in vegetative cells. Subsequent studies have confirmed a role for MMS4 in DNA metabolism of vegetative cells. In addition, mms4 diploids were observed to sporulate poorly. This work demonstrates that the mms4 sporulation defect is due to triggering of the meiotic recombination checkpoint. Genetic, physical, and cytological analyses suggest that MMS4 functions after the single end invasion step of meiotic recombination. In spo13 diploids, red1, but not mek1, is epistatic to mms4 for sporulation and spore viability, suggesting that MMS4 may be required only when homologs are capable of undergoing synapsis. MMS4 and MUS81 are in the same epistasis group for spore viability, consistent with biochemical data that show that the two proteins function in a complex. In contrast, MMS4 functions independently of MSH5 in the production of viable spores. We propose that MMS4 is required for the processing of specific recombination intermediates during meiosis.  相似文献   

Jessop L  Allers T  Lichten M 《Genetics》2005,169(3):1353-1367
To study the mechanism of meiotic recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we examined recombination in an interval where the majority of events are initiated at a single hotspot for DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), with little or no expected contribution by outside initiation events. This interval contained infrequently corrected palindromic markers 300 bp to the left and 600 bp to the right of the DSB hotspot. Conversion of single markers occurred frequently, while conversion of both markers occurred rarely, and many of the tetrads in which both markers converted were the products of multiple events. These data indicate that most meiotic recombination intermediates are asymmetrically positioned around the initiating DSB, with a short (<300 bp) tract of heteroduplex DNA (hDNA) to one side and hDNA on the other side frequently extending 600 bp or more. One consequence of this asymmetry is the preferential concentration of crossovers in the vicinity of the initiating DSB.  相似文献   

Vedel M  Nicolas A 《Genetics》1999,151(4):1245-1259
We have examined meiotic recombination at the CYS3 locus. Genetic analysis indicates that CYS3 is a hotspot of meiotic gene conversion, with a putative 5'-3' polarity gradient of conversion frequencies. This gradient is relieved in the presence of msh2 and pms1 mutations, indicating an involvement of mismatch repair functions in meiotic recombination. To investigate the role of mismatch repair proteins in meiotic recombination, we performed a physical analysis of meiotic DNA in wild-type and msh2 pms1 strains in the presence or absence of allelic differences at CYS3. Neither the mutations in CYS3 nor the absence of mismatch repair functions affects the frequency and distribution of nearby recombination-initiating DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). Processing of DSBs is also similar in msh2 pms1 and wild-type strains. We conclude that mismatch repair functions do not control the distribution of meiotic gene conversion events at the initiating steps. In the MSH2 PMS1 background, strains heteroallelic for frameshift mutations in CYS3 exhibit a frequency of gene conversion greater than that observed for either marker alone. Physical analysis revealed no modification in the formation of DSBs, suggesting that this marker effect results from subsequent processing events that are not yet understood.  相似文献   

During meiotic recombination in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, heteroduplexes are formed at a high frequency between HIS4 genes located on homologous chromosomes. Using mutant alleles of the HIS4 gene that result in poorly repaired mismatches in heteroduplex DNA, we find that heteroduplexes often span a distance of 1.8 kb. In addition, we show that about one-third of the repair tracts initiated at well-repaired mismatches extend 900 bp.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Spo11 protein is thought to catalyze formation of the DNA double-strand breaks that initiate meiotic recombination. We have cloned cDNA and genomic DNA for a mouse gene encoding a protein with significant sequence similarity to conserved domains found in proteins of the Spo11p family. This putative mouse Spo11 gene maps to the distal region of chromosome 2 (homologous to human chromosome 20q13.2-q13.3) and comprises at least 12 exons, spanning approximately 15-18 kb. Strong expression of the Spo11 message is seen in juvenile and adult testis by RNA in situ hybridization, RT-PCR, and Northern blot, with much weaker expression in thymus and brain. In situ hybridization detects expression in oocytes of embryonic ovary, but not of adult ovary. RT-PCR and in situ hybridization analyses of a time course of juvenile testis development indicate that Spo11 expression begins in early meiotic Prophase I, prior to the pachytene stage, with increasing accumulation of mRNA through the pachytene stage. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that this gene encodes the functional homolog of yeast Spo11p, which in turn suggests that the mechanism of meiotic recombination initiation is conserved between yeast and mammals.  相似文献   

Meiotic recombination is a fundamental biological process that plays a central role in the evolution and breeding of plants. We have developed a new seed-based assay for meiotic recombination in Arabidopsis. The assay is based on the transformation of green and red fluorescent markers expressed under a seed-specific promoter. A total of 74 T-DNA markers were isolated, sequenced and mapped both physically and genetically. Lines containing red and green markers that map 1-20 cM apart were crossed to produce tester lines with the two markers linked in cis yielding seeds that fluoresced both in red and green. We show that these lines can be used for efficient scoring of recombinant types (red only or green only fluorescing seeds) in a seed population derived from a test cross (backcross) or self-pollination. Two tester lines that were characterized during several generations of backcross and self-pollination, one in the background of ecotype Landsberg and one in the ecotype Columbia, are described. We discuss the number of plants and seeds to be scored in order to obtain reliable and reproducible crossing over rate values. This assay offers a relatively high-throughput method, with the benefit of seed markers (similar to the maize classical genetic markers) combined with the advantages of Arabidopsis. It advances the prospect to better understand the factors that affect the rate of meiotic crossover in plants and to stimulate this process for more efficient breeding and mapping.  相似文献   

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