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The aim of the study was to ascertain the extent to which temperature influences the utilisation of main carbon sources (reducing substances determined before and after hydrolysis, glycerol and organic acids) by a mixed culture of thermo- and mesophilic bacteria of the genus Bacillus in the course of aerobic batch biodegradation of potato stillage, a high-strength distillery effluent (COD = 51.88 g O2/l). The experiments were performed at 20, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 and 63 °C, at pH 7, in a 5 l working volume stirred-tank bioreactor (Biostat®B, B. Braun Biotech International) with a stirrer speed of 550 rpm and aeration at 1.6 vvm. Particular consideration was given to the following issues: (1) the sequence in which the main carbon sources in the stillage were assimilated and (2) the extent of their assimilation achieved under these conditions.  相似文献   

The widespread use of volatile chlorinatedcompounds like chloroform, trichloroethene andtetrachloroethene in industrialized societiescauses a large annual release of thesecompounds into the environment. Due to theirrole as a source for halogen radicals involvedin various catalytic atmospheric reactioncycles, including the regulation of thestratospheric and tropospheric ozone layers,these compounds also constitute a risk fordrinking water resources as they can betransported to the groundwater fromcontaminated field sites or even fromatmospheric deposition. Therefore,identification and investigation of sources andsinks of volatile chlorinated compounds are ofparticular interest. Chloroform, a majorcontributor to natural gaseous chlorine, wasfound to be emitted by several anthropogenicand natural sources including the oceans andterrestrial areas. The origin of chloroform inthe terrestrial environment can beanthropogenic point sources, atmosphericdeposition, release by vegetation andproduction directly in the soil. The calculatedannual biogenic global chloroform emission is700 Gg, and marine and terrestrial environmentsare nearly equal contributors. The estimatedemissions from anthropogenic sources accountfor less than 10% of the estimated totalemissions from all sources. Among terrestrialsources, forests have recently been identifiedas contributing to the release of chloroform intothe environment. With the data available,annual emissions of chloroform to theatmosphere from forest sites were calculatedand compared to other natural sources. Atpresent knowledge, forests are only a minorsource in the total biogenic flux ofchloroform, contributing less than 1% to theannual global atmospheric input. However, itshould be noted that data are available forNorthern temperate forests only. The largetropical forest areas may provide a yet unknowninput of chloroform.  相似文献   


The formation of complex species in the dimethyltin(IV) and trimethyltin(IV)-carboxymethyl-L-cysteinate (carbocysteinate) systems in NaClaq, at different ionic strengths, and in a multicomponent Na+, K+, Ca2+ ,Mg2+, Cl? and SO42-? medium representative of the seawater major composition, is discussed. Experimental results give evidence for the formation of the following species (L = carbocysteinate): [(CH3)2Sn(L)]0, [(CH3)2Sn(HL)]+, [(CH3)2Sn(OH)(L)]?, [(CH3)2Sn(OH)2(L)]2? in the DMT–CCYS system, and [(CH3)3Sn(HL)]0, [(CH3)3Sn(L)]? and [(CH3)3Sn(OH)(L)]2? in the TMT-CCYS system. The ionic strength dependence of formation constants was taken into account by an extended Debye Hückel type equation and by the SIT (Specific ion Interaction Theory). Measurements were carried out also on the dimethyltin(IV)-glutamate and trimethyltin(IV)-glutamate systems in NaClaq, owing the strict similarity of glutamate and carbocysteinate. Results obtained show the formation of complex species having the same stoichiometry as those formed in the DMT- and TMT-carbocysteinate systems, with very similar stability, confirming that carbocysteinate behaves as a dicarboxylic amino acid without involving the sulfur-bridge potential binding site in metal coordination.  相似文献   

The bushmeat trade provides an income to hunters, transporters, and vendors living in the vicinity of protected areas but remains a challenge to wildlife conservation objectives. The key factors driving the source, choice and use of bushmeat vary among actors in the commercial bushmeat value chain, and insights into these determinants are required to facilitate the development of conservation strategies. Therefore, we aimed to identify the socioeconomic factors that explain the source of supply and quantities of bushmeat available in households and local restaurants. We carried out a survey with 144 rural household heads and 24 restaurant owners in 20 villages in the Western part of Taï National Park in Côte d’Ivoire. We found that bushmeat quantity and species diversity were low in households, originating mainly from subsistence hunting. However, both the amount of bushmeat and the variety of species were high in restaurants and primarily supplied by commercial hunters. Furthermore, the quantity of bushmeat was lower in households with other protein sources and in restaurants in villages that had been the target of more conservation awareness campaigns. We highlight the importance of understanding the determinants of bushmeat supply to regulate the bushmeat trade by applying relevant conservation interventions.  相似文献   

The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - A worldwide-regionalized water supply mix (WSmix) has been developed for use in life cycle assessment (LCA) studies. The WSmix is the...  相似文献   



Tracking small migrant organisms worldwide has been hampered by technological and recovery limitations and sampling bias inherent in exogenous markers. Naturally occurring stable isotopes of H (δ2H) in feathers provide an alternative intrinsic marker of animal origin due to the predictable spatial linkage to underlying hydrologically driven flow of H isotopes into foodwebs. This approach can assess the likelihood that a migrant animal originated from a given location(s) within a continent but requires a robust algorithm linking H isotopes in tissues of interest to an appropriate hydrological isotopic spatio-temporal pattern, such as weighted-annual rainfall. However, a number of factors contribute to or alter expected isotopic patterns in animals. We present results of an extensive investigation into taxonomic and environmental factors influencing feather δ 2H patterns across North America.

Principal Findings

Stable isotope data were measured from 544 feathers from 40 species and 140 known locations. For δ 2H, the most parsimonious model explaining 83% of the isotopic variance was found with amount-weighted growing-season precipitation δ 2H, foraging substrate and migratory strategy.


This extensive H isotopic analysis of known-origin feathers of songbirds in North America and elsewhere reconfirmed the strong coupling between tissue δ 2H and global hydrologic δ 2H patterns, and accounting for variance associated with foraging substrate and migratory strategy, can be used in conservation and research for the purpose of assigning birds and other species to their approximate origin.  相似文献   

We investigated the spectral sensitivity and response to light intensity of Pachyneuron aphidis (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), which is a common hyperparasitoid of Aphidius gifuensis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a key natural enemy of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae). To do so, we used 15 monochromatic lights (emitting various specific wavelengths from 340 to 649 nm) and white light. P. aphidis adults are diurnal insects that show a positive phototaxis to a broad spectrum of light. Significant differences were found between sexes in the phototactic responses of P. aphidis to different monochromatic lights. Female P. aphidis showed four peaks of sensitivity at 380, 450, 504 and 589 nm. Male P. aphidis show two peaks of sensitivity, one at 450 nm and second at 628 nm. P. aphidis adults showed an increased phototactic response at low intensities and a decreased phototactic response at high intensities for both UV light and blue light. This experiment will help provide a scientific basis for the development of colour traps for insect pest management.  相似文献   

A rather widespread idea on the functional importance of sphingolipids in cell membranes refers to the occurrence of ordered domains enriched in sphingomyelin and ceramide that are largely assumed to exist irrespective of the type of N-acyl chain in the sphingolipid. Ceramides and sphingomyelins are the simplest kind of two-chained sphingolipids and show a variety of species, depending on the fatty acyl chain length, hydroxylation, and unsaturation. Abundant evidences have shown that variations of the N-acyl chain length in ceramides and sphingomyelins markedly affect their phase state, interfacial elasticity, surface topography, electrostatics, and miscibility, and that even the usually conceived “condensed” sphingolipids and many of their mixtures may exhibit liquid-like expanded states. Their lateral miscibility properties are subtlety regulated by those chemical differences. Even between ceramides with different acyl chain length, their partial miscibility is responsible for a rich two-dimensional structural variety that impacts on the membrane properties at the mesoscale level. In this review, we will discuss the miscibility properties of ceramide, sphingomyelin, and glycosphingolipids that differ in their N-acyl or oligosaccharide chains. This work is a second part that accompanies a previous overview of the properties of membranes formed by pure ceramides or sphingomyelins, which is also included in this Special Issue.  相似文献   

Ceramides, the simplest kind of two-chained sphingolipids, contain a single hydroxyl group in position 1 of the sphingoid base. Sphingomyelins further contain a phosphocholine group at the OH of position 1 of ceramide. Ceramides and sphingomyelins show a variety of species depending on the fatty acyl chain length, hydroxylation, and unsaturation. Because of the relatively high transition temperature of sphingomyelin compared to lecithin and, particularly, of ceramides with 16:0–18:0 saturated chains, a widespread idea on their functional importance refers to formation of rather solid domains enriched in sphingomyelin and ceramide. Frequently, and especially in the cell biology field, these are generally (and erroneously) assumed to occur irrespective on the type of N-acyl chain in these lipids. This is because most studies indicating such condensed ordered domains employed sphingolipids with acyl chains with 16 carbons while scarce attention has been focused on the influence of the N-acyl chain on their surface properties. However, abundant evidence has shown that variations of the N-acyl chain length in ceramides and sphingomyelins markedly affect their phase state, interfacial elasticity, surface topography, electrostatics and miscibility and that, even the usually conceived “condensed” sphingolipids and many of their mixtures, may exhibit liquid-like expanded states. This review is a summarized overview of our work and of related others on some facts regarding membranes composed of single molecular species of ceramide and sphingomyelin. A second part is dedicated to discuss the miscibility properties between species of sphingolipids that differ in N-acyl and oligosaccharide chains.  相似文献   

The plastic crisis requires drastic measures, especially for the plastics’ end-of-life. Mixed plastic fractions are currently difficult to recycle, but microbial metabolism might open new pathways. With new technologies for degradation of plastics to oligo- and monomers, these carbon sources can be used in biotechnology for the upcycling of plastic waste to valuable products, such as bioplastics and biosurfactants. We briefly summarize well-known monomer degradation pathways and computed their theoretical yields for industrially interesting products. With this information in hand, we calculated replacement scenarios of existing fossil-based synthesis routes for the same products. Thereby, we highlight fossil-based products for which plastic monomers might be attractive alternative carbon sources. Notably, not the highest yield of product on substrate of the biochemical route, but rather the (in-)efficiency of the petrochemical routes (i.e., carbon, energy use) determines the potential of biochemical plastic upcycling. Our results might serve as a guide for future metabolic engineering efforts towards a sustainable plastic economy.  相似文献   

The external and internal head anatomy of Sisyra terminalis is described in detail and compared with data from literature. A salivary pump consisting of a peculiar reservoir and a hitherto unknown muscle, M. ductus salivarii, is newly described for Neuroptera. The upward folded paraglossae form a secondary prolongation of the salivary system. These structures are discussed as functional adaptations for feeding on aphids and desiccated honeydew. In a phylogenetic analysis the basal position of the Sisyridae within Neuroptera is retrieved. The following new synapomorphies are postulated: (1) for Neuropterida, the presence of a M. submentomentalis and prepharyngeal ventral transverse muscles, and the absence of a M. submentopraementalis; (2) for Neuroptera and Sialidae, the presence of a mandibular gland; (3) for Neuroptera, the presence of four scapopedicellar muscles; (4) for Neuroptera exclusive Nevrorthidae and Sisyridae, the weakening of dorsal tentorial arms, the presence of a M. tentoriomandibularis medialis superior and the shifted origin of M. tentoriocardinalis.  相似文献   

An annotated list of the species of Folsomia fimetaria group recorded in China is given. The new diagnostics of Folsomia candida sensu lato and sensu stricto are proposed basing on European and Asiatic material. Folsomia postsensilis n. sp. is described from Ningxia and Qinghai Provinces. It is characterized by the combination of posterior position of medial sensilla on abdomen, presence of ocelli and short furca.  相似文献   

A biomimetic synthesis of ( – )-aplysistatin (1) is described. The Wittig reaction of the keto ester 5 with homogeranyl triphenylphosphonium ylid gave the desired intermediate 3. Successive treatment of 3 with activated manganese dioxide, sodium chlorite and aq. trifluoroacetic acid led to the unsaturated β-hydroxy lactone 2, which was subjected to brominative cyclization to yield ( –)-aplysistatin (1).  相似文献   

The adult of Macrelmis pubescens (Grouvelle, 1889) is redescribed, illustrated, a lectotype designated, and new locality information provided. The lectotype is housed in the Grouvelle’s collection in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, France. The larva of M. pubescens is described, illustrated and compared with the known larvae of the genus. A diagnosis for Macrelmis Motschulsky, 1860 larvae is provided.  相似文献   

Microalgae and cyanobacteria are potential food and feed, sources of high-value bioactive molecules and biofuels, and find tremendous applications in bioremediation and agriculture. Although few efforts have been undertaken to index the microalgal germplasm available in terms of lipid content, information on suitability of strains for mass multiplication and advances in development of methods for extraction and generating biofuel are scarce. Our review summarizes the potential of microalgae, latest developments in the field and analyzes the “pitfalls” in oversimplification of their promise in the years to come. Microalgae represent “green gold mines” for generating energy; however, the path to success is long and winding and needs tremendous and concerted efforts from science and industry, besides political will and social acceptance for overcoming the limitations. The major advantages of second generation biofuels based on microalgal systems, include their higher photon conversion efficiency, growth all around the year, even in wastewaters, and production of environment friendly biodegradable biofuels.  相似文献   

Current bioprocesses for production of value-added compounds are mainly based on pure cultures that are composed of rationally engineered strains of model organisms with versatile metabolic capacities. However, in the comparably well-defined environment of a bioreactor, metabolic flexibility provided by various highly abundant biosynthetic enzymes is much less required and results in suboptimal use of carbon and energy sources for compound production. In nature, non-model organisms have frequently evolved in communities where genome-reduced, auxotrophic strains cross-feed each other, suggesting that there must be a significant advantage compared to growth without cooperation. To prove this, we started to create and study synthetic communities of niche-optimized strains (CoNoS) that consists of two strains of the same species Corynebacterium glutamicum that are mutually dependent on one amino acid. We used both the wild-type and the genome-reduced C1* chassis for introducing selected amino acid auxotrophies, each based on complete deletion of all required biosynthetic genes. The best candidate strains were used to establish several stably growing CoNoS that were further characterized and optimized by metabolic modelling, microfluidic experiments and rational metabolic engineering to improve amino acid production and exchange. Finally, the engineered CoNoS consisting of an l-leucine and l-arginine auxotroph showed a specific growth rate equivalent to 83% of the wild type in monoculture, making it the fastest co-culture of two auxotrophic C. glutamicum strains to date. Overall, our results are a first promising step towards establishing improved biobased production of value-added compounds using the CoNoS approach.  相似文献   

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