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In vivo effect of aluminium on nitrate uptake and reduction by cucumber seedlings was investigated. The high-performance liquid chromatography was used to analyse the rate of nitrate uptake. Low (0.5 mM) concentration of AlCl3 in the nutrient solution stimulated nitrate uptake during the first 3 h. On the other hand, 6 h exposure of the cucumber seedlings to 1 or 5 mM of AlCl3 resulted in inhibition of nitrate uptake and at 5 mM concentration of AlCl3 the efflux of nitrate was observed. Furthermore, the amount of nitrate accumulated in cucumber roots after aluminium treatment was decreased. The noteworthy fact was observed, that at all concentrations of aluminium tested on increase of the nitrate reductase activity. This stimulation was concentration depended, but independent of the source of the enzyme. The activity of both the cytosolic and the plasma membrane bound nitrate reductase activity was enhanced in vivo. On the other hand, AlCl3 applied in vitro only slighty decreased nitrate reductase activity.  相似文献   

Espen L  Dell'Orto M  De Nisi P  Zocchi G 《Planta》2000,210(6):985-992
The metabolic responses occurring in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) roots (a strategy-I plant) grown under iron-deficiency conditions were studied in-vivo using 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Iron starvation induced activation of metabolism leading to the consumption of stored carbohydrates to produce the NAD(P)H, ATP and phosphoenolpyruvate necessary to sustain the increased activity of the NAD(P)H:Fe3+-reductase, the H+-ATPase (EC and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (EC Activation of catabolic pathways was supported by the enhancement of glycolytic enzymes and concentrations of the metabolites glucose-6-phosphate and fructose-6-phosphate, and by enhancement of the respiration rate. Moreover, Fe-deficiency induced a slight increase in the cytoplasmic (pHc) and vacuolar (pHv) pHs as well as a dramatic decrease in the vacuolar phosphate (Pi) concentration. A comparison was done using fusicoccin (FC), a fungal toxin which stimulates proton extrusion. Changes in pHc and pHv were measured after addition of FC. Under these conditions, a dramatic alkalinization of the pHv of −Fe roots was observed, as well as a concomitant Pi movement from the vacuole to the cytoplasm. These results showed that Fe starvation was indeed accompanied by the activation of metabolic processes useful for sustaining the typical responses occurring at the plasma-membrane level (i.e. increases in the NAD(P)H:Fe3+-reductase and H+-ATPase activities) as well as those involved in the homeostasis of pHc. The decrease in vacuolar Pi levels induced by Fe-deficiency and FC and movement of Pi from the vacuole to the cytoplasm suggest a possible involvement of this compound in the cellular pH-stat system. Received: 30 July 1999 / Accepted: 11 November 1999  相似文献   

Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) routinely causes significant losses in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) and melon (Cucumis melo L.). ZYMV resistances from the cucumber population TMG1 and the melon plant introduction (PI) 414723 show different modes of inheritance and their genetic relationships are unknown. We used molecular markers tightly linked to ZYMV resistances from cucumber and melon for comparative mapping. A 5-kb genomic region (YCZ-5) cosegregating with the zym locus of cucumber was cloned and sequenced to reveal single nucleotide polymorphisms and indels distinguishing alleles from ZYMV-resistant (TMG1) and susceptible (Straight 8) cucumbers. A low-copy region of the YCZ-5 clone was hybridized to bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones of melon and a 180-kb contig assembled. One end of this melon contig was mapped in cucumber and cosegregated with ZYMV resistance, demonstrating that physically linked regions in melon show genetic linkage in cucumber. However the YCZ-5 region segregated independently of ZYMV resistance loci in two melon families. These results establish that these sources of ZYMV resistances from cucumber TMG1 and melon PI414723 are likely non-syntenic.  相似文献   

One of the mechanisms through which some strategy I plants respond to Fe-deficiency is an enhanced acidification of the rhizosphere due to proton extrusion. It was previously demonstrated that under Fe-deficiency, a strong increase in the H(+)-ATPase activity of plasma membrane (PM) vesicles isolated from cucumber roots occurred. This result was confirmed in the present work and supported by measurement of ATP-dependent proton pumping in inside-out plasma membrane vesicles. There was also an attempt to clarify the regulatory mechanism(s) which lead to the activation of the H(+)-ATPase under Fe-deficiency conditions. Plasma membrane proteins from Fe-deficient roots submitted to immunoblotting using polyclonal antibodies showed an increased level in the 100 kDa polypeptide. When the plasma membrane proteins were treated with trypsin a 90 kDa band appeared. This effect was accompanied by an increase in the enzyme activity, both in the Fe-deficient and in the Fe-sufficient extracts. These results suggest that the increase in the plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase activity seen under Fe-deficiency is due, at least in part, to an increased steady-state level of the 100 kDa polypeptide.  相似文献   

Acid phosphatases (E.C. are a group of enzymes widely distributed in nature, which nonspecifically catalyze the hydrolysis of a variety of phosphate esters in pH ranges from 4 to 6 and play a major role in the supply and metabolism of phosphate in plants. The objective of the present study was to investigate the in vitro effects of some metals on the activity of acid phosphatase in cucumber seedlings (Cucumis sativus L.) and to determine their kinetic parameters. The enzyme was assayed with Hg, Cd, Mn, Pb, Zn, K and Na at the 0.001–1 mM range using ATP, PPi and β-glycerol phosphate as substrates. Mn, Na and Cd did not significantly alter the enzyme activity. K caused a broad activation at low concentrations and an inhibition at high concentrations (10 mM) and lead caused no inhibition. Acid phosphatase was inhibited by Hg and Zn and the inhibition type and IC50 values were determined for these metals. Hg presented a mixed inhibition type with PPi and ATP as substrates and uncompetitive inhibition with β-glycerol phosphate as substrate. Zn presented competitive inhibition for ATP as substrate, and a mixed inhibition type with PPi and β-glycerol phosphate as substrate. IC50 values were 0.02, 0.3 and 0.15 mM for Hg, and 0.056, 0.035 and 0.24 mM for Zn with ATP, PPi and β-glycerol phosphate as substrates, respectively. Analysis of these results indicates that Zn is a more potent inhibitor of acid phosphatase from cucumbers than Hg.  相似文献   

Summary Transgenic cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L., cv. Straight Eight) were regenerated from roots induced by inoculation of inverted hypocotyl sections with Agrobacterium rhizogenes containing the vector pARC8 in addition to the resident Ri-plasmid. The DNA transferred to the plant from the vector (T-DNA) included a gene which encoded the enzyme neomycin phosphotransferase II, and thus conferred on the plant cells resistance to kanamycin. The transgenic plants looked normal and were positive for the neomycin phosphotransferase II. Southern blot analysis of the transgenic plants revealed that all plants contained vector DNA, but only some of them contained DNA from the Ri plasmid.  相似文献   

不同生态环境下雌雄同株黄瓜单性结实性遗传的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以两个单性结实性不同的雌雄同株黄瓜自交系构建的4世代群体为试材,采用植物数量性状主基因+多基因混合遗传模型联合分析方法,对南京江宁和河北昌黎两地雌雄同株黄瓜单性结实性遗传进行了比较研究.结果表明:不同生态环境下,雌雄同株黄瓜单性结实性遗传均符合E-1-1模型,受2对加性-显性-上位性主基因+加性-显性多基因控制,存在基因型与环境互作效应.但是,不同环境条件下F1的遗传倾向和遗传参数不同,F2的主基因遗传率为42.1%~97.5%,其遗传差异主要由黄瓜结果期两地日照和温度差异所致.强单性结实黄瓜品种选育以双亲均为强单性结实材料为宜,杂种后代宜在不同生态条件下选择鉴定.  相似文献   

Embryogenic callus cultures were established from immature cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.) embryos on E20A (Dumas de Vaulxet al. 1981) or MS (Murashige and Skoog 1962) media supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), α-naphthylacetic acid (NAA) and/or 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). Regeneration of plants was observed after a transfer to culture media either without growth regulators or supplemented with kinetin and NAA. Flow cytometry was employed to estimate DNA ploidy levels. Most of cell nuclei in young leaf tissues were found in G1 phase with 2C DNA content. Callus cultures were mixoploid with DNA content ranging from 2C to 32C. The frequency of polyploid cells was increasing with the age of culture and the polyploidization was accompanied by a gradual loss of regeneration ability. Plants regenerated from callus cultures were classified as diploid (57 %), tetraploid (18 %), octoploid (4 %) and mixoploid (2n/4n, 4 %) and (4n/8n, 17 %). The results of this study confirmed a close link between the polyploidization and the loss of totipotencyin vitro. Tetraploid plants obtained in this study have a potential to be used in interspecific crosses where their tetraploid status could help in overcoming existing breeding barriers due to differences in chromosome number.  相似文献   

 Over 3 consecutive years (1992–1994), a collection of cucumber haploids was obtained from three different lines and one hybrid. Attempts were made to maintain and store a subcollection of these haploids for 3 years. Cucumber haploids appeared to be stable when cultured in vitro. There were no instances of spontaneous doubling and only one morphologically changed plant. During the first year of storage, between 30% and 80% the clones were lost, due to disturbances in plant development, increased levels of endogenous bacteria, and physiological changes resulting in continuous flowering. After 2 years of storage haploids showed reduced vigour. Therefore, plants were regenerated directly from primordial leaf microexplants. Haploid plants were obtained from nearly all of the previous haploid plants. The rejuvenated haploids possessed the same ploidy level and morphological traits as the old collection. The only new characteristic was faster vegetative growth. Received: 17 March 1998 / Revision received: 14 April 1999 / Accepted: 10 May 1999  相似文献   

QTL analysis of powdery mildew resistance in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A population of F7 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was made from a cross between susceptible (‘Santou’) and resistant (PI197088-1) lines of cucumber in order to study powdery mildew resistance loci. Susceptibility to powdery mildew in the F7 RIL individuals showed a continuous distribution from susceptible to resistant, suggesting that powdery mildew resistance is controlled by quantitative trait loci (QTLs). A QTL analysis identified two and three loci for powdery mildew resistance under 26 and 20°C conditions, respectively. One QTL was found in the same position under both temperature conditions. Therefore, it is more likely that one major QTL acts under both temperature conditions and that other QTLs are specific to the two temperature conditions. The above results suggest that the four QTLs are controlled in a different temperature manner, and that their combination played an important role in expressing a high level of resistance to powdery mildew in this cucumber population. Sequence-tagged site (STS) markers associated with each QTL were developed and would be useful for breeding a cucumber line with a high level of powdery mildew resistance. Y. Sakata and N. Kubo contributed equally to this work and are considered as first authors.  相似文献   

黄瓜性型分化的分子机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梁永宏  李广林  郭韬  魏强 《生命科学》2010,(11):1177-1183
黄瓜(Cucumis sativus)是雌雄异花植物性型分化研究的重要模式植物,近年来虽然其性型分化的分子机制研究取得了一定的成果,但其性型分化的调控机制尚未完全阐明。该文综合花器官发育基因、性别决定基因、内源激素、环境因子、性型分化假说,在分子水平构建了黄瓜性型分化的表达调控网络。同时对激素和性别决定基因协控的黄瓜单性花器官凋亡机制进行了阐述,并就miRNA在黄瓜性型分化调控中的作用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Somaclonal variation commonly occurs during in vitro plant regeneration and may introduce unintended changes in numerous plant characters. In order to assess the range of tissue-culture-responsive changes on the biochemical level, the metabolic profiles of diploid and tetraploid cucumber R1 plants regenerated from leaf-derived callus were determined. Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry were used for monitoring of 48 metabolites and many significant changes were found in metabolic profiles of these plants as compared to a seed-derived control. Most of the changes were common to diploids and tetraploids and were effects of tissue culture. However, tetraploids showed quantitative changes in 14 metabolites, as compared to regenerated diploids. These changes include increases in serine, glucose-6P, fructose-6P, oleic acid and shikimic acid levels. Basing on this study we conclude that the variation in metabolic profiles does not correlate directly with the range of genome changes in tetraploids.  相似文献   

Particles of plant viruses representing ten genera were visualised by electron microscopy in samples of guttate from systemically infected cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) plants. For the majority of viruses tested, guttation samples tested positively by ELISA and infectivity was also demonstrated. Virus particles of zucchini yellow mosaic potyvirus were also observed in xylem in sections of infected root tissue. Since guttate originates from xylem exudate, this study demonstrates the potential for xylem tissue to act as a conduit for a diverse group of plant viruses in planta  相似文献   

Summary Genetic analyses were conducted among 18 provisionary isozyme loci in Cucumis sativus L. Fourteen loci demonstrated simple Mendelian inheritance while observed variation at four loci (Gpi2, Gr2, Pgm3, Skdh2) was determined not to have a predictable genetic basis. Joint segregation analyses among the 14 genetically predictable polymorphic loci resulted in the assignment of 12 loci to four linkage groups. Linkage groups contain the following loci: (1) Gr1, Pgm1, Idh, Pgd1; (2) Pep-pap, Mdh2, Mdh3, Gpi1; (3) Pep-la, Per4; (4) Pgd2, G2dh. Mpi2 and Mdh1 segregated independently. Recombination fractions for linked loci ranged between 0.051 (Pgm1-Idh) to 0.385 (Pep-la-Per4). Some practical applications of isozyme marker loci for cucumer improvement are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to assess the extent to which mitochondria control the gluconeogenic flux in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) cotyledons, by quantifying the distribution of control of succinate oxidation by cotyledon mitochondria. The methods of metabolic control analysis were applied under state 3 and state 4 conditions and in the presence of cell-free extracts in order to simulate in-vivo conditions. Oxygen uptake by isolated cotyledon mitochondria oxidising succinate under state 3 conditions was examined using inhibitor titrations. During lipid mobilisation in light-grown cotyledons (3-4 d post-imbibition), control was shared between the adenine-nucleotide translocator (flux-control coefficient, C = 0.25–0.28) and the dicarboxylate-uptake system (C = 0.69–0.72). The dicarboxylate-uptake system was also important in dark-grown cotyledons at this stage (C = 0.55–0.57). In the photosynthetic phase of development (more than 5 d post-imbibition) control rested with the respiratory chain. Application of an external ATP demand provided either by cell-free extracts of cucumber cotyledons or a glucose/hexokinase ADP-regenerating system showed that the reactions outside the mitochondria exert control (C = 0.45–0.54 and C = 0.24–0.38, for cytosolic extract and glucose/hexokinase, respectively). The adenine-nucleotide translocator was a controlling step of both oxygen uptake (C = 0.11–0.32) and the flux between succinate and hexose phosphates (C = 0.28). Other mitochondrial steps made a significant contribution to control. Control of oxygen uptake was dependent on both the nature of the external load and on the rate of phosphorylation. A potential role for mitochondrial membrane-transport processes, including the adenine-nucleotide translocator, is proposed for the integration of lipid breakdown and gluconeogenesis in vivo.Abbreviations AdNT adenine-nucleotide translocator - C flux-control coefficient - F1,6BP fructose-1,6-biphosphate - F1,6BPase fructose-1,6-biphosphatase - F2,6BP fructose-2,6-bi-phosphate - F6P fructose-6-phosphate - OAA oxaloacetate - PEP phospho(enol)pyruvate - PFK phosphofructokinase - PFP pyrophosphate fructose-6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase This work was supported by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation (Sainsbury Research Studentship to S.A.H.) and the Agricultural and Food Research Council (grant No. PG43/516 to C.J.L.).  相似文献   

The growth and differentiation of callus tissues derived from cotyledons of ten cultivars ofCucumis sativus L. were investigated. Cotyledonary explants from all ten cultivars formed callus tissue on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 0.5 M 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 5 M 6-benzylaminopurine. Fresh weight of the callus tissues averaged 1 to 8 g per flask after five weeks of culture. Shoot development was achieved in three cultivars, Hukchinju, Manchoonchoungjang and Seoul, on MS medium supplemented with 0.5 M -naphthaleneacetic acid and 5 M 6-benzylaminopurine. Reducing the 6-benzylaminopurine concentration to 0.01 M resulted in root formation on callus tissues and on shoots transferred to this medium. All cultivars gave the same response in tests of root formation, but shoot regeneration from callus culture of cucumber cotyledons was dependent on genotype with cultivar Manchoonchoungjang exhibiting the best shoot differentiation capability among the genotypes examined. Examination of mitotic metaphase from the regenerants revealed that all were tetraploid.  相似文献   

Cucurbit phloem is complex, with large sieve tubes on both sides of the xylem (bicollateral phloem), and extrafascicular elements that form an intricate web linking the rest of the vasculature. Little is known of the physical interconnections between these networks or their functional specialization, largely because the extrafascicular phloem strands branch and turn at irregular angles. Here, export in the phloem from specific regions of the lamina of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) was mapped using carboxyfluorescein and 14C as mobile tracers. We also mapped vascular architecture by conventional microscopy and X-ray computed tomography using optimized whole-tissue staining procedures. Differential gene expression in the internal (IP) and external phloem (EP) was analyzed by laser-capture microdissection followed by RNA-sequencing. The vascular bundles of the lamina form a nexus at the petiole junction, emerging in a predictable pattern, each bundle conducting photoassimilate from a specific region of the blade. The vascular bundles of the stem interconnect at the node, facilitating lateral transport around the stem. Elements of the extrafascicular phloem traverse the stem and petiole obliquely, joining the IP and EP of adjacent bundles. Using pairwise comparisons and weighted gene coexpression network analysis, we found differences in gene expression patterns between the petiole and stem and between IP and EP, and we identified hub genes of tissue-specific modules. Genes related to transport were expressed primarily in the EP while those involved in cell differentiation and development as well as amino acid transport and metabolism were expressed mainly in the IP.  相似文献   

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