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The covarion hypothesis of molecular evolution proposes that selective pressures on an amino acid or nucleotide site change through time, thus causing changes of evolutionary rate along the edges of a phylogenetic tree. Several kinds of Markov models for the covarion process have been proposed. One model, proposed by Huelsenbeck (2002), has 2 substitution rate classes: the substitution process at a site can switch between a single variable rate, drawn from a discrete gamma distribution, and a zero invariable rate. A second model, suggested by Galtier (2001), assumes rate switches among an arbitrary number of rate classes but switching to and from the invariable rate class is not allowed. The latter model allows for some sites that do not participate in the rate-switching process. Here we propose a general covarion model that combines features of both models, allowing evolutionary rates not only to switch between variable and invariable classes but also to switch among different rates when they are in a variable state. We have implemented all 3 covarion models in a maximum likelihood framework for amino acid sequences and tested them on 23 protein data sets. We found significant likelihood increases for all data sets for the 3 models, compared with a model that does not allow site-specific rate switches along the tree. Furthermore, we found that the general model fit the data better than the simpler covarion models in the majority of the cases, highlighting the complexity in modeling the covarion process. The general covarion model can be used for comparing tree topologies, molecular dating studies, and the investigation of protein adaptation.  相似文献   

Estimating Substitution Rates in Ribosomal RNA Genes   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
A. Rzhetsky 《Genetics》1995,141(2):771-783
A model is introduced describing nucleotide substitution in ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes. In this model, substitution in the stem and loop regions of rRNA is modeled with 16- and four-state continuous time Markov chains, respectively. The mean substitution rates at nucleotide sites are assumed to follow gamma distributions that are different for the two types of regions. The simplest formulation of the model allows for explicit expressions for transition probabilities of the Markov processes to be found. These expressions were used to analyze several 16S-like rRNA genes from higher eukaryotes with the maximum likelihood method. Although the observed proportion of invariable sites was only slightly higher in the stem regions, the estimated average substitution rates in the stem regions were almost two times as high as in the loop regions. Therefore, the degree of site heterogeneity of substitution rates in the stem regions seems to be higher than in the loop regions of animal 16S-like rRNAs due to presence of a few rapidly evolving sites. The model appears to be helpful in understanding the regularities of nucleotide substitution in rRNAs and probably minimizing errors in recovering phylogeny for distantly related taxa from these genes.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic inference is well known to be problematic if both long and short branches occur together in the underlying tree. With biological data, correcting for this problem may require simultaneous consideration for both substitution biases and rate heterogeneity between lineages and across sequence positions. A particular form of the latter is the presence of invariable sites, which are well known to mislead estimation of genetic divergences. Here we describe a capture-recapture method to estimate the proportion of invariable sites in an alignment of amino acids or nucleotides. We use it to investigate phylogenetic signals in 18S ribosomal DNA sequences from Holometabolus insects. Our results suggest that, as taxa diverged, their 18S rDNA sequences have altered in both their distribution of sites that can vary as well as in their base compositions.  相似文献   

The use of parameter-rich substitution models in molecular phylogenetics has been criticized on the basis that these models can cause a reduction both in accuracy and in the ability to discriminate among competing topologies. We have explored the relationship between nucleotide substitution model complexity and nonparametric bootstrap support under maximum likelihood (ML) for six data sets for which the true relationships are known with a high degree of certainty. We also performed equally weighted maximum parsimony analyses in order to assess the effects of ignoring branch length information during tree selection. We observed that maximum parsimony gave the lowest mean estimate of bootstrap support for the correct set of nodes relative to the ML models for every data set except one. For several data sets, we established that the exact distribution used to model among-site rate variation was critical for a successful phylogenetic analysis. Site-specific rate models were shown to perform very poorly relative to gamma and invariable sites models for several of the data sets most likely because of the gross underestimation of branch lengths. The invariable sites model also performed poorly for several data sets where this model had a poor fit to the data, suggesting that addition of the gamma distribution can be critical. Estimates of bootstrap support for the correct nodes often increased under gamma and invariable sites models relative to equal rates models. Our observations are contrary to the prediction that such models cause reduced confidence in phylogenetic hypotheses. Our results raise several issues regarding the process of model selection, and we briefly discuss model selection uncertainty and the role of sensitivity analyses in molecular phylogenetics.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of different among-site rate variation models on the estimation of substitution model parameters, branch lengths, topology, and bootstrap proportions under minimum evolution (ME) and maximum likelihood (ML). Specifically, we examined equal rates, invariable sites, gamma-distributed rates, and site-specific rates (SSR) models, using mitochondrial DNA sequence data from three protein-coding genes and one tRNA gene from species of the New Zealand cicada genus Maoricicada. Estimates of topology were relatively insensitive to the substitution model used; however, estimates of bootstrap support, branch lengths, and R-matrices (underlying relative substitution rate matrix) were strongly influenced by the assumptions of the substitution model. We identified one situation where ME and ML tree building became inaccurate when implemented with an inappropriate among-site rate variation model. Despite the fact the SSR models often have a better fit to the data than do invariable sites and gamma rates models, SSR models have some serious weaknesses. First, SSR rate parameters are not comparable across data sets, unlike the proportion of invariable sites or the alpha shape parameter of the gamma distribution. Second, the extreme among-site rate variation within codon positions is problematic for SSR models, which explicitly assume rate homogeneity within each rate class. Third, the SSR models appear to give severe underestimates of R-matrices and branch lengths relative to invariable sites and gamma rates models in this example. We recommend performing phylogenetic analyses under a range of substitution models to test the effects of model assumptions not only on estimates of topology but also on estimates of branch length and nodal support.  相似文献   

Nearly all current Bayesian phylogenetic applications rely on Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to approximate the posterior distribution for trees and other parameters of the model. These approximations are only reliable if Markov chains adequately converge and sample from the joint posterior distribution. Although several studies of phylogenetic MCMC convergence exist, these have focused on simulated data sets or select empirical examples. Therefore, much that is considered common knowledge about MCMC in empirical systems derives from a relatively small family of analyses under ideal conditions. To address this, we present an overview of commonly applied phylogenetic MCMC diagnostics and an assessment of patterns of these diagnostics across more than 18,000 empirical analyses. Many analyses appeared to perform well and failures in convergence were most likely to be detected using the average standard deviation of split frequencies, a diagnostic that compares topologies among independent chains. Different diagnostics yielded different information about failed convergence, demonstrating that multiple diagnostics must be employed to reliably detect problems. The number of taxa and average branch lengths in analyses have clear impacts on MCMC performance, with more taxa and shorter branches leading to more difficult convergence. We show that the usage of models that include both Γ-distributed among-site rate variation and a proportion of invariable sites is not broadly problematic for MCMC convergence but is also unnecessary. Changes to heating and the usage of model-averaged substitution models can both offer improved convergence in some cases, but neither are a panacea.  相似文献   

A Space-Time Process Model for the Evolution of DNA Sequences   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
Z. Yang 《Genetics》1995,139(2):993-1005
We describe a model for the evolution of DNA sequences by nucleotide substitution, whereby nucleotide sites in the sequence evolve over time, whereas the rates of substitution are variable and correlated over sites. The temporal process used to describe substitutions between nucleotides is a continuous-time Markov process, with the four nucleotides as the states. The spatial process used to describe variation and dependence of substitution rates over sites is based on a serially correlated gamma distribution, i.e., an auto-gamma model assuming Markov-dependence of rates at adjacent sites. To achieve computational efficiency, we use several equal-probability categories to approximate the gamma distribution, and the result is an auto-discrete-gamma model for rates over sites. Correlation of rates at sites then is modeled by the Markov chain transition of rates at adjacent sites from one rate category to another, the states of the chain being the rate categories. Two versions of nonparametric models, which place no restrictions on the distributional forms of rates for sites, also are considered, assuming either independence or Markov dependence. The models are applied to data of a segment of mitochondrial genome from nine primate species. Model parameters are estimated by the maximum likelihood method, and models are compared by the likelihood ratio test. Tremendous variation of rates among sites in the sequence is revealed by the analyses, and when rate differences for different codon positions are appropriately accounted for in the models, substitution rates at adjacent sites are found to be strongly (positively) correlated. Robustness of the results to uncertainty of the phylogenetic tree linking the species is examined.  相似文献   

Motivation: A growing number of genomes are sequenced. The differences in evolutionary pattern between functional regions can thus be observed genome-wide in a whole set of organisms. The diverse evolutionary pattern of different functional regions can be exploited in the process of genomic annotation. The modelling of evolution by the existing comparative gene finders leaves room for improvement. Results: A probabilistic model of both genome structure and evolution is designed. This type of model is called an Evolutionary Hidden Markov Model (EHMM), being composed of an HMM and a set of region-specific evolutionary models based on a phylogenetic tree. All parameters can be estimated by maximum likelihood, including the phylogenetic tree. It can handle any number of aligned genomes, using their phylogenetic tree to model the evolutionary correlations. The time complexity of all algorithms used for handling the model are linear in alignment length and genome number. The model is applied to the problem of gene finding. The benefit of modelling sequence evolution is demonstrated both in a range of simulations and on a set of orthologous human/mouse gene pairs. AVAILABILITY: Free availability over the Internet on www server: http://www.birc.dk/Software/evogene.  相似文献   

Modeling compositional heterogeneity   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Compositional heterogeneity among lineages can compromise phylogenetic analyses, because models in common use assume compositionally homogeneous data. Models that can accommodate compositional heterogeneity with few extra parameters are described here, and used in two examples where the true tree is known with confidence. It is shown using likelihood ratio tests that adequate modeling of compositional heterogeneity can be achieved with few composition parameters, that the data may not need to be modelled with separate composition parameters for each branch in the tree. Tree searching and placement of composition vectors on the tree are done in a Bayesian framework using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. Assessment of fit of the model to the data is made in both maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian frameworks. In an ML framework, overall model fit is assessed using the Goldman-Cox test, and the fit of the composition implied by a (possibly heterogeneous) model to the composition of the data is assessed using a novel tree-and model-based composition fit test. In a Bayesian framework, overall model fit and composition fit are assessed using posterior predictive simulation. It is shown that when composition is not accommodated, then the model does not fit, and incorrect trees are found; but when composition is accommodated, the model then fits, and the known correct phylogenies are obtained.  相似文献   

Boolean networks are a simple but efficient model for describing gene regulatory systems. A number of algorithms have been proposed to infer Boolean networks. However, these methods do not take full consideration of the effects of noise and model uncertainty. In this paper, we propose a full Bayesian approach to infer Boolean genetic networks. Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms are used to obtain the posterior samples of both the network structure and the related parameters. In addition to regular link addition and removal moves, which can guarantee the irreducibility of the Markov chain for traversing the whole network space, carefully constructed mixture proposals are used to improve the Markov chain Monte Carlo convergence. Both simulations and a real application on cell-cycle data show that our method is more powerful than existing methods for the inference of both the topology and logic relations of the Boolean network from observed data.  相似文献   

Several stochastic models of character change, when implemented in a maximum likelihood framework, are known to give a correspondence between the maximum parsimony method and the method of maximum likelihood. One such model has an independently estimated branch-length parameter for each site and each branch of the phylogenetic tree. This model--the no-common-mechanism model--has many parameters, and, in fact, the number of parameters increases as fast as the alignment is extended. We take a Bayesian approach to the no-common-mechanism model and place independent gamma prior probability distributions on the branch-length parameters. We are able to analytically integrate over the branch lengths, and this allowed us to implement an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo method for exploring the space of phylogenetic trees. We were able to reliably estimate the posterior probabilities of clades for phylogenetic trees of up to 500 sequences. However, the Bayesian approach to the problem, at least as implemented here with an independent prior on the length of each branch, does not tame the behavior of the branch-length parameters. The integrated likelihood appears to be a simple rescaling of the parsimony score for a tree, and the marginal posterior probability distribution of the length of a branch is dependent upon how the maximum parsimony method reconstructs the characters at the interior nodes of the tree. The method we describe, however, is of potential importance in the analysis of morphological character data and also for improving the behavior of Markov chain Monte Carlo methods implemented for models in which sites share a common branch-length parameter.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships are typically inferred from molecular sequence data using a statistical model of the evolutionary process. When the model accurately reflects the underlying process, probabilistic phylogenetic methods recover the correct relationships with high accuracy. There is ample evidence, however, that models commonly used today do not adequately reflect real-world evolutionary dynamics. Virtually all contemporary models assume that relatively fast-evolving sites are fast across the entire tree, whereas slower sites always evolve at relatively slower rates. Many molecular sequences, however, exhibit site-specific changes in evolutionary rates, called "heterotachy." Here we examine the accuracy of 2 phylogenetic methods for incorporating heterotachy, the mixed branch length model--which incorporates site-specific rate changes by summing likelihoods over multiple sets of branch lengths on the same tree--and the covarion model, which uses a hidden Markov process to allow sites to switch between variable and invariable as they evolve. Under a variety of simple heterogeneous simulation conditions, the mixed model was dramatically more accurate than homotachous models, which were subject to topological biases as well as biases in branch length estimates. When data were simulated with strong versions of the types of heterotachy observed in real molecular sequences, the mixed branch length model was more accurate than homotachous techniques. Analyses of empirical data sets confirmed that the mixed branch length model can improve phylogenetic accuracy under conditions that cause homotachous models to fail. In contrast, the covarion model did not improve phylogenetic accuracy compared with homotachous models and was sometimes substantially less accurate. We conclude that a mixed branch length approach, although not the solution to all phylogenetic errors, is a valuable strategy for improving the accuracy of inferred trees.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the isolation-with-migration model in a continuous-time Markov chain framework, and derive analytical expressions for the probability densities of gene tree topologies with an arbitrary number of lineages. We combine these densities with both nucleotide-substitution and infinite sites mutation models and derive probabilities for use in maximum likelihood estimation. We demonstrate how to apply lumpability of continuous-time Markov chains to achieve a significant reduction in the size of the state-space under consideration. We use matrix exponentiation and spectral decomposition to derive explicit expressions for the case of two diploid individuals in two populations, when the data is given as alignment columns. We implement these expressions in order to carry out a maximum likelihood analysis and provide a simulation study to examine the performance of our method in terms of our ability to recover true parameters. Finally, we show how the performance depends on the parameters in the model.  相似文献   

The evolutionary rate at an amino acid site is indicative of how conserved this site is and, in turn, allows evaluating the importance of this site in maintaining the structure/function of the protein. When evolutionary rates are estimated, one must reconstruct the phylogenetic tree describing the evolutionary relationship among the sequences under study. However, if the inferred phylogenetic tree is incorrect, it can lead to erroneous site-specific rate estimates. Here we describe a novel Bayesian method that uses Markov chain Monte Carlo methodology to integrate over the space of all possible trees and model parameters. By doing so, the method considers alternative evolutionary scenarios weighted by their posterior probabilities. We show that this comprehensive evolutionary approach is superior over methods that are based on only a single tree. We illustrate the potential of our algorithm by analyzing the conservation pattern of the potassium channel protein family.Itay Mayrose, Amir Mitchell contributed equal. Reviewing Editor : Dr. Nicolas Galtier  相似文献   

The rate at which a given site in a gene sequence alignment evolves over time may vary. This phenomenon--known as heterotachy--can bias or distort phylogenetic trees inferred from models of sequence evolution that assume rates of evolution are constant. Here, we describe a phylogenetic mixture model designed to accommodate heterotachy. The method sums the likelihood of the data at each site over more than one set of branch lengths on the same tree topology. A branch-length set that is best for one site may differ from the branch-length set that is best for some other site, thereby allowing different sites to have different rates of change throughout the tree. Because rate variation may not be present in all branches, we use a reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to identify those branches in which reliable amounts of heterotachy occur. We implement the method in combination with our 'pattern-heterogeneity' mixture model, applying it to simulated data and five published datasets. We find that complex evolutionary signals of heterotachy are routinely present over and above variation in the rate or pattern of evolution across sites, that the reversible-jump method requires far fewer parameters than conventional mixture models to describe it, and serves to identify the regions of the tree in which heterotachy is most pronounced. The reversible-jump procedure also removes the need for a posteriori tests of 'significance' such as the Akaike or Bayesian information criterion tests, or Bayes factors. Heterotachy has important consequences for the correct reconstruction of phylogenies as well as for tests of hypotheses that rely on accurate branch-length information. These include molecular clocks, analyses of tempo and mode of evolution, comparative studies and ancestral state reconstruction. The model is available from the authors' website, and can be used for the analysis of both nucleotide and morphological data.  相似文献   

In this paper, the yield and the land equivalent ratio (LER) of a silvo-arable agroforestry (SAF) system, containing one tree and one crop species, is analyzed analytically using a minimal mechanistic model describing the system dynamics. Light competition between tree and crop is considered using light extinction functions. The tree leaf area is driven by annual increase in the number of leaf-bearing shoots with a seasonal cycle of bud burst, leaf expansion and senescence. The crop leaf area dynamics is driven by the solar radiation, heat sum and the dry matter allocation to the leaves. As a consequence of this, the model consists of six state equations expressing the temporal dynamics of: (1) tree biomass; (2) tree leaf area; (3) number of shoots per tree; (4) crop biomass; (5) crop leaf area index, and (6) heat sum. The main outputs of the model are the growth dynamics and final yields of trees and crops. Daily inputs are temperature and radiation. Planting densities, initial biomass of tree and crop species and growth parameters must be specified. The main parameters are those describing light interception, conversion to dry matter and leaf area. Given the crop cover and the tree parameters, it is shown that under potential growing conditions the land equivalent ratio can be explicitly expressed in terms of these parameters.  相似文献   

This paper presents a maximum likelihood approach to estimating the variation of substitution rate among nucleotide sites. We assume that the rate varies among sites according to an invariant+gamma distribution, which has two parameters: the gamma parameter alpha and the proportion of invariable sites theta. Theoretical treatments on three, four, and five sequences have been conducted, and computer program have been developed. It is shown that rho = (1 + theta alpha)/(1 + alpha) is a good measure for the rate heterogeneity among sites. Extensive simulations show that (1) if the proportion of invariable sites is negligible, i.e., theta = 0, the gamma parameter alpha can be satisfactorily estimated, even with three sequences; (2) if the proportion of invariable sites is not negligible, the heterogeneity rho can still be suitably estimated with four or more sequences; and (3) the distances estimated by the proposed method are almost unbiased and are robust against violation of the assumption of the invariant + gamma distribution.   相似文献   

Several methods have been proposed to infer the states at the ancestral nodes on a phylogeny. These methods assume a specific tree and set of branch lengths when estimating the ancestral character state. Inferences of the ancestral states, then, are conditioned on the tree and branch lengths being true. We develop a hierarchical Bayes method for inferring the ancestral states on a tree. The method integrates over uncertainty in the tree, branch lengths, and substitution model parameters by using Markov chain Monte Carlo. We compare the hierarchical Bayes inferences of ancestral states with inferences of ancestral states made under the assumption that a specific tree is correct. We find that the methods are correlated, but that accommodating uncertainty in parameters of the phylogenetic model can make inferences of ancestral states even more uncertain than they would be in an empirical Bayes analysis.  相似文献   

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