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Recently, chemical analysis of solvent rinses of the external surfaces of pheromone glands from female Manduca sexta revealed a blend of 12 aldehydes, including the previously identified sex pheromone component, (E,Z)-10,12-hexadecadienal (bombykal). Previous electrophysiological studies showed that olfactory (deutocerebral) interneurons in the antennal lobes of males exhibited a wide range of responsiveness to pheromonal stimulation of the ipsilateral antenna. These experiments were performed with crude extracts of pheromone glands as well as two synthetic compounds: the major pheromone component, bombykal, and (E,Z)-11,13-pentadecadienal, a mimic of a second component of the female's pheromone blend. Using intracellular methods, we have now reexamined similar olfactory interneurons, using each of the 12 chemically identified components as well as synthetic blends of various combinations of them. Eight of the 12 components isolated from female glands elicited some form of response in olfactory interneurons in males. In accordance with biochemical and behavioral data, the most potent are bombykal and two trienals, (E,E,E)- and (E,E,Z)-10,12,14-hexadecatrienal. We also conclude that the C15 dienal is selective for one of the trienal receptors on the antenna, but is much less potent than the natural trienal stimulant.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In response to minute quantities of female sex pheromone, the male silkworm moth, Bombyx mori L., walks upwind to locate the odour source. The axons of antennal receptors specific for the two known components of the pheromone terminate in the deutocerebrum. In this study, single interneurons were recorded extracellularly in the deutocerebrum of the male silkworm moth. Responses were characterized as the antennae were presented with puffs of clean air, or air containing either or both components of the female pheromone, bombykol and bombykal. An apparatus is described which added bombykol or bombykal to a constant air stream flowing over the antenna. Most units (87%) showed qualitatively different responses to bombykol and bombykal. A majority of the pheromone-sensitive units (65%) also showed mechanosensory responses to air puffs. Two units were recorded which were slightly inhibited by either bombykol or bombykal alone, but were excited by a mixture of the two.  相似文献   

Abstract. Investigations of various species of moths have suggested that the biosynthesis of sex pheromone in the abdominal pheromone glands of females may be at least partly regulated by neuroendocrine mechanisms. Few studies, however, have explored the mechanisms underlying the release of sex pheromone. In experiments on the sphinx moth Manduca sexta (L.) (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae), we have monitored the time course of sex-pheromone release in scotophase females with the aid of an electroantennogram bioassay based on the highly sensitive and selective sex-pheromone receptor neurones of the male antenna. Pheromone release was evoked by orthodromic stimulation of the ventral nerve cord. Neurally stimulated release occurred with a subsecond latency and did not depend on bioactive factors in the haemolymph or on movement of the abdomen or the ovipositor. Severing the most medial pair of nerves posterior to the terminal abdominal ganglion (the terminal nerves) eliminated pheromone release, but not abdominal contractions. Release was also inhibited reversibly if the descending Ca2+-dependent synaptic input to the terminal ganglion was blocked by exposure to elevated concentrations of Mg2+. These findings indicate that the release of sex pheromone from the pheromone gland in female M. sexta is a true neuroeffector response and that the gland appears to be controlled by neurones that project to it from the terminal abdominal ganglion.  相似文献   

Summary We have used a cytochemical technique to investigate the distribution of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in the antenna of the sphinx moth Manduca sexta. High levels of echothiophate-insensitive (presumably intracellular) AChE activity were found in six different types of antennal receptors localized in specific regions of the three antennal segments of the adult moth. Mechanosensory organs in the scape and pedicel, the Böhm bristles and Johnston's organ, are innervated by AChE-positive neurons. In each annulus of the antennal flagellum, AChE-positive neurons are associated with six sensilla chaetica and a peg organ, probably a sensillum styloconicum. At least 112 receptor neurons (8–10 per annulus) innervating the intersegmental membranes between the 14 distalmost annuli also exhibit high levels of echothiophate-resistant AChE. In addition, each annulus has more than 30 AChE-positive somata in the epidermis of the scale-covered (back) side of the flagellum, and 4 AChE-positive somata reside within the first annulus of the flagellum. Since none of the olfactory receptor neurons show a high level of echothiophateresistant AChE activity, and all known mechanoreceptors are AChE-positive, apparently intracellular AChE activity in the antenna correlates well with mechanosensory functions and is consistent with the idea that these cells employ acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter.  相似文献   

During adult metamorphosis, the moth olfactory neurons and their glia-like support cells pass through a coordinated and synchronous development. By 60% of development, the olfactory system is anatomically complete, but functional maturation does not occur until about 90% of development. Maturation is characterized by the onset of odorant sensitivity in the sensory neurons and the expression of certain antennal-specific proteins including odorant binding proteins (OBPs) and odorant degrading enzymes (ODEs). The OBPs have been cloned and sequenced, and are thus useful models for investigating the molecular mechanisms coordinating final maturation of the developing olfactory system. The ecdysteroid hormones have been observed to regulate many cellular level neuronal changes during adult metamorphosis. In particular, the late pupal decline in ecdysteroids is known to influence programmed death of nerves and muscles at the end of metamorphoses. Experiments are presented here which indicate that this decline in ecdysteroids also induces the expression of the OBPs. Normal OBP expression occurs 35–40 h before adult emergence. In culture, OBP expression could be induced at least 90 h before adult emergence by the premature removal of ecdysteroid. This premature expression was blocked by culturing tissue in the presence of the biologically active ecdysteroid 20-hydroxyecdysone. These findings suggest that maturation of the olfactory system is regulated by the decline in ecdysteroids, and support the view that olfactory development, in general, may be coordinated by chaging levels of pupal ecdysteroids. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Electroantennogram (EAG) studies demonstrated that antennae of both male and female Trichoplusia ni have: (1) receptor-neurones sensitive to female pheromone, (2) a low response threshold, (3) an identical mean-percentage EAG curve over a broad concentration range of pheromone, and (4) a similar absolute recovery interval from adaptation to pheromonal stimulation. These factors suggest that antennae of male and female T. ni have homologous and homogeneous acceptor sites for the female pheromone. Pheromonal stimulation of female antennae elicited EAGs with only 25% of the amplitude of those elicited in males.  相似文献   

1. We have used intracellular recording and staining with Lucifer Yellow, followed by reconstruction from serial sections, to characterize the responses and structure of olfactory neurons in the protocerebrum (PC) of the brain of the male sphinx moth Manduca sexta. 2. Many olfactory protocerebral neurons (PCNs) innervate a particular neuropil region lateral to the central body, the lateral accessory lobe (LAL), which appears to be important for processing olfactory information. 3. Each LAL is linked by its constituent neurons to the ipsilateral lateral PC, where projection neurons from the antennal lobe terminate, as well as to other regions of the PC. The LALs are also linked to each other by bilateral neurons with arborizations in each LAL. 4. Some PC neurons showed long-lasting excitation (LLE) that outlasted the olfactory stimuli by greater than or equal to 1 s, and as long as 30 s in some preparations. LLE was more frequently elicited by the sex-pheromone blend than by individual pheromone components. All bilateral neurons that showed LLE had arborizations in the LALs. LLE responses were also recorded in a single local neuron innervating the mushroom body. 5. In some other PC neurons, pheromonal stimuli elicited brief excitations that recovered to background firing rates less than 1 s after stimulation.  相似文献   

The perception of cuticular female sex pheromone (15, 19, 23-trimethylheptatriacontane=morsilure) in Glossina m. morsitans was studied electrophysiologically and behaviourally. Electrophysiological studies indicated no sensitivity of the tibial sensilla or the contact chemoreceptive hairs on the legs of males to the pheromone. However, electroantennograms were recorded during stimulation of antennae from male flies with the odour of morsilure, which indicated that the pheromone is detected by the insect via olfactory receptors on the antennae. This was further confirmed by behavioural experiments in which the antennal movements of intact males stimulated with the odour of both synthetic pheromone and female decoys were studied. Behavioural responsiveness to morsilure increased with increasing starvation and was not due to a general sensitivity to paraffins. These studies indicate that tsetse flies may be able to recognize conspecifics at close range using their sense of olfaction.
Résumé La perception de la phéromone sexuelle des femelles de Glossina m.morsitans, la morsilure (15, 19, 23-triméthylheptatriacontane) a été examinée par électrophysiologie et par le comportement. L'électrophysiologie n'a pas révélé de sensibilité des sensilles tibiales, ni des poils chimioréceptives de contact sur les pattes des mâles à la phéromone. Cependant, les électroantennogrammes recueillis pendant la stimulation des antennes des mâles par l'odeur de morsilure, ont montré que la phéromone est décelée par l'insecte grâce aux récepteurs olfactifs des antennes. Ceci a été confirmé ultérieurement par des expériences de comportement au cours desquelles ont été examinés les mouvements antennaires de mâles intacts stimulés par l'odeur de phéromone synthétique et de femelles.La réponse comportementale à la morsilure a augmenté avec le jeûne, elle n'était pas due à une sensibilité générale aux paraffines.Ces études montrent que les mouches tsé-tsé peuvent être capables de reconnaître leurs congénères à faible distance grâce à l'olfaction.

蛾类昆虫雄性信息素及其功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
昆虫性信息素是两性通讯系统的基础,其中雄性信息素的研究相对较少。本文综述了蛾类昆虫雄性信息素的研究进展。迄今已鉴定出40余种蛾类昆虫的雄性信息素,其行为学功能主要有对雌性的引诱和激欲、对同种雄性的抑制及种间隔离等。  相似文献   

Analysis by TLC and HPLC revealed that the triacylglycerols comprise the most abundant lipid class in the sex pheromone glands of Manduca sexta females. Also, conjugated olefinic acyl analogs of the major pheromone aldehydes occur principally in the triacylglycerols. The amount of triacylglycerols with conjugated diene acyl moieties significantly decreased when the period of pheromone production was extended by 7 h beyond the normal period of pheromone production by 3 injections of pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN) at 3 h intervals. This decrease indicates that the triacylglycerols stored in the gland may serve as major sources of pheromone precursors in the biosynthesis of the sex pheromone aldehydes. Furthermore, analysis of pheromone aldehydes and triacylglycerols in the gland from moths treated with PBAN showed that the proportions of the triacylglycerols with conjugated diene moieties were closely correlated with the proportions of aldehydes found in the same gland. This correlation suggests that the proportions of fatty acids bound to certain triacylglycerols regulates the proportions of aldehydes in biosynthesis of the pheromone blend in M. sexta. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    Moths possess highly tuned olfactory capabilities, which can detect very low concentrations of pheromonal odorants. Much is known about the structure and function of the moth olfactory system with respect to detection of pheromones. However, we lack an understanding of the broader olfactory system, in particular, to what degree are moths capable of detecting and discriminating odorants that are not components of pheromone blends. Here we describe a methodology used to investigate the discriminability of nonpheromonal odors in moths. In a series of experiments we show that the moth Manduca sexta can (1) discriminate a number of different odors but (2) that methyl jasmonate, neither readily conditions to a food reward nor is it readily discriminated from another odor. The lack of a response to methyl jasmonate may be related to its role in host plant defense. This work provides a basis for future mapping of physiological and pharmacological studies of nonpheromonal coding in insects onto learned behavioral responses to those odorants.  相似文献   

    Summary Computer-assisted neuroanatomical methods have been used to demonstrate unique identities of the glomeruli of the antennal lobes (ALs) in males of the sphinx moth Manduca sexta. The glomerular neuropil consists of the male-specific macroglomerular complex, which comprises two closely apposed bulky subunits, and 64±1 ordinary glomeruli arrayed in a shell around a central region of coarse neuropil. Computergenerated maps show the exact locations of all glomeruli and adjacent groups of neuronal somata in a constant Cartesian coordinate system, such that these can be accurately identified in any individual. The glomeruli belong to three classes according to the number and type of identification criteria they satisfy. The larger class comprises glomeruli (n=44) identified only in the computer-generated maps on the basis of their relative positions. The other two classes include glomeruli that were also identified in sections, either directly from their proximity to readily identifiable structures and their shape and size (n=10, including the labial-palp-pit-organ (LPO) glomerulus), or indirectly from their positions relative to the former (n=9). Two very small glomeruli were present in only one AL, demonstrating the existence of anomalous glomeruli, whereas another glomerulus had no homologue in both ALs of one individual. The true number of ordinary glomeruli (per male AL) was thus estimated to be 64. The uncertainty in delineating some glomeruli might affect this number without implying modification of the homologies proposed. The locations of tracts and cell groups, both within and near the AL, are also invariant with respect to glomeruli, as shown in the computer maps. The methods employed are general and might be useful to researchers in related fields. The results obtained call for more attention to the precise geometry of neural structures.  相似文献   

    Glomeruli, neuropilar structures composed of olfactory receptor neuron (ORN) axon terminals and central neuron dendrites, are a common feature of olfactory systems. Typically, ORN axons segregate into glomeruli based on odor specificity, making glomeruli the basic unit for initial processing of odorant information. Developmentally, glomeruli arise from protoglomeruli, loose clusters of ORN axons that gradually synapse onto dendrites. Previous work in the moth Manduca sexta demonstrated that protoglomeruli develop in a wave across the antennal lobe (AL) during stage 5 of the 18 stages of metamorphic adult development. However, ORN axons from the distal segments of the antenna arrive at the AL for several more days. We report that protoglomeruli present at stage 5 account for only approximately two or three of adult glomeruli with the number of structures increasing over subsequent stages. How do these later arriving axons incorporate into glomeruli? Examining the dendritic projections of a unique serotonin-containing neuron into glomeruli at later stages revealed glomeruli with immature dendritic arbors intermingled among more mature glomeruli. Labeling ORN axons that originate in proximal segments of the antenna suggested that early-arriving axons target a limited number of glomeruli. We conclude that AL glomeruli form over an extended time period, possibly as a result of ORNs expressing new odorant receptors arriving from distal antennal segments.  相似文献   

    What is the spatial and temporal nature of odor representations within primary olfactory networks at the threshold of an animal's ability to discriminate? Although this question is of central importance to olfactory neuroscience, it can only be answered in model systems where neural representations can be measured and discrimination thresholds between odors can be characterized. Here, we establish these thresholds for a panel of odors using a Pavlovian paradigm in the moth Manduca sexta. Moths were differentially conditioned to respond to one odor (CS+) but not another (CS-) using undiluted odorants to minimize salience-dependent learning effects. At 24 and 48 h postconditioning, moths were tested for the presence of a conditioned response (CR) with a blank, then the CS+ and CS- (pseudorandomly) across a 5-log step series of increasing concentration. Results identified discrimination thresholds and established that differential CRs to the CS+ and CS- increased with stimulus concentration. Next, 3 separate groups of moths were differentially conditioned at either one-log step below, at, or one log step above the identified discrimination threshold. At 24 and 48 h postconditioning, moths were tested sequentially with a blank, the concentration used for conditioning, and then undiluted odor. Conditioning at one log step below the discrimination threshold established a CR, indicating both stimulus detection and learning, but was insufficient to establish evidence of discrimination. Moths conditioned at the discrimination threshold were able to discriminate but only when stimulated with undiluted odors, indicating learning, but discrimination measures were hampered. When conditioned above the discrimination threshold, moths had no difficulty in discriminating. These results establish methods for psychophysical characterization of discrimination and indicate that differential conditioning at lowered concentrations biases threshold measures.  相似文献   

    1. We have characterized the responses and structure of olfactory descending neurons (DNs) that reside in the protocerebrum (PC) of the brain of male sphinx moths Manduca sexta and project toward thoracic ganglia. 2. Excitatory responses of DNs to pheromone blends were of two general types: (a) brief excitation (BE) that recovered to background in less than 1 s after the stimulus, and (b) long-lasting excitation (LLE) that outlasted the stimulus by greater than or equal to 1 s and, in many cases, as long as 30 s. Individual pheromone components were ineffective in eliciting LLE. 3. Some neurons showing LLE also exhibited state-dependent responses to pheromonal stimuli. When such neurons were in a state of low background firing, stimulation with pheromone blend elicited LLE. When they were in a state of LLE, an identical stimulus reduced firing for 5-10 s after which firing gradually increased to the initial higher level. 4. Thirteen stained DNs were reconstructed from serial sections for detailed analysis of their morphology in the brain. DNs exhibiting LLE had neurites concentrated in the lateral accessory lobes (LALs) in the protocerebrum and adjacent neuropil. Most DNs exhibiting only BE to pheromonal stimuli and other DNs showing responses only to visual or mechanosensory stimuli did not have branches in the LALs.  相似文献   

    The antennal lobe of the moth contains several classes of glial cells that are likely to play functional roles in both the developing and mature lobe. In this study, confocal and electron microscopy were used to examine in detail the morphology of two classes of glial cells, those associated with olfactory receptor axons as they course to their targets in the lobe and those that form borders around the synaptic neuropil of the olfactory glomeruli. The former, the nerve-layer glia, have long processes with multiple expansions that enwrap axon fascicles; the latter, the neuropil glia, constitute two subgroups: complex glia with large cell bodies and branching, vellate arbors; and simple glia, with multiple, mostly unbranched processes with many lamellate expansions along their lengths. The processes of complex glia appear to be closely associated with axon fascicles as they enter the glomeruli, while those of the simple glia surround the glomeruli as part of a multi-lamellar glial envelope, their processes rarely invading the synaptic neuropil of the body of the glomerulus. The full morphological development of antennal-lobe glial cells requires more than two-thirds of metamorphic development. During this period, cells that began as cuboidal or spindle-shaped cells that were extensively dye-coupled to one another gradually assume their adult form and, at least under nonstimulated conditions, greatly reduce their coupling. These changes are only weakly dependent on the presence of olfactory receptor axons. Glial processes are somewhat shorter and less branched in the absence of these axons, but basic structure and degree of dye-coupling are unchanged.  相似文献   

    The steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone regulates many aspects of nervous system development in the moth Manduca sexta, including stage-specific neuronal morphology and stage-specific neuronal death. We have used steroid hormone autoradiography to study the distribution of cells that concentrate ecdysteroids in the ventral nervous system of this insect. The ligand was [3H]-ponasterone A, a bioactive phytoecdysone. Tissue was examined from three stages of development: the end of larval life (first day of wandering), the end of metamorphosis (pharate adult), and 4-day-old adults. In the abdominal ganglia of wandering larvae and pharate adults, a subset of neurons including both motoneurons and interneurons exhibited a nuclear concentration of radiolabeled hormone. The pattern of binding was reproducible but stage-specific, with a greater proportion of neurons showing binding in the larvae than in pharate adults. No labeled neurons were found in abdominal ganglia from mature (4-day-old) adults. In the case of the pharate adult ganglia, the ecdysteroid receptor content of specific, identified motoneurons was determined. These results are discussed in light of the responses of these neurons to physiological changes in levels of circulating ecdysteroids.  相似文献   

    Manduca sexta females that were decapitated produced no pheromone during the scotophase following decapitation, indicating that they were free of pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN). When deuterated hexadecanoic or (Z)-11-hexadecenoic acid was applied to the sex pheromone glands of decapitated or intact females of the same age, and allowed to incubate in vivo for 24 h, deuterium labeled Δ-11- and Δ-10, 12-unsaturated 16-carbon fatty acids were produced in both types of females. Injection of PBAN into intact or decapitated females 23 h after application of labeled acids had no effect on the production of unsaturated labeled fatty acids. However, deuterium labeled aldehydes were produced only in females that were injected with PBAN. Therefore, in this species, PBAN activates the process by which fatty acyl precursors in the pheromone gland are converted into the pheromonal aldehydes. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    The correlation between triacylglycerols containing conjugated diene fatty acyl moieties and pheromone aldehydes in the sex pheromone glands of females of Manduca sexta was investigated. Females decapitated 15 h after adult emergence neither called nor produced pheromone during the natural period of pheromone production on the subsequent two nights. However, these females could be stimulated to produce sex pheromone for prolonged periods by repeated injection of synthetic pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN). Gas chromatographic analysis of methanolysis products of lipids extracted from the pheromone glands of decapitated and intact females showed no differences in the amounts of fatty acyl precursors of pheromone. High performance liquid chromatographic analysis of the triacylglycerols containing conjugated diene analogues of the pheromone components (diene TG), obtained 24 and 48 h after decapitation, showed that the total amounts of these components were not affected by decapitation. The amounts of all diene TG peaks declined significantly when decapitated females were stimulated to produce pheromone during a 7 h period by repeated injection of PBAN at 3 h intervals but recovered when pheromone production subsided. These results indicate that PBAN induces liberation of pheromone precursors from the triacylglycerols during pheromone biosynthesis but does not induce replenishment of this storage pool. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America
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    ABSTRACT. The virgin female tobacco hawk moth, Manduca sexta, flies during the early scotophase in an LD 16:8 cycle at 24C then begins 'calling' within 2h. Mating lasts 3–4 h. Oviposition occurs in the succeeding scotophases if a tobacco plant is present. The switch from virgin 'calling' behaviour to mated ovipositional behaviour is mediated by the presence of sperm and/or associated testicular fluids in the bursa copulatrix. The corpora allata, which are necessary for egg maturation in this species, are activated via the NCC I and II around the time of eclosion. Feeding increases the activity of the corpora allata in the virgin female (as judged by the number of eggs matured in 4 days) but mating brings about a further stimulation of the activity of the corpora allata. The stretching of the bursa copulatrix by the insertion of the spermatophore during mating is probably the trigger for this response. Continued neural input from the bursa copulatrix to the brain is necessary to maintain the increased activity of the corpora allata.  相似文献   

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