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This short review describes the synthesis and structural characteristics of methylene, xylylene and biphenyl-bridged dicobaloximes. The bridged dicobaloximes are easily synthesized by oxidative alkylation method and the yield of dicobaloxime depends on many factors like reaction time, solvent, dihalide:Co(I) ratio and also on the nature of dihalide used. The NMR and structural studies have been described. The cobalt-bound CH2 and dioxime protons in xylylene-bridged dicobaloximes become nonequivalent at sub-zero temperature and this is caused by the restricted rotation of the Co-C bond. However, the nonequivalence in biphenyl-bridged dicobaloximes is caused by atropisomerism and/or restricted rotation of C-Ph/Co-C bond. Two cobaloxime units of biphenyl-bridged dicobaloximes are symmetrical, and can be looked at as two independent benzyl cobaloximes and there is no direct or indirect interaction between them. In the xylylene-bridged dicobaloxime, one cobaloxime unit affects the structural parameters of the other unit through axially bridged benzyl group, which is sandwiched between two dioxime wings.  相似文献   

We report the 13C NMR data for 20 compounds bearing a substituent (alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, alkylamide, spiro-γ-lactone, phenyl, benzyl, naphthyl, etc.) at the 17α-position of estradiol. The carbon assignments were done using 1D and 2D NMR experiments (distortionless enhancement by polarization transfer, homonuclear correlated spectroscopy, heteronuclear shift correlation, and heteronuclear shift correlation via long-range couplings). Only the chemical shifts of carbons 12–18, which surround the substitution site, were affected by the addition of a substituent. The magnitude of the effects (shielding or deshielding) was influenced by the 17α-substituent. The individual effects at these carbons were sufficiently distinctive to identify specific centers and should be valuable for signal assignment of a variety of 17α-derivatives of estradiol. In addition to carbon-skeleton assignment, we also report the carbon-substituent assignments.  相似文献   

Proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of crotamine, a myotoxic protein from a Brazilian rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus terrificus), have been analyzed. All the aromatic proton resonances have been assigned to amino acid types, and those from Tyr-1, Phe-12, and Phe-25 to the individual residues. ThepH dependence of the chemical shifts of the aromatic proton resonances indicates that Tyr-1 and one of the two histidines (His-5 or His-10) are in close proximity. A conformational transition takes place at acidicpH, together with immobilization of Met-28 and His-5 or His-10. Two sets of proton resonances have been observed for He-17 and His-5 or His-10, which suggests the presence of two structural states for the crotamine molecule in solution.  相似文献   

Proteomics is the study of the protein complement of a genome and employs a number of newly emerging tools. One such tool is chemical proteomics, which is a branch of proteomics devoted to the exploration of protein function using both in vitro and in vivo chemical probes. Chemical proteomics aims to define protein function and mechanism at the level of directly observed protein–ligand interactions, whereas chemical genomics aims to define the biological role of a protein using chemical knockouts and observing phenotypic changes. Chemical proteomics is therefore traditional mechanistic biochemistry performed in a systems-based manner, using either activity- or affinity-based probes that target proteins related by chemical reactivities or by binding site shape/properties, respectively. Systems are groups of proteins related by metabolic pathway, regulatory pathway or binding to the same ligand. Studies can be based on two main types of proteome samples: pooled proteins (1 mixture of N proteins) or isolated proteins in a given system and studied in parallel (N single protein samples). Although the field of chemical proteomics originated with the use of covalent labeling strategies such as isotope-coded affinity tagging, it is expanding to include chemical probes that bind proteins noncovalently, and to include more methods for observing protein–ligand interactions. This review presents an emerging role for nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in chemical proteomics, both in vitro and in vivo. Applications include: functional proteomics using cofactor fingerprinting to assign proteins to gene families; gene family-based structural characterizations of protein–ligand complexes; gene family-focused design of drug leads; and chemical proteomic probes using nuclear magnetic resonance SOLVE and studies of protein–ligand interactions in vivo.  相似文献   

Lipid microdomains (‘lipid rafts’) are plasma membrane subregions, enriched in cholesterol and glycosphingolipids, which participate dynamically in cell signaling and molecular trafficking operations. One strategy for the study of the physicochemical properties of lipid rafts in model membrane systems has been the use of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), but until now this spectroscopic method has not been considered a clinically relevant tool. We performed a proof-of-concept study to test the feasibility of using NMR to study lipid rafts in human tissues. Platelets were selected as a cost-effective and minimally invasive model system in which lipid rafts have previously been studied using other approaches. Platelets were isolated from plasma of medication-free adult research participants (n=13) and lysed with homogenization and sonication. Lipid-enriched fractions were obtained using a discontinuous sucrose gradient. Association of lipid fractions with GM1 ganglioside was tested using HRP-conjugated cholera toxin B subunit dot blot assays. 1H high resolution magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (HRMAS NMR) spectra obtained with single-pulse Bloch decay experiments yielded spectral linewidths and intensities as a function of temperature. Rates of lipid lateral diffusion that reported on raft size were measured with a two-dimensional stimulated echo longitudinal encode-decode NMR experiment. We found that lipid fractions at 10–35% sucrose density associated with GM1 ganglioside, a marker for lipid rafts. NMR spectra of the membrane phospholipids featured a prominent ‘centerband’ peak associated with the hydrocarbon chain methylene resonance at 1.3 ppm; the linewidth (full width at half-maximum intensity) of this ‘centerband’ peak, together with the ratio of intensities between the centerband and ‘spinning sideband’ peaks, agreed well with values reported previously for lipid rafts in model membranes. Decreasing temperature produced decreases in the 1.3 ppm peak intensity and a discontinuity at ~18 °C, for which the simplest explanation is a phase transition from Ld to Lo phases indicative of raft formation. Rates of lateral diffusion of the acyl chain lipid signal at 1.3 ppm, a quantitative measure of microdomain size, were consistent with lipid molecules organized in rafts. These results show that HRMAS NMR can characterize lipid microdomains in human platelets, a methodological advance that could be extended to other tissues in which membrane biochemistry may have physiological and pathophysiological relevance.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is one of the most powerful analytical techniques available to biology. This review is an introduction to the potential of this method and is aimed at readers who have little or no experience in acquiring or analyzing NMR spectra. We focus on spectroscopic applications of the magnetic resonance effect, rather than imaging ones, and explain how various aspects of the NMR phenomenon make it a versatile tool with which to address a number of biological problems. Using detailed examples, we discuss the use of 1H NMR spectroscopy in mixture analysis and metabolomics, the use of 13C NMR spectroscopy in tracking isotopomers and determining the flux through metabolic pathways (‘fluxomics’) and the use of 31P NMR spectroscopy in monitoring ATP generation and intracellular pH homeotasis in vivo. Further examples demonstrate how NMR spectroscopy can be used to probe the physical environment of a cell by measuring diffusion and the tumbling rates of individual metabolites and how it can determine macromolecular structures by measuring the bonds and distances which separate individual atoms. We finish by outlining some of the key challenges which remain in NMR spectroscopy and we highlight how recent advances—such as increased magnet field strengths, cryogenic cooling, microprobes and hyperpolarisation—are opening new avenues for today's biological NMR spectroscopists.  相似文献   

NMR frequency assignments are usually considered a prerequisite for the analysis of NOESY spectra, in turn required for the calculation of biomolecular structures. In contrast, as we propose here, relatively high numbers of unambiguous NOE identities can be consistently achieved in an automated manner by relying only on grouping resonances into connected spin systems. To achieve this goal, we have developed for proteins two protocols, SPI and BACUS, based on Bayesian inference. SPI (Grishaev and Llinás, 2002c) produces a list of the (1)H resonance frequencies from homo- and hetero-nuclear multidimensional spectra, grouped into effective spin systems. BACUS automatically establishes probabilistic identities of NOESY cross-peaks in terms of the chemical shifts provided by SPI. BACUS requires neither assignment of resonances nor an initial structural model. It successfully copes with chemical shift overlap and does so without cycling through 3D structure calculations. The method exploits the self-consistency of the NOESY graph by taking advantage of a network of J- as well as NOE-connected "reporter" protons sorted via SPI. BACUS was validated by tests on experimental NOESY data recorded for the col 2 and kringle 2 domains.  相似文献   

Determination of the concentration of biochemical samples often yields values with uncertainties of 10-20% or more. This paper details a protocol for use with 500- to 600-MHz NMR spectrometers to measure approximately 1mM concentrations within +/-1-3% accuracy. With suitable precautions, all compounds have equal NMR "absorption coefficients" for protons. About 2mg of sample are needed for proteins and nucleic acids with MW=5000, although less accurate determinations could be made with smaller amounts. The technique utilizes standardized internal reference reagent compounds, cacodylic acid or 3-(trimethylsilyl)propionic-2,2,3,3-d(4) acid sodium salt. Spectra were signal-averaged using long interpulse delays so that integrals of nonexchangeable protons could be quantified relative to the reference standard. Accurate determinations require careful optimization of the homogeneity of the magnetic field and meticulous attention to sample preparation and spectral processing. The main source of error is usually the accuracy of micropipets. If sample preparation errors could be eliminated, the lower limit of accuracy with the current generation of NMR spectrometers is probably near 0.4%. However, this would require >99.5% sample purity. Methods are described to establish the concentration of the standards, and applications are illustrated with DNA mono- and oligonucleotides. Similar procedures should apply to proteins, polysaccharides, and other biomolecules, with about the same accuracy and precision.  相似文献   

Bacterial biofilms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa selectively labeled by introduction of 2-13C-glycerol was studied by solid-state and high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance. The 13C nuclei were mainly integrated into mannuronate and guluronate, the two monomer units forming the bacterial alginate. The signal for the C5 position of the mannuronate, which was easily identified and well separated from other peaks, was analyzed for molecular mobility. The result indicated a high degree of motional freedom within the molecular network of the alginate. Despite the fact that the alginate was part of a solid aqueous gel phase, the reorientation mechanism of the monomer units came close to isotropic tumbling. Solid-state spectra of biofilms labeled in the described manner may serve as a valuable tool for noninvasive analyses of molecular mobility of the alginate component under various influences, thereby revealing important structural information. In addition, the effect of a monovalent electrolyte (LiCl) on the molecular mobility of alginate fragments in an aqueous solution was studied by determining the spin–lattice relaxation times, line widths and line shapes under variations of the ion concentration. The presence of ions accelerated overall motions but left rapid local motions virtually unaffected. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2001) 26, 62–69. Received 26 January 2000/ Accepted in revised form 30 August 2000  相似文献   

The solution structure of tertiapin, a 21-residue bee venom peptide, has been characterized by circular dichroism (CD), two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and distance geometry. A total of 21 lowest error structures were obtained from distance geometry calculations. Superimposition of these structures shows that the backbone of tertiapin is very well defined. One type-I reverse turn from residue 4 to 7 and an α-helix from residue 12 to 19 exist in the structure of tertiapin. The α-helical region is best defined from both conformational analysis and structural superimposition. The overall three-dimensional structure of tertiapin is highly compact resulting from side chain interactions. The structural information obtained from CD and NMR are compared for both tertiapin and apamin (ref. 3), another bee venom peptide. Tertiapin and apamin have some similar secondary structure, but display different tertiary structures. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract. The nuclear magnetic resonance imaging technique has been used to obtain images of different transverse and vertical sections in groundnut and sunflower seeds. Separate images have been obtained for oil and water components in the seeds. The spatial distribution of oil and water inside the seed has been obtained from the detailed analysis of the images. In the immature groundnut seeds obtained commercially, complementary oil and water distributions have been observed. Attempts have been made to explain these results.  相似文献   

Human hexokinase enzyme IV (EC catalyzes the phosphorylation of glucose and regulates the level of glucose. This enzyme exhibits strong positive cooperativity due to an allosteric transition between an inactive form and a closed active form. This form can be stabilized by activators and, thus, can increase its turnover by a kinetic memory effect characterized by a slow decay to the inactive state. The structural details of this kinetic allostery are known. Several synthetic activators have been reported. We present a preliminary nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) screening of a chemical library in search of molecules with some affinity for glucokinase (GK). The library, composed of eight molecules with known activity as well as molecules that display no interaction, has been tested using the FAXS (fluorine chemical shift anisotropy and exchange for screening) method, based on monitoring the R2 relaxation of the 19F spin. To ensure a valid interaction measurement, the enzyme was placed in the presence of glucose and magnesium. The binding signal of one known fluorinated ligand was measured by determining the displacement of the known ligand. This simple measure of the 19F signal intensity after an 80-ms spin echo correlates nicely with the EC50, opening a route for NMR screening of GK activators.  相似文献   

Lipocalin-type prostaglandin (PG) D synthase (L-PGDS) is the only member of the lipocalin superfamily that displays enzymatic activity. It binds lipophilic ligands with high affinity and also can catalyze PGH2 to produce PGD2. Three cysteine residues, Cys65, Cys89, and Cys186 in L-PGDS, are conserved among all species, of which Cys89 and Cys186 residues form a disulfide bridge. In this study, we clarified the effects of thiol groups on the structure of the protein and investigated the structural significance of Cys residues of rat L-PGDS by site-directed mutagenesis. Four mutants were constructed by substituting Cys residues with alanine to identify the correct formation of disulfide bonds among these three residues. The effects of thiol groups on the structure of rat L-PGDS were also identified by these mutants. Analysis of HSQC experiments indicated that these enzymes were all properly folded with well defined tertiary structures. As the first step towards the 3-D nuclear magnetic resonance solution structure, we optimized expression of recombinant rat L-PGDS in Escherichia coli and established an efficient and economic purification protocol yielding large amounts of pure isotopically labeled rat L-PGDS. The results of assignments indicated that the wild-type rat L-PGDS obtained using this expression system was suitable for determination of 3-D nuclear magnetic resonance solution structure.  相似文献   

Phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance ((31)P NMR) was used to compare the anaerobic metabolism of glucose by suspended and gel-entrapped Saccharomyces bayanus cells. The fermentation of glucose was carried out in a reaction system with continuous circulation through the NMR sample tube. The intracellular pH and the levels of some phosphorylated compounds were the levels of some phosphorylated compounds were noninvasively monitored by (31)P NMR while glucose, fermentation products, and biomass were determined by analytic techniques comparisons showed that no significant differences are observed in the relative concentrations in the spectra, but distinct profiles for the variation of both intracellular and extracellular pH are found. The internal pH of immobilized cells is maintained at a constant value throughout the fermentation as opposed to freely suspended cells for which a steady decrease in the internal pH occurs. A faster and stronger acidification is also observed in the external medium of the assays with suspended cells. Furthermore, higher yields for ethanol and biomass production and lower yields of fermentation by-products are obtained with immobilized cells. It is concluded that the higher intracellular pH achieved in the presence of the gel matrix had a regulatory effect on the metabolism which favored the ethanol production pathway. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The toxic effects of Al(3+) have been studied in 90-days AlCl(3) orally treated male albino rats (n = 7) using (1)H NMR spectroscopy-based metabolic profile of rat serum and urine, serum enzyme tests, behavioral impairment, and histopathology of kidney and liver. Metabolic profile of 90-days Al(3+)-treated rat sera showed significantly elevated levels of alanine, glutamine, beta-hydroxy-butyrate, and acetoacetate and significantly decreased level of acetone when compared with that of control rats. However, metabolic profile of 90-days Al(3+)-treated rat urine showed significantly decreased levels of citrate, creatinine, allantoin, trans-aconitate, and succinate and significantly increased level of acetate when compared to control rats. The overall perturbations observed in the metabolic profile of serum and urine demonstrate the impairment in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, liver and kidney metabolism, which was further reinstated by clinical chemistry and histopathological observations. Moreover, "in vivo" behavioral impairment has also been observed as the indication of aluminum neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

Summary Purified, delipidated rhodopsin is recombined with phospholipid using octyl-glucoside (OG) and preformed vesicles. Normal egg phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylcholine in which the N-methyl groups are fully deuterated, and dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine labeled with deuterium at carbons 9 and 10 were used.31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and2H NMR measurements were obtained of the pure phospholipids and of the recombined membranes containing rhodopsin.31P NMR of the recombined membrane (containing the deuterated phospholipid) showed two overlapping resonances. One resembled a normal phospholipid bilayer, and the other was much broader, representing a motionally restricted phospholipid headgroup environment. The population of phospholipids in the motionally restricted environment can be modulated by conditions in the media.2H NMR spectra of the same recombined membranes showed only one component. These experimental results agree with a theoretical analysis that predicts an insensitivity of2H NMR to lipids bound to membrane proteins. A model containing at least three different phospholipid environments in the presence of the membrane protein rhodopsin is described.Deceased.  相似文献   

Proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra have been recorded of various neurotoxins from snake venoms.pH dependence of the chemical shifts and resonance intensity has been followed for the functionally essential Trp-29. The indole N-1 proton of Trp-29 in -bungarotoxin, toxin B, and cobrotoxin exhibits appreciably large upfield shifts as thepH is lowered and the suppressed exchange with the solvent hydrogen atpH 3–4, but not inNaja haje annulifera 10 where Asp-31 is replaced with Gly-31. This observation strongly suggests the presence of a hydrogen bond between Trp-29 and Asp-31 that is probably important in stabilizing the arrangement of the functionally essential residues to form a distinct binding region for the receptor.  相似文献   

Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to study the metabolism of a murine hybridoma cell line at two feed glutamine concentrations, 4.0 and 1.7 mM. Carbon-13 labeling patterns were used in conjunction with nutrient uptake rates to calculate the metabolic fluxes through the glycolytic pathway, the pentose shunt, the malate shunt, lipid biosynthesis, and the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. Decreasing the feed glutamine concentration significantly decreased glutamine uptake but had little effect on glucose metabolism. A significant incrase in antibody productivity occurred upon decreasing the feed glutamine level. The increased antibody productivity in concert with decreased glutamine uptake and no apparent change in glucolytic metabolism suggests that antibody production was not energy limited. Metabolic flux calculations indicate that (1) approximately 92% of the glucose consumed proceeds directly through glycolysis with 8% channeled through the pentose shunt; (2) lipid biosynthesis appears to be greater than malate shunt activity; and (3) considerable exchange occurs between TCA cycle intermediates and amino acid metabolic pools, leading to substantial loss of (13)C label from the TCA cycle. These results illustrate that (13)NMR spectroscopy is a powerfulf tool in the calculation of metabolic fluxes, particularly for exchange pathways where no net flux occurs. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Cobrotoxin (Mr 6949), which binds tightly to the acetylcholine receptors, contains no phenylalanines and only two histidines, two tyrosines, and one tryptophan that result in well-resolved aromatic proton resonances in D2O at 360 MHz. His-32, Tyr-25, and the Trp are essential for toxicity and may interact with the acetylcholine receptor. We assign two titratable resonances (pKa = 5.1) at delta = 9.0 and 7.5 ppm at pH 2.5 and at 7.7 and 7.1 ppm at pH 9.5 to the C-2 and C-4 ring protons, respectively, of His-4. Two other titratable resonances (pKa = 5.7) at delta = 8.8 and 6.9 ppm at pH 2.5 and at 7.8 and 6.7 ppm at pH 9.5 are assigned to the C-2 and C-4 ring protons of His-32, respectively. The differences in delta values of the two histidines reflect chemically different microenvironments while their low pKa values could arise from nearby positive charges. A methyl resonance gradually shifts upfield to delta approximately 0.4 ppm as His-4 is deprotonated and is tentatively assigned to the methyl group of Thr-14 or Thr-15 which, from published X-ray studies of neurotoxins, are located in the vicinity of His-4. Further, we have identified the aromatic resonances of the invariant tryptophan and individual tyrosines and the methyl resonance of one of the two isoleucines in the molecule. Several broad nontitrating resonances of labile protons which disappear at pH greater than 9 may arise from amide groups of the beta sheet in cobrotoxin.  相似文献   

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