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后生动物线粒体基因组:起源、大小和基因排列进化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于受到强烈的进化约束,后生动物线粒体基因组在大小和基因含量上一直保持稳定,相比之下核基因组则发生了巨大的改变。后生动物线粒体基因组结构的可塑性在一定程度上归功于可能由tRNA基因介导的基因重排事件,虽然亲缘关系密切的物种间也可能出现基因重排,但同门内的线粒体基因组仍趋向于具有类似的结构特征。我们对后生动物线粒体基因组的起源、大小和基因排列进化方面的特点进行了介绍。  相似文献   

The ability to segregate a committed germ stem cell (GSC) lineage distinct from somatic cell lineages is a characteristic of bilaterian Metazoans. However, the occurrence of GSC lineage specification in basally branching Metazoan phyla, such as Cnidaria, is uncertain. Without an independently segregated GSC lineage, germ cells and their precursors must be specified throughout adulthood from continuously dividing somatic stem cells, generating the risk of propagating somatic mutations within the individual and its gametes. To address the potential for existence of a GSC lineage in Anthozoa, the sister-group to all remaining Cnidaria, we identified moderate- to high-frequency somatic mutations and their potential for gametic transfer in the long-lived coral Orbicella faveolata (Anthozoa, Cnidaria) using a 2b-RAD sequencing approach. Our results demonstrate that somatic mutations can drift to high frequencies (up to 50%) and can also generate substantial intracolonial genetic diversity. However, these somatic mutations are not transferable to gametes, signifying the potential for an independently segregated GSC lineage in O. faveolata. In conjunction with previous research on germ cell development in other basally branching Metazoan species, our results suggest that the GSC system may be a Eumetazoan characteristic that evolved in association with the emergence of greater complexity in animal body plan organization and greater specificity of stem cell functions.  相似文献   

Multicellular animals, or Metazoa, appear in the fossil records between 575 and 509 million years ago (MYA). At odds with paleontological evidence, molecular estimates of basal metazoan divergences have been consistently older than 700 MYA. However, those date estimates were based on the molecular clock hypothesis, which is almost always violated. To relax this hypothesis, we have implemented a Bayesian approach to describe the change of evolutionary rate over time. Analysis of 22 genes from the nuclear and the mitochondrial genomes under the molecular clock assumption produced old date estimates, similar to those from previous studies. However, by allowing rates to vary in time and by taking small species-sampling fractions into account, we obtained much younger estimates, broadly consistent with the fossil records. In particular, the date of protostome-deuterostome divergence was on average 582 +/- 112 MYA. These results were found to be robust to specification of the model of rate change. The clock assumption thus had a dramatic effect on date estimation. However, our results appeared sensitive to the prior model of cladogenesis, although the oldest estimates (791 +/- 246 MYA) were obtained under a suboptimal model. Bayes posterior estimates of evolutionary rates indicated at least one major burst of molecular evolution at the end of the Precambrian when protostomes and deuterostomes diverged. We stress the importance of assumptions about rates on date estimation and suggest that the large discrepancies between the molecular and fossil dates of metazoan divergences might partly be due to biases in molecular date estimation.  相似文献   

The ecological traits and functional capabilities of marine animals have changed significantly since their origin in the late Precambrian. These changes can be analysed quantitatively using multi-dimensional parameter spaces in which the ecological lifestyles of species are represented by particular combinations of parameter values. Here, we present models that describe the filling of this multi-dimensional 'ecospace' by ecological lifestyles during metazoan diversification. These models reflect varying assumptions about the processes that drove ecological diversification; they contrast diffusive expansion with driven expansion and niche conservatism with niche partitioning. Some models highlight the importance of interactions among organisms (ecosystem engineering and predator-prey escalation) in promoting new lifestyles or eliminating existing ones. These models reflect processes that were not mutually exclusive; rigorous analyses will continue to reveal their applicability to episodes in metazoan history.  相似文献   

A sequestered germline in Metazoa has been argued to be an obstacle to lateral gene transfer (LGT), though few studies have specifically assessed this claim. Here, we test the hypothesis that the origin of a sequestered germline reduced LGT events in Bilateria (i.e., triploblast lineages) as compared to early‐diverging Metazoa (i.e., Ctenophora, Cnidaria, Porifera, and Placozoa). We analyze single‐gene phylogenies generated with over 900 species sampled from among Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota to identify well‐supported interdomain LGTs. We focus on ancient interdomain LGT (i.e., those between prokaryotes and multiple lineages of Metazoa) as systematic errors in single‐gene tree reconstruction create uncertainties for interpreting eukaryote‐to‐eukaryote transfer. The breadth of the sampled Metazoa enables us to estimate the timing of LGTs, and to examine the pattern before versus after the evolution of a sequestered germline. We identified 58 LGTs found only in Metazoa and prokaryotes (i.e., bacteria and/or archaea), and seven genes transferred from prokaryotes into Metazoa plus one other eukaryotic clade. Our analyses indicate that more interdomain transfers occurred before the development of a sequestered germline, consistent with the hypothesis that this feature is an obstacle to LGT.  相似文献   

Replacement of mRNA 5′ UTR sequences by short sequences trans-spliced from specialized, noncoding, spliced leader (SL) RNAs is an enigmatic phenomenon, occurring in a set of distantly related animal groups including urochordates, nematodes, flatworms, and hydra, as well as in Euglenozoa and dinoflagellates. Whether SL trans-splicing has a common evolutionary origin and biological function among different organisms remains unclear. We have undertaken a systematic identification of SL exons in cDNA sequence data sets from non-bilaterian metazoan species and their closest unicellular relatives. SL exons were identified in ctenophores and in hydrozoan cnidarians, but not in other cnidarians, placozoans, or sponges, or in animal unicellular relatives. Mapping of SL absence/presence obtained from this and previous studies onto current phylogenetic trees favors an evolutionary scenario involving multiple origins for SLs during eumetazoan evolution rather than loss from a common ancestor. In both ctenophore and hydrozoan species, multiple SL sequences were identified, showing high sequence diversity. Detailed analysis of a large data set generated for the hydrozoan Clytia hemisphaerica revealed trans-splicing of given mRNAs by multiple alternative SLs. No evidence was found for a common identity of trans-spliced mRNAs between different hydrozoans. One feature found specifically to characterize SL-spliced mRNAs in hydrozoans, however, was a marked adenosine enrichment immediately 3′ of the SL acceptor splice site. Our findings of high sequence divergence and apparently indiscriminate use of SLs in hydrozoans, along with recent findings in other taxa, indicate that SL genes have evolved rapidly in parallel in diverse animal groups, with constraint on SL exon sequence evolution being apparently rare.  相似文献   

The Ediacaran biota is profoundly mysterious. There is a growing realization that these organisms should not be grouped in a single taxon, such as Petalonamae or Vendobionta, but debate continues on what the group as a whole represents. It is argued here that the Ediacarans constitute a broad, megascopic, paraphyletic grade of organization which overlaps the stem groups (and perhaps some crown groups) of the Porifera, Ctenophora, Cnidaria and Bilateria.

The modular organization of many Ediacarans suggests that they were fundamentally colonial organisms. The early disc‐shaped forms may have been solitary individuals, perhaps with a choanoflagellate or simple sponge‐like grade of organization; the modular forms may represent bud colonies of those entities. The more complex fronds, as well as other segmented and bilaterally symmetrical Ediacarans, seem to exhibit a trend toward higher levels of integration and individuation. This trend is comparable to those observed among more recent colonial organisms. Interpretation of modular Ediacarans as colonial organisms leads to a new perspective on the evolution of metazoans. It suggests that the earliest solitary Ediacarans furnished a framework for the development of cell and tissue specialization, including the formation of epithelia and complex connective tissues. Later colonial forms provided a mechanism to increase nested or hierarchical complexity, through duplication, integration, and individuation. Early acquisition of complexity had a profound impact on the subsequent evolution of metazoan body plans.

The Ediacarans seem to have evolved the range of colonial forms required to give rise to the radiation of complex bilaterians in the Cambrian. If this is true, it obviates the need to postulate the existence of the microscopic, acoelomate ancestors of basal metazoan taxa that are required by prevailing hypotheses bearing on the early evolution of the Metazoa.  相似文献   

For over a century, Haeckel's Gastraea theory remained a dominant theory to explain the origin of multicellular animals. According to this theory, the animal ancestor was a blastula‐like colony of uniform cells that gradually evolved cell differentiation. Today, however, genes that typically control metazoan development, cell differentiation, cell‐to‐cell adhesion, and cell‐to‐matrix adhesion are found in various unicellular relatives of the Metazoa, which suggests the origin of the genetic programs of cell differentiation and adhesion in the root of the Opisthokonta. Multicellular stages occurring in the complex life cycles of opisthokont protists (mesomycetozoeans and choanoflagellates) never resemble a blastula. Here, we discuss a more realistic scenario of transition to multicellularity through integration of pre‐existing transient cell types into the body of an early metazoon, which possessed a complex life cycle with a differentiated sedentary filter‐feeding trophic stage and a non‐feeding blastula‐like larva, the synzoospore. Choanoflagellates are considered as forms with secondarily simplified life cycles.  相似文献   

A simulation model of the evolution of a free-living bilayered animal is proposed. The model object developed two layers of cells. The inner layer was able to produce digestive enzymes, to split and absorb organic substances. The evolution of these model objects was accompanied by mutations resembling real adaptations in some coelenterates and placozoans. It was observed that the outer layer of the model produced cells capable of secretion of digestive ferments. This mutation was a principal apomorphy leading to the appearance of organisms with extraorganismal digestion. Visual Basic and STELLA modeling software were used for simulations.  相似文献   

Abstract. Recent molecular data suggest that the Porifera is paraphyletic (Calcarea+Silicea) and that the Calcarea is more closely related to the Metazoa than to other sponge groups, thereby implying that a sponge‐like animal gave rise to other metazoans. One ramification of these data is that calcareous sponges could provide clues as to what features are shared among this ancestral metazoan and higher animals. Recent studies describing detailed morphology in the Calcarea are lacking. We have used a combination of microscopy techniques to study the fine structure of Syconcoactum Urban 1905, a cosmopolitan calcareous sponge. The sponge has a distinct polarity, consisting of a single tube with an apically opening osculum. Finger‐like chambers, several hundred micrometers in length, form the sides of the tube. The inner and outer layers of the chamber wall are formed by epithelia characterized by apical–basal polarity and occluding junctions between cells. The outer layer—the pinacoderm—and atrial cavity are lined by plate‐like cells (pinacocytes), and the inner choanoderm is lined by a continuous sheet of choanocytes. Incurrent openings of the sponge are formed by porocytes, tubular cells that join the pinacoderm to the choanoderm. Between these two layers lies a collagenous mesohyl that houses sclerocytes, spicules, amoeboid cells, and a progression of embryonic stages. The morphology of choanocytes and porocytes is plastic. Ostia were closed in sponges that were vigorously shaken and in sponges left in still water for over 30 min. Choanocytes, and in particular collar microvilli, varied in size and shape, depending on their location in the choanocyte chamber. Although some of the odd shapes of choanocytes and their collars can be explained by the development of large embryos first beneath and later on top of the choanocytes, the presence of many fused collar microvilli on choanocytes may reflect peculiarities of the hydrodynamics in large syconoid choanocyte chambers. The unusual formation of a hollow blastula larva and its inversion through the choanocyte epithelium are suggestive of epithelial rather than mesenchymal cell movements. These details illustrate that calcareous sponges have characteristics that allow comparison with other metazoans—one of the reasons they have long been the focus of studies of evolution and development.  相似文献   

The complete sequence of the mitochondrial genome of Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Acanthocephala) was determined, and a phylogenetic analysis was carried out to determine its placement within Metazoa. The genome is circular, 13,888 bp, and contains at least 36 of the 37 genes typically found in animal mitochondrial genomes. The genes for the large and small ribosomal RNA subunits are shorter than those of most metazoans, and the structures of most of the tRNA genes are atypical. There are two significant noncoding regions (377 and 294 bp), which are the best candidates for a control region; however, these regions do not appear similar to any of the control regions of other animals studied to date. The amino acid and nucleotide sequences of the protein coding genes of L. thecatus and 25 other metazoan taxa were used in both maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony phylogenetic analyses. Results indicate that among taxa with available mitochondrial genome sequences, Platyhelminthes is the closest relative to L. thecatus, which together are the sister taxon of Nematoda; however, long branches and/or base composition bias could be responsible for this result. The monophyly of Ecdysozoa, molting organisms, was not supported by any of the analyses. This study represents the first mitochondrial genome of an acanthocephalan to be sequenced and will allow further studies of systematics, population genetics, and genome evolution.Reviewing Editor: Dr. Rafael Zardoya The entire genome sequence has been deposited with the GenBank Data Libraries under-accession number AY562383.  相似文献   

刺细胞动物是一类具有刺细胞的水生无脊椎动物,分布在世界各地的海洋和淡水中.作为后生动物最早分化出的一支,刺细胞动物对研究后生动物的起源和早期演化具有极其重要的意义,也为研究后生动物系统发育、地层对比和古地理恢复等方面提供了重要的科研线索.本文简要介绍了刺细胞动物早期(埃迪卡拉纪至寒武纪苗岭世)的化石记录和研究现状,将刺...  相似文献   

Traditionally, the morphological traits of primates were assumed to be adaptations to an arboreal way of life. However, Cartmill [1972] pointed out that a number of morphological traits characteristic of primates are not found in many other arboreal mammals. He contends that orbital convergence and grasping extremities indicate that the initial divergence of primates involved visual predation on insects in the lower canopy and undergrowth of the tropical forest. However, recent research on nocturnal primates does not support the visually-oriented predation theory. Although insects were most likely important components of the diets of the earliest euprimates, it is argued here that visual predation was not the major impetus for the evolution of the adaptive traits of primates. Recent paleobotanical research has yielded evidence that a major evolutionary event occurred during the Eocene, involving the angiosperms and their dispersal agents. As a result of long-term diffuse coevolutionary interactions with flowering plants, modern primates, bats, and plant-feeding birds all first arose around the Paleocene-Eocene boundary and became the major seed dispersers of modern tropical flora during the Eocene. Thus, it is suggested here that the multitude of resources available on the terminal branches of the newly evolved angiosperm, rain forest trees led to the morphological adaptations of primates of modern aspect.  相似文献   

The animal in the genome: comparative genomics and evolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Comparisons between completely sequenced metazoan genomes have generally emphasized how similar their encoded protein content is, even when the comparison is between phyla. Given the manifest differences between phyla and, in particular, intuitive notions that some animals are more complex than others, this creates something of a paradox. Simplistic explanations have included arguments such as increased numbers of genes; greater numbers of protein products produced through alternative splicing; increased numbers of regulatory non-coding RNAs and increased complexity of the cis-regulatory code. An obvious value of complete genome sequences lies in their ability to provide us with inventories of such components. I examine progress being made in linking genome content to the pattern of animal evolution, and argue that the gap between genomic and phenotypic complexity can only be understood through the totality of interacting components.  相似文献   

The rapid diversification of early Metazoa remains one of the most puzzling events in the fossil record. Several models have been proposed to explain a critical aspect of this event: the origin of Metazoan development. These include the origin of the eukaryotic cell, environmental triggers, key innovations or selection among cell lineages. Here, the first three hypotheses are evaulated within a phylogenetic framework using fossil, molecular and developmental evidence. Many elements of metazoan development are widely distributed among unicellular eukaryotes, yet only 3 of the 23 multicellular eukaryotic lineages evolved complex development. Molecular evidence indicates the lineage leading to the eukaryotic cell is nearly as old as the eubacterial and archaebacterial lineages, although the symbiotic events established that the eukaryotic cell probably occurred about 1.5 billion years ago. Yet Metazoa did not appear until 1000 to 600 million years ago (Myr), suggesting the origin of metazoan development must be linked to either an environmental trigger, perhaps an increase in atmospheric oxygen, or key innovations such as the development of collagen. Yet the first model fails to explain the unique appearance of complex development in Metazoa, while the latter fails to explain the simultaneous diversification of several ‘protist’ groups along with the Metazoa. A more complete model of the origin of metazoan development combines environmental triggering of a series of innovations, with successive innovations generating radiations of metazoan clades as lineages breached functional thresholds. The elaboration of new cell classes and the appearance of such developmental innovations as cell sheets may have been of particular importance. Evolutionary biologists often implicitly assume that evolution is a uniformitarian, time-homogeneous process without strong temporal asymmetries in evolutionary mechanisms, rate or context. Yet evolutionary patterns do exhibit such asymmetries, raising the possibility that such innovations as metazoan development impose non-uniformities of evolutionary process.  相似文献   

Eicosanoids play an important role in inducing complex and crucial physiological processes in animals. Eicosanoid biosynthesis in animals is widely reported; however, eicosanoid production in invertebrate tissue is remarkably different to vertebrates and in certain respects remains elusive. We, for the first time, compared the orthologs involved in arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism in 14 species of invertebrates and 3 species of vertebrates. Based on parsimony, a complex AA-metabolic system may have existed in the common ancestor of the Metazoa, and then expanded and diversified through invertebrate lineages. A primary vertebrate-like AA-metabolic system via cyclooxygenase (COX), lipoxygenase (LOX), and cytochrome P450 (CYP) pathways was further identified in the basal chordate, amphioxus. The expression profiling of AA-metabolic enzymes and lipidomic analysis of eicosanoid production in the tissues of amphioxus supported our supposition. Thus, we proposed that the ancestral complexity of AA-metabolic network diversified with the different lineages of invertebrates, adapting with the diversity of body plans and ecological opportunity, and arriving at the vertebrate-like pattern in the basal chordate, amphioxus.  相似文献   

Molecular clocks do not support the Cambrian explosion   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The fossil record has long supported the view that most animal phyla originated during a brief period approximately 520 MYA known as the Cambrian explosion. However, molecular data analyses over the past 3 decades have found deeper divergences among animals (approximately 800 to 1,200 MYA), with and without the assumption of a global molecular clock. Recently, two studies have instead reported time estimates apparently consistent with the fossil record. Here, we demonstrate that methodological problems in these studies cast doubt on the accuracy and interpretations of the results obtained. In the study by Peterson et al., young time estimates were obtained because fossil calibrations were used as maximum limits rather than as minimum limits, and not because invertebrate calibrations were used. In the study by Aris-Brosou and Yang, young time estimates were obtained because of problems with rate models and other methods specific to the study, and not because Bayesian methods were used. This also led to many anomalous findings in their study, including a primate-rodent divergence at 320 MYA. With these results aside, molecular clocks continue to support a long period of animal evolution before the Cambrian explosion of fossils.  相似文献   

Body size variation across the Metazoa is immense, encompassing 17 orders of magnitude in biovolume. Factors driving this extreme diversification in size and the consequences of size variation for biological processes remain poorly resolved. Species diversity is invoked as both a predictor and a result of size variation, and theory predicts a strong correlation between the two. However, evidence has been presented both supporting and contradicting such a relationship. Here, we use a new comprehensive dataset for maximum and minimum body sizes across all metazoan phyla to show that species diversity is strongly correlated with minimum size, maximum size and consequently intra-phylum variation. Similar patterns are also observed within birds and mammals. The observations point to several fundamental linkages between species diversification and body size variation through the evolution of animal life.  相似文献   

Larval transfer is presented as an alternative to the widely held assumption that larvae and corresponding adults have always evolved together, within the same lineage. I submit (1) that genes specifying the basic forms of all embryos and larvae originated as the genomes of animals that matured without metamorphosis, (2) that such genomes have been transferred by hybridization, and (3) that fertile hybrids have been produced at infrequent and irregular intervals between animals at all levels of relationship during the course of evolution. The origins of blastulas, hydromedusae, protostome and deuterostome ciliated larvae, arthropodan larvae and urochordate tadpoles are discussed as examples of my hypothesis. I believe that practically all metazoans have at least one inter-group hybrid in their ancestry. Larval transfer is briefly considered in relation to other theories on ontogeny and phylogeny. Methods of verification are suggested.  相似文献   

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