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Hybridization of DNA targets to glass-tethered oligonucleotide probes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Hybridization of nucleic acids to surface-tethered oligonucleotide probes has numerous potential applications in genome mapping and DNA sequence analysis. In this article, we describe a simple standard protocol for routine preparation of terminal amine-derivatized 9-mer oligonucleotide arrays on ordinary microscope slides and hybridization conditions with DNA target strands of up to several hundred bases in length with good discrimination against mismatches. Additional linker arms separating the glass surface from the probe sequence are not necessary. The technique described here offers a powerful tool for the detection of specific genetic mutations.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide probes specific for simple tandem repeat sequences produce individual specific DNA fingerprints in man and all animal species tested so far. Here 11 different synthetic probes were hybridized to bovine genomic DNAs which had been digested with the restriction endonucleases HinfI, AluI and HaeIII. Two of these probes gave DNA fingerprint patterns which were analysed for three German breeds. Different parameters were calculated, such as the average number of bands per individual or the probability of finding identical fingerprints in two unrelated individuals. The number of polymorphic bands varies from 11 to 23 in the different breeds and the probability of finding the same banding pattern in two unrelated individuals ranges from 1.5 x 10(-7) to 2.4 x 10(-7). Hence this DNA fingerprinting procedure allows precise identification of individuals. It is also a useful additional method for paternity testing in cattle.  相似文献   

We have compared three competitive chemiluminescent immunoassays (CLIA) for estradiol (E2) using an N-functionalized acridinium ester (AE). The assays were a standard competitive assay using immobilized antibody and directly labeled antigen (type A), an immobilized antibody and indirectly labeled antigen (type B), and an immobilized antigen and labeled antibody (type C). In an antibody-immobilized system, the assay using both AE- and E2-labeled thyroglobulin as a tracer (type B) was more sensitive than that using AE directly coupled with E2 (type A). Subsequently, a comparison of the antibody-immobilized system (type B) and an antigen-immobilized system (type C) showed that the latter was slightly more sensitive than the former. The sensitivity of the CLIA (type C) was similar or superior to commercially available CLIA or radioimmunoassays for E2. Thus, the N-functionalized AE proved to be a useful labeling reagent for a competitive CLIA with high sensitivity.  相似文献   

In this report we describe the use of five oligonucleotide probes, namely (GATA)4, (GACA)4, (GGAT)4, (GAA)6 and (CAC)5, to reveal highly polymorphic DNA regions in rice. With each of the oligonucleotide probes, the level of polymorphism was high enough to distinguish several rice genotypes. Moreover, individual plants of one cultivar showed the same cultivar-specific DNA fingerprint. The multilocus fingerprint patterns were somatically stable. Our study demonstrates that microsatellite-derived DNA fingerprints are ideally suited for the identification of rice genotypes. As the majority of the probes detected a high level of polymorphism, they can be very useful in monitoring and aiding gene introgression from wild rice into cultivars.  相似文献   

Many genomic assays rely on a distance-dependent interaction between luminescent labels, such as luminescence quenching or resonance energy transfer. We studied the interaction between electrochemically excited Ru(bpy)(3) (2+) and Cy5 in a hybridization assay on a chip. The 3' end of an oligonucleotide was labelled with Ru(bpy)(3) (2+) and the 5' end of a complementary strand with Cy5. Upon the hybridization, the electrochemiluminescence (ECL) of Ru(bpy)(3) (2+) was efficiently quenched by Cy5 with a sensitivity down to 30 nmol/L of the Cy5-labelled complementary strand. The quenching efficiency is calculated to be 78%. A similar phenomenon was observed in a comparative study using laser-excitation of Ru(bpy)(3) (2+). The hybridization with the non-labelled complementary or labelled non-complementary strand did not change the intensity of the ECL signal. Resonance energy transfer, electron transfer and static quenching mechanisms are discussed. Our results suggest that static quenching and/or electron transfer are the most likely quenching mechanisms.  相似文献   

The design of microarrays is currently based on studies focusing on DNA hybridization reaction in bulk solution. However, the presence of a surface to which the probe strand is attached can make the solution‐based approximations invalid, resulting in sub‐optimum hybridization conditions. To determine the effect of surfaces on DNA duplex formation, the authors studied the dependence of DNA melting temperature (Tm) on target concentration. An automated system was developed to capture the melting profiles of a 25‐mer perfect‐match probe–target pair initially hybridized at 23°C. Target concentrations ranged from 0.0165 to 15 nM with different probe amounts (0.03–0.82 pmol on a surface area of 1018 Å2), a constant probe density (5 × 1012 molecules/cm2) and spacer length (15 dT). The authors found that Tm for duplexes anchored to a surface is lower than in‐solution, and this difference increases with increasing target concentration. In a representative set, a target concentration increase from 0.5 to 15 nM with 0.82 pmol of probe on the surface resulted in a Tm decrease of 6°C when compared with a 4°C increase in solution. At very low target concentrations, a multi‐melting process was observed in low temperature domains of the curves. This was attributed to the presence of truncated or mismatch probes. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2012  相似文献   

In research as well as in clinical applications, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) has gained increasing popularity as a highly sensitive technique to study cytogenetic changes. Today, hundreds of commercially available DNA probes serve the basic needs of the biomedical research community. Widespread applications, however, are often limited by the lack of appropriately labeled, specific nucleic acid probes. We describe two approaches for an expeditious preparation of chromosome-specific DNAs and the subsequent probe labeling with reporter molecules of choice. The described techniques allow the preparation of highly specific DNA repeat probes suitable for enumeration of chromosomes in interphase cell nuclei or tissue sections. In addition, there is no need for chromosome enrichment by flow cytometry and sorting or molecular cloning. Our PCR-based method uses either bacterial artificial chromosomes or human genomic DNA as templates with alpha-satellite-specific primers. Here we demonstrate the production of fluorochrome-labeled DNA repeat probes specific for human chromosomes 17 and 18 in just a few days without the need for highly specialized equipment and without the limitation to only a few fluorochrome labels.  相似文献   

A sensitive method allowing the detection of mycobacteria by DNA probing has been developed. Besides the choice of a relevant probe encoding for part of the ribosomal RNA genes, the critical step allowing this high sensitivity was the method by which mycobacteria were lysed. Sonication of mycobacteria in the presence of chloroform followed by dot blot by this lysate gave the highest sensitivity in the detection of sequences homologous to the DNA probes.  相似文献   

The process of granule formation in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors was studied using oligonucleotide hybridization probes. Two laboratory-scale UASB reactors were inoculated with sieved primary anaerobic digester sludge from a municipal wastewater treatment plant and operated similarly except that reactor G was fed glucose, while reactor GP was fed glucose and propionate. Size measurements of cell aggregates and quantification of different populations of methanogens with membrane hybridization targeting the small-subunit ribosomal RNA demonstrated that the increase in aggregate size was associated with an increase in the abundance of Methanosaeta concilii in both reactors. In addition, fluorescence in situ hybridization showed that the major cell components of small aggregates collected during the early stages of reactor startup were M. concilii cells. These results indicate that M. concilii filaments act as nuclei for granular development. The increase in aggregate size was greater in reactor GP than in reactor G during the early stages of startup, suggesting that the presence of propionate-oxidizing syntrophic consortia assisted the formation of granules. The mature granules formed in both reactors exhibited a layered structure with M. concilii dominant in the core, syntrophic consortia adjacent to the core, and filamentous bacteria in the surface layer. The excess of filamentous bacteria caused delay of granulation, which was corrected by increasing shear through an increase of the recycling rate.  相似文献   

In this article we introduce a strategy of preanncaling labeled auxiliary oligonucleotides to single-stranded target DNA, prior to hybridization of the DNA target to oligonucleotide arrays (genosensors) formed on glass slides for the purpose of mutation analysis. Human genomic DNA samples from normal individuals and cystic fibrosis (CF) patients (including homozygous δF508 and heterozygous δF508/wild type (wt) in the region examined) were used. A PCR fragment of length 138 bp (wt) or 135 bp (mutant) was produced from exon l0 in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, using a new pair of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers. This fragment contains four of the most frequent mutation sites causing the disease (Q493X, δI507, δF508, and V520F). Each of these mutations was tested using a pair of nonamer (9-mer) probes covalently attached to glass slides, representing the normal (wt) and the mutant allcles. Single-stranded target DNA was isolated from the PCR fragment using one PCR primer labeled with biotin and a streptavidin minicolumn to capture the biotin-labeled strand. Prior to hybridization to the 9-mer array on a glass slide, the unlabeled target strand was preannealed with one, three, or four auxiliary oligonucleotides, at least one being labeled with32P. As observed previously in several laboratories, the discrimination between normal (wt) and mutant alleles at each site using oligonucleotide array hybridization ranged from very good to poor, depending on the number and location of mismatches between probe and target. Terminal mismatches along the probe were difficult to discriminate, internal mismatches were more easily discriminated, and multiple mismatches were very well discriminated. An exceptionally intense hybridization signal was obtained with a 9-mer probe that hybridized contiguously (in tandem) with one auxiliary oligonucleotide preannealed to the target DNA. The increased stability is apparently caused by strong base slacking interactions between the “capture probe” and the auxiliary oligonucleotide. The presence of the δF508 mutation was delected with this system, including discrimination between homozygous and heterozygous conditions. Base mismatch discrimination using the arrayed 9-mcr probes was improved by increasing the temperature of hybridization from 15 to 25‡C. Auxiliary oligonucleotides, preannealed to the single-stranded template, may serve several purposes to enable a more robust genosensor-based DNA sequence analysis:
A convenient means of introducing label into the target DNA molecule.
Disruption of interfering short-range secondary structure in the region of analysis.
Covering up of redundant binding sites in the target strand (i.e., where a given probe has more than one complement within the target).
Tandem hybridization with the capture probe (providing contiguous stacking) as a means for achieving efficient mismatch discrimination at the terminal position of the capture probe (adjacent to the auxiliary oligonucleotide).
By use of multiple auxiliary oligonucleolides. all of the above benefits can be derived simultaneously.  相似文献   

随着16 S rRNA序列资源的不断丰富,以及寡核苷酸微阵列基因芯片技术的不断进步,检测复杂微生物菌落中的微生物种群构成成为可能.现有的序列特异性探针设计算法缺乏足够的覆盖度、灵活性以及效率,不能满足大规模细菌检测基因芯片的设计要求.很多组特异性探针设计算法的思路多局限于针对某个目标序列组设计唯一的组特异性探针.在很多应用场合,设计单个探针检测组内所有目标序列的目标是很难达到的.因此,设计多个探针通过组合方式进行检测是很有必要的.每个探针能特异性地检测组内一部分目标序列,通过组合就能提高覆盖率.然而,在所有可能的探针组合中找到一个优化的探针组合是很耗时的.提出了一个可行的基于相对熵和遗传算法的组合探针设计算法.  相似文献   

The quantitative measurement of steady-state mRNA levels is fundamental to the analysis of gene expression. A variety of techniques are widely used to achieve this including Northern blotting, RNase protection, and S1 nuclease protection. We describe here in detail a relatively recent extension of the S1 nuclease protection technique (1) in which radiolabeled oligonucleotides are used as probes in a solution hybrieization assay (2). The principle advantage of this technique is that it allows, in a single RNA sample, the simultaneous measurement of the relative levels of at least six mRNA species, including that of a control mRNA. Further, a large number of RNA samples can be analyzed at one time.  相似文献   

In order to establish optimum conditions for the chemiluminescent (CL) reaction of two acridinium ester labelled proteins (human albumin and rabbit anti-human albumin IgG), we investigated the effects of the following factors known to influence the CL emission: pH, presence of proteins, relative concentrations of components of CL reaction and presence of surfactants. Under optimal conditions of pH and hydrogen peroxide concentration, hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium chloride (CTAC) increased the intensity of the CL reaction of the acridinium ester labelled albumin by 42-fold. Triton X-100, Tween-20, 23 lauryl ether (Brij 35) and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) exerted a much smaller effect. In the case of the acridinium ester labelled antibody, the greatest increase was obtained with Triton X-100 (15-fold) followed by CTAC, Brij 35 and Tween 20 (SDS decreased the emission intensity).  相似文献   

A novel system for the detection of DNA hybridization in a homogeneous format is developed. This method is based on fluorescence quenching by gold nanoparticles used as both nanoscaffolds for the immobilization of capture sequences and nanoquenchers of fluorophores attached to detection sequences. The oligonucleotide-functionalized gold nanoparticles are synthesized by derivatizing the colloidal gold solution with 5'-thiolated 12-base oligonucleotides. Introduction of sequence-specific target DNAs (24 bases) into the mixture containing dye-tagged detection sequences and oligonucleotide-functionalized gold nanoparticles results in the quenching of carboxytetramethylrhodamine-labeled DNA fluorescence because DNA hybridization occurs and brings fluorophores into close proximity with oligonucleotide-functionalized gold nanoparticles. The quenching efficiency of fluorescence increases with the target DNA concentration and provides a quantitative measurement of sequence-specific DNA in sample. A linearity is obtained within the range from 1.4 to 92 nM. The target sequence is detected down to 2 nM. This new system not only overcomes many of the drawbacks inherent in radioisotopic measurement or enzyme-linked assay but also avoids the requirement for the stem-loop structure compared with conventional molecular beacons. Furthermore, the background signal that is defined as fluorescence quenching arising from electrostatic attraction between positively charged fluorophores and negatively charged gold nanoparticles is comparatively low due to electrostatic repulsion between negatively charged oligonucleotides. In addition, this is a homogeneous assay that can offer the potential to be monitored in real time, be amenable to automation, eliminate washing steps, and reduce the risk of contamination.  相似文献   

Chemiluminescence immunoassays have now achieved a recognized place in the diagnostic laboratory. The advantages of this non-isotopic technology derive from the use of acridinium esters which can be used to label antigens and antibodies to high specific activities, as well as from optimized immunochemistry. The availability of simple, reliable instrumentation for chemiluminescence measurement together with a range of assay kits offers a logical alternative to traditional radioimmunoassay.  相似文献   

The features that Magic Lite products offer as an immunoassay delivery system are discussed. The use of paramagnetic particles and acridinium ester labels confers advantages of speed, sensitivity, and stability. The technology has been used to measure analytes of widely varying molecular weights and serum concentrations, indicating its potential to detect the full range of clinically relevant analytes. Initial development efforts have indicated that the advantages of the system can be effectively exploited in an automated instrument.  相似文献   

活性污泥中微生物群落内部关系非常复杂 ,及时对活性污泥中优势菌群和群落内部关系进行监测是污水处理中采取正确措施的关键。历史研究表明传统培养方法经常导致活性污泥优势菌群检测的失败 ,而r RNA- targeted寡核苷酸探针作为一种快速原位监测活性污泥微生物群落结构和功能的新工具被引入 ,使我们对参与污水净化的微生物群落结构和优势菌群能有较全面的了解。就该方法在识别除磷污泥、脱氮污泥、污泥泡沫和膨胀污泥中微生物群落结构和功能的典型应用进行综述 ,分析了该方法存在的优点和缺点 ,并对目前已建立且应用于活性污泥微生物检测的 r RNA- targeted寡核苷酸探针进行了详细总结  相似文献   

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