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Turkey sperm were exposed to 2.45-GHz microwave radiation in a temperature-controlled wave-guide apparatus. Temperature was maintained at either 25 or 40.5 degrees C. The sperm were exposed for 30 min at a specific absorption rate (SAR) of 10 or 50 mW/g. Following irradiation, the sperm were used to inseminate virgin turkey hens artificially. During the 9 weeks following the single insemination, the following were assessed: mean number of eggs, percentage of fertile eggs, rate of decrease in egg fertility, percentage of hatched eggs, and percentage of early and late deaths. These data demonstrate that, for the conditions used in these experiments, microwave radiation has no effect on the fertilizing capacity of turkey sperm.  相似文献   

The chromosome complement was studied in first-cleavage metaphases of mouse zygotes resulting from sperm aged in the male physiologically, after sexual rest. Females were inseminated by control males mating at 3-day intervals while experimentals mated to males that had had a sexual rest of 14 or more days. A total of 1954 eggs were collected 33–35 h post-HCG from 101 superovulated females mated to 42 controls and 43 experimental males. The fertilization rate was similar in both groups, being 84% and 85%, respectively. G-banded or Q-banded chromosomes were analyzed in 301 (68.3%) controls and 392 (49%) experimental first-cleavage metaphases. The overall rate of chromosome anomalies in controls was 4.45% as compared to 10.94% in experimentals, a highly significant difference. In the experimental group compared to controls, the frequency of trisomy, triploidy, structural rearrangements, and tetraploidy increased from 3.9% to 6.9%, 0% to 1.6%, 0.8% to 2.8%, and 0% to 1.3%, respectively. The genomic source of origin of the abnormalities was determined on the basis of differential condensation of the genomes. In the experimentals, grossly unbalanced sperm (diploids, disomics, double disomics, and those with large fragments) fertilized significantly more oocytes compared to controls. Our results implicate an advantage either in numbers or fertilizing capability for chromosomally abnormal sperm in a physiologically aged population.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoking and aneuploidy in human sperm   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Cigarette smoke contains chemicals which are capable of inducing aneuploidy in experimental systems. These chemicals have been shown to reach the male reproductive system, increasing oxidative DNA damage in human sperm and lowering semen quality. We have examined the association between smoking and aneuploid sperm by studying 31 Chinese men with similar demographic characteristics and lifestyle factors except for cigarette smoking. None of the men drank alcohol. These men were divided into three groups: nonsmokers (10 men), light smokers (< 20 cigarettes/day, 11 men), and heavy smokers (> or = 20 cigarettes/day, 10 men). There were no significant differences in semen parameters or in age across groups. Two multi-color fluorescence in situ hybridizations (FISH) were performed: two-color FISH for chromosomes 13 and 21, and three-color FISH for the sex chromosomes using chromosome 1 as an internal autosomal control for diploidy and lack of hybridization. The mean hybridization efficiency was 99.78%. The frequency of disomy 13 was significantly higher in light and heavy smokers than in non-smokers, while no significant differences in the frequency of disomy 21, X or Y were observed across groups. Significant inter-donor heterogeneity in every category of disomic sperm examined was found in both light and heavy smokers, while in nonsmokers only XY disomy showed significant inter-donor differences. Thus, we conclude that cigarette smoking may increase the risk of aneuploidy only for certain chromosomes and that men may have different susceptibilities to aneuploidy in germ cells induced by cigarette smoking. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 59: 417-421, 2001.  相似文献   

The meiotic segregants of male mice heterozygous for Rb(6.16)24Lub and Rb(16.17)7Bnr were viewed, for the first time, at first cleavage metaphase. Chromosomes were analyzed after G-banding, C-banding, and karyotyping. To study sperm aging effects, chromosomes of 202 one-cell zygotes derived from males mating at intervals of approximately 3,14, and 21 days were examined. At least 89.6% of sperm-derived complements were products of 2:2 segregation; at most, a possible 6.4% were 3:1 segregants. The six expected types of 2:2 segregants, both balanced and unbalanced, were equifrequent in the total zygote population derived from sperm of all ages. When the data were analyzed according to mating frequency, the 3-day sperm population considered most likely to be fresh showed a deficiency of the segregant nullisomic for chromosome 6 and disomic for chromosome 17, when compared with the reciprocal segregant (P < 0.025) as well as to all other 2:2 segregants (P < 0.05). However, these sperm fertilized in greater numbers (P < 0.01) than their reciprocal segregant (disomic for 6 and nullisomic for 17) in the 14-day sperm population. While sperm with chromosomal abnormalities are capable of fertilization, the competence of segregants nullisomic for 6 and disomic for 17 apparently depends on the prior storage period in the male. Further, the results suggest that the effect of aneuploidy on sperm function is dependent on the specific chromosome(s) involved.  相似文献   

The fertilizing capacity was compared between testicular and vas deferens sperm in Cynops pyrrhogaster. The testicular sperm was not capable of fertilizing jelly eggs. In contrast, the vas deferens sperm was already capable of fertilizing the newt jelly eggs. There was no inhibitory factor for fertilizing jelly eggs in the testis. These results suggest that the testicular sperm is immature as to the fertilizing capacity. The testicular sperm gained the fertilizing capacity for the jelly eggs by treatment with Holtfreter's solution or 1/20 strength Holtfreter's solution. The treatment may promote the step of maturation to achieve the fertilizing capacity. The treated testicular sperm did not fertilize dejellied eggs, although vas deferens sperm fertilized dejellied eggs. Therefore, the maturation state of the treated testicular sperm is different from that of vas deferens sperm. Newt sperm may be matured within the vas deferens, as the newt does not have an organ like the mammalian epididymis.  相似文献   


Three microsatellite loci on porcine chromosome 12 were ordered by single sperm typing to expand the limited genetic map of this region. Individual sperm cells from a Chinese indigenous Qingping boar triply heterozygous at SW874, SW1350 and SW1553 were amplified using PEP and heminesting primer design at each locus. Analysis of the sperm typing data by the SPERM.FOR. program showed that the most likely order was SW1553‐SW1350‐SW874.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic analysis of fertilization in the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, has been carried out in an effort to establish the sequence of events involving dispersion of the paternal chromatin. Subsequent to loss of the nuclear envelope the condensed sperm chromatin begins to disperse under the influence of egg cytoplasmic factors. However, this process does not proceed at a uniform rate as is observed in other species examined to date. Portions of the paternal genome rapidly transform into dispersed chromatin while other adjacent regions disperse at a reduced rate. This variation in the time sequence of dissociation of the paternally derived chromosomes results in a reticulum of electron lucent and electron dense chromatin within the developing male pronucleus. As the paternally derived chromatin is dispersing and migrating centrad, membranous vesicles of maternal origin become aligned along the peripheral aspect of the chromatin. Deposition of a continuous bilaminar nuclear envelope around the dispersing sperm chromatin results in the formation of the definitive male pronucleus. At the time the male pronucleus is formed the paternally derived chromosomes have not completely dispersed and are visualized as a reticulum of condensed and dispersed chromatin. These results indicate that not all the paternally derived chromatin is modified in the same manner during pronuclear development.  相似文献   

γ-氨基丁酸诱发人精子顶体反应及其受精能力   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
Yuan YY  He CN  Shi QX 《生理学报》1998,50(3):326-332
本文的目的是为了探讨γ-氨基丁酸是否可激发人精子顶体反应,受主其可能的作用方式。实验采用金霉素荧光染色法,胞内游离C62+测定和精子穿透去透明带仓鼠卵试验,分别评价GABA诱发人精子AR及其穿卵能力。结果表明;GABA可诱发人获能精子发生AR,且随精子获得进程而显著增加,并存在明显的量效关系,该作用可被P4加强。  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP has been implicated as a regulator of capacitation, but the control of its metabolism in sperm remains obscure. A recent study of mouse sperm has shown capacitation-related changes in the activities of both adenylate cyclase, which increased during incubation, and cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, which decreased. The present study was conducted to extend these observations by measuring phosphodiesterase activity in sperm incubated in media with modified calcium and/or glucose content, conditions known to modulate fertilizing ability. Phosphodiesterase activity of sequential sperm samples, taken first when sperm are essentially uncapacitated and then when they are either partially or completely capacitated, decreased with time under all conditions, and in each case the greater fall in activity was seen in the medium that would support the greater change in fertilizing ability of the sperm population. Sperm washed by centrifugation to remove epididymal fluid also displayed a reduction in phosphodiesterase activity with time. The medium surrounding the sperm contained about half of the total phosphodiesterase activity, as well as 5′-nucleotidase and adenosine deaminase. The crude enzyme preparation showed complex kinetic behavior when assayed over a range of cAMP concentrations, but the reduction in activity with time was seen at all substrate levels. The observed changes in phosphodiesterase activity, together with the increased adenylate cyclase activity seen under these sperm incubation conditions, would increase cAMP availability with time, thus providing further evidence for a fundamental role for cAMP in controlling the events of capacitation.  相似文献   

Meiotic segregation products of carriers with pericentric inversion are very important for assessing the risk of unbalanced forms and appropriate genetic counseling. We investigated the incidence of recombinant and nonrecombinant products of chromosome 1 with pericentric inversion, in the sperm nuclei of the carrier by using triple color fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The centromere specific and telomere specific probes for chromosome 1 were used. In the segregation analysis, 1,636 sperm nuclei were analyzed; 82.5% of the sperms were including normal or inverted chromosome 1, and the dup(p)/del(q) and del(p)/dup(q) recombinant products in sperm nuclei of our carrier were 8.7 and 7.3%, respectively. The number of recombinant products may be dependent on the formation of an inversion loop, which the number of the formation of chiasmata results in the different number of normal/balanced and recombinant products. The use of FISH, using different probe combination, in sperm nuclei has proved to be an accurate approach to determine the meiotic segregation patterns and could help to better establish a reproductive prognosis and genetic counseling.  相似文献   

Antisperm antibodies are implicated as one causative factor of infertility, but the target antigens have not been identified. Immune responses to sperm antigens are qualitatively variable even within a single mouse strain. We took advantage of this variability and immunized individual female mice to allogeneic sperm to reflect their natural exposure during mating. We determined the ability of the individual sera to inhibit in vitro fertilization and to bind to sperm antigens separated by electrophoresis. Compared to preimmune sera, four of five immune sera significantly inhibited in vitro fertilization. The serum from individual mice bound variable panels of sperm antigens. By comparing the panels, we identified two polypeptides with molecular weights of 40,000 and 44,000 that were bound by all sera. We propose that these molecules may be good candidates for further investigation of the immunoprophylaxis of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Vitelline coats (VC) were isolated from the eggs of Bufo japonicus , and were added with sperm in reconstituted salt solution, which mimics the physiological role of jelly envelopes, to determine the rates of sperm binding per unit area (0.2 mm2) of VC. The rate of sperm binding to VC from uterine eggs was high, but was low to VC from coelomic eggs and eggs activated in 1/20 De Boer's solution (DB) and moderately low to VC from eggs activated in DB. The binding rate increased when VC from coelomic eggs were treated with extracts of the pars recta portion of the oviduct. The sperm that bound to VC were not acrosome-reacted and their binding to VC required both a low salinity, assuring motility of sperm, and sufficiently high levels of Ca2+ and Mg2+. The rate of sperm binding was reduced by either coexisting solubilized VC materials, periodate-oxidation of VC or the pretreatment of VC with Fab fragments of anti-VC antibodies, which reacted mostly to carbohydrate residues of VC glycoproteins. Sperm-VC binding assays in combination with gel-filtrated VC components revealed that the fractions containing 36–39 kDa components were most effective both in inhibiting the binding and in neutralizing the antibody induced inhibition of binding. These results indicate that carbohydrate moieties in 36–39 kDa glycoproteins of VC, exposed as a result of hydrolysis by the oviducal pars recta protease, are involved in binding with fertilizing sperm.  相似文献   

Purkinje cell degeneration (pcd) is a neurological mutation in the mouse that causes male sterility, but not female sterility. In order to assess the effects of this mutation on spermiogenesis, the structure of the testis and of epididymal spermatozoa was examined by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. In the mutant males, the sperm count was reduced, sperm were nonmotile, and 93% of the sperm were characterized by structural abnormalities of the head, the tail, or both. In the testes of mutant mice, Sertoli cell structure was normal, as were also the early stages of spermiogenesis. However, the elongating and maturing spermatids were characterized by abnormally shaped heads and tails with extraneous and ectopic outer dense fibers. These defects were common in the testes of the mutant mice and rare in the testes of the littermate control mice. It was concluded that the structural abnormalities of the pcd sperm occurred during spermiogenesis and were not due to degeneration of the sperm in the epididymis. These structural abnormalities are similar to those found in all other reported male sterile mutants of the mouse; therefore, although they are caused by the expression of the pcd gene, they are not unique to the expression of this gene.  相似文献   

Abstract: Ejaculates of 14 colony-bred and 14 wild-caught vervet monkeys were examined for morphologically abnormal sperm. Sperm head abnormalities were rare in both groups, occurring at rates of 0.01–0.29%. Tail abnormalities predominated, particularly bent midpieces and coiled and folded tails, which all occurred at rates of 3.79–17.18%. Except for the nipple acrosome, there was no difference in the rate at which sperm abnormalities were found in both groups. Three abnormalities were found only in colony-bred and three only in wild-caught individuals. Some common abnormalities, all affecting the tail, were highly variable in consecutive ejaculates from the same individuals.  相似文献   

Sperm penetration through the zona pellucida and fusion of the sperm head with the vitellus were observed continuously and filmed under phase optics in cumulus-free living mouse eggs inseminated in vitro with capacitated epididymal sperm. Most spermatozoa penetrated the zona pellucida, traversed the perivitelline space, and fused with the vitellus at an angle nearly perpendicular to the surface. The mean duration required for sperm to penetrate the zona pellucida was 20 minutes with a range of 15–26 minutes. Sperm traversed the perivitelline space in less than one second. The initial contact of sperm with the vitellus generally took place at the tip of the sperm head. When the tip of the sperm head contacted the vitellus there was an immediate reduction in the rate of flagellation, followed by the gradual sinking of the sperm head into the vitellus.  相似文献   

Numerous antioxidants have been added to cryopreservation media with varied success. The biguanide, metformin, commonly used for the treatment of type II diabetes, possesses properties impacting metabolism control that have not been yet assessed in cryopreservation protocols. The aim of this experiment was to; (i) determine the effect of metformin on fresh spermatozoa properties; and (ii) to assess positive or negative effects of metformin in post-thaw function and fertilizing capacity of mouse spermatozoa when used in cryopreservation media. The experiments have shown that the presence of metformin in fresh semen did not induce negative effects on spermatozoa quality, except a slight reduction in sperm motility at 5000 μM metformin. However, when metformin was included in a cryopreservation protocol, an improvement in the fertilization rate and a reduction in the percentage of abnormal zygotes after in vitro fertilization was observed. In conclusion, metformin did not affect sperm quality at low concentrations (50 μM), but its presence in the cryopreservation media could represent a benefit to improve the quality of frozen semen.  相似文献   

This review focuses on some of the main features of sperm selection and storage in birds mainly on the basis of studies performed in poultry species, with emphasis on the initial selection of sperm at the female vagina level prior to migration towards the sperm storage tubules. Sperm originating from low-quality males or subjected to inappropriate in vitro storage conditions are rapidly discarded, resulting in impaired fertility in corresponding flocks. In the absence of accessible and appropriate technology for matching the 'storing' potential of sperm in the oviduct, conditions for prolonged sperm storage under a liquid (through the use of semen extenders) or a solid state (cryopreservation) have received only limited attention, despite their potential interest to facilitate male and female management in poultry flocks. Despite this, technology for short-term liquid storage is currently used in turkeys, guinea fowl and muscovy ducks and also in progress in chickens. In addition, technology for cryopreservation of avian semen has become available for some species (chicken, goose) to facilitate the management of genetic resources, including the preservation of rare and economically important breeds.  相似文献   

De novo aberrations in chromosome structure represent important categories of paternally transmitted genetic damage. Unlike numerical abnormalities, the majority of de novo structural aberrations among human offspring are of paternal origin. We report the development of a three-color fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assay (CT8) to detect mouse sperm carrying structural and numerical chromosomal abnormalities. The CT8 assay uses DNA probes for the centromeric and telomeric regions of chromosome 2, and a probe for the subcentromeric region of chromosome 8. The CT8 assay was used to measure the frequencies of sperm carrying certain structural aberrations involving chromosome 2 (del2ter, dup2ter, del2cen, dup2cen), disomy 2, disomy 8, and sperm diploidy. Analysis of approximately 80,000 sperm from eight B6C3F1 mice revealed an average baseline frequency of 2.5 per 10,000 sperm carrying partial duplications and deletions of chromosome 2. Extrapolated to the entire haploid genome, approximately 0.4% of mouse sperm are estimated to carry structural chromosomal aberrations, which is more than fivefold lower than the spontaneous frequencies of sperm with chromosome structural aberrations in man. We validated the CT8 assay by comparing the frequencies of abnormal segregants in sperm of T(2;14) translocation carriers detected by this assay against those detected by chromosome painting cytogenetic analysis of meiosis II spermatocytes. The CT8 sperm FISH assay is a promising method for detecting structural chromosome aberrations in mouse sperm with widespread applications in genetics, physiology, and genetic toxicology.  相似文献   

Sperm conjugation occurs when two or more sperm physically unite for motility or transport through the female reproductive tract. In many muroid rodent species, sperm conjugates have been shown to form by a single, conspicuous apical hook located on the sperm head. These sperm “trains” have been reported to be highly variable in size and, despite all the heads pointing in roughly the same direction, exhibit a relatively disordered arrangement. In some species, sperm “trains” have been shown to enhance sperm swimming speed, and thus have been suggested to be advantageous in sperm competition. Here, we assessed the behavior of sperm in the sandy inland mouse (Pseudomys hermannsburgensis), a muroid rodent that bears sperm with three apical hooks. First, we accrued genetic evidence of multiple paternity within “wild” litters to unequivocally show that sperm competition does occur in this species. Following this we utilized both in vitro and in vivo methodologies to determine whether sandy inland mouse sperm conjugate to form motile trains. Our observations of in vitro preparations of active sperm revealed that sandy inland mouse sperm exhibit rapid, progressive motility as individual cells only. Similarly, histological sections of the reproductive tracts of mated females revealed no in vivo evidence of sperm conjugate formation. We conclude that the unique, three‐hooked morphology of the sandy inland mouse sperm does not facilitate the formation of motile conjugates, and discuss our findings in relation to the different hypotheses for the evolution of the muroid rodent hook/s.  相似文献   



Mice with severe non-PAR Y chromosome long arm (NPYq) deficiencies are infertile in vivo and in vitro. We have previously shown that sperm from these males, although having grossly malformed heads, were able to fertilize oocytes via intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and yield live offspring. However, in continuing ICSI trials we noted a reduced efficiency when cryopreserved sperm were used and with epididymal sperm as compared to testicular sperm. In the present study we tested if NPYq deficiency is associated with sperm DNA damage - a known cause of poor ICSI success.  相似文献   

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