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《Animal behaviour》1987,35(2):577-589
In species with permanent groups, the groups tend to move toward a size where competition for food regulates female fitness. Hence, one would expect females to use behavioural means to gain a reproductive advantage over other females in the group. Their competitive ability is likely to reflect dominance rank and age. Adult female Sumatran long-tailed macaques, Macaca fascicularis, in four different groups were studied. Females of a higher dominance rank had a total food intake equal to or higher than that of the lower-ranking females, acquired it at a lower energy cost and probably ate food of higher quality. The older and lower-ranking females avoided competition by more often moving away from the centre of the group. Mortality fell more heavily on females who were less frequently present in the main party. High-ranking females tended to produce more offspring surviving to 1-year, with top-ranking females tending to out-reproduce all others. It is concluded that safety monopolization was the predominant mode of competition among the females caused by the monopolization of clumped food within the main party by high-ranking females.  相似文献   

In January and March of 2005, we conducted surveys of long-tailed macaques at Piak Nam Yai Island, Laem Son National Park (9 degrees N 34-35', 98 degrees E 28'), Ranong Province, situated in southern Thailand. Two of the three troops of long-tailed macaques found on the island were observed using axe-shaped stones to crack rock oysters, detached gastropods (Thais tissoti, Petit, 1852), bivalves (Gafrarium divaricatum, Gmelin, 1791), and swimming crabs (Thalamita danae, Stimpson, 1858). They smashed the shells with stones that were held in either the left or right hand, while using the opposite hand to gather the oyster meat. Some monkeys used both hands to handle the stones. According to Matsuzawa's 1996 hierarchical classification of tool usage (levels 0-3), the tool usage by Thai long-tailed macaques could be characterized as either level 1 (cracking rock oysters with stones) or level 2 (cracking drifting mollusks and crabs with stones by placing them on a rock). Our discovery of stone-tool usage by Thai long-tailed macaques provides a new point of reference for discussions regarding the evolution of tool usage and the material culture of primates.  相似文献   

Long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis Raffles, 1821) were captured at various locations in the north of Sumatra as part of a study on social behaviour and genetic relationships. We used individual cage traps, a group trap, a blowpipe and an air-pressure rifle. Provided that the monkeys were willing to take bait, individual cage traps proved most successful; they gave a high capture rate with minimal disturbance of the group. Success with young juveniles and peripheral animals could be improved by placing elevated traps in the centre and in clusters at the periphery of the trapping site. Trapping had no clear lasting effect on the natural behaviour of the animals.  相似文献   

Crab-eating, or long-tailed, macaques [ Macaca fascicularis (Raffles, 1821)] have been studied extensively throughout their distribution in South and South-east Asia. Despite this extensive body of research, the island population of long-tailed macaques from Singapore remains virtually undescribed. In the present study, we compare the morphometric variability and patterns of growth observed in a population sample from Singapore with a composite sample from Thailand, north of the Isthmus of Kra. The results of our analyses indicate that there are statistically significant differences between the two populations in adult size and shape. For both males and females, the Singapore population is smaller than the Thai population. Relative to body length, the Singapore macaques exhibit significantly longer tails, and, relative to cranial length, they exhibit significantly more narrow faces than the Thai macaques. Although levels of sexual dimorphism for most morphometric traits are very similar, indicating similar levels of male–male competition for females, the Singapore males exhibit a significantly larger testicular volume relative to body weight, suggestive of an alternative male reproductive strategy. In addition to adult somatometric size and shape, comparisons of growth patterns relative to age and body size reveal significant differences between the two population samples. Combined, these results suggest either that statistically significant differences in adult morphology and patterns of growth can occur in presumably reproductively cohesive subspecies, or the Singapore macaques may be taxonomically distinct.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 675–694.  相似文献   

Although the majority of extant primates are described as "quadrupedal," there is little information available from natural habitats on the locomotor and postural behavior of arboreal primate quadrupeds that are not specialized for leaping. To clarify varieties of quadrupedal movement, a quantitative field study of the positional behavior of a highly arboreal cercopithecine, Macaca fascicularis, was conducted in northern Sumatra. At least 70% of locomotion in travel, foraging, and feeding was movement along continuous substrates by quadrupedalism and vertical climbing. Another 14-25% of locomotion was across substrates by pronograde clambering and vertical clambering. The highest frequency of clambering occurred in foraging for insects, and on the average smaller substrates were used in clambering than during quadrupedal movement. All postural behavior during foraging and feeding was above-substrate, largely sitting. Locomotion across substrates requires grasping branches of diverse orientations, sometimes displaced away from the animal's body. The relatively low frequency of across-substrate locomotion appears consistent with published analyses of cercopithecoid postcranial morphology, indicating specialization for stability of limb joints and use of limbs in parasagittal movements, but confirmation of this association awaits interspecific comparisons that make the distinction between along- and across-substrate forms of locomotion. It is suggested that pronograde clambering as defined in this study was likely a positional mode of considerable importance in the repertoire of Proconsul africanus and is a plausible early stage in the evolution of later hominoid morphology and locomotor behavior.  相似文献   

I compared the frequency of occurrence, contextual usage, and meaning of some of the most prominent gestural signals in stump-tailed macaques. I recorded the occurrence of 15 visual and tactile behavior patterns in a multimale multifemale captive group of stump-tailed macaques with the behavior sampling method in 100 hr of observation and analyzed the data via factor analysis and analyis of variance. The hindquarter presentation was the most frequent gesture. It was displayed by subordinates to appease dominants even in the absence of impending risk of aggression. Bared-teeth, lip-smack, teeth-chatter, and present-arm are submissive signals as well, but they differ from the presentation and from one another in their contextual usage. Nonthrusting mount, hip-touch, hip-clasp, and genital manipulation are directed down the hierarchy and appear to reflect dominance, reassurance, protection, or bonding. Mock-bite is a ritualized aggressive behavior pattern, often used to resolve uncertain dominance relationships. Ventroventral embrace occurs as a female bonding pattern. Overall, most gestural signals in stump-tailed macaques relate to dominance and submission and, to a lesser extent, social bonding.  相似文献   

The females among more than 7000 long-tailed macaques, Macaca fascicularis,that had recently been trapped for biomedical research were examined for pregnancy. The animals were taken from the wild in the north of Peninsular Malaysia during the period 1978 to 1979 and in the south from 1978 to 1982. Both samples showed some pregnancies in all months of the year and a peak during the months of May to July. Additional peaks in other months in some years showed that, while the midyear pregnancy peak was significant, it was not as marked a phenomenon as is the breeding peak in many other species. This might be due to the complexity and unpredictability of both the climate and the macaques’ food supply in Peninsular Malaysia. The additional peaks also illustrated the pitfalls of generalizing about breeding seasonality on the basis of small samples.  相似文献   

Protein and mitochondrial DNA variations (D-loop region PCR-RFLP) were analyzed for 7 serum and 40 clot samples collected from long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) living on Tabuan Island, Indonesia. Protein polymorphisms were examined electrophoretically for 5 and 12 kinds of protein in serum and erythrocytes, respectively. Each of the protein loci tested showed a monomorphic pattern. Polymorphisms were detected in the analysis of the D-loop-containing region of mtDNA (PCR-RFLP) using 32 restriction endonucleases. Two haplotypes, differing 1.03% in sequence divergence were observed, and both were previously undetected in other local populations. Based on genetic features and differences in pelage color as outlined inFooden's (1995) morphological analysis, the present results suggest that long-tailed macaques on Tabuan Island are a unique population. From the genetic analyses performed here, Tabuan monkeys are considered to be the same species group as those populations of Sumatra and Java (Fooden, 1995).  相似文献   

Bridging behavior among male Tibetan macaques (Macaca thibetana) was studied in a free-ranging group at Mt. Huangshan, China. This behavior was defined as a type of affiliative behavior in which two individuals simultaneously lifted up one infant. Bridging behavior occurred after an adult male carried an infant to another male or approached another male who was holding an infant. Each male frequently held and groomed a particular infant in the group, which was named an “affiliated” infant of the male. Males were more frequently provided with their affiliated infant by other males than with other non-affiliated infants. This finding suggests that male Tibetan macaques recognized the affiliative relationship between a male and his affiliated infant, and chose that infant for bridging behavior on the basis of this knowledge. Such choice might be important for effective bridging behavior or other affiliative interactions between males. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The seeds in fruits consumed by primates may be chewed and digested, swallowed and defecated intact, or separated from the flesh and spat out. We show by a combination of close field observations and experiments with caged animals, that long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) have a remarkably low threshold of 3–4 mm for swallowing seeds and also that wild macaques rarely break them. The seeds of 69% of the ripe fruit species eaten are spat out intact or cleaned outside the mouth and dropped. Seed-spitting significantly reduces the swallowed food bulk and may lessen the risk of releasing seed toxins during mastication. However, it requires that even small fruits are processed in the mouth one or a few at a time. We suggest that fruit storage in the cheek pouches of cercopithecine monkeys allows them to spit seeds individually without excessively slowing fruit intake while feeding on patchily distributed fruit. In contrast, Apes and New World monkeys apparently swallow and defecate most ripe seeds in their diet and colobine monkeys break and digest them, detoxifying seed defenses by bacterial fermentation.  相似文献   

Variation in birth sex ratios in primates can be accounted for by two hypotheses: the local resource competition hypothesis [Silk: American Naturalist 121:56–66, 1983] and the hypothesis of Trivers & Willard [Science 179:90–92, 1973] concerning the maternal effect on the quality of a male. We examined the effects of female dominance rank on aspects of reproduction in three well-established captive groups of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis). High-ranking females produced a higher proportion of sons than low-ranking females, and factors other than rank did not have significant effects on birth sex ratios. Interbirth intervals following daughters were longer than those following sons, but they were independent of the mother's rank. The sons of high-ranking mothers had better survival prospects than sons of low-ranking mothers in some of the groups; no such difference was found for daughters. Overall, there was no sex difference in survival up to 5 years of age. These results support the Trivers-Willard hypothesis rather than the local resource competition hypothesis. An analysis of interbirth intervals suggested that the deviation in birth sex ratio is already established at conception.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(4):1124-1135
The behaviour following aggressive interactions differed from the behaviour following friendly or neutral control interactions among unrelated immature male Macaca fascicularis. Former opponents interacted again sooner and more often after aggression than after a friendly or neutral encounter. The higher rate did not reflect a general increase in social activity. The behaviour characterizing encounters between former opponents also differed in the two situations, with more affiliative interactions postconflict. In both situations, however, most interactions between former opponents were initiated by the higher-ranking aggressor. This pattern of interactions between former opponents is interpreted as a repair mechanism for relationships strained by aggression (i.e. reconciliation). A similar pattern of interactions was found for related animals, though it occurred more rarely than among non-kin.  相似文献   

Agonistic interactions and postconflict behavior of moor macaques (Macaca maurus) were studied in their natural habitat, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Individuals were involved in 0.28 agonistic interactions per hour. Forty-two percent of agonistic interactions were followed by affiliative contacts between the former opponents. Such affiliative contacts occurred within 2 minutes of the agonistic interaction and were most often initiated by the victim's approach to the aggressor. The most common postconflict behavior was grooming of the aggressor by the victim. The present study provides further evidence of a positive correlation between a high tendency for postconflict affiliative contact and a relaxed dominance style. Captivity might not alter the expression of postconflict behavior. The present study suggests that it is possible to demonstrate the occurrence of reconciliation a posteriori by using data obtained by general focal observation protocols. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Social grooming and coalition formation have been main foci in studies concerning altruism in monkeys. Results have been inconclusive because the altruistic nature of these behaviors remains unclear. I investigated altruism in a more transparent context via an apparatus in which captive long-tailed macaque females had the choice to exploit a food source themselves or to yield the food to a test partner. I hypothesized that if potential donors behaved altruistically toward kin, they would yield the food sources longer to kin than to nonkin. Of 11 tested potential donors, 8 did not discriminate between daughters or sisters and nonkin. Thus, the experiments do not support the kin altruism hypothesis. Three females let their youngest offspring have more food than matched juvenile nonrelatives. Behavioral observations strongly suggested,however, that it was primarily spiteful behavior toward juvenile nonrelatives that caused the differences between kin and nonkin in these three cases.  相似文献   

Background As in other model organisms, genetic background in the non‐human primates Macaca mulatta and Macaca fascicularis is an experimental variable that affects the response of other study variables. Genetic background in model organisms is manipulated by breeding schemes but is generally pre‐determined by the source population used to found captive stocks. In M. fascicularis three such sources have been distinguished, however, these are not routinely taken into consideration when designing research. Methods We exemplify a mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)‐based strategy to trace the maternal geographic origins of M. fascicularis animals of unspecified origins. Results Macaca fascicularis of unspecified origins kept at primate research centers carry mtDNA haplotypes representing all three major genetic subdivisions. Conclusions We suggest that the genetic background of study animals could be better specified in the future using an mtDNA‐based approach, which would enable informed selection of study animals and help reduce variation within and among studies.  相似文献   

This study presents data on the expression of male-immature triadic interactions, previously termed agonistic buffering, in a captive Macaca sylvanus group. Agonistic buffering has been hypothesized as inhibiting or modifying the expression of aggression. This was tested by examining (1) the dominance ranks of the animals involved in the triadic interactions, (2) the events preceding and following the triadic interactions, and (3) the presence of an infant in nonagonistic encounters between juvenile, subadult, and adult males. The results obtained do not support the hypothesis of agonistic buffering as the single explanation for triadic interactions, but emphasize the contextual variability in the expression of these triadic interactions.  相似文献   



Long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) are an important model species in biomedical research and reliable knowledge about their evolutionary history is essential for biomedical inferences. Ten subspecies have been recognized, of which most are restricted to small islands of Southeast Asia. In contrast, the common long-tailed macaque (M. f. fascicularis) is distributed over large parts of the Southeast Asian mainland and the Sundaland region. To shed more light on the phylogeny of M. f. fascicularis, we sequenced complete mitochondrial (mtDNA) genomes of 40 individuals from all over the taxon’s range, either by classical PCR-amplification and Sanger sequencing or by DNA-capture and high-throughput sequencing.


Both laboratory approaches yielded complete mtDNA genomes from M. f. fascicularis with high accuracy and/or coverage. According to our phylogenetic reconstructions, M. f. fascicularis initially diverged into two clades 1.70 million years ago (Ma), with one including haplotypes from mainland Southeast Asia, the Malay Peninsula and North Sumatra (Clade A) and the other, haplotypes from the islands of Bangka, Java, Borneo, Timor, and the Philippines (Clade B). The three geographical populations of Clade A appear as paraphyletic groups, while local populations of Clade B form monophyletic clades with the exception of a Philippine individual which is nested within the Borneo clade. Further, in Clade B the branching pattern among main clades/lineages remains largely unresolved, most likely due to their relatively rapid diversification 0.93-0.84 Ma.


Both laboratory methods have proven to be powerful to generate complete mtDNA genome data with similarly high accuracy, with the DNA-capture and high-throughput sequencing approach as the most promising and only practical option to obtain such data from highly degraded DNA, in time and with relatively low costs. The application of complete mtDNA genomes yields new insights into the evolutionary history of M. f. fascicularis by providing a more robust phylogeny and more reliable divergence age estimations than earlier studies.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1437-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Forty pregnant long-tailed macaques were treated daily for 30 d with 0, 25, 150 or 300 μg selenium as L-selenomethionine/kg body weight. Erythrocyte and plasma selenium and glutathione peroxidase specific activities, hair and fecal selenium, and urinary selenium excretion were increased by and were linearly related to L-selenomethionine dose. Hair selenium was most sensitive to L-selenomethionine dose, with an 84-fold increase in the 300 μg selenium/(kg-d) group relative to controls (r=0.917). Daily urinary selenium excretion (80-fold,r=0.958), plasma selenium (22-fold,r=0.885), erythrocyte selenium (24-fold,r=0.920), and fecal selenium (18-fold,r=0.911) also responded strongly to L-selenomethionine. Erythrocyte and plasma glutathione peroxidase specific activities increased 154% and 69% over controls, respectively. Toxicity was associated with erythrocyte selenium >2.3 μg/mL, plasma selenium >2.8 μg/mL, and hair selenium >27 μg/g. Plasma, erythrocyte, and hair selenium concentrations may be useful for monitoring and preventing the toxicity of L-selenomethionine administered to humans in cancer chemoprevention trials.  相似文献   

Form and function of a specific kind of biting were studied in a captive group of stumptailed macaques (Macaca arctoides) composed of 1 adult male and 10 females. Behavior patterns were recorded with all occurrence and scan sampling techniques. Formal biting consisted of slowly gripping with teeth a part of the body of an apparently willing partner, most often the forearms, lips, or eyebrows. It may occur either following an agonistic interaction or outside the context of aggression. Such biting was directed from dominants towards subordinates, and appeared especially frequently between individuals having frequent agonistic interactions. It is concluded that this behavior represents a ritualized interaction expressing formal dominance between partners.  相似文献   

Feeding-related agonism among wild female Taiwanese macaques was investigated in two study groups at ecologically diverse sites (Fu-shan and Ken-ting) to determine whether contest-feeding competition was present in these groups. Females that contest for food within a primate group are hypothesized to form dominance hierarchies and tend to be philopatric. In this study we tested 1) whether Taiwanese macaque females show higher agonism in a feeding context, 2) whether they exhibit stronger agonism over higher-quality foods, and 3) whether higher agonism rates occur in smaller food patches. Female Taiwanese macaques at both study sites showed similar agonism rates in a feeding context (0.30 events/hr). They exhibited higher agonism rates inside food patches than outside food patches in the spring. Higher agonism rates occurred during seasons of higher fruit availability, and a lower agonism rate occurred in winter when the macaques switched to feeding on fallback foods. Females in the Fu-shan group exhibited higher proportions of aggressive interactions over higher-quality foods, such as animal matter and the reproductive parts of plants. In the Ken-ting group, 95.8% of feeding-related agonistic interactions among females occurred over fruits. Agonistic interactions that occurred in small food patches tended to result in the agonism recipient leaving the food patch. We conclude that female Taiwanese macaques show contest feeding competition in certain contexts. The patterns we observed have also been documented in other primate species in which females are philopatric and form linear dominance hierarchies.  相似文献   

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