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Juvenile hormone esterase (JHE) activity in the hemolymph of 5th-instar Heliothis virescens larvae injected with Microplitis croceipes teratocytes was inversely related to the number of teratocytes injected. JHE activity in the hemolymph of larvae injected with 750 3-day-old teratocytes (the approximate number from one parasitoid embryo) was depressed to less than 5% of those levels found in control larvae. During the latter portion of the digging stage and in the burrowing-digging (BD) stage JHE activity in larvae treated with 350 teratocytes was approximately 40% of control values. However, injection of 180 teratocytes did not significantly affect JHE titers. Two-day-old teratocytes caused the greatest reduction in JHE titer with decreasing effects observed with injections of 3- to 6-day-old teratocytes. Nevertheless, because 2-day-old teratocytes were difficult to separate from host hemocytes, 3-day-old teratocytes were used in most of these studies. Injections of nonparasitized H. virescens hemolymph plasma, Micrococcus luteus bacterial cell walls, washed M. croceipes eggs, or teratocytes from Cotesia congregata did not depress JHE titers. Teratocyte injections also significantly reduced growth of host fat body. Ecdysteroid titers in cell formation, day 2 (CF2) larvae injected as new 5th instars with 350 3-day-old teratocytes failed to increase, as compared to noninjected and saline-injected controls. An injection of 1 μg/larva of 20-hydroxyecdysone at the BD stage permitted normal pupation in 50% of the teratocyte-treated larvae as compared to 0% pupation for teratocyte-treated control larvae not treated with 20-hydroxyecdysone. Teratocytes seem to be responsible for the inhibition of JHE release and thus indirectly impact on ecdysteroid titers. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The developmental pathology of Heliothis virescens larvae parasitized by the braconid wasp Microplitis croceipes was examined. Parasitized host larvae begin the same precise sequence of developmental events in preparation for pupation as observed in unparasitized larvae. This sequence is initiated even though the host larval weight is below the normal developmental threshold for larval-pupal transformation. After parasite emergence, the host remains in a suspended advanced developmental state but never pupates. The developmental parameters altered by parasitization are normally under the host's endocrine control. Neck ligation of control larvae was used to identify the critical periods in parasitized and unparasitized fourth- and fifth-instar larvae. Control ligated fourth-instar larvae apparently released PTTH between 21:00 AZT of the second day of the instar and 1:00 AZT of the third day. Parasitized fourth-instar larvae were smaller and apparently released PTTH between 18:00 and 23:00 AZT of the third day. Control ligated fifth-instar larvae apparently released PTTH between day 1 and day 2 of the cell formation phase. Ligated fifth-instar parasitized larvae never molted to the pupal stage. Parasite larvae were adversely affected by host neck ligation with their pupal plus cocoon weight being proportional to the age of the host at the time of ligation.  相似文献   

Polydnaviruses from certain parasitoid Hymenoptera have been reported to interfere with both host immunity and host development. Heliothis virescens larvae injected with either calyx fluid or sucrose gradient-purified polydnavirus from Microplitis croceipes (McPDV) gained less weight than saline-injected larvae. The active feeding portion of the fifth stadium larva (time to reach the burrowing-digging stage) was doubled (7.0 vs. 3.4 days) when a 0.25 wasp equivalent (WE) of sucrose gradient-purified McPDV was injected into a newly ecdysed fifth stadium host. Many of the treated larvae were unable to pupate, successfully and died at a point of incomplete larval-pupal ecdysis. Pupae that did result from the treated larvae weighed significantly less than controls, even at 0.025 WE. The rate of weight gain and extent of delay of development were dose-dependent; as little as 0.1 WE extended the time of active feeding by 1.5 days and yielded only 25% adults. A 0.05 WE dose yielded 78% adults compared to 95% for controls. The total protein content of hemolymph from individuals injected with McPDV was significantly less than that of controls at any McPDV dose equal to or greater than 0.1 WE. SDS-PAGE profiles of hemolymph proteins from control and McPDV-injected larvae revealed a marked inhibition of the normal accumulation of storage proteins during the fifth stadium and a lesser reduction of serine protease inhibitor protein. Thus, McPDV-injected larvae exhibited some symptoms (less total hemolymph protein and reduced amounts of storage protein) similar to those shown by both parasitized larvae and by larvae injected with M. croceipes teratocytes. However, McPDV affected development during the active feeding stage of the larva, while teratocytes primarily impacted larvae at the time when larval-pupal transformation processes are initiated. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Calyx fluid and venom from the braconid parasitoid Microplitis demolitor differentially affected the development of Pseudoplusia includens and Heliothis virescens. P. includens exhibited delays in larval development, supernumerary instars, and formed larval-pupal intermediates when injected with 0.01-0.10 wasp equivalents of calyx fluid. In contrast, H. virescens was relatively unaffected by calyx fluid regardless of dose. Venom did not affect the development of either host species, but appeared to synergize the activity of calyx fluid. This was particularly evident in H. virescens, where injection of 0.10-0.20 wasp equivalents of calyx fluid and venom induced the formation of a large number of intermediates while the same amount of calyx fluid did not. The particulate portion of M. demolitor calyx fluid was the only component that caused developmental delays and the formation of intermediates in both host species. Purified virus caused developmental alterations in P. includens, while trioxsalen treated calyx fluid did not affect development of P. includens or H. virescens. These data suggest the requirement for venom in parasitism may differ between host species, and that dosage plays an important role in interpreting the interaction between calyx and venom components.  相似文献   

Heliothis virescens (F.) Larvae parasitized by the endophagous braconid Cardiochiles nigriceps Viereck fail to attain the pupal stage. This developmental alteration is caused by both an inactivation of prothoracic glands of last-instar larvae and an altered ecdysone metabolism. Decrease in ecdysteroidogenesis in vitro was already evident in glands explanted from larvae that have attained the early cell formation stage (day 4 of fifth instar), 6 h after parasitoid oviposition. Ecdysteroidogenesis nearly ceased by 24 h after parasitoid oviposition. The degree of this biosynthetic depression increased as the time between parasitization and gland dissection increased. A time-course study allowed us to determine if both the degree of phosphorylation of regulatory target proteins, the rate of general protein synthesis and ecdysteroidogenesis decreased in concert over time. The results provide further evidence in support of the hypothesis that these cellular activities in prothoracic gland cells are functionally correlated in steroidogenic responses. Treatment with calyx fluid and venom of C. nigriceps duplicates the parasitism-induced inactivation of host prothoracic glands. A 6-h conditioning in vitro of pupally committed host prothoracic glands with these parasitoid female reproductive secretions resulted in a significant depression of their ecdysteroid production. However, glands lost their sensitivity to calyx fluid and venom treatment when explanted from hosts that had already attained the cell formation stage. This was further supported by the fact that nearly all the host larvae parasitized on day 4 of fifth instar (cell formation stage) pupated, while parasitization on day 3 resulted in only 11% pupation. The coupled trioxsalen/UV irradiation treatment of C. nigriceps calyx fluid and venom eliminated their negative effect on biosynthetic activity in vitro by host prothoracic glands. This result indirectly demonstrates that C. nigriceps polydnavirus is the major regulating factor involved in the host prothoracic gland inactivation. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 38:1–10, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Predation by third instar larvae of Chrysoperla (=Chrysopa) carnea (Stephens) (Chrysopidae) did not alter the ratio of unparasitized Heliothis virescens (F.) (Noctuidae) larvae to H. virescens larvae parasitized by Microplitis croceipes (Cresson) (Braconidae) when these second instar larvae were exposed together to the predator on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L., Malvaceae) in field cages. This indicates that C. carnea larvae did not prefer either parasitized or unparasitized larvae.
Prédation par Chrysopa carnea des chenilles d'Heliothis virescens parasitées par Microplitis croceipes
Résumé Les prédations de chenilles d'Heliothis virescens, parasitées ou saines, élevées sur coton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), de la variété Stoneville 213, ont été comparées, dans des cages de 10 m2 chacune placées dans la nature. Des chenilles du second stade ont été placées sur des pieds de coton dans 10 cages, à raison de 160 chenilles préalablement exposées à M. croceipes pendant leur premier stade et 40 chenilles saines par cage. Des larves du troisième stade de Chrysopa carnea ont été ajoutées dans 6 cages, à raison de 500/cage, et 4 cages ont servi de témoins pour évaluer les autres causes de mortalité. L'expérience a été répétée 2 fois. Les chenilles d'H. virescens ont été retirées au bout d'un jour dans une expérience et au bout de 2 jours dans l'autre. C. carnea n'a fait aucun choix entre chenilles parasitées ou non; la fréquence moyenne de chenilles parasitées n'a pas présenté de différence significative entre les cages avec ou sans C. carnea. Qui qu'il en soit, C. carnea a réduit significativement la survie des chenilles d'H. virescens parasitées ou non.

The characteristics of vitellogenin (Vg) and the relationship between Vg production and egg production in the tobacco budworm, Heliothis virescens, were studied. The relationship between Vg production and juvenile hormone (JH) and the impact of mating on Vg and egg production were also investigated. Vg appears in the hemolymph of H. virescens about 6 h after moth eclosion. Vg may be separated into two apoproteins (ApoVg-I and ApoVg-II) by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The molecular weights were calculated to be 156,065 ± 800 for ApoVg-I and 39,887 ± 323 for ApoVg-II. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed that the female hemolymph Vg polypeptides appear to be identical to those from eggs but are absent in male hemolymph. Vg concentration was significantly higher in mated females than in virgin females of the same age at 48 h after emergence. Rates of egg production increased as Vg production increased; rates of egg production in mated females were significantly higher than those of virgin females at 48, 72, 96, and 120 h postemergence. Vg production is dependent on JH, because hemolymph from decapitated females lacked Vg while that of decapitated females treated with synthetic JH had Vg at levels comparable to similarly aged, normal H. virescens females. Hemolymph JH titers in mated females were significantly higher compared with those in virgin females at all sampling periods. The high JH level in mated females may explain the high Vg and egg production in mated H. virescens. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 34:287–300, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cardiochiles nigriceps Viereck is an endophagous parasitoid of larval stages of the tobacco budworm, Heliothis virescens (F.). This hymenopteran parasitoid, belonging to the family Braconidae, is associated with a polydnavirus (CnPDV), injected at oviposition along with the egg. The infection of various tissues by CnPDV determines the suppression of the host immune system and the developmental arrest of mature host larvae. In this study, CnPDV has been characterized at the structural and molecular level. The negatively stained nucleocapsids show evident ‘end structures’ and a tail-like appendage. The CnPDV genome is typically segmented, with circular dsDNA molecules, ranging in size from 2.5 kb to more than 23 kb. The early expression pattern of CnPDV in parasitized hosts has been analysed and viral clones, genomic and cDNAs, identifying genes expressed within 48 h after parasitization have been isolated. The molecular organization of one of these genes, named CnPDV1, and its putative protein product have been determined. Significant sequence homologies with other known proteins were not detected. In situ hybridization experiments indicated that this gene is expressed in the prothoracic glands of parasitized host mature larvae. A functional analysis of CnPDV1 gene product is required to assess its possible role in the regulation of parasitoid-induced alterations of host larvae.  相似文献   

Teratocytes deriving from the serosal membrane of Cardiochiles nigriceps Viereck, obtained “in vitro” from embryos hatched on a semidefined medium, were injected at different numbers and in different developmental stages of nonparasitized Heliothis virescens (F.) last instar larvae. Host development was affected by teratocyte injections and the responses registered ranged from normal to complete inhibition of pupation, according to the number of teratocytes injected and the developmental stage of the larva at time of injection. Complete pupation failure was observed when teratocytes derived from 4C nigriceps embryos were injected into 1st day 5th instar (new-slender stage) host larvae. Complete pupation occurred when teratocytes from 2 embryos were injected into 3rd or 4th day 5th instars (burrow-digging or day 1 cell formation stage). Intermediate responses, such as the formation of pupal cuticle without ecdysis or with only partial ecdysis, were obtained with intermediate teratocyte numbers, or host developmental stages. All pupae derived from teratocyte injected larvae failed to develop into adults normally obtained from control injected larvae. The larval weight just before pupation was negatively affected only when teratocyte injections were performed on 1st day 5th instar H. virescens larvae. Teratocyte injections altered the hemolymph protein titer to a level similar to that occurring in parasitized larvae. At the same time the ecdysteroid titer was characterized by a late significant increase, which reached values almost 3 times greater than found in normally parasitized larvae, and also surpassed the highest values registered for nonparasitized larvae. Ligation of parasitized larvae between the meso- and metathorax demonstrated that when the prothoracic glands were excluded, there was almost no ecdysteroid production posterior to the ligation. Ligations performed on parasitized larvae to isolate parasitoid eggs before hatching in the last abdominal segments, demonstrated that only virus and venom determined a reduction of the ecdysteroid titer. On the basis of these results the possible role of teratocytes in affecting the biological activity of ecdysteroids is postulated and discussed in a wider context of host-parasitoid physiological interactions.  相似文献   

When the egg of Microplitis croceipes hatches in its host, Heliothis virescens, spherical cells (teratocytes) from the extraembryonic membrane are released into the host's hemolymph. Approximately 750 teratocytes are liberated from the parasitoid egg, and they average 10.5 μm in diameter when released. These cells increase in size, reaching a maximum average diameter of 140 μm in 8–9 days.The developing parasitoid emerges from the host in 9 days. The host remains alive and contains approximately 750 teratocytes, indicating that the teratocytes are not consumed by the parasitoid. These results suggest that teratocytes are not a direct source of nutrition for the developing parasitoid.Observations showed that encapsulation can occur in the presence of teratocytes even following the emergence of the parasitoid. The results indicate that teratocytes do not block the host's ability to encapsulate certain foreign materials within its hemocoel.  相似文献   

The relative attractiveness of velvet leaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medicus), cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) (host plants) and groundcherry (Physalis angulata L.) (nonhost plant), and cotton plants with or without nectaries and with or without glands to Microplitis croceipes Cresson (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) was determined in a wind tunnel. Female parasitoids flew significantly more to glandless than to glanded cotton; response to nectaried and nectariless cotton was similar. Velvet leaf and cotton were favored significantly over groundcherry; parasitoids being equally responsive to both host plant species. Addition of larval frass alone or in combination with host larvae significantly improved the attractivity of the nonhost plant (groundcherry) to the parasitoids. There was no difference in attractiveness of groundcherry terminals with or without host larvae. Parasitoid search time was significantly increased with addition of larval frass. In the presence of cotton, however, kairomone-treated groundcherry remained unattractive.
Résumé L'influence des nectaires et des glandes du coton, et l'attractivité des feuilles veloutées du coton (plante hôte) et de Physalis angulata sur Microplitis croceipes, ont été déterminées dans des expériences avec tunnel à vent. Les résultats ont montré que les parasitoïdes femelles sont significativement plus attirés par les cotons sans glandes que par les cotons glanduleux, tandis que la présence ou l'absence de nectaires ne modifie pas l'attractivité du coton. Elles réagissent de la même façon aux feuilles veloutées. P. angulata traité avec des crottes de chenilles, présenté seul ou en combinaison avec du coton, attire plus de femelles que des pousses de P. angulata non traitées. L'addition de chenilles hôtes seules n'améliore pas significativement l'attractivité de la plante. P. angulata traité avec des kairomones est demeuré inattractif quand il était proposé en même temps que du coton.

The insect oocyte sequesters nutritive proteins during patency, which is facilitated as a result of intercellular spaces occurring between follicular epithelial cells under the influence of juvenile hormone (JH). Patency was analyzed in the moth, Heliothis virescens, using a pharmacological approach, in which we used different JH homologues and chemicals that specifically target elements of two second-messenger pathways in vertebrates, the cAMP-dependent and inositol triphosphate/diacylglycerol signaling pathways. JH I and JH III evoked dose-dependent patency in H. virescens oocyte follicles, which was suppressed by the Na/K-ATPase inhibitor, ouabain. Patency was observed in follicular epithelial cells treated with either protein kinase C activator, PDBu, or protein kinase A activator, 8-Br-cAMP, by itself. The protein kinase C inhibitor, H-7, preferentially suppressed patency evoked by JH III, whereas the protein kinase A inhibitor, H89, preferentially suppressed that evoked by JH I. Additionally, patency was triggered by the adenylate cyclase activator, NKH 477, or peptide Gs-protein activator, cholera toxin, alone. Patency evoked by JH I was suppressed by the adenylate cyclase inhibitor, SQ 22,536, and GPAnt-2, a peptide antagonistic to Gs proteins that stimulates adenylate cyclase. Neither of these latter inhibitors, however, affected JH III-evoked patency. These results suggest that, in the process of patency in H. virescens ovarial follicles, JH I predominantly signals via the cAMP-dependent second messenger system, whereas JH III acts via the inositol triphosphate/diacylglycerol signaling pathway. Moreover, stimulation of patency by cholera toxin alone and inhibition of JH I-evoked patency by GPAnt-2, strongly suggest that JH I acts on the follicular epithelial cells via activation of G-protein, and-possibly-via G(s)-protein coupled receptor.  相似文献   

The polydnavirus associated with the parasitic wasp Campoletis sonorensis is injected into the lepidopteran insect, Heliothis virescens, during parasitization, after which viral gene products suppress the cellular immune system of the hosts. Four related cysteine-rich polydnavirus genes have been identified in parasitized H. virescens larvae and grouped into a family. In this study, we investigated the expression and hemocyte targeting of the cysteine-rich Vhv1.4 protein. Full- length and truncated Vhv1.4 proteins were produced in a bacterial expression system, and the purified proteins were used to raise polyclonal antisera. In immunoblots the Vhv1.4 protein was detected in parasitized insects as early as 6 h and throughout the entire course of parasitism. The Vhv1.4 protein appeared predominantly in the plasma fraction of hemolymph from parasitized larvae, suggesting that this protein is secreted. The Vhv1.4 protein expressed from a recombinant baculovirus was secreted in two lepidopteran cell lines and in larvae injected with the recombinant virus. Digestion with endoglycosidases suggests that the Vhv1.4 protein is glycosylated at multiple N-glycosylation sites. Immunofluorescence assays showed that the Vhv1.4 protein binds to the hemocytes, most notably the granulocytes, in H. virescens larvae. After binding, the Vhv1.4 protein was internalized, probably by endocytosis. Specific binding of the Vhv1.4 to granulocytes implies an important function in the suppression of host cellular encapsulation response. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 36:251–271, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The juvenile hormone esterase (JHE) activity in Galleria mellonella larvae was measured after exposure to different experimental conditions that affect larval-pupal transformation. The data show that stimulation of production of JHE is closely coupled with the developmental signals that intiate larval-pupal metamorphosis. Injury, which delays pupation, delays the appearance of JHE activity if the larvae are injured within 48 hr after the last larval moult. Chilling of day-0 larvae induces a supernumerary larval moult and inhibits the appearance of JHE. However, JHE activity increases in chilled larvae when their commitment for an extra larval moult is reversed by starvation. Starvation is effective in reversing the commitment for an extra larval moult if commenced within 48 hr after chilling, thereby suggesting a critical period for that commitment. These data suggest that the stimulus for JHE synthesis and/or release occurs approximately within 48 hr after the last larval ecdysis. A series of studies involving implantation of brain, suboesophageal ganglion and fat body into chilled, as well as chilled and ligated larvae suggest that a factor from the brain is involved in stimulation or production of JHE in Galleria larvae.JH, which suppresses JHE activity in day-3, -5 and early day-6 Galleria larvae, stimulates the production of JHE in late day-6 larvae, suggesting that reprogramming in larval fat body may occur on day 6 of the last larval stadium.  相似文献   

Fifth-instar Heliothis virescens larvae did not pupate after injections of Campoletis sonorensis calyx fluid in or before the burrow-digging stage of development. Arrested development occurred in 40% of larvae injected at the cell-formation stage. Further experiments showed that the particles in calyx fluid were responsible for developmental arrest. Arrested development due to calyx fluid could be reversed by injecting 10 μg of either ecdysone or 20-hydroxyecdysone, although a second injection of 20-hydroxyecdysone was needed for some larvae 3 days after the first treatment. Ecdysteroid production ceased for up to 10 days in 5th-instar H. virescens after calyx-fluid injection. After 10 days, some experimental larvae began to produce ecdysteroids again but remained developmentally arrested. The head, thorax, or abdomen of larvae were isolated by ligations and calyx fluid injected into the isolated body region. After 24 h, ligatures were released and the larvae observed for developmental arrest. Only injections into the isolated thorax stopped development. This, along with ecdysteroid data, indicated that C. sonorensis calyx fluid may directly affect the prothoracic glands of 5th-instar H. virescens.  相似文献   

Mate choice may have important consequences for offspring sex ratio and fitness of haplodiploid insects. Mate preference of females of the solitary larval parasitoid Microplitis croceipes (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) for virgin and mated males, and vice versa, and the reproductive consequences (i.e., the sex ratio expressed as the proportion of male offspring) were examined in choice and non‐choice experiments. In addition, the effect of repeated rapid and daily copulation of an individual male on the sex ratio of offspring of the female mates was assessed. Males preferred virgins over mated females, whereas females copulated with a male irrespective of his mating status. In both the rapid and daily copulation assay, females copulating with a male that had copulated five times or more produced a higher sex ratio than females that had copulated with a virgin male. Females that copulated with virgin males once or twice produced a significantly and considerably lower sex ratio than females that first copulated with a sperm‐depleted male followed by a virgin male. This indicates that copulating with a sperm‐depleted male has costs and limits acquisition by the female of sperm from virgin males.  相似文献   

Teratocytes, cells which originate from the serosal membrane of some Braconidae and Scelionidae, can be found in the hemocoel of permissive hosts during part or all of the developmental time of the parasitoid larva. Teratocytes from Microplitis croceipes are known to secrete biologically active proteins, which contribute to developmental arrest and failure to pupate of Heliothis virescens larvae. One such protein, which has a molecular weight of approximately 14 kDa is called TSP14. The presence of parasitoid larvae is essential to maintain teratocytes under in vitro conditions with protein-free EX-CELL 400. The teratocyte viability was maintained in vitro for at least 12 days in the presence of larvae when medium was exchanged every three days. Western blots show that TSP14 was secreted during the entire period of exchanges. In the absence of parasitoid larvae, teratocyte viability was only 30% by day 6 and no TSP14 had been secreted. In the absence of parasitoid larvae, teratocytes maintained in vitro in EX-CELL 400 medium supplemented with 10% FBS remained viable for at least nine days and secreted TSP14 for at least six days. This suggests that parasitoid larval secretions are sufficient but not uniquely essential to maintain teratocyte viability. Parasitoid larvae maintained in the absence of teratocytes did not secrete TSP14 and their secretory products did not inhibit pupation of H. virescens larvae.  相似文献   

Haemolymph levels of juvenile hormone esterase, 1-naphthyl acetate esterase, and juvenile hormone were measured in synchronously staged diapause and nondiapause larvae of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis. Juvenile hormone esterase levels were monitored using juvenile hormone I as a substrate while juvenile hormone titres were measured with the Galleria bioassay. Haemolymph of nondiapause larvae showed two peaks of juvenile hormone hydrolytic activity: one near the end of the feeding phase and a smaller one just prior to pupal ecdysis. These peaks of enzyme activity correlated well with the low levels of haemolymph juvenile hormone. Juvenile hormone titres were high early in the stadium then showed a second peak during the prepupal stage coinciding with low esterase activity. Diapause haemolymph had peak juvenile hormone esterase activity nearly 4 times the nondiapause level, reaching a peak near the end of the feeding phase. Diapause-destined larvae retained high juvenile hormone titres even during the rise of the high esterase levels. 1-naphthyl acetate esterase levels did not correlate with the juvenile hormone esterase levels in either the diapause or nondiapause haemolymph. High levels of 1-naphthyl acetate esterase activity were associated with moulting periods.  相似文献   

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