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Xenopus laevis sperm lipid composition has been studied. The cholesterol content of Xenopus spermatozoa is 194 μ/mg DNA. Their content of glycolipids and phospholipids (measured as inorganic phosphorus) is respectively 40 and 27 μ/mg DNA. The phospholipid pattern is quite homogeneous and all the principal molecular species are present. In all the examined samples, a glycolipid with low mobility, not yet structurally identified, is present. Finally, using as a probe filipin, we have observed cholesterol distribution on the Xenopus sperm plasma membrane by freeze-fracture. In agreement with the chemical data here presented, Xenopus spermatozoa are heavily labelled by filipin. The filipin-cholesterol complexes seem to be distributed on the entire sperm plasma membrane and appear as protuberances on the P face, suggesting that most of the cholesterol reside in the inner leaflet of the membrane.  相似文献   

Now that transgenic strains of Xenopus laevis and X. tropicalis can be generated efficiently and with genomic sequence resources available for X. tropicalis, early amphibian development can be studied using integrated biochemical and genetic approaches. However, housing large numbers of animals generated during genetic screens or produced as novel transgenic lines presents a considerable challenge. We describe a method for cryopreserving Xenopus sperm that should facilitate low maintenance, long-term storage of male gametes. By optimising the cryoprotectant, the rates of cooling and thawing, and conditions for fertilisation, sperm from the equivalent of one-eighth of a X. laevis testis or of two X. tropicalis testes have been cryopreserved and used to fertilise eggs of both species after thawing. Sperm undergo a substantial loss of viability during a freeze-thaw cycle, but sufficient survive to fertilise eggs. Gametes of mutagenised frogs are being stored in connection with a screen for developmental mutations.  相似文献   

A study of the spore wall of Encephalitozoon hellem was performed on thin sections, freeze-fracture, and deep-etched samples to obtain information on spore wall organization and composition. Our observations demonstrate that the spore wall is formed by an inner 30–35 nm electron-lucent endospore and an outer 25–30 nm electron-dense exospore. The exospore is a complex of three layers: an outer spiny layer, an electron-lucent intermediate lamina and an inner fibrous layer. Freeze-fracture and deep-etching techniques reveal that the intermediate lamina and the inner fibrous layer result from the different spatial disposition of the same 4-nm thick fibrils. In thin sections the endospore reveals a scattered electron-dense material that appears in the form of trabecular structures when analyzed in deep-etched samples. The presence of chitin in the exospore is discussed.  相似文献   

An amphibian egg recovered from the body cavity is enclosed by a coelomic egg envelope. Upon transport down the oviduct, the envelope is converted to the vitelline envelope. The coelomic and vitelline envelopes are distinct in terms of sperm penetrability, ultrastructural morphology, and radioiodination profiles. In this study, the macromolecular compositions of these two envelopes were determined. Isolated envelopes were compared by one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, peptide mapping, and radiolabeling. A protein with a molecular weight of 57,000 (57K) was present in the vitelline envelope but was absent in the coelomic envelope. A glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 43K in the coelomic envelope was converted to a component with a molecular weight of 41K in the vitelline envelope. The 43K-molecular weight component of the coelomic envelopes could be radioiodinated by lactoperoxidase but no labeling of the 41K-molecular weight component occurred in the vitelline envelope. Peptide mapping using limited proteolysis established that the 43K-molecular weight component of the coelomic envelope was a precursor to the 41K-molecular weight component of the vitelline envelope. These molecular alterations may underlie the ultrastructural and physiological changes occurring in these envelopes.  相似文献   

The block to polyspermy in Xenopus laevis involves an interaction between a cortical granule lectin, released at fertilization, and a ligand located in the egg extracellular matrix. The egg extracellular matrix in X. laevis consists of a vitelline envelope and three distinct jelly layers, designated J1, J2 and J3. To localize cortical granule lectin ligand in the egg extracellular matrix, we used enzyme-linked lectin assays that showed that cortical granule lectin ligands were absent in J2, J3 and the vitelline envelope. Cortical granule lectin bound to a ligand(s) in J1 in a galactose-dependent fashion. In addition, we separated egg jelly macromolecules electrophoretically and, in conjunction with western blotting, have shown that J1 contains two major, high molecular weight ligands for cortical granule ligand. Finally, using confocal microscopy, we demonstrated that the ligand(s) for cortical granule lectin occupies a 20–30 μm thick band in a region of J1 just proximal to the vitelline envelope.  相似文献   

The Xenopus laevis oocyte cortical granule lectin (XL35) has been studied in fertilization and embryonic development. Several nucleic acid sequences that predict proteins homologous to XL35 have since been reported in frog, human, mouse, lamprey, trout, ascidian worm. These proteins also showed high degrees of amino acid sequence homology to a common fibrinogen-like motif that may involve carbohydrate binding. Although their biological functions and carbohydrate binding specificities have not been studied in detail, this new family of lectins has common characteristics. Several independent studies on this new family of lectins strongly suggest that the lectins are expressed and stored in specialized vesicles that may be released upon the infection by pathogens. In addition, some family members have been shown to bind to oligosaccharides from bacterial pathogens. Therefore, this family of lectins likely participates in pathogen surveillance as part of the innate immune system. We propose the name X-lectin family for these homologs of XL35. Published in 2004.  相似文献   

Recent patch-clamp studies have shown that anti-porin antibodies, applied to the external side of excised plasma membrane patches of mammalian astrocytes, close chloride channels that are thought to be engaged in cell volume regulation. Frog oocytes are often used to study this basic cell function. Here we document the localisation of endogenous porin voltage-dependent anion-selective channels in Xenopus laevis oocyte plasma membranes. In confocal laser microscopy images a disjunctive pattern of fluorescing spots appear about 10 microm apart. Labelling was prevented by preabsorption of the antibodies with synthetic peptides comprising the epitope of the antigen. Immuno-gold marking of oocyte surfaces followed by silver enhancement of the gold particles lead to a plasma membrane labelling corresponding to that obtained by the confocal laser approach. The data suggests the presence of voltage-dependent, anion-selective channels in oocyte plasma membranes. This data should be borne in mind when frog oocytes are used to study the characteristics of endogenous or heterologously expressed ion channels or regulatory proteins.  相似文献   

Lectins have been used to analyze variations in the distribution and density of exposed saccharides of the sperm plasma membrane during physiologic maturation and after ejaculation. Studies have been conducted in a number of nonprimate species but have been conducted to only a limited extent in nonhuman primates. In this study, pure suspensions of chimpanzee sperm from the caput and cauda epididymis and from the ejaculate were labeled with lectins conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate in order to visualize changes in the distribution of exposed membrane glycocomponents. The lectins used were Con A, DBA, RCA-I, and WGA. Con A binding showed minimal change during epididymal transit, with an increased binding to the flagellum after ejaculation. DBA binding was relatively constant in all specimens. RCA-I showed distinct changes in binding pattern between epididymal and ejaculated sperm. On ejaculated sperm strong fluorescence was limited to the posterior head and to the midpiece. WGA binding increased during epididymal passage and decreased after ejaculation. There appears to be a wide variety of saccharide groups available for lectin binding on the surface of epididymal and ejaculated chimpanzee sperm. The general similarity in binding patterns of caput and cauda epididymal chimpanzee sperm exposed to Con A and DBA might reflect the fact that sperm morphology does not change during epididymal transit in this species, thus implying a more stable membrane structure than is present in other primates so far studied.  相似文献   

Previously we have shown that extracts from Xenopus egg jelly (egg water) increase the passage of sperm through a porous membrane in a dose‐dependent manner. Although this assay has shown that sperm accumulation occurs only in the presence of an egg water gradient, it has not revealed the dynamic features of how Xenopus sperm swim in such gradients. Here, we use video microscopic observations to trace sperm trajectories in a Zigmond chamber. Our results show that Xenopus sperm swim in linear and gently curving paths and only infrequently perform turns. In the presence of an egg water gradient, however, the percent of sperm swimming up the gradient axis and the net distance traveled by each sperm along this axis was increased significantly. There was no change in curvilinear velocity. Rather, the orientation of sperm travel was shifted to more closely match that of the gradient axis. In addition, using a porous filter assay, we demonstrate that the egg water protein allurin, in both purified and recombinant forms, stimulates directed motility of sperm. Finally, we use Oregon Green 488‐conjugated allurin to show that this protein binds primarily to the sperm midpiece; binding of allurin to the entire head was observed in a minor subpopulation of sperm. Dose dependence of allurin binding occurred over the 0–1 µg/ml range and correlated well with previously published dose‐dependent sperm attraction data. Binding was rapid with a half‐time of about 10 sec. These data suggest that egg water proteins bind to sperm and modify sperm‐orienting behavior. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 78:450–462, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The urinary bladder of the aquatic toad Xenopus laevis is known to exhibit a low permeability to water and a poor sensitivity to antidiuretic hormone. In order to precise the characteristics and the specific cellular mechanisms of this reduced hydroosmotic response we used a sensitive volumetric technique to monitor net water flow and studied the correlation between the anti-diuretic hormone (ADH)-induced net water flow and the fine ultrastructural appearence of the urinary bladder epithelium. Transmural net water flow was entirely dependent on the osmotic gradient across the preparation and not on the hydrostatic pressure difference. We observed the existence of a low but significant hydro-osmotic response to arginine vasopressin. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy demonstrated the presence of typical aggrephores in the subapical cytoplasm. The response to the hormone was accompanied by the appearance of typical intramembrane aggregates into the apical plasma membrane. Water permeability increase and apical aggregate insertion were both slowly but fully reversible. Except for the multilayered structure of the epithelium and the particularly low response to antidiuretic hormone, all the studied permeability and ultrastructural characteristics of the bladder were thus very similar to those observed in other sensitive epithelia such as the amphibian bladder and skin and the mammalian collecting duct which exhibit a high hydro-osmotic response to the hormone.  相似文献   

Jelly coats surrounding the eggs of the South African clawed toad, Xenopus laevis, consist of three transparent, gelatinous layers: the innermost layer (J1), the middle layer (J2), and the outer layer (J3). The distribution of N-acetylglucosamine within these jelly coats, as probed with FITC-conjugated wheat germ agglutinin (WGA-FITC), and the matrix ultrastructure of each layer, as visualized in platinum replicas produced by the quick-freeze, deep-etch, and rotary-shadowing technique, suggests that each layer has a unique fiber and glycoprotein composition. J1 extends nearly 200 μm from the egg surface and exhibits no WGA-FITC staining. Stereo images of platinum replicas indicates that J1 consists of a tightly knit network of 5–10 nm fibers decorated with 10–20 nm particulate components. In contrast, J2 is a relatively thin layer, extending only 25–40 μm from the outer aspect of J1. When visualized by confocal microscopy, J2 displays a multilayered WGA-FITC staining pattern. The ultrastructure of J2 consists of sheets of fine fibers that run parallel to one another and that can be identified by their ability to bind WGA-colloidal gold. The fibers of each sheet run at an oblique angle to fibers in neighboring layers. J3 extends 100 μm or more from J2. The WGA-FITC staining pattern shows high intensity in its outer region and less intensity in regions closer to J2. Like J1, the J3 ultrastructure consists of a network of 5–10 nm fibers, decorated with 10–20 nm particulate components. The results of these studies add to a growing body of information that suggests the jelly coats surrounding the eggs of many animals consist of a fibrous glycoprotein superstructure that acts as a scaffold to which globular glycoproteins are bound. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Central projections of afferents from the lateral line nerves and from the individual branches of the VIIIth cranial nerve in Xenopus laevis and Xenopus mülleri were studied by the application of HRP to the cut end of the nerves.Upon entering the rhombencephalon, the lateral line afferents form a longitudinal fascicle of ascending and descending branches in the ventro-lateral part of the lateral line neuropile. The fascicle exhibits a topographic organization, that is not reflected in the terminal field of the side branches. The terminal field can be subdivided into a rostral, a medial and a caudal part, each of which shows specific branching and terminal pattern of the lateral line afferents. These different patterns within the terminal field are interpreted as the reflection of functional subdivisions of the lateral line area. The study did not reveal a simple topographic relationship between peripheral neuromasts and their central projections.Two nuclei of the alar plate with significant lateral line input were delineated: the lateral line nucleus (LLN) and the medial part of the anterior nucleus (AN). An additional cell group, the intermediate nucleus (IN), is a zone of lateral line and eighth nerve overlap, although such zones also exist within the ventral part of the LLN and the dorsal part of the caudal nucleus (CN). Six nuclei which receive significant VIIIth nerve input are recognized: the cerebellar nucleus (CbN), the lateral part of the anterior nucleus, the dorsal medullary nucleus (DMN), the lateral octavus nucleus (LON), the medial vestibular nucleus (MVN) and the caudal nucleus (CN).All inner ear organs have more than one projection field. All organs project to the dorsal part of the LON and the lateral part of the AN. Lagena, amphibian papilla and basilar papilla project to separate regions of the dorsal medullary nucleus (DMN). There is evidence for a topographic relation between the hair cells of the amphibian papilla (AP) and the central projections of AP fibers. The sacculus projects extensively to a region between the DMN and the LON. Fibers from the sacculus and the lagena project directly to the superior olive. Fibers from the utriculus and the three crista organs terminate predominantly in the medial vestibular nucleus (MVN) and in the adjacent parts of the reticular formation, and their terminal structures appear to be organotopically organised. Octavus fiber projections to the cerebellum and to the spinal cord are also described.  相似文献   

The cell-free extracts from animal Xenopus laevis egg could induce chromatin decon-densation and pronuclear formation from demembranated plant (Orychophragmus violaceus) sperm. The demembranated Orychophragmus violaceus sperm began to swell in 30 min incubation, and then were gradually decondensed. The reassembly of nuclear envelope in the reconstituted nuclei had been visualized by means of electron microscopy and fluorescent microscopy. Membrane vesicles fused to form the double envelope around the periphery of the decondensed chromatin. The morphology of the newly formed nucleus, with a double membrane, was similar to those nuclei after fertilization. Transmission electron microscope micrograph of the whole mount prepared nuclear matrix-lamina showed the reconstituted nucleus to be filled with a dense network.  相似文献   

A reproducible and effective method for fertilization eggs of Xenopus laevis was developed based of systematic manipulation of environmental factors. The effects of varying concentrations of individual components of a fertilization medium were tested by measuring jelly swelling, sperm motility, and sperm longevity. Results were used to develop an improved medium for fertilization, consisting of 41.25 mM NaCl, 1.25 mM KCl, 0.25 mM CaCl2, 0.0625 mM MgCl2, 0.5 mM Na2HPO4, 2.5 mM HEPES, 1.9 mM NaOH, final pH(2°) 7.8.  相似文献   

Detergent-free discontinuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation was used to resolve low- and high-density membrane fractions from Xenopus laevis oocytes. Compared to high-density membrane, low-density oocyte membrane is enriched two-fold in cholesterol and highly enriched in ganglioside GM1. Protein immunoblotting of membrane fractions from whole cells with polyclonal anti-human caveolin antibody detected multiple bands, including a distinctive triad with apparent molecular weights of 21, 33, and 48 kDa. To more clearly determine which of these caveolin-like protein(s) is associated with the oocyte plasma membrane, microdissection was used to separate external membrane (cortical preparations containing plasma membrane) from intracellular membrane. Cortical membrane preparations displayed a single 21-kDa caveolin-like protein in low-density membrane. Internal oocyte membrane displayed the higher molecular weight bands of 33 and 48 kDa and a lesser amount of the 21-kDa protein in low-density membrane fractions. Monoclonal anti-human Ras antibody detected a single 23-kDa immunoblot band that is enriched an average of eight-fold in low-density membrane fractions prepared from whole cells. This is the first report of caveolin-associated, low-density membrane in amphibian oocytes, and is consistent with a role for caveolin and caveolae-like microdomains in oocyte signal transduction.  相似文献   

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