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During the period of 1895-1910, immunology was preoccupied with defining the cellular (Elie Metchnikoff's phagocytosis theory) as opposed to the humoral basis of bactericidal defense. Although initial discovery of immunopathologic phenomena had been made (e.g., relating to transplantation, autoimmunity, allergy), focus on microbicidal therapy and diagnosis of infectious diseases remained the major stimuli of inquiry. The debate concerning the relative roles of phagocytes, complement, amboceptors (sensibilizing factors, antibody, antitoxins), various lysins (e.g., bacteriolysins, spermatolysins, hemolysins), agglutinins, stimulines, and then Almoth Wright's opsonins reflects the ambiguity of a scientific language being created in an era still struggling with a poorly defined experimental system, for the language, both its vocabulary (newly studied phenomena) and grammar (operational mechanisms) was yet to be codified. The joint award of the Nobel Prize to Metchnikoff and Paul Ehrlich in 1908 for their respective contributions to the "theory of immunity" appeared to proclaim a consensus, but the secret Nobel Committee reports that evaluated Metchnikoff's contributions reveal only a grudging acceptance of his position, and the award was clearly made on the basis of an apparent complementarity between the theoretical views of the humoralists and those elements of the phagocytosis theory that fit the then current discussion of immunity. In this regard, opsonins played an especially important role as both an experimental and conceptual bridge between the competing schools. What was no longer under consideration (and in fact never was explicitly debated) concerned the intellectual foundation of Metchnikoff's original concept of immunity as those activities that defined organismal identity, (developed from Metchnikoff's research in developmental biology) and which regarded host defense mechanisms as only subordinate to this primary function. Immunology in the first half of the 20th century pursued issues pertinent to chemically characterizing immune specificity and only later returned to the Metchnikovian question of how the immune identity was established. This latter venture has achieved molecular sophistication, but even such a formulation may be an inadequate answer to the Metchnikovian postulate. The theoretical discussion between cellularists and humoralists continues in new guises, for the essential debate remains unresolved.  相似文献   

CONSEL: for assessing the confidence of phylogenetic tree selection.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
CONSEL is a program to assess the confidence of the tree selection by giving the p-values for the trees. The main thrust of the program is to calculate the p-value of the Approximately Unbiased (AU) test using the multi-scale bootstrap technique. This p-value is less biased than the other conventional p-values such as the Bootstrap Probability (BP), the Kishino-Hasegawa (KH) test, the Shimodaira-Hasegawa (SH) test, and the Weighted Shimodaira-Hasegawa (WSH) test. CONSEL calculates all these p-values from the output of the phylogeny program packages such as Molphy, PAML, and PAUP*. Furthermore, CONSEL is applicable to a wide class of problems where the BPs are available. AVAILABILITY: The programs are written in C language. The source code for Unix and the executable binary for DOS are found at http://www.ism.ac.jp/~shimo/ CONTACT: shimo@ism.ac.jp  相似文献   

We have used diffusion and branching process methods to investigate fixation rates, probabilities of survival per generation, and times to fixation of mutant genes under different selection methods incorporating individual and family information. Diffusion approximations fit well to simulated results even for large selection coefficients. Methods that give much weight to family information, such as BLUP evaluation which is widely used in animal breeding, reduce fixation rates of mutant genes because of the reduced effective population sizes. In general, it is observed that even mutants with relatively small heterozygous effects (say 0.1 phenotypic standard deviation) are practically ‘safe’ (i.e. their probability of loss from one generation to the next is smaller than, say, 10%) after just a few generations, typically less than 10. For methods of selection with larger effective size, such as within-family selection, the mutant is ‘safe’ in the population somewhat earlier but eventual fixation takes a longer time. Finally we evaluate the amount by which the use of marker assisted selection reduces the fixation probability of newly arisen mutants.  相似文献   

George Williams defined an evolutionary unit as hereditary information for which the selection bias between competing units dominates the informational decay caused by imperfect transmission. In this article, I extend Williams' approach to show that the ratio of selection bias to transmission bias provides a unifying framework for diverse biological problems. Specific examples include Haldane and Lande's mutation-selection balance, Eigen's error threshold and quasispecies, Van Valen's clade selection, Price's multilevel formulation of group selection, Szathmáry and Demeter's evolutionary origin of primitive cells, Levin and Bull's short-sighted evolution of HIV virulence, Frank's timescale analysis of microbial metabolism and Maynard Smith and Szathmáry's major transitions in evolution. The insights from these diverse applications lead to a deeper understanding of kin selection, group selection, multilevel evolutionary analysis and the philosophical problems of evolutionary units and individuality.  相似文献   

Isolation of a cDNA clone for human antithrombin III   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Antithrombin III (ATIII) is an important plasma protease inhibitor with a central role in the coagulation system. On the basis of its protein sequence, ATIII is one member of a "super family" of protease inhibitors that includes alpha 1-antitrypsin and chicken ovalbumin. An increased risk of thromboembolism is associated with inherited ATIII deficiency. To study the structure and expression of the human ATIII gene, we have isolated complementary (cDNA) clones for ATIII from human liver mRNA. ATIII cDNA clones were identified by hybridization to a mixture of synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides encoding amino acids 251-256 of the ATIII protein sequence. The largest cDNA clone (1.4 kilobases) included the coding region of ATIII mRNA from codon 10 through a 3'-untranslated region. Comparison of ATIII cDNA clones from two different sources revealed a sequence polymorphism at an internal PstI restriction site. Analysis of both total genomic DNAs and an ATIII gene cloned in a bacteriophage Charon 4A showed that the ATIII gene is present once per haploid genome and is distributed over 10-16 kilobases of DNA. Computer-assisted comparison of the cDNA sequence with those for baboon alpha 1-antitrypsin and chicken ovalbumin revealed homologies consistent with their inclusion in the protease inhibitor superfamily.  相似文献   

The study of different characteristics of the vital activity of microorganisms, made on type B Clostridium perfringens taken as an example, has disclosed the difficulty of evaluating the functional state of microorganisms only on the basis of the traditionally used characteristics of the population activity: the specific growth rate, the toxicity of the culture fluid and the antigenic properties of the culture. The economic and metabolic coefficients have been found to be the most suitable criteria for such evaluation; the state of the maximum physiological activity of the population is characterized by the maximum values of the economic coefficient and the minimum values of the metabolic coefficient. The minimum values of the economic coefficient and the maximum values of the metabolic coefficient are characteristic of the pathological state of the population.  相似文献   

The synthetic biomimetic triaqua-mu-oxohexapropionatotrichromium(III) nitrate when given intravenously to rats lowers fasting blood plasma triglycerides and cholesterol concentrations; thus, the cation has the potential to serve as a therapeutic agent. Its ability to function in vivo presumably is dependent on its ability to mimic the action of the natural, bioactive, chromium-binding oligopeptide chromodulin in stimulating insulin receptor kinase activity. Consequently, the cation should be incorporated into insulin-sensitive cells intact. Thus, the fate of the 51Cr-labeled complex during the first 24 h after injection in tissues, blood, urine, and feces was followed. The complex appears to be readily incorporated into tissues and cells. In hepatocytes, the cation is efficiently transported into microsomes where its concentration reaches a maximum in approximately 2 h.  相似文献   

A physical development is regarded as somatic equivalent of capacity for physical work. Two integrative indexes of size and shape of body have been revealed using the component analysis. It is possible to estimate their values for length, weight and chest circumference. The influence of subcutaneous fat on the indexes of size and shape is removed using the linear regression. A conclusion on the type of physical development may be made on the basis of their combination.  相似文献   

Calculated coefficients of variation (CV) taken from the quotient of the standard deviation (S.D.) and the mean value of measured distributions are often used as an indicator of system performance in linear flow cytometry (FCM). The ability of the calculated CV to estimate the true CV of the underlying experiment before grouping (channelization) is dependent on the relationship between the width of the data channels and the magnitude of the S.D. of the measured distribution. When the channel width is equal to the S.D. of a distribution, the calculated CV is approximately 20% larger than the true CV of an experiment. By the time the S.D. is only one-half of a channel width, the calculated CV is unreliable. When the distribution S.D. is narrower than a channel's width, small changes in the distribution mean value will cause large variations in the calculated CV. As the true CV decreases, the calculation must be made with higher mean channel values. This dependence of calculated CV accuracy upon the relationship between S.D. and channel width places limitations upon mean channel selection that must be considered when using CV calculations for evaluating system performance, especially when looking for small improvements during optical alignment procedures. When an instrument is assumed to have a constant CV and the data are collected linearly, it is possible to improve the CV estimation accuracy by placing distributions in higher-numbered channels.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Finding, characterizing and monitoring reservoirs for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is vital to protecting public health. Hybridization capture baits are an accurate, sensitive and cost-effective technique used to enrich and characterize DNA sequences of interest, including antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs), in complex environmental samples. We demonstrate the continued utility of a set of 19 933 hybridization capture baits designed from the Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database (CARD)v1.1.2 and Pathogenicity Island Database (PAIDB)v2.0, targeting 3565 unique nucleotide sequences that confer resistance. We demonstrate the efficiency of our bait set on a custom-made resistance mock community and complex environmental samples to increase the proportion of on-target reads as much as >200-fold. However, keeping pace with newly discovered ARGs poses a challenge when studying AMR, because novel ARGs are continually being identified and would not be included in bait sets designed prior to discovery. We provide imperative information on how our bait set performs against CARDv3.3.1, as well as a generalizable approach for deciding when and how to update hybridization capture bait sets. This research encapsulates the full life cycle of baits for hybridization capture of the resistome from design and validation (both in silico and in vitro) to utilization and forecasting updates and retirement.  相似文献   

Actinomycetes are important producers of pharmaceuticals and industrial enzymes. However, wild type strains require laborious development prior to industrial usage. Here we present a generally applicable reporter-guided metabolic engineering tool based on random mutagenesis, selective pressure, and single-cell sorting. We developed fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) methodology capable of reproducibly identifying high-performing individual cells from a mutant population directly from liquid cultures. Actinomycetes are an important source of catabolic enzymes, where product yields determine industrial viability. We demonstrate 5-fold yield improvement with an industrial cholesterol oxidase ChoD producer Streptomyces lavendulae to 20.4 U g−1 in three rounds. Strain development is traditionally followed by production medium optimization, which is a time-consuming multi-parameter problem that may require hard to source ingredients. Ultra-high throughput screening allowed us to circumvent medium optimization and we identified high ChoD yield production strains directly from mutant libraries grown under preset culture conditions. Genome-mining based drug discovery is a promising source of bioactive compounds, which is complicated by the observation that target metabolic pathways may be silent under laboratory conditions. We demonstrate our technology for drug discovery by activating a silent mutaxanthene metabolic pathway in Amycolatopsis. We apply the method for industrial strain development and increase mutaxanthene yields 9-fold to 99 mg l−1 in a second round of mutant selection. In summary, the ability to screen tens of millions of mutants in a single cell format offers broad applicability for metabolic engineering of actinomycetes for activation of silent metabolic pathways and to increase yields of proteins and natural products.  相似文献   

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