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Sperm morphology is highly diversified across the animal kingdom and recent comparative evidence from passerine birds suggests that postcopulatory sexual selection is a significant driver of sperm evolution. In the present study, we describe sperm size variation among 20 species of African greenbuls and one bulbul (Passeriformes: Pycnonotidae) and analyze the evolutionary differentiation of sperm size within a phylogenetic framework. We found significant interspecific variation in sperm size; with some genera exhibiting relatively long sperm (e.g. Eurillas) and others exhibiting short sperm head lengths (e.g. Phyllastrephus). However, our results suggest that contemporary levels of sperm competition are unlikely to explain sperm diversification within this clade: the coefficients of inter‐male variation (CVbm) in sperm length were generally high, suggesting relatively low and homogeneous rates of extra‐pair paternity. Finally, in a comparison of six evolutionary or tree transformation models, we found support for both the Kappa (evolutionary change primarily at nodes) and Lambda (lineage‐specific evolutionary rates along branches) models in the evolutionary trajectories of sperm size among species. We therefore conclude that African greenbuls have more variable rates of sperm size evolution than expected from a neutral model of genetic drift. Understanding the evolutionary dynamics of sperm diversification remains a future challenge.  相似文献   

Previous phylogenetic work on the Hawaiian bees of the genus Hylaeus, based on mitochondrial DNA and morphology, appeared to support a recent origin for the group, but support for the resulting tree was weak. Four nuclear genes with varying evolutionary rates -- arginine kinase, EF-1alpha, opsin, and wingless -- were sequenced for a reduced taxon set in an attempt to find one or more data set that would provide better support. All showed very low variation (<2%) in the ingroup. Comparison among genes revealed a much higher than expected rate of evolution in mtDNA, especially at first and second positions. While the data from the nuclear genes showed insufficient variation for phylogenetic analysis, the strong sequence similarity among the Hawaiian species supports the previous hypothesis of a recent origin for the group.  相似文献   

Studies on Neotropical phylogeography have largely focused on lowland organisms. Because lowland and highland biotas have different histories and are likely affected by different processes influencing population differentiation, understanding Neotropical diversification requires detailed studies on montane taxa. We present the most comprehensive analysis of population differentiation conducted so far on a widespread group of Neotropical montane organisms, focusing on the evolutionary relationships and phylogeography of Buarremon brush-finches (Aves: Emberizidae) in montane areas from Mexico through Argentina. Sequences of mitochondrial and nuclear genes demonstrate that Buarremon is not monophyletic with respect to Arremon and Lysurus. Genetic structure revealed by mtDNA is strong in both B. brunneinucha and B. torquatus. Gene genealogies and nucleotide diversity indicate that B. brunneinucha originated in Mexico and later expanded to South America, where it followed one colonization route through the east, and one through the west of the continent. Differentiation among populations of B. torquatus was substantial, reaching 8% uncorrected sequence divergence within South America. Relationships among major lineages of B. torquatus were not fully resolved owing to rapid differentiation, but the occurrence of closely related taxa in distant locations suggests a complex history of diversification. Some Colombian populations of B. brunneinucha have affinities with populations from Venezuela and the East Andean slope of Ecuador and Peru, and others with those from the Pacific slope of Ecuador. Moreover, five divergent lineages of B. torquatus occur within Colombia, highlighting the importance of dense sampling in northwest South America for studies on diversification of widespread Neotropical lineages.  相似文献   

The ultimate aim of this study is to better understand the diversification of African weakly electric fish in the Congo River. Based on a robust phylogenetic hypothesis we examined the radiation within the mormyrid genus Campylomormyrus. Morphological traits relevant for the divergence between the identified species were detected. Among them, the variation in the shape of the trunk-like elongated snout suggested the presence of different trophic specializations. Furthermore, the chosen model taxon, the genus Campylomormyrus, exhibits a wide diversity of electric organ discharge (EOD) waveforms. A comparison of EOD waveform types and phylogenetic relationships showed major differences in EOD between closely related species. This indicates that the EOD might function as a reproductive isolation mechanism. In conclusion, we provide a plausible scenario of an adaptive radiation triggered by sexual selection and assortative mating based on EOD characteristics, but caused by a divergent selection on the feeding apparatus. These findings point towards an adaptive radiation of at least some Campylomormyrus species occurring in the Lower Congo River.  相似文献   

We generated a comprehensive phylogeny for the avian families Sturnidae (starlings, mynas, Rhabdornis, oxpeckers, and allies) and Mimidae (mockingbirds, thrashers, and allies) to explore patterns of morphological and behavioral diversification. Reconstructions were based on mitochondrial DNA sequences from five coding genes (4108 bp), and nuclear intron sequences from four loci (2974 bp), for most taxa, supplemented with NDII gene sequences (1041 bp) derived from museum skin specimens from additional taxa; together the 117 sampled taxa comprise 78% of the 151 species in these families and include representatives of all currently or recently recognized genera. Phylogenetic analyses consistently identified nine major clades. The basal lineage is comprised of the two Buphagus oxpeckers, which are presently confined to Africa where they are obligately associated with large mammals. Some species in nearly all of the other major clades also feed on or around large vertebrates, and this association may be an ancestral trait that fostered the world-wide dispersal of this group. The remaining taxa divide into sister clades representing the New-World Mimidae and Old-World Sturnidae. The Mimidae are divided into two subclades, a group of Central American and West Indian catbirds and thrashers, and a pan-American clade of mockingbirds and thrashers. The Sturnidae are subdivided into six clades. The Phillipine endemic Rhabdornis are the sister lineage to a larger and substantially more recent radiation of South Asian and Pacific island starlings and mynas. A clade of largely migratory or nomadic Eurasian starlings (within which the basal lineage is the model taxon Sturnus vulgaris) is allied to three groups of largely African species. These reconstructions confirm that Buphagus should not be included in the Sturnidae, and identify many genera that are not monophyletic. They also highlight the substantial diversity among the major Sturnidae subclades in rates of species accumulation, morphological differentiation, and behavioral variation.  相似文献   

Renealmia L.f. (Zingiberaceae) is one of the few tropical plant genera with numerous species in both Africa and South America but not in Asia. Based on phylogenetic analysis of nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and chloroplast trnL-F DNA, Renealmia is shown to be monophyletic with high branch support. Low sequence divergence found in the two genome regions (ITS: 0-2.4%; trnL-F: 0-1.9%) suggests recent diversification within the genus. Molecular divergence age estimates give further support to the recent origin of the genus and show that Renealmia has attained its amphi-Atlantic distribution by an oceanic long-distance dispersal event from Africa to South America during the Miocene or Pliocene (15.8-2.7 My ago). Some support is found for the hypothesis that speciation in neotropical Renealmia was influenced by the Andean orogeny. Speciation has been approximately simultaneous on both sides of the Atlantic, but increased taxon sampling is required to compare the speciation rates between the New World and Old World tropics.  相似文献   

Sequences of internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA, the chloroplast ndhF gene, and chloroplast trnL-F regions (trnL intron, and trnL [UAA] 3' exon-trnF [GAA] intergenic spacer) were used for phylogenetic analyses of Rhus, a genus disjunctly distributed in Asia, Europe, Hawaii, North America, and Northern Central America. Both ITS and cpDNA data sets support the monophyly of Rhus. The monophyly of subgenus Rhus was suggested by the combined cpDNA and ITS data, and largely supported in the cpDNA data except that Rhus microphylla of subgenus Lobadium was nested within it. The monophyly of subgenus Lobadium was strongly supported in the ITS data, whereas the cpDNA data revealed two main clades within the subgenus, which formed a trichotomy with the clade of subgenus Rhus plus R. microphylla. The ITS and cpDNA trees differ in the positions of Rhus michauxii, R. microphylla, and Rhus rubifolia, and hybridization may have caused this discordance. Fossil evidence indicates that Rhus dates back to the early Eocene. The penalized likelihood method was used to estimate divergence times, with fossils of Rhus subgenus Lobadium, Pistacia and Toxicodendron used for age constraints. Rhus diverged from its closest relative at 49.1+/-2.1 million years ago (Ma), the split of subgenus Lobadium and subgenus Rhus was at 38.1+/-3.0 Ma. Rhus most likely migrated from North America into Asia via the Bering Land Bridge during the Late Eocene (33.8+/-3.1 Ma). Rhus coriaria from southern Europe and western Asia diverged from its relatives in eastern Asia at 24.4+/-3.2 Ma. The Hawaiian Rhus sandwicensis diverged from the Asian Rhus chinensis at 13.5+/-3.0 Ma. Subgenus Lobadium was inferred to be of North American origin. Taxa of subgenus Lobadium then migrated southward to Central America. Furthermore, we herein make the following three nomenclatural combinations: (1) Searsia leptodictya (Diels) T. S. Yi, A. J. Miller and J. Wen, comb. nov., (2) Searsia pyroides (A. Rich.) T. S. Yi, A. J. Miller and J. Wen, comb. nov., and (3) Searsia undulata (Jacq.) T. S. Yi, A. J. Miller and J. Wen, because our analyses support the segregation of Searsia from Rhus.  相似文献   

The genus Tripterygion is the unique genus of the family Tripterygiidae in the Mediterranean Sea and in the northeastern Atlantic coast. Three species and four subspecies had been described: Tripterygion tripteronotus and Tripterygion melanurus (T. m. melanurus and T. m. minor) are endemic of the Mediterranean, and T. delaisi (T. d. delaisi and T. d. xanthosoma) is found in both areas. We used five different genes (12S, 16S, tRNA-val, COI, and 18S) to elucidate their taxonomy status and their phylogenetic relationships. We employed different phylogenetic reconstructions that yielded different tree topologies. This discrepancy may be caused by the speciation process making difficult the reconstruction of a highly supported tree. All pair comparisons between these three species showed the same genetic divergence indicating that the speciation process could have been resolved by a rapid radiation event after the Messinian Salinity Crisis (5.2Mya) leading to a trichotomy. Our molecular data revealed two clearly supported clades within T. tripteronotus, whose divergence largely exceeded that found between other fish species, consequently these two groups should be considered two cryptic species diverging 2.75-3.32Mya along the Pliocene glaciations. On the contrary, none of the genes studied supported the existence of two subspecies of T. melanurus. Finally, the two subspecies of T. delaisi were validated and probably originated during the Quaternary climatic fluctuations (1.10-1.23Mya), however their distribution ranges should be redefined.  相似文献   

Butterflies in the nymphalid subfamily Ithomiinae are brightly colored and involved in mimicry. Here we present a phylogenetic hypothesis for 23 of the 24 species in the genus Ithomia, based on seven different gene regions, representing 5 linkage groups and 4469 bp. We sequenced varying length regions of the following genes: (1) elongation factor 1alpha (Ef1alpha; 1028 bp); (2) tektin (tektin; 715 bp); (3) wingless (wg; 405 bp); (4) ribosomal protein L5 (RpL5; 722 bp, exons 1, 2, 3, and introns 1 and 2); and (5) mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I, II (Co1 and Co2 and intervening leucine tRNA; 1599 bp). The results show incongruence between some genetic loci, although when alternate topologies are compared statistically it was generally true that one topology was supported by a majority of loci sampled. This highlights the need to sample widely across the genome in order to obtain a well-supported phylogenetic hypothesis. A combined evidence topology is presented based on a Bayesian analysis of all the gene regions, except the fast-evolving RpL5. The resulting hypothesis is concordant with the most probable relationships determined from our topological comparisons, although in some parts of the tree relationships remain weakly supported. The tree suggests diversification has largely occurred within biogeographic regions such as Central America, the Amazon, the southern and northern Andes, with only occasional dispersal (or vicariance) between such regions. This phylogenetic hypothesis can now be used to investigate patterns of diversification across the genus, such as the potential role of color pattern changes in speciation.  相似文献   

Macaronesian archipelagos stand apart from other oceanic islands reputed as laboratories for the study of evolution by their proximity to the mainland, lack of subsidence, and steep ecological gradients. The genus Pholcus Walckenaer, 1805, commonly known as daddy-long-leg spiders, is one of the most speciose arthropod groups in the region, with 25 endemic species. In the present study, we use information from four mitochondrial genes, along with morphological data, to examine the phylogenetic relationships and diversification patterns of the genus in the region. Phylogenetic analyses support monophyly of Macaronesian Pholcus including the Moroccan species Pholcus vachoni and hence a single colonization event in the archipelagos. Madeira colonizers most likely originated from the Canaries, and a back-colonization of the nearby mainland receives further support. Estimated lineage divergence times suggest a long-time presence of Pholcus in the region, but also reveal that most present-day species are the result of recent, and probably rapid, speciation events. Diagnostic characters among Macaronesian Pholcus are confined to structures involved in copulation. Coupled with the extremely high diversification rate, the highest recorded for spiders, these copulatory characters suggest that sexual selection has played a key role in the local diversification of Pholcus in Macaronesia.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationship among freshwater crab species of Geothelphusa from northern Taiwan and the Yaeyama Group of islands (including Iriomote and Ishigaki) in the southern Ryukyus was studied using the mitochondrial genes 16S rRNA and COI. Our results support the hypothesis that speciation of Geothelphusa among these islands was the result of cyclic glaciations and interglaciations during the Pleistocene. Two main clades, one the Taiwan Group (containing several clades, including most Taiwanese Geothelphusa species except Geothelphusa miyazakii but including Geothelphusa minei from Yaeyama), was estimated to be separated from its sister group, the southern Ryukyus-northern Taiwan (SRN) clade (including G. miyazakii, Geothelphusa shokitai, Geothelphusa fulva and G. marginata from northern Taiwan, the Pinnacle Islands [=Diaoyutai Islands or Senkaku Islands] and Yaeyama) at about 5.3 million years ago (mya). G. shokitai was separated from others within the SRN clade at 2.4 mya, but was probably derived from G. miyazakii in northern Taiwan. The ancestor of G. miyazakii is hypothesised to have dispersed from ancestors in Yaeyama and then isolated at 2.0 mya during the Pleistocene interglaciations. This is similar to the speciation of G. minei in Yaeyama at 1.5 mya, except that its ancestors originated from north-eastern Taiwan. Four clades of freshwater crabs are present in the Fushan Botanical Garden, located in the mountainous area of north-eastern Taiwan, which might be due to the historical rearrangements of the drainage and proximity of the various river origins.  相似文献   

We investigated how Gyrodactylus corydoriBueno-Silva and Boeger, 2009 exploits two sympatric host species, Corydoras paleatus (Jenyns, 1842) and Corydoras ehrhardti Steindachner, 1910. Specimens of G. corydori were collected from the Piraquara and Miringuava Rivers, State of Paraná, Brazil, between 2005 and 2006. A total of 167 parasites was measured from both host species. Nine morphometric features of the haptoral sclerites were measured and analyzed by discriminant analysis, cluster analysis and multivariate analysis of variance. A fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene (COI) (∼740 bp) and the rDNA internal transcribed spacers (ITS) (∼1200 bp) of G. corydori were sequenced. Bayesian and parsimony analyses of COI recognized two genetically structured clades of G. corydori, which corresponded closely with the two species of Corydoras. Twenty-eight haplotypes were detected (18 were exclusive to C. ehrhardti and seven were exclusive to C. paleatus). The same general pattern between parasites and host species was observed in the morphometric analyses. Nevertheless, poor correlation of genetic and morphometric variation strongly supports the plastic nature of the morphological variation of haptoral sclerites. The existence of two clades with limited gene flow would suggest that G. corydori already represents two cryptic species. However, the morphometric and molecular data showed that there is insufficient evidence to support two valid species. The low COI (0.1-6.2%) and ITS (0.09-3.5%) divergence within G. corydori suggest a recent separation of the lineages between distinct host species (less than 1 million years). As the hypothesis of secondary contact of the parasite demographic history was rejected, our results point to the possibility of sympatric incipient ongoing speciation of G. corydori to form distinct parasite lineages adapted to C. ehrhardti and C. paleatus. This may be a common event within the Gyrodactylidae, adding a yet unreported mode of adaptive speciation that helps to understand its rate of diversification.  相似文献   

The little greenbul, a common rainforest passerine from sub‐Saharan Africa, has been the subject of long‐term evolutionary studies to understand the mechanisms leading to rainforest speciation. Previous research found morphological and behavioural divergence across rainforest–savannah transition zones (ecotones), and a pattern of divergence with gene flow suggesting divergent natural selection has contributed to adaptive divergence and ecotones could be important areas for rainforests speciation. Recent advances in genomics and environmental modelling make it possible to examine patterns of genetic divergence in a more comprehensive fashion. To assess the extent to which natural selection may drive patterns of differentiation, here we investigate patterns of genomic differentiation among populations across environmental gradients and regions. We find compelling evidence that individuals form discrete genetic clusters corresponding to distinctive environmental characteristics and habitat types. Pairwise FST between populations in different habitats is significantly higher than within habitats, and this differentiation is greater than what is expected from geographic distance alone. Moreover, we identified 140 SNPs that showed extreme differentiation among populations through a genomewide selection scan. These outliers were significantly enriched in exonic and coding regions, suggesting their functional importance. Environmental association analysis of SNP variation indicates that several environmental variables, including temperature and elevation, play important roles in driving the pattern of genomic diversification. Results lend important new genomic evidence for environmental gradients being important in population differentiation.  相似文献   

The Eupteryx aurata group is characterised by several features, primarily by colouration and aedeagus morphology. It is distributed mainly in Europe, with some species also in Asia and one species perhaps in North Africa. At least one species is introduced in North America. Until now 12 taxa were known. Two new species, Eupteryx divulsa from central Italy and Eupteryx oscorum from central and southern Italy, are described in this paper. Eupteryx petasitidis Ferrari, 1882, described as Eupteryx carpini petasitidis and later synonymised with Eupteryx atropunctata (Goeze, 1778), is reestablished on species level and redescribed including genital morphology. Ten taxa of the species group are studied in relation to their morphological and molecular characters. The colouration, aedeagus, and pygofer appendage are figured for all of these taxa. Molecular study showed that the E. aurata group is monophyletic. The little or moderate distances in sequences (below 6.0% for mtDNA and up to 2.5% for nuclear ITS2) between the different taxa of the E. aurata group and incongruence of genetic signals from mtDNA and nuclear DNA could be the result of incomplete lineage sorting in young species and/or hybridisation and introgression of DNA among taxa. Of particular importance in this study is material from Italy, a peripheral region in relation to the distribution of the species group and due to its geomorphological features favouring isolation and speciation. A distribution map for the E. aurata species group in Italy and an identification key for all 15 taxa of the aurata group are given. Phylogenetic relationships within the aurata group are discussed in relation to morphological, molecular, ecological, and zoogeographic aspects.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that host-switching can be an important step in the speciation of gyrodactylid monogenean flatworms, we inferred the phylogeny within a cluster of parasites morphologically close to Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg 1957, collected from Atlantic, Baltic and White Sea salmon (Salmo salar), farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), and grayling (Thymallus thymallus) from Northern Europe. The internal transcribed spacer region of the nuclear ribosomal gene was sequenced for taxonomic identification. Parasites on grayling from the White Sea Basin differed from the others by one nucleotide (0.08%), the remainder were identical to the sequence published earlier from Norway (G. salaris on salmon), England (Gyrodactylus thymalli on grayling), and the Czech Republic (unidentified salaris/thymalli on trout). For increased resolution, 813 nucleotides of the mitochondrial COI gene of 88 parasites were sequenced and compared with 76 published sequences using phylogenetic analysis. For all tree building algorithms (NJ, MP), the parasites formed a star-like phylogeny of six definite sister clades, indicating nearly simultaneous radiation. Average K2P distances between clades were 1.8-2.6%, and internal mean distances 0.2-1.1%. The genetic distance to the nearest known relative, Gyrodactylus lavareti Malmberg, was 24%. A variable salmon-specific mitochondrial Clade I was observed both in the Baltic Basin and in pathogenic populations introduced to the Atlantic and White Sea coasts. An invariable Clade II was common in rainbow trout farms in Sweden, Denmark and Finland; the same haplotype was also infecting salmon in a landlocked population in Russian Karelia, and in Oslo fjord and Sognefjord in Norway. Four geographically vicariant sister clades were observed on graylings: Clade III in the Baltic Sea Basin; Clade IV in Karelian rivers draining to the White Sea; Clade V in Norwegian river draining to Swedish lake V?nern; and Clade VI in rivers draining to Oslo fjord. The pattern fitted perfectly with the postglacial history of grayling distribution. Widely sampled clades from salmon and Baltic grayling had basal haplotypes in populations, which were isolated early during the postglacial recolonisation. The divergence between the six clades was clear and linked with their hosts, but not wide enough to support a species status for them. Parasites from the Slovakian type population of G. thymalli were not available, so this result does not mean that G. salaris and G. thymalli are synonyms. It is suggested that the plesiomorphic host of the parasite cluster was grayling, and the switch to salmon occurred at least once when the continental ice isolated Baltic salmon in an eastern freshwater refugium, 130,000 years ago. At the same time, parasites on grayling were split geographically and isolated into several allopatric refugia. The divergence among the parasite clades allowed a tentative calibration of the evolutionary rate, leading to an estimate of the divergence of 13.7-20.3% per million years for COI coding mtDNA. The results supported the hypothesis that parallel to the allopatric mode, host switch and instant isolation by host specificity can be operated as a speciation mechanism.  相似文献   

Ecology and speciation in African Blackflies (Diptera:Simuliidae)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The simuliid fauna of the Ethiopian region is notably isolated, only two of its species occurring elsewhere; the region has 124 described species, and others still undescribed. Simuliid larvae and pupae are adapted to attachment in moving water; adult females may disperse over considerable distances. This paper considers three examples of evident speciation in an ecological context:(1) speciation on afromontane 'islands' (2) the Simulium naevei group and the adaptive significance of the association between the early stages and freshwater crabs; (3) the S. damnosum complex, which includes the widespread vectors of human onchocerciasis. Maps show the distribution of species in these three groups.  相似文献   

Present-day white sand areas in South America are thought to be relictual areas of earlier, widespread habitats now covered by more recent sediments mainly from the Andean orogeny. These ancient, nutrient-poor areas have been suggested to be possible ancestral regions for neotropical plant diversity. Members of the genus Potalia of the Gentianaceae grow in the New World tropics from Costa Rica in the north to southern Bolivia. Until recently, only one Potalia species was accepted, but a new revision identifies eight others. Three species are endemic to lowland, white sand areas in the Amazon and Orinoco basins and share morphological characteristics with Anthocleista, the African – Malagasy sister group to Potalia. To resolve phylogenetic and biogeographic patterns in Potalia, morphological characters and sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and the 5S non-transcribed spacer (5S-NTS) of the ribosomal nuclear DNA were collected and used for phylogenetic reconstruction using Bayesian and parsimony-based methods. Potalia species restricted to ancient, nutrient-poor white sand areas of the Amazon Basin and Guayana Shield were placed basal to other Potalia taxa from finer, lateritic, and younger soils, further suggesting that lowland white sand areas may be ancestral seats of neotropical diversity.  相似文献   

Studies of speciation in the marine environment have historically compared broad-scale distributions and estimated larval dispersal potential to infer the geographic barriers responsible for allopatric speciation. However, many marine clades show high species diversity in geographically restricted areas where barriers are not obvious and estimated dispersal potential should bring many sister taxa into contact. Genetic differentiation at small (separation < 1000 km) spatial scales could facilitate speciation by mechanisms other than the gradual accumulation of reproductive isolation during extended allopatry, such as ecological adaptation to local environmental conditions or the rapid evolution of genes tied to mate recognition, but the role of each of these possibilities has not been simultaneously explored for any species-rich marine taxon. Here, we develop a robust phylogenetic framework for 31 taxa from a species-rich group of Neotropical reef fishes (Gobiidae: Elacatinus) using 3230 bp from one mitochondrial and two nuclear gene regions. We use this framework to explore the contribution of large- and small-scale geographic isolation, ecological differentiation, and coloration toward the formation and maintenance of species. Although species of Elacatinus occur on both sides of the Isthmus of Panama, no sister species are separated by this barrier. Instead, our results indicate that sister taxa occur within oceans. Sister taxa usually differ by coloration, and more distantly related sympatric species frequently differ by resource use. This suggests that some combination of coloration and ecological differences may facilitate assortative mating at range boundaries or in sympatry. Overall, speciation in Elacatinus is consistent with a model of recurring adaptive radiations in stages taking place at small geographic scales.  相似文献   

Islands have long-attracted scientists because of their relatively simple biotas and stark geographic boundaries. However, for many islands and archipelagos, this simplicity may be overstated because of methodological and conceptual limitations when these biotas were described. One archipelago that has received relatively little recent attention is the Philippine islands. Although much of its biota was documented long ago, taxonomic revision and evolutionary study has been surprisingly scarce, and only a few molecular phylogenetic studies are beginning to appear. We present a molecular phylogeny and taxonomic revision for the Philippine fantails (Aves: Rhipidura) using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences. Our results suggest that current taxonomy underestimates diversity in the group. Some morphologically distinct subspecies warrant species status, whereas one was indistinguishable genetically and morphologically and should not be retained. A few taxa require additional sampling for thorough taxonomic assessment. Patterns of diversity within Philippine Rhipidura mostly corroborate predictions of the Pleistocene aggregate island complex (PAIC) hypothesis, in which diversity is expected to be partitioned by deep water channels separating Pleistocene aggregate islands rather than by current islands. Substantial structure within PAIC clades indicates that additional drivers of diversification should be considered.  相似文献   

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