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The driving force behind the improvement in the quality of life, the rising standard of living, improving health, and increasing longevity, is a process called ''technophysio evolution'', which began about 300 years ago, accelerated during the twentieth century, and is still in progress. Increased spending on health care and on pensions is an appropriate concomitant of technophysio evolution, and should be welcomed. Only wasteful medical services should be restricted. The resources available now and in the future can provide increasingly long and healthy lives of relative luxury for all. However, methods of financing health care and retirement need to be modernized. In the future, luxury will be defined increasingly in terms of spiritual rather than material resources. The test of well-being in the future for both young and old will be measured increasingly in terms of the quality of health and the opportunity for self-realization.  相似文献   

Biological Invasions - Despite the high global invasion profile of Gambusia holbrooki, there is limited knowledge of its population dynamics, especially biological parameters for fine-scale...  相似文献   

Mitochondria represent both a major source for reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and a target for oxidative macromolecular damage. Increased production of ROS and accumulation of oxidized proteins have been associated with cellular ageing. Protein quality control, also referred as protein maintenance, is very important for the elimination of oxidized proteins through degradation and repair. Chaperone proteins have been implicated in refolding of misfolded proteins while oxidized protein repair is limited to the catalyzed reduction of certain oxidation products of the sulfur-containing amino acids, cysteine and methionine, by specific enzymatic systems. In the mitochondria, oxidation of methionine residues within proteins can be catalytically reversed by the methionine sulfoxide reductases, an ubiquitous enzymatic system that has been implicated both in ageing and protection against oxidative stress. Irreversibly oxidized proteins are targeted to degradation by mitochondrial matrix proteolytic systems such as the Lon protease. The ATP-stimulated Lon protease is believed to play a crucial role in the degradation of oxidized proteins within the mitochondria and age-related declines in the activity and/or expression of this proteolytic system have been previously reported. Age-related impairment of mitochondrial protein maintenance may therefore contribute to the age-associated build-up of oxidized proteins and impairment of mitochondrial redox homeostasis.  相似文献   

Micronuclei and ageing in a sample of Yugoslavian population   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: Instability in the organization and expression of the genetic material has been hypothesized as the basic mechanism of ageing. Aim of this study was to quantify the effect of ageing on spontaneous micronuclei (MN) frequency in peripheral blood lymphocytes. METHOD: Analysis of Yugoslavian population sample (164 tested individuals, age 0-62 years) has performed by application of cytokinesis-block technique (CB). RESULTS: There was an increase of MN frequency with age, from newborns to 40-year-old persons. The total average of MN frequency per 1000 analyzed binuclear cells amounts to 8.03 +/- 0.42, with variation from 0 to 26 MNs. In a sample of 29 newborns the recorded average MN frequency was 6.91 +/- 0.81, while among 69 persons 25-39 years old, the MN frequency was 9.16 +/- 1.00. The lowest average MN frequency, however, was noted in the sample of 34 tested individuals 40 to 62 years of age. CONCLUSION: An increase with age in MN frequency has been observed in samples of studied individuals from newborns to 40-year-old persons. A decrease of MN frequency in older groups could be explained by a gradual decrease of proliferative cell capacities.  相似文献   

A broad biological approach makes it possible to understand why ageing exists and also why different mammalian species have very different maximum longevities. The adult organism is maintained in a functional state by at least ten major mechanisms, which together comprise a substantial proportion of all biological processes. These maintenance mechanisms eventually fail, because the evolved physiological and anatomical design of higher animals is incompatible with continual survival. The lifespan of each mammalian species depends on the efficiency of maintenance of their cells, tissues and organisms, and there is much evidence that such maintenance is more effective in long-lived species, such as man, than in short-lived small mammals. It is also evident that there is an inverse relationship between reproductive potential and longevity, which would be expected if total metabolic resources are shared between investment in reproduction, and investment in the preservation of the adult body. It is proposed that the eventual failure of maintenance leads to the pathological changes seen in age-associated disease. Although we now have a biological understanding of the ageing process, much future research will be needed to uncover the cellular and molecular changes which give rise to age-associated diseases. The major aim of such research is to devise procedures to delay or prevent the onset of these diseases.  相似文献   

Ageing is characterized by a gradual decline in organ functional reserves which reduces the ability to maintain homeostasis under conditions of stress. Introduction of cell culture and molecular biology techniques has provided new experimental tools for the analysis of ageing at the molecular level. During ageing progressive degeneration of cells and loss of regenerative capacity are enhanced and with time the alterations caused by them ultimately lead to death. In this paper the current knowledge of the mechanisms of ageing is summarized.  相似文献   

Ageing is a challenge for any living organism and human longevity is a complex phenotype. With increasing life expectancy, maintaining long-term health, functionality and well-being during ageing has become an essential goal. To increase our understanding of how ageing works, it may be advantageous to analyze the phenotype of centenarians, perhaps one of the best examples of successful ageing. Healthy ageing involves the interaction between genes, the environment, and lifestyle factors, particularly diet. Besides evaluating specific gene-environment interactions in relation to exceptional longevity, it is important to focus attention on modifiable lifestyle factors such as diet and nutrition to achieve extension of health span. Furthermore, a better understanding of human longevity may assist in the design of strategies to extend the duration of optimal human health. In this article we briefly discuss relevant topics on ageing and longevity with particular focus on dietary patterns of centenarians and nutrient-sensing pathways that have a pivotal role in the regulation of life span. Finally, we also discuss the potential role of Nrf2 system in the pro-ageing signaling emphasizing its phytohormetic activation.  相似文献   

Chromosome analysis using G-banding was carried out on cells from 65 males and 102 females of all ages from a random sample of the population. The frequency of aneuploid cells showed a significant increase with age in both sexes, and in females the increase in hypodiploidy and hyperdiploidy was more marked than in males, and involved a high proportion of cells that had lost or gained an X chromosome, 45,X cells being much more common than 47,XXX cells. In females, the occurrence of a "fragment" of an X chromosome also correlated with increasing age, and this "fragment" appears to be an X chromosome that has simply divided prematurely at the centromere. The effects of time in culture and of repeating cultures of blood samples from the same individual on proportions of abnormal cells of various types were also investigated, and the results are discussed in the light of findings from several other "ageing surveys".  相似文献   

A major societal challenge is to improve quality of life and prevent or reduce disability and dependency in an ageing population. Increasing age is associated with increasing risk of disability and loss of independence, due to functional impairments such as loss of mobility, hearing and vision; a major issue must be how far disability can be prevented. Ageing is associated with loss of bone tissue, reduction in muscle mass, reduced respiratory function, decline in cognitive function, rise in blood pressure and macular degeneration which predispose to disabling conditions such as osteoporosis, heart disease, dementia and blindness. However, there are considerable variations in different communities in terms of the rate of age-related decline. Large geographic and secular variations in the age-adjusted incidence of major chronic diseases such as stroke, hip fracture, coronary heart disease, cancer, visual loss from cataract, glaucoma and macular degeneration suggest strong environmental determinants in diet, physical activity and smoking habit. The evidence suggests that a substantial proportion of chronic disabling conditions associated with ageing are preventable, or at least postponable and not an inevitable accompaniment of growing old. Postponement or prevention of these conditions may not only increase longevity, but, more importantly, reduce the period of illnesses such that the majority of older persons may live high-quality lives, free of disability, until very shortly before death. We need to understand better the factors influencing the onset of age-related disability in the population, so that we have appropriate strategies to maintain optimal health in an ageing population.  相似文献   

The issue of housing and the wider environment for an ageing population is one where there are many unanswered questions. In this paper a number of key issues are discussed and for each of these the focus is on three aspects. These are the current situation, its reasonableness and what research is needed in order to make decisions about policy and practice. The first three issues relate to the profile of older people themselves and the importance of home to them. The changing profile of older people is not just about an ageing population but also about the growing prominence of those with dementia, women, people from black and ethnic minority groups and one person households, yet little is known about the type of housing which should be provided. Of equal concern is the widening gap between those with a high standard of living (including housing) and those with a low standard of living. The importance of home to older people means that research must focus on how people can be enabled to remain there, and also on the costs, financial and otherwise, to carers and to society. The next three issues relate to the type of housing older people live in and moves in later life. The startling change in the tenure pattern with a growth of owner occupation brings problems as does the decline in social housing. The advantages and disadvantages of the different types of housing--mainstream and specialized--for older people are relatively well known. However the balance between the two needs more research as does that on retirement communities. While it is well known that there are peaks of migration in old age and that moves are often made in haste, little is known about the process of decision making. The final two topics concern links between housing and other aspects of older people''s lives. On health more research is needed on temperature, mortality and morbidity, homelessness and accidents and especially on links between services. These topics have implications for planning and design. The emphasis should be on a multidisciplinary approach using a variety of quantitative and qualitative techniques with an emphasis on dissemination.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine the prevalence of visual disability and common eye disease among elderly people in inner London. DESIGN--Cross sectional random sample survey. SETTING--Inner London health centre. SUBJECTS--Random sample of people aged 65 and over taken from practice''s computerised age-sex register. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Presenting binocular Snellen 6 m distance acuity and best monocular 3 m Sonksen-Silver acuity to classify prevalence of blindness by World Health Organisation criteria (less than 3/60 in better eye) and American criteria for legal blindness (better eye equal to 6/60 or less) and of low vision by WHO criteria (best acuity 6/18) and visual impairment by American criteria (less than 6/12 or 20/40 but greater than 6/60 or 20/200 in better eye). Principal cause of visual loss by diagnosis, referral indication by cause to hospital eye service, and proportion of cases known to primary care. RESULTS--207 of 288 (72%) eligible people were examined. 17 (8%) housebound subjects were examined at home. The prevalence of blindness was 1% by WHO criteria and 3.9% by American criteria. The prevalence of low vision (WHO criteria) was 7.7%. The prevalence of visual impairment (American criteria) was 10.6%. Cataract accounted for 75% of cases of low vision. Only eight out of 16 patients with low vision were known by their general practitioner to have an eye problem. 56 subjects (27%) would probably have benefited from refraction. Comparisons with studies in the United States and Finland suggested higher rates in this sample, mainly due to the prevalence of disabling cataract. CONCLUSION--There seems to be a considerable amount of undetected ocular disease in elderly people in the community.  相似文献   

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