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Kin selection theory predicts conflict in social Hymenoptera between the queen and workers over male parentage because each party is more closely related to its own male offspring. Some aspects of the reproductive biology of the bumble-bee Bombus terrestris support kin selection theory but others arguably do not. We present a novel hypothesis for how conflict over male parentage should unfold in B. terrestris colonies. We propose that workers delay laying eggs until they possess information showing that egg laying suits their kin-selected interests. In colonies where queens start to lay haploid eggs early, we hypothesize that this occurs when workers detect the presence of queen-produced male brood in the brood's larval stage. In colonies where queens start to lay haploid eggs late, we hypothesize that it occurs when workers detect a signal from the queen to female larvae to commence development as queens. Our hypothesis accounts for previously unexplained aspects of the timing of reproductive events in B. terrestris, provides ultimate explanations for the results of a recent study of mechanisms underlying queen-worker conflict and helps explain this species' characteristic bimodal (split) sex ratios. Therefore, kin selection theory potentially provides a good explanation for reproductive patterns in B. terrestris.  相似文献   

Sex allocation in social insects has become a general modelin tests of inclusive fitness theory, sex-ratio theory, andparent-offspring conflict. Several studies have shown that colonysex ratios are often bimodally distributed, with some coloniesproducing mainly females and others mainly males. Sex specializationmay result from workers assessing their relatedness to malebrood versus female brood, relative to the average worker-relatednessasymmetry in other colonies of their population. Workers thenadjust the sex ratio in their own interest This hypothesis assumesthat workers can recognize the sex of the brood in their colonyand selectively eliminate males. We compared the primary sexratio (at the egg stage) and secondary sex ratio (reproductivepupae and adults) of colonies in the ant Pheidole pallidula.There was a strong bimodal distribution of secondary sex ratios,with most colonies producing mainly reproductives of one sex.In contrast, there was no evidence of a bimodal distributionof primary sex ratios. The proportion of haploid eggs producedby queens was 0.35 in early spring and decreased to about 0.1in summer. Male eggs also were present in virtually all fieldcolonies sampled in July, although eggs laid at this time ofyear never give rise to males. All male brood is, therefore,selectively eliminated beginning in July and continue to beeliminated through the rest of the year. Finally, the populationsex-ratio investment was female-biased. Together, these resultsare consistent with the hypothesis that workers control thesecondary sex ratio by selectively eliminating male brood inabout half the colonies, perhaps those with high relatednessasymmetry.[Behav Ecol 7: 292–298 (1996)]  相似文献   

Queen, worker, and male production was studied for 1 year in three queenright colonies of Tetragonisca angustula (Latreille). We sampled brood combs monthly and noticed that the number of brood cells and production of individuals were similar among colonies. Although the production of queens did not vary significantly, the frequencies of workers, males, and the number of cells among the combs varied over time. The production of males was highly seasonal, occurring mostly from February to April, coinciding with the period of intense brood cells production, when colonies produced more males and less workers, resulting in a negative correlation. Although the frequency of queens has not varied in time, the seasonal availability of males affected the mating frequency and the time spent since emergence until fertilization of queens. In the T. angustula colonies studied, the population dynamics was highly seasonal and the mating success depended of male production, according to the season.  相似文献   

Summary: The reproductive cycle of thelytokous colonies of Cerapachys biroi was investigated in laboratory conditions. It included several stages, the duration of which was assessed by direct observation on experimental nests set up by fission of natural, queenless, colonies. The results show that two phases of adult activity alternated while cohorts of brood developed synchronously. During the statary phase, virgin workers laid diploid eggs simultaneously but no foraging activity was observed until the following phase which began after the callow workers of the previous brood cohort emerged and the eggs hatched. During this foraging phase, workers explored intensively for food while larvae matured synchronously. Biometrical measures allowed to determine that three larval instars occurred in this species. While larvae started pupation, workers stopped to forage and the next statary phase took place, during which a new cohort of eggs was laid and pupae matured. This repeated phasic reproductive cycle where adult activity and development of the brood are synchronised reminds that of true army ants (subfamily Ecitoninae), which brings new arguments in favour of a filiation between both groups.  相似文献   

Summary Male and female burying beetles (Nicrophorus orbicollis) bury and preserve small carcasses which become food for their young. Typically, females remain with the brood until after larval development is complete, but males leave about 3 days after larvae hatch. In the absence of competitors, the effect of male presence throughout larval development is to reduce the size and weight of the brood on small carcasses, but not on larger ones. However, male assistance greatly reduces the probability that a conspecific competitor will usurp the carcass and kill the brood. A dynamic optimization model of the duration of paternal care is developed and the daily probabilities of discovery by conspecific competitors and of finding a new reproductive opportunity are varied. The model predicts that the duration of care should not be very sensitive to either the intensity of competition or the probability of finding another carcass. For a given probability of discovery by an intruder, the probability of finding a new carcass affects the duration of care in a stepwise fashion such that males should either provide no care or remain 10 days on large carcasses and 9 days on small ones (3 days after larvae hatch, in each case). The model also suggests that by providing an average of 9.5 days of care in nature, males act as if there is a negligible chance of having another brood, i.e. they are maximizing their reproductive success with their current brood.  相似文献   

Abstract In colonies of the pharaoh's ant Monomorium pharaonis (L), new males and queens can be produced at any time by the removal of the inhibitory effect of the presence of existing fertile queens. When queens are absent, workers rear sexual larvae and will also accept sexual larvae introduced from other nests. However, in the presence of fertile queens workers cannibalize sexual brood, and will not accept male or queen larvae or pre-pupae from other nests, although worker brood is always accepted and reared. Worker larvae are covered in bifurcated hairs, whereas sexual larvae are essentially hairless. Workers may use these morphological cues to distinguish between sexual and worker brood stages.  相似文献   

The mating strategy of Halicarcinus cookii was investigated to ascertain how males maximised their fitness through mate choice. An intertidal population at Kaikoura, New Zealand, was dominated by mature crabs of both sexes in summer and by immature crabs in the colder months. More than 95% of mature females were ovigerous with early stage and late stage broods found in almost every month, indicating that egg production and larval release is continuous. The operational sex ratio was less than 1 male/female in summer, but often more than 1.0 in the colder months. The gonosomatic index increased along with brood development so that as soon as zoeae were released, the next clutch of eggs was ready to be fertilised. Males searched for receptive females and began pre-copulatory mate guarding without any courtship display. They mated preferentially with late stage or non-ovigerous females: copulation duration was longest for stage 5 females as was post-copulatory guarding (mean 18.3 h). Late stage females were up to 14% of the female population. Mate attraction seems to be the result of an ovarian signal rather than from the developing brood. Manipulation of the sex ratio had effects upon copulation duration and post-copulatory guarding: presence of a rival male increased duration of guarding. Females showed precocious mating in the penultimate instar and were able to lay fertilised eggs after their pubertal moult in the absence of males. H. cookii females have many mates, but males attempt to ensure paternity by preferentially pursuing mature females close to egg laying and by guarding these females after copulation. These behaviours are all elements of a competitive strategy to ensure that a male loses (not wins) the race to copulate because females have a ventral seminal receptacle, giving sperm precedence to the last male to mate. Male mating behaviour is a consequence and evolutionary response to female morphology.  相似文献   

Energy dynamics within incipient colonies of the southern African mound dwelling harvester termite Trinervitermes trinervoides (Sj?stedt) (Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae) were investigated. Development of incipient colonies established from field collected alates and changes in energy content of reproductives and brood were studied over a 25 week period in the laboratory. Colonies were then transferred into the field to study the established of the first mound. An initial four-week egg-laying cycle started within a week of pairing. Hatching occurred six weeks later. Two lines emerged from first instar undifferentiated larvae. Small larvae moulted first into minor presoldiers and then minor soldiers. Large larvae developed into major workers. Foraging began once second instar major workers had differentiated 20 weeks after colony foundation. First instar major workers did not forage but there is evidence of pre-foraging utilisation of soil humus. The epigeous mound was produced after three years. The energy available to maintain incipient termite colonies until the first workers start foraging is crucial to their survival. The royal pair of T. trinervoides does not feed during the rearing of the first brood, the fate of which depends largely on the reproductives accumulated energy reserves. The males and females expended 84.54 and 83.07% respectively of their total energy during this period. Once foraging started, the energy content of the royal pair increased and a second egg-laying cycle began. Received 25 July 2007; revised 19 March and 22 May 2008; accepted 4 September 2008.  相似文献   

Summary Exoneura bicolor is a univoltine allodapine bee common in montane forests of southern Australia, where it exhibits a semisocial/quasisocial colony organization. Within-nest behaviour in postemergence autumn nests ofExoneura bicolor was recorded with the aim of studying behavioural specialization in pre-reproductive colonies. Ten complete colonies were transferred to purpose-built observation nests shortly before brood eclosion in late summer. Behaviour within observation nests was recorded for periods of up to 44 days after establishment, covering a period when colonies are preparing for overwintering. Dispersal of females and brood rearing do not occur at this time, although some females may become inseminated. Analyses of data using multivariate techniques indicated four distinguishable behavioural castes, designated here as Guards, Nest Absenters, Nest Modifiers and Non-recruits. This represents a higher degree of behavioural specialization than recorded to date for other allodapines. Behaviours performed by Guards and Nest Absenters are likely to involve considerable risks, but benefit the colony as a whole, so that some nestmates in prereproductive colonies exhibit altruism that frequently aids adult siblings or cousins. The males in our study were fed by females via trophallaxis and two of the males participated in nest maintenance tasks. Our results suggest that autumn colonies ofE. bicolor form well-integrated behavioural units even though brood rearing does not commence until the following spring.  相似文献   

Mated queens of the antLinepithema humile (Iridomyrmex humilis Mayr) introduced into dequeened colony fragments rearing sexual brood elicited worker aggression resulting in queen larvae being bitten and eliminated. By contrast, male larvae were spared. Regarding queen brood, killing mainly concerned small and medium sized larvae. A large proportion of the large larvae escaped extermination, and prepupae and pupae were spared. These data suggest that workers were able to discriminate sex, caste and age of the brood. That a queen pheromone may be involved was shown by experiments using whole or cut corpses that were either rinsed or not rinsed in pentane. The pheromone eliciting worker aggressive behaviour was shown to act over a short distance, suggesting that it is somewhat volatile. Similarities and differences between this new queen pheromone and other known queen pheromones acting on queen production or worker attraction are discussed as well as the origin of the signals underlying the recognition of the larval classes.  相似文献   

Colonies ofBelonogaster petiolata in Gauteng (South Africa) produced reproductive offspring (gynes and males) in late January and early February of each nesting season; their appearance was associated with a decline in worker and brood numbers. Brood decline could commence in the presence of a dominant, reproductively active queen, and loss or removal of the queen was not followed directly by cessation of nest growth and brood care. An older worker usually took over the α-position in queenless colonies. Several factors appear to contribute to brood decline and, ultimately, termination of the colony cycle in this species. These include (1) cessation of the supply of solid food to colonies (and particularly their larvae) during the reproductive phase, (2) a decrease in the worker/larva ratio during the latter phase due to the progressive loss of workers, (3) increasing number of gynes and males, and (4) an adult priority over food reception from foragers.  相似文献   

Queen-worker conflicts in social insect societies have received much attention in the past decade. In many species workers modify the colony sex ratio to their own advantage or produce their own male offspring. In some other species, however, queens seem to be able to prevent workers from making selfish reproductive decisions. So far, little effort has been made to find out how queens may keep control over sex ratio and male parentage. In this study we use a Lasius niger population under apparent queen control to show that sexual deception cannot explain queen dominance in this population. The sexual deception hypothesis postulates that queens should prevent workers from discriminating against males by disguising male brood as females. Contrary to the predictions of this hypothesis, we found that workers are able to distinguish male and female larvae early in their development: in early spring workers generally placed only either female or male larvae in the uppermost chambers of the nest, although both types of larvae must have been present. At this time males were only at 11% of their final dry weight, a developmental stage at which (according to two models) workers would still have benefited from replacing queen-produced males by females or worker-produced males. This study thus demonstrates that sexual deception cannot account for the apparent queen control over colony sex ratio and male parentage in L. niger.  相似文献   

Summary: This work investigated Augochloropsis iris, its annual colony cycle, brood size and survival rate, caste differentiation, and sex ratio, and is the first detailed account of a clearly eusocial species of this genus. The population studied is located in the Campos do Jordão State Park, São Paulo, Brazil. The annual colony cycle extends from August to March and consists of three phases of cell provisioning separated by two phases of inactivity, and followed by an emergence of future queens and males. Provisioning during the first phase is carried primarily out by solitary females. The daughters, after emerging from the cells, remain in the natal nests, carrying out foraging activities, while the mother engages in reproduction. New nests are initiated during each of the provisioning phases by solitary females, principally by females from the second-phase brood which, soon after emerging from the cells, leave their natal nests to found their own nests, which they provision during the third phase. The females resulting from the third-phase brood in general mate and excavate their own nests, in which they diapause, with provisioning delayed until the following August. On average, the queens are significantly larger (5%) than the workers. In general, the workers do not have developed ovaries, but all are mated. Kin selection can be accepted as the selective force responsible for worker behavior of A. iris in eusocial colonies when the queen has mated once and semisocial colonies if the queen mated only once. The percentage of males produced in the first, second and third broods and in the brood of new nests founded by solitary females active in the second and third phases was: 20.7%, 22.2%, 13.3% and 0.0% respectively. The resultant sex ratio of the third brood suggests that the third-phase workers of eusocial nests are at least in partial control of their colony's sex ratios, in cases where the queens mated only once.  相似文献   

Kin selection theory predicts potential conflict between queen and workers over male parentage in hymenopteran societies headed by one, singly mated queen, because each party is more closely related to its own male offspring. In ‘late-switching’ colonies of the bumblebee Bombus terrestris, i.e. colonies whose queens lay haploid eggs relatively late in the colony cycle, workers start to lay male eggs shortly after the queen lays the female eggs that will develop into new queens. It has been hypothesized that this occurs because workers recognize, via a signal given by the queen instructing female larvae to commence development as queens, that egg laying is now in their kin-selected interest. This hypothesis assumes that aggressive behaviour in egg-laying workers does not substantially reduce the production of new queens, which would decrease the workers' fitness payoff from producing males. We tested the hypothesis that reproductive activity inB. terrestris workers does not reduce the production of new queens. We used microsatellite genotyping to sex eggs and hence to select eight size-matched pairs of ‘late-switching’ colonies from a set of commercial colonies. From one colony of each pair we removed every egg-laying or aggressive worker observed. From the other colony, we simultaneously removed a nonegg-laying, nonaggressive worker. Removed workers were replaced with young workers from separate colonies at equal frequencies within the pair. There was no significant difference in queen productivity between colonies with reduced or normal levels of egg-laying or aggressive workers. Therefore, as predicted, reproductive B. terrestris workers did not significantly reduce the production of new queens.  相似文献   

Social organisms are constantly exposed to infectious agents via physical contact with conspecifics. While previous work has shown that disease susceptibility at the individual and group level is influenced by genetic diversity within and between group members, it remains poorly understood how group-level resistance to pathogens relates directly to individual physiology, defence behaviour and social interactions. We investigated the effects of high versus low genetic diversity on both the individual and collective disease defences in the ant Cardiocondyla obscurior. We compared the antiseptic behaviours (grooming and hygienic behaviour) of workers from genetically homogeneous and diverse colonies after exposure of their brood to the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae. While workers from diverse colonies performed intensive allogrooming and quickly removed larvae covered with live fungal spores from the nest, workers from homogeneous colonies only removed sick larvae late after infection. This difference was not caused by a reduced repertoire of antiseptic behaviours or a generally decreased brood care activity in ants from homogeneous colonies. Our data instead suggest that reduced genetic diversity compromises the ability of Cardiocondyla colonies to quickly detect or react to the presence of pathogenic fungal spores before an infection is established, thereby affecting the dynamics of social immunity in the colony.  相似文献   

Split-sex-ratio theory assumes that conflict over whether to produce predominately males or female reproductives (gynes) is won by the workers in haplodiploid insect societies and the outcome is determined by colony kin structure. Tests of the theory have the potential to provide support for kin-selection theory and evidence of social conflict. We use natural variation in kinship among polygynous (multiple-queen) colonies of the ant Formica exsecta to study the associations between sex ratios and the relatedness of workers to female versus male brood (relatedness asymmetry). The population showed split sex ratios with about 89% of the colonies producing only males, resulting in an extremely male-biased investment ratio in the population. We make two important points with our data. First, we show that queen number may affect sex ratio independently of relatedness asymmetry. Colonies producing only males had greater genetic effective queen number but did not have greater relatedness asymmetry from the perspective of the adult workers that rear the brood. This lack of a difference in relatedness asymmetry between colonies producing females and those producing only males was associated with a generally low relatedness between workers and brood. Second, studies that suggest support for the relatedness-asymmetry hypothesis based on indirect measures of relatedness asymmetry (e.g. queen number estimated from relatedness data taken from the brood only) should be considered with caution. We propose a new hypothesis that explains split sex ratios in polygynous social insects based on the value of producing replacement queens.  相似文献   

In the present study on the bumblebee Bombus terrestris, we investigated the influence of inbreeding on queen fitness by comparing diapause survival and egg-laying success of queens mated with nestmate and non-nestmate males. We then compared the early stage of colonies with or without diploid males and analysed colony characteristics to identify a factor predictive of colony outcome. Diapause survival was no different between queens mated with nestmates and non-nestmates, but in the latter case, egg-laying success was significantly higher. Queens mated with nestmates gave rise to a percentage of diploid male colonies (52.6%) compatible with brother–sister coupling. We obtained 18.6% of colonies with diploid males even from queens mated with non-nestmates, indicating that the colonies of origin were in some way related or homozygous at the sex determination loci. There was no difference in the early growth stage between colonies with or without diploid males, except in the number of workers emerging in the first brood, which was significantly higher in the latter. Among diploid male colonies, the number of workers and the male/worker ratio in the first brood was highly variable and was not a good predictor of subsequent colony growth. Out of 49 colonies with diploid males that reached full development, only 11 had a sufficient size to assume that they could survive in the field or, in a commercial breeding, to be suitable for pollination purposes.  相似文献   

Insect societies are paramount examples of cooperation, yet they also harbor internal conflicts whose resolution depends on the power of the opponents. The male-haploid, female-diploid sex-determining system of ants causes workers to be more related to sisters than to brothers, whereas queens are equally related to daughters and sons. Workers should thus allocate more resources to females than to males, while queens should favor an equal investment in each sex. Female-biased sex allocation and manipulation of the sex ratio during brood development suggest that workers prevail in many ant species. Here, we show that queens of Formica selysi strongly influenced colony sex allocation by biasing the sex ratio of their eggs. Most colonies specialized in the production of a single sex. Queens in female-specialist colonies laid a high proportion of diploid eggs, whereas queens in male-specialist colonies laid almost exclusively haploid eggs, which constrains worker manipulation. However, the change in sex ratio between the egg and pupae stages suggests that workers eliminated some male brood, and the population sex-investment ratio was between the queens' and workers' equilibria. Altogether, these data provide evidence for an ongoing conflict between queens and workers, with a prominent influence of queens as a result of their control of egg sex ratio.  相似文献   

Burying beetles, Nicrophorus orbicollis, have facultative biparental care. They bury and prepare small vertebrate carcasses that provide food for their young. Here we establish the juvenile hormone (JH) profiles of paired females, paired males and single males and investigate some of the environmental and social factors that may affect these profiles. Before larvae hatch JH profiles of paired males and females were similar. However, after larvae hatch and during brood care, JH titers of females were very high and those of single males were significantly higher than those of paired males. We tested the hypothesis that higher JH was a response to the need for increased parental care by manipulating brood size. Although JH titers of single males caring for small versus large broods were not significantly different, when comparing JH titers and larval growth (a measure of parental effort), a significant positive correlation emerged. In contrast, we found that food quality had no effect on JH levels suggesting that increased feeding by males and females after carcass discovery cannot explain the elevation of JH. The regulation of JH in male burying beetles appears thus to be dependent on the presence of a mate and on critical stimuli from young.  相似文献   

Sex-ratio studies have played a prominent role in tests of kin selection theory in the eusocial Hymenoptera. The winner in sex-ratio conflict between queens and workers must control the ratio through proximate mechanisms. To determine how a colony adjusts its sex ratio, the mechanism of sex-ratio determination was analyzed in the field in colonies of the ant Camponotus (Colobopsis) nipponicus. A path model including five colony characteristics showed that the resource availability of the colony (quantified as the amount of stored fat in the bodies of the workers) has a large positive effect on the proportion of new queens in the female larvae, but has little effect on male production. The results indicated that a colony adjusts the sex ratio by altering the proportion of new queens obtained from a diploid brood in response to resource availability rather than by eliminating male larvae.  相似文献   

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