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1. Small mammal populations were studied in montane evergreen forests in the Nilgiris, southern India, using live-trapping from January 1994 to September 1996. Two sites were selected, one with a single large forest patch and adjoining plantations, and the other with several small forest patches separated by grassland.
2. Nine species were recorded, of which eight were trapped in the forest patches, two in the grasslands and five in plantations. Rattus rattus was the most abundant species (2–36 individuals ha−1) followed by Suncus montanus (0–11 individuals ha−1). Densities of seven other species recorded were very low.
3. Synchrony in various population variables – density, biomass, mean weight, density of adults and adult females, and proportion of adults, adult females and sub-adults – was examined for Rattus rattus populations in the forest patches and plantations. Density and biomass were studied in seven other species recorded at these sites. Spearman's rank order correlation was used as a measure of synchrony between the population variables.
4. Within-site synchrony was higher than between-site synchrony in population characters. Synchrony was also higher between plots within the unfragmented site than they were between plots in the fragmented site. Relatively high synchrony in proportions of adults, adult females and juveniles in the forest patches implied that breeding is probably influenced by climate and food availability, which are seasonal in this habitat.
5. Given the small patch sizes (≈1–10 ha) and low population sizes, asynchrony is likely to be an outcome of demographic and environmental stochasticity, and low dispersal rates may impede establishment of synchrony.  相似文献   

Individual competitiveness conditions access to resources when they are limited. Immature individuals that are less skilled than adults have to adapt their foraging strategies to survive. Among strategies to reduce competition, spatial segregation has been widely demonstrated. However, the use of spatial segregation by immatures to limit intra‐specific competition with adults has rarely been tested. In this study, we investigated and compared habitat preferences and distributions of free‐ranging immature and breeding adult northern gannets Morus bassanus in order to determine whether they compete for similar habitats during the year, and if this results in a spatial segregation between birds of different age groups. Based on > 66 000 km of aerial surveys conducted in the North‐East Atlantic Ocean during winter and summer 2012, habitats selected by immatures and adult birds were modelled independently, linking gannet density to a set of oceanographic and physiographic predictors. Their large‐scale seasonal distribution was then predicted. We found that gannets displayed a strong season‐dependent competition between immatures and adults, as a consequence of immatures and adults using similar habitats in both summer and winter. During summer, when adults are constrained by reproduction, both groups were spatially highly segregated despite similar habitat preferences (thermal fronts), with youngest individuals selecting habitats out of range of central‐place foragers, highlighting intra‐specific competition. Contrastingly during winter, when reproductive constraints disappear, immature and adult distributions largely overlapped. Our study provides new insights into the role played by age, foraging experience and reproductive constraints on the distribution of marine predators. More specifically, these results highlight in seabirds how the youngest fraction mitigates, through spatial segregation, the competition with experienced adults, and suggest a progressive strategy along the maturation process.  相似文献   

Interspecific competition is assumed to play an important role in the ecological differentiation of species and speciation. However, empirical evidence for competition's role in speciation remains surprisingly scarce. Here, we studied the role of interspecific competition in the ecological differentiation and speciation of two closely related songbird species, the Common Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos) and the Thrush Nightingale (Luscinia luscinia). Both species are insectivorous and ecologically very similar. They hybridize in a secondary contact zone, which is a mosaic of sites where both species co‐occur (syntopy) and sites where only one species is present (allotopy). We analysed fine‐scale habitat data for both species in both syntopic and allotopic sites and looked for associations between habitat use and bill morphology, which have been previously shown to be more divergent in sympatry than in allopatry. We found that the two nightingale species differ in habitat use in allotopic sites, where L. megarhynchos occurred in drier habitats and at slightly higher elevations, but not in syntopic sites. Birds from allotopic sites also showed higher interspecific divergence in relative bill size compared to birds from syntopic sites. Finally, we found an association between bill morphology and elevation. Our results are consistent with the view that interspecific competition in nightingales has resulted in partial habitat segregation in sympatry and that the habitat‐specific food supply has in turn very likely led to bill size divergence. Such ecological divergence may enhance prezygotic as well as extrinsic postzygotic isolation and thus accelerate the completion of the speciation process.  相似文献   

濒危植物七子花种内与种间竞争的数量关系   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
七子花为国家2 级重点保护植物, 现野生资源极少。利用Hegyi 单木竞争指数模型对分布在浙江天台山的七子花种群的种内、种间竞争关系进行定量分析。结果表明:七子花种内竞争强度随着林木径级的增大而逐渐减小, 种内竞争较之与其伴生树种间的竞争剧烈。七子花种内、种间竞争强度大小顺序为:种内 > 苦枥木 > 红脉钓樟 > 青钱柳 > 青榨槭 > 暖木 > 细齿绸李 > 柳杉 > 赤杨叶。竞争强度与对象木的胸径大小服从幂函数关系, 利用模型可预测七子花种内、种间的竞争强度, 从预测结果可知当七子花的胸径达到20 cm 后, 竞争强度变得很小, 且变化幅度不大。  相似文献   

Marra  Peter P. 《Behavioral ecology》2000,11(3):299-308
Several species of territorial migratory birds exhibit sexualhabitat segregation on their wintering grounds, with some habitatscontaining mostly males and others mostly females. The objectiveof this study was to determine if in the American redstart(Setophaga ruticilla) in Jamaica habitat segregation is dueto social mechanisms or due to sex-specific habitat specialization.I used habitat-specific patterns of arrival by young males and females, observations of territorial displacements, removalexperiments, and simulations of territorial intrusions to differentiatebetween these two mechanisms. Redstarts were studied in twohabitat types, a male-biased mangrove forest and a female-biasedscrub habitat. In autumn, male and female hatch-year redstartsinitially settled in equal numbers in each habitat, and segregationof the sexes occurred gradually and mostly later in the arrival period. This shift corresponded with an increase in densityof older birds and an increase in territorial displacements.Removal experiments showed that vacancies in male-biased habitatwere filled more rapidly and with greater frequency than thosein female-biased habitat and that vacated male territoriesin mangrove were replaced more often by females than by males. Simulations of territorial intrusions and analyses of body sizeindicated that levels of aggression and body size of both malesand females were greater in mangrove habitat, suggesting thatthese factors may be important in determining the outcomesof dominance interactions. I conclude that patterns of sexualhabitat segregation in redstarts are structured by the dominance behavior of older and more dominant individuals, and these aremostly males.  相似文献   

Deleterious alleles are constantly introduced into populations due to mutation. In subdivided populations, the impact of these mutations depends on the strength of selection as well as the softness of selection, that is, the extent to which fitness is governed by local rather than global competition. It is widely appreciated that the intensity and type of competition will affect selection on deleterious mutations but most empirical work has focused solely on the effects of competition on selection strength. However, competition has rarely been studied in the context of selection ‘softness’ even though competition is at the conceptual root of soft selection. All other things being equal, theory predicts that inter‐ and intraspecific competitions have opposing effects on the softness of selection. Using Drosophila melanogaster, we estimated the strength and softness of selection in a ‘baseline’ competitive environment as well as two additional competitive environments characterized by either additional intra‐ or interspecific competitors. We found that competitive environment had little effect on the average strength of selection. While the softness of selection was affected by the type of competition, the direction of change varied across tests of different genes, contrary to expectation. Although the ‘hard/soft’ selection paradigm implicitly assumes that all individuals are equally sensitive to the local competitive environment, we found this not to be the case. Wild‐type individuals were more sensitive to changes in the genetic quality of their local competitors than mutant individuals.  相似文献   

Fungi are essential components of all terrestrial ecosystems. Despite the crucial ecological role of soil fungi in grasslands, knowledge about fungal community diversity and structure in Mediterranean meadow habitats is still fragmentary. We analyzed macrofungal communities in three geographically distinct Mediterranean montane calcareous grasslands and surrounding forests, by means of fruit body surveys. We investigated a number of biotic and abiotic factors influencing the studied fungal communities, including plant species composition. Out of 6365 fruit bodies, a total of 268 species belonging to 84 genera were found. In general, there was a significant correlation between plant species richness and fungal richness. Variation in vegetation and plant community structure accounted for approximately 20% of variance in fungal community structure. Tree and shrub vegetation played a dominant role in shaping the analyzed fungal communities, both in meadows and surrounding forests, with particular influence on ectomycorrhizal, litter, and lignicolous saprotrophic fungi. Fungal biodiversity in the studied meadows was increased by the presence of tree and shrub species from the adjacent forests, but was reduced by the increasing vegetation cover.  相似文献   

Background: Most studies on tropical bryophytes deal with epiphytic species. This is the first ecological study of tropical forests that focuses specifically on terrestrial bryophytes.

Aim: To investigate the differences between slope and ridge environments in upper montane forests of southern Ecuador in terms of species diversity (richness, abundance), species composition and life forms of terrestrial bryophytes.

Methods: We used Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) to group bryophyte relevés by study location, habitat type and exposure class. Species indicator values were calculated and compared for different habitats.

Results: In total, 140 species were recorded, the majority being liverworts. NMDS analyses and Mantel correlations clearly separated between slope and ridge relevés, and between sunny and shaded microhabitats on ridges. Bryophyte life forms also showed different distribution patterns in slope and in ridge habitats. Mosses were more prominent in sunny than in shaded microhabitats.

Conclusions: Environmental differentiation between ridges and slopes, and small-scale variation in microclimatic conditions caused by differences in exposure, were stronger predictors of species richness and composition than geographical distance between study sites.  相似文献   

Tabarelli  Marcelo  Mantovani  Waldir 《Plant Ecology》2000,148(2):149-155
To study the influence of gap structure and bamboo species on the regrowth of montane Atlantic forest, colonization by plants was characterized in 30 treefall gaps (30.3–500.5 m2). The study was conducted at Santa Virgínia (45°30 W, 23°17 S), a 4970-ha reserve of Atlantic montane forest in southeastern Brazil. Area covered by bamboos ranged from 0% to 100% of gap area. Average height of surrounding canopies ranged from 12 to 30 m. As gap are covered by bamboo and average height of surrounding canopies increased, both density and richness of pioneer woody species decreased. Density and richness of shade-tolerant species were negatively influenced by gap area. Low-light-demanding species of Miconia, Leandra and Rapanea accounted for the majority of both pioneer species and individuals sampled, whereas high-light demanding pioneers of Cecropia, Alchornea and Tibouchina were poorly represented. We suggest that in the Atlantic montane forest bamboo species compete for gaps, excluding other light-demanding pioneers. This results in an overall reduction of pioneer species richness in the Atlantic forest.  相似文献   

1. Non-volant animals in tropical rain forests differ in their ability to exploit the habitat above the forest floor and also in their response to habitat variability. It is predicted that specific movement trajectories are determined both by intrinsic factors such as ecological specialization, morphology and body size and by structural features of the surrounding habitat such as undergrowth and availability of supportive structures. 2. We applied spool-and-line tracking in order to describe movement trajectories and habitat segregation of eight species of small mammals from an assemblage of Muridae, Tupaiidae and Sciuridae in the rain forest of Borneo where we followed a total of 13,525 m path. We also analysed specific changes in the movement patterns of the small mammals in relation to habitat stratification between logged and unlogged forests. Variables related to climbing activity of the tracked species as well as the supportive structures of the vegetation and undergrowth density were measured along their tracks. 3. Movement patterns of the small mammals differed significantly between species. Most similarities were found in congeneric species that converged strongly in body size and morphology. All species were affected in their movement patterns by the altered forest structure in logged forests with most differences found in Leopoldamys sabanus. However, the large proportions of short step lengths found in all species for both forest types and similar path tortuosity suggest that the main movement strategies of the small mammals were not influenced by logging but comprised generally a response to the heterogeneous habitat as opposed to random movement strategies predicted for homogeneous environments. 4. Overall shifts in microhabitat use showed no coherent trend among species. Multivariate (principal component) analysis revealed contrasting trends for convergent species, in particular for Maxomys rajah and M. surifer as well as for Tupaia longipes and T. tana, suggesting that each species was uniquely affected in its movement trajectories by a multiple set of environmental and intrinsic features.  相似文献   

Ecological studies on seasonally dry tropical forest herpetofauna are scarce and those focused on interspecific relations of lizards in this endangered ecosystem are even fewer. This study evaluates general and seasonal patterns in time and habitat use among four lizard species (Anolis nebulosus, Sceloporus melanorhinus, S. utiformis, and Urosaurus bicarinatus) in a protected area of dry tropical forest in western Mexico. Data were gathered by visual surveys along 12 linear parallel transects located in an undisturbed habitat. Anolis nebulosus showed a bimodal pattern in daily activity whereas the other species exhibited unimodal patterns of activity. Seasonality only affected the general activity patterns of S. melanorhinus and U. bicarinatus. With the exception of A. nebulosus and S. melanorhinus, statistical differences were found for all pairwise comparisons of general and seasonal patterns of habitat use. The use of leaf‐litter and low perches in arboreal species was higher during the dry season, probably in response to higher food availability in these habitats. As expected, environmental seasonality affects both activity time and habitat use by lizards. Results suggest greater differences in habitat use than in time of activity among species. The data also indicate complementary use of time and space by these lizard species: species showing similar activity patterns exhibit greater differences in their habitat use. Predation could be an important factor affecting the use of habitat and time by the four lizard species.

Los estudios ecológicos de la herpetofauna de los bosques tropicales secos son escasos y aquellos enfocados a las relaciones ínterespecíficas en lagartijas de este ecosistema fuertemente amenazado son aún más raros. Este estudio evalúa el uso del tiempo y del hábitat de cuatro especies de lagartijas (Anolis nebulosus, Sceloporus melanorhinus, S. utiformis y, Urosaurus bicarinatus) en un área protegida en el occidente de México al comparar los patrones generales y estacionales. La información se obtuvo basándose en 12 transectos visuales ubicados en bosque intacto. Anolis nebulosus registró un patrón bimodal de actividad diaria mientras que en el resto fue unimodal, pero aparentemente, la estacionalidad solo afecto los patrones generales de S. melanorhinus y U. bicarinatus. A excepción de A. nebulosus y S. melanorhinus, todas las comparaciones intraespecificas de los patrones generales y estacionales del uso del hábitat mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas. El uso de la hojarasca y perchas mas bajas, en las especies arborícolas, fue mayor durante la época de sequía probablemente en respuesta a una mayor disponibilidad de alimento en esos hábitats durante ese tiempo. Como se esperaba, la estacionalidad puede afectar el uso del tiempo y hábitat en lagartijas. Los resultados sugieren la posibilidad de un mayor uso diferencial del hábitat que del tiempo y la ocurrencia de un uso complementario de ellos: las especies con patrones de actividad más similares difieren más en su uso del hábitat. La depredación puede tener un efecto importante en el uso del tiempo y hábitat de estas especies de lagartijas.  相似文献   

Trait-based approaches to community structure are increasingly used in terrestrial ecology. We show that such an approach, augmented by a mechanistic analysis of trade-offs among functional traits, can be successfully used to explain community composition of marine phytoplankton along environmental gradients. Our analysis of literature on major functional traits in phytoplankton, such as parameters of nutrient-dependent growth and uptake, reveals physiological trade-offs in species abilities to acquire and utilize resources. These trade-offs, arising from fundamental relations such as cellular scaling laws and enzyme kinetics, define contrasting ecological strategies of nutrient acquisition. Major groups of marine eukaryotic phytoplankton have adopted distinct strategies with associated traits. These diverse strategies of nutrient utilization can explain the distribution patterns of major functional groups and size classes along nutrient availability gradients.  相似文献   

不同栖息地状态下物种竞争模式及模拟研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
梁仁君  林振山  陈玲玲 《生态学报》2006,26(10):3308-3316
物种竞争是影响生态系统演化的重要生态过程之一.而物种在受人类影响出现不同程度毁坏的栖息地上的演化又是非常复杂的,因此研究物种演化对栖息地毁坏的响应是非常必要的.在Tilman研究工作的基础上,将竞争系数引入集合种群动力模式,建立了多物种集合种群竞争共存的数学模型,并对5-物种集合种群在不同栖息地状态下的竞争动态进行了计算机模拟研究.结果表明:(1)不同结构的群落(q值不同),物种之间的竞争排斥作用强度不同,优势物种明显的群落,物种之间的排斥强度大;(2)随着栖息地毁坏程度的增加,对优势物种的负面影响逐渐减小,而对弱势物种的负面影响逐渐增加;(3)随着栖息地恢复幅度的增加,优势物种和弱势物种之间的竞争越强烈,优势物种受到的竞争排斥加大,而弱势物种逐渐变强,出现了强者变弱、弱者变强的格局;(4)物种竞争排斥与共存受迁移扩散能力和竞争能力影响很大,竞争共存的条件是其竞争能力与扩散能力呈非线性负相关关系;(5)竞争共存的物种的强弱序列发生了变化.  相似文献   

Trait‐response effects are critical to forecast community structure and biomass production in highly diverse tropical forests. Ecological theory and few observation studies indicate that trees with acquisitive functional traits would respond more strongly to higher resource availability than those with conservative traits. We assessed how long‐term tree growth in experimental nutrient addition plots (N, P, and N + P) varied as a function of morphological traits, tree size, and species identity. We also evaluated how trait‐based responses affected stand scale biomass production considering the community structure. We found that tree growth depended on interactions between functional traits and the type or combination of nutrients added. Common species with acquisitive functional traits responded more strongly to nutrient addition, mainly to N + P. Phosphorous enhanced the growth rates of species with acquisitive and conservative traits, had mostly positive effects on common species and neutral or negative effects in rare species. Moreover, trees receiving N + P grew faster irrespective of their initial size relative to trees in control or to trees in other treatment plots. Finally, species responses were highly idiosyncratic suggesting that community processes including competition and niche dimensionality may be altered under increased resource availability. We found no statistically significant effects of nutrient additions on aboveground biomass productivity because acquisitive species had a limited potential to increase their biomass, possibly due to their generally lower wood density. In contrast, P addition increased the growth rates of species characterized by more conservative resource strategies (with higher wood density) that were poorly represented in the plant community. We provide the first long‐term experimental evidence that trait‐based responses, community structure, and community processes modulate the effects of increased nutrient availability on biomass productivity in a tropical forest.  相似文献   

Aim Small mammals were live‐trapped in a primary rain forest to evaluate the relative distribution of species to each other and to microhabitat properties on the ground and in the canopy. Location Kinabalu National Park in Borneo, Sabah, Malaysia. Methods Seven trapping sessions were conducted along two grids with 31 trap points at distances of 20 m on the ground and in the lower canopy at an average height of 13.5 m. Results Species diversity and abundance of small mammals proved to be high: 20 species of the families Muridae, Sciuridae, Tupaiidae, Hystricidae, Viverridae and Lorisidae were trapped, with murids being dominant in both habitat layers. The terrestrial community was significantly more diverse with 16 captured species (Shannon–Wiener's diversity index = 2.47), while 11 species were trapped in the canopy ( = 1.59). The Whitehead's rat, Maxomys whiteheadi, and the red spiny rat, Maxomys surifer, dominated the terrestrial community whereas the large pencil‐tailed tree mouse, Chiropodomys major, was by far the most abundant species in the canopy. Other abundant species of the canopy community, the dark‐tailed tree rat, Niviventer cremoriventer, and the lesser treeshrew, Tupaia minor, were also abundant on the ground, and there was no clear boundary between arboreal and terrestrial species occurrences. Main conclusions As most species were not confined to specific microhabitats or habitat layers, species seemed to rely on resources not necessarily restricted to certain microhabitats or habitat layers, and separation of species probably resulted mainly from a species’ concentrated activity in a preferred microhabitat rather than from principal adaptations to certain habitats. Ecological segregation was stronger in the more diverse terrestrial community, though microhabitat selection was generally not sufficient to explain the co‐occurrences of species and the variability between local species assemblages. Constraints on small mammal foraging efficiency in the three‐dimensional more complex canopy may be responsible for the similarity of microhabitat use of all common arboreal species. Community composition was characterized by mobile species with low persistence rates, resulting in a high degree of variability in local species assemblages with similar turnover rates in both habitats.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the diversity of dung and carrion beetles (Scarabaeinae and Silphidae) in four human-induced habitats of a disturbed tropical montane cloud forest: polyspecific shade coffee plantations, monospecific shade coffee plantations, tropical montane cloud forest fragments, and clear cuts. The four habitats had similar richness, species composition, and assemblage structure of dung and carrion beetles. Differences were found in abundance and biomass levels for the four dominant species in the landscape. Dung beetles were more abundant than carrion beetles, but the biomass was higher for the latter. Carrion beetles were seasonal, while dung beetles were clearly not. When forest fragments and shade coffee plantations were compared to other similar habitats in the region, the same general pattern was observed. However, forests with high disturbance and monospecific shade coffee plantations had lower species richness than forests with low and medium disturbance and polyspecific shade coffee plantations. Thus shade coffee plantations maintain connectivity between patches of cloud forest in a landscape that is strongly affected by human activities. Protecting landscape diversity appears to ensure high species richness.  相似文献   

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