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We have previously shown that platelets adhere to collagen substrates via a Mg2(+)-dependent mechanism mediated by the surface glycoprotein Ia-IIa (human leukocyte very late activation protein 2, alpha 2 beta 1 integrin) complex. The adhesion is specific for collagen and is supported by collagen types I, II, III, IV, and VI. Several other members of the integrin family of adhesive protein receptors recognize discrete linear amino acid sequences within their adhesive glycoprotein ligands. Experiments with both intact platelets and with liposomes containing the purified receptor complex indicated that the alpha 2 beta 1 receptor recognized denatured type I collagen in a Mg2(+)-dependent manner. To further localize the binding site, the alpha 1 and alpha 2 chains of type I collagen were purified by gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography and tested as adhesive substrates. Both the alpha 1(I) and alpha 2(I) chains effectively supported Mg2(+)-dependent platelet adhesion. The purified alpha 1(I) collagen chain was then subjected to cleavage with cyanogen bromide, and the resultant peptides were separated by chromatography on carboxymethylcellulose. Only the alpha 1(I)-CB3 fragment supported Mg2(+)-dependent platelet adhesion. The monoclonal antibody P1H5 which recognizes an epitope on the alpha 2 subunit of the integrin receptor and which inhibits the adhesion of both intact platelets and liposomes bearing the purified receptor to collagen also inhibited platelet adhesion to the alpha 1(I)-CB3 fragment. These results indicate that the alpha 2 beta 1 receptor recognizes a sequence of amino acids present in the alpha 1(I)-CB3 fragment of type I collagen. An identical or similar sequence likely mediates binding of the receptor to other collagen polypeptides.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis is associated with several pathological disorders as well as with normal physiological maintenance. Components of vascular basement membrane are speculated to regulate angiogenesis in both positive and negative manner. Recently, we reported that tumstatin (the NC1 domain of alpha 3 chain of type IV collagen) and its deletion mutant tum-5 possess anti-angiogenic activity. In the present study, we confirm that the anti-angiogenic activity of tumstatin and tum-5 is independent of disulfide bond requirement. This property of tum-5 allowed us to use overlapping synthetic peptide strategy to identify peptide sequence(s) which possess anti-angiogenic activity. Among these peptides, only the T3 peptide (69-88 amino acids) and T7 peptide (74-98 amino acids) inhibited proliferation and induced apoptosis specifically in endothelial cells. The peptides, similar to tumstatin and the tum-5 domain, bind and function via alpha(v)beta(3) in an RGD-independent manner. Restoration of a disulfide bond between two cysteines within the peptide did not alter the anti-angiogenic activity. Additionally, these studies show that tumstatin peptides can inhibit proliferation of endothelial cells in the presence of vitronectin, fibronectin, and collagen I. Anti-angiogenic effect of the peptides was further confirmed in vivo using a Matrigel plug assay in C57BL/6 mice. Collectively, these experiments suggest that the anti-angiogenic activity of tumstatin is localized to a 25-amino acid region of tumstatin and it is independent of disulfide bond linkage. Structural features and potency of the tumstatin peptide make it highly feasible as a potential anti-cancer drug.  相似文献   

We have shown that natural homogenous IL-1 beta exhibits regulatory activities on human bone-derived osteoblast-like cells in vitro. IL-1 beta stimulated cellular proliferation and the synthesis of prostaglandin E2 and plasminogen activator activity by the cultured human osteoblast-like cells. In contrast to these stimulatory actions, IL-1 beta antagonised the stimulatory effects of 1.25(OH)2 D3 on the production of alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin, two markers of the osteoblast phenotype. These studies indicate that this cytokine may therefore have potential physiological and pathological effects on bone metabolism.  相似文献   

In vivo immunostimulating activity of the 163-171 peptide of human IL-1 beta   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The stimulating effect of a synthetic nonapeptide (fragment 163-171) of human interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta) on antibody responses to both T helper-dependent and T helper-independent antigens was investigated. It was shown that the nonapeptide enhanced the antibody response, as evaluated in the hemolytic plaque assay, of spleen cells from mice immunized with sheep red blood cells (SRBC). The activity of the 163-171 peptide on the primary response to SRBC was dose-dependent, being maximal when the peptide was inoculated at 100 mg/kg together with the antigen. Moreover, the 163-171 peptide was also effective in enhancing the secondary response to SRBC. The effect of the 163-171 peptide was to augment the frequency of cells specific for the antigen, inasmuch as no increase was ever observed in spleen cell numbers after treatment. In all these studies, human recombinant IL-1 beta gave effects qualitatively comparable to those of the 163-171 peptide, with a maximal activity at 20 ng/kg. Both the 163-171 peptide and human recombinant IL-1 beta were also able to enhance the in vivo immune response to a T helper-independent antigen such as SIII, a poorly immunogenic polysaccharidic antigen from Streptococcus pneumoniae type III. It can therefore be proposed that this synthetic nonapeptide of human IL-1 beta may represent a good candidate for use as adjuvant in vaccines.  相似文献   

Human interferon omega (omega) binds to the alpha/beta receptor.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It was proposed that human interferon omega (omega) binds to the interferon alpha/beta receptor but not to the interferon gamma receptor. However, since no studies were performed to provide direct evidence for this hypothesis, we carried out cross-linking experiments and saturation binding assays between a 32P-labeled human interferon-alpha (Hu-IFN-alpha) and unlabeled Hu-IFN-alpha A, -beta, -gamma, and -omega. These assays demonstrated that Hu-IFN-alpha A, -beta, and -omega, but not Hu-IFN-gamma, were able to block binding of 32P-labeled Hu-IFN-alpha A to human cells. These results indicate that Hu-IFN-omega binds to the alpha/beta receptor.  相似文献   

IL-1 elicits its cellular effects by binding a heterodimeric receptor consisting of IL-1RI and the accessory protein, IL-1RAcPr. In addition, it binds to IL-1RII, which lacking signaling function has been ascribed a decoy role. The fate of the ligand following interaction with the decoy receptor was examined in human polymorphonuclear cells (PMN), which express predominantly (>90%) IL-1RII. Incubation of PMN with IL-1beta results in a rapid decrease in cell surface-associated ligand accompanied by a concomitant increase in internalized IL-1 with 50-60% of IL-1beta located intracellularly within 1 h at 37 degrees C. The use of blocking Abs revealed that IL-1 internalization is mediated exclusively by the decoy receptor. The results of inhibitor analysis demonstrate that internalization requires ATP synthesis and involves clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Following removal of the ligand, the receptor was rapidly re-expressed on the cell surface. Cyclohexamide, a protein synthesis inhibitor, had no effect upon the process, suggesting that the re-expressed receptor was recycled. In addition, human keratinocytes stably transfected with IL-1RII (HaCAT 811) also internalized the IL-1RII with 43% cell surface receptor internalized after 90 min. Immunofluorescence microscopy revealed colocalization of the internalized receptor with wheat germ agglutinin-labeled internalized glycoproteins and early endosome Ag-1, a protein associated with the early endosome compartments, indicative of cellular uptake of IL-1RII by endocytosis. In contrast, little or no internalization was observed in other cells of immune origin. These results suggest that the decoy receptor IL-1RII can act as a scavenger of IL-1, representing a novel autoregulatory mechanism of the IL-1 system.  相似文献   

In injured skin, collagenase-1 (matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1)) is induced in migrating keratinocytes. This site-specific expression is regulated by binding of the alpha(2)beta(1) integrin with dermal type I collagen, and the catalytic activity of MMP-1 is required for keratinocyte migration. Because of this functional association among substrate/ligand, receptor, and proteinase, we assessed whether the integrin also directs the compartmentalization of MMP-1 to its matrix target. Indeed, pro-MMP-1 co-localized to sites of alpha(2)beta(1) contacts in migrating keratinocytes. Furthermore, pro-MMP-1 co-immunoprecipitated with alpha(2)beta(1) from keratinocytes, and alpha(2)beta(1) co-immunoprecipitated with pro-MMP-1. No other MMPs bound alpha(2)beta(1), and no other integrins interacted with MMP-1. Pro-MMP-1 also provided a substrate for alpha(2)beta(1)-dependent adhesion of platelets. Complex formation on keratinocytes was most efficient on native type I collagen and reduced or ablated on denatured or cleaved collagen. Competition studies suggested that the alpha(2) I domain interacts with the linker and hemopexin domains of pro-MMP-1, not with the pro-domain. These data indicate that the interaction of pro-MMP-1 with alpha(2)beta(1) confines this proteinase to points of cell contact with collagen and that the ternary complex of integrin, enzyme, and substrate function together to drive and regulate keratinocyte migration.  相似文献   

Genes of the IL-1 family encode three different peptides, IL-1alpha, IL-1beta, and IL-1Ra, respectively. IL-1 operates through IL-1RI, and is involved in airway inflammation in asthmatic subjects, whereas IL-1Ra appears to be a specific competitive inhibitor of IL-1. All genes are on chromosome 2q12-21 where genomewide searches have identified linkage for asthma. To test whether variants of IL-1 relate to asthma, we conducted a genetic association study in a Japanese population. We show that the A2 allele of IL1RN (encoding IL-1Ra) associates with nonatopic asthma [OR = 5.71, 95% CI: 1.63-19. 8, Pc = 0.007]. Both atopic and nonatopic asthmatics with the A2 allele had significantly lower serum IL-1Ra levels in both types of asthmatics. Peripheral blood cells from asthmatics with A2 alleles, however, produced as much IL-1 as did those with A1 homozygotes. Since Th1 and Th2 cytokines differentially regulate the ratio between IL-1beta and IL-1Ra, these findings suggest that dysregulation of IL-1beta/IL-1Ra, probably due to interaction between epithelium and immuno-competent cells in the airway, is important in asthma inflammation.  相似文献   

Parathyroid hormone-related peptide (hPTHrP) is expressed in human tissues and regulates cellular proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis by an autocrine/paracrine loop. In rodent thymus, both parathormone and parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP) are expressed by thymic epithelial cells (TECs). The present study demonstrated by RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry that hPTHrP and parathyroid hormone-related peptide receptor type 1 (PTHR1) were expressed in human thymus at both RNA and protein levels. hPTHrP was expressed mainly in the thymic medulla by epithelial (cytokeratin-positive), mature dendritic (CD40+/86+) and plasmacytoid interleukin (IL)-3Ralpha1 cells. This protein was also present in some cells forming Hassall's bodies and a few subcapsular and cortical TECs. PTHR1 was expressed by scattered subcapsular and cortical TECs and by rare TECs in the medulla. Thymocytes did not express either hPTHrP or PTHR1. Primary cultures of human TECs revealed the presence of both hPTHrP and PTHR1 mRNAs, confirming the capacity of TECs to synthesize both peptides. Moreover, synthetic (1-39) hPTHrP peptide administered on cultured TECs induced the expression of IL-6 mRNA, suggesting that hPTHrP can regulate thymic functions by inducing in TECs the expression of IL-6, which is involved in the development and maturation of thymocytes.  相似文献   

In this study, we have explored the relationship between interleukins and human basophil activation. Previous studies by ourselves and others have found that recombinant human (rh) IL-3 causes histamine release. The ability to release histamine has also been claimed for IL-1 but we cannot confirm this. In experiments with the basophils of 29 donors (excluding one D2O responder), histamine release with 100 ng/ml rhIL-1 alpha was 1.3 +/- 1% (SEM), whereas with rhIL-1 beta, it was 0.8 +/- 1%. Both IL-1 alpha and -1 beta were also used at concentrations of 0.01 to 1000 ng/ml without causing release. Neither increasing the Ca2+ concentration nor adding D2O or cytochalasin B caused IL-1 alpha and -1 beta to become secretagogues. rhIL-1, however, did augment IgE-dependent histamine release. The enhancement was similar with both rhIL-1 alpha and -1 beta, i.e. they were dose-dependent between 0.1 and 3 ng/ml and reached a plateau from 3 to 100 ng/ml. At submaximal histamine release (less than 10%), there was enhancement of three IgE-dependent secretagogues: 125% with goat anti-human IgE (n = 7), 215% with Ag E (n = 10), and 260% with a histamine releasing factor (n = 7). Non-IgE-dependent stimuli (formyl-methionine-leucine-phenylalanine and the ionophore A23187, n = 10) were enhanced less than 5%. rhIL-1-enhancement persisted after cell washing (n = 10). rhIL-1 was active in preparations of 50 to 75% pure basophils in which mononuclear cells were reduced by greater than 95% (n = 4), and mAbH34 to IL-1 beta blocked the enhancement caused by that molecule. We postulate that basophils have an IL-1 receptor which, when occupied, upregulates the response to IgE-related signals. Thus, this work characterizes a second interaction between interleukins and the cells central to the allergic response.  相似文献   

We and others have shown previously that hairpin ribozyme genes, when stably expressed in cells, can reduce the steady-state levels of target mRNA and their cognate proteins. Despite this capability, ribozymes have not been as widely used in knockdown experiments as one might expect, probably because specific rules governing the selection of ribozymes that will have high activity have not been described. In this report, we show that parallel screening of less than 10 ribozyme expression constructs, with no advanced knowledge of cleavage activity or preselection, can efficiently identify knockdown ribozymes. This empirical selection study, which used interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) and IL-1beta converting enzyme (ICE) as example targets, resulted in (1) the rapid identification of ribozymes that can reduce the production of IL-1beta in THP-1 cultures by 10-fold and (2) the consequent direct generation of stable knockdown cell lines. We conclude, based on these and similar studies, that parallel screening of ribozyme constructs could be used in high throughput gene functional analysis programs as a means of rapidly generating specific knockdown cell lines.  相似文献   

Fibulin-5, an extracellular matrix glycoprotein expressed in elastin-rich tissues, regulates vascular cell behaviour and elastic fibre deposition. Recombinant full-length human fibulin-5 supported primary human aortic SMC (smooth-muscle cell) attachment through alpha5beta1 and alpha4beta1 integrins. Cells on fibulin-5 spread poorly and displayed prominent membrane ruffles but no stress fibres or focal adhesions, unlike cells on fibronectin that also binds these integrins. Cell migration and proliferation were significantly lower on fibulin-5 than on fibronectin. Treatment of cells on fibulin-5 with a beta1 integrin-activating antibody induced stress fibres, increased attachment, migration and proliferation, and stimulated signalling of epidermal growth factor receptor and platelet-derived growth factor receptors alpha and beta. Fibulin-5 also modulated fibronectin-mediated cell spreading and morphology. We have thus identified the beta1 integrins on primary SMCs that fibulin-5 interacts with, and have shown that failure of fibulin-5 to activate these receptors limits cell spreading, migration and proliferation.  相似文献   

The synthetic fragment VQGEESNDK, corresponding to the amino acid sequence in position 163-171 of human IL-1 beta, possesses the immunostimulatory but not the pyrogenic activity of the mature IL-1 beta polypeptide in vivo. To assess the relevance of this domain of IL-1 beta for its biologic activities, a mAb was raised against the synthetic peptide 163-171. The mAb Vhp20 could effectively recognize human rIL-1 beta in RIA and immunoblotting. In vivo, the mAb Vhp20 was able to selectively inhibit the immunostimulatory activity of IL-1 beta, but it could not affect the fever-inducing capacity of IL-1 beta. It is proposed that functional domains could be identified in the human IL-1 beta protein and that the fragment in position 163-171 is of major importance for the adjuvant capacity of the entire molecule, but irrelevant to its pyrogenic activity.  相似文献   

The interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) is a protein capable of inhibiting receptor binding and biological activities of IL-1 without inducing an IL-1-like response. Equilibrium binding and kinetic experiments show that IL-1ra binds to the 80-kDa IL-1 receptor on the murine thymoma cell line EL4 with an affinity (KD = 150 pM) approximately equal to that of IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta for this receptor. However, IL-1ra is unable to induce two early events associated with IL-1 activity. Surface-bound IL-1ra does not undergo receptor-mediated internalization, and IL-1ra does not activate the protein kinase activity responsible for down-modulation of the EGF receptor on the murine 3T3 fibroblast cell line. The failure to induce general, early responses characteristic of IL-1 indicates that IL-1ra is unlikely to act as an agonist on any cell expressing the 80-kDa receptor.  相似文献   

Pleiotrophin (PTN) is a heparin-binding growth factor that plays a significant role in tumor growth and angiogenesis. We have previously shown that in order for PTN to induce migration of endothelial cells, binding to both α(ν) β(3) integrin and its receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase beta/zeta (RPTPβ/ζ) is required. In the present study we show that a synthetic peptide corresponding to the last 25 amino acids of the C-terminal region of PTN (PTN(112-136) ) inhibited angiogenesis in the in vivo chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay and PTN-induced migration and tube formation of human endothelial cells in vitro. PTN(112-136) inhibited binding of PTN to α(ν) β(3) integrin, and as shown by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) measurements, specifically interacted with the specificity loop of the extracellular domain of β(3) . Moreover, it abolished PTN-induced FAK Y397 phosphorylation, similarly to the effect of a neutralizing α(ν) β(3) -selective antibody. PTN(112-136) did not affect binding of PTN to RPTPβ/ζ in endothelial cells and induced β(3) Y773 phosphorylation and ERK1/2 activation to a similar extent with PTN. This effect was inhibited by down-regulation of RPTPβ/ζ by siRNA or by c-src inhibition, suggesting that PTN(112-136) may interact with RPTPβ/ζ. NMR spectroscopy studies showed that PTN(112-136) was characterized by conformational flexibility and absence of any element of secondary structure at room temperature, although the biologically active peptide segment 123-132 may adopt a defined structure at lower temperature. Collectively, our data suggest that although PTN(112-136) induces some of the signaling pathways triggered by PTN, it inhibits PTN-induced angiogenic activities through inhibition of PTN binding to α(ν) β(3) integrin.  相似文献   

The oim mouse is a model of human Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) that has deficient synthesis of proalpha2(I) chains. Cells isolated from oim mice synthesize alpha1(I) collagen homotrimers that accumulate in tissues. To explore the feasibility of gene therapy for OI, a murine proalpha2(I) cDNA was inserted into an adenovirus vector and transferred into bone marrow stromal cells isolated from oim mice femurs. The murine cDNA under the control of the cytomegalovirus early promoter was expressed by the transduced cells. Analysis of the collagens synthesized by the transduced cells demonstrated that the cells synthesized stable type I collagen comprised of alpha1(I) and alpha2(I) heterotrimers in the correct ratio of 2:1. The collagen was efficiently secreted and also the cells retained the osteogenic potential as indicated by the expression of alkaline phosphatase activity when the transduced cells were treated with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2. Injection of the virus carrying the murine proalpha2(I) cDNA into oim skin demonstrated synthesis of type I collagen comprised of alpha1 and alpha2 chains at the injection site. These preliminary data demonstrate that collagen genes can be transferred into bone marrow stromal cells as well as fibroblasts in vivo and that the genes are efficiently expressed. These data encourage further studies in gene replacement for some forms of OI and use of bone marrow stromal cells as vehicles to deliver therapeutic genes to bone.  相似文献   

Microglia are phagocytic cells in the CNS and actively participate in proinflammatory responses in neurodegenerative diseases. We have previously shown that TNF-alpha up-regulated the expression of formyl peptide receptor 2 (mFPR2) in mouse microglial cells, resulting in increased chemotactic responses of such cells to mFPR2 agonists, including amyloid beta1-42 (Abeta42), a critical pathogenic agent in Alzheimer's disease. In the present study, we found that IL-4, a Th2-type cytokine, markedly inhibited TNF-alpha-induced expression of mFPR2 in microglial cells by attenuating activation of ERK and p38 MAPK as well as NF-kappaB. The effect of IL-4 was not dependent on Stat6 but rather required the protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) as demonstrated by the capacity of PP2A small interfering RNA to reverse the effect of IL-4 in TNF-alpha-activated microglia. Since both IL-4 and TNF-alpha are produced in the CNS under pathophysiological conditions, our results suggest that IL-4 may play an important role in the maintenance of CNS homeostasis by limiting microglial activation by proinflammatory stimulants.  相似文献   

The IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RN) is a protein that binds to IL-1 receptors and inhibits the binding of IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta. As a consequence, the biological activity of these two cytokines is neutralized in physiological and pathophysiological immune and inflammatory responses. In this study, using a panel of somatic rodent-human cell hybrids, we show that the gene for the human interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL1RN) maps to the long arm of chromosome 2. Previously, we described a length variation polymorphism within the second intron of the IL-1RN gene (Steinkasserer et al., 1991, Nucleic Acids Res. 19: 5095). Segregation of this, together with an IL-1 alpha polymorphism, was followed in a panel of five CEPH families. Linkage analysis permitted the mapping of the IL-1RN gene to band q14-q21 in the region for the IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta loci. This study supports the view that an early gene duplication event resulted in the creation of an interleukin-1 gene family.  相似文献   

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