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High recruitment of the bivalves Cerastoderma edule, Mytilus edulis, Macoma balthica and Mya arenaria in summer after severe winters is an often reported phenomenon in the Wadden Sea. After the severe winter of 1995/96 however, only Cerastoderma and Mytilus followed this pattern in the Sylt-R?m? Bight. Repeated sampling of Cerastoderma, Macoma and Mya following a severe (1995/96), a moderate (1996/97), and a mild winter (1997/98) revealed that early recruitment was highest after the mild winter. In Cerastoderma the eventual high recruitment at the end of summer 1996 was caused by reduced benthic mortality. Low recruitment of Macoma and Mya after the severe winter may have been caused by a higher susceptibility to epibenthic predation and/or a higher susceptibility to passive re-suspension than in Cerastoderma and Mytilus. In all cases, post-settlement processes were decisive for reproductive success. Received in revised form: 7 May 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Intertidal mussel beds were severely damaged by scouring ice floes during the winter of 1995/96. Aerial surveys before and after the winter showed that more clusters of mussel beds vanished in a region with a higher areal share of tidal flats and a lower salinity, suggesting that the amount of ice present determined the magnitude of the disturbance on beds of Mytilus edulis. Nehls and Thiel [(1993) Neth J Sea Res 31:181–187] observed a strikingly similar spatial pattern of disturbances caused by severe storms in the Wadden Sea. Areas on mussel beds mechanically undisturbed by ice showed no reduced abundance and biomass of mussels, indicating that temperature alone was of little importance as a lethal factor. Conversely, Cerastoderma edule was strongly affected by low temperature. On average 80% died during the winter with extinctions up to 100% in the high tidal zone. At the lowest tidal level, surviving cockles were larger than those killed by the frost. A reinvestigation of sampled sites in autumn revealed that substantial further mortality had occurred during spring and summer which may constitute a time-lag effect of the preceding winter. There was no increased mortality in juvenile and adult Mya arenaria during the winter of 1995/96, confirming that this clam is a hard-winter species like Macoma balthica. Received in revised form: 7 May 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The development of benthic macrofauna in the Wadden Sea and in the coastal North Sea after the severe winter of 1995/96 is compared with the preceding years with mild to moderate winters. In the intertidal of the Wadden Sea, ice-drift and low temperature caused the expected changes in species composition by increasing winter mortality in sensitive species, and by exceptionally high recruitment of some species during the succeeding summer. In the shallow subtidal (10–20 m depth), similar winter effects were observed. However, recovery of many subtidal populations was still incomplete until the summer of 1997. It is suggested that this was due to hydrographic conditions that carried many larvae or drifting juveniles into more distant offshore areas. This may have limited larval supply and may have delayed recovery at the onshore sites. Since in the eastern North Sea severe winters are accompanied by frequent easterly winds, it is not clear whether decreasing winter abundances in some species were due to increased mortality, or to a seaward dislocation of organisms. Received in revised form: 7 May 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The distribution of the introduced American slipper limpet Crepidula fornicata (L.) on the Atlantic coast of Europe shows a clear latitudinal gradient. In the south, C. fornicata may reach abundances of several thousand individuals per meter squared accompanied by diverse ecological and economic effects. In contrast, abundances at northern waters as in Germany, Denmark and Norway barely reach 100 ind. m−2, indicating one or several limiting factors for population increase. By studying a population in the northern Wadden Sea of Germany, we examined four factors that we regarded as likely to potentially limit population increase of C. fornicata: (1) high predation by the main benthic mollusc predators, (2) high infestation by parasites, (3) low reproductive output and growth in cold waters and (4) high winter mortality during freezing winters. Our results do not indicate biotic restrictions: The main benthic mollusc predators, shore crabs (Carcinus maenas) and sea stars (Asterias rubens) strongly preferred the dominant blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) in choice experiments and no infestation with parasitic trematodes were observed. Further, there was no indication of limitation in reproduction and growth since abundant larvae were observed in the water column and the period of reproduction (April to September) as well as growth rates (recruits: 9-14 mm first summer) match with data from southern areas. In contrast, population dynamics of C. fornicata was strongly affected by cold winters: During the two winters investigated, mortality amounted to 56-64% with up to 97% on single mussel beds contrasting to 11-14% yearly mortality in areas without frost in southern Europe. Negative winter effects are also suggested by remarkably low larval abundances after an exceptionally severe winter. Our results suggest that winter mortality is the main limiting factor for population increase of C. fornicata in the study area. We propose that milder winters as a corollary of global warming may allow for an increase in the abundance of northern populations combined with a northward shift of the concomitant negative ecological and economic effects.  相似文献   

This study employed simulated spills of weathered diesel fuel and measured the initial effects on the intertidal sand flat microphytobenthic (MPB) communities. The goals were to examine the impacts of short-term (hours) and longer-term (days) exposure to petroleum on the native sand flat MPB in coastal North Carolina and to assess recovery of the community following the exposure. We assessed changes in biomass (chlorophyll a), primary productivity (14C bicarbonate incorporation), photophysiology (P vs. I curves) and species composition (microscopy) and compared diesel exposed samples to unamended controls. We found that short-term impacts of diesel fuel pollution were confined to primary productivity and photophysiology of sand flat MPB. Short-term effects were only detected at relatively high concentrations that are not common outside of a major spill event. In the longer term, diesel fuel was again found to have effects on primary productivity, but at higher concentrations than would be likely to occur in industrialized coastal areas. However, negative impacts on photophysiology were detected at diesel fuel concentrations slightly above typical ambient conditions in coastal waters in industrialized areas. Biomass as measured by chlorophyll a was not affected by any concentration in the longer-term exposure to diesel fuel. Cell counts in the longer-term experiments found cyanobacteria had larger negative impacts from diesel fuel exposure than did diatoms. The recovery portion of this study showed the sand flat MPB communities were fairly resilient following both additions of diesel fuel. However, photophysiology and cell counts did not return to conditions equivalent to the control. Data from this study indicate that the effects of petroleum pollution on the MPB community of tidal sand flats should be considered alongside effects on other coastal microalgae in ecological and damage assessments.  相似文献   

On a moderately protected intertidal sand flat in west Kyushu, Japan, most of the population of the cirolanid isopodEurydice nipponica Bruce & Jones (89%–100%) was found in the zones occupied by the thalassinidean ghost shrimpCallianassa japonica Ortmann in July, August and December 1980.C. japonica later extensively expanded its habitat, and in July 1984, when almost the whole sand flat had been densely populated byC. japonica, the range of the distribution ofE. nipponica was the same as that ofC. japonica with a density about 10 times greater than in July 1980. The occurrence ofE. nipponica has previously been recorded from several exposed sandy beaches as well as their adjacent subtidal areas of well oxygenated sands along the coast of Kyushu, but not on more protected shores like the present sand flat. It is suggested thatC. japonica, through its bioturbating activities, produces sediment characteristics approximating those of the exposed sandy beaches which are the preferred habitat ofE. nipponica. It is supposed thatE. nipponica is a facultative commensal ofC. japonica. In a field experiment to excludeC. japonica and to detect its positive influence onE. nipponica, the densities ofE. nipponica were found to be lower in the experimental plots than in the intact plots. Statistically, however, the difference was only weakly significant, and the possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

Synopsis The Colorado squawfish, Ptychocheilus lucius, the principal native piscivore of the Colorado River basin, was once widespread and abundant in large rivers and their major tributaries. It occurs today only in the upstream regions of its historic range and is threatened with extinction. Growth rate of the species there is much slower than its potential rate and the rate that might once have been typical in lower-basin rivers. We develop the hypothesis that the interaction of slow growth and increased early-life mortality is an important cause of the decline of Colorado squawfish in the upper basin. We use a growth-rate versus temperature relation for Colorado squawfish to compare temperature regimes of historic and present habitats, and we describe the strong, positive relation between our measure of temperature-regime suitability and first-year growth of Colorado squawfish in upper-basin rivers. The unusually small size of the age-0 fish going into winter might be an important factor affecting recruitment to the adult stock. Simulations showed how the effect of increased early-life mortality can be especially significant on populations of slow-growing fishes. Predation by introduced fishes, as well as other man-induced causes of increased early-life mortality, probably contributed importantly to the decline of Colorado squawfish in the remaining habitat. Management efforts that might help this endangered species to recover include water management to enhance temperatures for growth, and the control of important introduced fishes.  相似文献   

Predation on flatfish during the early juvenile stage is an important factor regulating year-class strength and recruitment. In this study, immunological dietary analysis was performed on green crabs (Carcinus maenas) collected from the Niantic River, Connecticut, in an effort to evaluate the predatory impact of this species on post-settlement winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus). Through the use of species-specific antiserum, winter flounder proteins were identified in 4.8% of the green crab stomachs analyzed (n = 313, size range = 14-74 mm carapace width, CW), revealing that crabs ≥ 29 mm CW are predators of post-settlement winter flounder in natural populations. The most significant factor underlying the predator-prey interaction was the relative size relationship between species, such that the incidence of winter flounder remains in the stomach contents of green crabs was positively correlated with predator-to-prey size ratio. Results from dietary analysis were incorporated into a deterministic model to estimate the average daily instantaneous mortality and cumulative mortality of winter flounder owing to green crab predation. Accordingly, green crabs may account for 0.4% to 7.7% (mean = 2.2%) of the daily mortality of winter flounder and consume 1.1% to 32.3% (mean = 10.2%) of the flounder year-class. Model simulations further indicate that variations in green crab abundance and size-structure account for the greatest variability in winter flounder mortality. Relative to other macro-crustacean predators, however, predation by green crabs has a minimal effect on winter flounder survival, due in large part to the low densities of these crabs in temperate estuaries.  相似文献   



Divergent strategies have emerged for the management of severe asthma. One strategy utilises high and fixed doses of maintenance treatment, usually inhaled corticosteroid/long-acting β2-agonist (ICS/LABA), supplemented by a short-acting β2-agonist (SABA) as needed. Alternatively, budesonide/formoterol is used as both maintenance and reliever therapy. The latter is superior to fixed-dose treatment in reducing severe exacerbations while achieving similar or better asthma control in other regards. Exacerbations may be reduced by the use of budesonide/formoterol as reliever medication during periods of unstable asthma. We examined the risk of a severe exacerbation in the period after a single day with high reliever use.


Episodes of high reliever use were quantified and exacerbations occurring post-index day with these episodes were examined post hoc in two double-blind studies comparing the efficacy and safety of budesonide/formoterol maintenance and reliever therapy (Symbicort SMART™, Turbuhaler®) 160/4.5 μg twice daily plus as needed with similar or higher maintenance doses of ICS/LABA plus SABA or formoterol.


Budesonide/formoterol maintenance and reliever therapy significantly reduced the risk of episodes of high reliever use (>6 inhalations/day) vs. all alternative ICS/LABA regimens. With conventional fixed-dose treatment the need for exacerbation treatment within 21 days ranged from 6.0–10.1% of days post-index for all regimens compared with 2.5–3.4% of days with budesonide/formoterol maintenance and reliever therapy.


Budesonide/formoterol maintenance and reliever therapy reduces the incidence of high reliever episodes and the exacerbation burden immediately following these episodes vs. alternative ICS/LABA plus SABA regimens at up to double the maintenance dose of ICS.

Trial registration

These studies do not have registration numbers as they were conducted before clinical trial registration was required  相似文献   

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