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Extracellular proteins released by mammary epithelial cells are critical mediators of cell communication, proliferation, and organization, yet the actual spectrum of proteins released by any given cell (the secretome) is poorly characterized. To define the set of proteins secreted by human mammary epithelial cells (HMEC), we combined analytical and computational approaches to define a secretome protein set based upon probable biological significance. Analysis of HMEC-conditioned medium by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry resulted in identification of 889 unique proteins, of which 151 were found to be specifically enriched in the extracellular compartment when compared with a database of proteins expressed in whole HMEC lysates. Additional high mass accuracy analysis revealed 36 proteins whose extracellular abundance increased after treatment with phorbol ester (PMA), a protein kinase C agonist and general secretagogue. Many of the PMA stimulated proteins have been reported to be aberrantly expressed in human cancers and appear to be coregulated as multigene clusters. By inhibiting PMA-mediated transactivation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), a pathway critically required for normal HMEC function, we found that the secretion of specific matrix metalloproteases was also coordinately regulated through EGFR transactivation. This study demonstrates a tiered strategy by which extracellular proteins can be identified and progressively assigned to classes of increasing confidence and regulatory importance.  相似文献   

Böckmann S 《Peptides》2002,23(10):1783-1791

We have previously shown that alpha-thrombin exerted a mitogenic effect on human glomerular epithelial cells and stimulated the synthesis of urokinase-type (u-PA) and tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) and of their inhibitor, plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1). In the present study, we investigate the signal transduction mechanisms of thrombin in these cultured cells. Thrombin induced an increase in intracellular free calcium concentrations ([Ca2+]i) in a dose-dependent manner, a plateau being reached at 1 U/ml thrombin. A 60% inhibition of this effect was produced by 300 nM nicardipine, a dihydroperidine agent, or by 4 mM EGTA, indicating that increase in [Ca2+]i was due in part to extracellular Ca2+ entry through L-type voltage-sensitive calcium channels. Thrombin also induced an increase in inositol trisphosphate (IP3), suggesting that phospholipase C activation and phosphatidylinositides breakdown were stimulated. Interestingly thrombin-stimulated cell proliferation measured by 3H thymidine incorporation was inhibited by 300 nM nicardipine, and restored by addition of 10(-8) M ionomycin, indicating that calcium entry was critical for the mitogenic signal of thrombin. Conversely, nicardipine did not modify thrombin-stimulated synthesis of u-PA, t-PA, and PAI-1. Both thrombin-stimulated cell proliferation and protein synthesis required protein kinase C activation since these effects were blocked by 10 microM H7, an inhibitor of protein kinases, and by desensitization of protein kinase C by phorbol ester pretreatment of the cells. Interestingly, DFP-inactivated thrombin which binds the thrombin receptor and gamma-thrombin, which has some enzymatic activity but does not bind to thrombin receptor, had no effect when used alone. Simultaneous addition of these two thrombin derivatives had no effect on [Ca2+]i, and 3H thymidine incorporation but stimulated u-PA, t-PA, and PAI-1 synthesis although to a lesser extent than alpha-thrombin. This effect also required protein kinase C activation to occur, presumably by a pathway distinct from phosphoinositoside turnover since it was not associated with IP3 generation. In conclusion, multiple signalling pathways can be activated by alpha-thrombin in glomerular epithelial cells: 1) Ca2+ influx through a dihydroperidine-sensitive calcium channel, which seems critical for mitogenesis; 2) protein kinase C activation by phosphoinositide breakdown, which stimulates both mitogenesis and synthesis of u-PA, t-PA, and PAI-1; 3) protein kinase C activation by other phospholipid breakdown can stimulate u-PA, t-PA, and PAI-1 synthesis but not mitogenesis.  相似文献   

Effect of PDGF-AB heterodimer on a corneal epithelial cell line.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Exposure of cells of a rabbit corneal epithelial cell line (SIRC) to platelet-derived growth factor-AB heterodimer (PDGF-AB) resulted in a rapid and transient elevation of cytosolic free calcium concentration with a maximum at 2 to 3 min after stimulation. The kinetics of the calcium response were dose-dependent, e.g., higher concentrations of PDGF-AB caused a faster rise in cytosolic free calcium concentration. Maximum response was achieved with 10 ng/ml PDGF; higher concentrations up to 100 ng/ml did not further enhance cytosolic free calcium concentration. The ED50 was calculated to be 5 ng/ml PDGF-AB. After complexing extracellular calcium, PDGF-AB still caused a significant rise in cytosolic free calcium concentration indicating a mobilization of calcium from intracellular stores. This rise, however, was less pronounced than in the presence of extracellular calcium. The elevation in cytosolic free calcium concentration was not accompanied by an increased mitotic or proliferative activity of the cells as checked by [3H]thymidine incorporation and counting of cell numbers after 3 days of continuous incubation with various concentrations of PDGF-AB or by alterations in cell size and cell volume. In contrast, alterations in cell shape with a remarkable amount of rounded and partially detached SIRC cells after addition of PDGF-AB were observed within 24 h. Moreover, PDGF-AB caused a reversible distortion of cytoskeletal components such as actin-containing microfilament bundles, microtubules, and vimentin filaments. The results suggest that PDGF-AB may act only as a competence factor for the stimulation of SIRC cells via modification of the intracellular calcium homeostasis.  相似文献   

Alternatives to the Draize rabbit eye irritation test are currently being investigated. Because of morphological and biochemical differences between the rabbit and the human eye, continuous human cell lines have been proposed for use in ocular toxicology studies. Single cell-type monolayer cultures in culture medium have been used extensively in ocular toxicology. In the present study, an SV40-immortalised human corneal epithelial (HCE) cell line was characterised immunohistochemically, by using 13 different monoclonal antibodies to cytokeratins (CKs), ranging from CK3 to CK20. The results from the monolayer HCE cell cultures were compared with those from the corneal epithelium of human corneal cryostat sections. Previous studies have shown that the morphology of the HCE cell is similar to that of primary cultured human corneal epithelial cells, and that the cells express the cornea-specific CK3. In the study reported here, we show that the cell line also expresses CKs 7, 8, 18 and 19. These CKs are typically expressed by simple epithelial cells, and are not found in the human cornea in vivo. Therefore, the monolayer HCE cell line grown in culture medium does not express the CK pattern that is typical of human corneal epithelium. This should be taken into consideration when using HCE cell cultures in similar single cell-type experiments for ocular toxicology.  相似文献   

Invasion of epithelial cells represents a potential pathogenic mechanism for Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We explored the role of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinases (MEK 1/2) and the extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK 1/2) in P. aeruginosa invasion. Treatment of corneal epithelial cells with MEK inhibitors, PD98059 (20 microM) or UO126 (100 microM), reduced P. aeruginosa invasion by approximately 60% without affecting bacterial association with the cells (P=0.0001). UO124, a negative control for UO126, had no effect on bacterial internalization. Infection of cells with an internalization-defective flhA mutant of P. aeruginosa was associated with less ERK 1/2 tyrosine phosphorylation than infection with wild-type invasive P. aeruginosa. An ERK-2 inhibitor, 5-iodotubercidin (20 microM), reduced P. aeruginosa invasion by approximately 40% (P=0.035). Together, these data suggest that P. aeruginosa internalization by epithelial cells involves a pathway(s) that includes MEK and ERK signaling proteins.  相似文献   

A human epithelial cell line, WISH, and a mouse cell line, LB6-uPAR, transfected with the human urokinase receptor (uPAR), both expressed high affinity uPAR but undetectable levels of urokinase (uPA). In two independent assays, binding of exogenous pro-uPA produced an up to threefold enhancement of migration. The migration was time and concentration dependent and did not involve extracellular proteolysis. This biologic response suggested that uPAR can trigger an intracellular signal. Since this receptor is a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol-linked protein, we postulated that it must do so by interacting with other proteins, among which, by analogy to other systems, would be a kinase. To test this hypothesis, we carried out a solid phase capture of uPAR from WISH cell lysates using either antibodies against uPAR or pro-uPA adsorbed to plastic wells, followed by in vitro phosphorylation of the immobilized proteins. SDS-PAGE and autoradiography revealed two phosphorylated protein bands of 47 and 55 kD. Both proteins were phosphorylated on serine residues. Partial sequence of the two proteins showed a 100% homology to cytokeratin 18 (CK18) and 8 (CK8), respectively. A similar pattern of phosphorylation was obtained with lysates from A459 cells, a lung carcinoma, but not HL60, LB6-uPAR or HEp3 cell lysates, suggesting that the identified multiprotein uPAR- complex may be specific for simple epithelia. Moreover, immunocapture with antibody to another glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol-linked protein, CD55, which is highly expressed in WISH cells, was ineffective. The kinase was tentatively identified as protein kinase C, because it was inhibited by an analogue of staurosporine more specific for PKC and not by a PKA or tyrosine kinase inhibitors. The kinase was tentatively identified as PKC epsilon because of its resistance to PMA down- modulation, independence of Ca2+ for activity, and reaction with a specific anti-PKC epsilon antibody in Western blots. Cell fractionation into cytosolic and particulate fractions revealed that all four proteins, the kinase, uPAR, CK18, and CK8, were present in the particulate fraction. In vivo, CK8, and to a lesser degree CK18, were found to be phosphorylated on serine residues. Occupation of uPAR elicited a time-dependent increase in the phosphorylation intensity of CK8, a cell shape change and a redistribution of the cytokeratin filaments. These results strongly suggest that uPAR serves not only as an anchor for uPA but participates in a signal transduction pathway resulting in a pronounced biological response.  相似文献   

The effect of sodium n-butyrate on prostaglandin synthesis in cultured cells was examined. Exposure of BC-90 cells, a clone of an epithelial rat liver cell line, to 1 mM sodium n-butyrate for 40 h induced prostacyclin production. Prostacyclin synthesis was proved by demonstrating: (1) production of labeled 6-ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha by treating [14C]arachidonic acid pre-labeled cells with calcium ionophore A23187, (2) production of unstable substance that inhibited adenosine diphosphate-induced platelet aggregation, and (3) conversion of [14C]arachidonic acid to 6-ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha in homogenates of n-butyrate-treated cells. Untreated control cells showed negligible prostaglandin synthesis. Untreated cell homogenates did not convert [14C]arachidonic acid to any prostaglandins, but they converted [14C]prostaglandin H2 to prostacyclin. Induction of prostacyclin production by n-butyrate was also demonstrated with cells that had been treated with acetylsalicylic acid before n-butyrate treatment in acetylsalicylic acid-free medium. Incorporation of [3H]acetylsalicylic acid by sodium n-butyrate-treated cells increased in accordance with treatment time, while that of untreated cells did not change during culture. There was no difference in the phospholipase A2 activities of n-butyrate-treated and -untreated cells. From these findings, the possibility that n-butyrate induced prostacyclin in BC-90 cells through induction of fatty acid cyclooxygenase activity is discussed.  相似文献   

To determine whether asymmetrical cell division takes place during growth and differentiation of corneal epithelial cells, we analyzed the expression of some proteins required for the correct execution of the asymmetric division in cultured RCE1‐(5T5) cells, which mimic the differentiation of corneal epithelial cells. RT‐PCR and immunostaining showed that Par‐3, LGN (GPSM2), NuMA, and the mammalian homolog of inscuteable (Insc) are expressed by the cultured cells. Semi‐quantitative RT‐PCR demonstrated that Insc mRNA levels were stable throughout the experiment. Conversely, LGN and NuMA mRNAs increased slightly and steadily in proliferative cells, reaching a peak of about 20% above basal levels when cells were confluent. At later times, LGN and NuMA mRNAs decreased to become barely detectable when cells organized into a four‐layered epithelium and expressed terminal phenotype as indicated by the highest expression of LDH‐H mRNA. Cultivation under low Ca2+ conditions (0.09 mM) reduced about 50% Insc mRNA expression both in proliferating and confluent cultures, but did not affect the levels of LGN and NuMA mRNAs. Hence, asymmetric cell division seems to take place with a lower frequency in cells grown with low Ca2+ concentrations, in spite of the absence of stratification. Immunostaining experiments raise the possibility of an interaction between k3/K12 keratin cytoskeleton and Par‐3. The results show for the first time the coordination between the expression of corneal epithelial cell differentiation and the expression of cell polarity machinery. They also suggest that asymmetric division does not depend on stratification; instead, it seems to be part of the differentiation program. J. Cell. Physiol. 226: 700–709, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A primary function of cadherins is to regulate cell adhesion. Here, we demonstrate a broader function of cadherins in the differentiation of specialized epithelial cell phenotypes. In situ, the rat retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) forms cell-cell contacts within its monolayer, and at the apical membrane with the neural retina; Na+, K(+)-ATPase and the membrane cytoskeleton are restricted to the apical membrane. In vitro, RPE cells (RPE-J cell line) express an endogenous cadherin, form adherens junctions and a tight monolayer, but Na+,K(+)-ATPase is localized to both apical and basal-lateral membranes. Expression of E- cadherin in RPE-J cells results in restriction and accumulation of both Na+,K(+)-ATPase and the membrane cytoskeleton at the lateral membrane; these changes correlate with the synthesis of a different ankyrin isoform. In contrast to both RPE in situ and RPE-J cells that do not form desmosomes, E-cadherin expression in RPE-J cells induces accumulation of desmoglein mRNA, and assembly of desmosome-keratin complexes at cell-cell contacts. These results demonstrate that cadherins directly affect epithelial cell phenotype by remodeling the distributions of constitutively expressed proteins and by induced accumulation of specific proteins, which together lead to the generation of structurally and functionally distinct epithelial cell types.  相似文献   

The human prostate gland undergoes a prominent alteration in Zn+2 homeostasis during the development of prostate cancer. The goal of the present study was to determine if the immortalized human prostate cell line (RWPE-1) could serve as a model system to study the role of zinc in prostate cancer. The study examined the expression of mRNA for 19 members of the zinc transporter gene family in normal prostate tissue, the prostate RWPE-1 cell line, and the LNCaP, DU-145 and PC-3 prostate cancer cell lines. The study demonstrated that the expression of the 19 zinc transporters was similar between the RWPE-1 cell line and the in situ prostate gland. Of the 19 zinc transporters, only 5 had levels that were different between the RWPE-1 cells and the tissue samples; all five being increased (ZnT-6, Zip-1, Zip-3A, Zip-10, and Zip-14). The response of the 19 transporters was also determined when the cell lines were exposed to 75 microM Zn+2 for 24 h. It was shown for the RWPE-1 cells that only 5 transporters responded to Zn+2 with mRNA for ZnT-1 and ZnT-2 being increased while mRNA for ZnT-7, Zip-7 and Zip-10 transporters were decreased. It was shown for the LNCaP, DU-145 and PC-3 cells that Zn+2 had no effect on the mRNA levels of all 19 transporters except for an induction of ZnT-1 in PC-3 cells. Overall, the study suggests that the RWPE-1 cells could be a valuable model for the study of the zinc transporter gene family in the prostate.  相似文献   

Summary A serum-free system has been developed for selective growth and long-term culture of rat thymic epithelial cells. The growth media is a modification of McKeehan's WAJC 404, plus insulin, cholera toxin, dexamethasone, and epidermal growth factor. Cultures have been continuously passaged and maintained for over 6 mo., and a cloned cell line, TEA3A1, has been established. These cells are epithelial, judging by morphology and ultrastructure, and are positive for A2B5 and thymosin α markers for thymic endocrine cells. This work was partly supported by grant PCM-834 0582 from the National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, and grant P01 CA 37589-2 from the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Several oncogenes have now been implicated in mammary carcinogenesis. We investigated the phenotypic effects of expressing three representative oncogenes in mammary epithelial cells. v-myc (coding for a nuclear protein), v-Ha-ras (a G-protein homologue) and v-fgr (a tyrosine kinase) genes were introduced into the nontumorigenic clone 14 of the mouse mammary epithelial cell line COMMA-1D. Their effects upon growth and differentiation were determined. Anchorage-independent growth was induced by all three oncogenes with low efficiency. v-Ha-ras and v-fgr induced tumorigenicity in nude mice. The effect of oncogenes upon parameters unique to mammary epithelial cells in vitro was assayed. Both v-myc and v-fgr abolished the ability of clone 14 to grow as three-dimensional branching structures in hydrated collagen gel. v-fgr completely and v-myc partially inhibited the expression of the epithelium specific cytokeratins. Clone 14 can be induced to produce the beta-casein milk protein by the combination of the lactogenic hormones, dexamethasone, insulin, and PRL. Introduction of v-myc into clone 14 cells resulted in an estimated 50-fold increased induction of beta-casein protein and at least a 60-fold increase in beta-casein mRNA. The number of cells stained with anti-beta casein antibodies also showed a 10-fold increase after v-myc introduction. This still required the synergistic action of all three lactogenic hormones. Thus v-myc can alter the normal response of mammary epithelial cells to lactogenic hormones.  相似文献   

Mechanical ventilation with hyperoxia is necessary to treat critically ill patients. However, prolonged exposure to hyperoxia leads to the generation of excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can cause acute inflammatory lung injury. One of the major effects of hyperoxia is the injury and death of pulmonary epithelium, which is accompanied by increased levels of pulmonary proinflammatory cytokines and excessive leukocyte infiltration. A thorough understanding of the signaling pathways leading to pulmonary epithelial cell injury/death may provide some insights into the pathogenesis of hyperoxia-induced acute inflammatory lung injury. This review focuses on epithelial responses to hyperoxia and some of the major factors regulating pathways to epithelial cell injury/death, and proinflammatory responses on exposure to hyperoxia. We discuss in detail some of the most interesting players, such as NF-kappaB, that can modulate both proinflammatory responses and cell injury/death of lung epithelial cells. A better appreciation for the functions of these factors will no doubt help us to delineate the pathways to hyperoxic cell death and proinflammatory responses.  相似文献   

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