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中国新近纪哺乳动物生物年代学   总被引:20,自引:7,他引:13  
基于迄今为止发现的包括大型和小型哺乳动物在内的动物群资料,中国的新近纪被划分为7个哺乳动物期和13个哺乳动物群单位(NMU)。现在,通过对大量新化石地点和新化石记录的研究,中国的新近纪NMU已经得到显著的充实。这些新资料的重要意义在于极大地促进了我们对动物群转换和分期界线标定的认识。最近几年来,中国的新近纪哺乳动物分期变得更加精细,这主要得益于古地磁地层学的广泛应用,使得这些分期之间的界线能够进行准确的校正和定年。越来越多的古地磁分析资料使中国的新近纪哺乳动物群在与欧洲的动物群进行对比时有了一个良好的标尺。因此,本文主要依据哺乳动物化石和古地磁测年数据在中国的新近纪哺乳动物群单位和欧洲的新近纪哺乳动物分带(MN)之间进行对比。  相似文献   

近百年来,在内蒙古中部地区发现了丰富的新近纪哺乳动物化石,命名和描述了10余个哺乳动物群,其时代跨越早中新世至早上新世。它们已经成为建立中国北方新近纪哺乳动物生物年代地层框架的重要依据。早在1959年中苏古生物联合考察过程中就已经发现土城子地区有丰富的哺乳动物化石,但这些化石以大–中型哺乳动物为主,缺乏小哺乳动物。土城子动物群的构成和其在中国北方新近纪哺乳动物年代地层框架中的位置长期以来不是特别明确。报道了在土城子新发现的6种小哺乳动物化石。根据Lophocricetus grabaui–Sinocricetus zdanskyi–Prosiphneus licenti–Hansdebruijnia pusilla–Moschus grandaevus的组合特点,认为土城子动物群的年代应该可以很好地约束在晚中新世(或者保德期)的晚期。土城子动物群明显比内蒙古的宝格达乌拉动物群要进步一些,与二登图动物群非常相似,时代上晚于前者,略早于后者。依据动物群整体面貌,推测在晚中新世晚期土城子地区存在森林和草原混合的环境。  相似文献   

Gazella羚羊是"三趾马动物群"中常见成员,在晚中新世至更新世地层中广泛分布,演化速率相对较快,具有重要的生物地层学及生态指示意义,但在我国尚未有保德期之前的化石报道。本文研究的化石发现于陕西蓝田灞河组中部,磁性地层学资料显示其年代为晚中新世灞河期。化石标本包括了5个近乎完整的头骨、下颌以及颅后骨骼。根据发现的标本装架起第一个完整的Gazella羚羊骨架。形态对比与测量数据表明,蓝田标本与巴基斯坦西瓦里克发现的Gazella lydekkeri非常相近,而不同于欧洲晚中新世常见的Gazella各种以及我国发现的种类。从肢骨的形态分析与测量比例数据来看,Gazella cf.G.lydekkeri适合快速奔跑运动,可能生活在相对开阔的环境中,与灞河期动物群的生态类型以及与灞河组沉积学、同位素地球化学等研究所指示的相对干旱、半干旱的开阔草原环境相一致。  相似文献   

中国晚新近纪哺乳动物群落与东亚环境变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据已有的中国晚新近纪哺乳动物化石记录,综合新近研究成果,初步探讨中国晚新近纪哺乳动物群落演变进程及其对于气候与环境变化的响应。结果表明,自中中新世晚期至晚中新世(约13 Ma至7-8 Ma),中国北方哺乳动物群落组成上没有明显的分异;而在其后的晚中新世晚期发生了较为明显的区域性分化,分化为东部地区以适应潮湿的较为封闭的动物群落与西部地区适应干旱的开阔环境的群落,这种分异可能与东亚夏季风的加强密切相关; 青藏高原及其周边地区化石类群的扩散与交流资料也表明由青藏高原隆升而形成的地理阻隔也可能发生在该时期;上新世哺乳动物群落演化表现出对于持续的干旱化气候背景的适应,而晚上新世某些类群的分异与主导地位的确立与该时期气候环境背景的剧烈震荡相一致。由于化石资料的不完整,时段分布的不均一,以及地理分布区域的局限,全面认识中国晚新近纪哺乳动物群落组成以及与环境变化的关系尚有很长的一段历程。  相似文献   

渤海海域新近纪普遍发育河流相沉积,近年大量探井揭示渤海海域东南部地区新近系发育湖相、浅水三角洲相以及河流相几种沉积类型。本文对东南部地区新近纪古生物特征展开系统研究,在此基础之上结合丰富的岩心资料总结了渤海海域新近纪湖盆萎缩期河湖过渡带各种典型沉积相类型的古生物分布特征。研究表明:湖相地层古生物门类丰富,发现了藻类,孢粉以及无脊椎动物等类型,化石丰度高,尤其是藻类化石占有重要比重,局部含量达90%以上。三角洲前缘化石门类多,但是丰度较滨浅湖低。三角洲平原相,孢粉较藻类化石含量具有明显优势,尤其是草本植物类型含量高,并且植物碎屑,根系,碳屑常见。河流相化石相对贫乏。在此基础上对渤海海域东南部新近系古环境演化开展研究,结果表明新近纪湖盆萎缩整体呈先扩张再衰退的变化过程,馆陶组中晚期以后湖盆逐渐扩张,到明化镇组下段沉积时期古湖盆最为发育,明化镇组上段时期古湖盆逐渐收缩。  相似文献   

陕西府谷晚中新世蓝牛化石(英文)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
尽管中国发现的中新羚(偶蹄目,牛科,蓝牛族)化石较少,但由于其重要的生物年代学意义而备受重视,被作为与欧洲Vallesian期动物群对比的重要分子。描述了新近在陕西府谷喇嘛沟发现的头骨标本。依据下颌骨形态与牙齿特征,将其归入Miotragocerus gregarius (Schlosser,1903)。新发现的材料完善了该种的鉴定特征:中等大小的蓝牛类;角心强烈后倾, 中等分散度,具前后两条棱,横断面呈椭圆形;雄性个体角心前的额骨部分强烈隆升,雌性个体则无明显隆起;脑颅部分成梯形,其最大宽度在角心后,最小宽度在枕骨位置上;基枕骨前后突之间没有沟槽发育;P2与P3具发育且后置的次尖;p4下后尖前后向扩展。对比研究表明,该种较Miotragocerus spectabilis原始,而后者为中国发现的蓝牛类的最后代表且于中新世末期绝灭。对比巴基斯坦以及欧洲的蓝牛,认为中国的Miotragocerus可能与欧洲的种类关系较为密切,而不同于巴基斯坦的Tragoportax。最新的研究资料表明,Miotragocerus在中国主要发现于晚中新世中晚期(Turolian期),可能在8Ma之前从欧洲迁移至东亚,由于剧烈的气候及生态环境的改变于晚中新世末期与Urmiatheriinae等大型牛科化石一起绝灭。  相似文献   

<正>内蒙古二连盆地在我国古近纪与新近纪地层及哺乳动物研究中占有举足轻重的地位,因为这里不仅有发育良好、富含哺乳动物化石的沉积地层,而且研究历史已有90余年,更为重要的是二连盆地古近纪与新近纪地层和哺乳动物化石已经成为我国以及东亚地区相关研究的对比依据,对于认识亚洲乃至全球新生代哺乳动物演化历史都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

报道并描述了一件来自甘肃临夏盆地的中间乌米兽(Urmiatherium intermedium)头骨化石新材料,该材料产自柳树组上部,属于晚中新世晚期杨家山动物群。中间乌米兽是一种大型的晚中新世牛科动物,角心特化,短且呈薄板状,并且在基部相互靠近。在角心前后方的额骨和顶骨上,发育大片赘生骨疣,这些骨疣与角心一起,合称角器。20世纪初,步林报道了中国北方晚中新世地层中的大量中间乌米兽化石,包括产自山西保德和甘肃庆阳的20多件头骨以及很多破碎的齿列和骨骼。本文报道的乌米兽头骨化石是乌米兽在甘肃临夏盆地的首次发现,将其在中国北方的分布向西扩展到了青藏高原东北缘地带。乌米兽被普遍认为与近旋角羊(Plesiaddax)、和政羊(Hezhengia)和柴达木兽(Tsaidamotherium)等晚中新世"麝牛类"牛科动物具有较近的亲缘关系,但其系统发育地位仍存有争议。相比其他晚中新世"麝牛类"牛科动物,乌米兽的分布较广,从伊朗至中国北方都有分布,但它鲜与其他晚中新世"麝牛类"牛科动物伴生。在临夏盆地,与其伴生的牛科动物目前仅发现中华羚(Sinotragus)一种。  相似文献   

埃迪卡拉纪化石保存方式具有多样性,包括:磷酸盐化、有机碳质压膜、黄铁矿化、硅化、以及粘土矿物交代。文中综述了以上各种化石保存方式在地层中的时代分布规律、埋藏特征和形成机理,并分析了这些类型的化石库在我国埃迪卡拉纪地层中的地理分布规律和埋藏学意义。分析结果表明:华南埃迪卡拉纪化石库的保存方式主要以有机碳质压膜为主;磷酸盐化和硅化保存方式分布较广;黄铁矿化和粘土矿物交代方式在中国埃迪卡拉纪地层保存较少。有机碳质压膜、黄铁矿化多见于粉砂岩、泥岩中;磷酸盐化、硅化多出现于磷块岩、燧石层或碳酸盐岩的磷质、硅质结核中,化石多为微体化石。另外,多种化石保存方式常常同时出现在同一化石库中,形成复合式的保存模式。  相似文献   

埃迪卡拉化石组成了全球埃迪卡拉纪地层中最具代表性的大型软躯体生物群落.根据其时代、化石种类以及岩性等,埃迪卡拉化石被划分为阿瓦隆、白海、纳玛三个不同组合.产自我国三峡地区埃迪卡拉纪晚期的石板滩生物群是为数不多保存在海相碳酸盐岩中的埃迪卡拉化石生物群.本文利用多元统计分析和网络分析等定量古生物方法划分出四个化石组合,检验...  相似文献   

We describe a phylogeny of the Bovidae based on 40 allozyme loci in 27 species, representing 10 of the 14 bovid tribes described by Vrba (1985). Giraffe represented a related family (Giraffidae). A phenogram was derived using the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic means (UPGMA), based on Nei's genetic distances (ND) between species. A tree was also derived using the neighbor-joining technique, also based on ND. To provide a cladistic interpretation, the data were analyzed by a maximum parsimony method (phylogenetic analysis using parsimony, PAUP). We found marked divergence within the Bovidae, consistent with the appearance of the family in the early Miocene. Unexpectedly, the most divergent species was the impala, which occupied a basal position in all trees. Species in the tribe Alcelaphini were the most derived taxa in all trees. These patterns conflict strongly with the previous taxonomic alliance, based on immuno-distance and anatomical evidence, of the impala as a sister group of the Alcelaphini. All trees agreed that tribes described by Vrba (1985) are monophyletic, except the Neotragini, which was polyphyletic, with suni occupying a long branch by itself. The dikdik and klipspringer were consistently placed as sister taxa to species in the Antilopini. Three tribes (Aepycerotini, Tragelaphini and Cephalophini), whose fossils have not been found outside Africa, were basal in all trees, suggesting that bovids originated in Africa. Nodes connecting the remaining tribes were closely clustered, a pattern that agrees with fossil evidence of rapid divergence within the Bovidae in the mid-Miocene (about 15 mybp). The allozyme data suggested a second phase of rapid divergence within tribes during the Plio-Pleistocene, a pattern that also agrees with fossil evidence. Rates of bovid divergence have therefore been far from constant. However, the clustering of nodes imparts considerable uncertainty to the branching order leading to the derived tribes, and to a lesser extent, species within tribes. The classical division of the Bovidae into the Boodontia and Aegeodontia does not agree with the phylogenetic grouping of tribes presented in this analysis. However, the maximum parsimony tree derived using ‘local’ branch swapping clustered all grazing species into a derived, monophyletic group, suggesting that grazing may have evolved only once in bovid evolution.  相似文献   

A taxonomic division of the family Bovidae (Artiodactyla) is difficult and the evolutionary relationships among most bovid subfamilies remain uncertain. In this study, we isolated the cattle satellite I clone BTREP15 (1.715 satellite DNA family) and autosomal centromeric DNAs of members of ten bovid tribes. We wished to determine whether the analysis of fluorescence in situ hybridization patterns of the cattle satellite I clone (BTREP15) and tribe-specific centromeric repeats isolated by laser microdissection would help to reveal some of the ambiguities occurring in the systematic classification of the family Bovidae. The FISH study of the presence and distribution of the cattle satellite I clone BTREP15 (1.715 satellite DNA family) within members of ten bovid tribes was not informative. FISH analysis of autosomal centromeric DNA probes in several species within one tribe revealed similar hybridization patterns in autosomes confirming tribal homogeneity of these probes. Sex chromosomes showed considerable variation in sequence composition and arrangement not only between tribes but also between species of one tribe. According to our findings it seems that Oreotragus oreotragus developed its own specific satellite DNA which does not hybridize to any other bovid species analysed. Our results suggest O. oreotragus as well as Aepyceros melampus may be unique species not particularly closely related to any of the recognized bovid tribes. This study indicates the isolation of tribe-specific centromeric DNAs by laser microdissection and cloning the sequence representing the main motif of these repetitive DNAs could offer the perspectives for comparative phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of the family Bovidae remains controversial despite past comprehensive morphological and genetic investigations. In an effort to resolve some of the systematic uncertainties within the group, a combined molecular phylogeny was constructed based on four independent nuclear DNA markers (2,573 characters) and three mitochondrial DNA genes (1,690 characters) for 34 bovid taxa representing all seven of the currently recognized bovid subfamilies. The nuclear DNA fragments were analyzed separately and in combination after partition homogeneity tests were performed. There was no significant rate heterogeneity among lineages, and retention index values indicated the general absence of homoplasy in the nuclear DNA data. The conservative nuclear DNA data were remarkably effective in resolving associations among bovid subfamilies, which had a rapid radiation dating back to approximately 23 MYA. All analyses supported the monophyly of the Bovinae (cow, nilgai, and kudu clade) as a sister lineage to the remaining bovid subfamilies, and the data convincingly suggest that the subfamilies Alcelaphinae (hartebeest, tsessebe, and wildebeest group) and Hippotraginae (roan, sable, and gemsbok clade) share a close evolutionary relationship and together form a sister clade to the more primitive Caprinae (represented by sheep, goat, and muskox). The problematic Reduncinae (waterbuck, reedbuck) seem to be the earliest-diverging group of the Caprinae/Alcelaphinae/Hippotraginae clade, whereas the Antilopinae (gazelle and dwarf antelope clade) were always polyphyletic. The sequence data suggest that the initial diversification of the Bovidae took place in Eurasia and that lineages such as the Cephalophinae and other enigmatic taxa (impala, suni, and klipspringer) most likely originated, more or less contemporaneously, in Africa.  相似文献   

To elucidate the systematic status of the enigmatic saola (Pseudoryx nghetinhensis), a new bovid genus recently discovered in Vietnam, and to investigate phylogenetic relationships within the family Bovidae, four distinct DNA markers were sequenced. Complete mitochondrial cytochrome b (1143 bp) and 12S rRNA (956 bp) genes and non-coding regions from the nuclear genes for aromatase cytochrome P-450 (199 bp) and lactoferrin (338 bp) have been compared for 25 bovid species and three Cervidae and Antilocapridae outgroups. Independent and/or combined analyses of the four nucleotide matrices through maximum parsimony and maximum-likelihood methods indicated that Bovidae consists of two major lineages, i.e. Bovinac which contains the tribes Bovini, Boselaphini and Tragelaphini, and Antilopinae which encompasses all other bovids. Within Bovinae, the tribe Bovini is divided into buffalo Bovini (Bubalus and Syncerus) and cattle Bovini (Bos and Bison) and Tragelaphini are possibly related to Boselaphini. Pseudoryx is shown to be (i) robustly nested within Bovinae; (ii) strongly associated with Bovini; and (iii) tentatively sharing a sister-group relationship with cattle Bovini. Within Antilopinae, three robust clades are in evidence: (i) Hippotragus and Damaliscus are linked to Ovis; (ii) Aepyceros joins Neotragus; and (iii) Cephalophus clusters with Oreotragus.  相似文献   

Portions of the 12S and 16S mitochondrial ribosomal genes for 16 species representing nine tribes in the mammal family Bovidae were compared with six previously published orthologous sequences. Phylogenetic analysis of variable nucleotide positions under different constraints and weighting schemes revealed no robust groupings among tribes. Consensus trees support previous hypotheses of monophyly for four clades, including the traditional subfamily Bovinae. However, the basal diversification of bovid tribes, which was largely unresolved by morphological, immunodiffusion, allozyme, and protein sequence data, remains unresolved with the addition of DNA sequence data. The intractability of this systematic problem is consistent with a rapid radiation of the major bovid groups. Several analyses of our data show that monophyly of the Bovidae, which was weakly supported by previous morphological and molecular work, is questionable.  相似文献   

By using three gene probes, one derived from the porcine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and two from bovine cytokeratin genes, type I (KRTA) and type II (KRTB), the hypothesis of conservation of genome structure in two members of the family Bovidae was examined. Gene mapping data revealed the MHC to be in chromosome region 23q15----q23 in cattle (BOLA) and 20q15----q23 in sheep (OLA). KRTA was localized to chromosome region 19q25----q29 in cattle and 11q25----q29 in sheep and KRTB to 5q14----q22 in cattle and 3q14----q22 in sheep. The banding patterns of the chromosome arms to which the loci were assigned were identical in both species. Moreover, the resemblances of GTG- or QFQ-banding patterns between the cattle and sheep karyotypes illustrated further chromosome homologies. These studies, based on gene mapping comparisons and comparative cytogenetics, document that within bovid chromosomes, homology of banding patterns corresponds to a homologous genetic structure. Hence, we propose that gene assignments on identified chromosomal segments in one species of the Bovidae can be extrapolated, in general, to other bovid species based on the banding homologies presented here.  相似文献   

陕西蓝田灞河组乌米兽亚科(Urmiatheriinae,Bovidae)一新属   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
记乌米兽亚科(Unniatheriinae,Bovidae)-新属:Lantiantragus longirostralis gen.etsp.nov.。其主要特征是个体大;脸部窄而高;吻部细长,前颌骨与鼻骨接触;鼻骨狭长,背面平,前端无侧翼;鼻切迹位置靠前;眶下孔位置低,位于P3之上方;颊齿中等高冠,臼齿列长,前臼齿列与臼齿列之长度比小于60%;一珐琅质中孔出现在磨蚀的上臼齿两叶之间,靠近唇侧;下第一门齿不增大;p4的下后尖指向后内,与下内尖相连;下臼齿具底柱;c~p2之间的齿隙长等。它出现在陕西蓝田灞河组下部,生存时代为晚中新世早期。  相似文献   

记乌米兽亚科 (Urmiatheriinae,Bovidae)一新属 :Lantiantraguslongirostralisgen .etsp .nov.。其主要特征是个体大 ;脸部窄而高 ;吻部细长 ,前颌骨与鼻骨接触 ;鼻骨狭长 ,背面平 ,前端无侧翼 ;鼻切迹位置靠前 ;眶下孔位置低 ,位于P3之上方 ;颊齿中等高冠 ,臼齿列长 ,前臼齿列与臼齿列之长度比小于 60 % ;一珐琅质中孔出现在磨蚀的上臼齿两叶之间 ,靠近唇侧 ;下第一门齿不增大 ;p4的下后尖指向后内 ,与下内尖相连 ;下臼齿具底柱 ;c~p2之间的齿隙长等。它出现在陕西蓝田灞河组下部 ,生存时代为晚中新世早期。  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position and taxonomic status of the recently described Southeast Asian endemic bovid Pseudonovibos spiralis were deduced from nearly complete 12S mitochondrial rDNA sequences of this species and Bubalus bubalis alongside 26 sequences of Bovidae from GenBank using Cervus elaphus (Cervidae) as outgroup. Maximum-likelihood analyses performed by PUZZLE and fastDNAml nested P. spiralis at the base of the subtribe buffalo Bovini, suggesting the close relationship of this enigmatic species with buffalo and enabling its distinction into the separate  相似文献   

In 1993, several horns of an unknown mammal were collected in the south of Vietnam. Due to the unusual characteristics of its horns, the 'linh duong', as named by Vietnamese hunters, was quickly described as belonging to a new monospecific genus of bovid, i.e. Pseudonovibos spiralis Peter & Feiler, 1994. The taxonomic status of Pseudonovibos was a highly controversial subject, and it has been suggested that this enigmatic species may be related to three different groups of Bovidae: Antilopini (gazelles), Bovini (cattle, bisons, buffaloes), and Caprini sensu lato (goats, sheep and allies). To assess the phylogenetic relationships of the linh duong within the family Bovidae, two different DNA markers, the nuclear lactoferrin and the mitochondrial cytochrome b genes, were sequenced from bone samples of four trophies collected during 1925 in Indochina. Results show that the mysterious horns of linh duong belong to domestic cattle (Bos taurus). Thus, the linh duong is not a new mammal and the scientific name Pseudonovibos spiralis should be abandoned.  相似文献   

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