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Salinispora is the first obligate marine genus within the order Actinomycetales and a productive source of biologically active secondary metabolites. Despite a worldwide, tropical or subtropical distribution in marine sediments, only two Salinispora species have thus far been cultivated, suggesting limited species-level diversity. To further explore Salinispora diversity and distributions, the phylogenetic diversity of more than 350 strains isolated from sediments collected around the Bahamas was examined, including strains cultured using new enrichment methods. A culture-independent method, using a Salinispora-specific seminested PCR technique, was used to detect Salinispora from environmental DNA and estimate diversity. Overall, the 16S rRNA gene sequence diversity of cultured strains agreed well with that detected in the environmental clone libraries. Despite extensive effort, no new species level diversity was detected, and 97% of the 105 strains examined by restriction fragment length polymorphism belonged to one phylotype (S. arenicola). New intraspecific diversity was detected in the libraries, including an abundant new phylotype that has yet to be cultured, and a new depth record of 1,100 m was established for the genus. PCR-introduced error, primarily from Taq polymerase, significantly increased clone library sequence diversity and, if not masked from the analyses, would have led to an overestimation of total diversity. An environmental DNA extraction method specific for vegetative cells provided evidence for active actinomycete growth in marine sediments while indicating that a majority of sediment samples contained predominantly Salinispora spores at concentrations that could not be detected in environmental clone libraries. Challenges involved with the direct sequence-based detection of spore-forming microorganisms in environmental samples are discussed.  相似文献   

The three species of the genus Bordetella-B. pertussis, B. parapertussis, and B. bronchiseptica-have many antigens in common. Studies on representative strains of these species have shown that there are only a few specific antigens in each species. Whole-cell vaccines and extracts from B. pertussis contained specific mouse-protective antigen and a histamine-sensitizing factor. In addition, whole-cell vaccines and some saline extracts protected mice against intracranial challenge with B. bronchiseptica. Cells and a saline extract of B. parapertussis also protected against B. bronchiseptica but not against B. pertussis. Whole cells of B. bronchiseptica protected against B. bronchiseptica, but only one of three saline extracts protected against this challenge. Neither whole cells nor saline extracts from B. bronchiseptica protected against B. pertussis. The antigen in B. pertussis responsible for cross-protection against B. bronchiseptica was less resistant to heat than the protective antigen in B. bronchiseptica. Since histamine-sensitizing factor was not detected in B. bronchiseptica or B. parapertussis cells or extracts, this factor is not required to protect mice against B. bronchiseptica challenge. Whether B. pertussis vaccines protected against B. bronchiseptica by a nonspecific mechanism was not established, but it is clear that the specific antigen responsible for protection against B. pertussis was found only in B. pertussis and not in B. bronchiseptica or B. parapertussis.  相似文献   

Bacteriocinlike Activity within the Genus Thermus   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Members of the genus Thermus were examined for the presence of bacteriocinlike inhibitory activity. Testing was done by the deferred antagonism technique. Antagonistic activity, as evidenced by zones of inhibition, was expressed by Thermus rubens against all other Thermus strains tested. T. rubens itself was immune to this activity. Plasmid analysis of T. rubens revealed the presence of one plasmid of approximately 64 megadaltons.  相似文献   

Although Plasmodium vivax is a leading cause of malaria around the world, only a handful of vivax antigens are being studied for vaccine development. Here, we investigated genetic signatures of selection and geospatial genetic diversity of two leading vivax vaccine antigens – Plasmodium vivax merozoite surface protein 1 (pvmsp-1) and Plasmodium vivax circumsporozoite protein (pvcsp). Using scalable next-generation sequencing, we deep-sequenced amplicons of the 42 kDa region of pvmsp-1 (n = 44) and the complete gene of pvcsp (n = 47) from Cambodian isolates. These sequences were then compared with global parasite populations obtained from GenBank. Using a combination of statistical and phylogenetic methods to assess for selection and population structure, we found strong evidence of balancing selection in the 42 kDa region of pvmsp-1, which varied significantly over the length of the gene, consistent with immune-mediated selection. In pvcsp, the highly variable central repeat region also showed patterns consistent with immune selection, which were lacking outside the repeat. The patterns of selection seen in both genes differed from their P. falciparum orthologs. In addition, we found that, similar to merozoite antigens from P. falciparum malaria, genetic diversity of pvmsp-1 sequences showed no geographic clustering, while the non-merozoite antigen, pvcsp, showed strong geographic clustering. These findings suggest that while immune selection may act on both vivax vaccine candidate antigens, the geographic distribution of genetic variability differs greatly between these two genes. The selective forces driving this diversification could lead to antigen escape and vaccine failure. Better understanding the geographic distribution of genetic variability in vaccine candidate antigens will be key to designing and implementing efficacious vaccines.  相似文献   



Using gene order as a phylogenetic character has the potential to resolve previously unresolved species relationships. This character was used to resolve the evolutionary history within the genus Prochlorococcus, a group of marine cyanobacteria.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Orthologous gene sets and their genomic positions were identified from 12 species of Prochlorococcus and 1 outgroup species of Synechococcus. From this data, inversion and breakpoint distance-based phylogenetic trees were computed by GRAPPA and FastME. Statistical support of the resulting topology was obtained by application of a 50% jackknife resampling technique. The result was consistent and congruent with nucleotide sequence-based and gene-content based trees. Also, a previously unresolved clade was resolved, that of MIT9211 and SS120.


This is the first study to use gene order data to resolve a bacterial phylogeny at the genus level. It suggests that the technique is useful in resolving the Tree of Life.  相似文献   


Three antigens were associated with the cell walls of pseudomonads. A highly antigenic, strain-specific antigen of high molecular weight and protein or lipoprotein in nature, occurred as an envelope around the cells. It could be washed off the cells closely associated with carbohydrate material but its antigenicity was not dependent on the carbohydrate present. Another antigen, common to all strains tested, was situated below the first antigen. This was less antigenic than the strain-specific antigen and was polysaccharide or lipopolysaccharide in nature. A second common antigen was the mucopeptide of the cell walls. This had an antigenicity similar to that of the second antigen and was dependent on both the carbohydrate and polypeptide components of the macromolecule. There appears to be some correlation between these findings and the structure of cell walls of pseudomonads are shown by electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The genomic diversity of 33 previously assigned strains from six species within the genus Pediococcus was assessed by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) PCR and pulsed-field-gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The RAPD PCR patterns produced by two separate random primers, termed P1 (ACGCGCCCT) and P2 (ATGTAACGCC), were compared by the Pearson correlation coefficient and the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages clustering algorithm. Pattern variations between repeat samples set a strain discrimination threshold of less than 70% similarity. P1 and P2 primers alone and in combination produced 14, 21, and 28 distinct patterns, respectively. When each strain was assigned with a type strain with which it shared the highest level of similarity, both primers grouped 17 of the 27 strains to their proposed species. PFGE following genomic digestion with the restriction enzymes ApaI, NotI, and AscI produced 30, 32, and 28 distinct macrorestriction patterns, respectively. Specific DNA fragments within the NotI and AscI macrorestriction patterns for each strain were observed that allowed 27 of the 33 strains to be assigned to their proposed species. For example, following digestion with AscI, all Pediococcus parvulus strains were characterized by two DNA fragments, one of approximately 220 kb and another between 700 and 800 kb. The exceptions correlated with those observed with both RAPD PCR primers and included three P. damnosus and two P. pentosaceus strains that grew at temperatures regarded as nonpermissive for their proposed species but not for those with which they grouped.  相似文献   

In the present study, we determined the complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences of two species of Cistopus, namely C. chinensis and C. taiwanicus, and conducted a comparative mt genome analysis across the class Cephalopoda. The mtDNA length of C. chinensis and C. taiwanicus are 15706 and 15793 nucleotides with an AT content of 76.21% and 76.5%, respectively. The sequence identity of mtDNA between C. chinensis and C. taiwanicus was 88%, suggesting a close relationship. Compared with C. taiwanicus and other octopods, C. chinensis encoded two additional tRNA genes, showing a novel gene arrangement. In addition, an unusual 23 poly (A) signal structure is found in the ATP8 coding region of C. chinensis. The entire genome and each protein coding gene of the two Cistopus species displayed notable levels of AT and GC skews. Based on sliding window analysis among Octopodiformes, ND1 and DN5 were considered to be more reliable molecular beacons. Phylogenetic analyses based on the 13 protein-coding genes revealed that C. chinensis and C. taiwanicus form a monophyletic group with high statistical support, consistent with previous studies based on morphological characteristics. Our results also indicated that the phylogenetic position of the genus Cistopus is closer to Octopus than to Amphioctopus and Callistoctopus. The complete mtDNA sequence of C. chinensis and C. taiwanicus represent the first whole mt genomes in the genus Cistopus. These novel mtDNA data will be important in refining the phylogenetic relationships within Octopodiformes and enriching the resource of markers for systematic, population genetic and evolutionary biological studies of Cephalopoda.  相似文献   

Multivariate analysis as a technique for investigating locomotor differentiation among primates has proven its power and usefulness in many studies on various skeletal dimensions. In these analyses primate genera were distributed and sometimes clustered in a manner that was interpretable based on current knowledge of gross locomotor differences. In an effort to advance our understanding of arboreality and terrestriality in primates, the present research involves a careful look for the most subtle morphological differences in locomotor behavior. It is believed that by looking at such subtle shape differences an understanding of what it means morphologically for a primate to be either more or less arboreal may be achieved. The species within the primate genus Cercopithecus were analyzed. This genus includes species which may be placed along a habitat (ground-living to tree-dwelling) or activity spectrum. The different habitats or activity patterns clearly require slight variations in patterns of movement, which in turn may require subtle structural adaptations. Multivariate analyses of 67 postcranial variables on seven species within the genus allowed detection of slight degrees of morphological variation. However, when morphological differences are small, size variance among specimens may take on an inflated importance. A substantial amount of work was devoted to finding the least biased method of removing size variance from the variables while incorporating a discrete size variable into the study. Using these transformed skeletal variables, interspecific groupings were discovered. Much of this infrastructure is then related to differing locomotor behavior and provides an insight into the fine structure of primate locomotor adaptation in an arboreal habitat.  相似文献   

Goldberg RB  Bemis WP  Siegel A 《Genetics》1972,72(2):253-266
The DNAs of Cucurbita species were examined by several methods. All Cucurbita DNAs have a similar CsCl isopycnic banding pattern consisting of a major band at 1.695 g/cc and a well separated satellite band at 1.707 g/cc. Compared to other plant and animal genera, Cucurbita species have a large genomic proportion of rDNA; this value ranging from 1.4% to 3.1%. The genomic proportion of rDNA was found not to be useful as a characteristic indicating degree of relatedness of the various Cucurbita species. However, Cucurbita DNAs can be distinguished by the extent to which their repetitive sequences cross-hybridize to each other and an assessment of species relationships can be made on this basis.  相似文献   

The foodborne bacterial pathogen, Campylobacter jejuni, possesses an N-linked protein glycosylation (pgl) pathway involved in adding conserved heptasaccharides to asparagine-containing motifs of >60 proteins, and releasing the same glycan into its periplasm as free oligosaccharides. In this study, comparative genomics of all 30 fully sequenced Campylobacter taxa revealed conserved pgl gene clusters in all but one species. Structural, phylogenetic and immunological studies showed that the N-glycosylation systems can be divided into two major groups. Group I includes all thermotolerant taxa, capable of growth at the higher body temperatures of birds, and produce the C. jejuni-like glycans. Within group I, the niche-adapted C. lari subgroup contain the smallest genomes among the epsilonproteobacteria, and are unable to glucosylate their pgl pathway glycans potentially reminiscent of the glucosyltransferase regression observed in the O-glycosylation system of Neisseria species. The nonthermotolerant Campylobacters, which inhabit a variety of hosts and niches, comprise group II and produce an unexpected diversity of N-glycan structures varying in length and composition. This includes the human gut commensal, C. hominis, which produces at least four different N-glycan structures, akin to the surface carbohydrate diversity observed in the well-studied commensal, Bacteroides. Both group I and II glycans are immunogenic and cell surface exposed, making these structures attractive targets for vaccine design and diagnostics.In eukaryotes, glycosylated proteins are ubiquitous components of extracellular matrices and cellular surfaces. Their oligosaccharide moieties are implicated in a wide variety of essential cell-cell and cell-matrix processes ranging from immune recognition to cancer development. The first general protein glycosylation (pgl)1 pathway was discovered in the epsilonproteobacterium Campylobacter jejuni (1). The organism transfers a conserved heptasaccharide en bloc to asparagine residues within the sequon D/E- X1-N-X2-S/T (X1, X2 ≠ P) of >60 glycoproteins (24). Furthermore, the pathway can be functionally transferred into Escherichia coli, and the oligosaccharyltransferase (OTase), PglB, is capable of adding foreign sugars to acceptor proteins (57). C. jejuni PglB also possesses hydrolase activity, influenced by the cellular growth phase and osmotic environment, releasing free oligosaccharides (fOS) into the periplasmic space in a 10:1 ratio relative to the amount of heptasaccharide N-linked to protein (8, 9).The C. jejuni N-linked heptasaccharide is conserved in structure in both C. jejuni and C. coli, the two most commonly isolated pathogenic Campylobacter species and major causes of human enteritis worldwide (10, 11). All campylobacters, but one, possess conserved pgl genes required for N-linked protein glycosylation ((12) and this study). This post-translational modification in C. jejuni influences DNA uptake, chicken and mouse colonization, epithelial cell adherence and invasion, recognition by human sera, and binding to the macrophage galactose lectin (MGL) receptor on dendritic cells (2, 1317). Several Campylobacter species have now been recognized as emerging pathogens and causative agents of human gastroenteritis (e.g. C. upsaliensis and C. hyointestinalis), gingivitis, periodontitis, and human abortions (e.g. C. rectus, C. concisus, C. gracilis, C. showae, and C. upsaliensis) and inflammatory bowel disease in children (e.g. C. concisus) (18). Other species cause venereal disease and infertility in cattle (C. fetus subsp. venerealis; Cfv) or abortions in sheep (C. fetus subsp. fetus; Cff) (19).In this study, we used phylogenetic, immunological, structural and glycoproteomic studies to compare the N-glycosylation systems of 29 Campylobacter species and identified unexpected variations. Thus, although the pathway is a common feature within this genus, variability in the N-glycans and fOS at the species level suggests that each species possess a unique array of glycosyltransferases, which correlate with their phylogenetic relatedness.  相似文献   

16S rRNA gene (rrs) is considered of low taxonomic interest in the genus Aeromonas. Here, 195 Aeromonas strains belonging to populations structured by multilocus phylogeny were studied using an original approach that considered Ribosomal Multi-Operon Diversity. This approach associated pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) to assess rrn operon number and distribution across the chromosome and PCR-temporal temperature gel electrophoresis (TTGE) to assess rrs V3 region heterogeneity. Aeromonads harbored 8 to 11 rrn operons, 10 operons being observed in more than 92% of the strains. Intraspecific variability was low or nul except for A. salmonicida and A. aquariorum suggesting that large chromosomic rearrangements might occur in these two species while being extremely rarely encountered in the evolution of other taxa. rrn operon number at 8 as well as PFGE patterns were shown valuable for taxonomic purpose allowing resolution of species complexes. PCR-TTGE revealed a high rate of strains (41.5%) displaying intragenomic rrs heterogeneity. Strains isolated from human samples more frequently displayed intragenomic heterogeneity than strains recovered from non-human and environmental specimens. Intraspecific variability ranged from 0 to 76.5% of the strains. The observation of species-specific TTGE bands, the recovery of identical V3 regions in different species and the variability of intragenomic heterogeneity (1–13 divergent nucleotides) supported the occurrence of mutations and horizontal transfer in aeromonad rrs evolution. Altogether, the presence of a high number of rrn operon, the high proportion of strains harboring divergent rrs V3 region and the previously demonstrated high level of genetic diversity argued in favor of highly adaptative capabilities of aeromonads. Outstanding features observed for A. caviae supported the ongoing process of adaptation to a specialized niche represented by the gut, previously hypothesized. 16S rRNA gene is an informative marker in the genus Aeromonas for both evolutionary and polyphasic taxonomic studies provided that multi-operon fingerprinting approaches are used.  相似文献   

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