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The type III isoform of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (InsP3R3) is apically localized and triggers Ca2+ waves and secretion in a number of polarized epithelia. However, nothing is known about epigenetic regulation of this InsP3R isoform. We investigated miRNA regulation of InsP3R3 in primary bile duct epithelia (cholangiocytes) and in the H69 cholangiocyte cell line, because the role of InsP3R3 in cholangiocyte Ca2+ signaling and secretion is well established and because loss of InsP3R3 from cholangiocytes is responsible for the impairment in bile secretion that occurs in a number of liver diseases. Analysis of the 3′-UTR of human InsP3R3 mRNA revealed two highly conserved binding sites for miR-506. Transfection of miR-506 mimics into cell lines expressing InsP3R3–3′UTR-luciferase led to decreased reporter activity, whereas co-transfection with miR-506 inhibitors led to enhanced activity. Reporter activity was abrogated in isolated mutant proximal or distal miR-506 constructs in miR-506-transfected HEK293 cells. InsP3R3 protein levels were decreased by miR-506 mimics and increased by inhibitors, and InsP3R3 expression was markedly decreased in H69 cells stably transfected with miR-506 relative to control cells. miR-506-H69 cells exhibited a fibrotic signature. In situ hybridization revealed elevated miR-506 expression in vivo in human-diseased cholangiocytes. Histamine-induced, InsP3-mediated Ca2+ signals were decreased by 50% in stable miR-506 cells compared with controls. Finally, InsP3R3-mediated fluid secretion was significantly decreased in isolated bile duct units transfected with miR-506, relative to control IBDU. Together, these data identify miR-506 as a regulator of InsP3R3 expression and InsP3R3-mediated Ca2+ signaling and secretion.  相似文献   

The ability of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (IP3R) to precisely initiate and generate a diverse variety of intracellular Ca2+ signals is in part mediated by the differential regulation of the three subtypes (R1, R2, and R3) by key functional modulators (IP3, Ca2+, and ATP). However, the contribution of IP3R heterotetramerization to Ca2+ signal diversity has largely been unexplored. In this report, we provide the first definitive biochemical evidence of endogenous heterotetramer formation. Additionally, we examine the contribution of individual subtypes within defined concatenated heterotetramers to the shaping of Ca2+ signals. Under conditions where key regulators of IP3R function are optimal for Ca2+ release, we demonstrate that individual monomers within heteromeric IP3Rs contributed equally toward generating a distinct ''blended'' sensitivity to IP3 that is likely dictated by the unique IP3 binding affinity of the heteromers. However, under suboptimal conditions where [ATP] were varied, we found that one subtype dictated the ATP regulatory properties of heteromers. We show that R2 monomers within a heterotetramer were both necessary and sufficient to dictate the ATP regulatory properties. Finally, the ATP-binding site B in R2 critical for ATP regulation was mutated and rendered non-functional to address questions relating to the stoichiometry of IP3R regulation. Two intact R2 monomers were sufficient to maintain ATP regulation in R2 homotetramers. In summary, we demonstrate that heterotetrameric IP3R do not necessarily behave as the sum of the constituent subunits, and these properties likely extend the versatility of IP3-induced Ca2+ signaling in cells expressing multiple IP3R isoforms.  相似文献   

RNF170 is an endoplasmic reticulum membrane ubiquitin ligase that contributes to the ubiquitination of activated inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptors, and also, when point mutated (arginine to cysteine at position 199), causes autosomal dominant sensory ataxia (ADSA), a disease characterized by neurodegeneration in the posterior columns of the spinal cord. Here we demonstrate that this point mutation inhibits RNF170 expression and signaling via IP3 receptors. Inhibited expression of mutant RNF170 was seen in cells expressing exogenous RNF170 constructs and in ADSA lymphoblasts, and appears to result from enhanced RNF170 autoubiquitination and proteasomal degradation. The basis for these effects was probed via additional point mutations, revealing that ionic interactions between charged residues in the transmembrane domains of RNF170 are required for protein stability. In ADSA lymphoblasts, platelet-activating factor-induced Ca2+ mobilization was significantly impaired, whereas neither Ca2+ store content, IP3 receptor levels, nor IP3 production were altered, indicative of a functional defect at the IP3 receptor locus, which may be the cause of neurodegeneration. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genetic deletion of RNF170 showed that RNF170 mediates the addition of all of the ubiquitin conjugates known to become attached to activated IP3 receptors (monoubiquitin and Lys48- and Lys63-linked ubiquitin chains), and that wild-type and mutant RNF170 have apparently identical ubiquitin ligase activities toward IP3 receptors. Thus, the Ca2+ mobilization defect seen in ADSA lymphoblasts is apparently not due to aberrant IP3 receptor ubiquitination. Rather, the defect likely reflects abnormal ubiquitination of other substrates, or adaptation to the chronic reduction in RNF170 levels.  相似文献   

The inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) is a ubiquitously expressed endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident calcium channel. Calcium release mediated by IP3Rs influences many signaling pathways, including those regulating apoptosis. IP3R activity is regulated by protein-protein interactions, including binding to proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressors to regulate cell death. Here we show that the IP3R binds to the tumor suppressor BRCA1. BRCA1 binding directly sensitizes the IP3R to its ligand, IP3. BRCA1 is recruited to the ER during apoptosis in an IP3R-dependent manner, and, in addition, a pool of BRCA1 protein is constitutively associated with the ER under non-apoptotic conditions. This is likely mediated by a novel lipid binding activity of the first BRCA1 C terminus domain of BRCA1. These findings provide a mechanistic explanation by which BRCA1 can act as a proapoptotic protein.  相似文献   

Background information. The IP3R (inositol 1,4,5‐trisphosphate receptor) is a tetrameric channel that accounts for a large part of the intracellular Ca2+ release in virtually all cell types. We have previously demonstrated that caspase‐3‐mediated cleavage of IP3R1 during cell death generates a C‐terminal fragment of 95 kDa comprising the complete channel domain. Expression of this truncated IP3R increases the cellular sensitivity to apoptotic stimuli, and it was postulated to be a constitutively active channel. Results. In the present study, we demonstrate that expression of the caspase‐3‐cleaved C‐terminus of IP3R1 increased the rate of thapsigargin‐mediated Ca2+ leak and decreased the rate of Ca2+ uptake into the ER (endoplasmic reticulum), although it was not sufficient by itself to deplete intracellular Ca2+ stores. We detected the truncated IP3R1 in different cell types after a challenge with apoptotic stimuli, as well as in aged mouse oocytes. Injection of mRNA corresponding to the truncated IP3R1 blocked sperm factor‐induced Ca2+ oscillations and induced an apoptotic phenotype. Conclusions. In the present study, we show that caspase‐3‐mediated truncation of IP3R1 enhanced the Ca2+ leak from the ER. We suggest a model in which, in normal conditions, the increased Ca2+ leak is largely compensated by enhanced Ca2+‐uptake activity, whereas in situations where the cellular metabolism is compromised, as occurring in aging oocytes, the Ca2+ leak acts as a feed‐forward mechanism to divert the cell into apoptosis.  相似文献   

Background information. In endocrine cells, IP3R (inositol 1,4,5‐trisphosphate receptor), a ligand‐gated Ca2+ channel, plays an important role in the control of intracellular Ca2+ concentration. There are three subtypes of IP3R that are distributed differentially among cell types. RINm5F cells express almost exclusively the IP3R‐3 subtype. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of PKA (protein kinase A) on the activity of IP3R‐3 in RINm5F cells. Results. We show that immunoprecipitated IP3R‐3 is a good substrate for PKA. Using a back‐phosphorylation approach, we show that endogenous PKA phosphorylates IP3R‐3 in intact RINm5F cells. [3H]IP3 (inositol 1,4,5‐trisphosphate) binding affinity and IP3‐induced Ca2+ release activity were enhanced in permeabilized cells that were pre‐treated with forskolin or PKA. The PKA‐induced enhancement of IP3R‐3 activity was also observed in intact RINm5F cells stimulated with carbachol and epidermal growth factor, two agonists that use different receptor types to activate phospholipase C. Conclusion. The results of the present study reveal a converging step where the cAMP and the Ca2+ signalling systems act co‐operatively in endocrine cell responses to external stimuli.  相似文献   

Yoo SH 《Cell calcium》2011,50(2):175-183
The majority of secretory cell calcium is stored in secretory granules that serve as the major IP3-dependent intracellular Ca2+ store. Even in unicellular phytoplankton secretory granules are responsible for the IP3-induced Ca2+ release that triggers exocytosis. The number of secretory granules in the cell is directly related not only to the magnitude of IP3-induced Ca2+ release, which accounts for the majority of the IP3-induced cytoplasmic Ca2+ release in neuroendocrine cells, but also to the IP3 sensitivity of the cytoplasmic IP3 receptor (IP3R)/Ca2+ channels. Moreover, secretory granules contain the highest IP3R concentrations and the largest amounts of IP3Rs in any subcellular organelles in neuroendocrine cells. Secretory granules from phytoplankton to mammals contain large amounts of polyanionic molecules, chromogranins being the major molecules in mammals, in addition to acidic intragranular pH and high Ca2+ concentrations. The polyanionic molecules undergo pH- and Ca2+-dependent conformational changes that serve as a molecular basis for condensation-decondensation phase transitions of the intragranular matrix. Likewise, chromogranins undergo pH- and Ca2+-dependent conformational changes with increased exposure of the structure and increased interactions with Ca2+ and other granule components at acidic pH. The unique physico-chemical properties of polyanionic molecules appear to be at the center of biogenesis, and physiological functions of secretory granules in living organisms from primitive to advanced species.  相似文献   

α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) play an important role in synaptic transmission and inflammation. In response to ligands, this receptor channel opens to conduct cations into the cell but desensitizes rapidly. In recent studies we show that α7 nAChRs bind signaling proteins such as heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins (G proteins). Here, we demonstrate that direct coupling of α7 nAChRs to G proteins enables a downstream calcium signaling response that can persist beyond the expected time course of channel activation. This process depends on a G protein-binding cluster (GPBC) in the M3-M4 loop of the receptor. A mutation of the GPBC in the α7 nAChR (α7345–348A) abolishes interaction with Gαq as well as Gβγ while having no effect on receptor synthesis, cell-surface trafficking, or α-bungarotoxin binding. Expression of α7345–348A, however, did significantly attenuate the α7 nAChR-induced Gαq calcium signaling response as evidenced by a decrease in PLC-β activation and IP3R-mediated calcium store release in the presence of the α7 selective agonist choline. Taken together, the data provides new evidence for the existence of a GPBC in nAChRs serving to promote intracellular signaling.  相似文献   

The inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) is an intracellular Ca2+ release channel responsible for mobilizing stored Ca2+. Three different receptor types have been molecularly cloned, and their genes have been classified into a family. The gene for the type 1 receptor (IP3R1) is predominantly expressed in cerebellar Purkinje neurons, but its gene product is localized widely in a variety of tissues; however, there is little information on what types of cells express the other two receptor types, type 2 and type 3 (IP3R2 and IP3R3, respectively). We studied the expression of the IP3R gene family in various mouse tissues by in situ hybridization histochemistry. Compared with IP3R1, the levels of expression of IP3R2 and IP3R3 mRNAs were low in all of the tissues tested. IP3R2 mRNA was localized in the intralobular duct cells of the submandibular gland, the urinary tubule cells of the kidney, the epithelial cells of epididymal ducts and the follicular granulosa cells of the ovary, while the IP3R3 mRNA was distributed in gastric cells, salivary and pancreatic acinar cells and the epithelium of the small intestine. All of these cells which express either IP3R2 or IP3R3 mRNA are known to have a secretory function in which IP3/Ca2+ signalling has been shown to be involved, and thus either IP3R2 or IP3R3 may be a prerequisite to secretion in these cells.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Real-time monitoring of dopamine (DA) release from rat striatal slices demonstrated that endothelin (ET)-3 (0.1–10M) produced a biphasic DA release consisting of transient and sustained components. When extracellular Ca2+ was removed, the sustained but not transient response remarkably decreased.2. ET-3 (1–10M) stimulated an increase in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i), which also consisted of two components. The external Ca2+ depletion inhibited primarily the sustained component of the Ca2+ response to ET-3.3. ET-3 increased inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) concentrations in striatal slices. This response peaked at 10 to 20 sec and returned to the basal level 2 min after stimulation, an event which was in good accord with a prompt and transient phase of both cytosolic Ca2+ activity and DA release evoked by ET-3.4. Thus, ET-3 produces a transient and a sustained release of DA from striatal slices by stimulating intracellular Ca2+ mobilization via IP3 formation and extracellular Ca2+ influx, respectively.  相似文献   

Ca(2+) release via intracellular release channels, IP(3)Rs (inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors) and RyRs (ryanodine receptors), is perhaps the most ubiquitous and versatile cellular signalling mechanism, and is involved in a vast number of cellular processes. In addition to this classical release pathway there is limited, but yet persistent, information about less well-defined Ca(2+)-leak pathways that may play an important role in the control of the Ca(2+) load of the endo(sarco)plasmic reticulum. The mechanisms responsible for this 'basal' leak are not known, but recent data suggest that both IP(3)Rs and RyRs may also operate as Ca(2+)-leak channels, particularly in pathological conditions. Proteolytic cleavage or biochemical modification (such as hyperphosphorylation or nitrosylation), for example, occurring during conditions of cell stress or apoptosis, can functionally uncouple the cytoplasmic control domains from the channel domain of the receptor. Highly significant information has been obtained from studies of malfunctioning channels in various disorders; for example, RyRs in cardiac malfunction or genetic muscle diseases and IP(3)Rs in neurodegenerative diseases. In this review we aim to summarize the existing information about functionally uncoupled IP(3)R and RyR channels, and to discuss the concept that those channels can participate in Ca(2+)-leak pathways.  相似文献   

Huh YH  Bahk SJ  Ghee JY  Yoo SH 《FEBS letters》2005,579(23):5145-5151
The major secretory granule proteins chromogranins A (CGA) and B (CGB) have recently been shown to play critical roles in inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-dependent intracellular Ca(2+) mobilizations. We determined here the subcellular distribution of CGA and CGB based on 3D-images of chromaffin cells, and found that approximately 95% of cellular CGA was present in secretory granules while approximately 5% was in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), whereas approximately 57% of cellular CGB was in secretory granules while approximately 24% and approximately 19% were in the ER and nucleus, respectively. These results suggest that chromogranins are at the center of intracellular Ca(2+) homeostasis in secretory cells.  相似文献   

The role of intracellular Ca2+ signaling in starvation-induced autophagy remains unclear. Here, we examined Ca2+ dynamics during starvation-induced autophagy and the underlying molecular mechanisms. Tightly correlating with autophagy stimulation, we observed a remodeling of the Ca2+ signalosome. First, short periods of starvation (1 to 3 h) caused a prominent increase of the ER Ca2+-store content and enhanced agonist-induced Ca2+ release. The mechanism involved the upregulation of intralumenal ER Ca2+-binding proteins, calreticulin and Grp78/BiP, which increased the ER Ca2+-buffering capacity and reduced the ER Ca2+ leak. Second, starvation led to Ins(1,4,5)P3R sensitization. Immunoprecipitation experiments showed that during starvation Beclin 1, released from Bcl-2, first bound with increasing efficiency to Ins(1,4,5)P3Rs; after reaching a maximal binding after 3 h, binding, however, decreased again. The interaction site of Beclin 1 was determined to be present in the N-terminal Ins(1,4,5)P3-binding domain of the Ins(1,4,5)P3R. The starvation-induced Ins(1,4,5)P3R sensitization was abolished in cells treated with BECN1 siRNA, but not with ATG5 siRNA, pointing toward an essential role of Beclin 1 in this process. Moreover, recombinant Beclin 1 sensitized Ins(1,4,5)P3Rs in 45Ca2+-flux assays, indicating a direct regulation of Ins(1,4,5)P3R activity by Beclin 1. Finally, we found that Ins(1,4,5)P3R-mediated Ca2+ signaling was critical for starvation-induced autophagy stimulation, since the Ca2+ chelator BAPTA-AM as well as the Ins(1,4,5)P3R inhibitor xestospongin B abolished the increase in LC3 lipidation and GFP-LC3-puncta formation. Hence, our results indicate a tight and essential interrelation between intracellular Ca2+ signaling and autophagy stimulation as a proximal event in response to starvation.  相似文献   

The inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) receptor was purified from bovine cerebellum and reconstituted in liposomes composed of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) (1:1) successfully. No effect of Ca2+ concentration on [3H]-InsP3 binding to unreconstituted InsP3 receptor could be observed either at 4°C or at 25°C, whereas the effect of [Ca2+] on reconstituted InsP3 receptor depended on the temperature. The Ca2+ concentration outside the proteolipsome ([Ca2+]o) had no detectable effect on InsP3 binding to InsP3 receptor at 4°C. In contrast, with increase of [Ca2+]o from 0 to 100 nmol/L at 25°C, the InsP3 binding activity increased gradually. Then the InsP3 binding activity was decreased drastically at higher [Ca2+]o and inhibited entirely at 50 μmol/L [Ca2+]o. Conformational studies on intrinsic fluorescence of the reconstituted InsP3 receptor and its quenching by KI and HB indicated that the global conformation of reconstituted InsP3 receptor could not be affected by [Ca2+]o at 4°C. While at 25°C, the effects of 10 μmol/L [Ca2+]o on global, membrane and cytoplasmic conformation of the reconstituted InsP3 receptor were different significantly from that of 100 nmol/L [Ca2+]o.  相似文献   

Ca2+ transfer from endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to mitochondria can trigger apoptotic pathways by inducing release of mitochondrial pro-apoptotic factors. Three different types of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) serve to discharge Ca2+ from ER, but possess some peculiarities, especially in apoptosis induction. The anti-apoptotic protein Akt can phosphorylate all IP3R isoforms and protect cells from apoptosis, reducing ER Ca2+ release. However, it has not been elucidated which IP3R subtypes mediate these effects. Here, we show that Akt activation in COS7 cells, which lack of IP3R I, strongly suppresses IP3-mediated Ca2+ release and apoptosis. Conversely, in SH-SY 5Y cells, which are type III-deficient, Akt is unable to modulate ER Ca2+ flux, losing its anti-apoptotic activity. In SH-SY 5Y-expressing subtype III, Akt recovers its protective function on cell death, by reduction of Ca2+ release. Moreover, regulating Ca2+ flux to mitochondria, Akt maintains the mitochondrial integrity and delays the trigger of apoptosis, in a type III-dependent mechanism. These results demonstrate a specific activity of Akt on IP3R III, leading to diminished Ca2+ transfer to mitochondria and protection from apoptosis, suggesting an additional level of cell death regulation mediated by Akt.  相似文献   

The inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP(3)R), a ligand-gated Ca(2+) channel, is the main regulator of intracellular Ca(2+) mobilization in non-excitable cells. An emerging body of evidence suggests that specific regulatory control of the Ca(2+) signaling pathway is modulated by the activation of additional signaling pathways. In the present study, we investigated the influence of the PI3-kinase/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway on the activity of the IP(3)R/Ca(2+) signaling pathway in RINm5F cells. We used a co-immunoprecipitation approach to show that mTOR physically interacts with IP(3)R-3 in an mTOR activity-dependent manner. We also showed that IP(3)R is phosphorylated by mTOR in cellulo. All the conditions known to modulate mTOR activity (IGF-1, wortmannin, rapamycin, PP242, and nutrient starvation) were shown to modify carbachol-induced Ca(2+) signaling in RINm5F cells. Lastly, we used an assay that directly measures the activity of IP(3)R, to show that mTOR increases the apparent affinity of IP(3)R. Given that mTOR controls cell proliferation and cell homeostasis, and that Ca(2+) plays a key role in these two phenomena, it follows that mTOR facilitates IP(3)R-mediated Ca(2+) release when the nutritional status of cells requires it.  相似文献   

Synaptic signaling, memory formation, neuronal development, and neuronal pathology are strongly influenced by the properties of intracellular Ca2+ channels, ryanodine, and inositol 1, 4, 5 trisphosphate receptors. This review will focus on recently developed and discovered pharmacological tools to modulate these channel proteins at the single-channel level. It will allow the readers of Molecular Neurobiology to evaluate the current knowledge on the pharmacological modulation of intracellular Ca2+ channels and to direct future research efforts effectively using available experimental tools and concepts.  相似文献   

Ca2+-regulating and Ca2+-dependent molecules enriched in caveolae are typically shaped as plasmalemmal invaginations or vesicles. Caveolae structure and subcellular distribution are critical for Ca2+ release from endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ stores and for Ca2+ influx from the extracellular space into the cell. However, Ca2+ dynamics inside caveolae have never been directly measured and remain uncharacterized. To target the fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based Ca2+ sensing protein D1, a mutant of cameleon, to the intra-caveolar space, we made a cDNA construct encoding a chimeric protein of lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor 1 (LOX-1) and D1 (LOXD1). Immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy confirmed that a significant portion of LOXD1 was localized with caveolin-1 at morphologically apparent caveolar vesicles in endothelial cells. LOXD1 detected ATP-induced transient Ca2+ decreases by confocal FRET imaging in the presence or absence of extracellular Ca2+. This ATP-induced Ca2+ decrease was abolished following knockdown of caveoin-1, suggesting an association with caveolae. The X-ray spectra obtained by the spot analysis of electron-opaque pyroantimonate precipitates further confirmed that ATP-induced calcium decreases in intra-caveolar vesicles. In conclusion, subplasmalemmal caveolae function as Ca2+-releasable Ca2+ stores in response to ATP. This intracellular local Ca2+ delivery system may contribute to the complex spatiotemporal organization of Ca2+ signaling.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic Ca2+ signals are highly regulated by various ion transporters, including the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP(3)) receptor (IP(3)R), which functions as a Ca2+ release channel on the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Crystal structures of the two N-terminal regulatory regions from type 1 IP(3)R have been reported; those of the IP(3)-binding core (IP(3)R(CORE)) with bound IP(3), and the suppressor domain. This study examines the structural effects of ligand binding on an IP(3)R construct, designated IP(3)R(N), that contains both the IP(3)-binding core and the suppressor domain. Our circular dichroism results reveal that the IP(3)-bound and IP(3)-free states have similar secondary structure content, consistent with preservation of the overall fold within the individual domains. Thermal denaturation data show that, while IP(3) has a large effect on the stability of IP(3)R(CORE), it has little effect on IP(3)R(N), indicating that the suppressor domain is critical to the stability of IP(3)R(N). The NMR data for IP(3)R(N) provide evidence for chemical exchange, which may be due to protein conformational dynamics in both apo and IP(3)-bound states: a conclusion supported by the small-angle X-ray scattering data. Further, the scattering data show that IP(3)R(N) undergoes a change in average conformation in response to IP(3) binding and the presence of Ca2+ in the solution. Taken together, these data lead us to propose that there are two flexible linkers in the N-terminal region of IP(3)R that join stably folded domains and give rise to an equilibrium mixture of conformational sub-states containing compact and more extended structures. IP(3) binding drives the conformational equilibrium toward more compact structures, while the presence of Ca2+ drives it to a more extended set.  相似文献   

Ca2+ release from intracellular stores regulates muscle contraction and a vast array of cell functions, but its role in the central nervous system (CNS) has not been completely elucidated. A new method of blocking IP3 signaling by artificially expressing IP3 5-phosphatase has been used to clarify the functions of intracellular Ca2+ mobilization in CNS. Here I review two of such functions: the activity-dependent synaptic maintenance mechanism and the regulation of neuronal growth by spontaneous Ca2+ oscillations in astrocytes. These findings add new bases for better understanding CNS functions and suggest the presence of as yet unidentified neuronal and glial functions that are regulated by Ca2+ store-dependent Ca2+ signaling.  相似文献   

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