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Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a major cardiovascular risk factor. Persistent platelet activation plays a key role in atherothrombosis in T2DM. However, current antiplatelet treatments appear less effective in T2DM patients vs nondiabetics at similar risk. A large body of evidence supports the contention that oxidative stress, which characterizes DM, may be responsible, at least in part, for less-than-expected response to aspirin, with multiple mechanisms acting at several levels. This review discusses the pathophysiological mechanisms related to oxidative stress and contributing to suboptimal aspirin action or responsiveness. These include: (1) mechanisms counteracting the antiplatelet effect of aspirin, such as reduced platelet sensitivity to the antiaggregating effects of NO, due to high-glucose-mediated oxidative stress; (2) mechanisms interfering with COX acetylation especially at the platelet level, e.g., lipid hydroperoxide-dependent impaired acetylating effects of aspirin; (3) mechanisms favoring platelet priming (lipid hydroperoxides) or activation (F2-isoprostanes, acting as partial agonists of thromboxane receptor), or aldose-reductase pathway-mediated oxidative stress, leading to enhanced platelet thromboxane A2 generation or thromboxane receptor activation; (4) mechanisms favoring platelet recruitment, such as aspirin-induced platelet isoprostane formation; (5) modulation of megakaryocyte generation and thrombopoiesis by oxidative HO-1 inhibition; and (6) aspirin–iron interactions, eventually resulting in impaired pharmacological activity of aspirin, lipoperoxide burden, and enhanced generation of hydroxyl radicals capable of promoting protein kinase C activation and platelet aggregation. Acknowledgment of oxidative stress as a major contributor, not only of vascular complications, but also of suboptimal response to antiplatelet agents in T2DM, may open the way to designing and testing novel antithrombotic strategies, specifically targeting oxidative stress-mediated mechanisms of less-than-expected response to aspirin.  相似文献   

Acid Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) were measured, in terms of hexuronic acid, following alkaline treatment and Ecteola chromatography, in plasma obtained from healthy volunteers, blood-donors, amateur soccer players and university students, and from hospitalized subjects at the end of their convalescence. Diurnal variations of plasma GAG concentration, with significant decrease during the morning, were obtained in students and patients, suggesting hormonal influences. Furthermore, moderate modifications of plasma GAG concentration were observed in students following cyclo ergometer exercise which were consistent in each subject with cortisol mediated changes. However, the absolute value of plasma GAG concentration appears to be depending on the physical training of the subject, being significantly higher in the soccer players and in the blood-donors than in the other groups of subjects, chiefly composed of sedentary individuals. The intramuscular connective tissue is then suggested to represent a main site of origin of plasma GAGs.  相似文献   

The relationship between changes in glucose tolerance with treatment of hyperthyroidism and various factors that might be relevant to carbohydrate metabolism were investigated in 64 hyperthyroid patients with abnormal glucose tolerance, including 35 cases with fasting plasma glucose (FPG) levels of 140 mg/dl or more. All patients had diffuse toxic goiter. After correction of the hyperthyroidism, glucose intolerance improved in almost all cases, even in cases with fasting hyperglycemia, but diabetes mellitus in patients with FPG above 140 mg/dl and/or delta IRI/delta PG X 30' during a 50-g oral glucose tolerance test below 0.10, persisted. Patients who showed diabetic glucose tolerance even after remission from thyroid dysfunction had significantly lower delta IRI/delta PG X 30' values and a higher incidence of family histories of diabetes mellitus than those not showing diabetic glucose tolerance. There were no significant differences in serum T3 and T4 levels between these two groups of patients. The findings suggest that predisposition to diabetes may be an important factor in persistent glucose intolerance in the hyperthyroidism of Graves' disease. The FPG and delta IRI/delta PG X 30' values may be useful in predicting which patients with hyperthyroidism will have permanent diabetes.  相似文献   

The spermatozoon is a highly specified cell that has the abilities of active motility and fertilization of the ovum. Damage to the sperm plasma membrane results in the irreversible loss of its functions. Because of the high content of unsaturated fatty acids in the plasma membrane, mammalian sperm are sensitive to oxidative stress. While mild peroxidation appears to promote capacitation of the sperm cell, excessive peroxidation will damage the plasma membrane and results in loss of motility and fertility. The functional integrity of the sperm plasma membrane can be determined by functional tests (determination of motility, resistance against hypoosmotic media) or different staining methods. Today, fluorescent dyes that allow the evaluation of membrane-intact cells are preferred. Computer-assisted evaluation or the use of flow cytometry has improved the precision of these methods. The use of cooled-shipped semen has become a routine method in the equine industry and semen stored at 5 degrees C for about 24 h maintains fertility close to that of fresh semen. According to the suitability of their ejaculates for cooled-storage, stallions may be classified as "good coolers" or "poor coolers". Semen processing involves a number of factors that may damage the sperm plasma membrane. This includes addition of semen extender, centrifugation, cooling and storage at a temperature of 4-6 degrees C. Extender media and their ingredients protect the sperm plasma membrane against environmental influences, but unsuitable composition of the extender can also promote membrane damage. Recent advantages in extender composition are based on the substitution of undefined factors such as milk or egg yolk by more defined and stable components.  相似文献   

The effect of cyclic somatostatin on circulating insulin levels was studied in eight patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). The study was performed after an overnight fast when their subcutaneous depots of insulin had been depleted during i.v. insulin substitution for 18 hours. A constant rate i.v. insulin infusion (0.4 mU/kg/min) was given for 240 min and somatostatin was co-infused between 60-120 min (100 micrograms/h) and 180-240 min (250 micrograms/h) respectively. Plasma insulin, blood glucose and hematocrit were measured at 15 min intervals. Hematocrit fell from 41.7 to 38.3% during the study period. Somatostatin increased the plasma insulin levels, corrected for the changes of hematocrit, by approximately 8% in the low dose (P less than 0.05) as well as in the high dose (P less than 0.05) period. It is concluded that somatostatin interferes with the clearance of insulin thereby increasing the circulating plasma insulin levels in IDDM patients without residual insulin secretion.  相似文献   

Aldosterone responsiveness to angiotensin II (A II) was evaluated in 65 diabetic patients with and without various diabetic complications versus 38 age-matched non-diabetic subjects. Plasma aldosterone (PA), together with plasma renin activity (PRA), was low and responded poorly to furosemide (80 mg, orally) plus upright posture (4 hours) stimulation in diabetic patients. When the PA response to stimulation relative to PRA response was estimated from the ratio of PA increase to PRA increase after stimulation (delta PA/delta PRA), the 38 non-diabetic subjects had ratios more than 3.0. Of the 65 diabetic patients, 48 had normal delta PA/delta PRA ratios (more than 3.0) and 17 had low delta PA/delta PRA ratios (less than 2.9). Graded A II infusions (1, 2, and 4 ng/kg/min each for 30 min) were performed under a low sodium intake (sodium, 120 mEq/day) in 25 of the 65 diabetic patients, whose delta PA/delta PRA ratios were normal in 15 and low in 10, and in 16 non-diabetic subjects. The PA responses to the graded A II infusions in the normal delta PA/delta PRA diabetic patients were similar to those in the non-diabetic subjects. However, the PA responses to the graded A II infusions in the low delta PA/delta PRA diabetic patients were significantly lower. It is concluded that, although the majority of diabetic patients have normal aldosterone responsiveness to A II, some diabetic patients have blunted aldosterone responsiveness to A II probably attributable to the abnormality of the adrenal cortex in addition to the impaired renin secretion.  相似文献   

Inhibition of yeast plasma membrane ATPase by vanadate occurs only if either Mg2+ or MgATP2- is bound to the enzyme. The dissociation constant of the complex of vanadate and inhibitory sites is 0.14-0.20 microM in the presence of optimal concentrations of Mg2+ and of the order of 1 microM if the enzyme is saturated with MgATP2-. The dissociation constants of Mg2+ and MgATP2- for the sites involved are 0.4 and 0.62-0.73 mM, respectively, at pH 7. KCl does not increase the affinity of vanadate to the inhibitory sites as was found with (Na+ + K+)-ATPase. On the other hand, the effect of Mg2+ upon vanadate binding is similar to that upon (Na+ + K+)-ATPase, and the corresponding affinity constants of Mg2+ and vanadate for the two enzymes are of the same order of magnitude.  相似文献   

In order to study the response of pancreatic alpha cells to the change blood glucose, plasma pancreatic glucagon levels were measured after glucose loading given orally (50g) or intravenously (25g) in twenty-two normal controls and eighty untreated diabetics. Basal plasma pancreatic glucagon levels did not differ significantly in the two groups. However, oral or intravenous glucose administration caused a decrease in plasma pancreatic glucagon in normal subjects but not in diabetics. In "moderate" or "severe" diabetics, plasma pancreatic glucagon tended to increase paradoxically following oral glucose loading. To evaluate the sensitivity of pancreatic alpha cells to glucose, we calculated the index, -sigma delta IRG/sigma delta BS, after oral glucose loading. It was 1.96 +/- 0.57 in normal subjects, and significantly higher than in "mild" (0.11 +/- 0.05), "moderate" (-0.002 +/- 0.06) and "severe" (-0.09 +/- 0.07) diabetics. These results demonstrate the insensitivity of alpha cells to hyperglycemia in patients with diabetes mellitus as compared with normal subjects.  相似文献   

In 198 diabetic patients of type I and type II and in 111 healthy persons of a control group the activity of fibrinolysis was investigated before and after a venous occlusion test of ten minutes. Spontaneous fibrinolysis was significantly diminished in diabetics of both types in comparison to the control group. A relationship to the degree of seriousness of retinopathy could not be identified in type I. The activity of fibrinolysis decreased in all test persons in old age. In diabetics patients of type II as well as in that age group being more than 56 years old there were smaller activities of fibrinolysis at higher stages of retinopathy. A negative linear correlation of this spontaneous activity of fibrinolysis could be found for the duration of the disease as well as for age. Different forms of diabetic therapy and the sex allowed no influence of the activity of fibrinolysis to be recognized. An increase of the activity of fibrinolysis after congestion could be established in diabetics as well as in the control group. After venous congestion the fibrinolytic activity showed no differences any longer in diabetics and in the control group, with age, duration of the disease and form of therapy being taken into consideration. Before and after venous congestion a negative linear correlation could be revealed between the activity of fibrinolysis and the height of blood sugar level. Therefore, the real blood sugar concentration should be taken into account in evaluating the fibrinolytic activity.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine whether certain animal- or management related factors could affect plasma progesterone concentrations on Day 42 of gestation in high producing dairy cows. Factors affecting early fetal loss were also analyzed. The study population was comprised of 199 pregnant cows classified as having high (> or =9 ng/ml) or low (<9 ng/ml) plasma progesterone concentrations. Through logistic regression procedures it was determined that, based on the odds ratio, cows with two or more corpora lutea were three times more likely to have high progesterone concentrations than cows with a single corpus luteum. Low producing cows during the warm season were 2.86 times more likely to have high progesterone concentrations than the remaining cows. Primiparous cows with high concentrations (>4 ng/ml) of pregnancy associated glycoprotein-1 (PAG-1) were 2.73 times more likely to have high progesterone concentrations than the remaining cows. Of the 199 pregnancies, 25 (12.6%) suffered early fetal loss: 22/136 (16.2%) during the warm season and 3/63 (4.8%) during the cool season, all in cows without additional corpora lutea. Based upon the odds ratio, cows without an additional corpus luteum were 3.67 times more likely to suffer fetal loss during the warm season than during the cool season. Our results indicate that milk production, the presence of two or more corpora lutea and plasma PAG-1 concentrations can affect plasma progesterone concentrations at the onset of the fetal period. The presence of an additional corpus luteum strongly diminished the risk of early fetal loss during the warm period.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes have been purified from roots of maize (Zea mays L.) using a two-phase aqueous polymer system, dextran-polyethylene glycol. The plant material was homogenized in the presence of a mixture of natural protease inhibitors from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.); these inhibitors have been shown to be more effective than phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride in suppressing the endogenous proteases in maize roots. Inhibition of proteolysis in the homogenization medium markedly increased (about tenfold) the number of lowaffinity binding sites for fusicoccin (FC). In addition, storage of plasma membranes at −20° C decreased both the number of the low-affinity sites and their dissociation constant (KD); this effect was in all probability caused by lipid peroxidation. The presence of EDTA throughout isolation and storage of the plasma membranes stabilized the parameters of FC binding to the membranes. The kinetics of binding of [3H]dihydroFC and the competition between [3H]dihydroFC and FCs A, C, J, and H were determined for the low-affinity sites. It was found that (i) the rate constant of association between FC and the low-affinity binding sites is about two orders of magnitude lower than that for the high-affinity sites; (ii) different FCs can be arranged in the order of decreasing avidity for the low-affinity FCbinding site: FC A>FC C>FC J>FC H. The authors are indebted to Dr. L.M. Krasnopolskaya (Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Moscow, Russia) for fusicoccins A, C, J, and H, and to Dr. A.V. Galkin (Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Moscow, Russia) for valuable comments and ren dering the paper into English.  相似文献   

Multiple myeloma associated with sclerotic bone lesions and polyneuropathy represents a distinct subset of the plasma cell dyscrasias. We describe a case of biclonal gammopathy (the second case reported), insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus, and no evidence for anti-insulin receptor antibodies. After treatment with chemotherapy and irradiation, the diabetes resolved, the polyneuropathy lessened greatly, and the patient is alive without evidence of progression five years later. The reports of 95 other cases are reviewed. This syndrome occurs in younger patients (mean age, 48 years) and is frequently associated with organomegaly, endocrinopathies, and skin changes. Irradiation to the sclerotic bone lesions frequently lessens the neuropathy and endocrinopathies and may result in long-term remission. The mechanism of action leading to the systemic effects seen in this syndrome is unknown but is likely related to proteins secreted by the abnormal plasma cells.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out in three normolipidemic non-obese men with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and three normal men, to assess whether the clearance of postprandial Sf 100-400 lipoproteins is decreased in IDDM. Sf greater than 100 lipoproteins isolated from plasma 4.5 h after fat ingestion were labeled with 125I and injected into the same subject intravenously. ApoB radioactivity was measured over time in Sf greater than 400, Sf 100-400, and Sf 20-100 lipoproteins isolated from plasma and analyzed using a kinetic model that included both fast and slow delipidation cascades, where lipolysis and uptake of particles by the liver and other tissues were represented. Fractional catabolic rates of Sf 100-400 lipoproteins (min-1) were decreased in diabetic versus control subjects: fast = 0.170 +/- 0.126 versus 0.680 +/- 0.242 (mean +/- SD) (P less than 0.05, two-tailed) and slow = 0.011 +/- 0.006 versus 0.031 +/- 0.015 (P less than 0.05, one-tailed). Kinetic analysis showed that the data were consistent with decreased uptake by the tissues for the fast cascade (diabetic, 0.084 +/- 0.082, vs. control, 0.617 +/- 0.328, P less than 0.05, one-tailed). A similar trend was observed for the slow cascade. There were no significant differences between the two groups in the intraplasma lipolysis rates of Sf 100-400 particles. Analysis of the composition of the injected particles showed that they were total cholesterol (TC)- versus triglyceride (TG)-enriched (P less than 0.001, log-ratio analysis of composition) in IDDM subjects.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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