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We tested the hypothesis that Rhagoletis pomonella females exhibit a greater propensity for engaging in long distance (i.e.1000 m) flight following encounters with egg-infested oviposition-deterring-pheromone (ODP) marked host fruit than similar females that encounter uninfested, clean (i.e. no ODP) fruit. Female flies which were first tethered to flight mills were presented with and permitted to explore (a) ODP-marked or (b) clean fruit and then stimulated to fly. Results showed that females that had encountered a high rate of infested, ODP-marked fruit displayed long distance flight more frequently and flew greater average distances than females that had searched uninfested fruit. We discuss there results in light of contemporary foraging theory.
Résumé La réponse d'insectes à leurs phéromones de dissuasion (ODP) est examinée généralement à un seul niveau de prospection, c'est-à-dire celui de la ressource individuelle elle-même. Ces marqueurs chimiques peuvent, cependant, fournir aussi des informations au prospecteur sur la disponibilité en ressources, tant au niveau de l'inflorescence qu'au niveau de l'habitat. Une telle information influence vraisemblablement le comportement de prospection à différents niveaux.Dans cette note, nous vérifions l'hypothèse que la rencontre avec des hôtes marqués par ODP influence la tendance de Rhagoletis pomonella (Dipt: Tephrit) à entreprendre des vols importants (c'est-à-dire interhabitats). Nous avons montré dans des expériences de laboratoire que les femelles lors de trois rencontres consécutives avec des fruits marqués par ODP: 1) entreprenaient plus fréquemment (19 cas sur 81 contre 6 sur 81) un vol à longue distance (c'est-à-dire 1000 m) et 2) parcourient des distances moyennes supérieures à celles couvertes par des femelles ayant eu la possibilité de prospecter successivement trois fruits propres (sans ODP).Nous engageons le lecteur à examiner nos résultats d'un point de vue qualitatif. Nous ne pouvons nous attendre à ce qu'un vol à longue distance se produise aussi facilement dans la nature qu'au laboratoire, étant donné le plus grand nombre de variables (par exemple, la taille de l'arbre) qui peuvent y modifier le vol réel.Pour terminer, nous discutons les coûts et bénéfices potentiels qui peuvent résulter de ce comportement.

A pure single compound, a palmityl-glucopyranoside identified as component of the oviposition deterring pheromone (ODP) of the European cherry fruit fly was evaluated with respect to its biological activity by means of a semi-field bioassay in a large field-cage with host plants. The comparison of the observed behaviors of flies exposed to clean cherries, to cherries treated with a standard ODP solution and with the pure compound revealed that palmityl-glucopyranoside elicited the same response as did the crude ODP solution. Irritation indices are described that seem to be of use for the characterization of cherry fruit fly behavior in the presence and absence of ODP. The advantages of the field-cage test over the standard laboratory tests are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Mit zunehmenden Reinigungsschritten am Rohextrakt des Markierungspheromones (ODP) der Kirschenfliege, Rhagoletis cerasi L., und zunehmenden Reinheitsgrad des aktiven Prinzipes nimmt die Menge an Substanz ab, welche sowohl für die chemische Analyse wie auch die Prüfung der biologischen Aktivität zur Verfügung steht. Beim Vorliegen einer nicht mehr wägbaren Menge eines reinen Stoffes im Sommer 1985, welcher als ein Palmityl-glucopyranosid identifiziert werden konnte (Hurter et al., 1987), musste deshalb auf den üblichen Verhaltenstest im Labor verzichtet und ein neuer Lösungsansatz gefunden werden. Nachdem ein erster elektrophysiologischer Test positive Resultate gezeight hatte, wurde die Fraktion Nr. 2634 in einem grossen Freilandkäfig mit Kirschenpflanzen und natürlichen Früchten in einem Verhaltenstest auf ihre biologische Wirksamkeit geprüft.Die in dieser Arbeit präsentierten Resultate zeigen nicht nur, dass mit dem Palmityl-glucopyranosid eine ähnliche Wirkung erzielt wurde wie mit natürlichen ODP, sondern zum erstenmal konnte demonstriert werden, dass in R. cerasi und möglicherweise in andern Fruchtfliegenarten eine einzelne chemische Substanz eine eiablagehemmende Wirkung ausüben kann.

Abstract. Responses of Rhagoletis pomonella (Wash) (Diptera: Tephritidae) to synthetic host fruit violates were studied in the field. Individually marked females were released in the centre of a 25 m2 patch containing twenty-five host trees ( Crataegus mollis var, toba ) and followed as they moved within and between trees. Fly response to three experimental conditions was studied: (1) 'clean' air; (2) synthetic host fruit violates (apple) permeating the patch; and (3) a single point source of odour placed c 1m away from the edge of the patch. Files in a patch permeated with host odour moved faster, exhibited more straightened-out moves, and reached the edges of the patch more quickly than those exposed to clean air. Flies exposed to a point source of odour exhibited clear orientation responses, arriving consistently at the tree harbouring the source of odour. Odour exposure was intermittent and usually brief ( c . 20s-1 exposure) with intervals between exposure periods averaging 103s. Wind speed and direction were highly variable. Flies moved during wind ranging in speed form 0.5 to 4.4 m s-1, with their activity being greatest at winds below 2m s-1. Strong winds (>3.5 ms-1) either arrested movement or enhanced downwind displacement. Our observations tend to support the 'series-of-steps' hypothesis reviewed by Gibson & Brandy (1985) as a mechanism of close-range host location (1-5m from odour source). Our findings are discussed with respect to theoretical and practical implications of insect orientation mechanisms to odours, dispersal, and control strategies.  相似文献   

Current investigations concerning the identification of the chemical nature of the oviposition deterring pheromone of the European cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis cerasi L., are conducted in an interdisciplinary research program by combining chemistry with behavioral evaluation. The methods used to collect and evaluate the pheromone by an improved semi-quantitative behavior test are described.
Zusammenfassung Nach einer einleitenden Übersicht über den heutigen Stand der Erkenntnisse auf dem Gebiet der eiablage-hemmenden Pheromone (ODP) bei Fruchtfliegen und insbesondere der Kirschenfliege wird der verbesserte Verhaltenstest beschrieben, welcher für den halb-quantitativen Nachweis von ODP-Aktivität entwickelt worden ist. Im laufenden interdisziplinären Forschungsprogramm an der Eidg. Forschungsanstalt Wädenswil wird versucht, durch enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen Biologe, Chemiker und Elektrophysiologe das ODP der Kirschenfliege möglichst mit geringem Anteil an Verunreinigung einzusammeln, zu reinigen und einer chemischen Identifikation der ODP Komponenten zugänglich zu machen.Die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Verhaltenstests werden diskutiert und die Empfindlichkeit des Verfahrens mittels einer Konzentrationsreihe von Pheromonextrakt aufgezeigt.

ABSTRACT. Within host trees, male and female Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh) flies locate visually individual fruit of apple and hawthorn, which are sites of mating and oviposition. By measuring the diffuse reflectance spectra of both fruit and foliage and by using artificially pigmented natural fruit and artificial fruit mimics, we show that fruit hue is not as important in R. pomonella fruit detection as is intensity contrast of dark fruit against a bright background of light transmitted through foliage or skylight. In discussing the fruit detection system of R. pomonella , we compare it to that of vertebrate fruit consumers and seed dispersers.  相似文献   

Artificial selection was conducted to reduce the behavioral responsiveness of female bruchid beetles, Callosobruchus chinensis, to the oviposition deterring pheromone excreted by conspecific females. Significant responses to selection were observed after two generations of selection. Realized heritability was estimated as 0.052 ± 0.017 from cumulative responses regressed on cumulative selection differentials. These results indicate that this pheromone communication system has significant additive genetic variance needed for its evolution.  相似文献   

Ovipositional responses of apple maggot (AM), Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh), females were studied in the laboratory on apples (var: Golden Delicious) treated with different rates of four protein hydrolysate baits in choice and no-choice tests. Protein hydrolysate baits at rates of 0.5 and 1% had no significant effect, but oviposition was greatly reduced at higher rates of 5 and 10%. Apple maggot females exposed to apples treated with protein hydrolysate baits at a rate of 10% made 41–71% fewer punctures and laid 41–73% fewer eggs than in untreated control. No oviposition activity was shown on apples treated with 25 and 100% Nulure®. In no-choice tests the AM females laid 75–96% fewer eggs in apples treated with 10 and 25% Nulure compared to controls and no oviposition occurred in apples treated with 100% Nulure. Apple maggot females arrived in similar numbers on apples treated with 10% Nulure and untreated apples, but only 5% of those arriving on Nulure-treated apples showed ovipositor boring with no egg deposition while 60% of females arriving on untreated apples showed ovipositor boring activity and laid an average of 2.5 eggs per apple. In another experiment, individual AM females displayed similar behavioral responses to 10% Nulure-treated apples; none of the 56 females tested on treated apples displayed ovipositor boring activity, but 59% of the females (N=56) tested on untreated apples displayed ovipositor boring within 5 min of their arrival. Ninetyeight percent of AM females stayed and fed on fruit surfaces for 5 min on Nulure-treated apples without ovipositor boring compared to only 2% on untreated apples. Of the females that arrived on untreated apples, 39% flew away within 5 min without ovipositor boring compared to only 2% of those that arrived on Nulure-treated apples. Results of these two behavioral experiments suggest that upon arrival on a protein bait-treated apple, an apparent change of behavior occurs in AM females and instead of attempting to oviposit, they attempt to feed on fruit surfaces resulting in reduced oviposition activity. These results indicate that the feeding and oviposition-related activities of AM females are probably mutually exclusive and that the feeding behavior preempts oviposition activities on host fruits treated with higher rates of protein hydrolysate baits.  相似文献   

A laboratory study was conducted in order to determine the influence of the oviposition deterring pheromone (ODP) upon the distribution of eggbatches and eggs by Pieris brassicae females. This pheromone is known to be associated with eggs. Butterflies were offered a choice between cabbage leaves treated in various ways with the ODP and control leaves. The presence of intact conspecific eggs on the treated leaf appeared to have a moderate deterrent effect upon oviposition. An aqueous solution of the ODP, obtained by washing eggs in distilled water was found to have a somewhat higher deterrent effect. Most effective in deterrence of oviposition, however, appeared to be a washing of P. brassicae eggs in methanol. Such a methanol solution can be stored at low temperatures for at least three years without loosing activity. Application of eggwash to either the upper or lower surface of the leaf does not make any difference to females. Percentage deterrence was found to increase with the concentration of eggwash. At very low concentrations no significant difference could be observed anymore in the numbers of eggbatches and eggs laid on control and treated leaf. On the other hand, even very high concentrations of methanol eggwash do not fully protect cabbage leaves against oviposition. Washing P. brassicae eggs seven times consecutively in methanol, a series of pheromone solutions is obtained, all of them were found to possess a high deterrent activity. Although percentage deterrence slowly decreases in subsequent washings, the seventh eggwash sprayed onto cabbage leaves still resulted in less than one quarter of the total number of eggbatches and eggs being laid on the treated leaf.
Résumé Des expériences de laboratoire ont été réalisées pour déterminer d'influence d'une phéromone dissuasive de la ponte (ODP) sur la distribution des ooplaques et des oeufs de Pieris brassicae. Cette phéromone est connue comme associée aux oeufs. Les papillons ont eu le choix entre des feuilles de chou traitées de différentes façons avec ODP et des feuilles témoins. La présence d'oeufs intacts de la même espèce sur les feuilles a un effet dissuasif modéré sur la ponte. Une solution aqueuse d'ODP, obtenue par lavage des oeufs à l'eau distillée est quelque peu dissuasive. Le lavage des oeufs de P. brassicae au méthanol est apparu comme le plus dissuasif. Une telle solution au méthanol peut être stockée à basse température au moins 3 ans sans perte de son pouvoir. Les applications de l'eau de rinçage sur les faces supérieures ou inférieures des feuilles induisent le même comportement des femelles. L'effet dissuasif augmente avec la concentration de l'eau de rinçage; aux très faibles concentrations, aucune différence significative n'a pu être observée avec les témoins quant au nombre d'ooplaques et d'oeufs. Par ailleurs, même aux très hautes concentrations du méthanol, l'eau de rinçage n'inhibe pas totalement la ponte sur les feuilles de chou. En lavant 7 fois consécutives les oeufs de P. brassicae dans le méthanol, on obtient une série de solutions de phéromones, dont chacune possède un fort pouvoir dissuasif. Bien que l'effet dissuasif diminue lentement avec des rinçages successifs, la pulvérisation du septième rinçage sur les feuilles de chou réduit encore à moins du quart le nombre total d'ooplaques et des oeufs pondus sur la feuille traitée.

Abstract. The European cherry fruit fly (Rhagoletis cerasi L.; Diptera, Tephritidae) marks cherries (Prunus avium L.) after oviposition with a host marking pheromone (HMP). The marking trail prevents additional oviposition by the same or other females into the same fruit. On the ventral side of the tarsi of both sexes, contact-chemoreceptor sensilla were identified which contain a receptor cell selectively sensitive to HMP. The HMP receptors of males were slightly more sensitive than those of females, suggesting that the more general term ‘host-marking pheromone’ is more appropriate than the previously used ‘oviposition deterring pheromone (ODP)’. The four structural isomers of the HMP, N(15R, S(β-glucopyranosyl)-oxy-8RS-hydroxypalmitoyl)-taurine, and various derivatives were synthesized and tested in an electrophysiological bioassay. Both the 8R,15R and the 8S,15RS isomers of the HMP were equally active with a threshold of about 2 times 10-10M, and were shown to be present in the female faeces in similar proportions. The two 15S HMP isomers were about 13 times less active. Testing synthetic derivatives of the HMP molecule revealed that the presence of the four moieties of the molecule are important for the activity: taurine, palmitic acid, C(8) hydroxyl group, and glucose (C(15)). The chain length of the fatty acid, the hydroxyl group at C(8) and the position of glucose at C(15) also influenced the activity. Only minor loss of activity (factor 2) relative to the natural molecule was observed when the methyl group in the C(15) position was removed. The removal of the β-glycosidically linked glucose (replaced by a hydroxyl group) resulted in about a 4-fold loss of activity. The cation of the HMP molecule seemed to have no effect on its activity, whereas both low and high pH reduced it significantly. Based on these results, field experiments have been initiated to control oviposition by cherry fruit flies on cherries applying the 15-desmethyl-HMP derivative.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. We tested a prediction from contemporary foraging theory that animals should decrease their allocation of energy to the searching of individual patches when interpatch travel costs decrease.
2. We used individual Rhagoletis pomonella Walsh (Diptera: Tephritidae) females foraging for oviposition sites (= Crataegus fruit) in a host tree which was surrounded by four other trees at varying distances.
3. We found that flies generally invested less search, measured as time spent searching a tree or number of leaves visited on a tree, when neighbouring trees were nearby than when farther away.
4. Under our test conditions, flies appeared to have difficulty locating neighbouring trees at a distance of more than 1.6 m.
5. Our study calls into question the interpretation of search effort by insects within resource patches in the absence of information on interpatch distances.  相似文献   

We tested the efficacy of synthetic host marking pheromone (HMP) of the European cherry fruit fly (R. cerasi) as a fruit-infestation-reducing-agent in an experimental cherry orchard. Two different pheromone deployment strategies were compared: covering entire tree canopies with synthetic HMP or treating only one half (top to bottom or lower half) of the tree canopy. Pheromone application caused a tenfold reduction in fruit infestation if the entire tree canopy was covered (0.226 vs 0.021 pupae/fruit in untreated and treated trees, respectively). Results show, nevertheless, that a significant reduction in fruit infestation can be achieved by treating only one half of tree canopies (top to bottom) (0.021 vs 0.048 pupae/fruit when comparing totally vs partially treated trees). We conclude that synthetic cherry fruit fly HMP has potential as a fruit fly management tool, especially in cases where organically grown fruit reaches high market values.  相似文献   

Abstract Apple maggot fly, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh) is a major pest causing considerable economic losses of fruits in North America. During the development of international trade, apple maggot fly has become a threat to Chinese agriculture. In this study, CLIMEX and ArcGIS were used to predict the potential geographical distribution of apple maggot fly in China. The parameters used in CLIMEX for apple maggot fly were derived from ecological data and the present geographical distribution of apple maggot fly in North America. Then the potential distribution map in China was presented based on the adjusted values of these parameters. The results showed that apple maggot fly has a wide potential distribution area in China; 47.5% of 748 meteorological stations presented high or medium suitability of pest establishment. These high suitable stations are mainly located in northeast, southwest and northwest of China, such as Liaoning, Shandong, Gansu and Shaanxi Provinces. These areas are also the central regions of apple, pear and peach production in China. Two hundred and twenty‐five stations (30.1%) in western and southern China, such as Tibet, Qinghai, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and Taiwan, were unsuitable for establishment of apple maggot fly populations. In order to prevent the introduction of apple maggot fly in China, the present plant quarantine measures should be enhanced, especially in the areas with high suitability for the presence of apple maggot fly.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Electrophysiological recordings from the tarsal D-sensilla of mature, 5–7-day-old female European cherry fruit fly ( Rhagoletis cerasi L.) revealed that a large proportion of sensilla showed no sensory activity in response to stimulation with the oviposition deterring pheromone ('ODP') or sucrose. In contrast, good recordings were obtained from almost all sensilla in freshly emerged, 1-day-old flies. Ageing, nutritional state and contamination were excluded as possible major factors influencing the responsiveness of the D-sensilla. The study of the variability in responsiveness of the sensilla of 1-day-old flies among different tarsomers, among tarsi of the same individual and among individuals, revealed that the major source of variability was among individuals.
Individual flies were also affected by the humidity in the holding cages: relative air humidity of less then 75% for 4–6 days was shown to reduce the number of D-sensilla giving recordings with a good signal-to-noise ratio. The D-sensilla on the most distal tarsomers were affected most by the reduced (30–55% r. h.) air humidity. Flies which had contact with plant leaves showed less reduction in responsiveness at low air humidity (40% r. h.) then flies without leaf contact.  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾迷向防治技术效果初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009至2011年,分别在新疆、甘肃和宁夏的3个实验点进行了苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)国产迷向剂的释放效果研究。结果发现,在进行了迷向处理之后,果园中雄虫平均净诱捕量下降28.6%至100%,平均下降程度为74.1%;迷向处理区中成虫平均诱捕量明显减少,对照区域则存在诱集高峰。蛀果率及树干结茧量的调查发现,2010年和2011年,与对照区相比较,迷向处理区域的蛀果率下降程度分别为32.7%和91.0%;2009年,迷向处理区的树干结茧(蛹)数量比对照区平均降低60.5%。本研究初步证实了国产迷向制剂对苹果蠹蛾具有防治效果。  相似文献   

Abstract.  Diachasma alloeum is a braconid wasp that parasitizes hawthorn-infesting Rhagoletis pomonella and blueberry-infesting Rhagoletis mendax , both tephritid fruit fly sibling species. The behavioural responses of male D. alloeum originating from both fruit fly host species to hexane extracts of conspecific females originating from both host species and females of various mating status are investigated in a laboratory Y-tube olfactometer. Male D. alloeum originating from either R. mendax or R. pomonella respond to one whole-body, female equivalent hexane extract in equal frequency as to a live, virgin female; this response is at least 7.5-fold greater than to solvent controls. Male D. alloeum originating from R. mendax or R. pomonella are attracted to hexane extracts of female D. alloeum abdomens but not to extracts of the head and thorax regions. Virgin D. alloeum females attract significantly more male D. alloeum originating from either host species compared with mated females of the same age. Copulation behaviour between same host and mixed host pairs appears to be identical. Male D. alloeum are equally responsive to the female-produced sex pheromone of female D. alloeum , irrespective of females' host-species origin, suggesting that these host-specific populations can potentially interbreed.  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾性信息素诱捕器田间诱捕效应影响因子   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
苹果蠹蛾是我国重要的果树害虫和检疫对象.本文比较研究了性信息素诱捕器颜色、类型、放置位置、诱芯颜色及诱芯数量等对苹果蠹蛾雄性成虫诱捕效果的影响.结果表明:白色和绿色诱捕器的诱捕量是蓝色的2倍以上,诱捕效果显著优于后者;三角形诱捕器与水瓶式诱捕器的诱捕效果间不存在显著差异;放置在树冠中部的诱捕器诱蛾量是树冠上部的2倍左右,诱捕效果显著优于后者;诱芯颜色及诱芯数量对诱蛾量无显著影响.本研究结果可为苹果蠹蛾的性信息素监测技术提供指导.  相似文献   

Response of female Lutzomyia longipalpis Lutz & Neiva (Diptera: Psychodidae) to an oviposition attractant and/or stimulant associated with conspecific eggs was investigated in the laboratory. Females of two populations laid significantly higher mean number of eggs on sites with 160 eggs already present than on bare control sites. This response was lost when eggs placed on test sites were previously washed in organic solvents and distilled water. Age of eggs placed on test sites, 1-6 days after being laid, did not seem to affect the oviposition response of the females. Comparing effects of different numbers of eggs, positive responses were obtained when 80, 160 or 320 eggs were placed on test sites. No significant differences between mean egg numbers laid on test sites and controls were detected when batches of only 20 or 40 eggs were used.  相似文献   

【背景】苹果蠹蛾是我国重要的检疫性害虫,目前从新疆迅速向东部扩散。苹果蠹蛾性信息素胶条迷向剂对防控苹果蠹蛾高效、安全,但成本较高。【方法】2013年在宁夏中卫市常乐镇马路滩村果园使用3种不同剂型的迷向剂对苹果蠹蛾进行了防治试验,每个处理果园面积3.3 hm~2,分别使用性诱剂处理后,用诱捕器监测处理后的诱蛾量,在生长期调查果实为害率,比较防治效果。【结果】通过整个生长季诱捕器监测,悬挂点以900个·hm~(-2)双层处理,胶条迷向剂在开花前处理1次,整个生长季处理区中心部位没有监测到苹果蠹蛾成虫;透明塑管迷向剂分别在开花前和6月底处理2次,整个生长季中心部位平均每个诱捕器诱到3.3头雄蛾;膏体迷向剂分别在开花前和6月底处理2次,整个生长季中心部位平均每个诱捕器诱到12头雄蛾。在6月下旬和果实采收前进行果实为害率调查,胶条迷向剂区平均蛀果率分别为0和0.56%,透明塑管迷向剂区蛀果率分别为0.89%和1.38%,膏体迷向剂处理区蛀果率分别为0.79%和1.38%。常规农药防治区2个时期蛀果率分别为1.44%和3.13%。【结论与意义】综合考虑防治效果和使用成本,在虫口密度高、效益高的果园可以使用胶条迷向剂,膏体迷向剂和透明塑管迷向剂只有在虫口密度较低的情况下使用。  相似文献   

Pheromone concentrations were measured in an apple orchard using an advanced EAG device featuring short-term recalibration of the antenna with two calibration standards, a lightweight remotely operated probe and automated measurement cycles. The effects of wind direction on pheromone density and distribution at the edge of the orchard were studied as well as the change of pheromone density with height from 1 to 6.5 m. Results show that pheromone can be found at heights of up to 6 m when moderate winds are present. Very low wind speeds tend to reduce the height of the pheromone cloud. Clean wind entering the orchard creates a transition zone up to 15 m wide where the pheromone is depleted. At the down-wind edge of the orchard, pheromone signals were recorded at distances of up to 60 m downwind from the treated zone at concentrations in the same order of magnitude as within the treated orchards. The consequences of these results concerning the design and interpretation of mating disruption field tests are discussed.  相似文献   

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