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Tenna Riis 《Hydrobiologia》2008,596(1):341-351
Plant dispersal and colonisation, including rates of dispersal, retention, colonisation and survival of dispersed propagules (shoots and seeds), were studied in a 300-m stream reach in a macrophyte-rich lowland stream during one growing season. Relationships between colonisation processes and simple flow parameters were tested. Each fortnight during a growing season, the number of dispersed plant propagules and the number of new and lost plant colonisations since the last sampling day were recorded. The retention of dispersing shoots was tested on two occasions during the growing season by releasing plant shoots and subsequently re-collecting the retained shoots in the study reach. The main bottleneck for plant colonisation in macrophyte-rich lowland streams is the primary colonisation (development of attached roots in the sediment from vegetative propagules or seedlings) of retained shoots and seeds, due in part to low retention success (1% of the dispersed shoots per 100-m reach) and to unsuccessful colonisation of retained shoots (3.4% of retained shoots colonised). The number of drifting shoots and seeds per day during the growing season were 650–6,950 and 2,970–62,780, respectively, and caused no constraint to colonisation. The survival rate of primary colonists was high with 80% surviving during the first growing season and about 50% surviving the first winter. There was no relationship between number of drifting shoots and flow, but the number of drifting seeds increased with flow. The number of colonisations between two consecutive sampling days correlated to the extent of low flow in the period. The loss rate of colonisations correlated to high flow events, but was low overall. My study strongly indicates that the number of propagules is not a constraint to colonisation in macrophyte-rich lowland streams. Rather, I conclude that primary colonisation is the main constraint to regaining vegetation in lowland streams in general and in vegetation-free rehabilitated streams in particular. Therefore, if plant colonisation is a target for stream rehabilitation, it is important to enhance retention and colonisation of propagules by creating areas of low flow and by providing physical obstacles to work as retention agents in the stream. Handling editor: L. M. Bini  相似文献   

1. The hydrological regime is important to the distribution of benthic organisms in streams. The objective of this study was to identify relationships between hydrological variables, describing the flow regime, and macrophyte cover, species richness, diversity and community composition in Danish lowland streams.
2. We quantified macrophyte vegetation in 44 Danish streams during summer by cover, species richness and diversity. Flow regime was characterized by 18 non-intercorrelated variables describing magnitude, frequency and duration of low and high flow events, timing or predictability of flow and general flow variability.
3. We found support in the stepwise multiple regressions analysis for our expectation that macrophyte cover is lowest in streams with high flow variability and highest in streams with long duration of low flow and low flow variability. We found support for the intermediate disturbance hypothesis as there were significant quadratic relationships between species richness and diversity as functions of disturbance frequency. There was poor discrimination in a detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) analysis of macrophyte community composition between four twinspan groups separating streams with different hydrological properties. Moreover, we did not find any relationship between the presence of disturbance-tolerant species and hydrological disturbance, suggesting that plant community composition developed independently of stream hydrology.  相似文献   

Velocity gradients and turbulence around macrophyte stands in streams   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1. Submerged macrophytes strongly modify water flow in small lowland streams. The present study investigated turbulence and vertical velocity gradients using small hot-wire anemometers in the vicinity and within the canopies of four macrophyte species with the objective of evaluating: (a) how plant canopies influence velocity gradients and shear force on the surfaces of the plants and the stream bed; and (b) how the presence and morphology of plants influence the intensity of turbulence. 2. Water velocity was often relatively constant with water depth both outside and inside the plant canopies, but the velocity declined steeply immediately above the unvegetated stream bed. Steep vertical velocity profiles were also observed in the transition to the surface of the macrophyte canopy of three of the plant species forming a dense shielding structure of high biomass. Less steep vertical profiles were observed at the open canopy surface of the fourth plant species, growing from a basal meristem and having the biomass more homogeneously distributed with depth. The complex distribution of hydraulic roughness between the stream bed, the banks and the plants resulted in velocity profiles which often fitted better to a linear than to a logarithmic function of distance above the sediment and canopy surfaces. 3. Turbulence increased in proportion to the mean flow velocity, but the slope of the relationships differed in a predictable manner among positions outside and inside the canopies of the different species, suggesting that their morphology and movements influenced the intensity of turbulence. Turbulence was maintained in the attenuated flow inside the plant canopies, despite estimates of low Reynolds numbers, demonstrating that reliable evaluation of flow patterns requires direct measurements. The mean velocity inside plant canopies mostly exceeded 2 cm s??1 and turbulence intensity remained above 0.2 cm s??1, which should be sufficient to prevent carbon limitation of photosynthesis in CO2-rich streams, while plant growth may benefit from the reduced physical disturbance and the retention of nutrient-rich sediment particles. 4. Flow patterns were highly reproducible within canopies of the individual species despite differences in stand size and location among streams. We propose that individual plant stands are suitable functional units for analysing the influence of submerged macrophytes on flow patterns, retention of particles and biological communities in lowland streams.  相似文献   

As a supporting component of the VALIMARproject, physicochemical investigations wereconducted monthly from 1995 to 1999 at theKrähenbach/Aich stream system (two samplingsites) and at the Körsch stream (sixsampling sites). Several physicochemicalparameters were analysed continuously bydataloggers during the entire sampling period.Moreover, a selection of the most importantmorphological parameters of the stream wererecorded in 1998.The results of these physicochemicalinvestigations demonstrated that theKrähenbach/Aich system could becharacterized as a natural rhithral submontanecarbonate stream system that is welloxygenated. Low temporal variations in pH,conductivity and chloride occurred at allsampling sites in the Krähenbach whichcoincided with the geological conditions atthis test stream. Because of relatively lowconcentrations of organic and inorganiccompounds during the entire study period thesites AB and AC in the Krähenbach/Aichsystem were classified as slightly polluted.The morphological assessment of the streamindicated a moderately affected status atboth of these streams.Physicochemical and morphologicalinvestigations along the Körsch streamsystem (KA to KE including the tributary streamSulzbach) indicated a highly affected rhithralsubmontane carbonate system characterized byhigh water velocity, flow rate and dissolvedoxygen. The Körsch, however, differssignificantly with respect to watertemperature, conductivity, pH, BOD5,nutrients, and chloride concentrations from theKrähenbach. As a result of differentanthropogenic inputs (e.g. several sewageplants, agriculture activities and waste waterdumping) the Körsch sites KA to KD wereclassified as critically to heavilypolluted. The morphological assessmentindicated a clearly affected to damagedstatus. The upstream site KE could becharacterized as slightly polluted and itsmorphological structure as moderatelyaffected.  相似文献   

Characterization of monoclonal antibody fragments produced by plant cells   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Production of a murine IgG1 was investigated using hairy roots, shooty teratomas, and suspended cells of transgenic tobacco. In all cases, in addition to complete assembled antibody, two to four major antibody fragments accumulated in the biomass. A range of protease inhibitors, protein-stabilizing agents, inhibitors of N-glycosylation and protein secretion, glycan-reactive agents, and affinity probes was used to characterize these fragments and investigate their sites and mechanisms of formation. The fragments were not experimental artifacts caused by antibody degradation during tissue homogenization and sample preparation, nor did they represent glycosylation variants. All of the molecules were actively secreted into the culture media and some showed evidence of Golgi-associated glycan processing, indicating they were not assembly intermediates. Antibody fragments of 50 and 80 kDa were identified mainly as the products of extracellular degradation in the root and shoot apoplast; the 80-kDa fragment was also present in cell suspension medium, and in suspended cell biomass toward the end of the growth phase. Larger 120- and 135-kDa fragments were most likely produced by proteolytic degradation along the secretory pathway outside of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi apparatus; the carbohydrate residues of the 135-kDa antibody suggest formation between these organelles. Inhibition of protein secretion and retention of antibody in the ER and/or Golgi reduced fragmentation and increased antibody accumulation levels, probably by reducing exposure to the principal sites of protease activity. This work highlights the importance of foreign protein degradation in plant tissues as a mechanism for posttranslational product loss. Identifying the nature of these degradative processes is a first step toward alleviating their effects, improving protein yields, and enhancing the feasibility of plants as a commercial means for large-scale protein production.  相似文献   

In the past century, our understanding of the processes driving plant invasion and its consequences for natural and anthropogenic systems has increased considerably. However, the management of invasive plants remains a challenge despite ever more resources being allocated to their removal. Often invasive plants targeted for ‘eradication’ are well‐established, have multiple modes of reproduction, long‐term seed banks, and strong associations with native and non‐native mutualists that ensure dispersal and facilitate spread. The pantropical weed, Lantana camara (Lantana), is one of the most invasive woody plants globally. We illustrate that, for Lantana, eradication is an unrealistic management goal given the short‐term removal approaches, irrespective of the effectiveness of removal methods. We assessed the role of dispersal by avian frugivores in the recolonization of managed areas by Lantana in the seasonally dry, tropical forests of northern and southern India. We estimated the distribution of Lantana, its dispersal potential and the proximity between managed areas and source populations. We found that Lantana was dispersed by many generalist frugivorous birds and that most managed areas were well within the median dispersal distance from source plants facilitating rapid recolonization of managed areas. We conclude that given the difficulty of eradicating long‐established invasive plants, management practices should entail long‐term monitoring and control in priority areas for as long as Lantana occurs in the landscape.  相似文献   

1. In unshaded, nutrient-rich streams, prolific growth of stream macrophytes often results in flows that over-top the banks and in high primary production and respiration that may result in extreme diel variations in dissolved oxygen. Consequently, water protection authorities commonly remove macrophytes periodically.
2. We investigated the effect of plant removal on stream metabolism and oxygen balance in two Swiss streams with a high macrophyte biomass. We monitored the concentration of dissolved oxygen before and after macrophytes were removed by cutting and dredging, and calculated rates of gross primary production and ecosystem respiration by means of diel oxygen curves.
3. The removal of plants, which had reached a dry biomass of 320–420 g m−2 immediately before plant removal, had a different impact on stream metabolism in the two streams. In the first (plants removed in May), neither primary production nor ecosystem respiration were significantly affected. In the second (plants removed in late July), gross primary production and ecosystem respiration were reduced by about 70%. In this latter stream gross primary production increased in the first 2 weeks after plant removal but never recovered to pre-disturbance levels.
4. The removal of plants coincided with only a moderate increase in nocturnal oxygen concentration (+1 mg L−1). This, and the rapid partial recovery of stream metabolism in the second stream, suggests that an increase in the oxygen concentration after plant cutting is transient in unshaded, nutrient-rich streams.  相似文献   

Dispersal failure contributes to plant losses in NW Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ongoing decline of many plant species in Northwest Europe indicates that traditional conservation measures to improve the habitat quality, although useful, are not enough to halt diversity losses. Using recent databases, we show for the first time that differences between species in adaptations to various dispersal vectors, in combination with changes in the availability of these vectors, contribute significantly to explaining losses in plant diversity in Northwest Europe in the 20th century. Species with water- or fur-assisted dispersal are over-represented among declining species, while others (wind- or bird-assisted dispersal) are under-represented. Our analysis indicates that the 'colonization deficit' due to a degraded dispersal infrastructure is no less important in explaining plant diversity losses than the more commonly accepted effect of eutrophication and associated niche-based processes. Our findings call for measures that aim to restore the dispersal infrastructure across entire regions and that go beyond current conservation practices.  相似文献   

The relationships between water chemistry and aquatic macrophyte species were studied in an attempt to evaluate the impact of eutrophication on aquatic macrophyte diversity in weakly mineralized streams in the Northern Vosges mountains (NE France). The macrophyte specific richness and abundance increased along an upstream to downstream zonation, which was characterized by an increase in mineralization and nutrient levels. A comparison of aquatic macrophyte diversity of two streams has shown the impact of human-induced perturbations (fish-farms, domestic sewage) in such weakly mineralized and poorly buffered waters. Disturbed sites with very high nutrient loading were characterized by a low vascular plant richness and by the presence of filamentous algae. In order to preserve the floristic diversity of weakly mineralized streams, water quality should be improved, the riverbanks restored and discharges reduced.  相似文献   

Submerged macrophytes grow abundantly in most shallow streams common in the cultivated lowlands of northwestern Europe. Weed-cutting has been practised for years in many of these streams to reduce the risk of flooding of adjacent land. Our objective was to quantify long-term impacts of weed-cutting on macrophyte communities in two Danish rivers. We found that the total macrophyte coverage was similar in the weed-cut and uncut reaches in the two rivers, but species richness, diversity and patch complexity were higher in the uncut reaches. The spatial distribution of macrophytes on the stream bottom was also more heterogeneous in the uncut stream reaches. We also found evidence of a strong effect of weed-cutting on macrophyte species composition. P. natans was abundant in the uncut reaches in both streams but practically eliminated in the cut reaches, despite the fact that its basic habitat requirements were met. Also, the established phase strategy of the macrophyte community was affected by weed-cutting. Species displaying characteristically ruderal traits were more abundant in the cut reaches and species with competitive abilities were only abundant in the uncut stream reaches. We suggest that important species traits in streams, where the weed is cut regularly, are associated with rapid growth and high dispersal-capacity. Our results indicate that weed-cutting can contribute significantly to a decline in species diversity in streams. To provide optimal conditions for diverse stream macrophyte communities, we therefore suggest that weed-cutting should be minimised.  相似文献   

Streamlining of plant patches in streams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Plants in shallow streams often grow in well‐defined monospecific patches experiencing a predictable unidirectional flow, though of temporally variable velocity. During maximum patch development in summer we studied: (i) the shape and streamlining of 59 patches of Callitriche cophocarpa, (ii) allometric relationships between canopy size and sediment area colonized by roots (root area) and (iii) fine‐scale flow gradients for a representative patch exposed to a range of velocities to evaluate relationships between patch shape and physical impact. 2. Canopy and root area viewed from above were elongated and streamlined in the flow direction, while uniform vegetative growth in all directions from a single colonizing shoot would have generated a circular form. Canopies were slightly wider in the upstream part than in the gradually tapering part downstream and the maximum height to length ratio averaged 0.25. The canopy and root area of the patches were more elongate and slender in sites with shallow water, where currents accelerate alongside patches and restrict lateral expansion, compared to deeper sites where currents can pass above the canopy. Similarly, the frontal area relative to planform area or root area was significantly lower in shallow water . Canopy shape and indices of streamlining did not change significantly with approach velocity (0.02–0.40 m s?1), either because canopy shape is not sensitive to approach velocity or summer velocities were too low to induce such changes. 3. Sediment elevation within patches (avg. 4.1 cm) increased significantly with patch length, but did not differ between unstable sand or more stable coarse sediment for the same patch length. Shape of canopy and root area did not change significantly with sediment type. 4. Pressure drag on the canopy as a whole is probably reduced by its rounded front, restricted height and overall slender form with a low frontal area, while the downstream overhanging canopy increases drag compared to an ideal streamlined object. Across a 100‐fold range of root areas from 0.01 to 1 m2, the frontal area of the canopy increased 29 times, planform area increased 38 times and volume increased 76 times, suggesting a trade‐off between physical impact of flow, light interception and anchoring strength. 5. The canopy was compressed at high approach velocities, with low current velocity within the canopy while steep velocity gradients developed across the exposed outer surfaces as the diverted flow accelerated. Because drag processes are additive, and exist at different spatial scales and Reynolds numbers on the surface and inside of plant canopies, direct measurements on entire canopies under controlled conditions are needed to test the functional importance of their shape, size and porosity to flow.  相似文献   

Microhabitat and plant structure of seven Batrachospermum populations (four of Batrachospermum delicatulum (=Sirodotia delicatula), one of Batrachospermum macrosporum and two of the ‘Chantransia’ stage), including the influence of physical variables (current velocity, depth, irradiance and substratum), were investigated in four streams of São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil. The populations of B. delicatulum and the ‘Chantransia’ stage occurred under very diverse microhabitat conditions, which probably contributes to their wide spatial and seasonal distribution in Brazilian streams. Results suggest branch reconfiguration as a probable mechanism of adaptation to current velocity based on the occurrence of: (i) B. macrosporum (a large mucilaginous form with presumably little ability for branch reconfiguration) under lower current velocity than B. delicatulum; (ii) only dense plants in populations with high current velocities (> 60 cm s?1), whereas 53–77% of dense plants were seen in populations exposed to lower currents (< 40 cm s?1); (iii) positive correlations of plant length with internode length in populations under low current velocities and negative correlation in a population with high velocity (132 cm s?1); and (iv) negative correlations of current velocity with plant diameter and internode length in a population under high flow. This study, involving mainly dioecious populations, revealed that B. delicatulum displayed higher fertilization rates than B. macrosporum. A complementary explanation for a dioecious species to increase fertilization success was proposed consisting of outcrossing among intermingled male and female adjacent plants within an algal spot.  相似文献   

1. The amphidromous life cycle of several species of neritid snails, shrimp and gobies throughout the tropics includes juveniles that migrate from the ocean to breed in fresh water. In many Hawaiian streams, the decline of Neritina granosa, an endemic gastropod, has been associated with habitat degradation and water withdrawal, which are common factors affecting tropical rivers around the world. 2. We investigated the effects of water withdrawal and density on dispersal and upstream migration of N. granosa using three experimental treatments: (i) reduced flow (RF) owing to a stream diversion, (ii) natural flow (NF) and (iii) natural flow with artificially increased snail density. For each treatment, snails were differentially tagged and released in a stream without a natural, extant population of N. granosa. 3. Capture rates ranged from 17 to 65% over a 63‐day period following release. Captures on 2–6 days after release measured initial dispersal and migration, whereas longer‐term migration rates were calculated from snails captured 16–63 days after release. Snails under NF displayed positive rheotactic behaviour, with only 3–12% demonstrating initial downstream movement. Under RF, 22–77% of snails moved downstream or showed no bias either way. 4. Initial mean upstream migration rate (UMR) was 0.25, 0.66 and 1.16 m day?1 under RF, NF and natural flow with increased snail density, respectively. Longer‐term migration rates did not differ significantly between treatments, and the overall mean was 0.62 m day?1. 5. Principal component analysis and generalised linear models were used to identify habitat characteristics important to UMR, with habitat and reach‐scale hydraulics as the most important factors. The relationship between discharge and UMR suggested it would take 11–35 years for snails to migrate past the most upstream water diversion. However, rates from published studies of neritid snail species migrating en masse or in long lines under natural situations suggested that N. granosa could migrate above stream diversions within 72 days–2.5 years (when in an aggregation) and 29 days–1.1 years (when following in long lines of individuals). 6. An understanding of upstream neritid snail migration can be used for the management and conservation of this and other migratory species in tropical streams.  相似文献   

Shorebirds (Charadriiformes) undergo rapid migrations with potential for long‐distance dispersal (LDD) of plants. We studied the frequency of endozoochory by shorebirds in different parts of Europe covering a broad latitudinal range and different seasons. We assessed whether plants dispersed conformed to morphological dispersal syndromes. A total of 409 excreta samples (271 faeces and 138 pellets) were collected from redshank Tringa totanus, black‐winged stilt Himantopus himantopus, pied avocet Recurvirostra avosetta, northern lapwing Vanellus vanellus, Eurasian curlew Numenius arquata and black‐tailed godwit Limosa limosa in south‐west Spain, north‐west England, southern Ireland and Iceland in 2005 and 2016, and intact seeds were extracted and identified. Godwits were sampled just before or after migratory movements between England and Iceland. The germinability of seeds was tested. Intact diaspores were recovered from all bird species and study areas, and were present in 13% of samples overall. Thirteen plant families were represented, including Charophyceae and 26 angiosperm taxa. Only four species had an ‘endozoochory syndrome’. Four alien species were recorded. Ellenberg values classified three species as aquatic and 20 as terrestrial. Overall, 89% of seeds were from terrestrial plants, and 11% from aquatic plants. Average seed length was higher in redshank pellets than in their faeces. Six species were germinated, none of which had an endozoochory syndrome. Seeds were recorded during spring and autumn migration. Plant species recorded have broad latitudinal ranges consistent with LDD via shorebirds. Crucially, morphological syndromes do not adequately predict LDD potential, and more empirical work is required to identify which plants are dispersed by shorebirds. Incorporating endozoochory by shorebirds and other migratory waterbirds into plant distribution models would allow us to better understand the natural processes that facilitated colonization of oceanic islands, or to improve predictions of how plants will respond to climate change, or how alien species spread.  相似文献   

细菌生物被膜(bacterial biofilm, BBF)为微生物栖息提供了所需要的保护屏障和生长微环境。生物被膜对抗菌药物的耐受性使得它在医学治疗等领域产生了严重的危害。因此如何分散被膜显得意义重大。综述了生物被膜主动分散的几种主要机制,包括降解酶的合成、运动力的恢复、表面活性剂的产生和细胞死亡。  相似文献   

Four streams in the Loch Ard Forest in central Scotland dried out almost completely during a drought in the summer of 1984. The recovery of the invertebrate populations in the streams was studied from September 1984 until March 1985 when most of the insect larvae and nymphs were almost full-grown.The appearance of very small larvae belonging to several insect orders within a month of the streams' filling up suggests that they had survived the drought as eggs, or eggs had been laid by adults soon after the drought ended.Statistical analysis showed that with the exception of 3 taxa there was no significant difference between the numbers of animals in November 1984 samples and in samples collected in March 1985.Comparison of samples from March 1984 and March 1985 showed significant difference in population size for a few species; with 2 exceptions the 1984 samples (ie before drought) were larger. In the long term the overall effect of the drought on the invertebrate communities seems to have been limited.  相似文献   

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