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Between November 1988 and July 1995 five technicians carried out ovarian dissections on 16,013 Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood and 123,848 G. pallidipes Austen captured at Rekomitjie Research Station, Zambezi Valley, Zimbabwe. The ovarian age and uterine content were recorded, as were the lengths (l1, l2 and lu) of the largest and second largest oocyte, and of any uterine inclusion. Major abnormalities and abnormal spermathecal contents were found in <0.1% of all flies dissected. Apparent abortions rates varied significantly between dissectors and occurred at frequencies of 0.8–4.5% in G. m. morsitans and 0.3–2.8% in G. pallidipes. The lowest estimates give the best picture of the field situation. Abortion rates were higher in flies caught on electric nets than in trapped flies where the rate was only 0.15%, indicating that reproductive losses are negligible for most of the year at Rekomitjie. The rates did, however, increase to >2% when mean temperatures exceeded 27°C and flies were captured in artificial refuges. There was little effect of ovarian age on the abortion rate, but the frequency of empty uteri declined markedly with age – with a suggestion, however, that it might increase again in the oldest flies. A knowledge of the rates of reproductive loss is important for the construction of realistic models of the dynamics of tsetse populations.  相似文献   

Abstract. The rates of development of the eggs and larvae in utero and the next two developing ovarioles were measured by ovarian dissection on each day of the pregnancy cycle in tsetse, Glossina morsitans, subject to different feeding regimes. Compared with flies fed four times per pregnancy cycle, flies fed three times per cycle showed a lower pupal production rate (70%), the same (zero) adult mortality, a slightly slower growth rate of the larva and second ovariole only from day 8 onwards, but the same growth rate of the first ovariole. Flies fed only twice per pregnancy cycle produced no pupae, suffered 18% adult mortality and showed a significantly slower growth rate of the larva and second ovariole from days 6 and 7 respectively, but still the growth rate of the first ovariole was barely affected. Flies offered food three times or twice per pregnancy cycle engorged fully at every opportunity, but 16.5% of the flies offered food four times per cycle did not feed on every occasion, while 12–22% did not engorge fully on days 3, 5 or 7. In assessing the applicability of these laboratory results to the field situation the following points must be borne in mind: in the laboratory flies take smaller mean blood meals than in the field; during protein production associated with larval growth the proportion of the blood meal lost to transformation and excretory costs is less than during normal lipid metabolism; the balance between the tsetse's known fertility rate and adult and pupal mortality rates reveals that the abortion rate in the field must be extremely low. The high abortion rates usually observed in laboratory colonies, even when flies are offered food dailyl would be quite untenable in the field and indicate that laboratory conditions impose physiological stresses on the flies that are quite different from those in the field. These facts indicate that three field-sized meals may be sufficient to meet the energy demands of normal larval development in the field.  相似文献   

The age, insemination and ovulation status of tsetse flies Glossina pallidipes Austen (n = 154369) and Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood (n = 19659), captured over 11 years in Zimbabwe, are assessed by ovarian dissection. Instantaneous rates of insemination increase exponentially with age in both species; 90% insemination levels are reached after 5 days post‐emergence in G. m. morsitans and 7 days in G. pallidipes, varying little with season. More than 95% of both species have ovulated by the age of 8 days and 99% by 12 days. Older flies that have not ovulated are > 100‐fold more likely to be caught in October and November than in other months. A 500‐fold decrease in trap catches did not result in any detectible decrease in the probability of females being inseminated. The proportion of partially filled spermathecae rises for approximately 6 days then declines, consistent with some flies having mated more than once. For flies caught on electric nets, with wings undamaged during capture, wing‐fray data are used to extend ovarian age estimates up to 11 ovulations. Among these flies, the volume of sperm in the spermathecae declines little in flies that have ovulated up to seven times; thereafter, it declines by approximately 1% per ovulation. The time course of insemination and the mating frequency of females are important considerations in modelling tsetse fly populations, as well as for the dynamics of interventions involving the release of genetically‐modified insects, which should not be seriously compromised by the limited levels of polyandry currently observed.  相似文献   

Abstract. The mode of reproduction of tsetse flies, by adenotrophic viviparity, is unusual among the Diptera and is associated with many unique aspects of the tsetse's mating system. Tsetse exist at relatively low densities in the environment but a combination of olfactory and visual stimuli brings males and virgin females together on or around host animals. The behavioural repertoire associated with mate location and identification, courtship and copulation is regulated by external physical and chemical stimuli as well as by internal physiological mechanisms. With a view to identifying stimuli that could be used to manipulate tsetse behaviour and exploited for control purposes, much progress has been made in recent years in elucidating the mating behaviour of tsetse and its regulatory mechanisms. This progress and the current state of understanding of tsetse mating behaviour is reviewed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Ovarian dissections were performed on the tsetse flies Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood and G.pallidipes Austen of known ages, maintained in the laboratory or on an island in Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe. The lengths ( l 2 and l u) of the second largest oocyte and of the larva in utero were found to increase approximately exponentially during pregnancy. The length ( l 1) of the largest oocyte increased exponentially for about the first 80% of pregnancy. Linear relationships between the log values of l 1, l 2 and l u in field-caught flies, of unknown chronological age, are consistent with the idea that growth patterns are similar in laboratory, island and open field situations. The egg phase takes up c. 45% of pregnancy in both species, regardless of season and the absolute duration of pregnancy. The changes in the log values of l 1, l 2 and l u, over the ranges within which they change linearly, can be used to assign flies to their stage of pregnancy. When applied to field data the rule showed that G.pallidipes caught in odour-baited traps, and on a mobile electric net, exhibited major activity peaks shortly before and after parturition. Flies from the trap (but not the net) showed a smaller peak of activity near the middle of pregnancy. The egg and the three larval phases in utero take up c. 45%, 25%, 20% and 10% of pregnancy respectively.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The copulatory behaviour of Glossina morsitans morsitans West. and G.austeni Newst. was analysed by filming. After a male and female engaged genitalia, the male performed a repertoire of five actions for 3–4 min: (1) 'rubbing' his metathoracic, tibiotarsal joint against the region of genital contact; (2) 'stroking' or hitting the female's head and thorax with his meso- and metathoracic legs; (3) 'wing flick' by moving his mesothoracic legs in a rowing motion whilst at the same time vibrating the wings as in normal flight; (4) 'wing vibration' with the wings vibrated in the closed position; (5) 'wings out' in which the wings are moved out to the flying position without any observable vibration. Each action was repeated many times, to give variable individual sequences, but declined in frequency exponentially over the first 3–4 min in copulo. The two species differed in the frequency of acts. Shortly before separation, a few hours later, actions 1 and 2 reappeared. Receptive females exhibited little overt behaviour except in the maintenance of a passive stance. Refractory females rejected a mating attempt by flexing the abdomen ventrally, vibrating their wings in the closed position, and pushing the male with meso- and metathoracic legs. The significance and possible functions of male behaviour are discussed in relation to mating in Glossina and other Diptera.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In Zimbabwe, studies were made of the responses of Glossina pallidipes Austen and G.morsitans morsitans Westwood to artificial host odour using an incomplete ring of electrocuting nets. In a plume of synthetic host odour tsetse flew generally upwind, with 50–60% flying within 35o of due upwind. More than 80% of tsetse flew at < 50 cm above ground level. Upon losing contact with odour they executed a reverse turn within about 2 m, and upon regaining contact they turned upwind. There were no clear differences in the responses of G.m.morsitans and G.pallidipes. Using electrocuting nets lying horizontally on the ground it was found that tsetse landed in the vicinity of the odour source, the propensity to land being greater for G.pallidipes than for G.m, morsitans , greater for immature than mature flies, and greater for males than females.  相似文献   

Abstract A field study in Zimbabwe of Glossina pallidipes Austen and G. morsitans morsitans Westwood supported Waage's (1981) hypothesis that the striped pattern of zebras may protect them from being bitten by blood-sucking flies. In addition, the results suggest that the orientation of the stripes may be crucially important for the unattractiveness of zebras. The relative attractiveness of five different stationary targets (black, white, grey, vertically-striped and horizontally-striped; stripe width = 5 cm) were each tested on their own and in pairs of all combinations, with artificial host odour (CO2 plus acetone) always present. Electric nets were used to catch flies as they attempted to land on or circle the targets. The results were similar for the two species of tsetse. When tested on their own, grey and vertically-striped targets caught similar numbers of flies and both caught significantly fewer than black or white targets (c. 36% as many). Horizontally-striped targets caught <10% as many flies as any other single target. Although there was no significant difference between the attractiveness of grey and vertically striped targets when they were presented together, when paired with the other targets, grey was as attractive as black or white, but the vertically-striped target was significantly less attractive than black or white (P < 0.001). In other words, a difference between grey and vertical stripes was found only in their attractiveness in relation to other targets. The horizontally-striped target, however, always caught the fewest flies, regardless of whether it was presented alone or alongside another target.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of Glossina austeni Newstead and Glossina brevipalpis Newstead (Diptera: Glossinidae) were studied in the three main vegetation types in Zululand, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. During a period of 12 months, a trap transect consisting of 38 H-traps traversing the three vegetation types was monitored. The Index of Apparent Abundance (IAA) for G. brevipalpis was high in indigenous forest and open grassland but lower in exotic plantations. Glossina austeni, on the other hand, was captured mainly in or adjacent to indigenous forest. The seasonal trend in the IAA did not differ between vegetation types. The findings on the distribution of G. brevipalpis are in contrast with the historic records. Historically, this species was considered to be restricted to areas with a dense overhead canopy and high relative humidity. The repercussions of these findings for the epidemiology of livestock trypanosomiasis and the control of tsetse in Zululand are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Studies were conducted in Zimbabwe of the catch of Glossina pallidipes Austen from an electric net plus target baited with mixtures of acetone plus carbon dioxide or 1-octen-3-ol (octenol) plus carbon dioxide. For acetone dispensed alone at 5–50, 000 mg h-1, ten-fold increments in the dose increased the catch 1.7 times. For carbon dioxide dispensed alone, dose increments from 12 to 1201 h-1 doubled the catch, but the catch was not further increased by dispensing carbon dioxide at 600–1200 1 h-1. For mixtures of these two odours, ten-fold increments in the dose of carbon dioxide between 12 and 12, 0001 h-1 increased the catch c . 2.5 times if acetone was also dispensed at >50 mg h-1; changes in the dose of acetone between 50 and 50 000 mg h-1 did not affect the catch. The addition of octenol (0.05 mg h-1) to carbon dioxide (12–12001 h-1) doubled the catch. Ten-fold increments in the dose of octenol between 0.05 and 5 mg h-1 did not increase the catch significantly and the catch was independent of changes in the dose of carbon dioxide between 120 and 12001 h-1. The behavioural basis of the dose-response curves was investigated using an incomplete ring of electric nets to assess the flight orientation of tsetse in different odours. Upwind flight was not elicited by acetone or octenol alone, or by carbon dioxide unless it was at very high doses, however, mixtures of carbon dioxide with acetone or octenol elicited upwind flight. It is suggested that the attractiveness of mixtures of acetone and carbon dioxide is a function of the region of overlap of these two odours at above threshold concentration. Acetone and octenol on their own appear to increase the responsiveness of flies to visual cues.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Studies were conducted in Zimbabwe of the responses of Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood and Glossina pallidipes Austen resting in a refuge to various host stimuli. Tsetse took off in response to 100% ox odour, 0.08% carbon dioxide or a visual stimulus consisting of a 0.75 × 0.75 m black target placed c . 5 m from the refuge moving at 4o s-1, but the level of response was low with only 35%, 19% and 29% responding, respectively. Tsetse did not take off in response to any one of 25% ox odour, 0.8% carbon dioxide, acetone (3 μg 1-1) or octenol (0.03 μg 1-1). In the absence of any host stimuli, flies emerged from the refuge later on hotter days (35–37oC) than on cooler days (32–34.5oC). Male G.pallidipes emerging later in the afternoon contained significantly more haematin than those emerging relatively earlier. There were no significant differences between the responses of G.m. morsitans and G.pallidipes. It is suggested that the initial activation of resting flies is primarily mediated through endogenous, rather than host, stimuli.  相似文献   

The behaviour of tsetse (mainly Glossina pallidipes Austen) around odour-baited targets, with or without a coating of ox sebum, was recorded in the field using video. The addition of sebum increased the total time a fly was in contact with the target, as well as the time spent flying around and landing on it. When carbon dioxide was released as part of the attractant odour plume, the presence of sebum on the target increased the number of landings made by each fly, but did not significantly affect the duration of each contact. When carbon dioxide was absent from the odour plume, sebum did not affect the number of landings made by flies but the duration of each contact with the target did increase. Evidence for an interactive effect of sebum and carbon dioxide was obtained. In addition, the presence of sebum on the target increased the percentage of landed flies which walked on its surface; such behaviour may represent an 'inspection' of the artificial host. The potential tsetse control application of the current findings are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Teneral tsetse flies, Glossina morsitans morsitans Westw., were injected with labelled caesium (137Cs) <18 h after emergence and released in the Zambezi Valley of Zimbabwe between May 1983 and June 1984, and again in February 1985. Radioactivity in flies recaptured time t days after injection indicated a three-stage exponential loss of caesium, identical for both sexes. For t≫4 the estimated rate constant (-0.119 per day) was significantly lower than for 4≫t≫12 (–0.252 per day). By day 15 about 97% of the isotope had been excreted; thereafter the loss rate fell by an order of magnitude. The data for t>4 days were well fitted by the sum of two exponentials but no smooth function was found to fit all three phases. The loss rate from the rapidly metabolized pool increased exponentially with temperature at the same rate as for male tsetse kept in the dark in the laboratory. However, the loss rate in the field was lower at every temperature, suggesting that these flies live at 2–6oC lower than the average Stevenson screen temperature. Published estimates of hunger cycle and daily flight durations, made on the basis of measured rates of caesium excretion, are invalid because they use the assumption that flies are living in the field at screen temperatures. The data suggest that both sexes have the same metabolic rate up to the age of about 15 days, which implies that the females (being larger and having to nourish a larva in the latter stages of this period) must be less active and/or live at even lower temperatures than the males.  相似文献   

Abstract. To disentangle cause and effect in previously observed relationships between fat content and flight activity in male tsetse ( Glossina spp.), three groups of flies were fed at different intervals to raise their fat content to different levels before their flight activity was recorded. The greater the mean daily blood intake, the higher the fat content and the greater the subsequent spontaneous flight activity, thereby using up almost all of the fat reserves before the next blood meal. It is proposed that although male flies would benefit from maximum food intake to permit maximum flight associated with mate-seeking, they do not in fact feed as often as possible either in the field or the laboratory. This is explicable if energy acquisition is constrained by an additional mortality risk associated with feeding.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Analyses of the ovulation, insemination and mating of female Glossina pallidipes Austen, were carried out in the field and laboratory. In unmated females, ovulation was delayed until at least the fifteenth day of adult life. The predictable pattern of growth and development of eggs was used to age nulliparous females to the nearest day in the field. Inseminated females first appeared at 5–6 days old and most females became inseminated at 8–10 days of age. There were no significant differences in the age at insemination in Zimbabwe or Kenya. Ovulation had occurred in the field by 10–11 days old. Mating therefore occurs at or just before ovulation. Females were able to mate at up to 12 days old and still produce a viable larva from their first egg. In laboratory flies originating from Uganda, factors which reduced and minimized the effects of disturbance, maximized insemination rate, so that under the best conditions the age at mating was identical to that found in the field. Nevertheless, the insemination rate of Fl generation Zimbabwe flies reared from wild-caught females was negligible. The differences in the laboratory mating behaviour of the Zimbabwe flies and the flies from the long-established colony of Uganda origin, are considered to be due to wild G. pallidipes being easily disturbed under laboratory conditions, whereas colony breeding rapidly selects for passivity. The concept of gross differences in G. pallidipes mating behaviour between geographic areas in thus rejected.  相似文献   

Various autosterilizing systems were evaluated on natural populations of Glossina pallidipes Austen and G.morsitans morsitans Westwood in Zimbabwe. These involved a clear plastic tower of two or three chambers mounted at the cage position on a trap. Inside one chamber flies could be exposed to the vapour phase of the chemosterilant bisazir, P,P-bis (1-aziridinyl)-N-methylphosphinothioic amide. The system was designed to encourage flies to enter the sterilizing chamber, delaying their exit for sufficient time to expose them to a sterilizing dose. This was accomplished in the most effective system by restriction of the exit to one small hole (6 mm diameter) at the roof-side junction. The number of flies remaining in the chamber declined exponentially. The rate of exit was directly proportional to the density of flies in the sterilizing chamber and to the number of exit holes. The probability of a fly being in this chamber for at least 1 or 7 min (the times taken for female and male G.m.morsitans respectively to receive an ED50) was 0.84 and 0.67 respectively with one fly present. With sixteen flies, these probabilities were 0.76 and 0.18 respectively. Results suggest that it may be possible to develop a cheap, safe and efficient autosterilizer for use on tsetse traps.  相似文献   

Abstract Free-flying wild tsetse flies ( Glossina pallidipes Aust. and G. m. morsitans Westw.) were video recorded in Zimbabwe as they flew within an artificial host odour plume at 3, 7 or 15 m from the source, or in no odour, with and without a 0.75 m2 vertical, black visual target present aligned with the wind. With no visual target present, flights in odour were strongly biased upwind, and in the absence of odour strongly biased downwind. With the target present, between 16% and 40% of the upwind approaching flies responded visually as they passed the target, by circling it, in proportion to the proximity of the source (taken to be proportional to the mean odour concentration). Crosswind approaching flies (for whom the target will have been visible for some metres away) circled more frequently (34–56%), but without obvious correlation with the odour concentration. Circling flies also responded orthokinetically, by slowing down as they passed the target. The departure directions relative to the wind of flies leaving the target were significantly affected by the odour concentration. At 3 m they left the target in all directions, except possibly avoiding due upwind. At 7 m they left with an obliquely upwind bias, but at 15 m and also in no odour, they left with a strong crosswind bias.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of odour-baited targets treated with 0.8% deltamethrin in controlling Glossina austeni Newstead and G. brevipalpis Newstead (Diptera: Glossinidae) was evaluated in Zululand, South Africa. Targets were initially deployed in the three habitat types (grassland, woodland and forest) of two adjacent areas at a density of four targets per km(2). One area functioned as the treatment block (c. 35 km(2)) and included the focus of the target deployment, and the second area functioned as a barrier block (c. 40 km(2)) against tsetse fly re-invasion from the untreated area to the south. After 8 months, targets were removed from open grassland in both areas and target density in wooded habitats and sand forest was increased to eight per km(2). Twelve months later, all targets were removed from the barrier block and used to increase target density in the wooded and sand forest habitats of the treatment block to 12 per km(2). This target density was maintained for 14 months. In the treatment area, a 99% reduction in G. austeni females occurred after 13 months at a target density of eight per km(2) in wooded habitat; this was maintained for 22 months. Reduction in G. brevipalpis was less marked. The relatively poor reduction in G. brevipalpis is attributed to the high mobility of this species and its distribution throughout less wooded and more open habitats.  相似文献   

Analysis is presented of the factors affecting survival probability in populations of tsetse flies Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood and G. pallidipes Austen (Diptera: Glossinidae) on Antelope Island, Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe. For mature male and female adult G. m. morsitans mean temperature (T bar) accounted for 70 and 50%, respectively, of the variance in mark-recapture estimates of survival when the flies were not subjected to trapping. Saturation deficit (SD) only accounted for 36 and 33%, respectively. Maximum temperature (Tmax) and SD accounted for 36–42% of the variance in male and female G. pallidipes. For the corresponding Moran curve estimates of the survival over all developmental stages, SD lagged by three weeks accounted for 61 and 41% of the variance for male and female G. m. morsitans, respectively, and 64 and 56% for G. pallidipes. The corresponding figures for plots against Tmax were 44, 23, 23, and 21%, respectively. The same patterns were seen in the whole data set once allowance was made for the effect of trapping on survival and for an effect of season, correlated with an index of photosynthetic activity. For male G. m. morsitans there was a significant effect of saturation deficit, but not temperature, on immature survival. Decreased adult survival at high temperatures results from the need to feed more frequently and hence to take more risks per unit time. High saturation deficits result directly in reduced emergence of healthy flies from pupae.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Actograph measurements of the spontaneous flight activity of isolated female Glossina morsitans morsitans Westw. were made through their first two pregnancy cycles in constant conditions under LD 12:12. Activity fell from a mean of c. 20 units/day to near zero during the 24 h preceding the day on which larvipositionoccurred. Activity on the day of larviposition rose significantly, to c. 35 units/day, then fell back to the baseline 20 units on subsequent days. The circadian pattern of activity was changed markedly by larviposition: 48 h before it, activity in the morning peak of the usual V-shaped diel pattern was twice normal; over 70% of the flies then fed, and the evening arm of their V disappeared; 24 h before larviposition, most flies were totally inactive, the few that did fly performing only 1 or 2 units/day, and only in the first and last hours of the photophase; on the day of larviposition, the morning peak of the V was reduced by c. 70%, and activity peaked instead during the post-noon 2–3 h, before and during the act of parturition. Almost all larvipositions occurred between noon and lights-out. It is suggested that the c. 48 h of pre-larviposition quiescence may play a role in the fact that pregnant G. morsitans females often survive non-residual aerosol insecticide campaigns.  相似文献   

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