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Bleached kraft mill effluents (BKME) contain both nutrients(nitrogen and phosphorus) and contaminants that can have a stimulatoryor inhibitory effect on riverine food webs. For the Northern RiverBasins Study (NRBS), separation of the effects of nutrients andcontaminants in BKME was an important issue because field biomonitoringwas unable to isolate these impacts. We addressed this problem by usingriverside mesocosm experiments, along with field observations, todetermine the effects of BKME on benthic food webs of the upperAthabasca River near Hinton, Alberta, Canada. Response variablesincluded periphyton biomass, benthic insect density and composition, andthe biomass of abundant invertebrates (i.e., caddisfly, mayfly andstonefly taxa). Experiments were conducted during autumn when nutrientenhancement was hypothesized to increase autochthonous primaryproduction as a result of low river discharge and high water clarity.Treatments included reference river water, 1% BKMEconcentrations, and nutrients (nitrogen plus phosphorus) equivalent tothe 1% BKME treatment. Although pulp mill effluents can inducesublethal toxicity in benthic biota, BKME concentrations equivalent tolevels in the Athabasca River did not cause measurable toxicity.Relative to reference water treatments, BKME-associated increases inavailable phosphorus produced enrichment effects including increases inperiphyton and insect biomass, and invertebrate abundance. Insect familyrichness was not affected by the treatments. The development andapplication of a field-based artificial stream system for the NRBSimproved our mechanistic understanding of the effects of BKME on benthicbiota of nutrient and contaminant stressors. By combining artificialstream results with field observations, we were also able to link thismechanistic understanding of stressor effects directly to impacts in theriver. We conclude that the response to BKME in the Peace-AthabascaBasin is largely one of nutrient enrichment rather than that oftoxicity.  相似文献   

Bioremediation of paper and pulp mill effluents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pulp and paper mill effluents pollute water, air and soil, causing a major threat to the environment. Several methods have been attempted by various researchers throughout the world for the removal of colour from pulp and paper mill effluents. The biological colour removal process uses several classes of microorganisms--bacteria, algae and fungi--to degrade the polymeric lignin derived chromophoric material. White rot fungi such as Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Corius versicolor, Trametes versicolor etc., are efficient in decolourizing paper and pulp mill effluents. Gliocladium virens, a saprophytic soil fungus decolourised paper and pulp mill effluents by 42% due to the production of hemicellulase, lignin peroxidase, manganese peroxidase and laccase.  相似文献   

This review examines the impact of pulp and paper mill effluents by comparing effects from Canada's east and west coasts at a time when revisions to the federal Fisheries Act (Pulp and Paper Effluent Regulations) are being finalized. Pulp and paper mill effluents from Canadian coastal mills were usually acutely toxic at source, and in many cases had marked deleterious effects on receiving waters due to toxicity, high biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and total suspended solids (TSS) loadings. Extreme reductions in ambient dissolved oxygen, impacts on benthic and intertidal organisms, changes in water colour and primary productivity, have been demonstrated over the years and continue to cause environmental damage. Contamination of biota by a wide range of chlorinated organic compounds has been more recently the focus of investigations.While sublethal effects of lowered dissolved oxygen levels and suspended solids on the water column and bottom communities are well known, the potential effects of major organochlorine contamination of water (measured as Adsorbable Organic Halogens=AOX), sediments, and biota are not fully understood, especially under natural and perturbated conditions. The findings of recent North American and Scandinavian studies which describe liver enzyme activation, histological damage, reproductive and population level changes in fish, are a major concern as they are a sign of ecosystem stress and pathology.The environmental effects described herein are long-term impacts which will not respond quickly to changes in pollutant loading. Integrated site-specific assessments need to be undertaken to document ecosystem response to process and treatment improvements at mill sites. Current biomonitoring techniques including measures of population structure and ecosystem function are needed in addition to sensitive biochemical indicators of contaminant exposure.  相似文献   

Dellarossa  Victor  Céspedes  Jaime  Zaror  Claudio 《Hydrobiologia》2001,443(1-3):187-191
This paper presents experimental results on the implementation of Eichhornia crassipes–based tertiary lagoon to treat effluents generated by a 300 ton d–1 Kraft pulp mill in Chile. Results show that E. crassipes rapidly adapted to the tertiary lagoon conditions. Active growth was maintained even during a cold winter, protected by the wastewater heat content. A 1000 m2 seeding area extended to 2300–6200 m2 after a month of growth, with a monthly harvested biomass and nitrogen uptake were 1.1–5.4 ton (dry wt.), and 18–127 kg N, respectively. E. crassipes growth was adequately described by a first order model, with an estimated rate constant ca. 0.03 d–1 and 0.06 d–1, for winter and summer seasons, respectively. A management strategy based on such model, to account for seasonal variations in growth rate while keeping a constant nitrogen uptake capacity, is proposed here.  相似文献   

Kaj Granberg 《Hydrobiologia》1996,322(1-3):159-166
The aim of this study is to show the effects of the Pitkäranta pulp mill on the water quality of Northern Ladoga by using water quality models. The effluent loading of the pulp mill with its full production capacity is as follows: Water flow 85 000 m3 d–1 BOD5 2.4 t d–1 Suspended solids 4.1 t d–1 tot-N 330 kg d–1 tot-P 68 kg d–1 COD(Cr) 14.4 t d–1 Org. C 6 t d–1 Lignosulphonates 9.4 t d–1 Loadings of lignosulphonates and organic C are estimations. Lignosulphonate concentrations of 10.5 mg 1–1 have been reported in the region of Pitkäranta. The study area of northern Ladoga near the pulp mill was divided into three zones (I, II and III). The mean depth of each of them is considered as 10 m, their respective areas 5, 10 and 50 km2, and volumes 50, 100 and 500 million m3. The estimated discharges of the zones are 10, 20 and 50 m3 s–1, respectively. With the aid of simple water quality models the effects of the pulp mill effluents on the concentrations of oxygen, total phosphorus, lignin, COD(Mn) and Secchi disk depths in each of the zones were estimated. Estimations were made during full production capacity and half production capacity of the pulp mill. The modelling results were compared with the preliminary water analysis results of the Finnish-Russian joint research expedition into Lake Ladoga in August 1993. The results show that near the pulp mill (zone I) phosphorus concentrations are high even with half production capacity. Also lignin and COD(Mn) contents have increased, and oxygen concentrations are low both in the summer and during wintertime. Farther away in the open water (zone III) the pollution effects are low. Eutrophication, indicated by high total phosphorus concentrations, is the main effect of the pulp mill effluents.  相似文献   

Summary The coelomyceteStagonospora gigaspora degrades lignin derivatives within pulp mill bleachery effluents. Besides dechlorination, 90% of the color was removed from CEH bleachery effluents. Lignin derivatives in the effluents of the EOP bleaching stages revealed more persistent against fungal attack. Toxicity of both effluents was diminished significantly byS. gigaspora.  相似文献   

以亚硫酸盐甘蔗渣浆酶解液作为原料,利用C. shehatae发酵制取燃料乙醇。结果表明:还原糖最适初始质量浓度为葡萄糖140 g/L、木糖60 g/L、酶解液总糖80 g/L。利用初始葡萄糖55.06 g/L、木糖11.18 g/L、纤维二糖4.51 g/L的亚硫酸盐甘蔗渣浆酶解液发酵,经18 h获得乙醇22.98 g/L。乙醇得率为67.23%,葡萄糖利用率为99.27%,木糖利用率为32.96%,C. shehatae适合作为蔗渣为原料的乙醇发酵菌株。  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to evaluate the post-treatment of an anaerobic recalcitrant effluent (anaerobically-treated weak black liquor, AnE) in an aerobic, upflow reactor packed with “biocubes” of Trametes versicolor immobilized onto small cubes of holm oak wood. The treated effluent (named anaerobic effluent; AnE) from an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor was fed to an up-flow aerobic fungal packed bed reactor (PBR). Two HRT were tested in this unit, namely 5 and 2.5 days; the PBR operated 60 days at 5-day HRT and 35 days at 2.5-day HRT. The aerobic packed bench scale reactor was a glass column 1.5 L total geometric volume containing 0.75 L biocubes of T. versicolor immobilized onto holm oak wood small cubes of 5 mm side. The reactor was operated at 25 °C. The pH of the AnE was adjusted to 4.5 before feeding; no carbohydrates or other soluble carbon source was supplemented. The fungal packed bed bioreactor averaged organic matter removals of 30% and 32% COD basis, during an experimental run of 60 days at 5-day HRT and 35 days at 2.5-day HRT, respectively. Colour and ligninoids contents were removed at higher percentages (69% and 54% respectively, average of both HRT). There was no significant difference between reactor performance at 5- and 2.5-day HRT, so, operation at 2.5-day HRT is recommended since reactor throughput is double. Activity of manganese peroxidase and laccase was found during the entire operation of the fungal PBR whereas lignin peroxidase activity practically disappeared in the second operation period. In general, enzyme activities were higher in the first period of operation (5-day HRT) than at 2.5-day HRT. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the few works that demonstrated extended performance (3 months) of a fungal bioreactor for the treatment of a recalcitrant wastewater with no supplementation of glucose or other expensive, soluble carbohydrate.  相似文献   

Chlorinated dehydroabietic acids are formed during the chlorine bleaching of wood pulp and are very toxic to fish. Thus, destruction of these compounds is an important function of biological treatment systems for pulp and paper mill effluents. In this study, 12 strains of diverse, aerobic resin acid-degrading bacteria were screened for the ability to grow on chlorinated dehydroabietic acids as sole organic substrates. All seven strains of the class Proteobacteria able to use dehydroabietic acid were also able to use a mixture of 12- and 14-chlorodehydroabietic acid (Cl-DhA). None of the strains used 12,14-dichlorodehydroabietic acid. Sphingomonas sp. strain DhA-33 grew best on Cl-DhA and simultaneously removed both Cl-DhA isomers. Ralstonia sp. strain BKME-6 was typical of most of the strains tested, growing more slowly on Cl-DhA and leaving higher residual concentrations of Cl-DhA than DhA-33 did. Strains DhA-33 and BKME-6 mineralized (converted to CO(inf2) plus biomass) 32 and 43%, respectively, of carbon in Cl-DhA consumed. Strain DhA-33 produced a metabolite from Cl-DhA, tentatively identified as 3-oxo-14-chlorodehydroabietin, and both strains produced dissolved organic carbon which may include unidentified metabolites. Cl-DhA removal was inducible in both DhA-33 and BKME-6, and induced DhA-33 cells also removed 12,14-dichlorodehydroabietic acid. Based on activities of strains DhA-33 and BKME-6, chlorinated DhAs, and potentially toxic metabolite(s) of these compounds, are relatively persistent in biological treatment systems and in the environment.  相似文献   

The effluents of pulp and paper mills contain about 300 different chemical compounds; many of them are mutagens and clastogens. Genotoxic studies have shown that chlorination stage liquors are significantly more genotoxic, in the Ames Salmonella assay, than the other process of lignin extraction, and that lyophilized effluents are genotoxic in cultured mammalian cells. Since these effluents from conventional bleaching stages are genotoxic, Chilean industries are interested in changing this process to a less toxic one, such as biobleaching using enzymes. In this study, we tested the in vitro genotoxicity of two types of effluents: an effluent obtained from a conventional radiata pine kraft-bleaching process (effluent D) and one derived from a biobleaching process with hemicellulase (effluent B). Both effluents were tested without any concentration or purification steps in the Ames Salmonella assay (TA100) and in the micronuclei (MN) and sister chromatid exchange (SCE) tests in CHO cells. The results showed that neither effluent induced base pair substitution mutations in the Ames Salmonella assay, and neither increased the micronucleus frequency in CHO cells. But, both increased the SCE frequencies in CHO cells, showing that this assay is more sensitive than the other ones, and that the two effluents contained chemical compounds in amounts enough to induce in vitro genotoxicity measured by the SCE induction.  相似文献   

Pretreatment of Kraft pulp mill effluents by mycelial pellets or extracellular ligninolytic liquid from Phanerochaete chrysosporium enhanced the anaerobic degradation of high molecular weight (HMW) compounds up to 79% and 72% respectively, against 45% when only anaerobic digestion was considered. Decolourization was obtained only after fungal pretreatment, since both anaerobic digestion and ligninolytic liquid pretreatment of Kraft effluent slightly increased colour.  相似文献   

Cellulase-free xylanase preparations of different fungal origin lowered the xylan content of acid sulfite dissolving pulp from 5% (w/v) to less than 4%. This was not, though, related to the amount of reducing sugars released. The pulp bleachability improved in samples where xylan had been mostly degraded, however, the increment in brightness declined (from 2.0–2.9 to 1.0–1.2 brightness points) when the subsequent number of chemical bleaching steps increased from 1 to 5.  相似文献   

Although the utility of artificial streams(mesocosms) as research tools for assessingeffects of contaminants on aquatic biota hasbeen recognized, their use in regulatoryprograms has been limited. We conducted threestudies to examine the utility of using mobile,field-based artificial streams to assess theeffects of pulp and paper effluents on fish asrequired in the Canadian Environmental EffectsMonitoring (EEM) program. When evaluatedagainst criteria of environmental relevance,interpretability, scientific defensibility, andcost-effectiveness, mesocosms satisfied allcriteria. Measured endpoints on fish survival,energy use (growth, gonad size) and energystorage (liver size, condition) were relevantto the detection and quantification of effluenteffects on fish. Response patterns were similarto those reported in the literature for fieldsurveys showing reduced gonad size andincreased liver size in adult mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) and decreased growth ofjuveniles. The flexibility of the systems tomeasure effects in multiple, replicatedtreatments under controlled effluent exposureand ambient conditions of water quality,temperature and photoperiod provided data thatcould not be obtained at these sites usingfield assessment approaches. The repeatabilityof using the same mobile, mesocosm system ofuniform design and operation at different millsites and for different receiving environmentswas unique and contributed to consistentscientific evaluation and interpretation. Thesestudies demonstrated that mesocosms producedgood quality data that fit within the requiredregulatory context of the Canadian EEM program.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of pulp mill and municipal sewageeffluents on the nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) status of northernCanadian rivers, the Northern River Basins Study required an integratedresearch and assessment program consisting of field observation andexperimentation. Analysis of monitoring data collected over 3–13 yshowed that on an annual basis, pulp mills contributed 22% of theP and 20% of the N load discharged from the Wapiti to the Smokyriver, and 6 to 16% of the P load and 4 to 10% of the Nload in the Athabasca River. Despite these low contributions, N and Pconcentrations were elevated below pulp mill discharges on all threerivers during the low discharge period of September to April. Insitu experiments conducted with nutrient diffusing substrata showedthat periphyton biomass was maintained at low levels by insufficient Pin the upper reaches of the Athabasca River and insufficient N+P inthe Wapiti River upstream of point-source discharges. In contrast,effluent loading from pulp mill and sewage inputs alleviated nutrientlimitation downstream of major discharges on both rivers. Experimentsconducted in artificial streams located beside the Athabasca Riverupstream of the first pulp mill showed that P addition increasedperiphyton biomass (expressed as chlorophyll a content) suchthat biomass increased sharply at low P concentrations (2–5µg/L soluble reactive P) and approached saturation at 35µg/L soluble reactive P. As a result of recommendations fromthis integrated program of river monitoring and experimentation,nutrient loading has been reduced to the most affected river(Wapiti-Smoky) and federal and provincial departments of environment arereviewing loading limits for other river reaches.  相似文献   

利用来自海栖热袍茵的重组极耐热木聚糖酶XynB和来自嗜热栖热菌Thermus thermophilus HB27的重组极耐热漆酶Tth-laccase对麦草浆进行协同漂白。结果表明,当未漂浆经XL漂序处理(X:重组木聚糖酶用量20 U/g绝干浆,pH 5.8,温度90℃,浆浓8%,处理时间2 h;L:重组漆酶用量3 U/g绝干浆,pH 4.5,温度90℃,浆浓8%,处理时间1.5 h),可获得最佳漂白效果。与对照浆比较,XL处理使浆料白度提升11.5%ISO,卡伯值降低6.9。双酶协同处理在改善浆料可漂性的同时,对纸浆纤维强度无负面影响。在后续过氧化氢漂白段中,当漂终白度相近时,XL预处理浆可节省约50%H_2O_2消耗量。  相似文献   

The paper presents application of the protein indication method to studies of pollution of Lake Ladoga in the area affected by effluent discharge of the Pitkäranta pulp mill.Analysis of proteins gives new insight into the causes of water quality deterioration in stagnant zones near the mill discharge outlet at Pusunsaari Island. Anomalies in protein concentration coincide spatially with hydrochemical anomalies. Protein anomalies indicate the process of bacterial decomposition of wood fibre accumulated in the stagnant waters, which in turn is reflected in the chemical water quality parameters in the polluted zone.  相似文献   

吴金凤  方斌  方玮轩 《生态学报》2015,35(14):4733-4741
自然和经济要素相结合构建农田利用布局可最大限度地优化农田经济和生态效益,是耕地保护最有效的路径之一。以浦江县为例,运用ArcG IS技术,以影响作物生长的自然因子为自然要素指标迭加成9个自然单元,运用生态位社会经济评价值确定出431个经济单元,两者结合形成作物综合要素单元,并以当地代表性的粮食作物水稻、经济作物蔬菜、水果为参照设计出具有最佳适宜性和较高综合效益的农田利用布局。测算结果与浦江县的客观发展实际相应证,说明生态位社会经济评价值NSEV与自然要素的结合确定作物布局区的方法,不仅能适度减少人为主观因素对结果的影响,而且该方法实用性较强,选取的作物自然要素指标和经济要素指标针对性强。  相似文献   

Four riverine animal communities were measured to assess the impact of extensively treated wastewater from a pulp and paper mill on the lower La Trobe River in Victoria, Australia. Benthic macroinvertebrates in channel and bankside habitats were sampled using a new air-lift corer. Population density was expressed in relation to substrate volume. Other communities measured at five sites upstream and downstream of the mill's wastewater outfall were the zooplankton, and the animals associated with submerged littoral vegetation. Ten environmental variables were also measured during the two sampling periods.A total of 50 benthic macro-invertebrate taxa were dominated by Oligochaeta, Chironomidae and Bivalvia. Benthic communities upstream and downstream of the outfall were very similar. Benthic samples showed large unexplained variation between stations and seasons, despite the similarity of stations and the stratified sampling design, but within-sample variation was small. There was some evidence that benthic faunal patchiness was associated with patterns of stream-bed scouring and deposition in periods of high flow. Littoral samples collected 28 taxa, dominated by Decapoda and Hemiptera. The benthic and littoral communities were quite distinct, with only three species common to both.Only two of the biological and environmental variables responded to wastewater from the mill: total dissolved solids rose by 20–25% over upstream levels; and zooplankton density increased by 2–3 orders of magnitude. It was concluded that wastewater treatment had successfully avoided the major environmental problems often associated with pulp and paper mills.  相似文献   

The treatment of pulp and paper mill effluent: a review   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The manufacture of paper generates significant quantities of wastewater; as high as 60 m3/tonne of paper produced. The raw wastewaters from paper and board mills can be potentially very polluting. Indeed, a recent survey within the UK industry has found that their chemical oxygen demands can be as high as 11000 mg/l. This paper reviews the processes involved in paper making and examines the effects which they could have on the environment. It also evaluates the treatment processes which are used to minimise these effects. In line with the majority of UK practice, it focuses mainly on aerobic biological treatment and, in particular, on the activated sludge process. This means that there is an in-depth discussion about the problems associated with filamentous bacteria and sludge "bulking". The paper also discusses the way in which anaerobic digestion can be applied to the treatment of liquid wastes from the manufacture of paper.  相似文献   

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