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The ability of ATP, CTP, ITP, GTP and UTP to induce ouabain-sensitive accumulation of Na+ by proteoliposomes with a reconstituted Na/K-pump was studied. At low Na+/K+ ratio (20 mM/50 mM), a correlation was observed between the proton-accepting capacity of the nucleotide and its efficiency as an active transport substrate. In order to test the hypothesis on the role of the negative charge in position 1 of the purine (3-pyrimidine) base of the nucleotide in the reversible transitions from the Na- to the K-conformations of Na,K-ATPase, two ATP analogs (N1-hydroxy-ATP possessing a proton-accepting ability and N1-methoxy-ATP whose molecule carries a negative charge quenched by a methyl group) were used. The first substrate provides for active accumulation of Na+ by proteoliposomes at a rate similar to that of ATP, whereas the second substrate is fairly ineffective.  相似文献   

In this work, we examined occlusion of 22Na+ and 86Rb+ in membranous and detergent-solubilized Na,K-ATPase from outer renal medulla. Optimum conditions for occlusion of 22Na+ were provided by formation of the phosphorylated complex from the beta,gamma-bidentate complex of chromium (III) with ATP (CrATP). Release of occluded cations occurred at equally slow rates in soluble and membrane-bound Na,K-ATPase. Values of 22Na+ occlusion as high as 11 nmol/mg of protein were measured, corresponding to 1.8-2.7 mol of Na+/mol of phosphorylated Na,K-ATPase as determined by 32P incorporation from [gamma-32P]CrATP. Maximum capacity for phosphorylation from [gamma-32P]CrATP was 6 nmol/mg of protein and equal to capacities for binding of [48V]vanadate and [3H]ouabain. The stoichiometry for occlusion of Rb+ was close to 2 Rb+ ions/phosphorylation site. In an analytical ultracentrifuge, the soluble Na+- or Rb+-occluded complexes showed sedimentation velocities (S20,w = 6.8-7.4) consistent with monomeric alpha beta-units. The data show that soluble monomeric alpha beta-units of Na,K-ATPase can occlude Rb+ or Na+ with the same stoichiometry as the membrane-bound enzyme. The structural basis for occlusion of cations in Na,K-ATPase is suggested to be the formation of a cavity inside a monomeric alpha beta-unit constituting the minimum protein unit required for active Na,K-transport.  相似文献   

Na,K-ATPase from rectal glands of Squalus acanthias has been subjected to proteolysis with trypsin. The E1- and E2-forms of the enzyme can be distinguished from the inactivation patterns at low trypsin concentrations, as previously seen with kidney enzyme. Extensive degradation by trypsin in the presence of 5 mM Rb+ yields membrane fragments with a 19 kDa peptide as the major proteolytic fragment of the alpha-subunit. The sequence of the N-terminal 40 residues of this peptide is almost identical to that of a similar proteolytic fragment isolated by Capasso et al. (Capasso, J.M., Hoving, S., Tal, D.M., Goldshleger, R. and Karlish, S.J.D. (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267, 1150-1158) using kidney Na,K-ATPase. Rb+ occlusion can be fully retained under these circumstances, supporting the findings with kidney enzyme that only minor parts of the alpha-subunit are required to form a functional occlusion-site.  相似文献   

Summary Na, K-ATPase function was studied in order to evaluate the mechanism of increased colonic Na+ transport during early postnatal development. The maximum Na+-pumping activity that was represented by the equivalent short-circuit current after addition of nystatin (I sc N ) did not change during postnatal life or after adrenalectomy performed in 16-day-old rats.I sc N was entirely inhibited by ouabain; the inhibitory constant was 0.1mm in 10-day-old (young) and 0.4mm in 90-day-old (adult) rats. The affinity of the Na, K pump for Na+ was higher in young (11mm) than in adult animals (19mm). The Na, K-ATPase activity (measured after unmasking of latent activity by treatment with sodium dodecylsulfate) increased during development and was also not influenced by adrenalectomy of 16-day-old rats. The inhibitory constant for ouabain (K I ) was not changed during development (0.1–0.3mm). Specific [3H]ouabain binding to isolated colonocytes increased during development (19 and 82 pmol/mg protein), the dissociation constant (K D ) was 8 and 21 m in young and adult rats, respectively. The Na+ turnover rate per single Na, K pump, which was calculated fromI sc N and estimated density of binding sites per cm2 of tissue was 500 in adult and 6400 Na+/min·site in young rats. These data indicate that the very high Na+ transport during early postnatal life reflects an elevated turnover rate and increased affinity for Na+ of a single isoform of the Na, K pump. The development of Na+ extrusion across the basolateral membrane is not directly regulated by corticosteroids.  相似文献   

Evidence is emerging that the nuclear envelope itself is responsible for transport and signaling activities quite distinct from those associated with the nuclear pore. For example, the envelope has a Ca2+-signaling pathway that, among other things, regulates meiosis in oocytes. The nuclear envelope's outer membrane also contains K+ channels. Here we show that Na+/K+ gradients exist between the nuclear envelope lumen and both cytoplasm and nucleoplasm in hepatocyte nuclei. The gradients are formed by Na,K-ATPases in the envelope's inner membrane, oriented with the ATP hydrolysis site in the nucleoplasm. We further demonstrate nucleoplasm/cytoplasm Na+ and K+ gradients, of which only the Na+ gradient is dissipated directly by Na,K-ATPase inhibition with ouabain. Finally, our results demonstrate that nuclear pores are not freely permeable to sodium and potassium. Based on these results and numerous in vitro studies, nuclear monovalent cation transporters and channels are likely to play a role in modulation of chromatin structure and gene expression.  相似文献   

Uncoupled Na+-efflux on reconstituted shark Na,K-ATPase is electrogenic   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In liposomes with reconstituted shark Na,K-ATPase produced to contain sucrose addition of external Na+ and ATP induce an uncoupled Na+-efflux on inside-out oriented pumps which can be inhibited by digitoxigenin. This flux mode is found to be electrogenic and accompanied by hydrolysis of ATP. The coupling ratio of Nacyt transported per ATP split is 3:1 measured as the initial rate of rise in transmembrane potential and initial rate of liberated Pi.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation is a widely used, reversible means of regulating enzymatic activity. Among the important phosphorylation targets are the Na+,K+- and H+,K+-ATPases that pump ions against their chemical gradients to uphold ionic concentration differences over the plasma membrane. The two pumps are very homologous, and at least one of the phosphorylation sites is conserved, namely a cAMP activated protein kinase (PKA) site, which is important for regulating pumping activity, either by changing the cellular distribution of the ATPases or by directly altering the kinetic properties as supported by electrophysiological results presented here. We further review the other proposed pump phosphorylations.  相似文献   

The phosphorylated intermediate (EP) of the Na,K-ATPase proteoliposomes (PL) prepared from the electric eel enzyme is composed of an ADP-sensitive K+-insensitive form (E1P), an ADP- and K+-sensitive form (E*P), and a K+-sensitive ADP-insensitive form (E2P). The composition of the intermediate varied with the cholesterol content of the lipid bilayer. The PL containing less than 30 mol % cholesterol (LCPL) formed E2P-rich EP in the presence of 10 mM Na+ on both sides at 15 degrees C, while the PL containing more than 35 mol % cholesterol (HCPL) formed E*P-rich EP under the same condition. In the presence of ionophore (monensin, nigericin, A23187), the HCPL formed E2P-rich EP as reported in the preceding paper. The turnover rate of Na-ATPase activity (the ratio of Na-ATPase to the EP level) in the LCPL was lower than that in the HCPL, and the addition of 20 microM monensin or A23187 to the HCPL reduced the Na-ATPase activity. The coupling ratio of Na+ influx (cellular efflux):Na+ efflux (cellular influx):ATP hydrolysis was 2.8:1.8:1 in the LCPL, although 1.6:0.6:1 in the HCPL. The coupling ratio of Na+ influx:ATP hydrolysis in the HCPL increased to 2.8:1 in the presence of A23187. Moreover, the increase of ATP concentration enhanced not only the Na-ATPase activity in the LCPL and HCPL with monensin but also the Na+ influx in the LCPL. This ATP enhancement was not found, however, in the HCPL without ionophores. The ADP enhancement of the Na+ influx was not observed in either the HCPL or the LCPL. We conclude from these observations that there are at least two different phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycles (an E2P cycle and an E*P cycle) in the PL in the absence of K+. The E2P cycle transports three Na+ from the extravesicular (cytoplasmic) to the intravesicular (extracellular) side and two Na+ in the opposite direction per cycle and is similar to the ATP-dependent Na+-Na+ exchange system already reported (Blostein, R. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 7948-7953; Cornelius, F., and Skou, J. C. (1985) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 818, 211-221). However, the E*P cycle transports one Na+ from the extravesicular to the intravesicular side/cycle and has not yet been previously reported.  相似文献   

It is known that hypertension is accompanied by increased [Na+]i. The functional properties of Na,K-ATPase, which transports the Na+ out and K+ into myocardial cells during the relaxation phase, were investigated in the left ventricle (LV), septum (SV) and the right ventricle (RV) of anesthetized dogs with moderate acute blood pressure elevation elicited by short-term (4-hour) NO synthase inhibition. The NO-insufficiency was induced by administration of an L-arginine analogue, the N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME). Concerning the function of Na,K-ATPase under the conditions of lowered NO synthesis, we focused our attention to the binding of Na+ to the enzyme molecule. Activation of the enzyme by increasing Na+ concentrations revealed significant changes in both the maximal velocity (Vmax) and the affinity for Na+ (K(Na)) in all investigated heart sections. The Vmax increased by 27% in LV, by 87% in SV and by 58% in RV. The K(Na) value increased by 86% in LV, by 105% in SV and by 93% in RV, indicating an apparent decrease in the sensitivity of the Na+-binding site in the Na,K-ATPase molecule. This apparently decreased pump affinity for Na+ together with the increase of Vmax suggest that, during the short-term inhibition of NO synthesis, the Na,K-ATPase is capable of extruding the excessive Na+ from the myocardial cells more effectively at higher [Na+]i, as compared to the Na,K-ATPase of control animals.  相似文献   

The Na,K-ATPase   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The energy dependent exchange of cytoplasmic Na+ for extracellular K+ in mammalian cells is due to a membrane bound enzyme system, the Na,K-ATPase. The exchange sustains a gradient for Na+ into and for K+ out of the cell, and this is used as an energy source for creation of the membrane potential, for its de- and repolarisation, for regulation of cytoplasmic ionic composition and for transepithelial transport. The Na,K-ATPase consists of two membrane spanning polypeptides, an -subunit of 112-kD and a -subunit, which is a glycoprotein of 35-kD. The catalytic properties are associated with the -subunit, which has the binding domain for ATP and the cations. In the review, attention will be given to the biochemical characterization of the reaction mechanism underlying the coupling between hydrolysis of the substate ATP and transport of Na+ and K+.  相似文献   

Three phosphorylated reaction intermediates (EP) of Na,K-ATPase, and ADP-sensitive K+-insensitive EP (E1P), an ADP- and K+-sensitive EP (E*P), and a K+-sensitive ADP-insensitive EP (E2P), have been discovered at present. By using Na,K-ATPase proteoliposomes (PL) prepared from the electric eel enzyme, we found in this study that E*P existed even in the presence of K+ on both sides of the PL and that there was a sidedness difference in K+ sites between E*P and E2P. Cytoplasmic K+ (K+cyt) accelerated the conversion of E*P to E2P but did not dephosphorylate the E2P. Although the extracellular K+ accelerated the dephosphorylation of E2P, it did not interact with E*P directly. This K+cyt effect was also verified by the activation of Na+-pump in the Na+-K+ exchange mode. In the presence of K+cyt, both the ATP hydrolysis and Na+ uptake rates of the PL containing K+ inside vesicles increased sigmoidally with the concentrations of ATP and cytoplasmic Na+ (Na+cyt). However, in the absence of K+cyt, these Na+-pump reactions in PL containing K+ inside vesicles had only a hyperbolic curve. These results imply that the E*P to E2P conversion is one of the rate-limiting steps of the Na+-pump in the presence of a high concentration of ATP and that K+cyt may control this reaction step by enhancing the conversion rate of E*P to E2P.  相似文献   

The effect of ions on the thermostability and unfolding of Na,K-ATPase from shark salt gland was studied and compared with that of Na,K-ATPase from pig kidney by using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and activity assays. In 1 mM histidine at pH 7, the shark enzyme inactivates rapidly at 20 °C, as does the kidney enzyme at 42 °C (but not at 20 °C). Increasing ionic strength by addition of 20 mM histidine, or of 1 mM NaCl or KCl, protects both enzymes against this rapid inactivation. As detected by DSC, the shark enzyme undergoes thermal unfolding at lower temperature (Tm ≈ 45 °C) than does the kidney enzyme (Tm ≈ 55 °C). Both calorimetric endotherms indicate multi-step unfolding, probably associated with different cooperative domains. Whereas the overall heat of unfolding is similar for the kidney enzyme in either 1 mM or 20 mM histidine, components with high mid-point temperatures are lost from the unfolding transition of the shark enzyme in 1 mM histidine, relative to that in 20 mM histidine. This is attributed to partial unfolding of the enzyme due to a high hydrostatic pressure during centrifugation of DSC samples at low ionic strength, which correlates with inactivation measurements. Addition of 10 mM NaCl to shark enzyme in 1 mM histidine protects against inactivation during centrifugation of the DSC sample, but incubation for 1 h at 20 °C prior to addition of NaCl results in loss of components with lower mid-point temperatures within the unfolding transition. Cations at millimolar concentration therefore afford at least two distinct modes of stabilization, likely affecting separate cooperative domains. The different thermal stabilities and denaturation temperatures of the two Na,K-ATPases correlate with the respective physiological temperatures, and may be attributed to the different lipid environments.  相似文献   

The effect of ions on the thermostability and unfolding of Na,K-ATPase from shark salt gland was studied and compared with that of Na,K-ATPase from pig kidney by using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and activity assays. In 1 mM histidine at pH 7, the shark enzyme inactivates rapidly at 20 degrees C, as does the kidney enzyme at 42 degrees C (but not at 20 degrees C). Increasing ionic strength by addition of 20 mM histidine, or of 1 mM NaCl or KCl, protects both enzymes against this rapid inactivation. As detected by DSC, the shark enzyme undergoes thermal unfolding at lower temperature (Tm approximately 45 degrees C) than does the kidney enzyme (Tm approximately 55 degrees C). Both calorimetric endotherms indicate multi-step unfolding, probably associated with different cooperative domains. Whereas the overall heat of unfolding is similar for the kidney enzyme in either 1 mM or 20 mM histidine, components with high mid-point temperatures are lost from the unfolding transition of the shark enzyme in 1 mM histidine, relative to that in 20 mM histidine. This is attributed to partial unfolding of the enzyme due to a high hydrostatic pressure during centrifugation of DSC samples at low ionic strength, which correlates with inactivation measurements. Addition of 10 mM NaCl to shark enzyme in 1 mM histidine protects against inactivation during centrifugation of the DSC sample, but incubation for 1 h at 20 degrees C prior to addition of NaCl results in loss of components with lower mid-point temperatures within the unfolding transition. Cations at millimolar concentration therefore afford at least two distinct modes of stabilization, likely affecting separate cooperative domains. The different thermal stabilities and denaturation temperatures of the two Na,K-ATPases correlate with the respective physiological temperatures, and may be attributed to the different lipid environments.  相似文献   

The ability of ATP, CTP, ITP, GTP, UTP and two synthetic ATP analogs to provide for ouabain-sensitive Na+ accumulation into proteoliposomes with a reconstituted Na+,K+-ATPase (ATP phosphohydrolase, EC was investigated. A correlation between the proton-accepting properties of the nucleotides and their ability to provide for active transport was found. The proton-accepting properties of the substrate seem to be a necessary condition for the shift from the K-form of Na+,K+-ATPase--an immutable step in the active translocation of Na+ and K+ through the Na+ pump.  相似文献   

In the phosphoenzyme (EP) of the electric eel Na,K-ATPase, the sum of the ADP-sensitive EP and the K+-sensitive EP exceeds 150% of EP in the presence of 100 mM Na+. This unusual phenomenon can be explained by the formation of three phosphoenzymes: ADP-sensitive K+-insensitive (E1P), K+-sensitive ADP-insensitive (E2P), and ADP- and K+-sensitive (E*P) phosphoenzymes, as proposed by N?rby et al. (N?rby, J. G., Klodos, I., and Christiansen, N. O. (1983) J. Gen. Physiol. 82, 725-757). By applying a simple approximation method for the assay of E1P, E*P, and E2P, it was found that the phosphorylation of the enzyme was much faster than the conversion among each EP and the phosphoenzyme changed as E1NaATP----E1P----E*P----E2P. In the fragmental eel enzyme, the step of E*P to E2P was much slower than the step of E1P to E*P. In the steady state, the E1P was predominant above 400 mM Na+, whereas E*P and E2P were predominant between 60 and 300 mM Na+ and below 60 mM Na+, respectively. The characteristic difference of the eel enzyme from the beef brain enzyme and probably from the kidney enzyme seems to be that the dissociation constant of Na+ on the E1P-E*P equilibrium is higher than that on the E*P-E2P. The E*P and E1P both interacted with ADP to form ATP without formation of inorganic phosphate in the absence of free Mg2+. In the Na,K-ATPase proteoliposomes, the vesicle membrane interfered with the conversion of E1P to E2P, especially the change of E1P to E*P, and furthermore, the E1P content increased. This barrier effect was partially counteracted by monensin or carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone. Oligomycin reacted with E1P and probably with E*P, therefore inhibiting their conversion to E2P and interaction with K+.  相似文献   

The mechanism of functioning of Na, K-ATPase system is considered, the peculiarities of hydrolysis in different substrates are described. The experimental results testify to the role of substrate structure in E2----E1-transition, Na+ transport, K(+)-dependent phosphatase activity and quaternary structure of enzyme. The regulatory role of molecular organization of Na, K-ATPase in ion transport is discussed.  相似文献   

Factors regulating the activity of synaptosomal Na, K-ATPase have been found in the cytosol of nerve endings. The activatory effect of the factor increases in the presence of neurotransmitters regardless of their direct action on Na, K-ATPase. Synaptosomal Na, K-ATPase is not sensitive to the factor obtained from the cytosol of kidney tissue, or the cytosolic fraction obtained after sedimentation of microsomes. The effect of inhibiting low molecular ET(S) fraction on Na, K-ATPase activity is not mediated through noradrenaline, dopamine and serotonin as well by the system of secondary messengers. Factor stimulated by neurotransmitters activates the Na, K-ATPase system affecting the phosphorylating intermediates of the enzyme and putting the Na, K-ATPase system in the mode of simultaneous transport of Na and K ions.  相似文献   

The previously reported class of potent inorganic inhibitors of Na,K-ATPase, named MCS factors, was shown to inhibit not only Na,K-ATPase but several P-type ATPases with high potency in the sub-micromolar range. These MCS factors were found to bind to the intracellular side of the Na, K-ATPase. The inhibition is not competitive with ouabain binding, thus excluding its role as cardiac-steroid-like inhibitor of the Na,K-ATPase. The mechanism of inhibition of Na,K-ATPase was investigated with the fluorescent styryl dye RH421, a dye known to report changes of local electric fields in the membrane dielectric. MCS factors interact with the Na,K-ATPase in the E1 conformation of the ion pump and induce a conformational rearrangement that causes a change of the equilibrium dissociation constant for one of the first two intracellular cation binding sites. The MCS-inhibited state was found to have bound one cation (H+, Na+ or K+) in one of the two unspecific binding sites, and at high Na+ concentrations another Na+ ion was bound to the highly Na+-selective ion-binding site.  相似文献   

The Na,K-ATPase generates electrochemical gradients that are used to drive the coupled transport of many ions and nutrients across the plasma membrane. The functional enzyme is comprised of an alpha and beta subunit and families of isoforms for both subunits exist. Recent studies in this laboratory have identified a biological role for the Na,K-ATPase alpha4 isoform in sperm motility. Here we further investigate the role of the Na,K-ATPase carrying the alpha4 isoform, showing again that ouabain eliminates sperm motility, and in addition, that nigericin, a H+/K+ ionophore, and monensin, a H+/Na+ ionophore, reinitiate motility. These data, along with the observation that the K+ ionophore valinomycin has no effect on the motility of ouabain-inhibited sperm, suggest that ouabain may change intracellular H+ levels in a manner that is incompatible with sperm motility. We have also localized NHE1 and NHE5, known regulators of intracellular H+ content, to the same region of the sperm as the Na,K-ATPase alpha4 isoform. These data highlight the important role of the Na,K-ATPase alpha4 isoform in regulating intracellular H(+) levels, and provide evidence suggesting the involvement of the Na+/H+ exchanger, which is critical for maintaining normal sperm motility.  相似文献   

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