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Previous studies have indicated that recombinant cellular prion protein (PrP(C)), as well as a synthetic peptide of PrP(C), affects intracellular calcium homeostasis. To analyze whether calcium homeostasis in neurons is also affected by a loss of PrP(C), we performed microfluorometric calcium measurements on cultured cerebellar granule cells derived from prion protein-deficient (Prnp(0/0)) mice. The resting concentration of intracellular free calcium [Ca(2+)](i) was found to be slightly, but significantly, reduced in Prnp(0/0) mouse granule cell neurites. Moreover, we observed a highly significant reduction in the [Ca(2+)](i) increase after high potassium depolarization. Pharmacological studies further revealed that the L-type specific blocker nifedipine, which reduces the depolarization-induced [Ca(2+)](i) increase by 66% in wild-type granule cell somas, has no effect on [Ca(2+)](i) in Prnp(0/0) mouse granule cells. Patch-clamp measurements, however, did not reveal a reduced calcium influx through voltage-gated calcium channels in Prnp(0/0) mice. These data clearly indicate that loss of PrP(C) alters the intracellular calcium homeostasis of cultured cerebellar granule cells. There is no evidence, though, that this change is due to a direct alteration of voltage-gated calcium channels.  相似文献   

Aerobic granular sludge (AGS) technology allows simultaneous nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon removal in compact wastewater treatment processes. To operate, design, and model AGS reactors, it is essential to properly understand the diffusive transport within the granules. In this study, diffusive mass transfer within full-scale and lab-scale AGS was characterized with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods. Self-diffusion coefficients of water inside the granules were determined with pulsed-field gradient NMR, while the granule structure was visualized with NMR imaging. A reaction-diffusion granule-scale model was set up to evaluate the impact of heterogeneous diffusion on granule performance. The self-diffusion coefficient of water in AGS was ∼70% of the self-diffusion coefficient of free water. There was no significant difference between self-diffusion in AGS from full-scale treatment plants and from lab-scale reactors. The results of the model showed that diffusional heterogeneity did not lead to a major change of flux into the granule (<1%). This study shows that differences between granular sludges and heterogeneity within granules have little impact on the kinetic properties of AGS. Thus, a relatively simple approach is sufficient to describe mass transport by diffusion into the granules.  相似文献   

The effects of Mg2+ on the glutamate-, kainate-, N-methyl-d-aspartate- and quisqualate-induced influx of45Ca2+ were studied in cultured cerebellar granule cells. The N-methyl-d-aspartate- and quisqualate-evoked influx was totally and the kainate- and glutamate-evoked influx partially blocked in 1.3 mM extracellular Mg2+. The increase in influx induced by kainate, quisqualate and glutamate was maximal at 0.1 mM Mg2+, whereas N-methyl-d-aspartate was most effective in totally Mg2+-free media.d-2-Amino-5-phosphonovalerate blocked partially and phencyclidine completely the enhancement of Ca2+ influx by 1 mM quisqualate in 0.1-mM Mg2+ medium. The effect of 10 M quisqualate was also significantly inhibited by antagonists specific for different glutamate receptor subtypes, including N-methyl-d-aspartate, (RS)-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isozazolepropionate and metabotropic recptors. This evidences a heterogeneous action of quisqualate, mediated by different glutamate receptor subtypes in 0.1 mM Mg2+ medium. The efficacy of quisqualate in inducing influx of Ca+ and the selectivity of antagonists for different receptors are also modified by extracellular Mg2+.  相似文献   

Diffusivity of oxygen in aerobic granules   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This work for the first time estimated apparent oxygen diffusivity (D(app)) of two types of aerobic granules, acetate-fed and phenol-fed, by probing the dissolved oxygen (DO) level at the granule center with a sudden change in the DO of the bulk liquid. With a high enough flow velocity across the granule to minimize the effects of external mass transfer resistance, the diffusivity coefficients of the two types of granules were estimated with reference to a one-dimensional diffusion model. The carbon source has a considerable effect on the granule diameter (d) and the oxygen diffusivity. The diffusivity coefficients were noted 1.24-2.28 x 10(-9) m2/s of 1.28-2.50 mm acetate-fed granules, and 2.50-7.65 x 10(-10) m2/s of 0.42-0.78 mm phenol-fed granules. Oxygen diffusivity declined with decreasing granule diameter, in particular, the diffusivity of acetate-fed granules is proportional to the size, whereas the diffusivity of phenol-fed granules is proportional to the square of granule diameter. The existence of large pores in granule, evidenced by FISH-CLSM imaging, was proposed to correspond to the noted size-dependent oxygen diffusivity. The phenol-fed granules exhibited a higher excellular polymer (ECP) content than the acetate-fed granules, hence yielding a lower oxygen diffusivity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to develop a rapidly disintegrating calcium carbonate (CC) tablet by direct compression and compare it with commercially available calcium tablets. CC tablets were formulated on a Carver press using 3 different forms of CC direct compressed granules (Cal-Carb 4450, Cal-Carb 4457, and Cal-Carb 4462). The breaking strength was measured using a Stokes-Monsanto hardness tester. The disintegration and dissolution properties of the tablets were studied using USP methodology. The calcium concentration was determined by an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Scanning electron microscopy was used to evaluate the surface topography of the granules and tablets. Breaking strength of Cal-Carb 4450, Cal-Carb 4457, and Cal-Carb 4462 tablets was in the range of 7.2 to 7.7 kg, as compared with a hardness of 6.2 kg and 10 kg for the commercially available calcium tablets Citracal and Tums, respectively. The disintegration time for the tablets presented in the order earlier was 4.1, 2.1, 1.9, 2.9, and 9.7 minutes, respectively. The dissolution studies showed that all formulations released 100% of the elemental calcium in simulated gastric fluid in less than 20 minutes. In summary, this study clearly demonstrated that quick disintegrating CC tablets can be formulated without expensive effervescence technology.  相似文献   

Aerobic granules effectively degrade phenol at high concentrations. This work cultivated aerobic granules that can degrade phenol at a constant rate of 49 mg-phenol/g x VSS/h up to 1,000 mg/L of phenol. Fluorescent staining and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) tests demonstrated that an active biomass was accumulated at the granule outer layer. A strain with maximum ability to degrade phenol and a high tolerance to phenol toxicity isolated from the granules was identified as Candida tropicalis via 18S rRNA sequencing. This strain degrades phenol at a maximum rate of 390 mg-phenol/g x VSS/h at pH 6 and 30 degrees C, whereas inhibitory effects existed at concentrations >1,000 mg/L. The Haldane kinetic model elucidates the growth and phenol biodegradation kinetics of the C. tropicalis. The fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and CLSM test suggested that the Candida strain was primarily distributed throughout the surface layer of granule; hence, achieving a near constant reaction rate over a wide range of phenol concentration. The mass transfer barrier provided by granule matrix did not determine the reaction rates for the present phenol-degrading granule.  相似文献   

Relationship between size and mass transfer resistance in aerobic granules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
AIMS: To investigate the size effect of aerobic granules on mass transfer efficiency by introducing the effective factor and the modified Thiele modulus. METHODS AND RESULTS: Batch experiments of aerobic granules with different sizes were conducted to study the size effect of granules on mass transfer resistance. Results showed that both specific substrate removal and biomass growth rates were size dependent, i.e. reduced rates were observed at big sizes. It was found that the diffusion resistance described by the effective factor and the Thiele modulus increased with the increase of the size of aerobic granules. CONCLUSIONS: The effective factor should be controlled at values higher than 0.44 and the Thiele modulus lower than 1.05 for efficient mass transfer in aerobic granules. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Based on the coupled effective factor and Thiele modulus, an operation guidance including granule radius, kinetics of biomass and environmental conditions could be proposed for stable aerobic granulation.  相似文献   

Growth kinetics of aerobic granules developed in sequencing batch reactors   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
AIMS: This paper attempts to develop a kinetic model to describe the growth of aerobic granules developed under different operation conditions. METHODS AND RESULTS: A series of experiments were conducted by using four-column sequencing batch reactors to study the formation of aerobic granules under different conditions, e.g. organic loading rates, hydrodynamic shear forces and substrate N/COD ratios. A simple kinetic model based on the Linear Phenomenological Equation was successfully derived to describe the growth of aerobic granules. It was found that the growth of aerobic granules in terms of equilibrium size and size-dependent growth rate were inversely related to shear force imposed to microbial community, while a high organic loading favoured the growth of aerobic granules, leading to a large size granule. The effect of substrate N/COD ratio on the growth kinetics of aerobic granules was realized through change in microbial populations, and enriched nitrifying population in aerobic granules developed at high substrate N/COD ratio resulted in a low overall growth rate of aerobic granules. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed model can provide good prediction for the growth of aerobic granules indicated by the correlation coefficient >0.95. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The kinetic model proposed could offer a useful tool for studying the growth kinetics of cell-to-cell immobilization process. The study confirmed that the growth of aerobic granules and biofilms are subject to a similar kinetic pattern. This work would also be helpful for better understanding the mechanism of aerobic granulation.  相似文献   

Influence of phenol on cultures of acetate-fed aerobic granular sludge   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
AIMS: This paper attempts to investigate the inhibition of phenol on the acetate utilization in acetate-fed aerobic granular sludge culture. METHODS AND RESULTS: Acetate-fed aerobic granules with a mean diameter of 1.0 mm were predeveloped in a column sequencing aerobic sludge blanket reactor. The present study looked into the utilization kinetics of acetate by acetate-fed aerobic granules in the presence of different phenol concentrations ranging from 0 mg l(-1) to 50 mg l(-1). For this purpose, batch experiments were conducted at 25 degrees C, while the initial biomass and acetate concentrations were in a range of 109-186 mg mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) l(-1) and 185-300 mg acetate-chemical oxygen demand (COD) l(-1). Results showed that the utilization of acetate in the presence of phenol was subject to a zero-order reaction kinetics. The relative phenol concentration in terms of the ratio of initial phenol concentration (C(p)) to initial biomass concentration (X(0)) was used to describe the real inhibitory strength of phenol imposed on acetate-fed aerobic granules. When the C(p)/X(0) ratio increased from 0 to 0.19 mg phenol mg(-1) MLSS, the zero-order reaction rate constant of acetate dropped from 1.15 mg l(-1) min(-1) to 0.38 mg l(-1) min(-1), and a similar trend was also observed in specific oxygen utilization rate. As compared to the control test without addition of phenol, the acetate-COD removal efficiency was reduced by nearly 50% at a C(p)/X(0) value of 0.19 mg phenol mg(-1) MLSS. It was found that biodegradation of phenol was negligible in acetate-fed aerobic granular sludge batch culture. CONCLUSIONS: It appears that phenol can seriously repress the utilization of acetate in the acetate-fed aerobic granular sludge batch cultures. A simple zero-order reaction model could adequately describe the utilization of acetate by acetate-fed aerobic granules in the presence of phenol. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: It is expected that this study would lead to a better understanding of the behaviour of acetate-fed aerobic granules in the presence of inhibitory organic compounds.  相似文献   

Aims:  This paper investigates a selection-based acclimation strategy for improving the performance and stability of aerobic granules at a high chloroanilines loading.
Methods and Results:  The experiments were conducted in a sequencing airlift bioreactor (SABR) to develop aerobic granules fed with chloroanilines (ClA). The evolution of aerobic granulation was monitored using image analysis and scanning electron microscopy, and PCR–DGGE analysis of microbial community was performed. The sludge granulation was apparently developed by decreased settling time and gradual increased ClA loading to 0·8 kg m−3 day−1. A steady-state performance of the granular SABR was reached at last, as evidenced by biomass concentration of 6·3 g l−1 and constant ClA removal efficiency of 99·9%. The mature granules had a mean size of 1·55 mm, minimal settling velocity of 68·4 m h−1, specific ClA degradation rate of 0·181 g gVSS−1 day−1. Phylogenetic analysis of aerobic ClA-degrading granules confirmed the dominance of β - , γ -Proteobacteria and Flavobacteria.
Conclusions:  The chosen operating strategy involving step increase in ClA loading and enhancement of major selection pressures was successful in cultivating the aerobic ClA-degrading granules.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This research could be helpful for improving the stability of aerobic granules via optimizing operating conditions and developing economic feasible full-scale granular bioreactor.  相似文献   

There is well-established variability in the numbers of lipid bodies (LB) in macrophages, eosinophils, and neutrophils. Similarly to the steatosis observed in adipocytes and hepatocytes during hyperinsulinemia and nutrient overload, immune cell LB hyper-accumulate in response to bacterial and parasitic infection and inflammatory presentations. Recently we described that hyperinsulinemia, both in vitro and in vivo, drives steatosis and phenotypic changes in primary and transformed mast cells and basophils. LB reach high numbers in these steatotic cytosols, and here we propose that they could dramatically impact the transcytoplasmic signaling pathways. We compared calcium release and influx responses at the population and single cell level in normal and steatotic model mast cells. At the population level, all aspects of Fc?RI-dependent calcium mobilization, as well as activation of calcium-dependent downstream signaling targets such as NFATC1 phosphorylation are suppressed. At the single cell level, we demonstrate that LB are both sources and sinks of calcium following Fc?RI cross-linking. Unbiased analysis of the impact of the presence of LB on the rate of trans-cytoplasmic calcium signals suggest that LB enrichment accelerates calcium propagation, which may reflect a Bernoulli effect. LB abundance thus impacts this fundamental signaling pathway and its downstream targets.  相似文献   

Summary The outward potassium current of rat cerebellar granule cells in culture was studied with the whole-cell patch-clamp method. Two voltage-dependent components were identified: a slow current, resembling the classical delayed rectifier current, and a fast component, similar to anI A-type current. The slow current was insensitive to 4-aminopyridine and independent of external Ca2+, but significantly inhibited by 3mM tetraethylammonium. The fast current was depressed by external 4-aminopyridine, with an ED50=0.7mM, and it was abolished by removal of divalent cations from the external medium. The sensitivity of the transient outward current to different divalent cations was investigated by equimolar substitution of Ca2+, Mn2+ and Mg2+. In 2.8mM Mn2+, the transient potassium conductance was comparable to that in 2.8mM Ca2+, while in 2.8mM Mg2+ the transient component was drastically reduced, as in the absence of any divalent cations. However, when Ca2+ was present, Mg2+ up to 5mM had no effect. The transient current increased with increasing concentrations of external Ca2+, [Ca2+] o , and the maximum conductancevs. [Ca2+] o curve could be approximated by a one-site model. In addition, the current recorded with 5.5mM BAPTA in the intracellular solution was not different from that recorded in the absence of any Ca2+ buffer. These results suggest that divalent cations modulate the potassium channel interacting with a site on the external side of the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Abstract We have investigated the role of Ca2+ accumulation and neuronal injury in cerebellar granule neurons after glutamate receptor overactivation. After the removal of the free cytosolic Ca2+ we identified an extensive second Ca2+ fraction (SCF) that is retained within the neurons after glutamate receptor overactivation. The SCF reaches a plateau within 10 min with the magnitude of this SCF accumulation reflecting the extent of the neuronal injury that occurs within the neurons. The existence of this SCF is sensitive to both NMDA receptor antagonists and mitochondrial inhibitors but is unaffected by agents that deplete endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+, indicating that this Ca2+ fraction may be located within the mitochondria. Through the isolation of mitochondria from cerebellar granule neurons treated with glutamate we have shown that the majority of the SCF is mitochondrial in location. On the removal of the glutamate stimulus the SCF recovers at a slower rate than the free Ca2+ concentration within the neuron. This is intriguing, as it implies a capacity to remember previous excitatory events. Most significantly we have shown that a short pre-application of subthreshold glutamate or kainate blocks both SCF Ca2+ accumulation and extensive neuronal injury in response to high concentrations of glutamate. These findings may be relevant to the observations of pre-conditioning in the brain and heart.  相似文献   

Aerobic sewage granules are dense, spherical biofilms, regarded as a useful and promising tool in wastewater treatment processes. Recent studies revealed that fungi can be implemented in biofilm formation. This study attempts to uncover the fungal diversity in aerobic granules by sequence analysis of the 18S and 5.8S rRNA genes and the internal transcribed spacer regions. For this purpose, appropriate PCR and sequencing primer sets were selected and an improved DNA isolation protocol was used. The sequences of 41 isolates were assigned to the taxonomic groups Pleosporaceae, Xylariales, Theleobolaceae, Claviceps, Aureobasidium, Candida boleticola , and Tremellomycetes within the fungi. It turned out that the fungal community composition in granules depended on the wastewater type and the phase of granule development.  相似文献   

好氧反硝化菌的研究进展   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
综述了好氧反硝化菌的种类和特性、好氧反硝化菌的反硝化作用机制和影响因素.好氧反硝化菌主要包括假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)、产碱杆菌属(Alcaligenes)、副球菌属(Para-coccus)和芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)等,属好氧或兼性好氧异养微生物.好氧反硝化菌能在好氧条件下进行反硝化,其主要产物是N2O,并可将铵态氮直接转化成气态产物.催化好氧反硝化菌反硝化作用的硝酸盐还原酶是周质酶而不是膜结合酶.溶解氧和C/N往往是影响好氧反硝化菌反硝化作用的主要因素.介绍了间歇曝气法、选择性培养基法等好氧反硝化菌的主要分离筛选方法.概述了好氧反硝化菌在水产养殖、废水生物处理、降解有机污染物以及对土壤氮素损失的影响方面的研究进展.  相似文献   

Neuronal cell death as a result of apoptosis is associated with cerebrovascular stroke and various neurodegenerative disorders. Pharmacological agents that maintain normal intracellular Ca2+ levels and inhibit cellular oxidative stress may be effective in blocking abnormal neuronal apoptosis. In this study, a spontaneous (also referred to as age-induced) model of apoptosis consisting of rat cerebellar granule cells was used to evaluate the antiapoptotic activities of voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channel blockers and various antioxidants. The results of these experiments demonstrated that the charged, dihydropyridine Ca2+ channel blocker amlodipine had very potent neuroprotective activity in this system, compared with antioxidants and neutral Ca2+ channel blockers (nifedipine and nimodipine). Within its effective pharmacological range (10-100 nM), amlodipine attenuated intracellular neuronal Ca2+ increases elicited by KCl depolarization but did not affect Ca2+ changes triggered by N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor activation. Amlodipine also inhibited free radical-induced damage to lipid constituents of the membrane in a dose-dependent manner, independent of Ca2+ channel modulation. In parallel experiments, spontaneous neuronal apoptosis was inhibited in dose- and time-dependent manners by antioxidants (U-78439G, alpha-tocopherol, and melatonin), nitric oxide synthase inhibitors (N-nitro-L-arginine and N-nitro-D-arginine), and a nitric oxide chelator (hemoglobin) in the micromolar range. These results suggest that spontaneous neuronal apoptosis is associated with excessive Ca2+ influx, leading to further intracellular Ca2+ increases and the generation of reactive oxygen species. Agents such as amlodipine that block voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels and inhibit cellular oxidative stress may be effective in the treatment of cerebrovascular stroke and neurodegenerative diseases associated with excessive apoptosis.  相似文献   

Calcium serves as a second messenger in glucose-triggered insulin secretion of pancreatic cells. Less is known about sugar signaling in non-excitable cells. Here, the high sensitivity FRET calcium sensor TN-XXL was used to characterize glucose-induced calcium responses in non-excitable human embryonic kidney HEK293T cells. HEK293T cells responded to perfusion with glucose with a sustained and concentration-dependent increase in cytosolic calcium levels. Sucrose and mannitol triggered comparable calcium responses, suggesting that the increase of the calcium concentration was caused by osmotic effects. HEK293T cells are characterized by low endogenous glucose uptake capacity as shown with a high sensitivity glucose sensor. Consistently, when glucose influx was artificially increased by co-expression of GLUT glucose transporters, the glucose-induced calcium increase was significantly reduced. Neither calcium depletion, nor gadolinium or thapsigargin were able to inhibit the calcium accumulation. Taken together, membrane impermeable osmolytes such as sucrose and mannitol lead to an increase in calcium levels, while the effect of glucose depends on the cell's glucose uptake capacity and will thus vary between cell types in the body that differ in their glucose uptake capacity.  相似文献   

cDNA-encoding pyranose 2-oxidase (P2O) from Trametes pubescens was sequenced and cloned into Escherichia coli strain BL21/DE3 on a multicopy plasmid under the control of trc promoter. The synthesis of P2O was studied in a batch culture in M9-based mineral medium: the enzyme was synthesized constitutively at 28 °C in amount corresponding to 8% of the cell soluble protein (0.6 U mg−1). Only small portion of P2O (11%) was in the form of non-active inclusion bodies. Purified recombinant enzyme has similar physico-chemical and kinetic parameters with other P2Os. When compared to the expression of p2o of Trametes ochracea, a ratio of the mature enzyme to inclusion bodies found in the same E. coli host at 28 °C is as much as nine times higher. The finding makes the enzyme from T. pubescens preferable for the large-scale production by recombinant bacteria. The difference in amino acid sequences of the P2O from T. ochracea and T. pubescens may explain the favourable trait of the latter enzyme regarding protein folding.  相似文献   

Summary 1. To understand better the mechanisms which govern the sensitivity of secretory vesicles to a calcium stimulus, we compared the abilities of injected chromaffin granule membranes and of endogenous cortical granules to undergo exocytosis inXenopus laevis oocytes and eggs in response to cytosolic Ca2+. Exocytosis of chromaffin granule membranes was detected by the appearance of dopamine--hydroxylase of the chromaffin granule membrane in the oocyte or egg plasma membrane. Cortical granule exocytosis was detected by release of cortical granule lectin, a soluble constituent of cortical granules, from individual cells.2. Injected chromaffin granule membranes undergo exocytosis equally well in frog oocytes and eggs in response to a rise in cytosolic Ca2+ induced by incubation with ionomycin.3. Elevated Ca2+ triggered cortical granule exocytosis in eggs but not in oocytes.4. Injected chromaffin granule membranes do not contribute factors to the oocyte that allow calcium-dependent exocytosis of the endogenous cortical granules.5. Protein kinase C activation by phorbol esters stimulates cortical granule exocytosis in bothXenopus laevis oocytes andX. laevis eggs (Bement, W. M., and Capco, D. G.,J. Cell Biol. 108, 885–892, 1989). Activation of protein kinase C by phorbol ester also stimulated chromaffin granule membrane exocytosis in oocytes, indicating that although cortical granules and chromaffin granule membranes differ in calcium responsiveness, PKC activation is an effective secretory stimulus for both.6. These results suggest that structural or biochemical characteristics of the chromaffin granule membrane result in its ability to respond to a Ca2+ stimulus. In the oocytes, cortical granule components necessary for Ca2+-dependent exocytosis may be missing, nonfunctional, or unable to couple to the Ca2+ stimulus and downstream events.  相似文献   

Summary Ion-selective microelectrodes inserted into the compound eyes of Calliphora were used to monitor the changes in extracellular concentration of Ca2+ and Na+ (Cao, Nao) brought about by a 1-min exposure to white light (maximal luminous intensity 0.1 cd/cm2).Using Ringer solution as the reference (Ca2+ = 1 mM), the dark concentration of the calcium in the retina was found to be (1.4 ± 0.4) mM (n=12). Stimulation with light reduces Cao. At intensities near maximal the Cao signal is phasic, reaching a transient minimum about 6 s after light onset and then rising to a nearly stable plateau below the dark level (-3.3% ± 2.6%). Cao signals measured in the white-eyed mutant (chalky), which lacks pigment granules, are comparable to those in the wild type.Conclusions: (a) There are no extracellular Ca2+ binding sites that regulate light adaptation, such as were postulated by Hochstrate and Hamdorf (1985). (b) Ca2+ influx into the photoreceptors seems to be necessary for light adaptation, (c) The pigment granules have no major function in intracellular calcium regulation.The time course of the Nao signals resembles that of the Cao signals. Because the percentage concentration change is small, light-induced extracellular Na+-depletion cannot contribute to a reduced response amplitude at light adaptation.Abbreviations Ca i intracellular Ca2+ concentration - Ca o extracellular Ca2+ concentration - Kino extracellular K+ concentration - Na o extracellular Na+ concentration  相似文献   

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