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For a combined total of three years meetings have been held regularly on two neonatal units for parents with infants requiring neonatal intensive care. These meetings give parents an opportunity to meet each other and members of staff in an informal atmosphere in the hope that mutual support will be gained. Initial assessment shows that the parents gain confidence in their ability to look after such small babies. The staff have gained a greater insight into the parents'' anxieties and problems and changes have been made in the procedures on these units. If new insight is to result in changes that benefit the parents their views must be made known and taken into account when policy decisions are made.  相似文献   

In the United States and elsewhere diagnostic activities are now prominently centered on images derived from technologies such as magnetic resonance, computed tomography, and angiography. In this article I examine language, actions, and interactions in a multidisciplinary team of biomedical specialists whose members meet routinely to visually interpret and assess such images. Convened behind the scenes, in a conference room from which patients are excluded, these meetings are examined as privileged performances in which team members exercise their visual faculties and interpretive skills to address issues that include their statuses and reputations, and to politically position themselves and their specialties. Ethnographic data derived from close observation of 23 such diagnostic meetings are presented. I suggest that problems posed by the attempt to synthesize information from diagnostic images serve as vehicles for evaluating or "diagnosing" the professional capabilities and "image" of the participating physicians. Team-based divisions and attempts to reassert challenged autonomies also characterize this socially oriented diagnostic process.  相似文献   

The Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology was, in part, an outgrowth of the Conference on Reproductive Behavior, which was, in turn, an outgrowth of the West Coast Sex Meetings. In this article I trace the history of these organizations. The West Coast meetings provided an opportunity for free and informal exchange among west coast researchers studying sexual behavior. The 29 meetings of the Conference on Reproductive Behavior began with a similar format that evolved as success and growth forced numerous changes. With time, the meetings became more structured and more dependent on time limits, and added invited addresses, symposia, workshops, roundtables, posters, tours, and papers presented by abstract only. The administrative structure was kept as simple as possible. With changing times, these informal meetings eventually were superseded by the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology.  相似文献   

This article examines the meeting between the community group Kimberley Toad Busters (KTB) and established science and government in terms of an intersection of two logics of engagement. A logic of choice and a logic of care meet in the first example where I look at the conflicts and tensions arising in a public forum on control of cane toads in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. The second part of the article presents two examples of KTB's own practices to demonstrate that the tension between the two logics also figures within these practices. Nature is enacted both similarly and differently in these events through the tension between the logic of care and the logic of choice. In the first instance the logics figure as mutually exclusive and generative of an expanding gulf between lay and scientific knowledge, while in the second the two emerge in an unfinished productive tension.  相似文献   

Here we briefly review our understanding of the immune response to myelin-derived glycolipids during an inflammatory autoimmune response in the central nervous system (CNS). We focus primarily on the recognition of the self-glycolipid sulfatide by a distinct population of non-invariant NK T cells. The results of studies we have obtained so far in investigating the presentation of sulfatide by CNS-resident cells including microglia and their interactions with T cells indicate that this pathway might be successfully targeted for the treatment of autoimmune demyelination in multiple sclerosis. Special issue of the Journal dedicated to Drs. Anthony T. Campagnoni and Celia W. Campagnoni. It is a privilege to contribute an article for this special occasion. It was highly rewarding for me to participate in the Journal Club meetings at UCLA initiated by Tony in which experts in Neurochemistry, Neurosciences and Immunology would discuss and learn from each other with passion. I personally enjoyed and benefited both from these meetings and especially from the get-togethers at their lovely home overlooking the Santa Monica hills. I will always treasure my association and friendship with Tony and Celia.  相似文献   

Current technologies give us the ability to enhance and replace developmental biology classes with computer-based resources, often called virtual labs. In the process of using these resources, teachers may be tempted to neglect the simpler technologies and lab bench activities, which can be labor intensive. In this paper, I take a critical look at the role of computer-based materials for the teaching of developmental biology in order to aid teachers in assessing their value. I conclude that while digital tools have value, they should not replace all of the traditional laboratory activities. Clearly, both computer-enhanced activities and traditional labs must be included in laboratory exercises. Reliance on only one or the other is inappropriate. In order to determine when it is appropriate to use a particular educational tool, the goals of the course and the needs of biology students for an education that gives them a realistic and engaged view of biology must be understood. In this paper, I dispel some of the myths of computer tools and give specific guidelines for assessing their usage, taking into account the special needs of a developmental biology class and the difficulties of observing all the developmental stages of subject organisms in the timescale of class meetings.  相似文献   

Look who's talking too: graduates developing skills through communication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Greater opportunities for young scientists to present their doctoral research to large general audiences will encourage development of transferable skills and involvement in the scientific community. We look at ways students communicate their research and explore the benefits of student-led meetings. The organization of the first Sanger-Cambridge Ph.D. Symposium provides an example of how students can act to establish forums for their work and we call on other young scientists to do the same.  相似文献   

In the Garhwal Himalaya of India's Uttarakhand State, a series of social movements emerged in the late 2000s to contest hydroelectric dams on a tributary of the sacred River Ganga. Within these opposition movements, men often took high‐profile leadership roles whereas women from a range of socio‐economic backgrounds formed the overwhelming base of participation at meetings, assemblies, and rallies. This article draws from event‐based participation and semi‐structured interviews to explore the diverse concerns that women gave to explain their engagements with opposition efforts. I counter essentialist frames and employ a feminist political ecology approach to argue that the gendered dynamics are attributable to historical, cultural, religious, and political‐economic influences. The article contributes to anthropologies of gender, environment, and social movements by taking an approach focused on disparities of practice and power that helps situate Garhwali women's roles in development contestations.  相似文献   

Over six months I recorded 198 off the cuff consultations that occurred at social gatherings, at chance meetings, and in medical settings outside my surgery. More men than women made such consultations, roughly two thirds were a request for health information, and just under half of consultations were with other doctors'' patients. It seemed that many patients were seeking a second medical opinion.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT  In this article, I explore what a critical environmental perspective would look like in Melanesia, where the distinction between nature and culture, and the expectation that science interprets the former in terms of the latter, may not apply. I consider changes in scientific knowledge production and the shift from cultural ecology to political ecology in Melanesian anthropology, including the argument that Melanesians are neither conservationists nor environmentalists. In contrast, I show how people exposed to pollution from the Ok Tedi copper and gold mine in Papua New Guinea mobilize their understandings of difference in a green critique of capitalism. I examine a strategy session of local activists, a public meeting about their campaign against the mine, and a sorcery tribunal. Finally, I suggest that Melanesian ideas about social relations provide a useful ethnographic analogy for thinking about the mobility and short temporal horizons of contemporary capitalism.  相似文献   

The Aleut language, currently spoken along the Aleutian chain and the Pribilof and Commander islands, is the only language in its branch of the Eskimo-Aleut language family, and traditional methods of linguistic reconstruction have neither satisfactorily explained its relationship with languages on the Asian continent nor its development from Proto-Eskimo-Aleut. Linguistic reconstruction has always been important in understanding the prehistory and history of the Aleuts, and new approaches in comparative linguistics, more comprehensive information on typological features of neighboring languages, and continuing language documentation allow us to propose a rich and continuous history of contact with various groups of people. I evaluate evidence that the Aleut language may have been shaped by contact with neighbors in Asia and Alaska, eventually giving rise to its differentiation from the Eskimo languages. I look at dialect differentiation along the Aleutian chain and what this differentiation reveals about the migration trends of the Aleut along the chain. I look at the colonial expansion of the Aleut-speaking area and resulting additional varieties of Aleut in the historical period. Finally, I review the effects of the Russian and American colonial periods on the Aleut language and the severe endangerment that the language faces today as a result. I conclude that there is evidence of possible Aleut contact with both neighboring peoples; however, much of this evidence has not yet been subjected to systematic comparative reconstructions. Linguistic evidence supports theories of at least two westward expansions of Aleuts along the island chain, but it is not yet clear what motivated the dialect differentiations. Finally, I offer some thoughts on directions for future dialect studies and the continuing documentation of Aleut.  相似文献   

Six years ago, William Hamilton and Marlene Zuk(1) proposed a novel and - on the face of it - bizarre explanation for the evolution of secondary sexual characters. Contrary to most theories of sexual selection through female choice(2), Hamilton and Zuk suggested that the bright colours and elaborate ornaments of many animal species have a utilitarian function: they allow females to assess a potential mate's ability to resist parasites. Recently, several studies have begun to test the hypothesis directly, and the idea has been discussed at two meetings(3,4). Here I review the work to date, and discuss the difficulties involved in gathering and interpreting the evidence still required.  相似文献   

Beyond "the State" and Failed Schemes   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
In this article, I propose five ways to move beyond the analytical scheme of James Scott's Seeing Like a State (1998). I question the spatial optic that posits an "up there," all-seeing state operating as a preformed repository of power, spread progressively outward to "nonstate" spaces beyond its reach. I highlight the role of parties beyond "the state" that attempt to govern—social reformers, scientists, and the so-called nongovernmental agencies, among others. I look beyond authoritarian high modernism to the more general problematic of "improvement" emerging from a governmental rationality focused on the welfare of populations. I explore the recourse to mētis (contextualized, local knowledge and practice) situated beyond the purview of planning. Finally, I reframe the question posed by Scott—why have certain schemes designed to improve the human condition failed?—to examine the question posed so provocatively by James Ferguson: What do these schemes do? What are their messy, contradictory, conjunctural effects?  相似文献   

Year 2020 has brought the greatest global pandemic to hit the world since the end of the First World War. The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 and the resulting disease named coronavirus disease 2019 has brought the world to its knees both financially and medically. The American Society of Primatologists has postponed their annual meetings from the end of May 2020 until the end of September 2020, while the International Primatological Society have postponed their biennial congress from August 2020 to August 2021, which has also resulted in their 2022 meetings in Malaysia being pushed back until 2023. Here, I explore the potential dangers of pursuing any primate fieldwork during this pandemic on our study species, their ecosystems, and local peoples. I believe that the risk of bringing this virus into our study ecosystems is too great and that primatologists should cancel all field research until the pandemic ends or a vaccine/reliable treatment is widely available. This is the year we all must become One Health practitioners!  相似文献   

The unusual strategy for comparing biological shapes is to use some kind of superimposition of the two forms under study and then look at the "residuals" as the shape change. In this paper, I take a careful look at this general strategy and point out some subtle but inherent and important pitfalls. Additionally an alternative approach based on Euclidean Distance Matrix representation is presented. It is applicable to two- as well as three-dimensional objects.  相似文献   

In this article I argue that the concern with gender relations and the challenges female activists were facing foreclosed any discussion of the transformation activism signalled for male comrades, and thus for wider society. I am particularly interested in men’s own views of their social roles and personal predicaments as the more subtle processes of transformation in the lives of male activists are often overlooked. The article takes a closer look at relationships between men, whether friendships or kin relations, as important roles and everyday practices former activists were/are involved in—during their phase of active participation, but crucially also before they become militants and in the aftermath of their involvement in the movement.  相似文献   

Cryptococcologists meet every 3 years to present their new research data and discuss the current state of cryptococcosis therapy at the International Conference on Cryptococcus and Cryptococcosis (ICCC). The ICCC has served as a unique forum where mycologists could interact and share their research data in a setting exclusively devoted to the study of Cryptococcus and cryptococcosis. This article presents an historical perspective on the ICCC meetings, beginning with the first ICCC that was held in Jerusalem, Israel in 1989. Subsequent ICCC meetings have grown, in terms of attendance and submitted abstracts. The history of the ICCC serves as a testimony to the remarkable progress that has been made in our basic understanding of the molecular biology, biochemistry, ecology, and taxonomy of Cryptococcus as well as the epidemiology, immunology, clinical manifestations, and treatment for cryptococcosis.  相似文献   

In this article, I examine the complexities and politics of enrolling one socially embedded form of transaction and knowledge into the terms or practices of another. I look at the correspondences and divergences in how the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) transposed the "facts" of Blackfoot tipi-transfer practices in efforts to harmonize global intellectual property (IP) regimes and to achieve "justice" and "empowerment." WIPO's translation work is set against a case where Piikani Blackfoot tipi holders used relational transfer practices to effect a use arrangement, bypassing the means and ends of IP. I argue that looking at WIPO's practices helps us to see anthropology's own epistemological, instrumental, and political constraints, while looking at Piikani transfers helps us to conceive of alternatives. This has bearing across anthropology's disciplinary spectrum where problems of knowledge translation are commonplace.  相似文献   

The notion that natural selection is a process of fitness maximization gets a bad press in population genetics, yet in other areas of biology the view that organisms behave as if attempting to maximize their fitness remains widespread. Here I critically appraise the prospects for reconciliation. I first distinguish four varieties of fitness maximization. I then examine two recent developments that may appear to vindicate at least one of these varieties. The first is the ‘new’ interpretation of Fisher's fundamental theorem of natural selection, on which the theorem is exactly true for any evolving population that satisfies some minimal assumptions. The second is the Formal Darwinism project, which forges links between gene frequency change and optimal strategy choice. In both cases, I argue that the results fail to establish a biologically significant maximization principle. I conclude that it may be a mistake to look for universal maximization principles justified by theory alone. A more promising approach may be to find maximization principles that apply conditionally and to show that the conditions were satisfied in the evolution of particular traits.  相似文献   

In November 2004, the International Maritime Organization, as part of its Protection of Vital Shipping Lanes Initiative, decided to convene a high-level conference to address the security of ships plying the Straits of Malacca and Singapore in collaboration with the three littoral states of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. Three meetings were held over the period 2005 to 2007. The outcome was the creation of a framework for cooperation between the users of the straits and the littoral states known as the Cooperative Mechanism, a historic breakthrough as Article 43 of the Law of the Sea Convention was implemented for the first time. This article outlines the decisions made at the three meetings, analyzes the responses of the various stakeholders during the meetings, explains the reasons for the success of the Cooperative Mechanism, and concludes by proposing ways in which the momentum of cooperation between the users and the littoral states could be sustained.  相似文献   

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