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The villin/gelsolin/fragmin superfamily is a conserved Ca^2+-dependent family of actin-regulating proteins that is widely present both in mammalian and non-mammalian organisms. They have traditionally been characterized by the same core of three or six tandem gelsolin subdomains. The study in vertebrates and lower eukaryotic cells has revealed that the villin/gelsolin/fragmin superfamily of proteins has versatile functions including severing, capping, nucleating or bundling actin filaments. In plants, encouraging progress has been made in this field of research in recent years. This review will summarize the identified plant homologs of villin/gelsolin/fragmin superfamily, thus providing a basis for reflection on their biochemical activities and functions in plants.  相似文献   

The villin/gelsolin/fragmin superfamily is a major group of Ca2+-dependent actin-binding proteins (ABPs) involved in various cellular processes. Members of this superfamily typically possess three or six tandem gelsolin-like (G) domains, and each domain plays a distinct role in actin filament dynamics. Although the activities of most G domains have been characterized, the biochemical function of the G3 domain remains poorly understood. In this study, we carefully compared the detailed biochemical activities of ABP29 (a new member of this family that contains the G1-G2 domains of lily ABP135) and ABP135G1-G3 (which contains the G1-G3 domains of lily ABP135). In the presence of high Ca2+ levels in vitro (200 and 10 μM), ABP135G1-G3 exhibited greater actin severing and/or depolymerization and nucleating activities than ABP29, and these proteins had similar actin capping activities. However, in the presence of low levels of Ca2+ (41 nM), ABP135G1-G3 had a weaker capping activity than ABP29. In addition, ABP29 inhibited F-actin depolymerization, as shown by dilution-mediated depolymerization assay, differing from the typical superfamily proteins. In contrast, ABP135G1-G3 accelerated F-actin depolymerization. All of these results demonstrate that the G3 domain plays specific roles in regulating the activities of the lily villin/gelsolin/fragmin superfamily proteins.  相似文献   

The protein kinase family is large and important, but it is only one family in a larger superfamily of homologous kinases that phosphorylate a variety of substrates and play important roles in all three superkingdoms of life. We used a carefully constructed structural alignment of selected kinases as the basis for a study of the structural evolution of the protein kinase–like superfamily. The comparison of structures revealed a “universal core” domain consisting only of regions required for ATP binding and the phosphotransfer reaction. Remarkably, even within the universal core some kinase structures display notable changes, while still retaining essential activity. Hence, the protein kinase–like superfamily has undergone substantial structural and sequence revision over long evolutionary timescales. We constructed a phylogenetic tree for the superfamily using a novel approach that allowed for the combination of sequence and structure information into a unified quantitative analysis. When considered against the backdrop of species distribution and other metrics, our tree provides a compelling scenario for the development of the various kinase families from a shared common ancestor. We propose that most of the so-called “atypical kinases” are not intermittently derived from protein kinases, but rather diverged early in evolution to form a distinct phyletic group. Within the atypical kinases, the aminoglycoside and choline kinase families appear to share the closest relationship. These two families in turn appear to be the most closely related to the protein kinase family. In addition, our analysis suggests that the actin-fragmin kinase, an atypical protein kinase, is more closely related to the phosphoinositide-3 kinase family than to the protein kinase family. The two most divergent families, α-kinases and phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinases (PIPKs), appear to have distinct evolutionary histories. While the PIPKs probably have an evolutionary relationship with the rest of the kinase superfamily, the relationship appears to be very distant (and perhaps indirect). Conversely, the α-kinases appear to be an exception to the scenario of early divergence for the atypical kinases: they apparently arose relatively recently in eukaryotes. We present possible scenarios for the derivation of the α-kinases from an extant kinase fold.  相似文献   

A novel actin filament (F-actin)–binding protein with a molecular mass of ~205 kD (p205), which was concentrated at cadherin-based cell-to-cell adherens junction (AJ), was isolated and characterized. p205 was purified from rat brain and its cDNA was cloned from a rat brain cDNA library. p205 was a protein of 1,829 amino acids (aa) with a calculated molecular mass of 207,667 kD. p205 had one F-actin–binding domain at 1,631–1,829 aa residues and one PDZ domain at 1,016– 1,100 aa residues, a domain known to interact with transmembrane proteins. p205 was copurified from rat brain with another protein with a molecular mass of 190 kD (p190). p190 was a protein of 1,663 aa with a calculated molecular mass of 188,971 kD. p190 was a splicing variant of p205 having one PDZ domain at 1,009–1,093 aa residues but lacking the F-actin–binding domain. Homology search analysis revealed that the aa sequence of p190 showed 90% identity over the entire sequence with the product of the AF-6 gene, which was found to be fused to the ALL-1 gene, known to be involved in acute leukemia. p190 is likely to be a rat counterpart of human AF-6 protein. p205 bound along the sides of F-actin but hardly showed the F-actin–cross-linking activity. Northern and Western blot analyses showed that p205 was ubiquitously expressed in all the rat tissues examined, whereas p190 was specifically expressed in brain. Immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopic studies revealed that p205 was concentrated at cadherin-based cell-to-cell AJ of various tissues. We named p205 l-afadin (a large splicing variant of AF-6 protein localized at adherens junction) and p190 s-afadin (a small splicing variant of l-afadin). These results suggest that l-afadin serves as a linker of the actin cytoskeleton to the plasma membrane at cell-to-cell AJ.  相似文献   

The mammalian Golgi apparatus consists of individual cisternae that are stacked in a polarized manner to form the compact zones of the Golgi. Several stacks are linked to form a ribbon via dynamic lateral bridges. The determinants required for maintaining the characteristic Golgi structure are incompletely understood. Here, we have characterized p28, a new γ-subfamily member of p24 membrane proteins. p28 localized to endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC) and cis Golgi and accumulated in the ERGIC upon Brefeldin A treatment, typical for a protein cycling in the early secretory pathway. p28 interacted with a subset of p24 proteins. Its depletion by small interfering RNA (siRNA) led to fragmentation of the Golgi without affecting the overall organization of microtubules but considerably reducing the amount of acetylated tubulin. The distribution of COPI and tethers, including GM130, was not affected. At the ultrastructural level, the Golgi fragments appeared as mini-stacks with apparently unchanged cis - trans topology. Golgi fragmentation did not impair anterograde or retrograde traffic. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) experiments revealed that silencing p28 prevents protein exchange between Golgi stacks during reassembly after Brefeldin A-induced Golgi breakdown. These results show that the formation of a Golgi ribbon requires the structural membrane protein p28 in addition to previously identified SNAREs, coat proteins and tethers.  相似文献   

We have identified a human Bcl-2–interacting protein, p28 Bap31. It is a 28-kD (p28) polytopic integral protein of the endoplasmic reticulum whose COOH-terminal cytosolic region contains overlapping predicted leucine zipper and weak death effector homology domains, flanked on either side by identical caspase recognition sites. In cotransfected 293T cells, p28 is part of a complex that includes Bcl-2/Bcl-XL and procaspase-8 (pro-FLICE). Bax, a pro-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 family, does not associate with the complex; however, it prevents Bcl-2 from doing so. In the absence (but not presence) of elevated Bcl-2 levels, apoptotic signaling by adenovirus E1A oncoproteins promote cleavage of p28 at the two caspase recognition sites. Purified caspase-8 (FLICE/MACH/Mch5) and caspase-1(ICE), but not caspase-3 (CPP32/apopain/ Yama), efficiently catalyze this reaction in vitro. The resulting NH2-terminal p20 fragment induces apoptosis when expressed ectopically in otherwise normal cells. Taken together, the results suggest that p28 Bap31 is part of a complex in the endoplasmic reticulum that mechanically bridges an apoptosis-initiating caspase, like procaspase-8, with the anti-apoptotic regulator Bcl-2 or Bcl-XL. This raises the possibility that the p28 complex contributes to the regulation of procaspase-8 or a related caspase in response to E1A, dependent on the status of the Bcl-2 setpoint within the complex.  相似文献   

BackgroundOur previous study showed that CXCL11 could play an immunomodulatory role. In this study, we investigated the regulator (miR-205–3p) of CXCL11 and the mechanism of miR-205–3p as a tumor suppressor gene in gastric cancer (GC).Materials and methodsA target relationship between miR-205–3p and CXCL11 was revealed by using the bioinformatics method. This study detected the expressions of miR-205–3p and CXCL11 through qRT-PCR and Western blotting. Moreover, the expressions of Akt, PD-L1, p16, p21, and senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) factor were determined. The effects of miR-205 on proliferation, invasion, and senescence of GC cells were assessed by using methods, such as transfection, Transwell assay, tablet cloning, flow cytometry, and senescence-associated beta-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) staining. Furthermore, the effects were verified using methods, like immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry and SA-β-gal in animal experiments.ResultsBased on the study, it is found that the expression of miR-205–3p is down-regulated, while that of CXCL11 is up-regulated in GC cell lines. By regulating CXCL11, miR-205–3p inhibits Akt activation, reduces the proliferation and invasion of GC cells, promotes cell apoptosis, induces senescence of GC cells, and secretes immunostimulatory SASP factor. The animal experiments confirm that miR-205–3p promotes cell senescence, down-regulates the immunosuppressive signal induced by PD-L1, and promotes secretion of immunostimulatory SASP factor, so that more T cells are recruited in blood and tumors.ConclusionsThis study revealed the molecular mechanism of miR-205–3p in inhibiting proliferation and invasion and inducing senescence of GC cells by regulating CXCL11 and Akt pathways in animal and cell experiments.Key words: microRNA-205–3p, CXCL11, Gastric cancer, Senescence, Proliferation  相似文献   

Many secreted bioactive signaling molecules, including the yeast mating pheromones a-factor and α-factor, are initially synthesized as precursors requiring multiple intracellular processing enzymes to generate their mature forms. To identify new gene products involved in the biogenesis of a-factor in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we carried out a screen for MATa-specific, mating-defective mutants. We have identified a new mutant, ste24, in addition to previously known sterile mutants. During its biogenesis in a wild-type strain, the a-factor precursor undergoes a series of COOH-terminal CAAX modifications, two sequential NH2-terminal cleavage events, and export from the cell. Identification of the a-factor biosynthetic intermediate that accumulates in the ste24 mutant revealed that STE24 is required for the first NH2-terminal proteolytic processing event within the a-factor precursor, which takes place after COOH-terminal CAAX modification is complete. The STE24 gene product contains multiple predicted membrane spans, a zinc metalloprotease motif (HEXXH), and a COOH-terminal ER retrieval signal (KKXX). The HEXXH protease motif is critical for STE24 activity, since STE24 fails to function when conserved residues within this motif are mutated. The identification of Ste24p homologues in a diverse group of organisms, including Escherichia coli, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Haemophilus influenzae, and Homo sapiens, indicates that Ste24p has been highly conserved throughout evolution. Ste24p and the proteins related to it define a new subfamily of proteins that are likely to function as intracellular, membrane-associated zinc metalloproteases.  相似文献   

The metabolic adaptations to fasting in the liver are largely controlled by the nuclear hormone receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα), where PPARα upregulates genes encoding the biochemical pathway for β-oxidation of fatty acids and ketogenesis. As part of an effort to identify and characterize nutritionally regulated genes that play physiological roles in the adaptation to fasting, we identified Major facilitator superfamily domain-containing protein 2a (Mfsd2a) as a fasting-induced gene regulated by both PPARα and glucagon signaling in the liver. MFSD2A is a cell-surface protein homologous to bacterial sodium-melibiose transporters. Hepatic expression and turnover of MFSD2A is acutely regulated by fasting/refeeding, but expression in the brain is constitutive. Relative to wildtype mice, gene-targeted Mfsd2a knockout mice are smaller, leaner, and have decreased serum, liver and brown adipose triglycerides. Mfsd2a knockout mice have normal liver lipid metabolism but increased whole body energy expenditure, likely due to increased β-oxidation in brown adipose tissue and significantly increased voluntary movement, but surprisingly exhibited a form of ataxia. Together, these results indicate that MFSD2A is a nutritionally regulated gene that plays myriad roles in body growth and development, motor function, and lipid metabolism. Moreover, these data suggest that the ligand(s) that are transported by MFSD2A play important roles in these physiological processes and await future identification.  相似文献   

Using a monoclonal antibody, mAb 203-37, we have identified a polypeptide of Mr ~270 kD (p270) as a general constituent of the intranuclear filaments attached to the nucleoplasmic annulus of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) in diverse kinds of vertebrate cells. Using cDNA cloning and immunobiochemistry, we show that human protein p270 has a predicted molecular mass of 267 kD and is essentially identical to the coiled-coil dominated protein Tpr reported by others to be located on the outer, i.e., cytoplasmic surface of NPCs (Byrd, D.A., D.J. Sweet, N. Pante, K.N. Konstantinov, T. Guan, A.C.S. Saphire, P.J. Mitchell, C.S. Cooper, U. Aebi, and L. Gerace. 1994. J. Cell Biol. 127: 1515–1526). To clarify this controversial localization, we have performed immunoelectron microscopy in diverse kinds of mammalian and amphibian cells with a series of antibodies raised against different epitopes of human and Xenopus laevis p270/Tpr. In these experiments, the protein has been consistently and exclusively detected in the NPC-attached intranuclear filaments, and p270/Tpr-containing filament bundles have been traced into the nuclear interior for up to 350 nm. No reaction has been noted at the cytoplasmic side of NPCs with any of the p270/Tpr antibodies, whereas control antibodies such as those against protein RanBP2/ Nup358 specifically decorate the cytoplasmic annulus of NPCs. Pore complexes of cytoplasmic annulate lamellae in various mammalian and amphibian cells are also devoid of immunodetectable protein p270/Tpr. We conclude that this coiled-coil protein is a general and ubiquitous component of the intranuclear NPC- attached filaments and discuss its possible functions.  相似文献   

Salt-inducible kinase 2 (SIK2) is an important regulator of cAMP response element-binding protein-mediated gene expression in various cell types and is the only AMP-activated protein kinase family member known to interact with the p97/valosin-containing protein (VCP) ATPase. Previously, we have demonstrated that SIK2 can regulate autophagy when proteasomal function is compromised. Here we report that physical and functional interactions between SIK2 and p97/VCP underlie the regulation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated protein degradation (ERAD). SIK2 co-localizes with p97/VCP in the ER membrane and stimulates its ATPase activity through direct phosphorylation. Although the expression of wild-type recombinant SIK2 accelerated the degradation and removal of ERAD substrates, the kinase-deficient variant conversely had no effect. Furthermore, down-regulation of endogenous SIK2 or mutation of the SIK2 target site on p97/VCP led to impaired degradation of ERAD substrates and disruption of ER homeostasis. Collectively, these findings highlight a mechanism by which the interplay between SIK2 and p97/VCP contributes to the regulation of ERAD in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Serine/threonine protein kinases of the Ste20p/PAK family are highly conserved from yeast to man. These protein kinases have been implicated in the signaling from heterotrimeric G proteins to mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascades and to cytoskeletal components such as myosin-I. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Ste20p is involved in transmitting the mating-pheromone signal from the betagamma-subunits of a heterotrimeric G protein to a downstream MAP kinase cascade. We have previously shown that binding of the G-protein beta-subunit (Gbeta) to a short binding site in the non-catalytic carboxy-terminal region of Ste20p is essential fortransmitting the pheromone signal. In this study, we searched protein sequence databases for sequences that are similar to the Gbeta binding site in Ste20p. We identified a sequence motif with the consensus sequence S S L phi P L I/V x phi phi beta (x: any residue; phi: A, I, L, S, or T; beta: basic residues) that is solely present in members of Ste20p/PAK family protein kinases. We propose that this sequence motif, which we have designated GBB (Gbeta binding) motif, is specifically responsible for binding of Gbeta to Ste20p/PAK protein kinases in response to activation of heterotrimeric G protein coupled receptors. Thus, the GBB motif is a novel type of signaling domain that serves to link protein kinases of the Ste20p/PAK family to G protein coupled receptors.  相似文献   

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