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Recent research on speciation has identified a central role for ecological divergence, which can initiate speciation when (i) subsets of a species or population evolve to specialize on different ecological resources and (ii) the resulting phenotypic modes become reproductively isolated. Empirical evidence for these two processes working in conjunction, particularly during the early stages of divergence, has been limited. We recently described a population of the medium ground finch, Geospiza fortis, that features large and small beak morphs with relatively few intermediates. As in other Darwin's finches of the Galápagos Islands, these morphs presumably diverged in response to variation in local food availability and inter- or intraspecific competition. We here demonstrate that the two morphs show strong positive assortative pairing, a pattern that holds over three breeding seasons and during both dry and wet conditions. We also document restrictions on gene flow between the morphs, as revealed by genetic variation at 10 microsatellite loci. Our results provide strong support for the central role of ecology during the early stages of adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

Ecological speciation, driven by adaptation to contrasting environments, provides an attractive opportunity to study the formation of distinct species, and the role of selection and genomic divergence in this process. Here, we focus on a particularly clear‐cut case of ecological speciation to reveal the genomic bases of reproductive isolation and morphological differences between closely related Senecio species, whose recent divergence within the last ~200 000 years was likely driven by the uplift of Mt. Etna (Sicily). These species form a hybrid zone, yet remain morphologically and ecologically distinct, despite active gene exchange. Here, we report a high‐density genetic map of the Senecio genome and map hybrid breakdown to one large and several small quantitative trait loci (QTL). Loci under diversifying selection cluster in three 5 cM regions which are characterized by a significant increase in relative (FST), but not absolute (dXY), interspecific differentiation. They also correspond to some of the regions of greatest marker density, possibly corresponding to ‘cold‐spots’ of recombination, such as centromeres or chromosomal inversions. Morphological QTL for leaf and floral traits overlap these clusters. We also detected three genomic regions with significant transmission ratio distortion (TRD), possibly indicating accumulation of intrinsic genetic incompatibilities between these recently diverged species. One of the TRD regions overlapped with a cluster of high species differentiation, and another overlaps the large QTL for hybrid breakdown, indicating that divergence of these species may have occurred due to a complex interplay of ecological divergence and accumulation of intrinsic genetic incompatibilities.  相似文献   

In theory, adaptive divergence can increase intrinsic post‐zygotic reproductive isolation (RI), either directly via selection on loci associated with RI, or indirectly via linkage of incompatibility loci with loci under selection. To test this hypothesis, we measured RI at five intrinsic post‐zygotic reproductive barriers between 18 taxa from the genera Cakile and Erucaria (Brassicaceae). Using a comparative framework, we tested whether the magnitude of RI was associated with genetic distance, geographic distance, ecological divergence and parental mating system. Early stages of post‐zygotic RI related to F1 viability (i.e. initial seed set) tended to be stronger than later stages related to F1 fecundity (i.e. flower number, fruit number). Mating system significantly influenced early stages of RI, such that RI was lowest when the mother was selfing and father was outcrossing, consistent with an imbalance between sink strength and resistance to provisioning. We found little evidence that adaptive divergence accelerates the evolution of intrinsic post‐zygotic RI, consistent with a nonecological model of evolution that predicts the nonlinear accumulation of RI and RI asymmetry with time (i.e. genetic distance), irrespective of adaptive divergence. Thus, although certain aspects of ecological divergence do not appear to have contributed strongly to the evolution of RI in this system, divergence in mating system actually reduced RI, suggesting that mating system evolution may play a significant role in speciation dynamics.  相似文献   

Because they are considered rare, balanced polymorphisms are often discounted as crucial constituents of genome‐wide variation in sequence diversity. Despite its perceived rarity, however, long‐term balancing selection can elevate genetic diversity and significantly affect observed divergence between species. Here, we discuss how ancestral balanced polymorphisms can be “sieved” by the speciation process, which sorts them unequally across descendant lineages. After speciation, ancestral balancing selection is revealed by genomic regions of high divergence between species. This signature, which resembles that of other evolutionary processes, can potentially confound genomic studies of population divergence and inferences of “islands of speciation.”  相似文献   

Key to our understanding of the mechanisms underlying the process of speciation is the determination of the nature of the barriers to gene flow between related taxa. Species that show zero gene flow in sympatry or parapatry are of little use in this respect. In the present study, we used two closely‐related species of large house spider, Tegenaria saeva and Tegenaria gigantea, which hybridize to a limited extent along a natural contact zone in southern Britain. The species are apparently indistinguishable with respect to habitat utilization and phenology. Laboratory crosses using individuals from both allopatric and parapatric populations suggest that, although male and female courtship, as well as web and cuticular‐borne pheromones, are conserved between the species, mechanical difficulties are experienced during interspecific copulation. Copulation bouts are, on average, significantly shorter during interspecific matings because of these difficulties, and are probably not sufficiently long for effective sperm transfer to take place. In the two cases of successful interspecific crossing, and in subsequent F1 and backcross generations, there are few indications of differential fertility, fecundity or viability, suggesting little post‐zygotic incompatibility. The high success rate of crosses between F1 hybrids and both parental species underlines the principally mechanical barrier to gene flow between these taxa. Once this is breached, there appears to be little impediment to continuing introgression, which could, in some geographical areas at least, ultimately lead to the fusion of the two species. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 355–367.  相似文献   

生物自然居群间的基因流不但可以阻止遗传分化以维持物种的完整性,而且也能积极响应生物多样化的进程。理解与基因流相关的适应性进化及其内在机理将有助于我们更好地认识生物物种形成和多样化的原始动力以及真正原因。该文通过对植物种内和种间居群基因流动态进行讨论,阐述了近年来有关植物基因流动态的一些重要理论观念和研究进展,以期为相关领域动态及趋势研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The establishment of new species by hybridization is difficult because it requires the development of reproductive isolation (RI) in sympatry to escape the homogenizing effects of gene flow from the parental species. Here we investigated the role of two pre- and two postzygotic mechanisms of RI in a system comprising two interdependent Pogonomyrmex harvester ant lineages (the H1 and H2 lineages) of hybrid origin and one of their parental species (P. rugosus). Similar to most other ants, P. rugosus is characterized by an environmental system of caste determination with female brood developing either into queens or workers depending on nongenetic factors. By contrast, there is a strong genetic component to caste determination in the H1 and H2 lineages because the developmental fate of female brood depends on the genetic origin of the parents, with interlineage eggs developing into workers and intralineage eggs developing into queens. The study of a mixed mating aggregation revealed strong differences in mating flight timing between P. rugosus and the two lineages as a first mechanism of RI. A second important prezygotic mechanism was assortative mating. Laboratory experiments also provided support for one of the two investigated mechanisms of postzygotic isolation. The majority of offspring produced from the few matings between P. rugosus and the lineages aborted at the egg stage. This hybrid inviability was under maternal influence, with hybrids produced by P. rugosus queens being always inviable whereas a small proportion of H2 lineage queens produced large numbers of adult hybrid offspring. Finally, we found no evidence that genetic caste determination acted as a second postzygotic mechanism reducing gene flow between P. rugosus and the H lineages. The few viable P. rugosus-H hybrids were not preferentially shunted into functionally sterile workers but developed into both workers and queens. Overall, these results reveal that the nearly complete (99.5%) RI between P. rugosus and the two hybrid lineages stems from the combination of two typical prezygotic mechanisms (mating time divergence and assortative mating) and one postzygotic mechanism (hybrid inviability).  相似文献   

Learning processes potentially play a role in speciation but are often ignored in speciation models. Learning may, for instance, play a role when a new niche is being colonized, because the learning of niche features may cause niche-specific assortative mating and a tendency to produce young in this niche. Several animal species learn about their environmental features that may be important in finding or attracting mates. We use a gene-culture coevolutionary model to look into the effect of such learning on the colonization of new niches and on the genetic divergence between groups using different niches, which are steps necessary in achieving speciation. We assume that density is regulated separately in each of the two niches and that the viability of an individual depends on its genotype as well as on which niche it exploits. Our results show that genetic adaptation to the new niche is enhanced by a high female fecundity and a low viability selection against heterozygotes. Furthermore, when initial colonization (without genetic adaptation) fails, genetic divergence is more difficult when the mating preference is stronger. In contrast, when colonization without genetic adaptation is successful, a stronger mating preference makes genetic divergence easier. An increase in the number of egg-laying mistakes by females can have a positive or negative effect on the success of genetic adaptation depending on other parameters. We show that genetic divergence can be prevented by a niche shift, which can occur only if viabilities in the two niches are asymmetrical.  相似文献   

Using experimental evolution, we investigated the contributions of ecological divergence, sexual selection, and genetic drift to the evolution of reproductive isolation in Caenorhabditis remanei. The nematodes were reared on two different environments for 100 generations. They were assayed for fitness on both environments after 30, 64, and 100 generations, and hybrid fitness were analyzed after 64 and 100 generations. Mating propensity within and between populations was also analyzed. The design allowed us to determine whether local adaptation was synchronous with pre‐ and postzygotic reproductive isolation. Prezygotic isolation evolved quickly but was unconnected with adaptation to the divergent environments. Instead, prezygotic isolation was driven by mate preferences favoring individuals from the same replicate population. A bottleneck treatment, meant to enhance the opportunity for genetic drift, had no effect on prezygotic isolation. Postzygotic isolation occurred in crosses where at least one population had a large fitness advantage in its “home” environment. Taken together, our results suggest that prezygotic isolation did not depend on drift or adaptation to divergent environments, but instead resulted from differences in sexual interactions within individual replicates. Furthermore, our results suggest that postzygotic isolation can occur between populations even when only one population has greater fitness in its home environment.  相似文献   

The maintenance of species barriers in the face of gene flow is often thought to result from strong selection against intermediate genotypes, thereby preserving genetic differentiation. Most speciation genomic studies thus aim to identify exceptionally divergent loci between populations, but divergence will be affected by many processes other than reproductive isolation (RI) and speciation. Through genomic studies of recombinant hybrids sampled in the wild, genetic variation associated with RI can be observed in situ, because selection against incompatible genotypes will leave detectable patterns of variation in the hybrid genomes. To better understand the mechanisms directly involved in RI, we investigated three natural ‘replicate’ hybrid zones between two divergent Populus species via locus‐specific patterns of ancestry across recombinant hybrid genomes. As expected, genomic patterns in hybrids and their parental species were consistent with the presence of underdominant selection at several genomic regions. Surprisingly, many loci displayed greatly increased between‐species heterozygosity in recombinant hybrids despite striking genetic differentiation between the parental genomes, the opposite of what would be expected with selection against intermediate genotypes. Only a limited, reproducible set of genotypic combinations was present in hybrid genomes across localities. In the absence of clearly delimited ‘hybrid habitats’, our results suggest that complex epistatic interactions within genomes play an important role in advanced stages of RI between these ecologically divergent forest trees. This calls for more genomic studies that test for unusual patterns of genomic ancestry in hybridizing species.  相似文献   

Speciation occurs when populations diverge and become reproductively isolated from each other. Natural selection is commonly accepted to play a large role in this process, and it has been widely assumed that reproductive isolation often results as a by‐product of divergence driven by adaptation in allopatry. When such populations come into secondary contact, reinforcement can act to strengthen reproductive isolation, but the frequency and importance of this process are still unknown. Here, we explored genomic signatures of selection in allopatry and sympatry for loci associated with reproductive isolation using a natural primate hybrid zone. By analysing reduced‐representation sequencing data, we quantified admixture and population structure across a howler monkey hybrid zone and examined the relationship between locus‐specific differentiation and introgression. We detected extensive admixture that was mostly limited to the narrow contact zone. Loci with reduced introgression into the heterospecific genomic background (the pattern expected for loci associated with reproductive isolation due to selection against hybrids) were significantly more differentiated between allopatric parental populations than loci with neutral and increased introgression, supporting the hypothesis that reproductive isolation is a by‐product of divergence in allopatry. Further, loci with reduced introgression showed greater differentiation in sympatry than in allopatry, suggesting a role for reinforcement. Thus, our results reflect multiple forms of selection that have shaped reproductive isolation in this system. We conclude that reproductive isolation may have initially been driven by divergence in allopatry, but later reinforced by divergent selection in sympatry.  相似文献   

Sexual traits are often the most divergent characters among closely related species, suggesting an important role of sexual traits in speciation. However, to prove this, we need to show that sexual trait differences accumulate before or during the speciation process, rather than being a consequence of it. Here, we contrast patterns of divergence among putative male sex pheromone (pMSP) composition and the genetic structure inferred from variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 and nuclear CAD loci in the African butterfly Bicyclus anynana (Butler, 1879) to determine whether the evolution of “pheromonal dialects” occurs before or after the differentiation process. We observed differences in abundance of some shared pMSP components as well as differences in the composition of the pMSP among B. anynana populations. In addition, B. anynana individuals from Kenya displayed differences in the pMSP composition within a single population that appeared not associated with genetic differences. These differences in pMSP composition both between and within B. anynana populations were as large as those found between different Bicyclus species. Our results suggest that “pheromonal dialects” evolved within and among populations of B. anynana and may therefore act as precursors of an ongoing speciation process.  相似文献   

Despite important advances in the last few years, the evolution of reproductive isolation (RI) remains an unresolved and critical gap in our understanding of speciation processes. In this study, we investigated the evolution of RI among species of the parasitic fungal species complex Microbotryum violaceum, which is responsible for anther smut disease of the Caryophyllaceae. We found no evidence for significant positive assortative mating by M. violaceum even over substantial degrees of genetic divergence, suggesting a lack of prezygotic isolation. In contrast, postzygotic isolation increased with the genetic distance between mating partners when measured as hyphal growth. Total RI, measured as the ability of the pathogen to infect and produce a diploid progeny in the host plant, was significantly and positively correlated with genetic distance, remaining below complete isolation for most of the species pairs. The results of this study, the first one on the time course of speciation in a fungus, are therefore consistent with previous works showing that RI generally evolves gradually with genetic distance, and thus presumably with time. Interestingly, prezygotic RI due to gamete recognition did not increase with genetic distance, in contrast to the pattern found in plants and animals.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation commonly causes genetic problems and reduced fitness when populations become small. Stocking small populations with individuals from other populations may enrich genetic variation and alleviate inbreeding, but such artificial gene flow is not commonly used in conservation owing to potential outbreeding depression. We addressed the role of long-term population size, genetic distance between populations and test environment for the performance of two generations of offspring from between-population crosses of the locally rare plant Ranunculus reptans L. Interpopulation outbreeding positively affected an aggregate measure of fitness, and the fitness superiority of interpopulation hybrids was maintained in the second offspring (F2) generation. Small populations benefited more strongly from interpopulation outbreeding. Genetic distance between crossed populations in neutral markers or quantitative characters was not important. These results were consistent under near-natural competition-free and competitive conditions. We conclude that the benefits of interpopulation outbreeding are likely to outweigh potential drawbacks, especially for populations that suffer from inbreeding.  相似文献   

Populations are often exposed to multiple sources of gene flow, but accounts are lacking of the population genetic dynamics that result from these interactions or their effects on local evolution. Using a genomic clines framework applied to 1,195 single nucleotide polymorphisms, we documented genomewide, locus‐specific patterns of introgression between Choristoneura occidentalis biennis spruce budworms and two ecologically divergent relatives, C. o. occidentalis and Choristoneura fumiferana, that it interacts with at alternate boundaries of its range. We observe contrasting hybrid indexes between the two hybrid zones, no overlap in “gene‐flow outliers” (clines showing relatively extreme extents or rates of locus‐specific introgression) and variable linkage disequilibrium among those outliers. At the same time, correlated genomewide rates of introgression between zones suggest the presence of processes common to both boundaries. These findings highlight the contrasting population genetic dynamics that can occur at separate frontiers of a single population, while also suggesting that shared patterns may frequently accompany cases of divergence‐with‐gene‐flow that involve a lineage in common. Our results point to potentially complex evolutionary outcomes for populations experiencing multiple sources of gene flow.  相似文献   

The copepod Eurytemora affinis has a broad geographic range within the Northern Hemisphere, inhabiting coastal regions of North America, Asia, and Europe. A phylogenetic approach was used to determine levels of genetic differentiation among populations of this species, and interpopulation crosses were performed to determine reproductive compatibility. DNA sequences from two mitochondrial genes, large subunit (16S) rRNA (450 bp) and cytochrome oxidase I (COI, 652 bp), were obtained from 38 populations spanning most of the species range and from two congeneric species, E. americana and E. herdmani. Phylogenetic analysis revealed a polytomy of highly divergent clades with maximum sequence divergences of 10% in 16S rRNA and 19% in COI. A power test (difference of a proportion) revealed that amount of sequence data collected was sufficient for resolving speciation events occurring at intervals greater than 300,000 years, but insufficient for determining whether speciation events were approximately simultaneous. Geographic and genetic distances were not correlated (Mantel's test; r = 0.023, P = 0.25), suggesting that populations had not differentiated through gradual isolation by distance. At finer spatial scales, there was almost no sharing of mtDNA haplotypes among proximate populations, indicating little genetic exchange even between nearby sites. Interpopulation crosses demonstrated reproductive incompatibility among genetically distinct populations, including those that were sympatric. Most notably, two geographically distant (4000 km) but genetically proximate (0.96% 16S, 0.15% COI) populations exhibited asymmetric reproductive isolation at the F2 generation. Large genetic divergences and reproductive isolation indicate that the morphologically conservative E. affinis constitutes a sibling species complex. Reproductive isolation between genetically proximate populations underscores the importance of using multiple measures to examine patterns of speciation.  相似文献   

Behavioural and molecular studies suggest that brood parasitic indigobirds (Vidua spp.) rapidly diversified through a process of speciation by host shift. However, behavioural imprinting on host song, the key mechanism promoting speciation in this system, may also lead to hybridization and gene flow among established indigobird species when and if female indigobirds parasitize hosts already associated with other indigobird species. It is therefore not clear to what extent the low level of genetic differentiation among indigobird species is due to recent common ancestry versus ongoing gene flow. We tested for reproductive isolation among three indigobird species in Cameroon, one of which comprises two morphologically indistinguishable host races. Mimicry of host songs corresponded with plumage colour in 184 male indigobirds, suggesting that females rarely parasitize the host of another indigobird species. Paternity analyses, however, suggest that imperfect specificity in host and/or mate choice allows for continuing gene flow between recently formed host races of the Cameroon Indigobird Vidua camerunensis; while 63 pairs of close relatives were associated with the same host, two strongly supported father-son pairs included males mimicking the songs of the two different hosts of V. camerunensis. Thus, complete reproductive isolation is not necessarily an automatic consequence of host shifts, a result that suggests an important role for natural and/or sexual selection in indigobird speciation.  相似文献   

Inferences regarding hybridization rely on genetic markers to differentiate parental taxa from one another. Intersimple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers are based on single-primer PCR reactions where the primer sequence is derived from di- and trinucleotide repeats. These markers have successfully been used to assay genetic variability among cultivated plants, but have not yet been tested in natural populations. We used genetic markers generated from eight ISSR primers to examine patterns of hybridization and purported examples of hybrid speciation in Penstemon (Scrophulariaceae) in a hybrid complex involving P. centranthifolius , P. grinnellii , P. spectabilis and P. clevelandii . This hybrid complex has previously been studied using three molecular data sets (allozymes, and restriction-site variation of nuclear rDNA and chloroplast DNA). These studies revealed patterns of introgression involving P. centranthifolius , but were unsuccessful in determining whether gene flow occurs among the other species, and support for hypotheses of diploid hybrid speciation was also lacking. In this study, we were able to fingerprint each DNA accession sampled with one to three ISSR primers and most accessions could be identified with a single primer. We found population- and species-specific markers for each taxon surveyed. Our results: (i) do not support the hybrid origin of P. spectabilis ; (ii) do support the hypothesis that P. clevelandii is a diploid hybrid species derived from P. centranthifolius and P. spectabilis ; and (iii) demonstrate that pollen-mediated gene flow via hummingbird vectors is prevalent in the hybrid complex.  相似文献   

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