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A number of organs have the intrinsic ability to regenerate, a distinctive feature that varies among organisms. Organ regeneration is a process not fully yet understood. However, when its underlying mechanisms are unraveled, it holds tremendous therapeutic potential for humans. In this review, we chose to summarize the repair and regenerative potential of the following organs and organ systems: thymus, adrenal gland, thyroid gland, intestine, lungs, heart, liver, blood vessels, germ cells, nervous system, eye tissues, hair cells, kidney and bladder, skin, hair follicles, pancreas, bone, and cartilage. For each organ, a review of the following is presented: (a) factors, pathways, and cells that are involved in the organ's intrinsic regenerative ability, (b) contribution of exogenous cells – such as progenitor cells, embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, and bone marrow‐, adipose‐ and umbilical cord blood‐derived stem cells – in repairing and regenerating organs in the absence of an innate intrinsic regenerative capability, (c) and the progress made in engineering bio‐artificial scaffolds, tissues, and organs. Organ regeneration is a promising therapy that can alleviate humans from diseases that have not been yet cured. It is also superior to already existing treatments that utilize exogenous sources to substitute for the organ's lost structure and/or function(s). (Part C) 96:1–29, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Multiple mechanosensory organs form the subgenual organ complex in orthopteroid insects, located in the proximal tibia. In several Ensifera (Orthoptera), a small chordotonal organ, the so-called accessory organ, is the most posterior part of this sensory complex. In order to document the presence of this accessory organ among the Ensifera, the chordotonal sensilla and their innervation in the posterior tibia of two species of Jerusalem crickets (Stenopelmatidae: Stenopelmatus) is described. The sensory structures were stained by axonal tracing. Scolopidial sensilla occur in the posterior subgenual organ and the accessory organ in all leg pairs. The accessory organ contains 10–17 scolopidial sensilla. Both groups of sensilla are commonly spatially separated. However, in few cases neuronal fibres occurred between both organs. The two sensillum groups are considered as separate organs by the general spatial separation and innervation by different nerve branches. A functional role for mechanoreception is considered: since the accessory organ is located closely under the cuticle, sensilla may be suited to detect vibrations transferred over the leg's surface. This study extends the known taxa with an accessory organ, which occurs in several taxa of Ensifera. Comparative neuroanatomy thus suggests that the accessory organ may be conserved at least in Tettigoniidea.  相似文献   

Ben Almassi 《Bioethics》2014,28(6):275-283
Several recent publications in biomedical ethics argue that organ donation is generally morally obligatory and failure to do so is morally indefensible. Arguments for this moral conclusion tend to be of two kinds: arguments from fairness and arguments from easy rescue. While I agree that many of us have a duty to donate, in this article I criticize these arguments for a general duty of organ donation and their application to organ procurement policy. My concern is that these arguments neglect the role that trust plays in contemporary organ transplant policies and in differential rational attitudes toward donation. Recognizing donation as an achievement of trust, and acknowledging the warrant of many people's rational distrust or withheld trust in medicine, I argue, should have significant implications for the ethics of organ procurement.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Das Tömösvárysche Organ von Scutigerella immaculata wurde elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Es liegt in einer Epidermisinvagination direkt hinter der Basis der Antenne. Die Grube des Organs ist mit Kutikula ausgekleidet und steht durch eine rundliche Öffnung mit der Außenwelt in Verbindung. Zwei Drittel des Grubenraumes sind angefüllt mit einem Gitterwerk kutikulärer Stäbe, die distale Fortsätze von Sinneszellen enthalten. Unterhalb der Grube liegen mehrere Sinneszellen. Jede Sinneszelle formt proximal und distal einen schmäleren Fortsatz. Jeder distale Fortsatz läuft in zwei Zilienstrukturen aus, die unter Verzweigung in das Gitterwerk eintreten und sich auch dort weiter verzweigen. Die Sinneszellen werden von drüsigen Hüllzellen umfaßt. An ihnen können trichogene und tormogene Zellen unterschieden werden. Das Sekret der Hüllzellen umgibt die distalen Fortsätze der Sinneszellen von den Zilienstrukturen an bis in das Gitterwerk hinein. Die Kutikula des Gitterwerkes ist sehr dünn und von winzigen Poren durchsetzt.Nach einem Vergleich mit Sinnesorganen von Insekten muß vermutet werden, daß es sich beim Tömösváryschen Organ um ein Geruchssinnesorgan handelt, das vielleicht auch als Hygrorezeptor fungiert.
Sense organs of symphyla (Myriapoda)II. Ultrastructure of the temporal organ of Scutigerella immaculata Newport
Summary The temporal organ of Scutigerella immaculata is situated in a pit just behind of the antenna. The pit represents an epidermal invagination. It is coated by cuticle and corresponds to the outside by a circular opening. More than half of the pit is filled up with a complicated network of branching and anastomosing cuticular protuberances. The cuticle of the protuberances is very thin and perforated by tiny pores. There are about ten sense cells situated under the pit, each of which forms a distal as well as a proximal process. Each distal process shows two ciliary structures. After branching they enter the cuticular protuberances and branch inside of it, as well. The sense cells are surrounded by glandular sheath cells, in which trichogen and tormogen cells can be distinguished. The secretion product of the sheath cells surrounds the distal parts of the sense cells inside of the cuticular protuberances. By comparison to sense organs of insects it must be presumed that the temporal organ represents an olfactory organ which may also function as hygroreceptor.
Ich danke Herrn Rau (Zentralinstitut für Elektronenmikroskopie der Technischen Universität Berlin) für die Durchführung der Arbeiten am Raster-Elektronenmikroskop und Frau Friedemann für die Anfertigung der Zeichnung.  相似文献   

This report outlines a comparison of renal weight and volume and selected skeletal parameters to sex in 22 adult male and 156 adult female rhesus macaques. Means and standard deviations for kidney weight and volume, body weight, and radiographic measurements for both males and females are reported. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals and P-values for the mean differences between the sexes for these parameters were also compiled. Male monkeys were larger, but had kidneys of similar size to those of the females. Joint distributions of the radiographic measurements of the first lumbar vertebra and the skull showed that males were larger in both measurements. The distributions of these parameters were clearly separate in males and females, while joint distributions of kidney weight and volume for males and females overlapped almost completely. We found that, regardless of age, sex, weight, or skeletal size, all normal adult rhesus monkeys generally have similar-sized kidneys.  相似文献   

中国大鲵侧线器官的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程红  黄世强 《动物学报》1995,41(3):235-242
本文以光镜和扫描是镜手段研究了中国大鲵幼体,亚成体及成体头部及躯干部表皮中的侧线器官,即电接受壶腹器官,机械接受的表面神经丘和陷器官的分布,形态和发展变化。壶腹器管仅存于幼体头部,变态结束后消失,后两种终生存在,但前者按一定路线和方向排列,后者仅存于头部,陷在表皮中,文章探讨了壶腹器官的原始性,其消失与生活习性以及由水登陆进化的关系;对三种器官的形态及其它有尾类的侧线器官进行了比较。  相似文献   

In order to further our understanding of the evolution of electric organs in the Neotropical gymnotiform fish, we studied the ontogeny of the electric organs in eight species. In Eigenmannia virescens, Sternopygus macrurus, and Apteronotus leptorhynchus the earliest electrocytes are located between muscle fibres of the hypaxial muscle (Type A electrocytes). We present arguments that these Type A electrocytes represent the plesiomorphic condition. In S. macrurus, in addition to the electrocytes in the hypaxial muscle, additional electrocytes were found in the epaxial muscle. In A. leptorhynchus a neurogenic organ develops later during ontogeny in the medial part of the hypaxial muscle in addition to the early myogenic organ. In E. virescens the early electrocytes in hypaxial muscle will degenerate later during ontogeny, and this organ will be replaced functionally by electrocytes located in the caudal appendage and below the hypaxial muscle. In Electrophorus electricus, two Gymnotus species, Rhamphichthys sp., and Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus the first electrocytes were found below the hypaxial muscle (Type B electrocytes); they are assumed to be the more derived stage. In R. sp., and B. pinnicaudatus the electrocytes of Type B developed directly into the adult organ. In the two Gymnotus ssp. electrocytes were also found in the medial part of the organ in-between muscle fibres of the hypaxial muscle. In E. electricus a germinative zone was observed to separate from the ventral myotome. This zone is generating electrocytes continuously so that, as a consequence, the relative proportion of electric organ to muscle increases greatly. In 45 mm long E. electricus a separation of low voltage orientation pulses and high voltage trains of pulses (shocks) was observed. A first appearance of Hunter’s organ was found in 140 mm specimens of E. electricus. The first discharges of all species studied were head- positive, with the exception of R. sp., which produced a triphasic discharge, its main component, however, being head-positive. The arguments presented indicate that the Type A electrocytes found in E. virescens, S. macrurus, and A. leptorhynchus would represent the plesiomorphic condition. On the basis of the evidence regarding the formation, cytological appearance, and anatomical location, as well as the early electrical recordings, we would hypothesise that during the evolution of gymnotiforms wave type species evolved first, and in a second step pulse type species followed. This view, however, is corroborated by only some phylogenetic hypotheses.  相似文献   

Scolopidial sensilla in insects often form large sensory organs involved in proprioception or exteroception. Here the knowledge on Nebenorgans and accessory organs, two organs consisting of scolopidial sensory cells, is summarised. These organs are present in some insects which are model organisms for the physiology of mechanosensory systems (cockroaches and tettigoniids). Recent comparative studies documented the accessory organ in several taxa of Orthoptera (including tettigoniids, cave crickets, Jerusalem crickets) and the Nebenorgan in related insects (Mantophasmatodea). The accessory organ or Nebenorgan is usually a small organ of 8–15 sensilla located in the posterior leg tibia of all leg pairs. The physiological properties of the accessory organs and Nebenorgans are so far largely unknown. Taking together neuroanatomical and electrophysiological data from disparate taxa, there is considerable evidence that the accessory organ and Nebenorgan are vibrosensitive. They thus complement the larger vibrosensitive subgenual organ in the tibia. This review summarises the comparative studies of these sensory organs, in particular the arguments and criteria for the homology of the accessory organ and Nebenorgan among orthopteroid insects. Different scenarios of repeated evolutionary origins or losses of these sensory organs are discussed. Neuroanatomy allows to distinguish individual sensory organs for analysis of sensory physiology, and to infer scenarios of sensory evolution.  相似文献   

Using histological techniques and computer‐aided three‐dimensional reconstructions of histological serial sections, we studied the development of the olfactory and vomeronasal organs in the discoglossid frog Discoglossus pictus. The olfactory epithelium in larval D. pictus represents one continuous unit of tissue not divided into two separate portions. However, a small pouch of olfactory epithelium (the “ventromedial diverticulum”) is embedded into the roof of the buccal cavity, anteromedial to the internal naris. The lateral appendix is present in D. pictus through the entire larval period and disappears during the onset of metamorphosis. The disappearance of the lateral appendix at this time suggests that it is a typical larval organ related to aquatic life. The vomeronasal organ develops during hindlimb development, which is comparatively late for anurans. The development of the vomeronasal organ in D. pictus follows the same general developmental pattern recognized for neobatrachians. As with most anurans, the vomeronasal glands appear later than the vomeronasal organ. After metamorphosis, the olfactory organ of adult D. pictus is composed of a series of three interconnected chambers: the cavum principale, cavum medium, and cavum inferius. We suggest that the ventromedial diverticulum at the anterior border of the internal naris of larval D. pictus might be homologous with the ventral olfactory epithelium of bufonids and with the similar diverticulum of Alytes. J. Morphol. 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Granulocytes of the epigonal and Leydig organs of Rhizoprionodon lalandii were identified and classified into three different cell types, type I and type II eosinophils and neutrophils. The development of these cells in the haematopoietic tissues was dynamic, demonstrated by nuclear immunopositivity for the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) proteins and was regulated by various cytokines, including the transforming growth factor β -l (TGF/ β 1). The expression pattern of these cells was heterogeneous among individual cells and TGF/ β 1-immunostaining was found principally in the cytoplasm of immature granulocytes. The presence of TGF/ β 1 in cells about to divide was demonstrated suggesting that modulation of differentiation and proliferation occurs in the haematopoietic tissues of this species of elasmobranch.  相似文献   

王珊  那宇鹤  冷雪  那杰 《昆虫知识》2010,47(4):652-656
昆虫的听器是一类对声波具有特异感受作用的器官,对其生存具有非常重要的意义。昆虫的听器主要有听觉毛、江氏器和鼓膜听器3种类型。本文主要介绍了昆虫3种听器的结构和功能特点,并从系统发生和个体发育角度介绍了鼓膜听器的演化过程。  相似文献   

Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in aquatic plants is significantly affected by hydrological regime and therefore the accumulation and translocation of cadmium in five organs—panicle, leaf, stem, root, and bud—of an emergent plant (Miscanthus sacchariflorus) were compared between the submerged environment and non-submerged environment. In the submerged condition, the cadmium concentration was higher in the panicle and leaf than in the stem, root, and bud. Cadmium concentration in the root exhibited a positive regression with cadmium concentration in the sediment. However, cadmium concentration in the panicle, leaf, stem, and bud exhibited no significant regression with cadmium concentration in the sediment. In the non-submerged environment, the cadmium concentration was higher in the below-ground organs than in the aboveground organs. The mean bioaccumulation coefficient in the 24 investigated plots in the submerged environment was higher than that in the 20 and 40?mg kg?1 cadmium treatments in the non-submerged environment. The mean translocation factor in the submerged environment was nine times higher than that in non-submerged environment. These results indicate that submergence enhanced cadmium bioaccumulation in the aboveground organs and that this plant can be used to remove heavy metals from polluted rivers and lakes.  相似文献   

肉苁蓉(Cistanche deserticola)种内的变异式样   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
用比较形态解剖学的方法对肉苁蓉的营养器官和繁殖器官进行比较,研究了名贵中药肉苁蓉营养器官和繁殖器官的变异式样。发现肉苁蓉种内具有不同形态特点的类型,造成中药肉苁蓉中在其药理、药效等方面也存在着差异。  相似文献   

用光镜观察了4种两栖爬行动物嗅器和犁鼻器的组织结构.结果显示,北方山溪鲵(Batrachuperus tibetanus)鼻囊内开始分化出犁鼻器,犁鼻器位于嗅器的腹外侧,但犁鼻器还不发达;隆肛蛙(Feirana quadranus)犁鼻器与嗅器虽然共同位于鼻囊内,但犁鼻器较为发达且其周围有发达的犁鼻腺,犁鼻器通过一细小管道与嗅器相通;秦岭蝮(Gloydius qinlingensis)和菜花烙铁头(Trimeresurus jerdonii)犁鼻腔与鼻腔已经完全分离形成两个独立的囊,而且鼻腔又进一步分化为嗅部与呼吸部.说明犁鼻器从有尾两栖动物开始出现,至无尾两栖类开始分化,到蛇类高度发达且成为一个独立器官.犁鼻器的形成是脊椎动物适应陆地生活的直接结果,是四足动物的特征之一.  相似文献   

弦音器是昆虫类特有的一种机械感受器,亦称弦音感受器或剑梢感受器。它主要具有感知外界声压和体内肌肉运动的听觉功能,研究弦音器的机能结构对揭秘昆虫听觉的神经机制有重要的科学意义。本文从弦音器多样性和进化入手,重点综述了弦音器的微细结构、基因功能定位、声音感受分子机制及其声压增幅分子生物物理学原理,为昆虫听觉仿生学的研究提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Nearly all vertebrates possess an olfactory organ but the vomeronasal organ is a synapomorphy for tetrapods. Nevertheless, it has been lost in several groups of tetrapods, including aquatic and marine animals. The present study examines the development of the olfactory and vomeronasal organs in two terrestrial anurans that exhibit different developmental modes. This study compares the development of the olfactory and vomeronasal organs in metamorphic anurans that exhibit an aquatic larva (Bufo americanus) and directly developing anurans that have eliminated the tadpole (Eleutherodactylus coqui). The olfactory epithelium in larval B. americanus is divided into dorsal and ventral branches in the rostral and mid-nasal regions. The larval olfactory pattern in E. coqui has been eliminated. Ontogeny of the olfactory system in E. coqui embryos starts to vary substantially from the larval pattern around the time of operculum development, the temporal period when the larval stage is hypothesized to have been eliminated. The nasal anatomy of the two frogs does not appear morphologically similar until the late stages of embryogenesis in E. coqui and the terminal portion of metamorphosis in B. americanus. Both species and their respective developing offspring, aquatic tadpoles and terrestrial egg/embryos, possess a vomeronasal organ. The vomeronasal organ develops at mid-embryogenesis in E. coqui and during the middle of the larval period in B. americanus, which is relatively late for neobatrachians. Development of the vomeronasal organ in both frogs is linked to the developmental pattern of the olfactory system. This study supports the hypothesis that the most recent common ancestor of tetrapods possessed a vomeronasal organ and was aquatic, and that the vomeronasal organ was retained in the Amphibia, but lost in some other groups of tetrapods, including aquatic and marine animals.  相似文献   

Abstract: The role of creatine phosphate and adenosine triphosphate, as high energy phosphate sources, has been investigated during the discharge and recovery of the electric organ of Torpedo. ATP serves as the immediate source of energy for the biochemical process supporting the electrical activity of the electric organ. Under repetitive stimulation, when the energy demands exceed production, ATP levels are maintained constant at the expense of creatine phosphate. Only when the reservoir of creatine phosphate is depleted do the levels of ATP decrease, and this point corresponds to the state of maximal fatigue of the electric organ. Recovery studies show that the electric organ rapidly recovers the capacity to respond to single pulse stimuli. This recovery is statistically related to the recovery of the levels of ATP and acetylcholine. However, in this phase, the fatiguability of the electric organ is very high since its energy reservoir is still depleted. The complete recovery of the electric organ requires several hours and is closely related to the restoration of the levels of creatine phosphate.  相似文献   

The apical area of larvae of four primitive pulmonate species was investigated by means of serial ultrathin and light microscope sections. Cephalic sensory organs (CSOs) were found in the larvae of Onchidium cf. branchiferum (Onchidiidae) and Laemodonta octanfracta (Ellobiidae), while no trace of the organ was present in the larvae of Ovatella myosotis (Ellobiidae) or Williamia radiata (Siphonariidae). TEM investigation revealed very similar CSOs in O. cf. branchiferum and L. octanfracta, with characteristic putative sensory cell types: ampullary cells with an internal ampulla containing densely packed cilia, para-ampullary cells with external cilia parallel to the surface, and ciliary tuft cells, bearing short ciliary tufts. The epithelium covering the organ has a thick microvillar border with microvilli laterally bearing a pair of electron-dense accumulations and a glycocalyx with interspersed flat plaque-like elements. While homologues of all major elements of the CSO can be found in other gastropod taxa, for example caenogastropods and opisthobranchs, the homology of the ampullary cell with similar cells in nongastropods appears unlikely. The CSO of L. octanfracta is associated with an additional structure, an epithelial external protrusion, lying ventral to the CSO. The absence of the organ in W. radiata weakens hypotheses on the organ's function of examining settlement conditions and velar control.  相似文献   

In Nepal, live donor organ transplantation is only 14 years old with the first successful kidney transplant made in 2008 and a successful liver and bone marrow transplant made in 2016. However, transplantation of cadaveric cornea dates back to 1998. There are still no cases of animal-to-human organ transplantation in Nepal. There are stringent laws to regulate human body organ transplantation in Nepal which are amended from time to time. However, there is a racket of human traffickers who lure rural people from this low-income country into the illegal organ trade. Furthermore, there is a substantial lack of awareness of organ donation among the general public. This article focuses on the stipulations of ethical, legal, and practical issues of obtaining organs procured from living and brain-dead donors that support the process of transplantation in Nepal. In addition, the article also explores the legal and practical issues of organ trafficking and organ donation awareness in Nepal on the basis of factual data and findings from other studies.  相似文献   

The Australian Federal Government has announced a two‐year trial scheme to compensate living organ donors. The compensation will be the equivalent of six weeks paid leave at the rate of the national minimum wage. In this article I analyse the ethics of compensating living organ donors taking the Australian scheme as a reference point. Considering the long waiting lists for organ transplantations and the related costs on the healthcare system of treating patients waiting for an organ, the 1.3 million AUD the Australian Government has committed might represent a very worthwhile investment. I argue that a scheme like the Australian one is sufficiently well designed to avoid all the ethical problems traditionally associated with attaching a monetary value to the human body or to parts of it, namely commodification, inducement, exploitation, and equality issues. Therefore, I suggest that the Australian scheme, if cost‐effective, should represent a model for other countries to follow. Nonetheless, although I endorse this scheme, I will also argue that this kind of scheme raises issues of justice in regard to the distribution of organs. Thus, I propose that other policies would be needed to supplement the scheme in order to guarantee not only a higher number of organs available, but also a fair distribution.  相似文献   

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