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The neuromuscular system used to stabilize upright posture in humans is a nonlinear dynamical system with time delays. The analysis of this system is important for improving balance and for early diagnosis of neuromuscular disease. In this work, we study the dynamic coupling between the neuromuscular system and a balance board—an unstable platform often used to improve balance in young athletes, and older or neurologically impaired patients. Using a simple inverted pendulum model of human posture on a balance board, we describe a surprisingly broad range of divergent and oscillatory CoP/CoM responses associated with instabilities of the upright equilibrium. The analysis predicts that a variety of sudden changes in the stability of upright postural equilibrium occurs with slow continuous deterioration in balance board stiffness, neuromuscular gain, and time delay associated with the changes in proprioceptive/vestibular/visual-neuromuscular feedback. The analysis also provides deeper insight into changes in the control of posture that enable stable upright posture on otherwise unstable platforms.  相似文献   

目的:探讨感觉统合训练结合常规康复训练对痉挛型脑瘫患儿平衡控制及运动功能的影响。方法:选取2016年1月到2017年12月期间成都市妇女儿童中心医院康复科收治的痉挛型脑瘫患儿80例为研究对象,根据随机数字表法将80例患儿分为对照组(40例)和观察组(40例)。对照组患儿采用常规康复训练进行治疗,观察组患儿采用感觉统合训练结合常规康复训练进行治疗。比较两组脑瘫患儿的平衡控制功能、步态、粗大运动功能测试量表-88(GMFM-88)D区和E区的评分。结果:治疗3个月后两组患儿的Rivermead活动指数、Berg平衡量表得分均明显升高,且观察组患儿的Rivermead活动指数、Berg平衡量表得分高于对照组(P0.05)。治疗3个月后两组患儿的步行足长、步速明显增加,步宽明显减小(P0.05),且观察组患儿步行足长、步速大于对照组,步宽小于对照组(P0.05)。治疗3个月后两组患儿的GMFM-88 D区、GMFM-88 E区得分均分别明显升高(P0.05),且观察组患儿的GMFM-88 D区、GMFM-88 E区得分均分别高于对照组(P0.05)。结论:感觉统合训练结合常规康复训练可有效改善痉挛型脑瘫患儿的平衡控制功能、步态以及粗大运动功能。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterize balance in individuals with and without an incomplete spinal cord injury (ISCI) during the single support phase of gait. Thirty-four individuals (17 with a ISCI, 17 able-bodied) walked at their self-selected walking speed. Among those, eighteen individuals (9 with ISCI, 9 able-bodied) with a similar walking speed were also analyzed. Stabilizing and destabilizing forces quantified balance during the single support phase of gait. The biomechanical factors included in the equation of the stabilizing and destabilizing forces served as explanatory factors. Individuals with ISCI had a lower stabilizing force and a higher destabilizing force compared to able-bodied individuals. The main explanatory factors of the forces extracted from the equations were the speed of the center of mass (maximal stabilizing force) and the distance between the center of pressure and the base of support (minimal destabilizing force). Only the minimal destabilizing force was significantly different among subgroups with a similar walking speed. The stabilizing and destabilizing forces suggest that individuals with ISCI were more stable than able-bodied, which was achieved by walking more slowly – which decrease the speed of the center of mass – and keeping the center of pressure away from the margin of the base of support in order to maintain balance within their range of physical ability.  相似文献   

Influenza A virus (IAV) genome comprises eight negative-sense RNA segments, of which the replication is well orchestrated and the delicate balance of multiple segments are dynamically regulated throughout IAV life cycle. However, previous studies seldom discuss these balances except for functional hemagglutinin-neuraminidase balance that is pivotal for both virus entry and release. Therefore, we attempt to revisit IAV life cycle by highlighting the critical role of "genome balance". Moreover, we raise a "balance regression" model of IAV evolution that the virus evolves to rebalance its genome after reassortment or interspecies transmission, and direct a "balance compensation" strategy to rectify the "genome imbalance" as a result of artificial modifications during creation of recombinant IAVs. This review not only improves our understanding of IAV life cycle, but also facilitates both basic and applied research of IAV in future.  相似文献   

Elderly people with peripheral neuropathy of the lower limbs (PNLL) demonstrate a typical balance and gait impairment because of sensory ataxia. There is evidence that rehabilitation produces important gains on balance and gait. However, responsiveness to rehabilitation of balance and gait measures is unknown in PNLL. Aim of the current work is to evaluate the responsiveness to rehabilitation of balance, gait and sensory ataxia measures in elderly with PNLL.Twenty-five elderly with PNLL attending physiotherapy and occupational therapy during inpatient rehabilitation were recruited. Balance and gait measures (including static posturography, TUG test and the 10 m walking test) were administered on admission and discharge. An accelerometer secured to the trunk was used for TUG recording and static balance assessment. Static balance was tested with open and closed eyes, so as to assess sensory ataxia.Following rehabilitation, patients improved gait [admission vs discharge, mean(SD): 0.86(0.33) vs 0.98(0.32) m/s], TUG [18.7(7.8) vs 15.1(5.2) s] and turning [46.2(15.3) vs 53.3(15.3) °/s]. However, none of 12 static balance parameters derived from trunk acceleration significantly changed. Principal component analysis showed that before training, eyes closed and eyes open balance correlated with orthogonal components (one and two vs. three and four). After training, eyes open and eyes closed balance were more similar to each other being both correlated with component one.Responsiveness to rehabilitation is larger for gait than static balance measured by trunk acceleration. However, exercise can also have a beneficial effect on sensory ataxia by making eyes closed balance more similar to eyes open balance.  相似文献   

Objective:To evaluate the effects of a core stability exercise program on balance, coordination, and severity of ataxia in children with cerebellar ataxic cerebral palsy (CP).Methods:Forty children with cerebellar ataxic CP (mean age: 6.75±1.35 years) were randomly assigned to a control group and an intervention group for 2 months of follow-up. The control group received a standard physical therapy program three times weekly (1 h per session), while the intervention group received a core stability program for 30 min, in addition to the selected physical therapy program. Both groups were evaluated pre-treatment and post-treatment using the Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia, the Balance Error Scoring Systems scale, Bruininks-Oseretsky tests of motor proficiency, and HUMAC balance system scores.Results:We found statistically significant reductions in the severity of ataxia, as well as improved balance and coordination in both groups, with stronger effects observed in the intervention group (P<0.05).Conclusion:The core stability program can improve balance and coordination in children with cerebellar ataxic CP when incorporated with a standard physical therapy program.  相似文献   

In response to a balance disturbance, older individuals often require multiple steps to prevent a fall. Reliance on multiple steps to recover balance is predictive of a future fall, so studies should determine the mechanisms underlying differences between older adults who can and cannot recover balance with a single step. This study compared neural activation parameters of the major leg muscles during balance recovery from a sudden forward loss of balance in older individuals capable of recovering with a single step and those who required multiple steps to regain balance. Eighty-one healthy, community dwelling adults aged 70 ± 3 participated. Loss of balance was induced by releasing participants from a static forward lean. Participants performed four trials at three initial lean magnitudes and were subsequently classified as single or multiple steppers. Although step length was shorter in multiple compared to single steppers (F = 9.64; p = 0.02), no significant differences were found between groups in EMG onset time in the step limb muscles (F = 0.033–0.769; p = 0.478–0.967). However, peak EMG normalised to values obtained during maximal voluntary contraction was significantly higher in single steppers in 6 of the 7 stepping limb muscles (F = 1.054–4.167; p = 0.045–0.024). These data suggest that compared to multiple steppers, single steppers recruit a larger proportion of the available motor unit pool during balance recovery. Thus, modulation of EMG amplitude plays a larger role in balance recovery than EMG timing in this context.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to characterize the Balance-Dexterity Task as a means to investigate a concurrent bipedal lower-extremity task and trunk control during dynamic balance. The task combines aspects of single-limb balance and the lower-extremity dexterity test by asking participants to stand on one limb while compressing an unstable spring with the contralateral limb to an individualized target force. Nineteen non-disabled participants completed the study, and performance measures for the demands of each limb – balance and dexterous force control – as well as kinematic and electromyographic measures of trunk control were collected. Given five practice trials, participants achieved compression forces ranging from 100 to 139 N (mean 121.2 ± 12.3 N), representing 14.4–23.0% of body weight (mean 18.7 ± 2.4%), which were then presented as target forces during test trials. Dexterous force control coefficient of variation and average magnitude of the center of pressure (COP) resultant velocity were associated such that greater variability in force control was accompanied by greater COP velocity (R = 0.598, p = 0.007). Trunk coupling, quantified as the coefficient of determination (R2) of a frontal plane thorax and pelvis angle-angle plot, varied independently of any measure of balance or dexterous force control. The Balance-Dexterity Task is a continuous, dynamic balance task where bipedal coordination and trunk coupling can be concurrently observed and studied.  相似文献   

A 3D balance control model of quiet upright stance is presented, based on an optimal control strategy, and evaluated in terms of its ability to simulate postural sway in both the anterior–posterior and medial–lateral directions. The human body was represented as a two-segment inverted pendulum. Several assumptions were made to linearise body dynamics, for example, that there was no transverse rotation during upright stance. The neural controller was presumed to be an optimal controller that generates ankle control torque and hip control torque according to certain performance criteria. An optimisation procedure was used to determine the values of unspecified model parameters including random disturbance gains and sensory delay times. This model was used to simulate postural sway behaviours characterised by centre-of-pressure (COP)-based measures. Confidence intervals for all normalised COP-based measures contained unity, indicating no significant differences between any of the simulated COP-based measures and corresponding experimental references. In addition, mean normalised errors for the traditional measures were < 8%, and those for most statistical mechanics measures were ~3–66%. On the basis these results, the proposed 3D balance control model appears to have the ability to accurately simulate 3D postural sway behaviours.  相似文献   

研究了一类传染病动力学模型,用摄动理论讨论了相应的非线性时滞问题,得到了被传染病感染的人群数与健康人群数比例的变化规律的渐近表达式,从而揭示了传染病的潜伏期和传染期对疾病传播的影响和作用.本文的研究为解决这一类非线性时滞模型提供了一种有效的方法.  相似文献   

The structure of heat exchange between the human body and its surroundings has been studied according to M.I. Budyko's model. Comparative measurements were carried out in the Polish Lakeland (maritime, temperate warm climate), in Central Mongolia (continental, temperate cool climate), and in the Kara Kum desert (dry subtropical climate). The results deal with the summer and early autumn seasons. The calculations indicate that the quantitative apportionment of various forms of heat exchange depend on specific weather conditions, which are typical for the distinguished climatic zones.  相似文献   

Much of the heritability for human stature is caused by mutations of small-to-medium effect. This is because detrimental pleiotropy restricts large-effect mutations to very low frequencies.  相似文献   

Models of balance control can aid in understanding the mechanisms by which humans maintain balance. A balance control model of quiet upright stance based on an optimal control strategy is presented here. In this model, the human body was represented by a simple single-segment inverted pendulum during upright stance, and the neural controller was assumed to be an optimal controller that generates ankle control torques according to a certain performance criterion. This performance criterion was defined by several physical quantities relevant to sway. In order to accurately simulate existing experimental data, an optimization procedure was used to specify the set of model parameters to minimize the scalar error between experimental and simulated sway measures. Thirty-two independent simulations were performed for both younger and older adults. The model's capabilities, in terms of reflecting sway behaviors and identifying aging effects, were then analyzed based on the simulation results. The model was able to accurately predict center-of-pressure-based sway measures, and identify potential changes in balance control mechanisms caused by aging. Correlations between sway measures and model parameters are also discussed.  相似文献   

To achieve human upright posture (UP) and avoid falls, the central nervous system processes visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive information to activate the appropriate muscles to accelerate or decelerate the body’s center of mass. In this process, sensory-motor (SM) latencies and muscular deficits, even in healthy older adults, may cause falls. This condition is worse for people with chronic neuromuscular deficits (stroke survivors, patients with multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease). One therapeutic approach is to recover or improve quiet UP by utilizing a balance board (BB) (a rotating surface with a tunable stiffness and time delay), where a patient attempts to maintain UP while task difficulty is manipulated. While BBs are commonly used, it is unclear how UP is maintained or how changes in system parameters such as SM latencies and BB time delay affect UP stability. To understand these questions, it is important that mathematical models be developed with enough degrees-of-freedom to capture the many responses evoked during the maintenance of UP on a BB. This paper presents an ankle-hip model of balance on a BB, which is used to study the combined effect of SM latencies and active muscular stiffness of the ankle and hip joints, and the BB stiffness and time delay on UP stability. The analysis predicts that people with proprioceptive, visual, vestibular loss, or increased SM latencies may show either leaning postures or larger body-sway. The results show that the BB time delay and the visual and vestibular feedback have the largest impact on UP stability.  相似文献   

At present there is a lack of consensus regarding the relative roles of passive and active control of quiet upright stance. In the current work, this issue was investigated using two simulation models based on contemporary theories. Specifically, the two models, both of which assumed active control torques to be generated from an optimal neural controller, differed with respect to whether or not passive control torques (stiffness and damping) were included. Model parameters were specified using experimental center-of-pressure (COP) time series obtained during upright stance, and comparisons then made between simulated and actual COP-based measures. Including both active and passive joint torques in the control model did not appear to lead to any improvement in the ability to simulate COP compared with only including active joint torque. Further, simulated passive control torques were typically less than 10% of the active control torques, though some exceptions were found. These results, along with existing empirical evidence, suggest that active control torque is dominant in maintaining balance during upright stance.  相似文献   

In this paper the optimal control strategies of an SIR (susceptible–infected–recovered) epidemic model with time delay are introduced. In order to do this, we consider an optimally controlled SIR epidemic model with time delay where a control means treatment for infectious hosts. We use optimal control approach to minimize the probability that the infected individuals spread and to maximize the total number of susceptible and recovered individuals. We first derive the basic reproduction number and investigate the dynamical behavior of the controlled SIR epidemic model. We also show the existence of an optimal control for the control system and present numerical simulations on real data regarding the course of Ebola virus in Congo. Our results indicate that a small contact rate(probability of infection) is suitable for eradication of the disease (Ebola virus) and this is one way of optimal treatment strategies for infectious hosts.  相似文献   

Foot placement is critical to balance control during walking and is primarily controlled by muscle force generation. Although gluteus medius activity has been associated with mediolateral foot placement, how other muscles contribute to foot placement is not clear. Furthermore, although dynamic walking models have suggested that anteroposterior foot placement can be passively controlled, the extent to which muscles actively contribute to anteroposterior foot placement has not been determined. The objective of this study was to identify individual muscle contributions to mediolateral and anteroposterior foot placement during walking in healthy adults. Dynamic simulations of walking were developed for six older adults and a segmental power analysis was performed to determine the individual muscle contributions to the mediolateral and anteroposterior power delivered to the foot segment. The simulations revealed the ipsilateral swing limb gluteus medius, iliopsoas, rectus femoris and hamstrings and the contralateral stance limb gluteus medius and ankle plantarflexors were primary contributors to both mediolateral and anteroposterior foot placement. Muscle contributions to foot placement were found to be highly influenced by their contributions to pelvis power, which was dominated by those muscles crossing the hip joint. Thus, impaired balance control may be improved by focusing rehabilitation interventions on optimizing the coordination of those muscles crossing the hip joint and the ankle plantarflexors.  相似文献   

The von Tscharner (2000) “intensity analysis” describes the power of a non-stationary signal as a function of both frequency and time. The present study applied a version of this intensity analysis that utilizes Morlet wavelets as a means of gaining insight into the application of this technique as alternative to power spectral analysis for the evaluation of postural control strategy during the single-legged stance and to examine the effects of fatigue. Ten subjects (gender balanced, age: 25 ± 3 years; height: 169.4 ± 11.7 cm; weight: 79.0 ± 16.9 kg) participated in two trials consisting of five 15-s dominant-leg stances. Three-uniaxial accelerometers were fixed to the surface of the dominant leg corresponding to VM, VL, SOL, and MMG was recorded at a sampling rate of 1000 Hz. Signals were later analyzed using a variation of the von Tscharner intensity analysis consisting of a filter bank of 11 Morlet wavelets (range: 2.1–131.1 Hz). Two Wingate anaerobic tests (WAnT) separated by a 2-min rest were performed to introduce fatigue. Repeated measures ANOVAs showed significant effects for time, gender, trial, and wavelet (p < 0.001) and significant interactions for muscle by wavelet, gender by trial, trial by wavelet, and gender by trial by wavelet (p < 0.001). Peak total MMG intensity (mean ± SD) was higher in males than females and higher following fatiguing exercise preWAnT (squared m s−2): 42.6 ± 4.5 vs. 19.2 ± 2.3; postWAnT (squared m s−2): 90.4 ± 9.1 vs. 28.4 ± 2.8. Peak total MMG intensity was compressed to the lower frequencies surrounding ∼12 Hz, corresponding to what might be considered physiologic tremor, and a lower peak at ∼42 Hz was most prominent in SOL. The intensity analysis is a useful tool in exploring postural control and in studying the effects of fatigue on the mechanical properties of skeletal muscle.  相似文献   


Background: The analysis of brain activity during balance is an important topic in different fields of science. Given that all measurements involve an error that is caused by different agents, like the instrument, the researcher, or the natural human variability, a test–retest reliability evaluation of the electroencephalographic assessment is a needed starting point. However, there is a lack of information about the reliability of electroencephalographic measurements, especially in a new wireless device with dry electrodes.

Objective: The current study aims to analyze the reliability of electroencephalographic measurements from a wireless device using dry electrodes during two different balance tests.

Method: Seventeen healthy male volunteers performed two different static balance tasks on a Biodex Balance Platform: (a) with two feet on the platform and (b) with one foot on the platform. Electroencephalographic data was recorded using Enobio (Neuroelectrics). The mean power spectrum of the alpha band of the central and frontal channels was calculated. Relative and absolute indices of reliability were also calculated.

Results: In general terms, the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) values of all the assessed channels can be classified as excellent (>0.90). The percentage standard error of measurement oscillated from 0.54% to 1.02% and the percentage smallest real difference ranged from 1.50% to 2.82%.

Conclusion: Electroencephalographic assessment through an Enobio device during balance tasks has an excellent reliability. However, its utility was not demonstrated because responsiveness was not assessed.  相似文献   

We investigated motor control strategies utilized by individuals with recurrent low back pain (rLBP) during active pain and remission periods as well as by back-healthy controls using the Balance-Dexterity Task. Nineteen young adults with rLBP were tested first when they were in pain and then again in symptom remission, and 19 matched controls were also tested. Trunk kinematic coupling and muscle co-activation were examined while participants performed the task by standing on one leg while compressing a spring with a maximum consistent force with the other leg. We found a decreased bilateral external oblique co-activation during the spring condition of the task compared to the stable block condition in people with rLBP compared to back healthy individuals. There was also reduced trunk coupling during the spring condition of the task compared to the stable block condition in both the rLBP active and remission groups, but no group difference between rLBP and back-healthy individuals. When individuals were in active pain, they exhibited more co-activation than when they were in remission, but the co-activation during active pain was not greater than in back-healthy individuals.  相似文献   

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